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The importance of soil properties as determinants of tree vitality and Phytophthora cinnamomi root infections was analysed.


The study comprised 96 declining stands in western Spain, where declining and non-declining holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) trees were sampled. Soil properties (soil depth, Ah horizon thickness, texture, pH, redox potential, soil bulk density and N-NH4 + and N-NO3 ? concentrations) and P. cinnamomi infections were assessed.


Tree mortality rates increased with low soil bulk densities, which were also associated with more P. cinnamomi-infected trees. Occurrence of infected trees was higher in fine textured soils and in thick Ah horizons. Fine textured soils favoured trees, but with the presence of P. cinnamomi their health status deteriorated. Soil under declining trees had higher N-NO3 ?/N-NH4 + ratio values than under non-declining trees. Additional soil properties changes associated to grazing were not related to decline and P. cinnamomi infections.


The implications of P. cinnamomi in holm oak decline and the influence of soil properties as contributors to pathogen activity were demonstrated. Fine soil textures and thick Ah horizons, usually favourable for vigour and vitality of trees growing in the Mediterranean climate, were shown to be disadvantageous soil properties if P. cinnamomi was present. Fine soil textures and thick Ah horizons are frequently related with higher levels of soil moisture, which increase the inoculum of the pathogen and favours root infection. Grazing does not seem to be directly linked to Q. ilex health status or P. cinnamomi root rot.  相似文献   

In Spain, Quercus open woodlands are animal ranching systems of organic production seriously threatened by the exotic pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi. The root disease it causes kills thousands of oaks annually. Effective disease management needs to integrate different techniques, and the use of a resistance inducer such as fosetyl‐Al can play a key role, because the use of potassium phosphite is prohibited in Spain. In a woodland where the pathogen recently arrived, 60 holm oaks in three different defoliation classes (asymptomatic, slight and moderate defoliation) were selected for trunk injection with pressurised capsules containing 4% of commercial fosetyl‐Al or water (controls). Holm oaks were checked periodically for defoliation and presence of the pathogen in roots and rhizosphere soil. Three years after treatments, defoliation was significantly lower in oaks treated with fosetyl‐Al, which even increased canopy cover, in comparison with control oaks, independent of the initial defoliation class considered. Chlamydospore density in rhizosphere soil, as well as the presence of the pathogen into the roots, was not significantly influenced by fosetyl‐Al treatments, although a trend to a lower presence of P. cinnamomi in roots was observed in treated oaks at every soil inoculum density detected. This study has shown that fosetyl‐Al, a phosphonate registered as a fungicide in the European Union, provides protection to holm oaks against P. cinnamomi, even exhibiting a therapeutic effect on pre‐existing infections. Consequently, this effective measure should be considered as part of the integrated approach to control this highly destructive pathogen in holm oak woodlands.  相似文献   

Summary Zea mays is a non-host ofPhytophthora cinnamomi; plants survive contact with this fungus both in the field and in pot trials. TheZ. mays-P. cinnamomi interaction has been studied by light and electron microscopy. In the epidermal layer, fungal hyphae grow intercellularly through the middle lamella. This is always the case for the first hyphal contact with any cell. Hyphae making second or subsequent contacts with a cell grow preferentially between the cell wall and plasma membrane of the infected cell rather than through the middle lamella.Papillae (callose deposits) are formed in response to some, but not all, regions of contact between the plant cell and the hypha. They do not completely encase the hypha and do not stop hyphal growth. The plasma membrane-cell wall interface of the host cell must be intact for effective papilla formation, as papillae are rarely formed when the hyphae grow between the plasma membrane and the cell wall.  相似文献   

Fine-root longevity of Quercus ilex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Phytophthora cinnamomi occurs worldwide and has a host range in excess of 1,000 plant species. Avocados (Persea americana Mill) have been described as highly susceptible to this soil-borne pathogen. Here, the regulation of defence responses in avocado root seedlings inoculated with P. cinnamomi mycelia is described. A burst of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was observed 4 days after inoculation. The higher physiological concentration of H2O2 induced by P. cinnamomi on avocado roots had no effect on in vitro growth of the oomycete. Total phenols and epicathecin content showed a significant decrease, but lignin and pyocianidins exhibited no changes after inoculation. Also, increased nitric oxide (NO) production was observed 72 h after treatment. We studied the effects of one NO donor [sodium nitroprusside (SNP)], and one NO scavenger [2- to 4-carboxyphenyl-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazole-1-oxyl-3-oxide (CPTIO)] to determine the role of NO during root colonisation by P. cinnamomi mycelia. Pretreatment of the roots with CPTIO, but not with SNP, inhibited root colonisation suggesting an important role for NO production during the avocado–P. cinnamomi interaction. Our data suggest that although defence responses are activated in avocado roots in response to P. cinnamomi infection, these are not sufficient to avoid pathogen invasion.  相似文献   

Question: Insufficient tree regeneration threatens the long‐term persistence of biodiverse Mediterranean open oak woodlands. Could shrubs, scarce due to decades of management (clearing and ploughing), facilitate holm oak recruitment at both acorn and seedling stages? Location: Open oak woodlands in Central Spain. Methods: Plots with four acorns were planted: (1) under the canopy of the spiny shrub Genista hirsuta, (2) in a small cage, protecting against ungulates, (3) in a shaded cage, protecting against ungulates and sun, and (4) in open grassland. Sets of these four treatments were spatially grouped according to a randomised block design, with 16 blocks near (< 10 m) and 16 away from (> 20 m) parent trees to test for distance‐related survival. Plots were regularly checked for seed removal. After emergence one seedling per plot (97 in total) was selected and its survival monitored. Results: Three months after sowing, 199 of 512 acorns were removed, predominantly by rodents. Acorn removal occurred at each treatment but was highest under shrubs. Eight months after sowing, seedling survival was highest under shrubs (50%), followed by shaded cages (16%), open grassland (4%) and cages (0%). Main mortality cause was drought (90%), killing most seedlings between June and July. No seedlings died from ungulate browsing. Conclusion: Shrubs demonstrated clear net facilitative effects for Quercus ilex recruitment, despite higher seed removal. Shading appears the crucial factor facilitating seedling survival. We therefore propose that lack of shrubs contributes largely to tree recruitment failure in Mediterranean open woodlands; management should aim at conserving shrubs.  相似文献   

The effect of an extended drought (from 1992 to 1995) on water relations was assessed on evergreen oak (Quercus ilex L.) in a dehesa ecosystem (Seville, Southern Spain). Diurnal and seasonal transpiration patterns were analysed at leaf (porometry) and whole-tree level (sap flow), focusing on the relationship between tree transpiration rates (Et) and potential evapotranspiration rates (PET). Daily maximum Et varied over the year, becoming higher between May and August, and lower between November and April. Annual Et (169 – 205 mm y–1) accounted for less than 40 % of annual rainfall. The prolonged drought did not affect the water relations of the Q. ilex, mainly due to strong stomatal regulation avoiding the loss of water. Stomatal control was found in all seasons, although it was stronger in summer. This behaviour leads to low water consumption and low Et/PET ratios throughout the year (0.05 to 0.27).  相似文献   

The ecological behaviors of a network of pure evergreen oak stands (Quercus suber L. and Quercus ilex L.) in the Central-Western Mediterranean Basin were investigated toward climatic and edaphic factors implemented with the application of topographic wetness index (TWI). A Categorical Principal Component Analysis (Catpca) using climatic and soil physico-chemical parameters was performed on 23 cork oak and holm oak pure stands with the aim to understand better the effectiveness of TWI for characterizing soil ecology of the two species. Catpca pointed out that, although cork oak and holm oak are able to growth in similar Mediterranean conditions, they show different behaviors in terms of needs and tolerance to soil water content. TWI confirmed such results at local scale, allowing highlighting some interesting features of the species differential ecology. Although both species confirmed to be drought-tolerant, the heliophilous cork oak revealed to dominate the landscape on wettest soils with high TWI values—indicating the capacity to tolerate stresses due to periods of waterlogging—, while the shade-tolerant holm oak prevails for low-medium TWI values—drier and mesophilous sites. Despite the application of TWI to vegetation science and ecology is relatively recent, results are encouraging and suggest considering this user-friendly and synthetic index in ecological investigations and modeling.  相似文献   

Significant differences in amylase, beta-glucosidase, and phosphatase activities were observed among four Phytophthora cinnamomi isolates grown in nutrient-amended sterilized soil for 20 days. Amylase pH optima for the four isolates were within a relatively narrow range; at pH 5.5 each isolate was within 90% of its peak activity. Isolates SB-216-1, 1-281, and C-39 each exhibited maximal beta-glucosidase activity at pH 5.0 and maximal phosphatase activity at pH 5.0-5.5. Maximal activity for these two enzymes of isolate A-7725 occurred at pH 3.5. In timed experiments, isolates 1-281 and A-7725 exhibited greater amylase activities than did the other two isolates. For beta-glucosidase, greatest activity was observed for SB-216-1; ACTivity of 1-281 was intermediate and least activity was observed for isolates A-7725 and C-39. Isolates SB-216-1 and 1-281 exhibited greatest phosphatase activities; isolate C-39 was intermediate in activity, and A-7725 was least active. Results indicate that significant differences exist among the isolates tested and that these differences can be quantitatively measured by the methods described.  相似文献   

Quercus ilex L. (holm oak) coppices, widespread around the Mediterranean basin, are probably the result of 5 000 years of prolonged human disturbance of the original Quercus pubescens Willd. (downy oak) forests. Since disturbance has almost ceased in recent years, a question arises as to the development of these coppices: will the Q. pubescens forests return, or will Q. ilex remain the dominant species? To investigate the phenomenon, we analyzed the first stages, i.e. germination of the two species in holm oak coppices. Our experiments show that both species germinated better in coppices than in clearings or clear-cuts. Moreover, Q. pubescens appears to be slightly favored above Q. ilex and it is suggested auto-allelopathy is involved, at least partially inhibiting the germination of Q. ilex.  相似文献   

Colonization and survival of Phytophthora cinnamomi in roots was tested in 3 months old, axenically grown seedlings of Eucalyptus maculata (field resistant) and E. sieberi (susceptible). The roots were inoculated, then one week later were excised and buried in three non-sterile, conducive soils; a lateritic gravel, an infertile duplex soil, a loamy sand as well as in a fertile, suppressive krasnozem. Pathogen viability, percentage root colonization and chlamydospore numbers were examined at matric potentials of ?1/3, ?5 and ?10 bar after periods of 10, 100 and 200 days at 21°C. At 10 days, survival was 100% in the form of mycelium and the only significant difference was between the two Eucalyptus species. At 100 days survival was solely due to chlamydospores, but the pathogen was viable in all inoculated roots and at each matric potential. At 200 days soils had dried to less than ?10 bars and the pathogen failed to survive. No significant differences were found between the two pathogen isolates but significant differences were obtained between the susceptible and field resistant Eucalyptus species. Pathogen viability, percentage root colonization and chlamydospore number were highly correlated with soil types and matric potential. These components declined with decreasing soil matric potential. The Krasnozem was only suppressive at relatively high soil matric potentials (?1/3 bar). At lower values (?5, ?10 bar) survival of the pathogen, chlamydospore numbers and percentage colonization of the roots in the Krasnozem were comparable with that of the 3 conducive soils tested. Chlamydospores were present, but in low numbers in roots buried in the suppressive soil at ?1/3 bar.  相似文献   

In Central-Western Spain, forests and woodlands composed of Quercus sp. support outstanding levels of biodiversity, but there is increasing concern about their long-term persistence due to a lack of regeneration. We hypothesize that this regenerative lack is operating on a large geographic scale; that there are differences in the abundance of regeneration between three oak species; that oak regeneration is governed mainly by forest management and structure; and that shrubs act as important physical protectors of seedlings and saplings. We analyzed whether densities of oak seedlings and saplings in several size classes were related to stand-structure, understory, and physiographic variables potentially affecting regeneration. Data collected at a regional level (1 km × 1 km grid) by the Spanish Forest Inventory were evaluated from 2,816 plots. Results revealed that regeneration failure was common for all size categories, from small seedlings to large saplings, and for the three oak species studied, especially the evergreens. Of the Quercus ilex, Q. suber, and Q. pyrenaica plots studied, 49%, 62%, and 20% were lacking any small seedlings, and 82%, 96%, and 56% did not have any large saplings, respectively. Regeneration was positively correlated with tree cover and density, especially of small and medium-sized trees, and negatively correlated with the presence of large trees, indicating that regeneration failure is mostly associated with more open, uniform, and/or aged woodlands. Regeneration densities of Q. ilex and Q. suber were positively correlated with all understory variables, suggesting that the presence of pioneer shrubs represent a major safe site for early tree recruitment, independent from specific shrub species.  相似文献   

Phytophthora cinnamomi is a soil-borne plant pathogen that has caused widespread damage to vulnerable native ecosystems and agriculture systems across the world and shows no sign of abating. Management of the pathogen in the natural environment is difficult and the options are limited. In order to discover more about how resistant plants are able to defend themselves against this generalist pathogen, a microarray study of plant gene expression following root inoculation with P. cinnamomi was undertaken. Zea mays was used as a resistant model plant, and microarray analysis was conducted using the Affymetrix GeneChip Maize Genome Array on root samples collected at 6- and 24-h post-inoculation. Over 300 genes were differentially expressed in inoculated roots compared with controls across the two time points. Following Gene Ontology enrichment analysis and REVIGO visualisation of the up-regulated genes, many were implicated in plant defence responses to biotic stress. Genes that were up-regulated included those involved in phytoalexin biosynthesis and jasmonic acid/ethylene biosynthesis and other defence-related genes including those encoding glutathione S-transferases and serine-protease inhibitors. Of particular interest was the identification of the two most highly up-regulated genes, terpene synthase11 (Tps11) and kaurene synthase2 (An2), which are both involved in production of terpenoid phytoalexins. This is the first study that has investigated gene expression at a global level in roots in response to P. cinnamomi in a model plant species and provides valuable insights into the mechanisms involved in defence.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Several widespread tree species of temperate forests, such as species of the genus Quercus, produce recalcitrant (desiccation-sensitive) seeds. However, the ecological significance of seed desiccation sensitivity in temperate regions is largely unknown. Do seeds of such species suffer from drying during the period when they remain on the soil, between shedding in autumn and the return of conditions required for germination in spring?


To test this hypothesis, the Mediterranean holm oak (Quercus ilex) forest was used as a model system. The relationships between the climate in winter, the characteristics of microhabitats, acorn morphological traits, and the water status and viability of seeds after winter were then investigated in 42 woodlands sampled over the entire French distribution of the species.

Key Results

The percentages of germination and normal seedling development were tightly linked to the water content of seeds after the winter period, revealing that in situ desiccation is a major cause of mortality. The homogeneity of seed response to drying suggests that neither intraspecific genetic variation nor environmental conditions had a significant impact on the level of desiccation sensitivity of seeds. In contrast, the water and viability status of seeds at the time of collection were dramatically influenced by cumulative rainfall and maximum temperatures during winter. A significant effect of shade and of the type of soil cover was also evidenced.


The findings establish that seed desiccation sensitivity is a key functional trait which may influence the success of recruitment in temperate recalcitrant seed species. Considering that most models of climate change predict changes in rainfall and temperature in the Mediterranean basin, the present work could help foresee changes in the distribution of Q. ilex and other oak species, and hence plant community alterations.  相似文献   

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