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用链霉亲和素 -生物素化过氧化物酶复合物 (StreptAvidinBiotin peroxidaseComplex ,SABC)免疫细胞化学方法 ,使用促性腺激素释放激素 (Gonadotropin releasinghormone ,GnRH)以及促性腺激素释放激素受体 (GnRHR) 2种抗血清对性成熟前后的黄颡鱼 (Pelteobagrusfulvidraco)和鲇鱼 (Silurusasotus)的脑、垂体、卵巢中的免疫活性内分泌细胞进行了免疫细胞化学定位。结果表明GnRH和GnRHR免疫活性在两种鱼的各脑区、垂体、卵巢中均有分布 ;两种鱼在性成熟时它们的下丘脑、垂体和卵巢中的GnRH和GnRHR免疫反应细胞数目和免疫反应强度明显高于性成熟前。本文讨论了GnRH、GnRHR直接或间接参与黄颡鱼和鲇鱼性腺发育成熟调节的可能性及形态学证据。可为下丘脑 垂体 性腺轴、神经 内分泌、GnRH功能的多样性等研究领域提供新的形态学依据。  相似文献   

用离体静态培育系统进行的初步研究表明,在幼鲤,多巴胺(DA)显著刺激下丘脑片段和脑垂体碎片释放GnRH,并且是剂量依存的;促甲状腺素释放激素(TRH)和γ-氨基酸丁酸(GABA)对GnRH的释放没有影响。在成鲤,DA抑制下丘脑片希和脑垂体碎片释放GnRH,而TRH和GABA刺激GnRH的释放;DA对GABA刺激的GnRH释放也具有抑制作用;TRH和GABA的协同作用对下丘脑和脑垂体GnRH释放活动  相似文献   

性类固醇激素及其受体在文昌鱼性腺和神经系统中的分布   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
首次用雌二醇,睾酮及孕酮受体的多克隆抗体在文昌鱼性腺,脑泡和神经管中进行免疫细胞化学定位研究,结果表明,不同发育时期的卵原细胞和卵母细胞中都存在雌激素,雄激素和孕激素受体,在小生长期,3种受体通常定位在卵原细胞和早期初级卵母细胞的胞质或核膜,在大生长期和成熟期,则定位在胞质和核质,在雄性,3种类固醇激素受体分布在不同发育时期的精原细胞,精母细胞和精子细胞(雌激素受体例外)中,受体阳性物定位在胞质和核,另外,用免疫细胞化学方法和性类固醇激素抗体对文昌鱼不同发育时期的性腺和神经系统进行研究,结果揭示,免疫阳性物存在于不同发育时期的卵巢和精巢中,在卵巢发育是上期,卵原细胞和卵母细胞的胸质和核仁膜对紫二醇,睾酮和孕酮抗体显示强或中等强度免疫阳性反应,在大生长期和成熟期,卵母细胞胞质和核仁膜对睾酮和孕酮抗体的免疫阳性反应明显减弱,而对雌二醇则显著增强,在雄性,随着精原细胞和精母细胞对孕酮抗体发生强的免疫阳性反应,在成熟期则对雌二醇抗体发生免疫阴性反应,精子始终为免疫阴性,本文研究首次发现,文昌鱼脑泡和神经管中存在哺乳动物神经旮体激素样免疫阳性神经细胞及其纤维,免疫阳性物分布在神经细胞胸质,核显阴性反应,这些结果为证明文昌鱼性类固醇激素参与调节性腺发育成熟和生殖内分泌调控轴的功能成熟提供重要的形态学新证据。  相似文献   

采用离体灌流孵育技术和促性腺激素的放射免疫测定方法,对长臀wei(Cranoglanis bouderius)脑垂体碎片促性腺激素的分泌进行了研究。结果表明:持续的促性腺激素释放激素类似物(GnRH-A)能显著刺激退化期的长臀wei离体脑垂体碎片促性腺激素(GTH)的分泌,并且长臀wei脑垂体碎片对持续的GnRH-A刺激未表现出脱敏性,该结果与胡子鲇和鲇鱼相似,而与金鱼和鲤科鱼类不同;重复脉冲GnRH-A刺激对长臀wei脑垂体碎片GTH分泌具有促进作用,而且存在剂量依存关系,与鲇鱼和鲤科鱼类相类似。上述结果表明在长臀wei的人工繁殖中可以用持续高浓度GnRH-A刺激对长臀wei进行催熟和催产。  相似文献   

目的:研究Buserelin原料药的性质在温度、湿度、光线等条件的影响下随时间变化的规律,为该原料药的生产、包装、储存、运输及有效期的制定提供依据。方法:根据中国药典2005版二部附录XIX C药物稳定性试验指导原则及化学药物稳定性研究技术指导原则进行强光照射、高温(60℃、40℃)、高湿(RH92.5%±5%、RH75%±5%)影响因素试验,加速试验(40℃±2℃、RH75%±5%;25℃±2℃、RH60%±10%);按Buserelin原料药标准规定的质量指标及相关的检验方法对产品在试验条件下的主要质量指标进行检测。结果:强光照射、高温、高湿等影响因素对Buserelin的稳定性有明显影响,故应密封、于干燥、阴凉处保存。在加速试验中,Buserelin原料药的各项质量指标发生了小的变化,但均在质量标准规定的范围内。结论:强光照射、高温、高湿等影响因素对Buserelin的稳定性有明显影响,应在阴凉干燥处避光密封保存和运输。加速试验结果证明:在此条件下,它的各项质量指标变化均在质量标准范围内,符合Buserelin原料药质量标准规定的要求;故将其保质期暂定为两年。  相似文献   

肖蕊  周国华 《蛇志》2014,(1):69-71
<正>应激已确认为人类多种重大致死性疾病的重要病因和诱因,应激在许多疾病的发生发展上都起着重要的作用,人类75%~90%的疾病与应激机制的激活有关,可被应激所诱发或是被应激所恶化。机体处于应激状态时,在机体防御机制的介导下,通过神经系统及内分泌系统的调节下,机体的激素水平会发生变化[1,2]。本文拟将在应激状态下促性腺激素释放激素及生长抑素的变化综述如下。  相似文献   

目的 分析大鼠LHβ mRNA表达的促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)受体后信号转导机制.方法 将体外培养的大鼠腺垂体促性腺激素(GTH)细胞用cAMP的兴奋剂FSK或抑制剂SQ22536处理后,再用高频GnRH脉冲刺激,然后用实时荧光定量PCR法测定细胞LHβ mRNA的Ct值,并与空白组比较.结果 LHβ mRNA的Ct值随着GTH细胞cAMP含量的增高而显著降低,随着cAMP含量的降低而显著增高.结论 cAMP是高频GnRH脉冲刺激所引起的LHβ mRNA表达的受体后的信号转导途径.  相似文献   

用离体静态培育系统进行的初步研究表明 ,在幼鲤 ,多巴胺 (DA)显著刺激下丘脑片段和脑垂体碎片释放GnRH ,并且是剂量依存的 ;促甲状腺素释放激素 (TRH)和γ -氨基酸丁酸 (GABA)对GnRH的释放没有影响。在成鲤 ,DA抑制下丘脑片段和脑垂体碎片释放GnRH ,而TRH和GABA刺激GnRH的释放 ;DA对GABA刺激的GnRH释放也具有抑制作用 ;TRH和GABA的协同作用对下丘脑和脑垂体GnRH释放活动的影响明显低于TRH和GABA的单独作用 ,表明TRH和GABA之间可能存在着某种GnRH释放的相互消竭作用。  相似文献   

熊忠  杜继曾 《兽类学报》1998,18(1):74-75,20

采用离体灌流孵育技术和促性腺激素的放射免疫测定方法,对长臀(鱼危)(Cranoglanis bouderius)脑垂体碎片促性腺激素的分泌进行了研究.结果表明:持续的促性腺激素释放激素类似物(GnRH-A)能显著刺激退化期的长臀(鱼危)离体脑垂体碎片促性腺激素(GTH)的分泌,并且长臀(鱼危)脑垂体碎片对持续的GnRH-A刺激未表现出脱敏性,该结果与胡子鲇和鲇鱼相似,而与金鱼和鲤科鱼类不同;重复脉冲GnRH-A刺激对长臀(鱼危)脑垂体碎片GTH分泌具有促进作用,而且存在剂量依存关系,与鲇鱼和鲤科鱼类相类似.上述结果表明在长臀(鱼危)的人工繁殖中可以用持续高浓度GnRH-A刺激对长臀(鱼危)进行催熟和催产.  相似文献   

Two novel small molecule gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor antagonists (12 and 13) of the furamide-class were synthesized and evaluated in vitro for their receptor binding affinities for the rat GnRH receptor. Radiolabeling with no carrier added fluorine-18 of the appropriate precursors was investigated in a one-step reaction. Log P (Octanol/PBS pH 7.4) and serum stability of the compounds were investigated. The antagonists showed low nM affinity for the rat GnRH receptor. 18F-radiolabled compounds were obtained in high radiochemical purity (>95%) and specific activity (>75 GBq/μmol). These findings suggest this class of compounds holds promise as potential probes for PET targeting of GnRH-receptor expression.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical localization of histamine in flatworms   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary Specific antibodies against histamine were used to demonstrate the occurrence and cellular distribution of histamine-like immunoreactivity in three species of flatworms (phylum Platyhelminthes). In the parasitic cestode Diphyllobothrium dendriticum, histamine-reactivity was found in neurons of the main nerve cords, and in cells lining the central and peripheral excretory ducts. In the free-living microturbellarian Microstomum lineare and in the planarian Polycelis nigra, histamine-immuno-reactivity was restricted to cells and fibres of the nervous system. The occurrence of histamine or a related substance in the nervous system of flatworms, which represent primary bilateria, indicates the importance of this neuroactive substance in the animal kingdom.  相似文献   

Summary Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) stimulates the release and synthesis of gonadotropin hormones (GtH) and is the key regulator of reproduction. The present study was carried out to design a potent GnRH analogue containing Tyr(OMe) at position 5 and ad-amino acid at position 6. This was based on a previous study in which [Tyr(OMe)5]GnRH was shown to have reduced potency compared to GnRH. A novel GnRH peptide containing Tyr(OMe)5 andd-Glu6 in combination with other substitutions at positions 9 and 10 was synthesized in the present study and tested for binding to the rat pituitary as well as potency in terms of gonadotropin (GtH) release in the goldfish pituitary and ovulation in sea bass. The results demonstrate that the replacement of the glycine residue at position 6 with ad-Glu in combination with the substitution of proline at position 9 with azetidine (Aze) increased the binding and biological activity of [Tyr(OMe)5]GnRH. The observed increased potency is likely to be related to the improved resistance to degradation. The present findings may lead to the development of a more potent GnRH agonist for inducing ovulation in fish.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of two gonadotropin-releasing-hormone (GnRH) systems, salmon GnRH (sGnRH) and chicken GnRH-II (cGnRH-II), was investigated in zebrafish (Danio rerio). In situ hybridization (ISH) first detected sGnRH mRNA-expressing cells at 1 day post-fertilization (pf) anterior to the developing olfactory organs. Subsequently, cells were seen along the ventral olfactory organs and the olfactory bulbs, reaching the terminal nerve (TN) ganglion at 5–6 days pf. Some cells were detected passing posteriorly through the ventral telencephalon (10–25 days pf), and by 25–30 days pf, sGnRH cells were found in the hypothalamic/preoptic area. Continuous documentation in live zebrafish was achieved by a promoter-reporter expression system. The expression of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) driven by the sGnRH promoter allowed the earlier detection of cells and projections and the migration of sGnRH neurons. This expression system revealed that long leading processes, presumably axons, preceded the migration of the sGnRH neuron somata. cGnRH-II mRNA expressing cells were initially detected (1 day pf) by ISH analysis at lateral aspects of the midbrain and later on (starting at 5 days pf) at the midline of the midbrain tegmentum. Detection of red fluorescent protein (DsRed) driven by the cGnRH-II promoter confirmed the midbrain expression domain and identified specific hindbrain and forebrain cGnRH-II-cells that were not identified by ISH. The forebrain DsRed-expressing cells seemed to emerge from the same site as the sGnRH-EGFP-expressing cells, as revealed by co-injection of both constructs. These studies indicate that zebrafish TN and hypothalamic sGnRH cell populations share a common embryonic origin and migratory path, and that midbrain cGnRH-II cells originate within the midbrain. This study was supported by the US-Israel Bi-national Agricultural Research and Development (BARD) Foundation (grant 3428-03).  相似文献   

gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a neurotransmitter with a demonstrated neuroregulatory role in reproduction in most representative species of vertebrate classes via the hypothalamus. The role of GABA on the hypothalamus-pituitary axis in lampreys has not been fully elucidated. Recent immunocytochemical and in situ hybridization studies suggest that there may be a neuroregulatory role of GABA on the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) system in lampreys. To assess possible GABA-GnRH interactions, the effects of GABA and its analogs on lamprey GnRH in vitro and in vivo were studied in adult female sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus). In vitro perfusion of GABA and its analogs at increasing concentrations (0.1-100 microM) was performed over a 3-h time course. There was a substantial increase of GnRH-I and GnRH-III following treatment of muscimol at 100 microM. In in vivo studies, GABA or muscimol injected at 200 microg/kg significantly increased lamprey GnRH concentration in the brain 0.5 h after treatment compared to controls in female sea lampreys. No significant change in lamprey GnRH-I or GnRH-III was observed following treatment with bicuculline. These data provide novel physiological data supporting the hypothesis that GABA may influence GnRH in the brain of sea lamprey.  相似文献   

Summary The central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) of the flatworm Microstomum lineare were studied by means of the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) immunocytochemical method, with the use of antisera to the molluscan cardioactive peptide FMRF-amide. FMRF-amide immunoreactive perikarya and nerve fibres are observed in the CNS and the PNS. In the CNS, immunoreactive perikarya and nerve fibres occur in the brain, in the epithelial lining and the mesenchymal surroundings of the ciliated pits, and positive fibres in the longitudinal nerve cords. In the PNS, immunoreactive fibre bundles with variocosities occur in the pharyngeal nerve ring, in symmetrical groups of perikarya on each side of the pharynx, and in the mouth area. Positive perikarya and meandering nerve fibres appear in the intestinal wall. A few immunoreactive cells and short nerve processes are observed at the male copulatory organ and on both sides of the vagina. Some immunoreactive peptidergic cells do not correspond to cells previously identified by histological techniques for neurosecretory cells. The distribution of immunoreactivity suggests that the FMRF-amide-like substance in CNS and PNS in this worm has roles similar to those of the brain-gut peptides in vertebrates. The status of FMRF-amide-like peptides as representatives of an evolutionarily old family of peptides is confirmed by the positive immunoreaction to anti-FMRF-amide in this primitive microturbellarian.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of octopamine in the metathoracic ganglion, brain and corpus cardiacum of Locusta migratoria and Schistocerca gregaria was investigated by means of immunocytochemistry with an antiserum against octopamine. The dorsal unpaired median (DUM) cells of the metathoracic ganglion were found to be strongly octopamine-immunoreactive. In the rostroventral part of the protocerebrum a group of seven immunopositive cells was demonstrated. Stained nerve fibres of these cells run into three directions: circumoesophageal connectives, midbrain, and optic lobes. As far as the protocerebrum is concerned, immunoreactive fibres were found in the central body, the protocerebral bridge, and in other neuropile areas. In the optic lobe a dense plexus of immunopositive fibres was found in the lobula and in the medulla. In the brain one other immunopositive cell was demonstrated, situated at the lateral border of the tritocerebrum. Octopamine could not be shown to occur either in the globuli cells of the mushroom bodies or in the dorsolateral part of the protocerebrum, where the perikarya of the secretomotor neurones are located that innervate the glandular cells of the corpus cardiacum. In the nervi corporis cardiaci II, which contain the axons of the neurones that extend into the glandular part of the corpus cardiacum, and in the corpus cardiacum proper no specific octopamine immunoreactivity could be found.  相似文献   

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