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Karin Enfjäll  Olof Leimar 《Oikos》2009,118(2):291-299
The evolution of mobility patterns and dispersal strategies depend on different population, habitat and life history characteristics. The ability to perceive and make use of information about the surrounding environment for dispersal decisions will also differ between organisms. To investigate the evolutionary consequences of such differences, we have used a simulation model with nearest-neighbour dispersal in a metapopulation to study how variation in the ability to obtain and make use of information about habitat quality and conspecific density affects the evolution of dispersal strategies. We found a rather strong influence of variation in information on the overall rate of dispersal in a metapopulation. The highest emigration rate evolved in organisms with no information about either density or habitat quality and the lowest rate was found in organisms with information about both the natal and the neighbouring patches. For organisms that can make use of information about conspecific density, positively density-dependent dispersal evolved in the majority of cases, with the strongest density dependence occurring when an individual only has information about density in the natal patch. However, we also identified situations, involving strong local population fluctuations and frequent local extinctions, where negatively density-dependent dispersal evolved.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2007,31(1):60-68
Habitat destruction and fragmentation severely affected the Atlantic Forest. Formerly contiguous populations may become subdivided into a larger number of smaller populations, threatening their long-term persistence. The computer package VORTEX was used to simulate the consequences of habitat fragmentation and population subdivision on Micoureus paraguayanus, an endemic arboreal marsupial of the Atlantic Forest. Scenarios simulated hypothetical populations of 100 and 2000 animals being partitioned into 1–10 populations, linked by varying rates of inter-patch dispersal, and also evaluated male-biased dispersal. Results demonstrated that a single population was more stable than an ensemble of populations of equal size, irrespective of dispersal rate. Small populations (10–20 individuals) exhibited high instability due to demographic stochasticity, and were characterized by high rates of extinction, smaller values for metapopulation growth and larger fluctuations in population size and growth rate. Dispersal effects on metapopulation persistence were related to the size of the populations and to the sexes that were capable of dispersing. Male-biased dispersal had no noticeable effects on metapopulation extinction dynamics, whereas scenarios modelling dispersal by both sexes positively affected metapopulation dynamics through higher growth rates, smaller fluctuations in growth rate, larger final metapopulation sizes and lower probabilities of extinction. The present study highlights the complex relationships between metapopulation size, population subdivision, habitat fragmentation, rate of inter-patch dispersal and sex-biased dispersal and indicates the importance of gaining a better understanding of dispersal and its interactions with correlations between disturbance events.  相似文献   

Having historically been abundant throughout Europe, the house sparrow (Passer domesticus) has in recent decades suffered severe population declines in many urban and rural areas. The decline in rural environments is believed to be caused by agricultural intensification, which has resulted in landscape simplification. We used giving-up densities (GUDs) of house sparrows feeding in artificial food patches placed in farmlands of southern Sweden to determine habitat quality during the breeding season at two different spatial scales: the landscape and the patch scale. At the landscape scale, GUDs were lower on farms in homogeneous landscapes dominated by crop production compared to more heterogeneous landscapes with mixed farming or animal husbandry. At the patch level, feeding patches with a higher predation risk (caused by fitting a wall to the patch to obstruct vigilance) had higher GUDs. In addition, GUDs were positively related to population size, which strongly implies that GUDs reflect habitat quality. However, the increase followed different patterns in homogeneous and heterogeneous landscapes, indicating differing population limiting mechanisms in these two environments. We found no effect of the interaction between patch type and landscape type, suggesting that predation risk was similar in both landscape types. Thus, our study suggests that simplified landscapes constitute a poorer feeding environment for house sparrows during breeding, that the population-regulating mechanisms in the landscapes differ, but that predation risk is the same across the landscape types.  相似文献   

Abstract Integration of habitat heterogeneity into spatially realistic metapopulation approaches reveals the potential for key cross-scale interactions. Broad-scale environmental gradients and land-use practices can create autocorrelation of habitat quality of suitable patches at intermediate spatial scales. Patch occupancy then depends not only on habitat quality at the patch scale but also on feedbacks from surrounding neighborhoods of autocorrelated patches. Metapopulation dynamics emerge from how demographic and dispersal processes interact with relevant habitat heterogeneity. We provide an empirical example from a metapopulation of round-tailed muskrats (Neofiber alleni) in which habitat quality of suitable patches was spatially autocorrelated most strongly within 1,000 m, which was within the expected dispersal range of the species. After controlling for factors typically considered in metapopulation studies—patch size, local patch quality, patch connectivity—we use a cross-variogram analysis to demonstrate that patch occupancy by muskrats was correlated with habitat quality across scales ≤1,171 m. We also discuss general consequences of spatial heterogeneity of habitat quality for metapopulations related to potential cross-scale interactions. We focus on spatially correlated extinctions and metapopulation persistence, hierarchical scaling of source–sink dynamics, and dispersal decisions by individuals in relation to information constraints.  相似文献   

Simple analytical models assuming homogeneous space have been used to examine the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on metapopulation size. The models predict an extinction threshold, a critical amount of suitable habitat below which the metapopulation goes deterministically extinct. The consequences of non-random loss of habitat for species with localized dispersal have been studied mainly numerically. In this paper, we present two analytical approaches to the study of habitat loss and its metapopulation dynamic consequences incorporating spatial correlation in both metapopulation dynamics as well as in the pattern of habitat destruction. One approach is based on a measure called metapopulation capacity, given by the dominant eigenvalue of a "landscape" matrix, which encapsulates the effects of landscape structure on population extinctions and colonizations. The other approach is based on pair approximation. These models allow us to examine analytically the effects of spatial structure in habitat loss on the equilibrium metapopulation size and the threshold condition for persistence. In contrast to the pair approximation based approaches, the metapopulation capacity based approach allows us to consider species with long as well as short dispersal range and landscapes with spatial correlation at different scales. The two methods make dissimilar assumptions, but the broad conclusions concerning the consequences of spatial correlation in the landscape structure are the same. Our results show that increasing correlation in the spatial arrangement of the remaining habitat increases patch occupancy, that this increase is more evident for species with short-range than long-range dispersal, and that to be most beneficial for metapopulation size, the range of spatial correlation in landscape structure should be at least a few times greater than the dispersal range of the species.  相似文献   

Temporal variability in primary productivity can change habitat quality for consumer species by affecting the energy levels available as food resources. However, it remains unclear how habitat-quality fluctuations may determine the dynamics of spatially structured populations, where the effects of habitat size, quality and isolation have been customarily assessed assuming static habitats. We present the first empirical evaluation on the effects of stochastic fluctuations in primary productivity—a major outcome of ecosystem functions—on the metapopulation dynamics of a primary consumer. A unique 13-year dataset from an herbivore rodent was used to test the hypothesis that inter-annual variations in primary productivity determine spatiotemporal habitat occupancy patterns and colonization and extinction processes. Inter-annual variability in productivity and in the growing season phenology significantly influenced habitat colonization patterns and occupancy dynamics. These effects lead to changes in connectivity to other potentially occupied habitat patches, which then feed back into occupancy dynamics. According to the results, the dynamics of primary productivity accounted for more than 50% of the variation in occupancy probability, depending on patch size and landscape configuration. Evidence connecting primary productivity dynamics and spatiotemporal population processes has broad implications for metapopulation persistence in fluctuating and changing environments.  相似文献   

1. We present a novel metapopulation model where dispersal is fitness dependent: the strength of migration from a site is dependent on the expected reproductive fitness of individuals there. Furthermore, individuals continue to migrate until they reach a suitable habitat where their expected fitness is above a threshold value.
2. Fitness-dependent dispersal has a very strong stabilizing effect on population dynamics, even when the intrinsic dynamics of populations in the absence of dispersal exhibit complex high-amplitude oscillations. This stabilizing effect is much stronger than that of the density-independent dispersal normally considered in metapopulation models.
3. Even when fitness-dependent dispersal does not stabilize the dynamics in a formal sense, it generally leads to simplification, with complex or even chaotic fluctuations being reduced to simple cycles.
4. This form of dispersal also has a strong tendency to synchronize local population dynamics across the spatial extent of the metapopulation.
5. These conclusions are robust to the addition of strong stochasticity in the migration threshold.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation and climate change are both prominent manifestations of global change, but there is little knowledge on the specific mechanisms of how climate change may modify the effects of habitat fragmentation, for example, by altering dynamics of spatially structured populations. The long‐term viability of metapopulations is dependent on independent dynamics of local populations, because it mitigates fluctuations in the size of the metapopulation as a whole. Metapopulation viability will be compromised if climate change increases spatial synchrony in weather conditions associated with population growth rates. We studied a recently reported increase in metapopulation synchrony of the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia) in the Finnish archipelago, to see if it could be explained by an increase in synchrony of weather conditions. For this, we used 23 years of butterfly survey data together with monthly weather records for the same period. We first examined the associations between population growth rates within different regions of the metapopulation and weather conditions during different life‐history stages of the butterfly. We then examined the association between the trends in the synchrony of the weather conditions and the synchrony of the butterfly metapopulation dynamics. We found that precipitation from spring to late summer are associated with the M. cinxia per capita growth rate, with early summer conditions being most important. We further found that the increase in metapopulation synchrony is paralleled by an increase in the synchrony of weather conditions. Alternative explanations for spatial synchrony, such as increased dispersal or trophic interactions with a specialist parasitoid, did not show paralleled trends and are not supported. The climate driven increase in M. cinxia metapopulation synchrony suggests that climate change can increase extinction risk of spatially structured populations living in fragmented landscapes by altering their dynamics.  相似文献   

Population viability analysis (PVA) models incorporate spatial dynamics in different ways. At one extreme are the occupancy models that are based on the number of occupied populations. The simplest occupancy models ignore the location of populations. At the other extreme are individual-based models, which describe the spatial structure with the location of each individual in the population, or the location of territories or home ranges. In between these are spatially structured metapopulation models that describe the dynamics of each population with structured demographic models and incorporate spatial dynamics by modeling dispersal and temporal correlation among populations. Both dispersal and correlation between each pair of populations depend on the location of the populations, making these models spatially structured. In this article, I describe a method that expands spatially structured metapopulation models by incorporating information about habitat relationships of the species and the characteristics of the landscape in which the metapopulation exists. This method uses a habitat suitability map to determine the spatial structure of the metapopulation, including the number, size, and location of habitat patches in which subpopulations of the metapopulation live. The habitat suitability map can be calculated in a number of different ways, including statistical analyses (such as logistic regression) that find the relationship between the occurrence (or, density) of the species and independent variables which describe its habitat requirements. The habitat suitability map is then used to calculate the spatial structure of the metapopulation, based on species-specific characteristics such as the home range size, dispersal distance, and minimum habitat suitability for reproduction. Received: April 1, 1999 / Accepted: October 29, 1999  相似文献   

Many studies of metapopulation models assume that spatially extended populations occupy a network of identical habitat patches, each coupled to its nearest neighbouring patches by density-independent dispersal. Much previous work has focused on the temporal stability of spatially homogeneous equilibrium states of the metapopulation, and one of the main predictions of such models is that the stability of equilibrium states in the local patches in the absence of migration determines the stability of spatially homogeneous equilibrium states of the whole metapopulation when migration is added. Here, we present classes of examples in which deviations from the usual assumptions lead to different predictions. In particular, heterogeneity in local habitat quality in combination with long-range dispersal can induce a stable equilibrium for the metapopulation dynamics, even when within-patch processes would produce very complex behaviour in each patch in the absence of migration. Thus, when spatially homogeneous equilibria become unstable, the system can often shift to a different, spatially inhomogeneous steady state. This new global equilibrium is characterized by a standing spatial wave of population abundances. Such standing spatial waves can also be observed in metapopulations consisting of identical habitat patches, i.e. without heterogeneity in patch quality, provided that dispersal is density dependent. Spatial pattern formation after destabilization of spatially homogeneous equilibrium states is well known in reaction–diffusion systems and has been observed in various ecological models. However, these models typically require the presence of at least two species, e.g. a predator and a prey. Our results imply that stabilization through spatial pattern formation can also occur in single-species models. However, the opposite effect of destabilization can also occur: if dispersal is short range, and if there is heterogeneity in patch quality, then the metapopulation dynamics can be chaotic despite the patches having stable equilibrium dynamics when isolated. We conclude that more general metapopulation models than those commonly studied are necessary to fully understand how spatial structure can affect spatial and temporal variation in population abundance.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity is one of the key evolutionary variables that correlate with population size, being of critical importance for population viability and the persistence of species. Genetic diversity can also have important ecological consequences within populations, and in turn, ecological factors may drive patterns of genetic diversity. However, the relationship between the genetic diversity of a population and how this interacts with ecological processes has so far only been investigated in a few studies. Here, we investigate the link between ecological factors, local population size, and allelic diversity, using a field study of a common bird species, the house sparrow (Passer domesticus). We studied sparrows outside the breeding season in a confined small valley dominated by dispersed farms and small‐scale agriculture in southern France. Population surveys at 36 locations revealed that sparrows were more abundant in locations with high food availability. We then captured and genotyped 891 house sparrows at 10 microsatellite loci from a subset of these locations (N = 12). Population genetic analyses revealed weak genetic structure, where each locality represented a distinct substructure within the study area. We found that food availability was the main factor among others tested to influence the genetic structure between locations. These results suggest that ecological factors can have strong impacts on both population size per se and intrapopulation genetic variation even at a small scale. On a more general level, our data indicate that a patchy environment and low dispersal rate can result in fine‐scale patterns of genetic diversity. Given the importance of genetic diversity for population viability, combining ecological and genetic data can help to identify factors limiting population size and determine the conservation potential of populations.  相似文献   

The False Ringlet (Coenonympha oedippus) is a European butterfly species, endangered due to the severe loss and fragmentation of its habitat. In Hungary, two remaining populations of the butterfly occur in lowland Purple Moorgrass meadows. We studied a metapopulation occupying twelve habitat patches in Central Hungary. Our aim was to reveal what measures of habitat quality affect population size and density of this metapopulation, estimate dispersal parameters and describe phenology of subpopulations. Local population sizes and dispersal parameters were estimated from an extensive mark–release–recapture dataset, while habitat quality was characterized by groundwater level, cover of grass tussocks, bush cover, height of vegetation and grass litter at each habitat patch. The estimated size of the metapopulation was more than 3,000 individuals. We estimated a low dispersal capacity, especially for females, indicating a very low probability of (re)colonization. Butterfly abundance and density in local populations increased with higher grass litter, lower groundwater level and larger area covered by tussocks. We suppose that these environmental factors affect butterfly abundance by determining the microclimatic conditions for both larvae and adult butterflies. Our results suggest that the long-term preservation of the studied metapopulation needs the maintenance of high quality habitat patches by appropriate mowing regime and water regulation. Management also should facilitate dispersal to strengthen metapopulation structure with creating stepping-stones or gradually increase habitat quality in present matrix.  相似文献   

Habitat quality and habitat geometry are two crucial factors driving metapopulation dynamics. However, their intricacy has prevented so far a reliable test of their relative impact on local population dynamics and persistence. Here we report on a long‐term study in which we manipulated habitat quality within a butterfly metapopulation, whereas habitat geometry was kept constant. The treatment consisted in lowering the quality of certain habitat patches while others were kept untreated, using the same spatial design over years. The effect of the treatment on metapopulation dynamics was assessed by comparing residence probability and dispersal rates within the same habitat network on 11 and 6 independent butterfly generations before and after treatment, respectively. Results showed that the experimental decrease in habitat quality generated significantly higher emigration rates from treated patches. This increase was associated with a significant decrease in dispersal rates out of untreated patches, and a significant higher residence probability in these patches. The direct relation between lower habitat quality and higher dispersal propensity in treated patches was expected. However, the lower dispersal from untreated patches after treatment was opposite to the expectation of positive density dependent dispersal generally observed in butterflies. Such negative density‐dependent dispersal would allow a rapid fine‐tuning of dispersal rates to changes in habitat quality, particularly when the spatial autocorrelation of the environmental is low. Accordingly, dispersal would promote an ideal free distribution of individuals in the landscape according to their fitness expectation.  相似文献   

Because spatial connectivity is critical to dispersal success and persistence of species in highly fragmented landscapes, the way that we envision and measure connectivity is consequential for biodiversity conservation. Connectivity metrics used for predictive modeling of spatial turnover and patch occupancy for metapopulations, such as with Incidence Function Models (IFM), incorporate distances to and sizes of possible source populations. Here, our focus is on whether habitat quality of source patches also is considered in these connectivity metrics. We propose that effective areas (weighted by habitat quality) of source patches should be better surrogates for population size and dispersal potential compared to unadjusted patch areas. Our review of a representative sample of the literature revealed that only 12.5% of studies incorporated habitat quality of source patches into IFM-type connectivity metrics. Quality of source patches generally was not taken into account in studies even if habitat quality of focal patches was included in analyses. We provide an empirical example for a metapopulation of a rare wetland species, the round-tailed muskrat (Neofiber alleni), demonstrating that a connectivity metric based on effective areas of source patches better predicts patch colonization and occupancy than a metric that used simple patch areas. The ongoing integration of landscape ecology and metapopulation dynamics could be hastened by incorporating habitat quality of source patches into spatial connectivity metrics applied to species conservation in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

Ecological theory suggests that several demographic factors influence metapopulation extinction risk, including synchrony in population size between subpopulations, metapopulation size and the magnitude of fluctuations in population size. Theoretically, each of these is influenced by the rate of migration between subpopulations. Here we report on an experiment where we manipulated migration rate within metapopulations of the freshwater zooplankton Daphnia magna to examine how migration influenced each of these demographic variables, and subsequent effects on metapopulation extinction. In addition, our experimental procedures introduced unplanned but controlled differences between metapopulations in light intensity, enabling us to examine the relative influences of environmental and demographic factors. We found that increasing migration rate increased subpopulation synchrony. We failed to detect effects of migration on population size and fluctuations in population size at the metapopulation or subpopulation level, however. In contrast, light intensity did not influence synchrony, but was positively correlated with population size and negatively correlated with population fluctuation. Finally, synchrony did not influence time to extinction, while population size and the magnitude of fluctuations did. We conclude that environmental factors had a greater influence on extinction risk than demographic factors, and that metapopulation size and fluctuation were more important to extinction risk than metapopulation synchrony.  相似文献   

The role of local habitat geometry (habitat area and isolation) in predicting species distribution has become an increasingly more important issue, because habitat loss and fragmentation cause species range contraction and extinction. However, it has also become clear that other factors, in particular regional factors (environmental stochasticity and regional population dynamics), should be taken into account when predicting colonisation and extinction. In a live trapping study of a mainland-island metapopulation of the root vole (Microtus oeconomus) we found extensive occupancy dynamics across 15 riparian islands, but yet an overall balance between colonisation and extinction over 4 years. The 54 live trapping surveys conducted over 13 seasons revealed imperfect detection and proxies of population density had to be included in robust design, multi-season occupancy models to achieve unbiased rate estimates. Island colonisation probability was parsimoniously predicted by the multi-annual density fluctuations of the regional mainland population and local island habitat quality, while extinction probability was predicted by island population density and the level of the recent flooding events (the latter being the main regionalized disturbance regime in the study system). Island size and isolation had no additional predictive power and thus such local geometric habitat characteristics may be overrated as predictors of vole habitat occupancy relative to measures of local habitat quality. Our results suggest also that dynamic features of the larger region and/or the metapopulation as a whole, owing to spatially correlated environmental stochasticity and/or biotic interactions, may rule the colonisation – extinction dynamics of boreal vole metapopulations. Due to high capacities for dispersal and habitat tracking voles originating from large source populations can rapidly colonise remote and small high quality habitat patches and re-establish populations that have gone extinct due to demographic (small population size) and environmental stochasticity (e.g. extreme climate events).  相似文献   

Body size plays a key role in the ecology and evolution of all organisms. Therefore, quantifying the sources of morphological (co)variation, dependent and independent of body size, is of key importance when trying to understand and predict responses to selection. We combine structural equation modeling with quantitative genetics analyses to study morphological (co)variation in a meta‐population of house sparrows (Passer domesticus). As expected, we found evidence of a latent variable “body size,” causing genetic and environmental covariation between morphological traits. Estimates of conditional evolvability show that allometric relationships constrain the independent evolution of house sparrow morphology. We also found spatial differences in general body size and its allometric relationships. On islands where birds are more dispersive and mobile, individuals were smaller and had proportionally longer wings for their body size. Although on islands where sparrows are more sedentary and nest in dense colonies, individuals were larger and had proportionally longer tarsi for their body size. We corroborated these results using simulations and show that our analyses produce unbiased allometric slope estimates. This study highlights that in the short term allometric relationships may constrain phenotypic evolution, but that in the long term selection pressures can also shape allometric relationships.  相似文献   

Habitat quality and metapopulation effects are the main hypotheses that currently explain the disproportionate decline of insects in cultivated Holarctic landscapes. The former assumes a degradation in habitat quality for insects within surviving ecosystems, the latter that too few, small or isolated islands of ecosystem remain in landscapes for populations to persist. These hypotheses are often treated as alternatives, and this can lead to serious conflict in the interpretations of conservationists. We present the first empirical demonstration that habitat quality and site isolation are both important determinants of where populations persist in modern landscapes. We described the precise habitat requirements of Melitaea cinxia, Polyommatus bellargus and Thymelicus acteon, and quantified the variation in carrying capacity within each butterfly's niche. We then made detailed surveys to compare the distribution and density of every population of each species with the size, distance apart and quality of their specific habitats in all their potential habitat patches in three UK landscapes. In each case, within-site variation in habitat quality explained which patches supported a species' population two to three times better than site isolation. Site area and occupancy were not correlated in any species. Instead of representing alternative paradigms, habitat quality and spatial effects operate at different hierarchical levels within the same process: habitat quality is the missing third parameter in metapopulation dynamics, contributing more to species persistence, on the basis of these results, than site area or isolation. A reorientation in conservation priorities is recommended.  相似文献   

Temporal patterns of natural and sexual selection on male badge size and body traits were studied in a population of house sparrows, Passer domesticus. Badge size was a heritable trait as revealed by a significant father-son regression. Survival during autumn dispersal and winter was not related to badge size or body traits in yearling male house sparrows. Badges that signal dominance status were affected positively by directional selection for mating. Adult male house sparrows suffered an opposing selection pressure on badge size during autumn. Contrary to males, female house sparrows did not experience significant directional or stabilizing selection on any body trait. Directional sexual selection on male badge size due to female choice moves male sparrows away from their survival optimum. Opposing directional natural selection on badge size due to autumn mortality caused by predation maintains a stable badge size.  相似文献   

The question of how dispersal behavior is adaptive and how it responds to changes in selection pressure is more relevant than ever, as anthropogenic habitat alteration and climate change accelerate around the world. In metapopulation models where local populations are large, and thus local population size is measured in densities, density-dependent dispersal is expected to evolve to a single-threshold strategy, in which individuals stay in patches with local population density smaller than a threshold value and move immediately away from patches with local population density larger than the threshold. Fragmentation tends to convert continuous populations into metapopulations and also to decrease local population sizes. Therefore we analyze a metapopulation model, where each patch can support only a relatively small local population and thus experience demographic stochasticity. We investigated the evolution of density-dependent dispersal, emigration and immigration, in two scenarios: adult and natal dispersal. We show that density-dependent emigration can also evolve to a nonmonotone, “triple-threshold” strategy. This interesting phenomenon results from an interplay between the direct and indirect benefits of dispersal and the costs of dispersal. We also found that, compared to juveniles, dispersing adults may benefit more from density-dependent vs. density-independent dispersal strategies.  相似文献   

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