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  • 1 The influence of fluctuating asymmetry on lifetime mating success of males of the damselfly Coenagrion puella (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) was investigated. Fluctuating asymmetry was measured as the difference in length of left and right fore and hind wings.
  • 2 Males with more symmetrical wings enjoyed higher lifetime mating success.
  • 3 Larger males, in contrast to a previous study of this species, also had higher mating success. This may be attributed to differences in the weather conditions prevailing at the time of the studies.

Males of the non-territorial damselfly Enallagma hageni have two alternative tactics for finding mates: (1) they search the banks of the pond for unmated females (searching tactic), or (2) wait at oviposition sites for females that resurface prematurely from underwater oviposition (waiting tactic). Although the searching tactic yielded more fertilizations than the waiting tactic, for time invested, the waiting tactic became increasingly successful later in the reproductive season due to changes in female oviposition behaviour. The two tactics can be maintained in the population because males can mate by the waiting tactic during the afternoon when few females are available to searchers. Among males visiting the breeding site an equal number of times, males mating by a mixture of tactics were as successful as males mating only by the main tactic. Because marked males were found to use both tactics, these behaviours are interpreted as evidence of behavioural plasticity within individuals, representing one conditional evolutionary strategy.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) is thought to be an indicator of developmental stability and negatively related to male mating success in many animal taxa. We investigated the relationships between mating success of males, body size and FA for both wing length and number of setae on the legs in the damselfly Ischnura elegans. Males were classified as mated or unmated at the time of sampling. Fluctuating asymmetry, expressed as right-left differences, showed normal distributions without evidence of directional asymmetry or antisymmetry. Univariate analyses showed a significant negative correlation between size and mating success, and significant negative correlations between FA and mating success for both characters. On the other hand, with a multivariate analysis, new to studies on FA, the effect of body size was still significant but FA did not reach significance for either character. We conclude that the multivariate analysis should be used to assess the role of the different factors affecting mating success. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Summary The population structure of the endemic San Francisco Bay Area damselfly, Ischnura gemina, is examined using mark-recapture methods. Average daily movements, sex ratios, population size, maturation times, survivorship, and dispersion patterns, were recorded and calculated from two small (each less than one hectare) sites 150 m apart in Glen Canyon, San Francisco. Of 563 adults marked over 36 days, 412 (73%) were recaptured at least once. Average daily movements for males and females were less than 6 m, suggesting local movements. However, directional movements of 150 m were observed from one site to the other, indicating dispersal potential. One of the populations was a satellite composed entirely, of emigrating individuals from the other site; no larvae or teneral adults were found at the satellite area. Males were more aggregated than females at both sites. Both sexes were highly clumped at one site but were nearly randomly dispersed at the other site. Total population size for both sexes tended to be constant throughout the sampling period, at about 250. Adult population estimates showed more males were present than, females, but larval counts at one site indicated only a slight excess of males. Average life span estimates ranged from 6.5 days (females) to 23.3 days (males). One male lived at least 36 days. Maturation time for males was about 5–7 days, 7–10 days for females. A long life span and long flight season (March to November) are probably adaptations to the foggy San Francisco climate. All populations of I. gemina located to date are small, possibly originating from founders from nearby demes, and may be subject to different selection pressures. The dispersal potential of I. gemina may increase its chance of survival should small urban demes be threatened with destruction.  相似文献   

Abstract The zygopteran genus Enallagma has been the subject of numerous behavioural and ecological studies, but phylogenetic relationships among species have been examined only within eastern North America, and even the composition and diagnosis of the genus are unclear on a world-wide basis. Most authorities currently recognize about seventy species within Enallagma , comprising two major radiations, in North America and Africa. This study, using morphological data, demonstrates that the North American and a few related Palaearctic species form a monophyletic group that is quite distinct from the African species. The latter are themselves divided into at least three, and probably four, separate clades, one of which may be related to E. parvum of India. Consequently, three of Kennedy's long disused genera, Africallagma , Amphiallagma and Proischnura ( Kennedy, 1920 ) are resurrected and two new genera, Azuragrion gen.n. and Pinheyagrion gen.n. are established for the remaining African taxa. Finally, Enallagma is divided into two subgenera, Enallagma s.s ., the typical 'bluets', including many North American, Holarctic and Palaearctic species, and Chromatallagma subgen.n., comprising a group of species of more variable colour that is confined to North America, the Caribbean and northernmost South America.  相似文献   

  • 1 Two natural populations of Ischnura graellsii were studied in north-west Spain by means of mark-release-recapture techniques. Recaptured males were a random sample of the original marked population with regard to date of marking. At O Rosal a greater proportion of young males than old males disappeared after marking; at Lourizán recaptured males were larger than unrecaptured ones.
  • 2 The number of matings observed in both populations showed great daily variation. Most of the variation is accounted for by climatic variables. Most males (56–65%) and many females (41–45%) were never observed to mate.
  • 3 Male LMS was highly correlated with lifespan in both populations. At O Rosal, male LMS was also positively correlated with body length, and mated males were larger than unmated males. This surprising result for a non-territorial species was due to the positive correlation between date of marking and size. There was a positive correlation between body size and mobility for males at O Rosal, but mobility was not correlated with male LMS.
  • 4 As predicted by sexual selection theory, the standardized variance in male LMS was greater than in female LMS. Variation in mature lifespan explained 16% of variance in male LMS at Lourizán and 28% at O Rosal.

Microsatellite loci have been isolated from two species of endemic Hawaiian damselflies, Megalagrion xanthomelas and M. eudytum, that are of conservation concern. Sixteen polymorphic loci were characterized in 32 M. xanthomelas from one population on Molokai and one on Hawaii Island. The total number of alleles per locus ranged from two to 16 and observed population heterozygosity ranged from 0.0 to 0.963. Eleven of these loci amplified successfully in M. eudytum as well. These loci will be used to further conservation efforts and infer genetic consequences of Pleistocene glaciations.  相似文献   

Eight microsatellite markers for the population genetics and evolutionary ecology of Ischnura senegalensis (Rambur 1842), which shows body color polymorphism in females, were developed using a streptavidin-bead enrichment library and pyrosequence by a next generation sequencer. The number of alleles per locus and effective number of alleles ranged from 3 to 11 and from 1.24 to 5.51, respectively. Observed and expected heterozygosities were 0.18–0.75 and 0.19–0.77, respectively. No linkage disequilibrium between loci was detected. One locus, IsenAC75, deviated significantly from the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, and the locus and additional two loci, IsenAC40 and IsenAC8, were suspected for the presence of null alleles. Altogether, these eight microsatellite loci are considered to be useful for population genetic analyses because of the high polymorphic status and independency.  相似文献   

Ischnura senegalensis females exhibit color dimorphism, consisting of an andromorph and a gynomorph, which might be maintained under a frequency-dependent process of mating harassment by mate-searching males. Males change their mating preference for female morph depending on prior copulation experience. Binary choice experiments between two female morphs were carried out in four local populations in the early morning (07.00–09.00 hours) and the afternoon (12.00–14.00 hours), times which mark the onset and the end of diurnal mating activity, respectively. According to the line census along the water's edge, the proportion of andromorphs in the female population varied from 21 to 67% throughout the survey period for four local populations. Males showed non-biased preference for female morphs in the early morning in each local population, while they chose the common morph in the afternoon. Male mating preference for female morphs was positively correlated to the proportion of female morphs in the population. If the selective mating attacks on the common female morphs inhibit their foraging and/or oviposition behavior, frequency-dependent male mating attacks might provide a selective force for maintaining the female color dimorphism in I. senegalensis .  相似文献   

In this study, we explored the effects of pesticide on fluctuating asymmetry (FA) levels and mortality of Ceriagrion sp. larvae. The results showed that the mortality of larval damselflies treated with pesticide was significantly higher than that treated with tap water which had been aerated for 48 h, but there were no significant differences among mortality of larvae treated with different concentrations of pesticide. Meanwhile, we found that the level of FA of the first tibia length, one of the seven bilaterally symmetrical traits (First femur length, First tibia length, Second femur length, Second tibia length, Third femur length, Third tibia length and Prementum width), differed significantly with different treatments, whereas the others did not show any significant differences. The Bonferroni (Dunn) t Tests revealed that FA of the first tibia length at 15 × 10−9 mgl−1 was significantly higher than that at 1.5 × 10−9 mgl−1 and control. There was no significant relationship between trait size and the absolute difference between their right and left sides. There was also no significant relationship between body size and the absolute difference between right and left sides. Trait size was significantly positively correlated with body size. FA was not associated with mortality. Therefore, we concluded that FA of the first tibia length of Ceriagrion sp. larvae may be induced by sublethal doses of pesticides. That is to say, its FA may be regarded as an indicator of reflecting the level of pesticide stress. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

Electropodagrion szwedoi n. gen., n. sp., first Baltic amber megapodagrionid damselfly, is described. The European and North American fossils document a very high diversity and a much wider distribution of this group of damselflies during the Cenozoic than today. A checklist of described fossil species of damselflies of the family Megapodagrionidae is given.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) refers to random deviations from symmetry of otherwise bilaterally symmetric traits. Researchers have hypothesized that FA should be inversely related to individual quality or fitness. In this study, we tested for FA-quality and FA-fitness relations in the damselfly, Enallagmaebrium (Hagen). We used wet mass of an individual as a measure of its quality and longevity as a measure of its fitness. Contrary to predictions, we found no relation between FA and quality or fitness, even after we controlled for possible confounding factors, such as measurement error and inadequate sample size.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. At Halcyon Hotsprings, British Columbia, Canada, male and female Argia vivida Hagen encountered to mate in two different ways.
2. In the morning (before 12.30 hours solar time), males basked at sunspots in the forest and darted out at passing females, attempting to take them in tandem (the first method of encounter).
3. If a male was successful, the pair engaged in a 31.3±4.8 min copulation followed by an hour of tandem flight before beginning oviposition.
4. As the day progressed, unmated males moved slowly toward the water and arrived at the water at about the same time as the earliest ovipositing pairs (1131±27.5 min solar time).
5. Males retained their grasp on their mates during oviposition (contact-guarding) but since some tandems separated during oviposition, non-tandem males at the water could capture recently released, gravid females (the second method of encounter).
6. The new pairs performed a brief copulation (10.2±3.38 min) and began ovipositing immediately thereafter.
7. Some females that avoided recapture attempted to oviposit unguarded.
8. We believe the long duration of morning copulations and period of tandem constitute a male strategy, which we call 'pre-oviposition guarding', to guard females until it is warm enough at the oviposition site for the females to begin ovipositing.
9. Separation of tandems during oviposition may be initiated by either member of the pair and we suggest that one benefit to a female of leaving a guarding mate is increased efficiency of oviposition when the intensity of male harassment is low.
10. The mating system of A. vivida thus comprises a series of complementary male and female mating behaviours.  相似文献   

Odonate larvae are important predators in the littoral zone of freshwater systems, and in an effort understand their population dynamics, researchers have described and analyzed many of their behaviors. The behavior we call abdomen wave has been considered to be both an aid to respiration and an aggressive display to conspecifics. We found that, under laboratory conditions, abdomen wave was not increased when the oxygen concentration was low or when larvae were in the presence of conspecifics. These results suggest the behavior is not involved in oxygen uptake or in agonistic interactions. The behavior was increased when larvae had food in their guts and was most dramatically increased in the hours preceding a molt. Abdomen wave may function to loosen the exoskeleton prior to molting and/or release of metabolites.  相似文献   

S. Bennett    P. J. Mill 《Journal of Zoology》1995,235(4):559-575
The technique of mark-release-recapture was used to study survival before and after sexual maturity in adults of the damselfly Pyrrhosoma nymphula (Sulzer). Fewer females were recaptured upon return to water to breed despite no differences in dispersal or daily survival rate between the sexes over the immature period. Because females took longer to mature than males, their poorer recapture rate was attributed to greater overall mortality during their longer maturation phase. Survivorship curves for tenerals marked at emergence suggested that overall survival of immature adults was similar to, if not better than, that of mature adults. The reasons for this are discussed.
Jolly's model was used to estimate daily survival rates for mature adults. The assumptions of the model were tested rigorously. Estimates for females were statistically less reliable than those for males. Mean reproductive spans for males and females were 6.8 and 6.6 days, respectively, giving mean total adult lifespans of 19.4 days and 21.6 days for individuals surviving the maturation period.
Because neither sex visited the breeding site every day, sampling exclusively at water resulted in underestimation of mean reproductive spans for both sexes. Female reproductive spans were underestimated to a greater extent; because females remain away from water longer between visits, there is a greater chance that they will die before being recaptured.
Mean reproductive spans were also underestimated when only a sub-section of the habitat was sampled. Females were significantly more mobile than males and this increased the likelihood that they would move out of the study area, resulting in more severe underestimation. The importance of obtaining accurate estimates of mature lifespan for females is discussed.  相似文献   

Climate change is predicted to affect the distribution of freshwater taxa, and stronger impacts are expected on endemic species. However, the effects of future climates on freshwater insects from the Neotropical region have been generally overlooked. In this study, the distribution of a damselfly (Cyanallagma bonariense, Odonata, Coenagrionidae) endemic to the subtropical South American grasslands (Pampa) was modelled in relation to future scenarios of high greenhouse gas emissions (RCP 8.5) for 2050 and 2070. For this purpose, ecological niche models were developed based on assumptions of limited dispersal and niche conservatism, and the projected distribution of C. bonariense was contrasted with the location of current protected areas (PAs) in the Pampa. A broad potential distribution of C. bonariense was indicated throughout the Pampa, and projections predicted a predominance of range contractions rather than range shifts in climatically suitable areas for C. bonariense in 2050 and 2070. Projections of suitable areas overlapped in central Argentina and southernmost Uruguay in these periods. Our results indicated a potential resilience of C. bonariense to future climate change, which is likely related to the low restrictions in habitat use of C. bonariense. In every projection, however, most PAs were expected to lose effectiveness, as by 2070 most PAs fall outside the range of the predicted distribution of C. bonariense. Thus, the creation or enlargement of PAs in these areas is recommended and these results represent an important information for the conservation of endemic freshwater insects under global warming scenarios in an overlooked Neotropical landscape.  相似文献   

Turgeon J  McPeek MA 《Molecular ecology》2002,11(10):1989-2001
A phylogenetic hypothesis revealed two recent radiations among species of Enallagma damselflies, and extensive ecological work suggests that both adaptive and nonadaptive processes are involved in these radiations. We analysed the geographical pattern of genetic variability at 868 bp of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) among 283 individuals of 5 species displaying little ecological differentiation to identify the ancestral lineage, support their independent evolutionary trajectories and identify historical events and the underlying mechanism for one of these radiations. Nested clade analysis results clearly support a past event of range fragmentation in E. hageni. These Atlantic and Continental hageni races experienced distinct dispersal histories and still maintain nearly nonoverlapping ranges All four other species derive from the Continental hageni. Whereas three species endemic to the Atlantic coastal plain show little genetic variation, E. ebrium shared several haplotypes with the Continental hageni. Contrasting levels of genetic differentiation between E. hageni and E. ebrium in geographical areas associated with distinct events of E. hageni's recent history support the recent origin of this species. Altogether, our results are compatible with a process of radiation via divergence in mate recognition systems within the Continental hageni race following secondary contacts between putative refugial races.  相似文献   

Larvae of most animals go through large changes in size. Because change in size can lead to changes in ability to gain food and in predation risk, changes in behaviour are predicted to reflect this. Models consider change in amounts of the same behaviour, but different selective pressures on different larval sizes may also lead to qualitative differences in behavioural repertoire. In the damselfly Ischnura verticalis we observed ontogenetic changes in behaviour under controlled laboratory conditions. We found that frequency and duration of feeding behaviour and behaviour related to activity were increased in larger instars. Larger larvae also had higher transition probabilities to the behaviour abdomen wave, straight abdomen raise, and rotate + head out. We also found that the behavioural repertoire of damselfly larvae changed with development: some behavioural patterns were performed almost exclusively by smaller larvae (F - 4 to F - 7) while others were performed almost exclusively by larger larvae (F - 3 to F - 0).  相似文献   

There is currently a gap in sexual selection theory about how much the environment drives female mating decisions. We present field data that suggest that female sexual behaviour in the damselfly Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis is influenced by parasite burden. Male wing pigmentation in Calopteryx is a sexually selected trait that signals a male's ability to cope with eugregarine parasites (an intestinal parasite that feeds on the adult's ingested food). Because adult C. haemorrhoidalis females also show wing pigmentation, we examined whether this trait is similarly influenced by parasite burden and whether it may signal the female's reproductive value. MaleC. haemorrhoidalis defend riverine substrates that females use for oviposition. After copulation and during oviposition, females are guarded by the copulating male against intruder males. Alternatively, females may avoid mating and ‘steal’ an oviposition site within a male's territory. In the present study, we found that the amount of female wing pigmentation was negatively correlated with the number of eugregarines present. Females with more parasites produced fewer eggs, survived fewer days, spent less time during courtship, ‘inspected’ fewer males before mating, had a lower mating success, were guarded for less time during oviposition and engaged in fewer ‘stealing’ events during oviposition. The reduced egg production and survival of heavily infected females may result from eugregarine depletion of the females' consumed food reserves. Thus, to offset reduced longevity, heavily infected females may accept a mating more rapidly and mate with fewer males. ‘Stealing’ behaviour may be related to the female's differential use of sperm from some males, particularly high-quality males. Interestingly, males that mated with low-pigmented females showed greater variance in wing pigmentation than did males that mated with high-pigmented females. Possibly, female wing pigmentation may signal a female's reproductive value, which provides females with longer mate-guarding episodes and reduced interference from intruder males. This study points out one possible constraint, intestine parasites, that females may face during mating decisions. Because females in bad condition mate with males in both good and bad condition, this constraint may be pervasive enough to weaken the intensity of selection for a male sexually selected trait, wing pigmentation, and help to maintain its variation in phenotypic expression. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Abstract. 1. A laboratory competition experiment is described in which the growth and development rates of larvae of the damselfly Ischnura elegans (Lind.) were measured over an entire instar.
2. Two larval instars which commonly occur together in the field were used in the experiment; they were maintained with a superabundance of prey and either larvae from the same or the larger/smaller instar.
3. Small larvae suffered increased development times and decreased size increases at the moult in the presence of large larvae but similar interference effects were not evident when these smaller larvae were in the presence of other small larvae.
4. Development time and size increases of large larvae were not significantly affected by the presence of small larvae.
5. Irrespective of the instar combinations investigated, interference effects were reduced when there were more perches available, although in only a few cases was this reduction significant.
6. The consequences of the asymmetric competition reported in the experiment for the study of lifetime reproductive success in damselflies are discussed. Late emerging adults may incur reduced reproductive success.  相似文献   

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