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A member of the A disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain with thrombospondin type-1 motifs (ADAMTS-4) protease family can efficiently cleave aggrecan at several sites detected in joints of osteoarthritic patients. Although recent studies have shown that removal of the prodomain of ADAMTS4 is critical for its ability to degrade aggrecan, the cellular mechanisms for its processing and trafficking remain unclear. In this study, by using both furin-specific inhibitor and RNA interference technique, we demonstrate that furin plays an important role in the intracellular removal of ADAMTS4 prodomain. Further, we demonstrate that proADAMTS4 can be processed by means of multiple furin recognition sites: (206)RPRR(209), (209)RAKR(212), or (211)KR(212). The processing of proADAMTS4 was completely blocked by brefeldin A treatment, suggesting that processing occurs in the trans-Golgi network. Indeed, ADAMTS4 is co-localized with furin in trans-Golgi network. Interestingly, the pro form of ADAMTS4, not its mature one, co-precipitates with furin, suggesting that furin physically interacts with the prodomain of ADAMTS-4. In addition, our evidence suggests that a furin-independent pathway may also contribute to the activation of ADAMTS4. These results indicate that the activation mechanism for ADAMTS4 can be targeted for therapeutical intervention against this enzyme.  相似文献   

Rhino- and enteroviruses encode two proteinases, 2A and 3C, which are responsible for the processing of the viral polyprotein and for cleavage of several cellular proteins. To identify further targets of the 2A proteinase of human rhinovirus serotype 2 (HRV2), an in vitro cleavage assay followed by two-dimensional electrophoresis was employed. Cytokeratin 8, a member of the intermediate filament group of proteins, was found to be proteolytically cleaved in vitro by the 2A proteinase of HRV2 and of coxsackievirus B4 and in vivo during HRV2 infection of HeLa cells. The cleavage results in removal of 14 amino acids from the N-terminal head domain of cytokeratin 8. However, other intermediate filament proteins (cytokeratins 7 and 18 and vimentin) were not cleaved in the course of the HRV2 infection. Compared with the processing of the eucaryotic translation initiation factors 4GI and 4GII, cleavage of cytokeratin 8 occurs late in the infection cycle at the time of the onset of the cytopathic effect.  相似文献   

Enteroviruses such as Coxsackievirus B3 can cause dilated cardiomyopathy through unknown pathological mechanism(s). Dystrophin is a large extrasarcomeric cytoskeletal protein whose genetic deficiency causes hereditary dilated cardiomyopathy. In addition, we have recently shown that dystrophin is proteolytically cleaved by the Coxsackievirus protease 2A leading to functional impairment and morphological disruption. However, the mechanism of dystrophin cleavage and the exact cleavage site remained to be identified. Antibody epitope mapping of endogenous dystrophin indicated protease 2A-mediated cleavage at the site in the hinge 3 region predicted by a neural network algorithm (human, amino acid 2434; mouse, amino acid 2427). Using site-directed mutagenesis, peptide sequencing, and fluorescence resonance energy transfer assays with recombinant dystrophin, we demonstrate that this putative site in mouse and human dystrophin is a direct substrate for the Coxsackieviral protease 2A both in vitro and in vivo. The substrate analogue protease inhibitor z-LSTT-fmk was designed based on the dystrophin sequence that interacts with the protease 2A and was found to have an IC(50) of 550 nM in vitro. Dystrophin is the first cellular substrate of the enteroviral protease 2A that was identified using by a bioinformatic approach and for which the cleavage site was molecularly mapped within living cells.  相似文献   

Liu Z  Vong QP  Zheng Y 《Developmental cell》2007,12(6):839-840
Microtubule (MT) arrays can be formed either from centrosomes or from noncentrosomal locations. In this issue of Developmental Cell, Efimov and colleagues report a role of CLASPs, the MT plus end-binding proteins, in MT formation from Golgi, implicating Golgi-originated MT arrays in efficient cell migration (Efimov et al., 2007).  相似文献   

Here, we describe an in vitro assay that has permitted further characterization of a proteinase (called "ZP2-proteinase") that is released upon activation of ovulated mouse eggs and cleaves ZP2, one of three glycoproteins present in mouse zonae pellucidae. Results presented suggest that ZP2-proteinase readily diffuses through the zona pellucida within 5 min of activation of eggs by ionophore A23187 and carries out limited proteolysis of ZP2. Appearance of ZP2-proteinase is completely dependent upon activation of eggs, consistent with it being present in cortical granule exudate. The proteinase is insensitive to a wide variety of proteinase inhibitors, but is inhibited when either an anti-ZP2 monoclonal antibody or an Fab fragment of the antibody is bound to ZP2. Proteolysis occurs near the amino- or carboxy-terminus of ZP2, producing a 23,000 Mr glycopeptide(s) that remains attached to ZP2 by intramolecular disulfide bonds. HPLC fractionation of activated egg exudate suggests that ZP2-proteinase has an apparent Mr between 21,000 and 34,000. Proteolysis of ZP2 correlates with "hardening" of the zona pellucida following egg activation and, thus, may be responsible for one aspect of the zona reaction.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, the trans-Golgi network serves as a sorting station for post-Golgi traffic. In addition to coat- and adaptor-mediated mechanisms, studies in mammalian epithelial cells and yeast have provided evidence for lipid-dependent protein sorting as a major delivery mechanism for cargo sorting to the cell surface. The mechanism for lipid-mediated sorting is the generation of raft platforms of sphingolipids, sterols and specific sets of cargo proteins by phase segregation in the TGN. Here, we review the evidence for such lipid-raft-based sorting at the TGN, as well as their involvement in the formation of TGN-to-PM transport carriers. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Lipids and Vesicular Transport.  相似文献   

ARF‐GTPases are important proteins that control membrane trafficking events. Their activity is largely influenced by the interplay between guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) and GTPase‐activating proteins (GAPs), which facilitate the activation or inactivation of ARF‐GTPases, respectively. There are 15 predicted proteins that contain an ARF‐GAP domain within the Arabidopsis thaliana genome, and these are classified as ARF‐GAP domain (AGD) proteins. The function and subcellular distribution of AGDs, including the ability to activate ARF‐GTPases in vivo, that remain largely uncharacterized to date. Here we show that AGD5 is localised to the trans‐Golgi network (TGN), where it co‐localises with ARF1, a crucial GTPase that is involved in membrane trafficking and which was previously shown to be distributed on Golgi and post‐Golgi structures of unknown nature. Taking advantage of the in vivo AGD5–ARF1 interaction at the TGN, we show that mutation of an arginine residue that is critical for ARF‐GAP activity of AGD5 leads to longer residence of ARF1 on the membranes, as expected if GTP hydrolysis on ARF1 was impaired due to a defective GAP. Our results establish the nature of the post‐Golgi compartments in which ARF1 localises, as well as identifying the role of AGD5 in vivo as a TGN‐localised GAP. Furthermore, in vitro experiments established the promiscuous interaction between AGD5 and the plasma membrane‐localised ADP ribosylation factor B (ARFB), confirming that ARF‐GAP specificity for ARF‐GTPases within the cell environment may be spatially regulated.  相似文献   

PTENα and PTENβ (PTENα/β), two long translational variants of phosphatase and tensin homolog on chromosome 10 (PTEN), exert distinct roles from canonical PTEN, including promoting carcinogenesis and accelerating immune-resistant cancer progression. However, their roles in carcinogenesis remain greatly unknown. Herein, we report that, after secreting into the extracellular space, PTENα/β proteins are efficiently cleaved into a short N-terminal and a long C-terminal fragment by the proprotein convertase Furin at a polyarginine stretch in their N-terminal extensions. Although secreted PTENα/β and their cleaved fragment cannot enter cells, treatment of the purified C-terminal fragment but not cleavage-resistant mutants of PTENα exerts a tumor-suppressive role in vivo. As a result, overexpression of cleavage-resistant PTENα mutants manifest a tumor-promoting role more profound than that of wild-type PTENα. In line with these, the C-terminal fragment is significantly downregulated in liver cancer tissues compared to paired normal tissues, which is consistent with the downregulated expression of Furin. Collectively, we show that extracellular PTENα/β present opposite effects on carcinogenesis from intracellular PTENα/β, and propose that the tumor-suppressive C-terminal fragment of PTENα/β might be used as exogenous agent to treat cancer.Subject terms: Cancer, Oncogenesis  相似文献   

The Golgi apparatus (GA) is the organelle where complex glycan formation takes place. In addition, it is a major sorting site for proteins destined for various subcellular compartments or for secretion. Here we investigate beta1,4-galactosyltransferase 1 (galT) and alpha2,6-sialyltransferase 1 (siaT), two trans-Golgi glycosyltransferases, with respect to their different pathways in monensin-treated cells. Upon addition of monensin galT dissociates from siaT and the GA and accumulates in swollen vesicles derived from the trans-Golgi network (TGN), as shown by colocalization with TGN46, a specific TGN marker. We analyzed various chimeric constructs of galT and siaT by confocal fluorescence microscopy and time-lapse videomicroscopy as well as Optiprep density gradient fractionation. We show that the first 13 amino acids of the cytoplasmic tail of galT are necessary for its localization to swollen vesicles induced by monensin. We also show that the monensin sensitivity resulting from the cytoplasmic tail can be conferred to siaT, which leads to the rapid accumulation of the galT-siaT chimera in swollen vesicles upon monensin treatment. On the basis of these data, we suggest that cycling between the trans-Golgi cisterna and the trans-Golgi network of galT is signal mediated.  相似文献   

Function of the anion transporter AtCLC-d in the trans-Golgi network   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Anion transporting proteins of the CLC type are involved in anion homeostasis in a variety of organisms. CLCs from Arabidopsis have been shown to participate in nitrate accumulation and storage. In this study, the physiological role of the functional chloride transporter AtCLC-d from Arabidopsis was investigated. AtCLC-d is weakly expressed in various tissues, including the root. When transiently expressed as a GFP fusion in protoplasts, it co-localized with the VHA-a1 subunit of the proton-transporting V-type ATPase in the trans -Golgi network (TGN). Stable expression in plants showed that it co-localized with the endocytic tracer dye FM4-64 in a brefeldin A-sensitive compartment. Immunogold electron microscopy confirmed the localization of AtCLC-d to the TGN. Disruption of the AtCLC-d gene by a T-DNA insertion did not affect the nitrate and chloride contents. The overall morphology of these clcd-1 plants was similar to that of the wild-type, but root growth on synthetic medium was impaired. Moreover, the sensitivity of hypocotyl elongation to treatment with concanamycin A, a blocker of the V-ATPase, was stronger in the clcd-1 mutant. These phenotypes could be complemented by overexpression of AtCLC-d in the mutant background. The results suggest that the luminal pH in the trans -Golgi network is adjusted by AtCLC-d-mediated transport of a counter anion such as Cl or NO3.  相似文献   

A subset of intracellular transmembrane proteins such as acid-hydrolase receptors, processing peptidases and SNAREs, as well as extracellular protein toxins such as Shiga toxin and ricin, undergoes 'retrograde' transport from endosomes to the trans-Golgi network. Here, we discuss recent studies that have begun to unravel the molecular machinery that is involved in this process. We also propose a central role for a 'tubular endosomal network' in sorting to recycling pathways that lead not only to the trans-Golgi network but also to different plasma-membrane domains and to specialized storage vesicles.  相似文献   

AtVPS45 complex formation at the trans-Golgi network   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
The Sec1p family of proteins are thought to be involved in the regulation of vesicle fusion reactions through interaction with t-SNAREs (target soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors) at the target membrane. AtVPS45 is a member of this family from Arabidopsis thaliana that we now demonstrate to be present on the trans-Golgi network (TGN), where it colocalizes with the vacuolar cargo receptor AtELP. Unlike yeast Vps45p, AtVPS45 does not interact with, or colocalize with, the prevacuolar t-SNARE AtPEP12. Instead, AtVPS45 interacts with two t-SNAREs, AtTLG2a and AtTLG2b, that show similarity to the yeast t-SNARE Tlg2p. AtTLG2a and -b each colocalize with AtVPS45 at the TGN; however, AtTLG2a is in a different region of the TGN than AtTLG2b by immunogold electron microscopy. Therefore, we propose that complexes containing AtVPS45 and either AtTLG2a or -b define functional subdomains of the TGN and may be required for different trafficking events. Among other Arabidopsis SNAREs, AtVPS45 antibodies preferentially coprecipitate AtVTI1b over the closely related isoform AtVTI1a, implying that AtVTI1a and AtVTI1b also have distinct functions within the cell. These data point to a functional complexity within the plant secretory pathway, where proteins encoded by gene families have specialized functions, rather than functional redundancy.  相似文献   

Clathrin-coated vesicles mediate endocytosis and transport between the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and endosomes in eukaryotic cells. Clathrin adaptors play central roles in coat assembly, interacting with clathrin, cargo and membranes. Two main types of clathrin adaptor act in TGN-endosome traffic: GGA proteins and the AP-1 complex. Here we characterize the relationship between GGA proteins, AP-1 and other TGN clathrin adaptors using live-cell and super-resolution microscopy in yeast. We present evidence that GGA proteins and AP-1 are recruited sequentially in two waves of coat assembly at the TGN. Mutations that decrease phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PtdIns(4)P) levels at the TGN slow or uncouple AP-1 coat assembly from GGA coat assembly. Conversely, enhanced PtdIns(4)P synthesis shortens the time between adaptor waves. Gga2p binds directly to the TGN PtdIns(4)-kinase Pik1p and contributes to Pik1p recruitment. These results identify a PtdIns(4)P-based mechanism for regulating progressive assembly of adaptor-specific clathrin coats at the TGN.  相似文献   

The retrograde membrane transport pathways from endosomes to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) are now recognized as critical intracellular pathways to recycle and shuttle a selective subgroup of membrane proteins, including sorting receptors, membrane-bound enzymes, transporters, as well as providing an avenue for the intracellular transport of various bacterial toxins. Multiple pathways from endosomes to the TGN have now been defined which differ between the cargo transported and the machinery used. Here, we review advances in these pathways and the requirement for TGN organization, and also discuss the development of unbiased analytical approaches to quantitatively track cargo that use these endosome-to-TGN pathways.  相似文献   

Cargo proteins moving along the secretory pathway are sorted at the TGN (trans-Golgi network) into distinct carriers for delivery to the plasma membrane or endosomes. Recent studies in yeast and mammals have shown that formation of these carriers is regulated by PtdIns(4)P. This phosphoinositide is abundant at the TGN and acts to recruit components required for carrier formation to the membrane. Other phosphoinositides are also present on the TGN, but the extent to which they regulate trafficking is less clear. Further characterization of phosphoinositide kinases and phosphatases together with identification of new TGN-associated phosphoinositide-binding proteins will reveal the extent to which different phosphoinositides regulate TGN trafficking, and help define the molecular mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

Ito  Emi  Uemura  Tomohiro 《Journal of plant research》2022,135(3):389-403

Membrane traffic is a fundamental cellular system to exchange proteins and membrane lipids among single membrane-bound organelles or between an organelle and the plasma membrane in order to keep integrity of the endomembrane system. RAB GTPases and SNARE proteins, the key regulators of membrane traffic, are conserved broadly among eukaryotic species. However, genome-wide analyses showed that organization of RABs and SNAREs that regulate the post-Golgi transport pathways is greatly diversified in plants compared to other model eukaryotes. Furthermore, some organelles acquired unique properties in plant lineages. Like in other eukaryotic systems, the trans-Golgi network of plants coordinates secretion and vacuolar transport; however, uniquely in plants, it also acts as a platform for endocytic transport and recycling. In this review, we focus on RAB GTPases and SNAREs that function at the TGN, and summarize how these regulators perform to control different transport pathways at the plant TGN. We also highlight the current knowledge of RABs and SNAREs’ role in regulation of plant development and plant responses to environmental stimuli.


Bioactive peptides cleaved from the egg-laying hormone precursor in the bag cell neurons of Aplysia are sorted into distinct dense core vesicle classes (DCVs). Bag cell prohormone processing can be divided into two stages, an initial cleavage occurring in a late Golgi compartment, which is not blocked by monensin, and later cleavages that occur within DCVs and are blocked by monensin. Prohormone intermediates are sorted in the trans-Golgi network. The large soma-specific DCVs turn over, while the small DCVs are transported to processes for regulated release. Thus, protein trafficking differentially regulates the levels and localization of multiple biologically active peptides derived from a common prohormone.  相似文献   

Autophagy is an intracellular bulk protein degradation system. Beclin is known to be involved in this process; however, its role is unclear. In this study, we showed that Beclin was co-immunoprecipitated with phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) 3-kinase, which is also required for autophagy, suggesting that Beclin is a component of the PtdIns 3-kinase complex. Quantitative analyses using a cross-linker showed that all Beclin forms a complex with PtdIns 3-kinase, whereas ~50% of PtdIns 3-kinase remains free from Beclin. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy demonstrated that the majority of Beclin and PtdIns 3-kinase localize to the trans-Golgi network (TGN). Some PtdIns 3-kinase is also distributed in the late endosome. These results suggest that Beclin and PtdIns 3-kinase control autophagy as a complex at the TGN.  相似文献   

Receptor-mediated sorting processes in the secretory pathway of eukaryotic cells rely on mechanisms to recycle the receptors after completion of transport. Based on this principle, plant vacuolar sorting receptors (VSRs) are thought to recycle after dissociating of receptor–ligand complexes in a pre-vacuolar compartment. This recycling is mediated by retromer, a cytosolic coat complex that comprises sorting nexins and a large heterotrimeric subunit. To analyse retromer-mediated VSR recycling, we have used a combination of immunoelectron and fluorescence microscopy to localize the retromer components sorting nexin 1 (SNX1) and sorting nexin 2a (SNX2a) and the vacuolar sorting protein VPS29p. All retromer components localize to the trans -Golgi network (TGN), which is considered to represent the early endosome of plants. In addition, we show that inhibition of retromer function in vivo by expression of SNX1 or SNX2a mutants as well as transient RNAi knockdown of all sorting nexins led to accumulation of the VSR BP80 at the TGN. Quantitative protein transport studies and live-cell imaging using fluorescent vacuolar cargo molecules revealed that arrival of these VSR ligands at the vacuole is not affected under these conditions. Based on these findings, we propose that the TGN is the location of retromer-mediated recycling of VSRs, and that transport towards the lytic vacuole downstream of the TGN is receptor-independent and occurs via maturation, similar to transition of the early endosome into the late endosome in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

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