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四种植物精油对德国小蠊的驱避效果   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
室内测定4种蚊虫驱避效果较好的植物精油(香叶醇、芳樟醇、柠檬醛和茴香醛)对德国小蠊雄性成虫的驱避性,并与传统上常用的驱避剂DEET作对比研究,以期从中筛选出对德国小蠊驱避效果较好的驱避剂。每种植物精油设置4个剂量,即1,10,100和1000μg/cm2。结果表明,每种植物精油的驱避性均随剂量的增加而升高,4种精油的驱避性均高于DEET,驱避性最好的是芳樟醇;当剂量为100和1000μg/cm2时,每种植物精油的驱避性与对照组相比均有显著差异(P<0·05);除芳樟醇外,其余植物精油在剂量为1000μg/cm2时的驱避性与100μg/cm2的驱避性相比差异显著(P<0·05)。提示芳樟醇可能是一种很有发展前景的德国小蠊驱避剂。  相似文献   

采用药膜法和滤纸药膜选择法,分别研究了20种药用植物乙醇提取物对谷蠹Rhizopertha dominica (Fab.)成虫的触杀和驱避活性。结果表明:触杀效果以葫芦巴Trigonelia foenum-graecum提取物的活性最强,蛇床子Cnidium monnieri和石菖蒲Acorus gramineus提取物次之。葫芦巴提取物0.39 mg/cm2 浓度处理48 h后对谷蠹的触杀死亡率为100%,处理72 h后对谷蠹的LD50为19.94 μg/cm2。蛇床子和乌头Aconitum carmichaeli提取物对谷蠹成虫具有显著的驱避活性。蛇床子提取物同时具有较好的触杀和驱避活性。  相似文献   

对胡芦巴Trigonella foenum-graecum L.中杀虫活性成分进行超临界CO2萃取分离,并以主要储粮害虫谷蠹Rhyzopertha dominica Fabricius为对象,对其触杀活性进行研究。采用正交试验设计,以萃取液中活性成分的得率、毒力为考察指标,对杀虫活性成分的提取条件进行优化。结果表明:最佳萃取工艺为萃取压力25 MPa,萃取温度55℃,夹带剂为95%乙醇,固液比为200 g:30 mL。萃取压力和夹带剂体积对试验指标有非常显著的影响,萃取温度和夹带剂浓度的影响较小。优化后的萃取方案可达到5.96%的得率。萃取产物对谷蠹的触杀试验结果显示,优化后的超临界CO2萃取工艺对胡芦巴中的杀虫物质具有良好的选择性,得到的萃取物对谷蠹处理10天后的致死中浓度为65.03 μg/cm2,触杀活性明显增加。  相似文献   

艾叶超临界CO2萃取物的抑菌活性研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文研究了艾叶超临界CO2萃取物的抑菌活性。结果表明:艾叶超临界CO2萃取物对细菌、酵母、霉菌都有一定的抑菌作用,在酸性环境和碱性环境较为显著,对大多数细菌、酵母、霉菌的MIC不超过0.78 g/L。高温长时间处理对萃取物抑菌活性影响较大,但高温瞬时或低温处理对萃取物抑菌活性影响不大。  相似文献   

地鳖虫活性物质的超临界CO_2萃取及其药效   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用超临界流体萃取技术萃取地鳖虫Eupolyphaga sinensisWalker活性物质,采用三因素三水平正交试验方案,考察压力、温度、时间等参数对萃取地鳖虫活性物质萃取量的影响。同时,对萃取产物与水提物进行药效比较。结果表明,在试验设计范围内,萃取压力18 MPa、温度55℃、时间90 min为最佳工艺参数组合,地鳖虫活性物质萃取量最大能达到62.50 mg/g,影响萃取量三因素主次关系为压力>温度>时间。地鳖虫超临界萃取产物对镇痛、消炎和抗凝血有较好的效果,相对于水提物有更好的发展潜力。  相似文献   

采用超临界 CO2 萃取 ,对去除蛋黄粉中胆固醇和甘油三酯进行了研究 .市购鲜鸡蛋去壳、分别收集湿蛋白和蛋黄 ,在 4 5℃下分别真空干燥 ,得蛋白粉和蛋黄粉 .取蛋黄粉装入高压釜中 ,进行超临界 CO2 循环萃取 .通过正交试验得最佳工艺条件是 :A萃取压力为 31 .5MPa,B萃取温度 4 0℃ ,C被萃取蛋黄粉重 30 0 g,D萃取时间 3h.所得蛋黄粉中胆固醇和甘油三酯等中性脂的残留量质量分数仅为 0 .0 1 9% .与不含此类脂质的蛋白粉混合 ,制成几乎不含胆固醇和甘油三酯的高级绿色保健营养食品鸡蛋粉 .  相似文献   

超临界CO_2和微波辅助萃取艾叶挥发油工艺的研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
曾虹燕  张晓云  冯波 《广西植物》2005,25(3):285-288,263
通过超临界CO2萃取均匀设计实验和微波辅助萃取艾叶挥发油的正交实验比较,考察影响提取的主要因素,寻求最佳萃取工艺。超临界CO2萃取最佳工艺条件为:萃取压力16MP,萃取温度31℃,CO2流量20kg/h和时间80min,得率3.75%;微波萃取最佳工艺条件为:辐射功率720w,辐射时间200s,溶剂量400mL,洗涤剂量50mL,得率4.85%。水蒸馏法提取率为1.87%。结果表明超临界CO2和水蒸馏法萃取艾叶挥发油品质最好;微波萃取收率最高,但品质较差。  相似文献   

蛇床子提取物对几种储粮害虫的驱避和触杀效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究蛇床子(Cnidium monnieri(L.)Cuss.)4种溶剂无水乙醇、丙酮、乙酸乙酯、石油醚提取物对玉米象Sitophilus zeamais(Motschulsky)、谷蠹Rhizopertha dominica(Fabricius)、锯谷盗Oryzaephilus surinamensis(L.)3种储粮害虫的驱避作用和触杀作用。结果表明:蛇床子4种溶剂的提取物对3种试虫具有一定的驱避作用和触杀作用,60 h的平均驱避等级最高达到Ⅴ级,对3种试虫的触杀死亡率最高达到100%。  相似文献   

余豪  莫建初  黄求应  廖敏 《广西植物》2018,38(4):420-427
为筛选出高效防治黑翅土白蚁的天然植物精油,减少有机合成农药的使用,该文研究了大蒜精油、肉桂油、丁香油和印楝素油四种植物精油对黑翅土白蚁的触杀效果和驱避作用。结果表明:大蒜精油、肉桂油和丁香油的浓度为5和10 mg·m L~(-1)时,处理2 h后,黑翅土白蚁的校正死亡率达100%,而相同浓度的印楝素油和对照处理的黑翅土白蚁校正死亡率低于5%。随着处理时间延长,浓度为1.25和2.5 mg·m L~(-1)的大蒜精油、肉桂油和丁香油处理6 h时,黑翅土白蚁的校正死亡率仍达100%,而此时对应的印楝素油和对照处理的黑翅土白蚁校正死亡率仅为10%,说明大蒜精油、肉桂油和丁香油对黑翅土白蚁具有较强的触杀效果。大蒜精油、丁香油和肉桂油在处理黑翅土白蚁2 h后LC_(50)值(半致死量)分别为1.572、1.05和1.03mg·m L~(-1),说明肉桂油对黑翅土白蚁的毒性相对最大,触杀效果最好。此外,10 mg·m L~(-1)的大蒜精油、肉桂油、丁香油和印楝素油的驱避试验表明,处理4、6、8和12 h后,大蒜精油、肉桂油和丁香油三精油处理区的黑翅土白蚁数均显著低于对照区的,驱避率总体93%,而对应的印楝素油的驱避率总体28.5%,表明大蒜精油、丁香油和肉桂油三种植物精油对黑翅土白蚁均有显著的驱避活性。综上可知,四种植物精油中大蒜精油、肉桂油和丁香油在防治黑翅土白蚁方面应用潜力很好,是开发绿色环保白蚁防治药剂的可选材料。  相似文献   

超临界CO2萃取百合花挥发油的工艺研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了超临界CO2萃取百合花中挥发油的提取分离工艺,重点研究了超临界CO2萃取压力、温度、时间对出油率的影响。正交试验结果表明:影响超临界CO2萃取的主要因素为C3〉A2〉B2(A为萃取压力,B为萃取温度,C为萃取时间);最佳工艺参数:SC-CO2萃取压力为18MPa,温度为50℃,时间为90min,流量为25L/min,所得百合花挥发油的出油率高达2.92%。  相似文献   

In this study, supercritical fluid carbon dioxide extraction technology was developed to gain the active components from a native plant, Alpinia oxyphylla Miq. We studied the biological effects of A. oxyphylla extracts via multiple assays and demonstrated bio-functions at various concentration ranges. Investigations of A. oxyphylla extracts indicated that anti-oxidative properties in dose-dependant manners on radical scavenging activities, reducing power and metal chelating power. The cultured human normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were used to test the properties of the extracts in inflammatory cytokine release, and the data did not induce inflammatory molecule releases from un-stimulated PBMCs. A. oxyphylla extracts were able to induce Th1 cytokine IFN-γ released, but not Th2 cytokine IL-13, showing an enhanced anti-bacterial/viral immune function without possible allergic response mediated by IL-13. The extracts also had in vitro mushroom tyrosinase inhibition and cellular tyrosinase melanin decreasing activities in B16F10 cells. In addition, the cell proliferation assay illustrated anti-growth and anti-migration effects in dose-dependent manners of the extracts on human skin melanoma cells, A375 and A375.S2, indicating that the extracts exerted the anti-cancer properties. To our knowledge, this was the first report presenting these bioactivities on A. oxyphylla extracts including antioxidant, anti-inflammation, de-pigmentation and anti-melanoma  相似文献   

德国小蠊泛素基因的克隆及序列分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
设计一对简并引物,从德国小蠊Blattellager manica细胞中克隆了泛素基因的编码区,GenBank登录号为AY501003。序列分析表明,该编码区的长度为228 bp,编码的多肽由76个氨基酸残基组成,相对分子质量为8.47 Kd ,其等电点为5.73。同源性比较发现,德国小蠊泛素基因与其他真核生物泛素基因在氨基酸水平上具有94%以上的相似性。  相似文献   

用电子显微镜观察德国小蠊Blattella germanica(L.)雌成虫、雄成虫、老熟若虫和低龄若虫的触角,发现其上分布有大量感器,为刺形感器(Ⅰ、Ⅱ型)、锥形感器、毛形感器、弧形感器、帽形感器、边缘感器和椭圆感器。其中刺形感器(Ⅰ、Ⅱ型)、锥形感器、毛形感器、弧形感器和边缘感器在各种虫态均有分布,帽形感器仅见于成虫触角鞭节上。在各种不同虫态中,雌雄成虫含有所有种类的感器,老熟若虫触角亚节数最多,低龄若虫的各类感器的感毛长度和基部横径普遍较小。  相似文献   

Extraction of squalene from yeast by supercritical carbon dioxide   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Squalene produced under anaerobic conditions, by a strain of Torulaspora delbrueckii was extracted from the biomass using supercritical carbon dioxide. Minimum use of solvent, lower time of isolation and a higher selectivity of extraction merit use of supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) technique over solvent extraction of squalene, as optimized and reported previously. A maximum squalene yield of 11.12 g g–1 (dry weight) of yeast cells was obtained at a temperature of 60 °C and pressure of 250–255 bar at a constant flow rate of 0.2l min–1 of carbon dioxide. Lyophilization prior to SFE increased the squalene yield to 430.52 g g–1 dry weight of yeast cells, an amount that is far greater than that obtained by (2:1) chloroform–methanol solvent extraction.  相似文献   

北五味子果实超临界CO2萃取工艺的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
聂江力  裴毅  祖元刚 《植物研究》2005,25(2):213-215
通过正交设计的试验方法,探讨了超临界CO2法萃取五味子果实中木脂素的工艺条件,确定了最佳工艺条件为萃取压力30 Mpa,萃取温度50℃,萃取时间120 min。  相似文献   

超临界二氧化碳的四个应用方向   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
综述了超临界CO2的四个主要应用方向,即萃取、细胞破壁和微粒制造、反应溶剂以及SCCO2洗涤,着重总结了在烟草工业上的应用。对国内外的应用现状和应用前景给予了评述,并给出CO2温度、压力、密度的关系式。  相似文献   

Immunoreactivity against peptides of the allatostatin family having a typical YXFGL-NH2 C-terminus has been localized in different areas of the central nervous system, stomatogastric nervous system and gut of the cockroach Blattella germanica. In the protocerebrum, the most characteristic immunoreactive perikarya are situated in the lateral and median neurosecretory cell groups. Immunoreactive median neurosecretory cells send their axons around the circumesophageal connectives to form arborizations in the anterior neuropil of the tritocerebrum. A group of cells in the lateral aspect of the tritocerebrum project to the antennal lobes in the deutocerebrum, where immunoreactive arborizations can be seen in the periphery of individual glomeruli. Nerve terminals were shown in the corpora allata. These terminals come from perikarya situated in the lateral neurosecretory cells in the pars lateralis and in the subesophageal ganglion. Immunoreactive axons from median neurosecretory cells and from cells positioned in the anteriormost part of the tritocerebrum enter together in the stomatogastric nervous system and innervate foregut and midgut, especially the crop and the valve between the crop and the midgut. The hindgut is innervated by neurons whose perikarya are located in the last abdominal ganglion. Besides immunoreactivity in neurons, allatostatin-immunoreactive material is present in endocrine cells distributed within the whole midgut epithelium. Possible functions for these peptides according to their localization are discussed. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 37:269–282, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Chuang JG  Su SN  Chiang BL  Lee HJ  Chow LP 《Proteomics》2010,10(21):3854-3867
Although cockroaches are known to produce allergens that can cause IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reactions, including perennial rhinitis and asthma, the various cockroach allergens have not yet been fully studied. Many proteins from the German cockroach show high IgE reactivity, but have never been comprehensively characterized. To identify these potential allergens, proteins were separated by 2-DE and IgE-binding proteins were analyzed by nanoLC-MS/MS or N-terminal sequencing analysis. Using a combination of proteomic techniques and bioinformatic allergen database analysis, we identified a total of ten new B. germanica IgE-binding proteins. Of these, aldolase, arginine kinase, enolase, Hsp70, triosephosphate isomerase, and vitellogenin have been reported as allergens in species other than B. germanica. Analysis of the Food Allergy Research and Resource Program allergen database indicated that arginine kinase, enolase, and triosephosphate isomerase showed significant potential cross-reactivity with other related allergens. This study revealed that vitellogenin is an important novel B. germanica allergen. Personalized profiling and reactivity of IgE Abs against the panel of IgE-binding proteins varied between cockroach-allergic individuals. These findings make it possible to monitor the individual IgE reactivity profile of each patient and facilitate personalized immunotherapies for German cockroach allergy disorders.  相似文献   

Results are presented of a survey carried out by Rentokil Ltd on the distribution of the Oriental cockroach Blatta orientalis L. and the German cockroach Blattella germanica L. in the United Kingdom. The known ranges of both species are increased considerably by the findings of the survey, with several new vice-county records for Scotland (including the Western Isles), England and Wales. The frequency at which Blatta orientalis was observed in outdoor habitats may indicate that this species sometimes spreads to new areas without human assistance.  相似文献   

朱庆  高蓉 《昆虫学报》2021,64(11):1283-1292
摘要: 【目的】Ⅲ型海葵毒素(Av3)对昆虫具有显著的选择性毒性,对其作用机制的研究对新型高选择性毒性杀虫剂的设计研究具有重要意义。【方法】反向高效液相色谱及电喷雾质谱用于鉴定化学合成的Av3野生型(Av3 wild type, Av3-WT)及其突变体的纯度和分子量;生物活性测定检测Av3-WT及其突变体对德国小蠊Blattella germanica成虫的毒力;双电极电压钳技术检测Av3-WT及其突变体对德国小蠊钠通道BgNav1-1a失活的抑制作用。构建基于BgNav1-1a与大鼠钠通道rNav1.2a的重组嵌合体,通过双电极电压钳技术确定BgNav1-1a上参与Av3-WT选择性毒性的关键区域。【结果】芳香族氨基酸Y7, W8和Y18分别突变后形成的Av3-WT突变体Y7A, W8A和Y18A对德国小蠊成虫的毒力显著降低,半数击倒剂量(KD50)与Av3-WT相比均增加了超过10倍;与Av3-WT对通道失活62%的抑制率相比,250 nmol/L的毒素突变体Y7A, W8A和Y18A对BgNav1-1a失活的抑制作用也显著降低,通道失活的抑制率分别降低到12%, 23%和8%;以rNav1.2a胞外环DI/SS5-S6替换BgNav1-1a的相应序列获得的重组嵌合体钠通道对Av3-WT毒素的敏感性几乎丧失,仅3.6%的通道在1 μmol/L Av3-WT作用下失活被抑制。BgNav1-1a胞外环 DI/SS2-S6上的His404突变为Tyr后几乎丧失对毒素的敏感性,仅6%的通道在1 μmol/L Av3-WT作用下失活被抑制。【结论】芳香族氨基酸Tyr7, Trp8和Tyr18参与到构成Av3-WT分子的生物活性表面;钠离子通道胞外环DI/SS2-S6是影响Av3-WT毒素发挥选择性的关键结合区域,BgNav1-1a的DI/SS2-S6上的His404则是影响Av3-WT选择性毒性的关键氨基酸。  相似文献   

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