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Summary A disturbance of the X chromosome inactivation process has been demonstrated in some human tumors. In order to study this phenomenon in leukemia, the site of unusually frequent folding in Xq13-q21 was used as a morphological marker. A total of 858 GTG-banded mitoses from 61 women with different hematological malignancies were analyzed, 35 of them with normal karyotype and 26 with chromosome aberrations. The folding patterns and the fold percentage remained unchanged in our patients. Using this marker, X-inactivation could easily be verified in leukemia and related disorders on routine preparations.  相似文献   

线粒体DNA突变与相关人类疾病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈刚  杜卫东  曹慧敏 《遗传》2007,29(11):1299-1308
在过去的20年里, 人们发现线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA, mtDNA)突变与多种人类疾病相关, 其致病范围从单器官组织损害到多系统受累。文章目的在于探讨mtDNA突变与人类疾病的关系。文章重点论述: (1)线粒体遗传学特征; (2) mtDNA突变与人类遗传性疾病; (3)体细胞mtDNA突变在衰老和肿瘤中的作用; (4)mtDNA疾病的诊断和治疗。  相似文献   

Keratins, the major structural protein of all epithelia are a diverse group of cytoskeletal scaffolding proteins that form intermediate filament networks, providing structural support to keratinocytes that maintain the integrity of the skin. Expression of keratin genes is usually regulated by differentiation of the epidermal cells within the stratifying squamous epithelium. Amongst the 54 known functional keratin genes in humans, about 22 different genes including, the cornea, hair and hair follicle-specific keratins have been implicated in a wide range of hereditary diseases. The exact phenotype of each disease usually reflects the spatial expression level and the types of mutated keratin genes, the location of the mutations and their consequences at sub-cellular levels as well as other epigenetic and/or environmental factors. The identification of specific pathogenic mutations in keratin disorders formed the basis of our understanding that led to re-classification, improved diagnosis with prognostic implications, prenatal testing and genetic counseling in severe keratin genodermatoses. Molecular defects in cutaneous keratin genes encoding for keratin intermediate filaments (KIFs) causes keratinocytes and tissue-specific fragility, accounting for a large number of genetic disorders in human skin and its appendages. These diseases are characterized by keratinocytes fragility (cytolysis), intra-epidermal blistering, hyperkeratosis, and keratin filament aggregation in severely affected tissues. Examples include epidermolysis bullosa simplex (EBS; K5, K14), keratinopathic ichthyosis (KPI; K1, K2, K10) i.e. epidermolytic ichthyosis (EI; K1, K10) and ichthyosis bullosa of Siemens (IBS; K2), pachyonychia congenita (PC; K6a, K6b, K16, K17), epidermolytic palmo-plantar keratoderma (EPPK; K9, (K1)), monilethrix (K81, K83, K86), ectodermal dysplasia (ED; K85) and steatocystoma multiplex. These keratins also have been identified to have roles in apoptosis, cell proliferation, wound healing, tissue polarity and remodeling. This review summarizes and discusses the clinical, ultrastructural, molecular genetics and biochemical characteristics of a broad spectrum of keratin-related genodermatoses, with special clinical emphasis on EBS, EI and PC. We also highlight current and emerging model tools for prognostic future therapies. Hopefully, disease modeling and in-depth understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of the diseases may lead to the development of novel therapies for several hereditary cutaneous diseases.  相似文献   

The human R-ras gene was isolated by low-stringency hybridization with a v-H-ras probe. The predicted 218 amino acid R-ras protein has an amino-terminal extension of 26 residues compared with H-ras p21, and shows 55% amino acid identity; conserved domains include the p21 GTP-binding site and the carboxy-terminal membrane localization sequence. R-ras has at least six exons, with the position of the first intron conserved relative to the Drosophila ras64B and Dictyostelium ras genes; there is no similarity in the exon-intron structure of the R-ras gene and of the mammalian H-, K-, and N-ras proto-oncogenes. Cloned mouse R-ras cDNAs exhibit 88% nucleotide and 94.5% predicted amino acid identity to human R-ras. Human R-ras was localized to chromosome 19, a site different from ras p21 genes. Mouse R-ras is syntenic with c-H-ras on chromosome 7.  相似文献   

The ras gene family and human carcinogenesis   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
J L Bos 《Mutation research》1988,195(3):255-271
It has been well established that specific alterations in members of the ras gene family, H-ras, K-ras and N-ras, can convert them into active oncogenes. These alterations are either point mutations occurring in either codon 12, 13 or 61 or, alternatively, a 5- to 50-fold amplification of the wild-type gene. Activated ras oncogenes have been found in a significant proportion of all tumors but the incidence varies considerably with the tumor type: it is relatively frequent (20-40%) in colorectal cancer and acute myeloid leukemia, but absent or present only rarely in, for example, breast tumors and stomach cancer. No correlation has been found, yet, between the presence of absence of an activated ras gene and the clinical or biological features of the malignancy. The activation of ras oncogenes is only one step in the multistep process of tumor formation. The presence of mutated ras genes in benign polyps of the colon indicates that activation can be an early event, possibly even the initiating event. However, it can also occur later in the course of carcinogenesis to initiate for instance the transition of a benign polyp of the colon into a malignant carcinoma or to convert a primary melanoma into a metastatic tumor. Apparently, the activation of ras genes is not an obligatory event but when it occurs it can contribute to both early and advanced stages of human carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

DNA transfection analyses (tumorigenicity assay) and hybridization to mutation specific oligonucleotide probes established point mutations in codon 61 of both, N-ras and Ki-ras genes in fresh leukemic cells of an AML patient. Concurrent activation of N-ras and Ki-ras sequences by point mutations in codons 12 were demonstrated for AML cell line Rc2a. Moreover, using a rapid and sensitive dot-blot screening procedure based on the combination of in vitro amplification of ras specific sequences and oligonucleotide hybridization we could show that ras gene activation was not present in primary leukemic cells of the patient this cell line had been derived from, but rather occurred during later passages of Rc2a.  相似文献   



Noonan syndrome (NS) and Noonan syndrome with multiple lentigines (NSML) are autosomal dominant developmental disorders. NS and NSML are caused by abnormalities in genes that encode proteins related to the RAS-MAPK pathway, including PTPN11, RAF1, BRAF, and MAP2K. In this study, we diagnosed ten NS or NSML patients via targeted sequencing or whole exome sequencing (TS/WES).


TS/WES was performed to identify mutations in ten Chinese patients who exhibited the following manifestations: potential facial dysmorphisms, short stature, congenital heart defects, and developmental delay. Sanger sequencing was used to confirm the suspected pathological variants in the patients and their family members.


TS/WES revealed three mutations in the PTPN11 gene, three mutations in RAF1 gene, and four mutations in BRAF gene in the NS and NSML patients who were previously diagnosed based on the abovementioned clinical features. All the identified mutations were determined to be de novo mutations. However, two patients who carried the same mutation in the RAF1 gene presented different clinical features. One patient with multiple lentigines was diagnosed with NSML, while the other patient without lentigines was diagnosed with NS. In addition, a patient who carried a hotspot mutation in the BRAF gene was diagnosed with NS instead of cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome (CFCS).


TS/WES has emerged as a useful tool for definitive diagnosis and accurate genetic counseling of atypical cases. In this study, we analyzed ten Chinese patients diagnosed with NS and related disorders and identified their correspondingPTPN11, RAF1, and BRAF mutations. Among the target genes, BRAF showed the same degree of correlation with NS incidence as that of PTPN11 or RAF1.

A mutation detection strategy based on multiplex PCR followed by multiplex allele-specific oligonucleotide probe ligation was developed to detect single nucleotide substitutions in ras oncogenes, a common genetic abnormality in many human cancers. Mutation-specific probes are synthesized for each possible single-base, nonsilent mutation in codons 12, 13, and 61 of H-, K-, and N-ras oncogenes. Mutations are identified by competitive oligonucleotide probe ligation to detect normal and /or mutant genotypes in one reaction. Three probes (one common and two allelic probes) are needed for analysis of each mutation. Probes hybridized to target ras oncogene DNA are joined by a thermostable ligase if there are no mismatches at their junctions; temperature cycling results in a linear increase in product. Common probes are labeled with fluorochromes, and allelic probes each have different lengths. Ligation products are analyzed by denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis on a fluorescent DNA sequencer. We have applied this technology to identify ras mutations in pancreatic cancers and lung cancers and in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes and leukemias.  相似文献   

Point mutations of ras oncogenes are an early event in thyroid tumorigenesis   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Identifying the nature of the genetic mutations in thyroid neoplasms and their prevalence in the various tumor phenotypes is critical to understanding their pathogenesis. Mutational activation of ras oncogenes in human tumors occurs predominantly through point mutations in two functional regions of the molecules, codons 12, 13 (GTP-binding domain) or codon 61 (GTPase domain). We examined the prevalence of point mutations in codons 12, 13, and 61 of the oncogenes K-ras, N-ras, and H-ras in benign and malignant human thyroid tumors by hybridization of PCR-amplified tumor DNA with synthetic oligodeoxynucleotide probes. None of the eight normal thyroid tissues harbored point mutations. Four of nineteen nodules from multinodular goiters (21%), 6/24 microfollicular adenomas (25%), 3/14 papillary carcinomas (21%), and 0/3 follicular carcinomas contained ras point mutations. The predominant mutation was a valine for glycine substitution in codon 12 of H-ras. None of the multinodular goiter tumors known to be polyclonal (and thus due to hyperplasia) had point mutations, whereas one of the two monoclonal adenomas arising in nodular glands contained in H-ras codon 12 valine substitution, which was confirmed by sequencing the tumor DNA. These data show that ras activation is about equally prevalent in benign and malignant thyroid neoplasms, and thus may be an early event in the tumorigenic process.  相似文献   

Microsatellite expansions are the cause of >20 neurological or developmental human disorders. Shortening expanded repeats using specific DNA endonucleases may be envisioned as a gene editing approach. Here, we measured the efficacy of several CRISPR–Cas nucleases to induce recombination within disease-related microsatellites, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Broad variations in nuclease performances were detected on all repeat tracts. Wild-type Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 (SpCas9) was more efficient than Staphylococcus aureus Cas9 on all repeats tested, except (CAG)33. Cas12a (Cpf1) was the most efficient on GAA trinucleotide repeats, whereas GC-rich repeats were more efficiently cut by SpCas9. The main genetic factor underlying Cas efficacy was the propensity of the recognition part of the sgRNA to form a stable secondary structure, independently of its structural part. This suggests that such structures form in vivo and interfere with sgRNA metabolism. The yeast genome contains 221 natural CAG/CTG and GAA/CTT trinucleotide repeats. Deep sequencing after nuclease induction identified three of them as carrying statistically significant low frequency mutations, corresponding to SpCas9 off-target double-strand breaks.  相似文献   

The incidence and prevalence of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD) are increasing as the population ages. Both disorders have been associated with oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction, and it has been proposed that mutations in the mitochondrial genome have a key role in neurodegeneration in AD and PD patients. Two recent publications propose that heteroplasmic mtDNA mutations are involved in AD and PD. However, when these new studies are considered in relation to the sum of previous evidence, the role of mtDNA mutations in the development of either AD or PD still remains to be established.  相似文献   

Ross JA  Nesnow S 《Mutation research》1999,424(1-2):155-166
This review describes a series of studies on the tumorigenic activities of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in various experimental animal model systems, their abilities to form PAH-DNA adducts in target tissues, and their abilities to mutate ras oncogenes in PAH-induced tumors. The review is limited to those PAHs that do not contain nitrogen, for which ras mutations have been detected in induced tumors, and for which some information is available about the structures of the DNA adducts induced in the target tissue. In general, PAHs that form DNA adducts at deoxyadenosine induce mutations at codon 61, whereas those PAHs that form DNA adducts at deoxyguanosine primarily induce mutations at codons 12 or 13. Those PAHs that induce adducts at both bases induce both types of mutations. These correlations provide evidence for the involvement of adduct-directed mutations in ras in the etiology of these tumors. The induced mutation spectra in ras may in fact point back to the identity of the type of adduct formed.  相似文献   

Biochemical assays for ras mutations are capable of detecting a mutant allele only if it is present in at least 5% of cells tested. Further, ras mutation assays which utilize the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) are unable to distinguish a ras mutation in a small population of cells from mutations resulting from Taq DNA polymerase base misincorporation. We used a standard restriction fragment length polymorphism assay of PCR-amplified c-Ki-ras to detect codon 12 mutations in tumor cells and found a cumulative error frequency for Taq DNA polymerase of one codon 12 mutation per 2 X 10(4) molecules of total amplification product. The Taq polymerase-induced mutations were found to be multiple base transitions and represented a constant proportion of the amplification product at each step of the PCR. The ability to detect the in vitro generated mutation was dependent on the number of thermal cycles and the sensitivity of the detection assay. With these considerations in mind, we developed a two-step RFLP assay in which the thermal cycle number was kept low and molecules containing mutations at codon 12 were selectively amplified in the second step. We were able to detect a ras mutation occurring in 1 per 1000 cells (a two log improvement over standard RFLP methods) without detecting mutations resulting from Taq DNA polymerase infidelity.  相似文献   

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