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E L Edwards  R L Ratliff  D M Gray 《Biochemistry》1988,27(14):5166-5174
Circular dichroism (CD) experiments were carried out on a series of DNA oligomers to determine if short internal stretches of protonated cytosine-cytosine (C.C+) base pairs could coexist with adenine-thymine (A.T) base pairs. (1) C.C+ base pairs did form in the absence of A.T base pairs in the individual oligomers d(AACC)5 and d(CCTT)5, as indicated by the appearance of a long-wavelength CD band centered at 282-284 nm, when the pH was lowered to 6 or 5 at 0.5 M Na+. A comparison of measured with calculated spectra showed that d(CCTT)5 at pH 5, 0.5 M Na+, 20 degrees C, likely adopted a structure with a central core of stacked C.C+ base pairs and looped-out thymines. Under the same conditions, it appeared that C.C+ base pairs also formed in d(AACC)5, but with the adenines remaining intrahelical. Each of these oligomers showed a cooperative transition for formation of C.C+ base pairs as the temperature was lowered, with C.C+ base pairs forming at a higher temperature in d(CCTT)5 than in d(AACC)5. A.T base formed in equimolar mixtures of d(AACC)5 plus d(CCTT)5 as monitored by an increase in the negative magnitude of the 250-nm CD band. However, a large increase did not appear at about 285 nm in CD spectra of the mixtures, showing that there were no stacked C.C+ base pairs in the d(AACC)5.d(CCTT)5 duplex even though they formed under the same conditions in the individual strands. Thus, in this duplex, A.T base pairs prevented the formation of neighboring internal C.C+ base pairs. (2) CD measurements were also made of d(A10C4T10).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Synthetic duplex DNAs of repeating sequence, such as poly d(TTC).poly d(GAA), were separated into their individual single strands. The various single strands complexed not only, as expected, with their complementary strands, but also with other non-complementary strands. Characterization of such complexes with respect to stoichiometry, Tm values and the dependence of Tm on NaCl concentration showed that a variety of unusual structures could be inferred at physiological salt concentrations. These included extrahelical thymines, G.T oppositions, A.C oppositions and T.C oppositions.  相似文献   

Boundary element methods are used to model the free solution electrophoretic mobility of short DNA fragments. The Stern surfaces of the DNA fragments are modeled as plated cylinders that reproduce translational and rotational diffusion constants. The solvent-accessible and ion-accessible surfaces are taken to be coincident with the Stern surface. The mobilities are computed by solving simultaneously the coupled Navier–Stokes, Poisson, and ion-transport equations. The equilibrium electrostatics are treated at the level of the full Poisson–Boltzmann equation and ion relaxation is included. For polyions as highly charged as short DNA fragments, ion relaxation is substantial. At .11 M KCl, the simulated mobilities of a 20 base pair DNA fragment are in excellent agreement with experiment. At .04 M Tris acetate, pH = 8.0, the simulated mobilities are about 10–15% higher than experimental values and this discrepancy is attributed to the relatively large size of the Tris counterion. The length dependence of the mobility at .11 M KCl is also investigated. Earlier mobility studies on lysozyme are reexamined in view of the present findings. In addition to electrophoretic mobilities, the effective polyion charge measured in steady state electrophoresis and its relationship to the preferential interaction parameter γgG is briefly considered. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 46: 359–373, 1998  相似文献   

Vacuum UV circular dichroism (CD) spectra were measured down to 174 nm for five homopolymers, five duplexes, and four triplexes containing adenine, uracil, and thymine. Near 190 nm, the CD bands of poly[d(A)] and poly[r(A)] were larger than the CD bands of the polypyrimidines, poly[d(T)], poly[d(U)], and poly[r(U)]. Little change was observed in the 190 nm region upon formation of the duplexes (poly[d(A).d(T)], poly[d(A).d(U)], poly[r(A).d(T)], poly[r(A).d(U)], and poly[r(A).r(U)]) or upon formation of two of the triplexes (poly[d(T).d(A).d(T)] and poly[d(U).d(A).d(U)]). This showed that the purine strand had the same or a similar structure in these duplexes and triplexes as when free in solution. Both A.U and A.T base pairing induced positive bands at 177 and 202 nm. For three triplexes containing poly[d(A)], the formation of a triplex from a duplex and a free pyrimidine strand induced a negative band centered between 210 and 215 nm. The induction of a band between 210 and 215 nm indicated that these triplexes had aspects of the A conformation.  相似文献   

Stability of DNA duplexes with Watson-Crick base pairs: a predicted model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The conformational stability (difference between the free energies of the folded and unfolded states, DeltaG degrees ) of a DNA duplex is considered as a function of component energy terms, hydrophobic, base stacking, hydrogen bonding, van der Waals, and electrostatic, and a trinucleotide-level helix stiffness parameter measured in terms of its Young's modulus. Hydrophobic and base stacking energy components were determined with the use of the crystal structure data of 30 DNA duplexes judicially selected within a resolution of 1.5 A, and hydrogen bonding, van der Waals and electrostatic terms were determined through an extensive review of experimental and theoretical studies. The stiffness indices for the trinucleotides were the ones realized by M. M. Gromiha [(2000) J. Biol. Phys. 26, 43-50] using the crystal structure data of 70 DNA duplexes. The unfolded state was treated in the classical way to determine its stability. Thermodynamically determined DeltaG degrees values for 111 DNA duplexes, with the number of base pairs ranging from 4 to 16, were selected in two sets, and the regression equation formed with one set was used to predict the stabilities of the other set, taking the energy components and the stiffness parameter to be independent variables. The computed energy terms indicate that the base stacking and hydrogen bonding forces are the dominant and the hydrophobic and electrostatic forces the weak partners in imparting stability to the duplexes. This model predicts DeltaG degrees values for DNA duplexes examined with a level of accuracy similar to that used for predictions made by the widely used nearest-neighbor models. The uniqueness of this model is that it combines the crystal and thermodynamic data for interpretation of conformational stability.  相似文献   

Hoogsteen (HG) base pairs (bps) provide an alternative pairing geometry to Watson–Crick (WC) bps and can play unique functional roles in duplex DNA. Here, we use structural features unique to HG bps (syn purine base, HG hydrogen bonds and constricted C1′–C1′ distance across the bp) to search for HG bps in X-ray structures of DNA duplexes in the Protein Data Bank. The survey identifies 106 A•T and 34 G•C HG bps in DNA duplexes, many of which are undocumented in the literature. It also uncovers HG-like bps with syn purines lacking HG hydrogen bonds or constricted C1′–C1′ distances that are analogous to conformations that have been proposed to populate the WC-to-HG transition pathway. The survey reveals HG preferences similar to those observed for transient HG bps in solution by nuclear magnetic resonance, including stronger preferences for A•T versus G•C bps, TA versus GG steps, and also suggests enrichment at terminal ends with a preference for 5′-purine. HG bps induce small local perturbations in neighboring bps and, surprisingly, a small but significant degree of DNA bending (∼14°) directed toward the major groove. The survey provides insights into the preferences and structural consequences of HG bps in duplex DNA.  相似文献   

A new model for DNA containing A.T and I.C base pairs.   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
DNA polymers containing exclusively A.T or I.C base pairs frequently exhibit D- or E-type X-ray diffraction patterns when dried. The distribution of intensities in fiber patterns appears to demand helical structures with 7 and 7.5 bp/turn, respectively, but it is not stereochemically possible to wind a right-handed antiparallel B-family helix this tightly. It is a simple matter, however, to build a left-handed helix with 7-7.5 bp/turn by incorporating Hoogsteen pairing into a Z helix framework. X-ray intensities calculated from this novel left-handed Hoogsteen model provide as reasonable a fit to the D-DNA diffraction pattern as do intensities calculated from previously proposed right-handed 8-fold models.  相似文献   

The dissociation kinetics of 19 base paired oligonucleotide-DNA duplex containing a various single mismatched base pair are studied on dried agarose gels. The kinetics of the dissociation are first order under our experimental conditions. The incorporation of a single mismatched base pair destabilizes the DNA duplexes to some extent, the amount depending on the nature of the mismatched base pair. G-T and G-A mismatches slightly destabilize a duplex, while A-A, T-T, C-T and C-A mismatches significantly destabilize it. The activation energy for the overall dissociation processes for these oligonucleotide-DNA duplexes containing 19 base pairs is 52 +/- 2 Kcal mol-1 as determined from the slope of Arrhenius plot.  相似文献   

Nearest-neighbor thermodynamic parameters of the ‘universal pairing base’ deoxyinosine were determined for the pairs I·C, I·A, I·T, I·G and I·I adjacent to G·C and A·T pairs. Ultraviolet absorbance melting curves were measured and non-linear regression performed on 84 oligonucleotide duplexes with 9 or 12 bp lengths. These data were combined with data for 13 inosine containing duplexes from the literature. Multiple linear regression was used to solve for the 32 nearest-neighbor unknowns. The parameters predict the Tm for all sequences within 1.2°C on average. The general trend in decreasing stability is I·C > I·A > I·T ≈ I· G > I·I. The stability trend for the base pair 5′ of the I·X pair is G·C > C·G > A·T > T·A. The stability trend for the base pair 3′ of I·X is the same. These trends indicate a complex interplay between H-bonding, nearest-neighbor stacking, and mismatch geometry. A survey of 14 tandem inosine pairs and 8 tandem self-complementary inosine pairs is also provided. These results may be used in the design of degenerate PCR primers and for degenerate microarray probes.  相似文献   

Effects of A:T base pairs on the propensity of B to Z conformational transitions have been investigated by the CD salt titrations on d(CG)5' d(GC)5' terminal or central A:T replaced decamers, and terminal A:T appended dodecamers. The presence of A:T at the center greatly inhibits the B to Z transition of both G:C decamers. Moderate Z inhibitions are shown by terminal A:T replacements and additions to d(CG)5' with the former exhibiting a stronger effect. In contrast, the addition and replacement with A:T at the terminals of d(GC)5 facilitate the B to Z conversion, with the replacement exhibiting a somewhat more pronounced effect. These results may be rationalized in terms of the number of contigous CG sequences present in an oligomer and the relative inhibitory effects of other dinucleotide sequences. Our results also suggest that some short oligomers with purine at the 5'-end, such as d[A(CG)nT] with n greater than or equal to 2, may likely crystallize as Z conformations.  相似文献   

A triplex-forming oligonucleotide (TFO) could be a useful molecular tool for gene therapy and specific gene modification. However, unmodified TFOs have two serious drawbacks: low binding affinities and high sequence-dependencies. In this paper, we propose a new strategy that uses a new set of modified nucleobases for four-base recognition of TFOs, and thereby overcome these two drawbacks. TFOs containing a 2’-deoxy-4N-(2-guanidoethyl)-5-methylcytidine (dgC) residue for a C-G base pair have higher binding and base recognition abilities than those containing 2’-OMe-4N-(2-guanidoethyl)-5-methylcytidine (2’-OMegC), 2’-OMe-4N-(2-guanidoethyl)-5-methyl-2-thiocytidine (2’-OMegCs), dgC and 4S-(2-guanidoethyl)-4-thiothymidine (gsT). Further, we observed that N-acetyl-2,7-diamino-1,8-naphtyridine (DANac) has a higher binding and base recognition abilities for a T-A base pair compared with that of dG and the other DNA derivatives. On the basis of this knowledge, we successfully synthesized a fully modified TFO containing DANac, dgC, 2’-OMe-2-thiothymidine (2’-OMesT) and 2’-OMe-8-thioxoadenosine (2’-OMesA) with high binding and base recognition abilities. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report in which a fully modified TFO accurately recognizes a complementary DNA duplex having a mixed sequence under neutral conditions.  相似文献   

Oligodeoxynucleotide duplexes having terminal C:G base pairs and recognition sequences for restriction endonucleases Bgl II and Sau 3Al were synthesized by the solid or liquid phase phosphotriester approach. Among them, the self-complementary oligonucleotides with C or CC at the 5'-end and G or GG at the 3'-end exhibited unusual CD spectra in contrast to those of the usual B-DNA type CD spectra of the oligonucleotide with G or GG at the 5'-end. The spectra are different to those of the Z-DNA, and regarded to the terminal base effect of the C:G pairs.  相似文献   

The chemical shifts of (13)C2 of adenosine residues of DNA were observed to experience a through-space or trans-hydrogen bond isotope effect as a result of deuterium substitution at the imino hydrogen site of base-paired thymidine residues. NMR measurements of several self-complementary DNA duplexes at natural abundance (13)C in 50% H(2)O, 50% D(2)O solvent mixtures yielded an average trans-hydrogen bond isotope effect, (2h)Delta(13)C2, of -47 ppb. The data suggest that stronger hydrogen bonds have more negative (2h)Delta(13)C2 values, which means that A:T N1.H3 hydrogen bonds increase the anharmonicity of the effective vibrational potential of H3. However, (2h)Delta(13)C2 values do not correlate with intra-residue (2)Delta(13)C4 values of thymidine observed here and earlier (Vakonakis et al., 2003), which suggests that (2h)Delta(13)C2 is not determined entirely by hydrogen bond strength. Instead, the variations observed in (2h)Delta(13)C2 values suggest that they may also be sensitive to base pair geometry.  相似文献   

The electrophoretic behavior of defined DNA and RNA oligonucleotide duplexes from 10 to 20 bp in length has been investigated as a function of salt conditions, gel concentration, and temperature. The RNA oligomers migrated much more slowly than the DNA oligomers of the same sequence under all conditions. From sedimentation equilibrium and velocity measurements, the apparent partial specific volume in 0.1 M KCI, 20 mM NaPi, pH 7, was determined as 0.56 +/- 0.015 ml g(-1) for DNA and 0.508 ml g(-1) for RNA. The translational friction coefficients were determined and compared with the values calculated for cylinders. Taking into account the shape factors, the solution density, and partial specific volumes, the effective degree of hydration was estimated as 0.8-1 g g(-1) DNA. There was no significant difference in the frictional coefficients of the DNA and RNA oligomers, indicating that the effective sizes of DNA and RNA are very similar in solution. The differential electrophoretic mobility of DNA and RNA must arise from the differences in interaction with counterions, which is probably a global property of the oligonucleotides.  相似文献   

The specific influence of the four nucleobases on electrophoretic mobility of oligodeoxyribonucleotides in polyacrylamide-gels under denaturing and nondenaturing conditions has been investigated using homooligomers from the four deoxyribonucleotides as chain length standards. Homooligomers of same chain lengths exhibit remarkable differences in mobility. Specific retardation of any other oligonucleotide investigated was found to be mainly dependent on base composition but not on sequence. A simple procedure is presented for calculating mobilities relative to the standards on denaturing gels. This allows a reliable identification of oligonucleotides on acrylamide-gels by exact chain length determination with respect to base composition and furthermore a detailed interpretation of complex reaction mixtures. The homooligomers also show the same differences in mobility on nondenaturing gels. The significance of this effect for strand separation is discussed.  相似文献   

Side-by-side pairs of three five-membered rings, N-methylpyrrole (Py), N-methylimidazole (Im), and N-methylhydroxy-pyrrole (Hp), have been demonstrated to distinguish each of the four Watson Crick base pairs in the minor groove of DNA. However, not all DNA sequences targeted by these pairing rules achieve affinities and specificities comparable to DNA binding proteins. We have initiated a search for new heterocycles which can expand the sequence repetoire currently available. Two heterocyclic aromatic amino acids. N-methylpyrazole (Pz) and 4-methylthiazole (Th), were incorporated into a single position of an eight-ring polyamide of sequence ImImXPy-gamma-lmPyPyPy-beta-Dp to examine the modulation of affinity and specificity for DNA binding by a Pz/Py pair and or a Th/Py pair. The X/Py pairings Pz/Py and Th/Py were evaluated by quantitative DNase I footprint titrations on a DNA fragment with the four sites 5'-TGGNCA-3' (N=T, A, G, C). The Pz/Py pair binds T.A and A.T with similar affinity to a Py/Py pair but with improved specificity. disfavoring both G.C and C.G by about 100-fold. The Th/Py pair binds poorly to all four Watson Crick base pairs. These results demonstrate that in some instances new heterocyclic aromatic amino acid pairs can be incorporated into imidazole-pyrrole polyamides to mimic the DNA specificity of Py/Py pairs which may be relevant as biological criteria in animal studies become important.  相似文献   

The self-complementary octanucleotide dT-A-G-T-A-C-T-A has been synthesized and its sequence confirmed by two-dimensional fingerprinting. Under conditions used for the T4 polynucleotide ligase reaction, this oligonucleotide forms a dimeric duplex which shows a Tm of 18 degrees C. The optimal rate of joining of the 32P-labeled duplex occurs between 12 and 15 degrees C. The rate is highly concentration dependent, as expected for a bimolecular process. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analysis of this reaction shows the presence of products up to 120 nucleotides in length. In a denaturing gel, each product appears as a double band due to the presence of its 5'-adenylylated activated intermediate. Substrates larger than eight base pairs are utilized more rapidly than the eight base pair duplex, indicating that the T4 ligase has a higher affinity for longer substrates. The low level of nicked intermediates suggests that the joining of both strands requires two steps, the rates of which must be similar.  相似文献   

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