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PA、PB1和PB2以及NS1蛋白作为甲型流感病毒的非结构蛋白,虽然不直接参与病毒颗粒的组装,但是在病毒的复制周期中起到非常重要的调控作用.由PA、PB1和PB2组成的RNA聚合酶主要参与病毒mRNA的合成以及病毒基因组RNA的复制,而NS1蛋白则通过抑制宿主细胞的干扰素应激系统来拮抗宿主的抗病毒反应.通过研究甲型流感病毒非结构蛋白的结构与功能,对了解流感病毒复制及开发新型抗流感病毒药物有重要意义.  相似文献   

甲型流感病毒(influenza A virus,IAV)是每年季节性流感的主要病原体,也是全球儿童急性呼吸道感染的重要病毒性病原。非结构蛋白1(nonstructural protein 1,NS1)是由病毒基因组编码的蛋白,表达于被感染的细胞中,但不存在于病毒颗粒中。近年来,大量研究表明NS1是IAV的重要毒力因素,通过NS1-RNA之间、NS1-蛋白之间的相互作用,在拮抗宿主抗病毒反应、抑制宿主细胞凋亡、调节宿主及自身基因表达等多方面发挥作用。深入研究NS1与宿主细胞的相互作用,不仅可加深对IAV致病机制的理解,还可为预防和控制IAV的传播甚至暴发奠定理论基础,在新型抗病毒药物及疫苗研制中有着重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

质粒介导的核衣壳蛋白siRNA干扰A型流感病毒复制的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A型流感病毒(Influenza virus)属于正粘病毒科流感病毒属,可引起鸟类、多种禽类、人类和低等哺乳动物的严重疾病[1],该病毒基因组为负链单股RNA病毒, 分8个节段,容易引起抗原漂移和抗原变异,现有的疫苗和药物不能有效的控制该病毒感染.  相似文献   

A型流感病毒(Influenzavirus)属于正粘病毒科流感病毒属,可引起鸟类、多种禽类、人类和低等哺乳动物的严重疾病[1],该病毒基因组为负链单股RNA病毒,分8个节段,容易引起抗原漂移和抗原变异,现有的疫苗和药物不能有效的控制该病毒感染。RNA干扰是由双链RNA(dsRNA)引发的信使RNA(mRNA)序列特异性消减现象,是一种保守的抗病毒机制,已发现于线虫、植物和哺乳动物中[2]。自然发生的RNAi是由一种dsRNA特异的的核酸内切酶Dicer RDE1引发的,它将dsRNA切割成21~23nt的小分子干扰RNA片断(small interferenceRNA,siRNA),siRNA再与某…  相似文献   

流感病毒的反向遗传学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
反向遗传学是指对病原微生物的cDNA进行目的性修饰,以对其进行功能和表型的分析[1]。它是相对于经典遗传学而言的,后者是从生物的性状、表型到遗传物质来研究生命的发生与发展规律。反向遗传学则是在获得生物体基因组全部序列的基础上,通过对靶基因进行必要的加工和修饰,如定点  相似文献   

A型流感病毒非结构蛋白的功能及临床应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
NS1蛋白作为A型流感病毒的非结构蛋白,最初的研究着重于它对宿主细胞蛋白质合成的抑制作用方面考虑.随着研究的深入,对其基因的进化、蛋白质的抗原性作了详细的研究,同时发现流感病毒的NS1蛋白与流感病毒所诱导的细胞凋亡之间存在一定的联系,其对凋亡的调节作用与流感病毒感染的细胞是否产生干扰素及其所感染的细胞系直接相关.NS1蛋白能够抑制病毒感染细胞干扰素的产生,在流感病毒拮抗干扰素的抗病毒效应中发挥了重要的作用,许多研究表明,这种干扰素拮抗作用可能与流感病毒的毒力有关.由于传统疫苗的广泛应用,NS1蛋白在临床应用中作为鉴别诊断免疫禽和自然感染禽的检测抗原具有广阔的前景.  相似文献   

随着流感病毒核糖核蛋白复合体转染系统的建立,负链RNA病毒作用作基因表达载体的研究已取得重大突破,能诱导针对HIV的体液和细胞免疫反应的嵌合体流感病毒已构建成功并显示出用作疫苗的巨大潜力。  相似文献   

作为A型流感病毒的非结构蛋白,NS1蛋白是流感病毒的一个重要的毒力因子,决定了病毒在宿主细胞内的破坏作用。概述了NS1蛋白对宿主细胞蛋白合成、宿主细胞凋亡的影响,及其拮抗干扰素的作用。  相似文献   

已知丙型肝炎病毒非结构蛋白(NS5B)具有RNA依赖的RNA聚合酶的功能,负责病毒基因组的复制。通过体外表达及晶体衍射分析,目前对NS5B的三维结构已有了清晰的描述,对顺B催化该病毒基因组复制的分子机制也有了初步了解;对RNA聚合酶抑制物的研究将为人工设计特异性的抗该病毒药物奠定扎实基础。  相似文献   

李丽  徐可  孙兵 《生命的化学》2008,28(3):237-241
A型流感病毒非结构蛋白1(nonstructural protein l, NS1)全长约为230个氨基酸,主要包括两个功能结构域,即 N-末端的RNA结合结构域和C-末端的效应结构域.NS1是一个多功能病毒蛋白,它不仅影响着该病毒其他基因的表达,更能通过与宿主细胞多种因子的相互作用干预宿主细胞的正常功能,抵抗宿主的抗病毒系统.因此, NS1被认为是A型流感病毒的一个重要毒力因子.本文综述了 NS1蛋白与宿主相互作用的最新研究进展,为进一步揭示NS1 蛋白的功能提供了参考.  相似文献   



We previously reported that the hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural protein 5A (NS5A) down-regulates TLR4 signaling and lipopolysaccharide-induced apoptosis of hepatocytes. There have been several reports regarding the association between HCV infection and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. Here, we examined the regulation of HCV NS5A on the apoptosis of hepatocytes induced by thapsigargin, an inducer of ER stress.


The apoptotic response to thapsigargin and the expression of molecules involved in human hepatocyte apoptotic pathways were examined in the presence or absence of HCV NS5A expression.


HCV JFH1 infection induced ER stress in the Huh7 cell line. HCV NS5A protected HepG2 cells against thapsigargin-induced apoptosis, the effect of which was linked to the enhanced expression of the 78-kDa glucose-regulated protein/immunoglobulin heavy-chain binding protein (GRP78). Consistent with a conferred pro-survival advantage, HCV NS5A reduced poly(adenosine diphosphate-ribose) polymerase cleavage and activation of caspases-3, -7 and -9, and Bax expression, while increasing the expressions of the anti-apoptotic molecules XIAP and c-FLIP. HCV NS5A weakly interacts with GRP78 and enhances GRP78 expression in hepatocytes.


HCV NS5A enhances GRP78 expression, resulting in the inhibition of apoptotic properties, and inhibits thapsigargin-induced apoptotic pathways in human hepatocytes, suggesting that disruption of ER stress-mediated apoptosis may have a role in the pathogenesis of HCV infection. Thus, HCV NS5A might engender the survival of HCV-infected hepatocytes contributing to the establishment of persistent infection.  相似文献   

YC Tu  CY Yu  JJ Liang  E Lin  CL Liao  YL Lin 《Journal of virology》2012,86(19):10347-10358
Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is an enveloped flavivirus with a single-stranded, positive-sense RNA genome encoding three structural and seven nonstructural proteins. To date, the role of JEV nonstructural protein 2A (NS2A) in the viral life cycle is largely unknown. The interferon (IFN)-induced double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-activated protein kinase (PKR) phosphorylates the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2α subunit (eIF2α) after sensing viral RNA and results in global translation arrest as an important host antiviral defense response. In this study, we found that JEV NS2A could antagonize PKR-mediated growth inhibition in a galactose-inducible PKR-expressing yeast system. In human cells, PKR activation, eIF2α phosphorylation, and the subsequent translational inhibition and cell death triggered by dsRNA and IFN-α were also repressed by JEV NS2A. Moreover, among the four eIF2α kinases, NS2A specifically blocked the eIF2α phosphorylation mediated by PKR and attenuated the PKR-promoted cell death induced by the chemotherapeutic drug doxorubicin. A single point mutation of NS2A residue 33 from Thr to Ile (T33I) abolished the anti-PKR potential of JEV NS2A. The recombinant JEV mutant carrying the NS2A-T33I mutation showed reduced in vitro growth and in vivo virulence phenotypes. Thus, JEV NS2A has a novel function in blocking the host antiviral response of PKR during JEV infection.  相似文献   

Influenza A virus nuclear export protein (NEP) plays an important role in the viral life cycle. Recombinant NEP proteins containing (His)6-tag at either N-or C-terminus were obtained by heterologous expression in Escherichia coli cells and their high propensity for aggregation was demonstrated. Dynamic light scattering technique was used to study the kinetics and properties of NEP aggregation in solutions under different conditions (pH, ionic strength, presence of low-molecular-weight additives and organic solvents). Using atomic force microscopy, the predominance of spherical aggregates in all examined NEP preparations was shown, with some amyloid-like structures being observed in the case of NEP-C protein. A number of structure prediction programs were used to identify aggregation-prone regions in the NEP structure. All-atom molecular dynamics simulations indicate a high rate of NEP molecule aggregation and reveal the regions preferentially involved in the intermolecular contacts that are located at the edges of the rod-like protein molecule. Our results suggest that NEP aggregation is determined by different types of interactions and represents an intrinsic property of the protein that appears to be necessary for its functioning in vivo.  相似文献   

Antiserum prepared against an amino-terminal fragment of rubella virus (RUB) nonstructural polyprotein was used to study RUB-infected Vero cells. Replicase protein P150 was associated with vesicles and vacuoles of endolysosomal origin and later with large, convoluted, tubular membrane structures. Newly incorporated bromouridine was associated with the same structures and specifically with small membrane invaginations, spherules, indicating that these structures may be the sites of viral RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

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