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Respiratory input impedance (Zrs) from 2.5 to 320 Hz displays a high-frequency resonance, the location of which depends on the density of the resident gas in the lungs (J. Appl. Physiol. 67: 2323-2330, 1989). A previously used six-element model has suggested that the resonance is due to alveolar gas compression (Cg) resonating with tissue inertance (Iti). However, the density dependence of the resonance indicates that is associated with the first airway acoustic resonance. The goal of this study was to determine whether unique properties for tissues and airways can be extracted from Zrs data by use of models that incorporate airway acoustic phenomena. We applied several models incorporating airway acoustics to the 2.5- to 320-Hz data from nine healthy adult humans during room air (RA) and 20% He-80% O2 (HeO2) breathing. A model consisting of a single open-ended rigid tube produced a resonance far sharper than that seen in the data. To dampen the resonance features, we used a model of multiple open-ended rigid tubes in parallel. This model fit the data very well for both RA and HeO2 but required fewer and longer tubes with HeO2. Another way to dampen the resonance was to use a single rigid tube terminated with an alveolar-tissue unit. This model also fit the data well, but the alveolar Cg estimates were far smaller than those expected based on the subject's thoracic gas volume. If Cg was fixed based on the thoracic gas volume, a large number of tubes were again required. These results along with additional simulations show that from input Zrs alone one cannot uniquely identify features indigenous to alveolar Cg or to the respiratory tissues.  相似文献   

To evaluate the contribution of the large airway to total respiratory impedance, we develop a one-dimensional model of pressure and flow in these airways by coupling conservation of mass and momentum equations with the geometric information obtained by the acoustic reflection technique. We use this model to calculate the impedance of the respiratory system distal to the carina from impedance data estimated at the airway opening by the forced oscillation technique. Simulations show that the real part of the impedance distal to the carina is uniformly decreased from the impedance at the airway opening, indicating a resistive loss, while the imaginary part is increased as a function of frequency. We estimate parameter values for a six-parameter two-compartment lung model and for a three-parameter reduction of this model before and after the application of the upper airway data to the impedance spectrum. Although compliance terms seem to be minimally affected by the manipulation of the data, resistance and inertance terms are influenced in a fashion that suggests that the resistive contribution of the upper airway to total respiratory impedance is significant. Furthermore it appears that the elastic nature of the walls of the upper airway also impact on estimates of total respiratory impedance at the airway opening.  相似文献   

Repetitive occurrence of partial or total upper airway obstruction characterizes several respiratory dysfunctions such as the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). In OSAS patients, pharyngeal collapses are linked to a decrease in upper airway muscle activity during sleep which causes decreased upper airway wall stiffness. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is recommended as the treatment of choice. Advancements in CPAP therapy require early detection of respiratory events in real time to adapt the level of the applied pressure to airway collapsibility. The forced oscillation technique (FOT) is a noninvasive method which reflects patients' airway patency by measuring respiratory impedance. The aim of this study was to evaluate by a mathematical model of the respiratory system if FOT can provide an early detection index of total or partial upper airway obstruction. Furthermore, the simulation should suggest which characteristic features are relevant for early apnea detection in measured clinical data. The respiratory system has been treated as a series of cylindrical segments. The oropharynx analog of the model allows simulation of upper airway collapse, mimicking the situation in patients with OSAS. We calculated the input impedance for different degrees of upper airway obstruction ranging from unobstructed airways to total occlusion. Furthermore, we simulated different upper airway wall compliances. We compared the simulation with real data. The results of the study suggest that FOT is a valuable tool for assessing the degree of upper airway obstruction in patients with OSAS. Especially, the phase angle of the impedance seems to be a potentially useful tool for early apnea detection by assessing the upper airway wall collapsibility. Received: 23 July 1998 / Accepted in revised form: 26 January 1999  相似文献   

Changes of respiratory input impedance during breathing in humans.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Changes of total respiratory resistance (Rrs) and reactance (Xrs) were studied between 8 and 32 Hz at five moments during the respiratory cycle in healthy adults (group A) and children (group B) and in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease (group C) and with upper airway obstruction (group D). Two forced oscillation techniques were used: the conventional one and the head generator, with the oscillations applied at the mouth and around the head of the subject, respectively. Both techniques yielded similar results. Rrs is lowest during the transition from inspiration to expiration and highest in the course of expiration, except in group D. Mean Xrs is highest at the transitions from inspiration to expiration or vice versa and lowest during expiration, except in group D. In groups C and D, the increases of Rrs are accompanied by a more pronounced negative frequency dependence of Rrs. The variations of Rrs and Xrs appear to be markedly flow dependent and may be a consequence of the interaction of breathing with oscillatory flows.  相似文献   

Recent studies on respiratory impedance (Zrs) have predicted that at frequencies greater than 64 Hz a second resonance will occur. Furthermore, if one intends to fit a model more complicated than the simple series combination of a resistance, inertance, and compliance to Zrs data, the only way to ensure statistically reliable parameter estimates is to include data surrounding this second resonance. An additional question, however, is whether the resulting parameters are physiologically meaningful. We obtained input impedance data from eight healthy adult humans using discrete frequency forced oscillations from 4 to 200 Hz. Three resonant frequencies were seen: 8 +/- 2, 151 +/- 10, and 182 +/- 16 Hz. A seven-parameter lumped element model provided an excellent fit to the data in all subjects. This model consists of an airway resistance (Raw), which is linearly dependent on frequency, and airway inertance separated from a tissue resistance, inertance, and compliance by a shunt compliance (Cg) thought to represent gas compressibility. Model estimates of Raw and Cg were compared with those suggested by measurement of Raw and thoracic gas volume using a plethysmograph. In all subjects the model Raw and Cg were significantly lower than and not correlated with the corresponding plethysmographic measurement. We hypothesize that the statistically reliable but physiologically inconsistent parameters are a consequence of the distorting influence of airway wall compliance and/or airway quarter-wave resonance. Such factors are not inherent to the seven-parameter model.  相似文献   

When input impedance is determined by means of the forced oscillation technique, part of the oscillatory flow measured at the mouth is lost in the motion of the upper airway wall acting as a shunt. This is avoided by applying the oscillations around the subject's head (head generator) rather than at the mouth (conventional technique). In seven wheezing infants, we compared both techniques to estimate the importance of the upper airway wall shunt impedance (Zuaw) for the interpretation of the conventional technique results. Computation of Zuaw required, in addition, estimation of nasal impedance values, which were drawn from previous measurements (K. N. Desager, M. Willemen, H. P. Van Bever, W. De Backer, and P. A. Vermeire. Pediatr. Pulmonol. 11: 1-7, 1991). Upper airway resistance and reactance at 12 Hz ranged from 40 to 120 and from 0 to -150 hPa. l(-1). s, respectively. Varying nasal impedance within the range observed in infants did not result in major changes in the estimates of Zuaw or lung impedance (ZL), the impedance of the respiratory system in parallel with Zuaw. The conventional technique underestimated ZL, depending on the value of Zuaw. The head generator technique slightly overestimated ZL, probably because the pressure gradient across the upper airway was not completely suppressed. Because of the need to enclose the head in a box (which is not required with the conventional technique), the head generator technique is difficult to perform in infants.  相似文献   

Because of the contradictory statements published about the influence of the shunt properties of the upper airway on the measurements of the respiratory impedence by means of the forced oscillation technique, this influence has been reevaluated. In healthy adults and children and in patients with obstructive lung disease, the total respiratory impedance was measured by applying oscillations at the mouth (conventional technique) or around the head (head generator technique), with the cheeks either supported by the hands or not. In healthy adults the two techniques (conventional cheeks supported and head generator) yield similar results for respiratory resistance (Rrs) and a more pronounced increase of respiratory reactance (Xrs) with frequency with the head generator. In children and in patients with moderate airway obstruction, the negative frequency dependence of Rrs observed with the conventional technique tends to disappear with the head generator. This is not observed in patients with severe airway obstruction. The differences between the two techniques can be explained by the influence of the shunt impedance of the upper airway on Rrs and Xrs. Correction for this influence by subtracting the impedance measured during a Valsalva maneuver is not satisfactory, since the Valsalva maneuver itself modifies the upper airway shunt. The head generator technique reduces the influence of the upper airway shunt but does not suppress it altogether; the residual error is small, however.  相似文献   

Flow and pressure measurements were performed in the ascending aortas of six pediatric patients ranging in age from 1 to 4 yr and in weight from 7.2 to 16.4 kg. From these measurements, input impedance was calculated. It was found that total vascular resistance decreased with increasing patient weight and was approximately one to three times higher than those of adults. Conductance per unit weight was relatively constant but was approximately three times higher than for adults. Strong inertial character was observed in the impedance of four of the six patients. Among a three-element and two four-element lumped-parameter models, the model with characteristic aortic resistor (R(c)) and inertance in series followed by parallel peripheral resistor (R(p)) and compliance fitted the data best. R(p) decreased with increasing patient weight and was one to three times higher than in adults, and R(c) decreased with increasing patient weight and was 2 to 15 times higher. The R(p)-to-R(c) ratio differed significantly between infants and children vs. adults. The results suggested that R(p) developed more rapidly with patient weight than did R(c). Compliance values increased with increasing patient weight and were 3 to 16 times lower than adult values.  相似文献   

The excitable nature of a biological cell is manifested in the many voltage gated ion channels that perforate its membrane. The forms of the associated ionic currents, and in particular the functions that govern their kinetics, permit one to distinguish, electrophysiologically, between various cell types. We show, in the context of FitzHugh-Nagumo and Morris-Lecar models and without recourse to voltage or space clamping, that such currents and kinetics may be stably inferred from a cell’s voltage response to a specified input current.  相似文献   

Ascaris suum (AS) challenge in nonhuman primates is used as an animal model of human asthma. The primary goal of this study was to determine whether the airways and respiratory tissues in monkeys that are bronchoconstricted by AS inhalation behave similarly to those in asthmatic humans. Airway resistance (Raw) and tissue elastance (Eti) were estimated from respiratory system input (Zin) or transfer (Ztr) impedance. Zin (0.4-20 Hz) and Ztr (2-128 Hz) were measured in anesthetized cynomolgus monkeys (n = 10) under baseline (BL) and post-AS challenge conditions. Our results indicate that AS challenge in monkeys produces 1) predominantly an increase in Raw and not tissue resistance, 2) airway wall shunting at higher AS doses, and 3) heterogeneous airway constriction resulting in a decrease of lung parenchyma effective compliance. We investigated whether the airway and tissue properties estimated from Zin and Ztr were similar and found that Raw estimated from Zin and Ztr were correlated [r(2) = 0.76], not significantly different at BL (13.6 +/- 1.4 and 13.1 +/- 0.9 cmH(2)O. l(-1). s(-1), respectively), but significantly different post-AS (20.5 +/- 4.5 cmH(2)O. l(-1). s(-1) and 18.5 +/- 5.2 cmH(2)O. l(-1). s(-1)). There was no correlation between Eti estimated from Zin and Ztr. The changes in lung mechanical properties in AS-bronchoconstricted monkeys are similar to those recently reported in human asthma, confirming that this is a reasonable model of human asthma.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that a sleep-induced increase in mechanical impedance contributes to CO2 retention and respiratory muscle recruitment during non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep. The effect NREM sleep on respiratory muscle activity and CO2 retention was measured in healthy subjects who increased maximum total pulmonary resistance (RLmax, 1-81 cmH2O.l-1.s) from awake to NREM sleep. We determined the effects of this sleep-induced increase in airway impedance by steady-state inhalation of a reduced-density gas mixture (79% He-21% O2, He-O2). Both arterialized blood PCO2 (PaCO2) and end-tidal PCO2 (PETCO2) were measured. Inspiratory (EMGinsp) and expiratory (EMGexp) respiratory muscle electromyogram activity was measured. NREM sleep caused 1) RLmax to increase (7 +/- 3 vs. 39 +/- 28 cmH2O.l-1.s), 2) PaCO2 and/or PETCO2 to increase in all subjects (40 +/- 2 vs. 44 +/- 3 Torr), and 3) EMGinsp to increase in 8 of 9 subjects and EMGexp to increase in 9 of 17 subjects. Compared with steady-state air breathing during NREM sleep, steady-state He-O2 breathing 1) reduced RLmax by 38%, 2) decreased PaCO2 and PETCO2 by 2 Torr, and 3) decreased both EMGinsp (-20%) and EMGexp (-54%). We concluded that the sleep-induced increase in upper airway resistance accompanied by the absence of immediate load compensation is an important determinant of CO2 retention, which, in turn, may cause augmentation of inspiratory and expiratory muscle activity above waking levels during NREM sleep.  相似文献   

Frey, Urs, Bela Suki, Richard Kraemer, and Andrew C. Jackson. Human respiratory input impedance between 32 and 800 Hz,measured by interrupter technique and forced oscillations. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(3):1018-1023, 1997.Respiratory input impedance (Zin) over a widerange of frequencies (f) has beenshown to be useful in determining airway resistance (Raw) and tissueresistance in dogs or airway wall properties in human adults. Zinmeasurements are noninvasive and, therefore, potentially useful ininvestigation of airway mechanics in infants. However, accuratemeasurements of Zin at these f valueswith the use of forced oscillatory techniques (FOT) in infants aredifficult because of their relatively high Raw and large compliance ofthe face mask. If pseudorandom noise pressure oscillations generated bya loudspeaker are applied at the airway opening (FOT), the power of theresulting flow decreases inversely withf because of capacitive shunting intothe volume of the gas in the speaker chamber and in the face mask. Westudied whether high-frequency respiratory Zin can be measured by using rapid flow interruption [high-speed interrupter technique(HIT)], in which we expect the flow amplitude in the respiratorysystem to be higher than in the FOT. We compared Zin measured by HIT with Zin measured by FOT in a dried dog lung and in five healthy adultsubjects. The impedance was calculated from two pressure signalsmeasured between the mouth and the HIT valve. The impedance could beassessed from 32 to 800 Hz. Its real part at lowf as well as thef and amplitude of the first andsecond acoustic resonance, measured by FOT and by HIT, were notsignificantly different. The power spectrum of oscillatory flow whenthe HIT was used showed amplitudes that were at least 100 times greaterthan those when FOT was used, increasing atf > 400 Hz. In conclusion,the HIT enables the measurement of high-frequency Zin data ranging from 32 to 800 Hz with particularly high flow amplitudes and, therefore, possibly better signal-to-noise ratio. This is particularly important in systems with high Raw, e.g., in infants, when measurements have tobe performed through a face mask.


Global assessment of both cardiac and arterial function is important for a meaningful interpretation of pathophysiological changes in animal models of cardiovascular disease. We simultaneously acquired left ventricular (LV) and aortic pressure and LV volume (V(LV)) in 17 open-chest anesthetized mice (26.7 +/- 3.2g) during steady-state (BL) and caval vein occlusion (VCO) using a 1.4-Fr dual-pressure conductance catheter and in a subgroup of eight animals during aortic occlusion (AOO). Aortic flow was obtained from numerical differentiation of V(LV). AOO increased input impedance (Z(in)) for the first two harmonics, increased characteristic impedance (0.025 +/- 0.007 to 0.040 +/- 0.011 mmHg x microl(-1) x s, P < 0.05), and shifted the minimum in Z(in) from the third to the sixth harmonic. For all conditions, the Z(in) could be well represented by a four-element windkessel model. The augmentation index increased from 116.7 +/- 7.8% to 145.9 +/- 19.5% (P < 0.01) as well as estimated pulse-wave velocity (3.50 +/- 0.94 to 5.95 +/- 1.62 m/s, P < 0.05) and arterial elastance (E(a), 4.46 +/- 1.62 to 6.02 +/- 1.43 mmHg/microl, P < 0.01). AOO altered the maximal slope (E(max), 3.23 +/- 1.02 to 5.53 +/- 1.53 mmHg/microl, P < 0.05) and intercept (-19.9 +/- 8.6 to 1.62 +/- 13.51 microl, P < 0.01) of the end-systolic pressure-volume relation but not E(a)/E(max) (1.44 +/- 0.43 to 1.21 +/- 0.37, not significant). We conclude that simultaneous acquisition of Z(in) and arterial function parameters in the mouse, based solely on conductance catheter measurements, is feasible. We obtained an anticipated response of Z(in) and arterial function parameters following VCO and AOO, demonstrating the sensitivity of the measuring technique to induced physiological alterations in murine hemodynamics.  相似文献   

Castiglioni, P., R. Tommasini, M. Morpurgo, and M. DiRienzo. Modulation of pulmonary arterial input impedance during transition from inspiration to expiration. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(6): 2123-2130, 1997.We investigatedwhether respiration influences pulmonary arterial input impedanceduring transition from inspiration to expiration in five anesthetized,spontaneously breathing dogs. Impedance (Z) was separately assessed forheart beats occurring in inspiration, in expiration, and during thetransition from inspiration to expiration (transitional beat).Transitional beats were scored by the ratio between the fraction ofbeat falling in expiration and the total beat duration[expiratory fraction (Efr)] to quantify theirposition within the transition. In transitional beats, input resistancelinearly increased with Efr; Zmodulus at the heart-rate frequency(fHR) decreased up to50% for Efr = 50%. Z phase at fHR was greaterthan in inspiration for Efr <40% and lower for Efr >50%.Unlike blood flow velocity, mean value and first harmonic of pulmonaryarterial pressure were correlated toEfr and paralleled the changes ofinput resistance and Z at fHR.This indicates that respiration influences Z through modifications inarterial pressure. The evidence of important respiratory influences onZ function may help the pathophysiological interpretation of dysfunctions of the right heart pumping action, such as the so-called cor pulmonale.


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