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Of 54 species of Gnathostomulida known to date, only six have been reported from the Pacific Ocean. This paper describes 18 species of Gnathostomulida from the Pacific islands of Fiji. Tonga and northern New Zealand. Of these, three are species previously described from the northeastern Atlantic and Mediterranean: Haplognathia ruberrima (Sterrer 1966), or the northwestern Atlantic: Haplognathia rosacea (Sterrer 1970) and Pterognathia ctenifera (Sterrer 1970). Fifteen species are new to science, including three that represent two new genera: Cosmognathia arcus gen. et sp.n., Cosmognathia bastillae sp.n., Pterognathia crocodilus sp.n., Pterognathia vilii sp.n., Agnathiella sp., Tenuignathia vitiensis sp.n., Ratugnathia mukuluvae gen . et sp.n., Gnathostomula salotae sp.n., Gnathostomula raji sp.n., Gnathostomula maorica sp.n., Austrognathia singatokae sp.n., Austrognathia nannulifera sp.n., Austrognathia novaezelandiae sp.n., Austrognatharia homunculus sp.n., and Austrognatharia pecten sp.n.  相似文献   

Three new species of the genus Hexabathynella , H. otayana sp. n., H. hessleri sp. n. and H. muliebris sp. n., from North America are described. A comparison with previous studies results in the reevaluation of characters already known and the discovery of new constitutive characters. The distal spine of the mandibular spine row is regarded as a synapomorphy of the three new species and two previously known species, H. knoepffleri , H. minuta , which constitute a monophyletic group within the genus, the knoepffleri-group. The phylogenetic relationships between the five species are depicted with a cladogram. The setation on the uropodal exopod is shown to be not only a new unique character for the genus, but also a significant one in classifying its species. The presence of the ancestor species of the genus before the Triassic and dispersal during Mesozoic continental drift are assumed to explain the transatlantic occurrence of the knoepffleri-group and the distribution pattern of the other species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A unique group of entodiniomorph protozoa was found in forestomach contents from quokka ( Setonix brachyurus ), western grey kangaroo ( Macropus fuliginosus ), red kangaroo ( Macropus rufus ) and euro ( Macropus robustus erubescens ). A new genus, Macropodinium n.g., containing five new species, is described. Three species are described from forestomach contents of the quokka: Macropodinium baldense n. sp., Macropodinium moiri n. sp. and Macropodinium setonixum n. sp. A single species, Macropodinium ennuensis n. sp., is described from the red kangaroo and euro. The last species, Macropodinium yalanbense n. sp., is described in forestomach contents from the western grey kangaroo. At least three distinct features in the new genus are incompatible with any of the described families in the order Entodiniomorphida. On this basis, the new family Macropodiniidae has been created.  相似文献   

Ciliates are highly diverse in the benthos where there are rare species to be unrevealed and described. By isolating species during successive and diversified cultivations, we discovered several new and interesting taxa from the top layer sediment of a muddy site in the Ganghwa tidal flat. These include three new species Spirodysteria ganghwaensis n. sp., Uronemella parafilificum n. sp., Zosterodasys minuta n. sp., and one poorly known form Loxophyllum chaetonotumBorror 1965. The morphology of live cells and infraciliature of these four species are described based on living observations, protargol impregnations, and morphometrics. Diagnoses and improved definitions are also provided. The newly established genus Spirodysteria n. g. differs from Dysteria mainly in its spirally twisted body shape. Spirodysteria kahli (Tucolesco 1962) n. comb. (formerly Dysteria kahliTucolesco 1962) has been included in this new genus.  相似文献   

Seventeen species of marine nemerteans are reported from Rottnest Island, Western Australia. Eight new species and four new genera are described and illustrated; these are the heteronemerteans Kohnia rottnestensis gen. et sp. n., Lineus bioculatus sp. n., Lineus gilviceps sp. n., Micrura callima sp. n. and Uricholemma nigricans gen. et sp. n., and the monostiliferous hoplonemerteans Aenigmanemertes norenburgi gen. et spn. n., Crybelonemertes arenicolus gen. et sp. n. and Tetrastemma tristibruna sp. n. A key for the field identification of the nemerteans of Rottnest Island is provided.  相似文献   

Eight nematode species of the order Monhysterida are described from the East Flower Garden at 72 m depth in the north–western Gulf of Mexico. The material is from sandy and rocky bottom samples influenced or beyond the influence o f a sulphide–rich brine seep. Seven species are new to science: Monhystera anoxybiotica sp.n., Gonionchus intermedius sp.n., Theristus (Theristus) coplatus sp.n., Theristus (Theristus) rezaki sp.n., Xyala oxybiotica spa., Desmolaimoides thiobioticus gen. et sp.n. and Linhomoeus gittingsi sp.n. Specimens of a Linhomoeus species are also described. The species is probably new to science, but the available material only includes females and juveniles.  相似文献   

Sixteen nematode species of the order Chromadorida are described from the East Flower Garden at 72 m depth in the north-western Gulf of Mexico. The material is from sandy bottom samples influenced or beyond the influence of a sulphide-rich brine seep. Fifteen species are new to science: Acantholaimus quadridentatus sp.n., Prochromadorella papillata sp.n., Austranema mexicanum sp.n., Rhips anoxybiotica sp.n., Filitonchoides thiobioticus gen. et sp.n., Paracyatholaimus spinulaosus sp.n., Marylynnia punctata sp.n., Marylynnia johanseni sp.n., Acanthopharyngoides bidentatus sp.n., Desmodora (Croconema)punctata sp.n., Desmodora (Desmodora) curvispiculum sp.n., Desmodora (Pseudochromadora) bulbosa sp.n., Chromaspirinia longisetosa sp.n., Prochaetosoma brighti sp.n. and Ixonema powelli sp.n. A specimen of Bathyepsilonema is also described and is probably new to science, but the available material only includes a female.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This report deals with a group of ciliated protozoa with short ciliary bands found mainly in the cecum of black rhinoceros, Diceros bicornis (Linnaeus, 1758), and white rhinoceros, Ceratotherium simum (Burchell, 1817) from southern Africa. A new genus, Rhinozeta , based on the sum total of the characteristics of seven new related species is described. The species described are R. rhinozeta n. sp., R. triciliata n. sp., R. caecalis n. sp., R. addoensis n. sp., R. cristata n. sp., R. multiplatus n. sp., and R. unilaminatus n. sp. The specific features of the new genus make it incompatible with any of the known families of the Order Entodiniomorphida containing the ciliates present in the digestive tract of herbivorous mammals. This merits the creation of a new family, the Rhinozetidae.  相似文献   

This report deals with a group of ciliated protozoa with short ciliary bands found mainly in the cecum of black rhinoceros, Diceros bicornis (linnaeus, 1758), and white rhinoceros, Ceratotherium simum (Burchell, 1817) from southern Africa. A new genus, Rhinozeta, based on the sum total of the characteristics of seven new related species is described. The species described are R. rhinozeta n. sp., R. triciliata n. sp., R. caecalis n. sp., R. addoensis n. sp., R. cristata n. sp., R. multiplatus n. sp., and R. unilaminatus n. sp. The specific features of the new genus make it incompatible with any of the known families of the Order Entodiniomorphida containing the ciliates present in the digestive tract of herbivorous mammals. This merits the creation of a new family, the Rhinozetidae.  相似文献   

Seven of the ten Liphistius species already known from Thailand and Burma are characterized; three new species, L. lannaianus sp.n., L. marginatus sp.n., L. thaleban sp.n., and the males of L. lordac Platnick & Scdgwiek and L. niphanae Ono are described. Taxonomy and relationships are discussed; considerable variation in female internal genitalia is shown. Notes are given on natural history, distribution, burrow structure, phenology and behaviour.  相似文献   

Seven new pipunculid species are described from Papua New Guinea: Cephalosphaera gymne sp.n., C. immodica sp.n. C. wauensis sp.n., Cephalops bifidus sp.n., C. multidenticulatus sp.n., C. papuaensis sp.n., and C. parmatus sp.n. Cephalops argutus (Hardy) is considered as a true Beckerias sp. and thus placed in a new combination: Beckerias argutus. The phylogenetic relationship of the new species is shortly discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Two new monogenean species have been studied: Pseudodiplectanum megacirrus n.sp. and P. spinosum n.sp., branchial parasites of Galeoides decadactylus (Bloch, 1795) (Teleostei, Polynemidae) from the coasts of Gabon. P. megacirrus is characterized by the large size of its cirrus and P. spinosum has an haptoral peduncle armed with strong spines.Comparison of these species with those already described allows a more precise definition of the genus.  相似文献   

Ancilibracon gen.n. (type species: Ancilinracon townesi sp.n.). Ancilibracon bakeri sp.n., Gelasinibracon gen.n. (type species: Gelasinibracon sedlaceki sp.n.), Gelasinibracon simplicicaudatus sp.n., Esengoides gen.n. (type species: Esengoides crentdatus sp.n.) and Esengoides fulvus sp.n. are each described and illustrated. Ancilibracon towensi is from Malaysia. A. bakeri is from Borneo, both Gelasinibracon species are from Guinéa, E. crenulatus is from the solomon Islands and E. fulvus is from Australia. These three new genera belong to the Plesiobrscon Cameron group of the Braconina. Their relationship are discussed.  相似文献   

The earliest Permian faunal successions of central Patagonia show compositional changes that probably reflected the environmental warming at the end of the Gondwana glaciations. Bivalves of Asselian to probably Early Tastubian age are described. A new genus,Sueroa, is proposed to reunite a previously known species and a new species,Sueroa andreisi n. sp. Another five new species:Parallelodon? quichaurensis n. sp.,Heteropecten cortignasi n. sp.,Etheripecten saraviae n. sp.,Streblopteria montgomeryi n. sp. andPraeundulomya moreli n. sp. are described. Two previously known species:Malimania patagoniensis (González) andEuchondria sabattiniae González are revised and new occurrences are reported. A further eleven species are described, but they are left in open nomenclature being because they are insufficiently known; these are:Phestia? n. sp.,Modiolus sp.,Palaeoneilo sp.,Stutchburia sp.,Schizodus sp.,Vacunella? sp.,Edmondia sp.,Myonia? n. sp.,Myonia? sp. andPachymyonia? n. sp.  相似文献   

The African forest dwelling Hemiacridine grasshopper genus Kassongia I. Bolivar, 1908, is revised. Keys are provided to the males of the species and subspecies. Three new species, maculifemur sp.n., rufogeniculata sp.n., subfuscata sp.n., and one subspecies, flavovittata microptera subsp.n., are described.
Labidioloryma gen.n., with type-species Labidioloryma strictoforcepts sp.n. from Malawi, is described and allocated to the Loryma genus-group ( sensu Brown, 1959, 1973).  相似文献   

Four new species of the ostracod genus Gomphocythere are described from Lake Tanganyika (East Africa): Gomphocythere downingi n. sp. G. coheni n. sp., G. wilsoni n. sp., and G. woutersi n. sp. All species are endemic to the lake and are found within a variety of substrates and depths. The addition of these four new species brings the total number of endemic Gomphocythere species in Lake Tanganyika to nine. Other Gomphocythere species are known from water bodies throughout East and South Africa and in the Levant. Brooding is an important, but not a unique, preadaptation for the persistence and taxic prolific speciation of this lineage in Lake Tanganyika.  相似文献   

Three new species of the lithodid genus Paralomis from the Sulawesi (Celebes) Islands, P. ochthodes sp.n., Chilean coast, P. tuberipes sp.n., and Antarctic Ocean, P. birsteini sp.n., are described and illustrated. The first two species have features that set them well apart from other species of the genus. Characters are also given to distinguish P. birsteini from the closely allied P. spectabilis Hansen (North Atlantic).  相似文献   

In this paper, twelve insidiosus-group species of the genus Metaphycus Mercet from China are reviewed. Five species, M. corniae sp. n., M. cylindricus sp. n., M. deltoideus sp. n., M. transversus sp. n. and M. yaanensis sp. n., are described as new to science. A key to the females of these species is given to facilitate species recognition. Photomicrographs are provided to illustrate morphological characters of these species. All specimens, unless otherwise specified, are deposited in the National Zoological Museum of China, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing.  相似文献   

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