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Summary Pattern of change in leaf character was assessed along the length and around the circumference of Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr. shoots of different length classes. Leaf size decreased, and number of leaves per unit length of shoot increased, with decrease in shoot length. Acropetally along the shoots, lamina length and width decreased, relative petiole length increased, apices became more pointed, and leaf margins bore more teeth. Around the shoot, from upper to side, and to lower surfaces, leaf size and number of marginal teeth in the proximal halves of leaves increased. These patterns were related both to production of preformed versus neoformed leaves, though their separation was indistinct, and to secondary orientation of leaves by twisting in their petiolar regions into two major bi-lateral ranks. An additional minor rank occurred along the upper surfaces of the shoots where secondary orientation of the leaves was minimal. Surface features of leaves did not differ in any obvious manner. Leaves on sylleptic shoots, which by definition were all neoformed, exhibited similar patterns, but were generally smaller than those on their parent shoots.  相似文献   

Summary Patterns of distribution of seed cones along the length and around the circumference of shoots were determined for young black spruce [Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.] trees aged 9–17 years. Seed cone production averaged 5, 30, 62, 95, and 112 per tree of ages 9, 11, 13, 15, and 17 years, respectively. Cone distribution was restricted to distal and medial 1-year-old branches at age 9 and spread to distal 3-year-old branches by age 17. Sequentially, shoots of 0–25, 26–100, 101–250, 251–325, and 326–375 mm bore more cones in terminal, distal, medial, proximal, and basal positions along shoots, respectively. The uppermost and longest distal 1-year-old shoots bore most of their cones proximally and medially. On the shortest and innermost proximal order 2 shoots, cones were often terminal. The percentages of cones borne on upper, lower, and each of the two side surfaces of shoots were 31, 22, and 21, respectively, and 5% of the cones were terminal. Cones on lower surfaces were most common on the longest shoots near the apex of trees. Cones on upper surfaces became prevalent downward and outward in the crown. On-shoot positioning therefore varied in a predictable manner with shoot length, and thus with pattern of shoot-length distribution in the crown.  相似文献   

Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr. forests of the southern Appalachian Mountains are currently facing imminent decline induced by a nonnative insect pest, the hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae Annand). To effectively manage these forest systems now and in the future, land managers need baseline data on forest structure and dynamics prior to large-scale Tsuga canadensis mortality. Most of our knowledge concerning the dynamics of Tsuga canadensis forests comes from more northern locations such as the Great Lakes region and New England and, therefore, may not pertain to the ecological systems found within the southern Appalachian Mountains. We examined the structure and canopy dynamics of four Tsuga canadensis forest stands within the Cataloochee watershed, in the far eastern part of Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP). We characterized the environmental settings and vertical forest layers, as well as the diameter and age-structures of each Tsuga canadensis forest stand. These environmental and structural data showed that there were indeed differences between forest stands with and without successful Tsuga canadensis regeneration. The two forest stands exhibiting successful Tsuga canadensis regeneration were located above 1,000 m in elevation on well-drained, moderately steep slopes and had the greatest canopy openness. Structural data from these two forest stands indicated a history of more continuous Tsuga canadensis regeneration. We also constructed disturbance chronologies detailing the history of canopy response to disturbance events and related these to Tsuga canadensis regeneration within each forest stand. Student t-tests adjusted for unequal variances indicated significant differences in the number of release events per tree between forest stands with and without successful Tsuga canadensis regeneration. While forest stands with successful Tsuga canadensis regeneration were more frequently disturbed by minor to major canopy disturbances, events of moderate intensity were found to be most significant in terms of regeneration. These data will be of value to land managers maintaining stands of Tsuga canadensis where treatment for hemlock woolly adelgid infestation has been successful. In areas where treatment is impractical or unsuccessful, land managers will be able to use these data to restore Tsuga canadensis forests after the wave of hemlock woolly adelgid induced mortality has passed. As of August 2008, Joshua A. Kincaid will be a member of the Environmental Studies program at Shenandoah University in Winchester, Virginia, USA  相似文献   

 We studied photosynthetic acclimation of eastern hemlock [Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr.] seedlings in the first month after sudden exposure of shade-grown seedlings to full sunlight. In a greenhouse experiment, seedlings were grown under full sun or 80% shade, and after 7 months, a sample of the shaded trees was transferred to full sun in the greenhouse. Photosynthetic responses of shaded, transferred, and sun trees were followed over the course of 26 days to track short to medium-term acclimation responses. A partial acclimation of photosynthesis at high light occurred in pre-existing (formed in the previous environment) and new foliage of transferred seedlings. This was associated with non-stomatal limitations to photosynthesis. Pre-existing foliage of transferred plants had a prolonged reduction in the ratio of variable to maximal fluorescence, and a limited capacity to adjust photochemical quenching or photosystem II quantum yield in the light to increasing light intensity compared to sun foliage, and apparently had some difficulty sustaining non-photochemical quenching. Seedling survival was only 58% among transferred seedlings, compared to 80% and 100% in the shade or sun groups, respectively. Photosystem II quantum yield in the light, and photochemical and non-photochemical quenching were similar between newly formed foliage of transferred and sun plants. These findings indicate that eastern hemlock depends strongly on the production of new foliage for photosynthetic adjustments to high light, and that development of photosynthetic competence may be a gradual process that occurs over successive foliar production cycles. Received: 12 May 1998 / Accepted: 27 July 1998  相似文献   

Summary Shoot development was investigated on branches of Larix laricina (Du Roi) K. Koch trees growing in their 8th year in two plantations and in a natural stand approximately 12 years old. Expansion of throughout-crown series of short and long shoots was measured weekly, and later colour change and natural fall of leaves were assessed. Similar shoots were collected at intervals and dissected, the long shoots by 25-leaf segments. Leaf area and weight, as well as time of bud formation, were determined. Increasing acropetal trends were evident in time to bud burst: duration of short-shoot leaf-cluster expansion; size of leaf clusters and number, area and weight of leaves per cluster; duration and rate of long-shoot elongation; number, area and weight of leaves on long shoots; time to terminal-bud formation on long shoots. Along each long shoot, stem and leaf elongation and lateral-axis formation progressed acropetally. Lateral axes were most numerous on second to fourth 25-leaf segments. On longer shoots, some axes in middle segments developed as sylleptic short shoots rather than as lateral buds. Leaves of short shoots and basal leaves on long shoots turned yellow and abscissed sooner than axial leaves on long shoots. Colour change and loss among axial leaves were acropetal along shoots and up the crown. Thus, last-formed leaves, in axils of some of which lastformed lateral buds occurred, were held longest.  相似文献   

Extension growth of willow (Salix viminalis L.) and changes in soil water were measured in lysimeters containing clay and sandy loam soils with different amendment and watering treatments. No water uptake was found below 0.3 m in the nutritionally poor unamended clay; amendment with organic matter to 0.4 m depth resulted in water extraction down to 0.5 m depth whereas in the sandy loam, there was greater extraction from all depths down to 0.6 m. With water stress, wilting of plants occurred when the volumetric soil water content at 0.1 m was about 31% in the clay and 22% in the sandy loam. Compared with shoots on plants in the amended clay, those in the unamended treatment showed reduced extension growth, little increase in stem basal area (SBA) and a small shoot leaf area, resulting from a reduced number of leaves shoot−1 and a small average area leaf−1. Water stress also reduced shoot extension growth, SBA gain and the leaf area on extension growth. Shoot growth rates were significantly correlated with air temperature and base temperatures between 2.0 and 7.6 °C were indicated for the different treatments. These studies have helped to explain some of the large treatment effects described previously on biomass production and plant leaf area.  相似文献   

The behavior of organelle nucleoids and cell nuclei was studied in the shoot apical meristem and developing first foliage leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana. Samples were embedded in Technovit 7100 resin, cut into thin sections and stained with 4-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole to observe DNA. Fluorimetry was performed using a video-intensified microscope photon-counting system. The DNA content of individual mitochondria was more than 1 Mbp in the shoot apical meristem and the young leaf primordium, and decreased to approximately 170 kbp in the mature foliage leaf. In contrast, the DNA content of individual plastids was low in the shoot apical meristem and increased until day 7 after sowing. Application of 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine, an analogue of thymidine, was usesd to investigate DNA synthesis in situ. The activities of DNA synthesis in the mitochondria and plastids changed according to the stage of development. Mitochondrial DNA was actively synthesized in the shoot apical meristem and young leaf primordia. This strongly suggests that the amount of mitochondrial DNA per mitochondrion, which has been synthesized in the shoot apical meristem and young leaf primordium, is gradually reduced due to continual divisions of the mitochondria during low levels of mitochondrial DNA synthesis. Synthesis of DNA in the plastid became active in the leaf primordia following DNA synthesis in the mitochondria, and the small plastids were filled with large plastid nucleotids. This enlargement of the plastid nucleoids occurred before the synthesis of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase and the development of thylakoids.Abbreviations BrdU 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine - DAPI 4-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole - DiOC6a 3,3-dihexyloxacarbocyanine - mtDNA mitochondrial DNA - mt-nucleoid mitochondrial nucleoid - ptDNA plastid DNA - pt-nucleoid plastid nucleoid - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase This work was supported by grant No. 2553 to M.F. and Nos. 04454019, 03304005 and 06262204 to T.K. from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan, and by a grant for a pioneering research project in biotechnology from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan.  相似文献   

Susan Grose  R. F. Lyndon 《Planta》1984,161(4):289-294
When plants of Silene coeli-rosa (L.) Godron were induced by seven long days, then exposed to darkness for 48 h before being returned to short days, they went on to initiate flowers with a delay of about 2 d. The synchronisation of cell division which normally occurs before flower initiation was suppressed, showing that it is not essential for flowering. Periods of darkness of up to 240 h inhibited apical growth and leaf initiation but did not prevent eventual flowering in short days. The commitment of the apex to flower was therefore maintained while apical growth was inhibited.Abbreviations SD short day(s) - LD long day(s)  相似文献   

18年生杉木不同部位和叶龄针叶光响应研究   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:25  
张小全  徐德应 《生态学报》2001,21(3):409-414
在最适温度(30±1℃)、适宜湿度(70%±5%)和正常大气CO2浓度(350±10×10-6V/V)向下,采用活体测定方法,测定了18年生杉木不同部位和叶龄针叶对光照的稳态和动态响应。结果表明,不同部位和叶龄针叶净光合速率(Pn)的光响应特征有明显差异,从上部到下部、从当年生到1年生至2年生,针叶Pn、饱和光强(PSLI)和光补偿点(LCP)降低,表观量子效率(α)提高。经一定时间暗处理后,针叶需要一定光诱导才能获得相应光强下的最大Pn。光诱导期长短与猝发性光强以及叶龄和针叶在树冠中所处的部位有关。猝发性光照越强,所需的光诱导期越长;下部针叶光诱导期短于中部针叶;而1年生针叶短于当年生针叶。不同部位针叶对稳态和动态光照的响应与针叶长期适应所处的光环境有关,而不同叶龄的差异除与生理活性有关外,也可能与所处的光环境有关。  相似文献   

Rice plants are highly susceptible to Fe-deficiency. Under nutrient deprivation, plant cells undergo extensive metabolic changes for their continued survival. To provide further insight into the pathways induced during Fe-deficiency, rice seedlings were grown for 3, 6 and 9 days in the presence or absence of Fe. Using RDA (Representational Difference Analysis), sequences of 32 induced genes in rice shoots under Fe-deficiency were identified. About 30% of the sequences found have been previously reported as responsive to other abiotic and even biotic stresses. However, this is the first report that indicates their relation to Fe deprivation. Differential expression of selected genes was confirmed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis. The identification of classical senescence-related sequences, such as lipase EC 3.1.1.-, ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme EC, beta-Glucosidase EC and cysteine synthase EC, besides the higher accumulation of total soluble sugars prior to the decrease of total chlorophyll content in Fe-deficient leaves, indicate that sugar accumulation may be one of the factors leading to premature leaf senescence induced by Fe-deficiency.  相似文献   

Summary Growth of hydroponically cultivated birch seedlings (Betula pendula Roth.) at sub- and supra-optimum potassium supply rates was investigated. Potassium was supplied either as a relative addition rate (r k = 5, 10, 15 and 20% increase day-1) or as fixed concentrations (0.2, 3, 6, 12 and 15 mM) in the culture solution. After an acclimation period the growth rate of the seedlings in the suboptimum treatments reached values close to the treatment variable, the relative rate of K-addition. Deficiency symptoms, in the form of chlorosis and necroses along the leaf margins, developed initially in all suboptimum treatments, but very few new symptoms appeared once the seedlings had reached the phase of steady-state nutrition and growth. At supra-optimum K-supply levels, i.e. at 0.2–15 mM K in the culture solution, no symptoms of deficiency or toxicity developed, and the relative growth rate of the seedlings remained maximum. The relative growth rate of the seedlings was linearly related to the plant K-status for K contents ranging from 0.2 to 1.0% of dry weight (DW). At higher internal K-concentrations, 1.0–3.0% DW, no further increase in relative growth rate was achieved. A shortage of K resulted in a decrease in the net assimilation rate. This effect was counterbalanced by the absence of shift in he leaf weight ratio as well as by the production of relatively thin leaves. The fraction of dry matter allocated to roots decreased in K-limited plants, as did the leaf contents of soluble carbohydrates and starch.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: By using the technique of replicas of a developing apex it is possible to obtain a direct measure of phyllotactic parameters (plastochrone and platochronic ratio) involved in the initiation of two successive primordia at the level of the SAM. The goal of this study is to compare, in a real time setting, the value of phyllotactic parameters in distichous systems using Begonia as a case study, with the value of the same parameters in spiral phyllotactic systems. METHODS: To determine the real-time sequence of events at the level of the SAM, replicas were made of the developing apex at different intervals using previously described techniques. Impression moulds were made at 24-h intervals. The following phyllotactic parameters were measured: plastochrone, angle of divergence, plastochrone ratio and ratio between the diameter of the leaf and the apex. RESULTS: The time between the appearance of two successive leaves is 15-20 d. The average value of the plastochrone ratio (R) is 1.3, and the ratio of the leaf to the diameter of the apex (Gamma) is 2.5. The angle of divergence varies from 165 masculine to 180 masculine. The speed of advection of the primordium from the apex, varies from 0.28 to 0.37 microm d(-1). CONCLUSIONS: The speed of advection of primordia in Begonia is lower than that of Anagalis. This is not in accordance with theoretical simulations that predict the opposite. In Begonia, the plastochrone ratio does not reflect the real time of appearance of two successive primordia. The time separating the appearance of two primordia is not directly related to the distance of these two primordia from the centre of the apex but is related instead to the enlargement of leaves.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Shoot architecture variability in grapevine (Vitis vinifera) was analysed using a generic modelling approach based on thermal time developed for annual herbaceous species. The analysis of shoot architecture was based on various levels of shoot organization, including pre-existing and newly formed parts of the stem, and on the modular structure of the stem, which consists of a repeated succession of three phytomers (P0-P1-P2). METHODS: Four experiments were carried out using the cultivar 'Grenache N': two on potted vines (one of which was carried out in a glasshouse) and two on mature vines in a vineyard. These experiments resulted in a broad diversity of environmental conditions, but none of the plants experienced soil water deficit. KEY RESULTS: Development of the main axis was highly dependent on air temperature, being linearly related to thermal time for all stages of leaf development from budbreak to veraison. The stable progression of developmental stages along the main stem resulted in a thermal-time based programme of leaf development. Leaf expansion rate varied with trophic competition (shoot and cluster loads) and environmental conditions (solar radiation, VPD), accounting for differences in final leaf area. Branching pattern was highly variable. Classification of the branches according to ternary modular structure increased the accuracy of the quantitative analysis of branch development. The rate and duration of leaf production were higher for branches derived from P0 phytomers than for branches derived from P1 or P2 phytomers. Rates of leaf production, expressed as a -function of thermal time, were not stable and depended on trophic competition and environmental conditions such as solar radiation or VPD. CONCLUSIONS: The application to grapevine of a generic model developed in annual plants made it possible to identify constants in main stem development and to determine the hierarchical structure of branches with respect to the modular structure of the stem in response to intra- and inter-shoot trophic competition.  相似文献   

Shoots of apple (rootstock A2, Malus sylvestris (L.) Mill var. domestica Borkh.) were grown in vitro on agar media containing 4.4 μ M benzylaminopurine (BAP) during the whole of a 36-day culture period or during the first 6 days of the period. Development of lateral shoots and an appreciable increase in fresh weight were obtained only when BAP was present during the whole period. Treatment for 6 days only was not sufficient for shoot proliferation although the transferred shoot continued its growth on fresh medium without BAP. Uptake of the cytokinin was studied by adding [8–14C]-benzylaminopurine to the medium and then following the distribution of the isotope in the shoots during the 36-day culture period. There was a steady, almost linear, uptake of 14C during the whole period. Most of the activity accumulated in the lower part of the shoot. It is concluded that BAP, due to slow translocation, is active mainly in the basal parts of the shoot where it stimulates formation and growth of buds. Its action is dependent on continuous supply of new BAP from the medium, indicating metabolism of BAP in the tissue.  相似文献   

The dynamics of growth (shoot and root dry weights, surface areas, hydraulic conductances, and root length) were measured in seedlings of five neotropical tree species aged 4–16 months. The species studied included two light-demanding pioneers (Miconia argentea and Apeiba membranacea) and three shade-tolerant young- or old-forest species (Pouteria reticulata, Gustavia superba, and Trichilia tuberculata). Growth analysis revealed that shoot and root dry weights and hydraulic conductances and leaf area all increased exponentially with time. Alternative methods of scaling measured parameters to reveal differences that might explain adaptations to microsites are discussed. Scaling root conductance to root surface area or root length revealed a few species differences but nothing that correlated with adaptation to light regimes. Scaling of root surface area or root length to root dry weight revealed that pioneers produced significantly more root area and length per gram dry weight investment than shade-tolerant species. Scaling of root and shoot hydraulic conductances to leaf area and scaling of root conductance to root dry weight and shoot conductance to shoot dry weight also revealed that pioneers were significantly more conductive to water than shade-tolerant species. The advantages of scaling hydraulic parameters to leaf surface area are discussed in terms of the Ohm's law analogue of water flow in plants. Received: 24 March 1997 / Accepted: 17 November 1997  相似文献   

Spawning time of female Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua L.) can be predicted to within 3 days using vitellogenic oocyte diameters measured over the last month before spawning. Simulations show that a l°C drop in temperature during vitellogenesis delays spawning by about 8–10 days. Similar results were obtained with fish on low ration for 4–8 months before spawning. Moderately fed females held over two to four consecutive spawning seasons demonstrated a significant delay (⋍3–40 days) in the date of first spawning as the fish grew older and more fecund. Forecasting studies on spawning migrating Arcto-Norwegian cod gave no evidence of a significant effect of fish length on the time of spawning. Warmer water temperature during vitellogenesis for the larger fish appears to compensate for the negative effect of fecundity On spawning time.  相似文献   

Size-related variation in the cost and probability of flowering among shoots within a crown of Vaccinium hirtum was investigated to clarify patterns and regulation of flowering at the shoot-module level, below the level of the individual. The apices of previous-year shoots differentiated into current-year shoots vegetatively (vegetative branches) or became reproductive by developing inflorescences (reproductive branches). Length growth and fate of current-year shoots were determined, and the future potential for reproduction was estimated using a matrix model of shoot dynamics. Reproductive branches had fewer current-year shoots and shorter total shoot lengths and thus had a reduced potential for reproduction compared with vegetative branches, indicating the cost of flowering at the shoot level. This cost of flowering was higher in longer shoots. The probability of the initiation of flowering in a shoot increased with increasing shoot length in shorter shoots, reached a maximum in medium-sized shoots, and decreased in longer shoots. The size-related changes in the probability of flowering at the shoot level can be largely explained by the size-dependent changes in shoot-level resource availability and cost of flowering.  相似文献   

Growth and shoot: root ratio of seedlings in relation to nutrient availability   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:28  
Ericsson  Tom 《Plant and Soil》1995,168(1):205-214
The influence of mineral nutrient availability, light intensity and CO2 on growth and shoot:root ratio in young plants is reviewed. Special emphasis in this evaluation is given to data from laboratory experiments with small Betula pendula plants, in which the concept of steady-state nutrition has been applied.Three distinctly different dry matter allocation patterns were observed when growth was limited by the availability of mineral nutrients: 1, Root growth was favoured when N, P or S were the major growth constraints. 2, The opposite pattern obtained when K, Mg and Mn restricted growth. 3, Shortage of Ca, Fe and Zn had almost no effect on the shoot:root ratio. The light regime had no effect on dry matter allocation except at very low photon flux densities (< 6.5 mol m-2 day-1), in which a small decrease in the root fraction was observed. Shortage of CO2, on the other hand, strongly decreased root development, while an increase of the atmospheric CO2 concentration had no influence on dry matter partitioning. An increased allocation of dry matter to below-ground parts was associated with an increased amount of starch in the tissues. Depletion of the carbohydrate stores occurred under all conditions in which root development was inhibited. It is concluded that the internal balance between labile nitrogen and carbon in the root and the shoot system determines how dry matter is being partitioned in the plant. The consistency of this statement with literature data and existing models for shoot:root regulation is examined.  相似文献   

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