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To investigate interactions between the basal metazoan Hydra viridis and its symbiotic Chlorella algae, we generated aposymbiotic hydra lacking algae and compared them to symbiotic ones with regard to growth and sexual differentiation. Under standard feeding conditions aposymbiotic polyps proliferated similarly to symbiotic polyps. Under moderate and low feeding conditions asexual growth was reduced in polyps lacking algae, indicating that the symbionts supply nutrients to their hosts. In addition, the Chlorella symbionts had a strong influence on the sexual reproduction of Hydra viridis: in most cases female gonads were produced only when symbiotic algae were present. Spermatogenesis proceeded similarly in symbiotic and aposymbiotic polyps. Since during oogenesis symbionts are actively transferred from endodermal epithelial cells to the ectodermal oocytes, this oogenesis promoting role could indicate that the symbionts are critically involved in the control of sexual differentiation in green hydra.  相似文献   

Certain species of Chlorella live within the digestive cells of the fresh water cnidarian Hydra viridis. When introduced into the hydra gut, these symbiotic algae are phagocytized by digestive cells but avoid host digestion and persist at relatively constant numbers within host cells. In contrast, heat-killed symbionts are rapidly degraded after phagocytosis. Live symbionts appear to persist because host lysosomes fail to fuse with phagosomes containing live symbionts. Neither acid phosphatase nor ferritin was delivered via lysosomes into phagosomes containing live symbionts, whereas these lysosomal markers were found in 50% of the vacuoles containing heat-killed symbionts 1 h after phagocytosis. Treatment of symbiotic algae before phagocytosis with polycationic polypeptides abolishes algal persistence and perturbs the ability of these algae to control the release of photosynthate in vitro. Similarly, inhibition of photosynthesis and hence of the release of photosynthetic products as a result of prolonged darkness and 3-(3,4- dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea (DCMU) treatment also abolishes persistence. Symbiotic algae are not only protected from host digestive attack but are also selectively transported within host cells, moving from the apical site of phagocytosis to a basal position of permanent residence. This process too is disrupted by polycationic polypeptides, DCMU and darkness. Both algal persistence and transport may, therefore, be a function of the release of products from living, photosynthesizing symbionts. Vinblastine treatment of host animals blocked the movement of algae within host cells but did not perturb algal persistence: algal persistence and the transport of algae may be initiated by the same signal, but they are not interdependent processes.  相似文献   

The growth of a strain ofD. viridis has been studied in batch culture under different combinations of temperature, salinity and nitrogen concentrations. Changes in these variables have a significant effect on cell division, biomass production, cell volume and pigment yield. This strain grows optimally at 1 M NaCl and 30 °C. Increasing salinity up to 4 M NaCl leads to a significant decrease of cell division rate and maximal population; growth at lower temperature decreases the rate of division of the cells but increases maximal cell density. Pigment yield decreases with increasing salinity and increases with increasing temperature. Nitrogen concentration has a large effect on total cell biomass and pigment production, but not on cell division rate. Saturation of growth occurs at 5 mM NO 3 ? ; higher concentration (e.g. 10 mM) leads to a decrease of maximal cell density and photosynthetic pigment content.  相似文献   

The lowland cultivation of Trifolium alpinum, a clover species found on acid soils in the Alps and suitable for the restoration of erosion areas at high altitudes, failed repeatedly in previous experiments. Three experiments were carried out in a controlled environment to elucidate the reasons for the failure and to develop possible cultivation strategies. In experiment I, T. alpinum was grown in an autochthonous soil from the Alps (high elevation) and in two allochthonous soils, a grassland soil from the Hercynian mountains (medium elevation), and an arable soil (low elevation), in which the seed propagation of T. alpinum had failed previously. The two allochthonous soils had lower contents of soil organic C and ergosterol, an indicator for fungal biomass, than the autochthonous high-elevation soil, but higher levels of exchangeable Ca and extractable P. Plants grown in the allochthonous soils achieved higher biomass and total N amounts per plant than those from the high elevation soil if inoculated with this autochthonous material to establish rhizobial infection. In the allochthonous high elevation soil, the growth of T. alpinum was P-limited as shown in experiment II. In experiment I, plants grown in the low elevation soil had a lower biomass and smaller number of active leaves at 120 days after emergence than those grown on the medium elevation soil. This difference can be explained by strong colonization with the phytophagous nematode Pratylenchus sp., as demonstrated in experiment III by comparing plant growth either in untreated or in autoclaved low-elevation soil. Successful propagation of T. alpinum at low elevation may be achieved through suitable inoculation with autochthonous soil biota, especially Rhizobia, and avoidance of soils infested by Pratylenchus species by choosing sites with acidic soil and ensuring adequate P-availability.  相似文献   

Thirty-three isolates of Aeromonas from environmental sources and clinical samples were tested and the results, obtained using the pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) technique, were compared with those obtained by biochemical typing. On the basis of their biochemical characteristics 31 strains was assigned to one of the recognised groups or species within the Aeromonas genus and 2 strains to the species Vibrio fluvialis. These latter were nevertheless found to belong to the Aeromonas genus on the basis of the chromosomal DNA analysis. Among the clinical isolates the biochemical analysis showed greater uniformity. A low correlation between molecular and traditional typing methods was observed with a wider heterogeneity at the genomic level. The results showed the difficulty of discriminating Aeromonas isolates by conventional biochemical methods. The genomic analysis performed by PFGE can be a more effectual technique, which can be used for epidemiological and ecological studies of the microorganisms belonging to the Aeromonas group.  相似文献   

Self-pelleting autoagglutination of Aeromonas hydrophila and A. sobria strains from serogroup O:11 depends on the presence of the extracellular layer peripheral to the cell membrane (S layer) and motility. To show this phenotype, strains should not fimbriate during growth.  相似文献   

A review of literature on the pathogenicity factors of non-cholera vibrios and Aeromonas is presented. A detailed analysis of such pathogenicity factors as hemolysins, lecithinases, cytotoxins, adhesins, etc. is given. Information on some mechanisms of the pathogenetic action of these factors on warm-blooded animals is presented. The necessity of more extensive research on pathogenicity and persistence factors in opportunistic bacteria causing sapronotic infections is emphasized.  相似文献   

Volumn 62, no. 6, p. 1885, Abstract, line 3: "For 102 of 129 Aeromonas isolates" should read "For 102 of 130 Aeromonas isolates." Page 1887, column 1, lines 16 and 17: "and for 13 of 21 coliform isolates" should read "and for 13 of 94 coliform isolates." [This corrects the article on p. 1885 in vol. 62.].  相似文献   

Plant symbionts: keys to the phytosphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The exterior and interior of plants, aboveground and belowground, comprise a complex plant micro-ecosystem, known in recent years as the phytosphere. There are three components: the phyllosphere, endosphere, and rhizosphere. Although in comparison with other ecosystems the phytosphere is small, it similarly includes a great variety of functional microbes. Among these are certain microbes that live in symbiotic relationships with plants; these microbes are known as plant symbionts. Recent research has shown that these symbionts have tremendous effects on plant growth, confer resistance to abiotic stresses and pathogens, aid in the accumulation of metabolites, and have crucial relationships with other plant-associated microbes in the phytosphere. We review the ecological effects of plant symbionts on other microbes, and interactions between plant symbionts in the phytosphere. In addition, we discuss internal mechanisms and suggest future hot spots for research.  相似文献   

The interaction between mesophilic aeromonads and cultured mouse adrenal cells was examined. Preliminary experiments indicated that aeromonad attachment was dependent upon inoculum size, incubation time, and incubation temperature. Optimal attachment was observed after 30 min of incubation at 37°C with an inoculum size of 1×107 CFU. Heat-killed and formalin-treated organisms did not attach to the cultured cell system. The attachment of aeromonads to the mammalian cell surface was confirmed by light and scanning electron microscopy. Aeromonad attachment correlated both with the presence of pili and the specific aeromonad species, but not with hydrophobicity or the ability to autoagglutinate. Piliated strains were more likely to show high or moderate attachment.Aeromonas sobria, A. hydrophila, andA. veronii showed a greater ability to bind adrenal cells than didA. caviae. Removal of the pili from twoA. sobria isolates markedly reduced their attachment. In contrast, oneA. hydrophila isolate was strongly adherent after the removal of pili. The hemagglutination patterns produced byA. sobria and the other aeromonad species were distinctly different, but potentially predictive of the ability of aeromonads to attach to cultured mouse adrenal cells. These studies indicate that multiple mechanisms are important for the attachment of mesophilic aeromonads to mammalian cells. This model may prove useful for studying the pathogenesis of aeromonad infections.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to select an available medium for Aeromonads isolation as well as to point out the Aeromonads presence in different foodstuffs of animal origin. Out of 15 tested media for Aeromonas isolation, two media, were selected: DFS as control medium and AGOS medium, both giving superposable results. 404 samples of foodstuffs of animal origin were examined; Aeromonads testing was performed qualitatively and quantitatively. 142 samples with a positivity percent of 51.40% were qualitatively tested. 262 samples with a positivity percent of 48.85% were quantitatively tested.  相似文献   

不同类型沙地狗尾草的生长特征及生物量分配   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在科尔沁沙地封育5年的围栏内选取典型流动、半流动、半固定、固定和丘间低地5种不同样地,并以未封育的流动沙地作为对照,测定了狗尾草生长特征指标及地上、地下生物量.结果表明:随着环境条件的改善,狗尾草的分蘖株数逐渐减少,而围栏内狗尾草叶长、叶片长宽比和最大穗长增大;植株高度排列次序为丘间低地>固定沙地>半固定沙地>半流动沙地>流动沙地>对照,而围栏内植株根长及其与株高比值的大小次序与株高正好相反;不同类型沙地狗尾草地上、地下生物量有所不同,但不同类型沙地狗尾草地上、地下生物量的分配比例在一定范围内变动,生物量主要分配在地上部分,地上生物量与总生物量的比值不小于80%,而地下生物量与总生物量的比值不超过20%.  相似文献   

Nine Aeromonas strains having a brown exopigment were isolated during the microbiological examination of river water. These brown-pigmented aeromonads were characterized by the phenotyping, fatty-acid methyl-ester analysis and ribotyping. All methods identically confirmed that the group of brown-pigmented aeromonads is quite heterogeneous. Apart from the Aeromonas media taxon, the brown-pigmented aeromonads in river water were represented also by strains of A. allosaccharophila and A. salmonicida subsp. pectinolytica.  相似文献   

Two simple models of the ecology of population growth are described: "exponential" growth with "r -selection," and "logistic" growth, with "K- selection." Various methods for estimating the parameters of these models are presented in detail, along with statistical methods of evaluation and comparison. Also briefly discussed are more complex models of population growth sometimes used by demographers and ecologists. The two simpler models of population growth are then applied, by way of illustration, to two episodes of population growth in protohistoric southwest Iran, dating from 4000–2350 B. C. Interpretation of the results and the implications for future research are then discussed . [population growth, statistical models, exponential growth, logistic growth, early Iran]  相似文献   

The possiblity of suppressing the growth of Nocardia (Rhodococcus) rhodnii symbiont in the gut of Rhodnius prolixus by feeding the bugs on rabbits immunized against the bacterium, was investigated. Rabbits immunized with symbionts isolated from adult bugs and grown in vitro developed high antisymbiont titres (1,024-2,048) and showed no ill side effects. The log-phase growth of the symbionts was retarded in the gut of R. prolixus larvae fed on immunized rabbits. Both growth rate and maximal number of symbionts were lower in groups receiving treatment. Rate of development of bugs reared on immunized rabbits was slowed and their success in moulting was reduced.  相似文献   

Incidence of aeromonads in samples from an abattoir processing lambs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two hundred and thirty three samples of lamb carcasses, livers, kidneys and faeces, collected at a local abattoir, were examined to determine the incidence of motile Aeromonas spp. Wash water from the abattoir was also tested. Direct plating on starch ampicillin agar and enrichment in alkaline peptone water were used. The incidence of aeromonads was low. They were detected only after enrichment in 5/47 faecal samples and 11/50 carcass samples. The 41 strains of Aeromonas isolated were identified to species level and 93% of them were able to grow at 5 degrees C. The ability to produce both haemolysin and enterotoxin was species-related and was more common in Aeromonas hydrophila and A. sobria strains than in A. caviae strains.  相似文献   

Mammalian gut microbial communities form intricate mutualisms with their hosts, which have profound implications on overall health. One group of important gut microbial mutualists are bacteria in the genus Ruminococcus, which serve to degrade and convert complex polysaccharides into a variety of nutrients for their hosts. Isolated decades ago from the bovine rumen, ruminococci have since been cultured from other ruminant and non-ruminant sources, and next-generation sequencing has further shown their distribution to be widespread in a diversity of animal hosts. While most ruminococci that have been studied are those capable of degrading cellulose, much less is known about non-cellulolytic, nonruminant-associated species, such as those found in humans. Furthermore, a mechanistic understanding of the role of Ruminococcus spp. in their respective hosts is still a work in progress. This review highlights the broad work done on species within the genus Ruminococcus with respect to their physiology, phylogenetic relatedness, and their potential impact on host health.  相似文献   

Prairie rattlesnakes, Crotalus viridis viridis Rafinesque, 1818, were infected with tetrathyridia of Mesocestoides corti Hoeppli, 1925, by means of oral intubation. Snakes were maintained at constant temperatures of either 25, 30, or 35 C for 4-24 wk. Postmortem examinations revealed the first experimental evidence of asexual multiplication of tetrathyridia in a laboratory-infected ectothermic host. Time and temperature were statistically significant with P values of less than 0.05.  相似文献   

&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2013,37(4):722-727
黄河鲤是我国优良的地方品种, 为了对其继续选育, 以黄河鲤为研究对象, 在越冬前后各测量一次数据, 观察其生长发育特点, 并通过统计学手段研究其发育规律。结果显示:体重、体长、体厚、体高4个指标在生长的第二阶段均比第一阶段显著提高, 其中体重幅度较大, 体厚增长较小; 体长和体高的比例没有发生变化, 体长和体厚比显著降低; 3维图显示第2阶段明显迁移, 第二阶段图形的集中度高。经过体重的标准化后, 2阶段3个指标的三维图发生了逆转。这些结果说明, 黄河鲤经过一段时间的生长, 主要生长指标均有提高, 3个指标3D图趋向整齐, 并发现这些体型的变化主要由于体重引起, 更值得一提的是经过这个阶段的增重体长和体厚的比值显著降低, 说明黄河鲤的体型偏向于宽度的增加。研究还通过建立多元逐步回归方程和聚类图来说明2个生长阶段体重和3个体型指标的关系, 再次验证了2阶段体重在3个体型指标中的重要影响和体型偏向于宽度增长的结论。    相似文献   

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