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Information theoretical approaches to sensory processing in electric fish have focused on the encoding of amplitude modulations in a single sensory pathway in the South American gymnotiforms. To assess the generality of these studies, we investigated the encoding of amplitude and phase modulations in the distantly related African fish Gymnarchus. In both the amplitude- and time-coding pathways, primary afferents accurately estimated the time course of random modulations whereas hindbrain neurons extracted information about specific stimulus features. Despite exhibiting a clear preference for encoding amplitude or phase, afferents and hindbrain neurons could encode significant amounts of modulation of their nonpreferred attribute. Although no increase in feature extraction performance occurred where the two pathways converge in the midbrain, neurons there were increasingly sensitive to simultaneous modulation of both attributes. A shift from accurate stimulus estimation in the periphery to increasingly sparse representations of specific features appears to be a general strategy in electrosensory processing.  相似文献   

This paper examines the directionality of tuberous electroreceptor responses and relates them to a polarity bias seen for passive electrolocation by electric fish (Hypopomus). We recorded from Burst Duration Coders (BDCs) while stimulating with 1 kHz single period sine waves with electric fields oriented horizontally in different directions. Electroreceptors have figure-8 directional sensitivity profiles with two, usually unequal lobes of sensitivity separated by 180°. For most units the larger lobe points inward, while for a few, the lobes are symmetrical or the larger lobe points outward. The differences correlate with differences in frequency tuning of the receptors. We can alter, and even reverse, the directional asymmetry of a single unit by changing the frequency of the stimulus. Two general response profiles result, with two corresponding classes of tuning curves. The degree of asymmetry varies with position on the body surface. The asymmetries and the effects of stimulus frequency and of tuning can be modeled with a linear/non-linear/linear cascade filter. The behavioral preference for approaching the head end ( + ) of an electrode is difficult to understand in light of the asymmetry of responses we report for amplitude-coding BDCs but can be understood by reference to the time-coding Pulse Marker (PM) receptors.Abbreviations BDC Burst Duration Coder - EOD electric organ discharge - nALL anterior lateral line nerve - PM Pulse Marker  相似文献   

I recorded the electric organ discharges (EODs) of 331 immature Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus 6–88 mm long. Larvae produced head-positive pulses 1.3 ms long at 7 mm (6 days) and added a second, small head-negative phase at 12 mm. Both phases shortened duration and increased amplitude during growth. Relative to the whole EOD, the negative phase increased duration until 22 mm and amplitude until 37 mm. Fish above 37 mm produced a “symmetric” EOD like that of adult females. I stained cleared fish with Sudan black, or fluorescently labeled serial sections with anti-desmin (electric organ) or anti-myosin (muscle). From day 6 onward, a single electric organ was found at the ventral margin of the hypaxial muscle. Electrocytes were initially cylindrical, overlapping, and stalk-less, but later shortened along the rostrocaudal axis, separated into rows, and formed caudal stalks. This differentiation started in the posterior electric organ in 12-mm fish and was complete in the anterior region of fish with “symmetric” EODs. The lack of a distinct “larval” electric organ in this pulse-type species weakens the hypothesis that all gymnotiforms develop both a temporary (larval) and a permanent (adult) electric organ. Accepted: 1 March 1997  相似文献   

The electric organ discharge of the gymnotiform fish Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus is a biphasic waveform. The female's electric organ discharge is nearly symmetric but males produce a longer second phase than first phase. In this study, infrared-sensitive video cameras monitored the position of unrestrained fish, facilitating precise measurement of electric organ discharge duration and amplitude every 2 h for 24 h. Males (n=27) increased electric organ discharge duration by 37 ± 12% and amplitude by 24 ± 9% at night and decreased it during the day. In contrast, females (n=8) exhibited only minor electric organ discharge variation over time. Most of a male's increase occurred rapidly within the first 2–3 h of darkness. Electric organ discharge values gradually diminished during the second half of the dark period and into the next morning. Modulation of the second phase of the biphasic electric organ discharge produced most of the duration change in males, but both phases changed amplitude by similar amounts. Turning the lights off at mid-day triggered an immediate increase in electric organ discharge, suggesting modification of existing ion channels in the electric organ, rather than altered genomic expression. Exaggeration of electric organ discharge sex differences implies a social function. Daily reduction of duration and amplitude may reduce predation risk or energy expenditure. Accepted: 12 September 1998  相似文献   

Weakly electric fish acquire information about their surroundings by detecting and interpreting the spatial and temporal patterns of electric potential across their skin, caused by perturbations in a self-generated, oscillating electric field. Computational and experimental studies have focused on understanding the electric images due to simple, passive objects. The present study considers electric images of a conspecific fish. It is known that the electric fields of two fish interact to produce beats with spatially varying profiles of amplitude and phase. Such patterns have been shown to be critical for electrosensory-mediated behaviours, such as the jamming avoidance response, but they have yet to be well described. We have created a biophysically realistic model of a wave-type weakly electric fish by using a genetic algorithm to calibrate the parameters to the electric field of a real fish. We use the model to study a pair of fish and compute the electric images of one fish onto the other at three representative phases within a beat cycle. Analysis of the images reveals rostral/caudal and ipsilateral/contralateral patterns of amplitude and phase that have implications for localization of conspecifics (both position and orientation) and communication between conspecifics. We then show how the common stimulation paradigm used to mimic a conspecific during in vivo electrophysiological experiments, based on a transverse arrangement of two electrodes, can be improved in order to more accurately reflect the important qualitative features of naturalistic inputs, as revealed by our model.  相似文献   

GnRH neurons are hypothalamic neurons that secrete gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) which stimulates the release of gonadotropins, one of the crucial hormones for sexual development, fertility and maturation. A mathematical model was built to help elucidate the mechanisms underlying electrical bursting and synchronous [Ca2+] transients in GnRH neurons (Lee et al., 2010). The model predicted that bursting in GnRH neurons (at least of the short-bursting type) requires the existence of a [Ca2+]-dependent slow after-hyperpolarisation current (sIAHP-UCL), and this predicted current was found experimentally. GnRH behaviour under a wide range of conditions (inhibition of Na+ channels, IP3 receptors, [Ca2+]-dependent K+ channels, or Ca2+ pumps, or in the presence of zero extracellular [Ca2+]) is successfully reproduced by the model. In this paper, a simplified version of the previous model, with the same qualitative behaviour, is constructed and studied using timescale separation techniques and bifurcation analysis.  相似文献   

Summary The electric organ discharge (EOD) potential was mapped on the skin and midplane of several Apteronotus leptorhynchus. The frequency components of the EOD on the surface of the fish have extremely stable amplitude and phase. However, the waveform varies considerably with different positions on the body surface. Peaks and zero crossings of the potential propagate along the fish's body, and there is no point where the potential is always zero. The EOD differs significantly from a sinusoid over at least one third of the body and tail. A qualitative comparison between fish showed that each individual had a unique spatiotemporal pattern of the EOD potential on its body.The potential waveforms have been assembled into high temporal and spatial resolution maps which show the dynamics of the EOD. Animation sequences and Macintosh software are available by anonymous ftp (mordor.cns.caltech.edu; cd/pub/ElectricFish).We interpret the EOD maps in terms of ramifications on electric organ control and electroreception. The electrocytes comprising the electric organ do not all fire in unison, indicating that the command pathway is not synchronized overall. The maps suggest that electroreceptors in different regions fulfill different computational roles in electroreception. Receptor mechanisms may exist to make use of the phase information or harmonic content of the EOD, so that both spatial and temporal patterns could contribute information useful for electrolocation and communication.Abbreviations EOD electric organ discharge - EO electric organ - CV coefficient of variance  相似文献   

Summary This report summarizes our recent work on the role of intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) in regulating mammalian ciliary beat frequency (CBF). CBF from a single ovine cilium and [Ca2+]i from the same cell were measured by digital video phase contrast microscopy and fura-2 ratiometric imaging video microscopy, respectively. Cells were stimulated with two exposures to 10 M acetylcholine (ACh). CBF was recorded during the first and [Ca2+]i during the second stimulation. ACh increased [Ca2+]i and CBF transiently with indistinguishable kinetics and, early in culture, even induced [Ca2+]i oscillations and ciliary frequency modulations with the same peak-to-peak time interval. Cells treated with 1 M thapsigargin, an inhibitor of the endoplasmic-reticulum Ca2+-ATPase, showed transient [Ca2+]i and CBF increases, again with similar kinetics, which often remained at an elevated plateau. Application of ACh to cells pretreated with thapsigargin produced decreases in both [Ca2+]i and CBF. Finally, changing extracellular Ca2+-concentrations induced corresponding changes in [Ca2+]i that were associated with kinetically similar CBF changes. These data strongly suggested that [Ca2+]i is a critical signal to regulate CBF in mammalian tracheal epithelial cells. In an initial effort to provide constraints on the number and type of reactions that link changes in [Ca2+]i to changes in CBF, simultaneous recordings of both signals from a single cell were analyzed. Such recordings provided higher resolution of the kinetic responses of CBF and [Ca2+]i to ACh as well as they allowed direct assessment of the coupling between [Ca2+]i and CBF. Simultaneous measurements revealed that [Ca2+]i and CBF were perfectly correlated within the CBF measurement time resolution, except for the period of the fastest changes in both signals during the initial ACh exposure. There, changes in CBF lagged the changes in [Ca2+]i by 1–3 ciliary beat cycles (ca. 150–450 ms).  相似文献   

Electric fish communicate with electric organ (EO) discharges (EODs) that are sexually dimorphic, hormone-sensitive, and often individually distinct. The cells of the EO (electrocytes) of the weakly electric fish Sternopygus possess delayed rectifying K+ currents that systematically vary in their activation and deactivation kinetics, and this precise variation in K+ current kinetics helps shape sex and individual differences in the EOD. Because members of the Kv1 subfamily produce delayed rectifier currents, we cloned a number of genes in the Kv1 subfamily from the EO of Sternopygus. Using our sequences and those from genome databases, we found that in teleost fish Kv1.1 and Kv1.2 exist as duplicate pairs (Kv1.1a&b, Kv1.2a&b) whereas Kv1.3 does not. Using real-time quantitative RT-PCR, we found that Kv1.1a and Kv1.2a, but not Kv1.2b, expression in the EO is higher in high EOD frequency females (which have fast EO K+ currents) than in low EOD frequency males (which have slow EO K+ currents). Systemic treatment with dihydrotestosterone decreased Kv1.1a and Kv1.2a, but not Kv1.2b, expression in the EO, whereas treatment with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) increased Kv1.2a but not Kv1.1a or Kv1.2b expression in the EO. Thus, systematic variation in the ratios of Kv1 channels expressed in the EO is correlated with individual differences in and sexual dimorphism of a communication signal.  相似文献   

We describe two new, closely related species of toothed Brachyhypopomus (Hypopomidae: Gymnotiformes: Teleostei) from the central Amazon basin and create a new subgenus for them. Odontohypopomus, new subgenus of Brachyhypopomus, is diagnosed by (1) small teeth present on premaxillae; (2) medialmost two branchiostegal rays thin with blades oriented more vertically than remaining three rays; (3) background color in life (and to lesser extent in preservation) distinctly yellowish with head and sides peppered with small, widely spaced, very dark brown stellate chromatophores that greatly contrast with light background coloration; (4) a dark blotch or bar of subcutaneous pigment below the eye; (5) electric organ discharge waveform of very long duration (head-positive phase approx. 2 milliseconds or longer, head-negative phase shorter or absent) and slow pulse repetition rate (3–16 Hz). The type species of the new subgenus, Brachyhypopomus (Odontohypopomus) walteri sp. n., is diagnosed by the following additional character states: (1) subcutaneous dark pigment at base of orbit particularly prominent, (2) body semi-translucent and nearly bright yellow background coloration in life, (3) a biphasic electric organ discharge (EOD) waveform of very long duration (between 3.5 and 4 milliseconds at 25° C) with head-positive first phase significantly longer than second head-negative phase in both sexes. Brachyhypopomus (Odontohypopomus) bennetti sp. n. is diagnosed by two character states in addition to those used to diagnose the subgenus Odontohypopomus: (1) a deep electric organ, visible as large semi-transparent area, occupying approximately 14–17% body depth directly posterior to the abdominal cavity in combination with a short, but deep, caudal filament, and (2) a monophasic, head-positive EOD waveform, approximately 2.1 milliseconds in duration in both sexes. These are the only described rhamphichthyoid gymnotiforms with oral teeth, and Brachyhypopomus bennetti is the first Brachyhypopomus reported to have a monophasic (head-positive) EOD waveform. Unlike biphasic species, the waveform of its EOD is largely unaffected by tail damage from predators. Such injuries are common among specimens in our collections. This species’ preference for floating meadow habitat along the major channels of the Amazon River basin may put it at particularly high risk of predation and “tail grazing.”  相似文献   

Neural stem cells (NSCs) are currently considered powerful candidates for cell therapy in neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's disease. However, it is not known when and how NSCs begin to differentiate functionally. Recent reports suggest that classical neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine (Ach) are involved in the proliferation and differentiation of neural progenitor cells, suggesting that neurotransmitters play an important regulatory role in development of the central nervous system (CNS). We have shown by calcium imaging and immunochemistry that proliferation and differentiation are enhanced by M2 muscarinic Ach receptors (mAchR) expressed on the NSC surface and on their neural progeny. Moreover, atropine, an mAchR antagonist, blocks the enhancement and inhibits the subsequent differentiation of NSCs. Further understanding of this neural-nutrition role of Ach might elucidate fetal brain development, the brain's response to injury, and learning and memory.  相似文献   

1. Sternopygus macrurus were collected in Venezuela during the period of gonadal recrudescence in early or late dry season. Electric organ discharge (EOD) frequencies were recorded, blood samples were taken for analysis of steroid titers, and gonads were taken for determination of reproductive condition. 2. Mean EOD frequencies were significantly lower in males than in females in all samples. EOD frequency was inversely correlated with body length in males in late, but not early, dry season, and these parameters were never correlated in females. 3. Plasma levels of testosterone (T) and 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT), but not estradiol-17 beta (E2), were inversely correlated with EOD frequency in males. No 11-KT was observed in plasma of females, and plasma levels of T and E2 in females were comparable to those of males. Neither T nor E2 were correlated with EOD frequency in females. 4. Testes collected in late dry season were more mature than those from early dry season; androgen levels and EOD frequency were correlated with testicular maturity. Ovaries collected in early dry season were immature, while those from late dry season were more mature. There was no relationship between EOD frequency and stage of ovarian development. 5. These results suggest that plasma androgens modulate EOD frequency in males during the reproductive season and that plasma E2 has little relationship to EOD frequency in either sex.  相似文献   

Lin JE  Hilborn R  Quinn TP  Hauser L 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(23):4925-4937
Small populations can provide insights into ecological and evolutionary aspects of species distributions over space and time. In the Wood River system in Alaska, USA, small aggregates of Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and chum salmon (O. keta) spawn in an area dominated by sockeye salmon (O. nerka). Our objective was to determine whether these Chinook and chum salmon are reproductively isolated, self-sustaining populations, population sinks that produce returning adults but receive immigration, or strays from other systems that do not produce returning adults. DNA samples collected from adult chum salmon from 16 streams and Chinook salmon from four streams in the Wood River system over 3 years were compared to samples from large populations in the nearby Nushagak River system, a likely source of strays. For both species, microsatellite markers indicated no significant genetic differentiation between the two systems. Simulations of microsatellite data in a large source and a smaller sink population suggested that considerable immigration would be required to counteract the diverging effects of genetic drift and produce genetic distances as small as those observed, considering the small census sizes of the two species in the Wood River system. Thus, the Wood River system likely receives substantial immigration from neighbouring watersheds, such as the Nushagak River system, which supports highly productive runs. Although no data on population productivity in the Wood River system exist, our results suggest source-sink dynamics for the two species, a finding relevant to other systems where salmonid population sizes are limited by habitat factors.  相似文献   

We consider the dependence of information transfer by neurons on the Type I vs. Type II classification of their dynamics. Our computational study is based on Type I and II implementations of the Morris-Lecar model. It mainly concerns neurons, such as those in the auditory or electrosensory system, which encode band-limited amplitude modulations of a periodic carrier signal, and which fire at random cycles yet preferred phases of this carrier. We first show that the Morris-Lecar model with additive broadband noise ("synaptic noise") can exhibit such firing patterns with either Type I or II dynamics, with or without amplitude modulations of the carrier. We then compare the encoding of band-limited random amplitude modulations for both dynamical types. The comparison relies on a parameter calibration that closely matches firing rates for both models across a range of parameters. In the absence of synaptic noise, Type I performs slightly better than Type II, and its performance is optimal for perithreshold signals. However, Type II performs well over a slightly larger range of inputs, and this range lies mostly in the subthreshold region. Further, Type II performs marginally better than Type I when synaptic noise, which yields more realistic baseline firing patterns, is present in both models. These results are discussed in terms of the tuning and phase locking properties of the models with deterministic and stochastic inputs.  相似文献   

When Notothenia neglecta was exposed to diluted, half strength, sea water for 6 h or 10 days, serum concentrations of Cl-, Na+, K+ and Mg2+ did not differ from those of sea water controls. This indicates that the fish were capable of both short- and long-term regulation. Renal Na+,K+-ATPase activity decreased after a 6 h exposure to diluted sea water, but there were no differences between diluted sea water and controls after 10 days of exposure.  相似文献   

Abstract. Fine‐scale spatial patterns of small mammal disturbances and local accumulation of plant litter were studied together with the spatial pattern of vegetation in different stages of old‐field succession at Cedar Creek Natural History Area, Minnesota, USA. Seven stands from one to 66 years old were sampled. Presence of living plant species, local soil disturbances by pocket gophers (Geomys bursarius) and plant litter accumulation were recorded in 10 cm × 10 cm contiguous microquadrats along elliptical transects. Spatial patterns and associations were analyzed using information theory models. Dominant grasses were spatially independent, while subordinate functional groups were strongly dependent on the existing patchwork of dominant species, plant litter and gopher disturbances. Litter had consistent negative associations with subordinate functional groups in all but the initial years. Gopher disturbances were abundant but had weak and variable associations with vegetation. These results suggest that gopher disturbance does not facilitate the colonization of native prairie species and that diversity can be improved by controlling litter accumulation in Minnesota old‐fields.  相似文献   

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