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我国放线菌系统学研究历史、现状及未来发展趋势   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
放线菌系统学是以实现对放线菌进行分类、鉴定、命名为目标的基础学科, 因此它是放线菌资源研究和开发利用的重要理论基础。自20世纪50年代起, 我国放线菌系统学的奠基人阎逊初院士及同事们就开创了我国放线菌系统学的研究, 经过近六十年、几代人的艰苦努力, 我国放线菌系统学工作者在国际微生物系统学权威杂志(International Journal of Systematics and Evolutionary of Microbiology, IJSEM)发表的有关放线菌新分类单元的论文数量连续十年排名稳居前列, 部分学者在国际上发表的某些改良的分类技术和新修订的分类系统等为国际同行所广泛采用, 这些均标志着我国放线菌系统学研究在国际上已成为微生物系统学界的一支重要力量。本文全面介绍了我国放线菌系统学研究的发展历程, 同时对其发展现状给予理性分析, 并就未来发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

This article uses content analysis to review policies and relevant documents that promote or hinder the generation and use of biodiversity data in Eastern Africa. The review found that all countries in the region are committed to international and regional conventions that emphasize the protection and conservation of biodiversity. Some of the other drivers for biodiversity informatics include countries’ national biodiversity related policies although there are few, which highlight the need for biodiversity data management systems. However, the existing policies are deficient in terms of policies for biodiversity data management. Suggestions to ensure the success of biodiversity informatics in East Africa include: (i) Avoiding overlaps but promoting complementarities within and/or between different institutions and stakeholders involved in biodiversity conservation; (ii) Putting in place clear, complete and simple policy documents pertaining to biodiversity data management.  相似文献   

Lessons from the past: forests and biodiversity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The biodiversity of forested regions today is the result of complex historical interactions among physical, biological, and social forces over time, often heavily influenced by cycles of various sorts. Fire, agriculture technology, and trade have been particularly powerful human influences on forests. Virtually all of our planet's forests have been affected by the cultural patterns of human use, and the resulting landscape is an ever-changing mosaic of unmanaged and managed patches of habitat, which vary in size, shape, and arrangement. Because chance factors, human influence and small climatic variation can cause very substantial changes in vegetation, the biodiversity for any given landscape will vary substantially over any significant time period- and no one variant is necessarily more natural than the others. This implies that biodiversity conservation efforts may need to give greater attention to ecosystem processes than to ecosystem products. A review of historical evidence shows that past civilizations have tended to over-exploit their forests, and that such abuse of important resources has been a significant factor in the decline of the over-exploiting society. It appears that the best way to maintain biodiversity in forest ecosystems in the late 20th Century is through a combination of strictly protected areas (carefully selected on the basis of clearly defined criteria), multiple-use areas managed by local people, natural forests extensively managed for sustainable yield of logs and other products and services, and forest plantations intensively managed for the wood products needed by society. This diversity of approaches and uses will provide humanity with the widest range of options, the greatest diversity of opportunities, for adapting to the cyclical changes which are certain to continue.  相似文献   

The remarkable biodiversity of the Brazilian Amazon is poorly documented and threatened by deforestation. When undocumented areas become deforested, in addition to losing the fauna and flora, we lose the opportunity to know which unique species had occupied a habitat. Here we quantify such knowledge loss by calculating how much of the Brazilian Amazon has been deforested and will likely be deforested until 2050 without having its tree flora sufficiently documented. To this end, we analysed 399 147 digital specimens of nearly 6000 tree species in relation to official deforestation statistics and future deforestation scenarios. We find that by 2017, 30% of all the localities where tree specimens had been collected were mostly deforested. Some 300 000 km2 (12%; 485 25 × 25 km grid cells) of the Brazilian Amazon had been deforested by 2017, without having a single tree specimen recorded. An additional 250 000–900 000 km2 of severely under-collected rainforest will likely become deforested by 2050. If future tree sampling is to cover this area, sampling effort has to increase two- to six-fold. Nearly 255 000 km2 or 7% of rainforest in the Brazilian Amazon is easily accessible but does yet but remain under-collected. Our study highlights how progressing deforestation increases the risk of losing undocumented species of a hyper-diverse tree flora.  相似文献   

Human domination of the Earth has resulted in dramatic changes to global and local patterns of biodiversity. Biodiversity is critical to human sustainability because it drives the ecosystem services that provide the core of our life-support system. As we, the human species, are the primary factor leading to the decline in biodiversity, we need detailed information about the biodiversity and species composition of specific locations in order to understand how different species contribute to ecosystem services and how humans can sustainably conserve and manage biodiversity. Taxonomy and ecology, two fundamental sciences that generate the knowledge about biodiversity, are associated with a number of limitations that prevent them from providing the information needed to fully understand the relevance of biodiversity in its entirety for human sustainability: (1) biodiversity conservation strategies that tend to be overly focused on research and policy on a global scale with little impact on local biodiversity; (2) the small knowledge base of extant global biodiversity; (3) a lack of much-needed site-specific data on the species composition of communities in human-dominated landscapes, which hinders ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation; (4) biodiversity studies with a lack of taxonomic precision; (5) a lack of taxonomic expertise and trained taxonomists; (6) a taxonomic bottleneck in biodiversity inventory and assessment; and (7) neglect of taxonomic resources and a lack of taxonomic service infrastructure for biodiversity science. These limitations are directly related to contemporary trends in research, conservation strategies, environmental stewardship, environmental education, sustainable development, and local site-specific conservation. Today’s biological knowledge is built on the known global biodiversity, which represents barely 20% of what is currently extant (commonly accepted estimate of 10 million species) on planet Earth. Much remains unexplored and unknown, particularly in hotspots regions of Africa, South Eastern Asia, and South and Central America, including many developing or underdeveloped countries, where localized biodiversity is scarcely studied or described. "Backyard biodiversity", defined as local biodiversity near human habitation, refers to the natural resources and capital for ecosystem services at the grassroots level, which urgently needs to be explored, documented, and conserved as it is the backbone of sustainable economic development in these countries. Beginning with early identification and documentation of local flora and fauna, taxonomy has documented global biodiversity and natural history based on the collection of "backyard biodiversity" specimens worldwide. However, this branch of science suffered a continuous decline in the latter half of the twentieth century, and has now reached a point of potential demise. At present there are very few professional taxonomists and trained local parataxonomists worldwide, while the need for, and demands on, taxonomic services by conservation and resource management communities are rapidly increasing. Systematic collections, the material basis of biodiversity information, have been neglected and abandoned, particularly at institutions of higher learning. Considering the rapid increase in the human population and urbanization, human sustainability requires new conceptual and practical approaches to refocusing and energizing the study of the biodiversity that is the core of natural resources for sustainable development and biotic capital for sustaining our life-support system. In this paper we aim to document and extrapolate the essence of biodiversity, discuss the state and nature of taxonomic demise, the trends of recent biodiversity studies, and suggest reasonable approaches to a biodiversity science to facilitate the expansion of global biodiversity knowledge and to create useful data on backyard biodiversity worldwide towards human sustainability.  相似文献   

The discovery of receptor-activity-modifying proteins (RAMPs) as accessory proteins required for the appropriate localization and function of certain G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) produced a paradigm shift in our understanding of GPCR regulation. Three RAMPs have now been demonstrated to be crucial for various aspects of the life cycle of calcitonin-like receptor (CLR) including endoplasmic reticulum-to-Golgi translocation, internalization and recycling. Although the RAMP-CLR interaction was the first to be identified, other GPCRs belonging to both the class B and C families of GPCRs also seem to be regulated by RAMPs. The recent advances in our knowledge of the cellular and biochemical regulation of RAMPs and how they in turn regulate the life cycle of GPCRs could lead to therapeutic advances in several diseases.  相似文献   

The noble radish: past,present and future   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recent developments in plant biotechnology have revealed that radish can be genetically modified by a technique called "floral-dipping". This system has been used successfully to delay both bolting and flowering in radish by the co-suppression of the photoperiodic gene, GIGANTEA. Future research could use this system to improve the pharmaceutical value of the crop for global usage.  相似文献   

Meta-analysis: the past, present and future   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

台湾生物多样性资料整合之经验与策略   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
台湾生物多样性数据库之整合从2001年开始, 是因为数位典藏计划、生物多样性推动方案, 及台湾加入全球生物多样性信息网络(Global Biodiversity Information Facility, GBIF), 均在这一年启动。2002年“中研院”开始建置台湾物种名录数据库(TaiBNET), GBIF之台湾入口网TaiBIF则是在2004年时建置, 用来整合台湾生物多样性的资料并与国际接轨。所采用之方法及格式均依循GBIF所发展的交换标准, 一来可以整合台湾的数据, 二来可及时与国际交换数据。虽然TaiBNET及TaiBIF已突破智慧财产权(知识产权)的障碍, 可搜集整合数位典藏各子计划逐年累积的资料, 但跨部门间及非数位典藏计划所产生的数据, 仍因各单位及个人的本位主义而难以整合分享, 特别是生态分布原始数据。因此2008年在“中研院”成立了跨主管部门的委员会, 制订可行之资料搜集、整合与公开的政策, 并要求各主管部门在委办合约中纳入。无人否认数据库整合的重要, 但在现行对研究人员考评制度下, 研究人员大多不愿投入数据库建置的学术服务工作, 所获得的人力与经费亦日益短缺而难以永续经营。亟需相关部门的重视与支持。TaiBIF在过去6年来的推动成果虽未臻理想, 但所获的经验和心得仍有可供外界参考与借镜之处。  相似文献   

On 12-15 May 2011, a diverse group of students, researchers and practitioners from across Canada and around the world met in Banff, Alberta, to discuss the many facets of biodiversity science at the 6th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution.  相似文献   

Chitosomes: past, present and future   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
José Ruiz-Herrera's discovery that chitin microfibrils could be made by a fungal extract paved the way for elucidating the intracellular location of chitin synthetase. In collaboration with Charles Bracker, chitosomes were identified as the major reservoir of chitin synthetase in fungi. Unique in size, buoyant density, and membrane thickness, chitosomes were found in a wide range of fungi. Their reversible dissociation into 16S subunits is another unique property of chitosomes. These 16S subunits are the smallest molecular entities known to retain chitin synthetase activity. Further dissociation leads to complete loss of activity. From studies with secretory mutants, yeast researchers concluded that chitosomes were components of the endocytosis pathway. However, key structural and enzymatic characteristics argue in favor of the chitosome being poised for exocytotic delivery rather than endocytotic recycling. The chitosome represents the main vehicle for delivering chitin synthetase to the cell surface. An immediate challenge is to elucidate chitosome ontogeny and the role of proteins encoded by the reported chitin synthetase genes in the structure or function of chitosomes. The ultimate challenge would be to understand how the chitosome integrates with the cell surface to construct the organized microfibrillar skeleton of the fungal cell wall.  相似文献   

Ranavirus: past, present and future   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Emerging infectious diseases are a significant threat to global biodiversity. While historically overlooked, a group of iridoviruses in the genus Ranavirus has been responsible for die-offs in captive and wild amphibian, reptile and fish populations around the globe over the past two decades. In order to share contemporary information on ranaviruses and identify critical research directions, the First International Symposium on Ranaviruses was held in July 2011 in Minneapolis, MN, USA. Twenty-three scientists and veterinarians from nine countries examined the ecology and evolution of ranavirus-host interactions, potential reservoirs, transmission dynamics, as well as immunological and histopathological responses to infection. In addition, speakers discussed possible mechanisms for die-offs, and conservation strategies to control outbreaks.  相似文献   

Society has been seeking ways to express biodiversity's value to stimulate its protection. Economic valuation of ecosystem services has had limited success to motivate biodiversity protection and reaching the EU 2020 biodiversity strategy targets is in danger of failure. The expression of biodiversity's value in policy documents thus becomes a topic of discussion, because it greatly influences the ways policy makers think about environmental problems. We present an analysis of the word use related to biodiversity conservation versus ecosystem services in the environment themes of the FP7 and Horizon 2020 research work programs of the European Commission in the period of 2007–2014, and the projects accepted under these themes. We conclude first that biodiversity was lost as a topic in the transition from FP7 to Horizon 2020, accompanied by a three-quarters loss of biodiversity topics in the projects accepted under these research work programs. Moreover, the use of ‘ecosystem services’ was 1.5 times higher at the end of that period compared to the beginning in the research work programs, to the detriment of the use of ‘sustainability’ and ‘conservation’ which halved during that same period. In the light of international commitments to biodiversity conservation, the focus toward ecosystem services and away from conservation is of great concern.  相似文献   

The KRAS oncogene: past, present, and future   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

The SNP Consortium website (http://snp.cshl.org) has undergone many changes since its initial conception three years ago. The database back end has been changed from the venerable ACeDB to the more scalable MySQL engine. Users can access the data via gene or single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) keyword searches and browse or dump SNP data to textfiles. A graphical genome browsing interface shows SNPs mapped onto the genome assembly in the context of externally available gene predictions and other features. SNP allele frequency and genotype data are available via FTP-download and on individual SNP report web pages. SNP linkage maps are available for download and for browsing in a comparative map viewer. All software components of the data coordinating center (DCC) website (http://snp.cshl.org) are open source.  相似文献   

The relationship between biodiversity and each ecosystem service or bundle of ecosystem services (e.g. win−win, win−lose or win−neutral) is an active field of research that requires structured and consistent information. The application of that research for conservation and decision-making can be hampered by the ambiguity found in the definition of the nursery function under the ecosystem service perspective. In this paper, we review how the role of nursery habitats is included in the ecosystem services literature, covering conceptual, biophysical and economic reflections. The role of ecosystems as nurseries is mostly analyzed in coastal environments. The main observation is that there is no consensus on the consideration of the nursery function as a service (e.g. which species or habitats) or on how to assess it (e.g. which indicators or valuation methods). After that review, we analyze three different interpretations given to the nursery function, namely the ecological, conservationist and economic point of view; and we distinguish between different types of assessment that may consider the nursery function.We conclude that the nursery function can be considered an ecosystem service on its own right when it is linked to a concrete human benefit and not when it is represented with indicators of general biodiversity or ecosystem condition. Thus, the analysis of the delivery of ecosystem services should be differentiated from the analysis of ecological integrity. Only with this distinction science may be able to quantify the link between biodiversity and ecosystem services and policy may be effective in halting biodiversity loss. Similar considerations could apply for other biodiversity constituents that may be treated as ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Biometeorology in Austria has been shaped by concepts, personalities, and technology. In early times, the branches of biometeorology that are usual today were already evident: agricultural and forest meteorology, phenology, medical biometeorology and balneology, aerial biometeorology, urban housing and stabling meteorology all started to emerge several centuries ago. From the 1920 up to 1936, Wilhelm Schmidt at the Agricultural University of Austria laid the foundations of modern biometeorology. He was followed by Franz Sauberer, who headed a Department of Biometeorology at the National Weather Service and devoted his active life totally to biometeorology. Several years after his untimely death, the Department was dissolved. Not until 1981 was biometeorology taken up again at the Agricultural University, where the tradition of Schmidt and Sauberer now lives on in several courses within the area of applied biometeorology: Micro-and Topoclimatology, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology and Atmospheric Radiation. Biometeorology, being an experimental science, has also been influenced by new technological developments. The early period was exclusively observational. During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries mechanical and simple electric instruments were used with strip-chart recorders. These time consuming methods have now been replaced by electronic devices, including data loggers and portable computers along with many new electronic sensors, which provide additional insight into biometeorological problems. Since computers also make it possible to solve some of the complicated equations of biometeorology, the future of this science seems to be bright, not only in Austria but throughout the world.  相似文献   

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