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Sodium/proton exchangers [Na(+)/H(+) (NHEs)] play an important role in salt and water absorption from the intestinal tract. To investigate the contribution of the apical membrane NHEs, NHE2 and NHE3, to electroneutral NaCl absorption, we measured radioisotopic Na(+) and Cl(-) flux across isolated jejuna from wild-type [NHE(+)], NHE2 knockout [NHE2(-)], and NHE3 knockout [NHE3(-)] mice. Under basal conditions, NHE(+) and NHE2(-) jejuna had similar rates of net Na(+) (approximately 6 microeq/cm(2) x h) and Cl(-) (approximately 3 microeq/cm(2) x h) absorption. In contrast, NHE3(-) jejuna had reduced net Na(+) absorption (approximately 2 microeq/cm(2) x h) but absorbed Cl(-) at rates similar to NHE(+) and NHE2(-) jejuna. Treatment with 100 microM 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl) amiloride (EIPA) completely inhibited net Na(+) and Cl(-) absorption in all genotypes. Studies of the Na(+) absorptive flux (J) indicated that J in NHE(+) jejunum was not sensitive to 1 microM EIPA, whereas J in NHE3(-) jejunum was equally sensitive to 1 and 100 microM EIPA. Treatment with forskolin/IBMX to increase intracellular cAMP (cAMP(i)) abolished net NaCl absorption and stimulated electrogenic Cl(-) secretion in all three genotypes. Quantitative RT-PCR of epithelia from NHE2(-) and NHE3(-) jejuna did not reveal differences in mRNA expression of NHE3 and NHE2, respectively, when compared with jejunal epithelia from NHE(+) siblings. We conclude that 1) NHE3 is the dominant NHE involved in small intestinal Na(+) absorption; 2) an amiloride-sensitive Na(+) transporter partially compensates for Na(+) absorption in NHE3(-) jejunum; 3) cAMP(i) stimulation abolishes net Na(+) absorption in NHE(+), NHE2(-), and NHE3(-) jejunum; and 4) electroneutral Cl(-) absorption is not directly dependent on either NHE2 or NHE3.  相似文献   

Gallbladder Na+ absorption is linked to gallstone formation in prairie dogs. Na+/H+ exchange (NHE) is one of the major Na+ absorptive pathways in gallbladder. In this study, we measured gallbladder Na+/H+ exchange and characterized the NHE isoforms expressed in prairie dogs. Na+/H+ exchange activity was assessed by measuring amiloride-inhibitable transepithelial Na+ flux and apical 22Na+ uptake using dimethylamiloride (DMA). HOE-694 was used to determine NHE2 and NHE3 contributions. Basal J Na ms was higher than J Na sm with J Na net absorption. Mucosal DMA inhibited transepithelial Na+ flux in a dose-dependent fashion, causing J Na ms equal to J Na sm and blocking J Na net absorption at 100 μm. Basal 22Na+ uptake rate was 10.9 ± 1.0 μmol · cm−2· hr−1 which was inhibited by ∼43% by mucosal DMA and ∼30% by mucosal HOE-694 at 100 μm. RT-PCR and Northern blot analysis demonstrated expression of mRNAs encoding NHE1, NHE2 and NHE3 in the gallbladder. Expression of NHE1, NHE2 and NHE3 polypeptides was confirmed using isoform-specific anti-NHE antibodies. These data suggest that Na+/H+ exchange accounts for a substantial fraction of gallbladder apical Na+ entry and most of net Na+ absorption in prairie dogs. The NHE2 and NHE3 isoforms, but not NHE1, are involved in gallbladder apical Na+ uptake and transepithelial Na+ absorption. Received: 9 February 2001/Revised: 11 April 2001  相似文献   

Intestinal neutral NaCl absorption, which is made up ofbrush-border (BB)Na+/H+exchange linked to BBCl/HCO3exchange, is up- and downregulated as part of digestion and diarrhealdiseases. Glucocorticoids stimulate ileal NaCl absorption and BBNa+/H+exchange. Intestinal BB contains twoNa+/H+exchanger isoforms, NHE2 and NHE3, but their relative roles in rabbitileal BBNa+/H+exchange has not been determined. A technique to separate the contribution of NHE2 and NHE3 to ileal BBNa+/H+exchange activity was standardized by using an amiloride-related compound, HOE-694. Under basal conditions, both NHE2 and NHE3 contribute ~50% to ilealNa+/H+exchange. Glucocorticoids (methylprednisolone) increase BBNa+/H+exchange (2.5 times) but increase only ileal NHE3 activity (4.1 times),without an effect on NHE2 activity. Thus ileal BBNa+/H+exchange in animals treated with glucocorticoids is 69% via NHE3. Aquantitative Western analysis for NHE3 was developed, using as aninternal standard a fusion protein of the COOH-terminal 85 amino acidsof NHE3 and maltose binding protein. Glucocorticoid treatment increasedthe amount of BB NHE3. The quantitative Western analysis showed thatNHE3 makes up 0.018% of ileal BB protein in control rabbits and0.042% (2.3 times as much) in methylprednisolone-treated rabbits.Methylprednisolone treatment did not alter the amount of ileal BB NHE2protein. NHE3 turnover number was estimated to be 458 cycles/s underbasal conditions and 708 cycles/s in glucocorticoid-treated ileum. Thusmethylprednisolone stimulates ileal BBNa+/H+exchange activity only by an effect on NHE3 and not on NHE2; it does soprimarily by increasing the amount of BB NHE3, although it alsoincreases the NHE3 turnover number.


Su X  Pang T  Wakabayashi S  Shigekawa M 《Biochemistry》2003,42(4):1086-1094
We studied hyperosmolarity-induced changes in cell volume and cytoplasmic pH in PS120 cells expressing Na(+)/H(+) exchanger (NHE) isoforms and their mutants. Change in cell volume was estimated by measuring change in cell height by means of confocal microscopy. Regulatory volume increase (RVI) and cytoplasmic alkalinization were observed in cells expressing NHE1 but not in cells expressing NHE2 or NHE3. Studies using chimeric exchangers revealed that the membrane domain of the exchanger is responsible for the difference in volume sensitivity between NHE1 and NHE2. Although deletion or point mutation within the first extracellular loop of NHE1 did not affect RVI and alkalinization, point mutations within the corresponding region of NHE2, particularly a region containing aa 41-53, as well as replacement of the N-terminus of NHE2 with the corresponding region of NHE1, rendered NHE2 responsive to the activating effect of cell shrinkage. Thus, the membrane domain plays an important role in the response of the exchanger to cell shrinkage. The data suggest that the putative first extracellular loop of NHE2, but not that of NHE1, may exert an inhibitory influence on hyperosmolarity-induced activation of the exchanger and thereby block RVI.  相似文献   

Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is a potent inhibitor of mammalian renal proximal tubule Na(+) transport via its action on the apical membrane Na(+)/H(+) exchanger NHE3. In the opossum kidney cell line, inhibition of NHE3 activity was detected from 5 to 45 min after PTH addition. Increase in NHE3 phosphorylation on multiple serines was evident after 5 min of PTH, but decrease in surface NHE3 antigen was not detectable until after 30 min of PTH. The decrease in surface NHE3 antigen was due to increased NHE3 endocytosis. When endocytic trafficking was arrested with a dominant negative dynamin mutant (K44A), the early inhibition (5 min) of NHE3 activity by PTH was not affected, whereas the late inhibition (30 min) and decreased surface NHE3 antigen induced by PTH were abrogated. We conclude that PTH acutely inhibits NHE3 activity in a biphasic fashion by NHE3 phosphorylation followed by dynamin-dependent endocytosis.  相似文献   

Measurement of transmural sodium fluxes across isolated, ouabain- inhibited turtle colon in the presence of a serosal-to-mucosal sodium gradient shows that in the absence of active transport the amiloride- sensitive cellular path contains at least two routes for the transmural movement of sodium and lithium, one a conductive path and the other a nonconductive, cation-exchange mechanism. The latter transport element can exchange lithium for sodium, and the countertransport of these two cations provides a mechanistic basis for the ability of tight epithelia to actively absorb lithium despite the low affinity of the basolateral Na/K-ATPase for this cation.  相似文献   

Aldosterone-induced intestinal Na(+) absorption is mediated by increased activities of apical membrane Na(+)/H(+) exchange (aNHE3) and basolateral membrane Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase (BLM-Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase) activities. Because the processes coordinating these events were not well understood, we investigated human intestinal Caco-2BBE cells where aldosterone increases within 2-4 h of aNHE3 and alpha-subunit of BLM-Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase, but not total abundance of these proteins. Although aldosterone activated Akt2 and serum glucorticoid kinase-1 (SGK-1), the latter through stimulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), only the SGK-1 pathway mediated its effects on Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase. Ouabain inhibition of the early increase in aldosterone-induced Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activation blocked most of the apical NHE3 insertion, possibly by inhibiting Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase-induced changes in intracellular sodium concentration ([Na](i)). Over the next 6-48 h, further increases in aNHE3 and BLM-Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity and total protein expression were observed to be largely mediated by aldosterone-activated SGK-1 pathway. Aldosterone-induced increases in NHE3 mRNA, for instance, could be inhibited by RNA silencing of SGK-1, but not Akt2. Additionally, aldosterone-induced increases in NHE3 promoter activity were blocked by silencing SGK-1 as well as pharmacological inhibition of PI3K. In conclusion, aldosterone-stimulated intestinal Na(+) absorption involves two phases. The first phase involves stimulation of PI3K, which increases SGK-dependent insertion and function of BLM-Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase and subsequent increased membrane insertion of aNHE3. The latter may be caused by Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase-induced changes in [Na] or transcellular Na flux. The second phase involves SGK-dependent increases in total NHE3 and Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase protein expression and activities. The coordination of apical and BLM transporters after aldosterone stimulation is therefore a complex process that requires multiple time- and interdependent cellular processes.  相似文献   

Na(+)/H(+) exchanger 3 (NHE3) is the epithelial-brush border isoform responsible for most intestinal and renal Na(+) absorption. Its activity is both up- and down-regulated under normal physiological conditions, and it is inhibited in most diarrheal diseases. NHE3 is phosphorylated under basal conditions and Ser/Thr phosphatase inhibitors stimulate basal exchange activity; however, the kinases involved are unknown. To identify kinases that regulate NHE3 under basal conditions, NHE3 was immunoprecipitated; LC-MS/MS of trypsinized NHE3 identified a novel phosphorylation site at S(719) of the C terminus, which was predicted to be a casein kinase 2 (CK2) phosphorylation site. This was confirmed by an in vitro kinase assay. The NHE3-S719A mutant but not NHE3-S719D had reduced NHE3 activity due to less plasma membrane NHE3. This was due to reduced exocytosis plus decreased plasma membrane delivery of newly synthesized NHE3. Also, NHE3 activity was inhibited by the CK2 inhibitor 2-dimethylamino-4,5,6,7-tetrabromo-1H-benzimidazole DMAT when wild-type NHE3 was expressed in fibroblasts and Caco-2 cells, but the NHE3-S(719) mutant was fully resistant to DMAT. CK2 bound to the NHE3 C-terminal domain, between amino acids 590 and 667, a site different from the site it phosphorylates. CK2 binds to the NHE3 C terminus and stimulates basal NHE3 activity by phosphorylating a separate single site on the NHE3 C terminus (S(719)), which affects NHE3 trafficking.  相似文献   

Acute hormonalmodulation of NHE3 activity is partly mediated by kinases, includingprotein kinase C (PKC). We examined the role of NHE3 phosphorylation inregulating its activity in response to PKC activation by phorbol12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). In pooled NHE-deficient fibroblaststransfected with NHE3, PMA increased NHE3 activity and phosphorylation.When six potential PKC target serines were mutated, NHE3phosphorylation was drastically reduced and PMA failed to regulate NHE3phosphorylation or function. To examine whether NHE3 phosphorylation issufficient for functional regulation by PKC, we exploited theheterogeneous response of NHE3 activity to PMA in individual clones oftransfectants. Clones with stimulatory, inhibitory, or null responsesto PMA were observed. Despite the diverse functional response, changesin NHE3 phosphorylation as revealed by tryptic phosphopeptide maps weresimilar in all clones. We conclude that although phosphorylationappears to be necessary, it is insufficient to mediate PKC regulationof NHE3 function and factors extrinsic to the NHE3 protein must be involved.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of angiotensin II (A-II) on membrane expression of Na+/H+ exchange isoforms NHE3 and NHE2 in the rat renal cortex. A-II (500 ng/kg per min) was chronically infused into the Sprague-Dawley rats by miniosmotic pump for 7 days. Arterial pressure and circulating plasma A-II level were significantly increased in A-II rats as compared to control rats. pH-dependent uptake of 22Na+ study in the presence of 50 μM HOE-694 revealed that Na+ uptake mediated by NHE3 was increased ∼88% in the brush border membrane from renal cortex of A-II-treated rats. Western blotting showed that A-II increased NHE3 immunoreactive protein levels in the brush border membrane of the proximal tubules by 31%. Northern blotting revealed that A-II increased NHE3 mRNA abundance in the renal cortex by 42%. A-II treatment did not alter brush border NHE2 protein abundance in the renal proximal tubules. In conclusion, chronic A-II treatment increases NHE3-mediated Na+ uptake by stimulating NHE3 mRNA and protein content.  相似文献   

Two PDZ domain-containing proteins, NHERF and E3KARP are necessary for cAMP-dependent inhibition of Na(+)/H(+) exchanger 3 (NHE3). In this study, we demonstrate a specific role of E3KARP, which is not duplicated by NHERF, in Ca(2+)-dependent inhibition of NHE3 activity. NHE3 activity is inhibited by elevation of intracellular Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](i)) in PS120 fibroblasts stably expressing E3KARP but not those expressing NHERF. In addition, this Ca(2+)-dependent inhibition requires Ca(2+)-dependent association between alpha-actinin-4 and E3KARP. NHE3 is indirectly connected to alpha-actinin-4 in a protein complex through Ca(2+)-dependent interaction between alpha-actinin-4 and E3KARP, which occurs through the actin-binding domain plus spectrin repeat domain of alpha-actinin-4. Elevation of [Ca(2+)](i) results in oligomerization and endocytosis of NHE3 as well as in inhibition of NHE3 activity. Overexpression of alpha-actinin-4 potentiates the inhibitory effect of ionomycin on NHE3 activity by accelerating the oligomerization and endocytosis of NHE3. In contrast, overexpression of the actin-binding domain plus spectrin repeat domain acts as a dominant-negative mutant and prevents the inhibitory effect of ionomycin on NHE3 activity as well as the oligomerization and internalization of NHE3. From these results, we propose that elevated Ca(2+) inhibits NHE3 activity through oligomerization and endocytosis of NHE3, which occurs via formation of an NHE3-E3KARP-alpha-actinin-4 complex.  相似文献   

A previous study showed that approximately 25-50% of rabbit ileal brush border (BB) Na(+)/H(+) exchanger NHE3 is in lipid rafts (LR) (Li, X., Galli, T., Leu, S., Wade, J. B., Weinman E. J., Leung, G., Cheong, A., Louvard, D., and Donowitz, M. (2001) J. Physiol. (Lond.) 537, 537-552). Here, we examined the role of LR in NHE3 transport activity using a simpler system: opossum kidney (OK) cells (a renal proximal tubule epithelial cell line) containing NHE3. approximately 50% of surface (biotinylated) NHE3 in OK cells distributed in LR by density gradient centrifugation. Disruption of LR with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (MbetaCD) decreased NHE3 activity and increased K'(H+)(i), but K(m)((Na+)) was not affected. The MbetaCD effect was completely reversed by repletion of cholesterol, but not by an inactive analog of cholesterol (cholestane-3beta,5alpha,6beta-triol). The MbetaCD effect was specific for NHE3 activity because it did not alter Na(+)-dependent l-Ala uptake. MbetaCD did not alter OK cell BB topology and did not change the surface amount of NHE3, but greatly reduced the rate of NHE3 endocytosis. The effects of inhibiting phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and of MbetaCD on NHE3 activity were not additive, indicating a common inhibitory mechanism. In contrast, 8-bromo-cAMP and MbetaCD inhibition of NHE3 was additive, indicating different mechanisms for inhibition of NHE3 activity. Approximately 50% of BB NHE3 and only approximately 11% of intracellular NHE3 in polarized OK cells were in LR. In summary, the BB pool of NHE3 in LR is functionally active because MbetaCD treatment decreased NHE3 basal activity. The LR pool is necessary for multiple kinetic aspects of normal NHE3 activity, including V(max) and K'(H+)(i), and also for multiple aspects of NHE3 trafficking, including at least basal endocytosis and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent basal exocytosis. Because the C-terminal domain of NHE3 is necessary for its regulation and because the changes in NHE3 kinetics with MbetaCD resemble those with second messenger regulation of NHE3, these results suggest that the NHE3 C terminus may be involved in the MbetaCD sensitivity of NHE3.  相似文献   

Summary The role of transmembrane pH gradients on the ouabain, bumetanide and phloretin-resistant Na+ transport was studied in human red cells. Proton equilibration through the Jacobs-Stewart cycle was inhibited by the use of DIDS (125 m) and methazolamide (400 m). Red cells with different internal pH (pH i =6.4, 7.0 and 7.8) were prepared and Na+ influx was measured at different external pH (pH o =6.0, 7.0, 8.0). Na+ influx into acid-loaded cells (pH i =6.4) markedly increased when pH o was raised from 6.0 to 8.0. Amiloride, a well-known inhibitor of Na+/H+ exchange systems blocked about 60% of the H+-induced Na+ entry, while showing small inhibitory effects in the absence of pH gradients. When pH0 was kept at 8.0, the amiloride-sensitive Na+ entry was abolished as pH i was increased from 6.4 to 7.8. Moreover, measurements of H+ efflux into lightly buffered media indicated that the imposition of an inward Na+ gradient stimulated a net H+ efflux which was sensitive to the amiloride analog 5-N-methyl-N-butyl-amiloride. Furthermore, in the absence of a chemical gradient for Na+ (Na i + =Na 0 + =15mm,Em=+6.7 mV), an outward H+ gradient (pH i =6.4, pH0=8.0) promoted a net amiloride-sensitive Na+ uptake which was abolished at an external pH of 6.0. These findings are consistent with the presence of an amiloride-sensitive Na+/H+ exchange system in human red cells.  相似文献   

We examined the regulation of theNa+/H+exchangers (NHEs) NHE2 and NHE3 by expressing them in human intestinalC2/bbe cells, which spontaneously differentiate and have little basalapical NHE activity. Unidirectional apical membrane22Na+influxes were measured in NHE2-transfected (C2N2) and NHE3-transfected (C2N3) cells under basal and stimulated conditions, and their activities were distinguished as the HOE-642-sensitive and -insensitive components of5-(N,N-dimethyl)amiloride-inhibitableflux. Both C2N2 and C2N3 cells exhibited increased apical membrane NHEactivity under non-acid-loaded conditions compared with nontransfected control cells. NHE2 was inhibited by 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate and thapsigargin, was stimulatedby serum, and was unaffected by cGMP- and protein kinase C-dependent pathways. In contrast, NHE3 was inhibited by all regulatory pathways examined. Under acid-loaded conditions (which increase apical Na+ influx), NHE2 and NHE3exhibited similar patterns of regulation, suggesting that the secondmessenger effects observed were not secondary to effects on cell pH.Thus, in contrast to their expression in nonepithelial cells, NHE2 andNHE3 expressed in an epithelial cell line behave similarly toendogenously expressed intestinal apical membrane NHEs. We concludethat physiological regulation and function of epithelium-specific NHEsare dependent on tissue-specific factors and/or conditionalrequirements.


Ammonia is an abundant fermentation product in the forestomachs of ruminants and the intestine of other species. Uptake as NH3 or NH4+ should modulate cytosolic pH and sodium-proton exchange via Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE). Transport rates of Na+, NH4+, and NH3 across the isolated rumen epithelium were studied at various luminal ammonia concentrations and pH values using the Ussing chamber method. The patch-clamp technique was used to identify an uptake route for NH4+. The data show that luminal ammonia inhibits electroneutral Na transport at pH 7.4 and abolishes it at 30 mM (P < 0.05). In contrast, at pH 6.4, ammonia stimulates Na transport (P < 0.05). Flux data reveal that at pH 6.4, approximately 70% of ammonia is absorbed in the form of NH4+, whereas at pH 7.4, uptake of NH3 exceeds that of NH4+ by a factor of approximately four. The patch-clamp data show a quinidine-sensitive permeability for NH4+ and K+ but not Na+. Conductance was 135 +/- 12 pS in symmetrical NH(4)Cl solution (130 mM). Permeability was modulated by the concentration of permeant ions, with P(K) > P(NH4) at high and P(NH4) > P(K) at lower external concentrations. Joint application of both ions led to anomalous mole fraction effects. In conclusion, the luminal pH determines the predominant form of ammonia absorption from the rumen and the effect of ammonia on electroneutral Na transport. Protons that enter the cytosol through potassium channels in the form of NH4+ stimulate and nonionic diffusion of NH3 blocks NHE, thus contributing to sodium transport and regulation of pH.  相似文献   

Inside-out membrane vesicles have been prepared from sheep reticulocytes. With these vesicles, Na+-dependent glycine uptake and net accumulation have been demonstrated to occur in reverse, i.e., from extravesicular (normal cytoplasmic) to intravesicular (normal extravesicular) surface. Uptake and accumulation are inhibited by energization of the sodium pump by ATP whereby the Na+ electrochemical gradient is dissipated. Glycine-dependent Na+ uptake was also observed, providing evidence that Na+-dependent glycine influx into these vesicles, equivalent to normal efflux, is characterized by Na+-glycine co-transport.  相似文献   

Summary Usin gintracellular microelectrode technique, the response of the voltageV across the plasma membrane of cultured bovine corneal endothelial cells to changes in sodium and bicarbonate concentrations was investigated. (1) The electrical response to changes in [HCO 3 ] o (depolarization upon lowering and hyperpolarization upon raising [HCO 3 ] o ) was dependent on sodium. Lithium could fairly well be substituted for sodium, whereas potassium or choline were much less effective. (2) Removal of external sodium caused a depolarization, while a readdition led to a hyperpolarization, which increased with time of preincubation in the sodium-depleted medium. (3) The response to changes in [Na+] o was dependent on bicarbonate. In a nominally bicarbonate-free medium, its amplitude was decreased or even reversed in sign. (4) Application of SITS or DIDS (10–3 m) had a similar effect on the response to sodium as bicarbonate-depleted medium. (5) At [Na+] o =151mm and [HCO 3 ] o =46mm, the transients ofV depended, with 39.0±9.0 (sd) mV/decade, on bicarbonate and, with 15.3±5.8 (sd) mV/decade, on sodium. (6) After the preincubation of cells with lithium, replacement of Li by choline led to similar effects as the replacement of sodium by choline, though the response ofV was smaller with Li. This response could be reduced or reversed by the removal of bicarbonate or by the application of SITS. (7) Amiloride (10–3 m) caused a reversible hyperpolarization of the steady-state potential by 8.5±2.6 mV (sd). It did not affect the immediate response to changes in [Na+] o or [HCO 3 ] o , but reduced the speed of regaining the steady-state potential after a change in [HCO 3 ] o . (8) Ouabain (10–4 m) caused a fast depolarization of –6.8±1.1 (sd) mV, which was followed by a continuing slower depolarization. The effect was almost identical at 10–5 m. (9) It is suggested, that corneal endothelial cells possess a cotransport for sodium and bicarbonate, which transports net negative charage with these ions. It is inhibitable by stilbenes, but not directly affected by amiloride or ouabain. Lithium is a good substitute for sodium with respect to bicarbonate transport and is transported itself. In addition, the effect of amiloride provides indirect evidence for the existence of a Na+/H+-antiport. A model for the transepithelial transport of bicarbonate across the corneal endothelium is proposed.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of angiotensin II (A-II) on membrane expression of Na+/H+ exchange isoforms NHE3 and NHE2 in the rat renal cortex. A-II (500 ng/kg per min) was chronically infused into the Sprague-Dawley rats by miniosmotic pump for 7 days. Arterial pressure and circulating plasma A-II level were significantly increased in A-II rats as compared to control rats. pH-dependent uptake of 22Na+ study in the presence of 50 microM HOE-694 revealed that Na+ uptake mediated by NHE3 was increased approximately 88% in the brush border membrane from renal cortex of A-II-treated rats. Western blotting showed that A-II increased NHE3 immunoreactive protein levels in the brush border membrane of the proximal tubules by 31%. Northern blotting revealed that A-II increased NHE3 mRNA abundance in the renal cortex by 42%. A-II treatment did not alter brush border NHE2 protein abundance in the renal proximal tubules. In conclusion, chronic A-II treatment increases NHE3-mediated Na+ uptake by stimulating NHE3 mRNA and protein content.  相似文献   

Diarrhea associated with inflammatory bowel diseases has traditionally been attributed to stimulated secretion. The purpose of this study was to determine whether chronic stimulation of intestinal mucosa by interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) affects expression and function of the apical membrane Na(+)/H(+) exchangers NHE2 and NHE3 in rat intestine and Caco-2/bbe (C2) cells. Confluent C2 cells expressing NHE2 and NHE3 were treated with IFN-gamma for 2, 24, and 48 h. Adult rats were injected with IFN-gamma intraperitoneally for 12 and 48 h. NHE2 and NHE3 activities were measured by unidirectional (22)Na influx across C2 cells and in rat brush-border membrane vesicles. NHE protein and mRNA were assessed by Western and Northern blotting. IFN-gamma treatment of C2 monolayers caused a >50% reduction in NHE2 and NHE3 activities and protein expression. In rats, region-specific, time- and dose-dependent reductions of NHE2 and NHE3 activities, protein expression, and mRNA were observed after exposure to IFN-gamma. Chronic exposure of intestinal epithelial cells to IFN-gamma results in selective downregulation of NHE2 and NHE3 expression and activity, a potential cause of inflammation-associated diarrhea.  相似文献   

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