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Encephalization indices were calculated for Fukomys anselli and Fukomys mechowii by using interspecific allometric lines of Tenrecinae (recent Eutheria with the smallest brains) and average Rodentia to compare brain sizes independent of body size influence. These were contrasted with corresponding indices of other Bathyergidae and additionally with other rodents. The Bathyergidae species had indices within the variation of some Cricetidae and Muridae and thus do not differ in encephalization. F. anselli, however, had a clearly higher encephalization index than the sister species F. mechowii. The sizes of diverse structures were measured in the brains of these two species by help of the serial section method. No differences were found in relative composition. The lower encephalization of F. mechowii is discussed as a special phenomenon of gigantism during phylogenetic radiation which similarly was documented for other forms.  相似文献   

Animal intelligence as encephalization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is no consensus on the nature of animal intelligence despite a century of research, though recent work on cognitive capacities of dolphins and great apes seems to be on one right track. The most precise quantitative analyses have been of relative brain size, or structural encephalization, undertaken to find biological correlates of mind in animals. Encephalization and its evolution are remarkably orderly, and if the idea of intelligence were unknown it would have to be invented to explain encephalization. The scientific question is: what behaviour or dimensions of behaviour evolved when encephalization evolved? The answer: the relatively unusual behaviours that require increased neural information processing capacity, beyond that attributable to differences among species in body size. In this perspective, the different behaviours that depend on augmented processing capacity in different species are evidence of different intelligences (in the plural) that have evolved.  相似文献   

There is a well-established allometric relationship between brain and body mass in mammals. Deviation of relatively increased brain size from this pattern appears to coincide with enhanced cognitive abilities. To examine whether there is a phylogenetic structure to such episodes of changes in encephalization across mammals, we used phylogenetic techniques to analyse brain mass, body mass and encephalization quotient (EQ) among 630 extant mammalian species. Among all mammals, anthropoid primates and odontocete cetaceans have significantly greater variance in EQ, suggesting that evolutionary constraints that result in a strict correlation between brain and body mass have independently become relaxed. Moreover, ancestral state reconstructions of absolute brain mass, body mass and EQ revealed patterns of increase and decrease in EQ within anthropoid primates and cetaceans. We propose both neutral drift and selective factors may have played a role in the evolution of brain-body allometry.  相似文献   

A negative allometric relationship between body mass (BM) and brain size (BS) can be observed for many vertebrate groups. In the past decades, researchers have proposed several hypotheses to explain this finding, but none is definitive and some are possibly not mutually exclusive. Certain species diverge markedly (positively or negatively) from the mean of the ratio BM/BS expected for a particular taxonomic group. It is possible to define encephalization quotient (EQ) as the ratio between the actual BS and the expected brain size. Several cetacean species show higher EQs compared to all primates, except modern humans. The process that led to big brains in primates and cetaceans produced different trajectories, as shown by the organizational differences observed in every encephalic district (e.g., the cortex). However, these two groups both convergently developed complex cognitive abilities. The comparative study on the trajectories through which the encephalization process has independently evolved in primates and cetaceans allows a critical appraisal of the causes, the time and the mode of quantitative and qualitative development of the brain in our species and in the hominid evolutionary lineage.  相似文献   

We have tested brain size diversity and encephalization in the actively speciating subterranean mole rats of the Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies in Israel. Our sample involved 171 individuals comprising 12 populations and 4 chromosomal species (2n = 52, 54, 58 and 60) distributed parapatrically from the northern Mediterranean region southward (2n = 52, 54→+58→60) into increasingly more arid and unpredictable climatic regimes, approaching the Negev Desert. Our results indicate that relative brain size and encephalization are highest in 2n = 60 as compared with 2n = 52, 54 and 58. We hypothesize that this pattern is adaptive and molded by natural selection. Brain evolution and higher encephalization in the S. ehrenbergi complex appears to be associated with increasing ecological stresses of aridity and climatic unpredictability.  相似文献   

The social intelligence hypothesis suggests that living in large social networks was the primary selective pressure for the evolution of complex cognition in primates. This hypothesis is supported by comparative studies demonstrating a positive relationship between social group size and relative brain size across primates. However, the relationship between brain size and cognition remains equivocal. Moreover, there have been no experimental studies directly testing the association between group size and cognition across primates. We tested the social intelligence hypothesis by comparing 6 primate species (total N = 96) characterized by different group sizes on two cognitive tasks. Here, we show that a species’ typical social group size predicts performance on cognitive measures of social cognition, but not a nonsocial measure of inhibitory control. We also show that a species’ mean brain size (in absolute or relative terms) does not predict performance on either task in these species. These data provide evidence for a relationship between group size and social cognition in primates, and reveal the potential for cognitive evolution without concomitant changes in brain size. Furthermore our results underscore the need for more empirical studies of animal cognition, which have the power to reveal species differences in cognition not detectable by proxy variables, such as brain size.  相似文献   

A quantitative comparison was made of both relative brain size (encephalization) and the relative development of five brain area of pelagic sharks and teleosts. Two integration areas (the telencephalon and the corpus cerebellum) and three sensory brain areas (the olfactory bulbs, optic tectum and octavolateralis area, which receive primary projections from the olfactory epithelium, eye and octavolateralis senses, respectively), in four species of pelagic shark and six species of pelagic teleost were investigated. The relative proportions of the three sensory brain areas were assessed as a proportion of the total 'sensory brain', while the two integration areas were assessed relative to the sensory brain. The allometric analysis of relative brain size revealed that pelagic sharks had larger brains than pelagic teleosts. The volume of the telencephalon was significantly larger in the sharks, while the corpus cerebellum was also larger and more heavily foliated in these animals. There were also significant differences in the relative development of the sensory brain areas between the two groups, with the sharks having larger olfactory bulbs and octavolateralis areas, whilst the teleosts had larger optic tecta. Cluster analysis performed on the sensory brain areas data confirmed the differences in the composition of the sensory brain in sharks and teleosts and indicated that these two groups of pelagic fishes had evolved different sensory strategies to cope with the demands of life in the open ocean.  相似文献   

Large brains relative to body size represent an evolutionarily costly adaptation as they are metabolically expensive and demand substantial amounts of time to reach structural and functional maturity thereby exacerbating offspring mortality while delaying reproductive age. In spite of its cost and adaptive impact, no genomic features linked to brain evolution have been found. By conducting a genome-wide analysis in all 37 fully sequenced mammalian genomes, we show that encephalization is significantly correlated with overall protein amino acid composition. This correlation is not a by-product of changes in nucleotide content, lifespan, body size, absolute brain size or genome size; is independent of phylogenetic effects; and is not restricted to brain expressed genes. This is the first report of a relationship between this fundamental and complex trait and changes in protein AA usage, possibly reflecting the high selective demands imposed by the process of encephalization across mammalian lineages.  相似文献   

Macromorphology and encephalization (EI) of brains were compared in 58 Vespertilionid species, brain composition in 36 species: 46 or 27 species of Vespertilioninae, 8 or 5 species of Miniopterinae, 2 species of Kerivoulinae, and 2 species of Nyctophilinae. Subfamily differences were found in the extent of the cover of the mesencephalon. It is nearly fully covered in Kerivoula papulosa (Kerivoulinae), at least half covered (by the cerebellum) in Miniopterinae, and free (completely or nearly so) in Nyctophilinae and Vespertilioninae. In relative brain size, the Kerivoulinae are highest (average EI = 130), followed by the Miniopterinae (111), Nyctophilinae (102) and Vespertilioninae (95). The higher encephalization of Kerivoulinae and Miniopterinae is accompanied by a marked increase of relative size in cerebellum and striatum, and in Kerivoulinae, in hippocampus and neocortex as well.  相似文献   

Human evolution is frequently analyzed in the light of changes in developmental timing. Encephalization in particular has been frequently linked to the slow pace of development in Homo sapiens. The "brain allometry extension" theory postulates that the progressive extension of a conserved primate brain allometry into postnatal life was the basis for brain enlargement in the human lineage. This study shows that published primate and human growth data do not corroborate this model. Instead, the unique encephalization of H. sapiens is alternatively described as the result of evolutionary changes in three aspects of developmental timing. The first is a moderate extension in the duration of brain growth relative to our closest extant relatives, contrary to the view that human brain growth is drastically prolonged into postnatal life. Second, humans evolved a derived brain allometry in comparison with chimpanzees and early hominins. Third, humans (and other anthropoid primates to a lesser degree) display a significant retardation in early postnatal body growth in comparison with other mammals, which directly affects adult encephalization in our species. The rejection of the "brain allometry extension" model may require a reevaluation of the adaptive scenarios proposed to explain how human encephalization evolved.  相似文献   

Energy metabolism, brain size and longevity in mammals   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The mathematical relations between basal energy metabolism, brain size, and life span in mammals have been investigated. The evolutionary level of brain development, or encephalization (c), is a function both of brain weight (E) and of body weight (P) according to (formula; see text) Brain weight was found to be a linear function of the product of encephalization and basal metabolic rate. The oxygen consumption of the brain (Mbrain) is proportional to both encephalization and body weight according to (formula; see text) The ratio of metabolic rate in the cerebral cortex to that in the brain as a whole depends solely upon the degree of encephalization and is independent of the size of the animal. The maximum potential life span of a mammal was found to be proportional to the product of its degree of encephalization and the reciprocal of its metabolic rate per unit weight. Life span may be regarded as the algebraic sum of two components: (1) a deduced somatic component (Lb) inversely related to the basal metabolic rate per unit weight, and (2) an encephalization component (Le) related directly to the evolutionary increase of relative brain size.  相似文献   

This study examines variation in brain growth relative somatic growth in four hominoids and three platyrrhines to determine whether there is a trade-off during ontogeny. I predicted that somatic growth would be reduced during periods of extensive brain growth, and species with larger degrees of encephalization would reach a smaller body size at brain growth completion because more energy is directed towards the brain. I measured cranial capacity and skeletal size in over 500 skeletal specimens from wild populations. I calculated nonlinear growth curves and velocity curves to determine brain/body growth allometry during ontogeny. In addition, I calculated linear regressions to describe the brain/body allometry during the postnatal period prior to brain size reaching an asymptote. The results showed that somatic growth is not substantially reduced in species with extensive brain growth, and body size at brain growth completion was larger in species with greater degrees of encephalization. Furthermore, large body size at brain growth completion was not correlated with interbirth interval, but was significantly correlated with prolonged juvenile periods and late age at maturity when data were corrected for phylogeny. These results indicate that neither reduction in body growth nor reproductive rate are compensatory mechanisms for the energetic costs of brain growth. Other avenues for meeting energetic costs must be in effect. In addition, the results show that somatic growth in encephalized species is particularly slow during the juvenile period after brain growth at or near completion, suggesting that these growth patterns are explained by reasons other than energetic costs.  相似文献   

We have measured the brain and body weight and determined the encephalization index for 180 species of fishes belonging to six families of the suborder Gobioidei. Within the Teleostei, these fishes exhibit a remarkably broad range in the values of their encephalization indices, but most values are in the low to middle range. Within the Gobioidei there is relatively little difference in the degree of encephalization among the different families and subfamilies except the Kraemeriidae and Amblyopinae which have low encephalization indices and the Oxudercinae (including Periophthalmus) and Rhyacichthyidae which are highly encephalized. We have shown that the form of the body has an effect on the degree of encephalization. Elongate fishes have low values, probably because of the excessive mass of their body skeleton which raises the body weight relative to the brain size. The environment in which the fishes live is correlated, in general, with their relative brain size. The values of the encephalization index arranged from low to high by habitat are as follows: muddwelling fishes, freshwater fishes, brackishwater fishes, burrowing marine fishes, freeliving marine fishes, torrent fishes and amphibious fishes. The low values of the Amblyopinae and Kraemeriidae can be explained in terms of their being both mud-dwelling and elongate.  相似文献   

Visual influences on primate encephalization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Primates differ from most other mammals in having relatively large brains. As a result, numerous comparative studies have attempted to identify the selective variables influencing primate encephalization. However, none have examined the effect of the total amount of visual input on relative brain size. According to Jerison's principle of proper mass, functional areas of the brain devoted primarily to processing visual information should exhibit increases in size when the amount of visual input to those areas increases. As a result, the total amount of visual input to the brain could exert a large influence on encephalization because visual areas comprise a large proportion of total brain mass in primates. The goal of this analysis is to test the expectation of a direct relationship between visual input and encephalization using optic foramen size and optic nerve size as proxies for total visual input. Data were collected for a large comparative sample of primates and carnivorans, and three primary analyses were undertaken. First, the relationship between relative proxies for visual input and relative endocranial volume were examined using partial correlations and phylogenetic comparative methods. Second, to examine the generality of the results derived for extant primates, a parallel series of partial correlation and comparative analyses were undertaken using data for carnivorans. Third, data for various Eocene and Oligocene primates were compared with those for living primates in order to determine whether the fossil taxa demonstrate a similar relationship between relative brain size and visual input. All three analyses confirm the expectations of proper mass and favor the conclusion that the amount of visual input has been a major influence on the evolution of relative brain size in both primates and carnivorans. Furthermore, this study suggests that differences in visual input may partly explain (1) the high encephalization of primates relative to the primitive eutherian condition, (2) the high encephalization of extant anthropoids relative to other primates, and (3) the very low encephalization of Eocene adapiforms.  相似文献   

Mammalian brain volumes vary considerably, even after controlling for body size. Although several hypotheses have been proposed to explain this variation, most research in mammals on the evolution of encephalization has focused on primates, leaving the generality of these explanations uncertain. Furthermore, much research still addresses only one hypothesis at a time, despite the demonstrated importance of considering multiple factors simultaneously. We used phylogenetic comparative methods to investigate simultaneously the importance of several factors previously hypothesized to be important in neural evolution among mammalian carnivores, including social complexity, forelimb use, home range size, diet, life history, phylogeny, and recent evolutionary changes in body size. We also tested hypotheses suggesting roles for these variables in determining the relative volume of four brain regions measured using computed tomography. Our data suggest that, in contrast to brain size in primates, carnivoran brain size may lag behind body size over evolutionary time. Moreover, carnivore species that primarily consume vertebrates have the largest brains. Although we found no support for a role of social complexity in overall encephalization, relative cerebrum volume correlated positively with sociality. Finally, our results support negative relationships among different brain regions after accounting for overall endocranial volume, suggesting that increased size of one brain regions is often accompanied by reduced size in other regions rather than overall brain expansion.  相似文献   

Rhyacichthys aspro has one of the highest encephalization indices of the Gobioidei, at the level of the amphibiousPeriophthalmus (Gobiidae, Oxudercinae). This high encephalization can be explained by its adaptation to the turbulent waters of mountain torrents. The brain morphology is typical of a perciform fish and similar to that of a gobioid except in the form and size of the cerebellum. The quantitative analysis of the brain structures shows a large size of the olfactory centers, a small size of the visual centers (compared to those of other Gobioidei) and a very large size of the cerebellar centers (more than twice the size in other Gobioidei). The brain organization shows thatRhyacichthys aspro, although some of its brain structures are typically gobioid (tegmentum, medulla oblongata), is not a generalized gobioid, because of the high degree of its biological adaptation and the correlated large size of its cerebellum.  相似文献   

New World monkeys exhibit a more pronounced variability in encephalization than other primate taxa. In this comparative study, we tested two current hypotheses on brain size evolution, the Expensive Brain hypothesis and the Cognitive Buffer hypothesis, in a sample of 21 platyrrhine species. A high degree of habitat seasonality may impose an energetic constraint on brain size evolution if it leads to a high variation in caloric intake over time, as predicted by the Expensive Brain Hypothesis. However, simultaneously it may also provide the opportunity to reap the fitness benefits of increased cognitive abilities, which enable the exploitation of high‐quality food resources even during periods of scarcity, as predicted by the Cognitive Buffer hypothesis. By examining the effects of both habitat seasonality and the variation in monthly diet composition across species, we found support for both hypotheses, confirming previous results for catarrhine primates and lemurs. These findings are in accordance with an energetic and ecological view of brain size evolution. Am J Phys Anthropol 154:628–632, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that mating behaviours require high levels of cognitive ability. However, since investment into mating and the brain both are costly features, their relationship is likely characterized by energetic trade-offs. Empirical data on the subject remains equivocal. We investigated if early sexual maturation was associated with brain development in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), in which males can either stay in the river and sexually mature at a small size (sneaker males) or migrate to the sea and delay sexual maturation until they have grown much larger (anadromous males). Specifically, we tested how sexual maturation may induce plastic changes in brain development by rearing juveniles on either natural or ad libitum feeding levels. After their first season we compared brain size and brain region volumes across both types of male mating tactics and females. Body growth increased greatly across both male mating tactics and females during ad libitum feeding as compared to natural feeding levels. However, despite similar relative increases in body size, early maturing sneaker males maintained larger relative brain size during ad libitum feeding levels as compared to anadromous males and females. We also detected several differences in the relative size of separate brain regions across feeding treatments, sexes and mating strategies. For instance, the relative size of the cognitive centre of the brain, the telencephalon, was largest in sneaker males. Our data support that a large relative brain size is maintained in individuals that start reproduction early also during fast body growth. We propose that the cognitive demands during complex mating behaviours maintain a high level of investment into brain development in reproducing individuals.  相似文献   

It is a widely accepted view that neural development can reflect morphological adaptations and sensory specializations. The aim of this review is to give a broad overview of the current status of brain data available for cartilaginous fishes and examine how perspectives on allometric scaling of brain size across this group of fishes has changed within the last 50 years with the addition of new data and more rigorous statistical analyses. The current knowledge of neuroanatomy in cartilaginous fishes is reviewed and data on brain size (encephalization, n = 151) and interspecific variation in brain organization (n = 84) has been explored to ascertain scaling relationships across this clade. It is determined whether similar patterns of brain organization, termed cerebrotypes, exist in species that share certain lifestyle characteristics. Clear patterns of brain organization exist across cartilaginous fishes, irrespective of phylogenetic grouping and, although this study was not a functional analysis, it provides further evidence that chondrichthyan brain structures might have developed in conjunction with specific behaviours or enhanced cognitive capabilities. Larger brains, with well-developed telencephala and large, highly foliated cerebella are reported in species that occupy complex reef or oceanic habitats, potentially identifying a reef-associated cerebrotype. In contrast, benthic and benthopelagic demersal species comprise the group with the smallest brains, with a relatively reduced telencephalon and a smooth cerebellar corpus. There is also evidence herein of a bathyal cerebrotype; deep-sea benthopelagic sharks possess relatively small brains and show a clear relative hypertrophy of the medulla oblongata. Despite the patterns observed and documented, significant gaps in the literature have been highlighted. Brain mass data are only currently available on c. 16% of all chondrichthyan species, and only 8% of species have data available on their brain organization, with far less on subsections of major brain areas that receive distinct sensory input. The interspecific variability in brain organization further stresses the importance of performing functional studies on a greater range of species. Only an expansive data set, comprised of species that span a variety of habitats and taxonomic groups, with widely disparate behavioural repertoires, combined with further functional analyses, will help shed light on the extent to which chondrichthyan brains have evolved as a consequence of behaviour, habitat and lifestyle in addition to phylogeny.  相似文献   

The large brain of modern cetaceans has engendered much hypothesizing about both the intelligence of cetaceans (dolphins, whales, and porpoises) and the factors related to the evolution of such large brains. Despite much interest in cetacean brain evolution, until recently there have been few estimates of brain mass and/or brain–body weight ratios in fossil cetaceans. In the present study, computed tomography (CT) was used to visualize and estimate endocranial volume, as well as to calculate level of encephalization, for two fully aquatic mid-late Eocene archaeocete species, Dorudon atrox and Zygorhiza kochii. The specific objective was to address more accurately and more conclusively the question of whether relative brain size in fully aquatic archaeocetes was greater than that of their hypothesized sister taxon Mesonychia. The findings suggest that there was no increase in encephalization between Mesonychia and these archaeocete species.  相似文献   

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