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The glycoconjugates secreted by the anterior and posterior intestinal segments of Tilapia spp. were characterized by means of both conventional histochemical procedures (PAS, AB, AB-PAS, LID, HID) and a battery of 12 horseradish peroxidase labelled lectins. Some sections were treated with glycolytic enzymes and KOH before conventional and lectin stainings. The large majority of the mucopolysaccharides secreted by the goblet cells of the anterior segment are carboxylated while only a few carry sulphate groups. The mucopolysaccharides in the anterior intestine contained chondroitin, heparin and chondroitinsulphates which can provide protection for intestinal mucosae. DBA lectin staining demonstrated the presence of some endocrine cells in the anterior segment.  相似文献   

To facilitate deciphering the information content in the glycome, thin film-coated photoactivatable surfaces were applied for covalent immobilization of glycans, glycoconjugates, or lectins in microarray formats. Light-induced immobilization of a series of bacterial exopolysaccharides on photoactivatable dextran-coated analytical platforms allowed covalent binding of the exopolysaccharides. Their specific galactose decoration was detected with fluorescence-labeled lectins. Similarly, glycoconjugates were covalently immobilized and displayed glycans were profiled for fucose, sialic acid, galactose, and lactosamine epitopes. The applicability of such platforms for glycan profiling was further tested with extracts of Caco2 epithelial cells. Following spontaneous differentiation or on pretreatment with sialyllactose, Caco2 cells showed a reduction of specific glycan epitopes. The changed glycosylation phenotypes coincided with altered enteropathogenic E. coli adhesion to the cells. This microarray strategy was also suitable for the immobilization of lectins through biotin-neutravidin-biotin bridging on platforms functionalized with a biotin derivatized photoactivatable dextran. All immobilized glycans were specifically and differentially detected either on glycoconjugate or lectin arrays. The results demonstrate the feasibility and versatility of the novel platforms for glycan profiling.  相似文献   

Summary— It is now well established that malignant transformation of eucaryotic cells is concomitant with typical alterations of glycosylation and the expression pattern of endogenous lectins. In parallel, oncogene transfection studies revealed a correlation between the expression of some of these genes, the transformed state and perhaps metastasis. These observations lead to the idea that oncogenes may control the expression of enzymes involved in the biosynthetic pathway of cell membrane glycoconjugates and the expression of endogenous lectins. Indeed, several contributions have shown that cells upon transfection with activated oncogenes of the ras family become invasive and/or metastatic and have their membrane glycoproteins modified. Information on the molecular mechanism of this postulated oncogene regulation is still lacking. Because of the diversity of the functions of oncogene-encoded proteins, further experiments dealing with other activated oncogenes may help in deciphering the regulation of expression of glycoconjugates and endogenous lectins together with their functions.  相似文献   

Macromolecules are sulfated during the vegetative growth of Dictyostelium discoideum. A characterisation of the structures of sulfated oligosaccharides associated with these macromolecules indicates that the oligosaccharides are heterogeneous. Endoglycosidase and pronase digestion were used with gel-filtration chromatography to obtain two different oligosaccharide fractions and a glycopeptide fraction; these were further characterised by ion-exchange and lectin-affinity chromatography and by acid hydrolysis. The data indicate that up to 43% of the sulfate is associated with typical N-linked oligosaccharides, that up to 5% is associated with N-linked oligosaccharides that are either very large or extremely highly charged, and that the remaining sulfate is associated with oligosaccharides non-N-linked to protein. Each fraction was also shown to be heterogeneous at most other structural levels. Electrophoretic analyses following the endoglycosidase and pronase treatments indicated that all of the macromolecules are glycoproteins and suggested further that at least two of the oligosaccharide fractions are located on different groups of glycoproteins.  相似文献   

This work demonstrates the feasibility of using Raman spectroscopy for the analysis of small quantities of chemically similar oligosaccharides and their mixtures. Raman spectra were obtained from 10-microL aliquots of 1 mM solutions of maltotetraose and/or stachyose after deposition onto an electrochemically roughened silver substrate (and the resulting spectral features are attributed to a combination of normal and surface-enhanced Raman scattering). These compounds were selected because they are representative of glycans derived from post-translationally modified proteins which, like these compounds, often consist of isomers of equal mass and similar shape. Replicate spectral measurements were recorded and processed using a partial-least-squares (PLS) classification and quantification algorithms with a leave-one-batch-out (LOBO) training and testing procedure. Spectra derived from solutions of individual sugars were identified with 100% accuracy, and mixtures of the two sugars were quantified with an average error of 2.7% in the relative maltotetraose/stachyose composition for mixtures with a total oligosaccharide concentration of 1 mM.  相似文献   

The cyst wall of Opisthonecta henneguyi has been studied ultrastructurally and cytochemically by light and electron microscopy, as well as by chemical and electrophoretic analyses, to examine the structure of the cyst wall and its composition. The cyst wall consists of four morphologically distinct layers. The ectocyst is a thin dense layer. The mesocyst is the thickest layer and is composed of a compact material. The endocyst is a thin layer like the ectocyst, but less dense. The granular layer varies in thickness and is composed of a granular material. In the resting cyst, kinetosomes of both oral apparatus and trochal band as well as the myoneme system are maintained, and only cilia are resorbed. The sugars present in the cyst wall are predominantly N-acetylglucosamine (90%) and glucose (10%). The mesocyst is composed of chitin, and the endocyst includes glycoproteins and acid mucopolysaccharides. During secretion of the cyst wall, the endocyst and granular layer are secreted from precursors synthesized "de novo". No cytoplasmic precursors of ectocyst and mesocyst have been detected.  相似文献   

The membrane carbohydrate antigen, sialyl Lewis x (sLex), is involved in cellular adhesive interactions in many diseases, such as cancer, inflammation and thrombosis. This antigen is also found on soluble macromolecules, such as serum glycoproteins, but the precise role of soluble sLex in modifying disease processes, or reflecting the pathological changes is still unclear. Although methods were previously reported for the measurement of soluble sLex, many of these were not well characterised, measurements were mainly made on mixtures of molecules, and the anti-sLex antibodies were used at concentrations that made the assay expensive. In this study an ELISA has been devised that detects sLex in purified soluble glycoconjugates using the anti-sLex antibody, CSLEX 1. Commercially-available haptoglobin (Hp) and synthetic complexes of Lewis antigens with polyacrylamide were used as model substances in developing the procedure. Key steps were washing the antibody/antigen complex with ten times diluted salt solution to prevent dissociation of the complex and the use of bovine serum albumin for blocking non-specific interactions. The assay was shown to be very specific, its precision was in the range 6–12%, and it could detect less than a pmol of sLex. It could also distinguish between different densities of sLex on the same amount of glycoconjugate. Determination of sLex in Hp isolated from small groups of healthy individuals, cancer patients, and rheumatoid arthritis sufferers suggested that the antigen expression is increased in disease. This method, which is an improvement on those previously described, will be useful for determining sLex in many different types of soluble glycoconjugate, and used in combination with synthetic carbohydrate polyacrylamide complexes, will help to standardize measurements of soluble sLex in the future.  相似文献   

The buffalo has a seasonal reproduction activity with mating and non-mating periods occurring from late autumn to winter and from late spring to beginning of autumn, respectively. Sperm glycocalyx plays an important role in reproduction as it is the first interface between sperm and environment. Semen quality is poorer during non-mating periods, so we aimed to evaluate if there were also seasonal differences in the surface glycosylation pattern of mating period spermatozoa (MPS) compared with non-mating period spermatozoa (NMPS). The complexity of carbohydrate structures makes their analysis challenging, and recently the high-throughput microarray approach is now providing a new tool into the evaluation of cell glycosylation status. We adopted a novel procedure in which spermatozoa was spotted on microarray slides, incubated with a panel of 12 biotinylated lectins and Cy3-conjugated streptavidin, and then signal intensity was detected using a microarray scanner. Both MPS and NMPS microarrays reacted with all the lectins and revealed that the expression of (i) O-glycans with NeuNAcα2-3Galβ1,3(±NeuNAcα2-6)GalNAc, Galβ1,3GalNAc and GalNAcα1,3(l-Fucα1,2)Galβ1,3/4GlcNAcβ1 was not season dependent; (ii) O-linked glycans terminating with GalNAc, asialo N-linked glycans terminating with Galβ1,4GlcNAc, GlcNAc, as well as α1,6 and α1,2-linked fucosylated oligosaccharides was predominant in MPS; (iii) high mannose- and biantennary complex types N-glycans terminating with α2,6 sialic acids and terminal galactose were lower in MPS. Overall, this innovative cell microarray method was able to identify specific glycosylation changes that occur on buffalo bull sperm surface during the mating and non-mating periods.  相似文献   

Secondary structure prediction for the 4 legume lectins: Concanavalin A, soybean agglutinin, favabean lectin and lentil lectin, was done by the method of Chou and Fasman. This prediction shows that these four lectins fall into a structurally distinct class of proteins, containing high amounts of β-sheet and β-turns. There is a notable similarity in the gross structure of these proteins; all four of them contain about 40–50% of β-sheet, 35–45 % β-turn and 0–10% of α-helix. When the secondary structure of corresponding residues in each pair of these lectins was compared, there was a striking similarity in the Concanavalin A-soybean agglutinin and favabean lectin-lentil lectin pairs, and considerably less similarity in the other pairs, suggesting that these legume lectins have probably evolved in a divergent manner from a common ancestor. A comparison of the predicted potential β-turn sites also supports the hypothesis of divergent evolution in this class of lectins.  相似文献   

This study attempts to assess the developmental importance of cell surface glycoconjugates of preimplantation mouse embryos. This was done by incubating early embryos in various lectins and analyzing subsequent development. If specific cell surface glycoconjugates (lectin receptors) are linked to specific developmental processes, such as cell division, compaction, and blastocyst formation, then different lectins should block these different developmental processes. The results show that wheat-germ agglutinin (WGA; N-acetyl-D-glucosamine-specific) at 50 μg/ml prevents the cell division of four-cell embryos. However, this effect of WGA occurs only in embryos with intact zonae pellucidae. Concanavalin A (Con A; α-D-glucose and α-D-mannose-specific) treatment, 20 μg/ml, of four-cell or early eight-cell embryos prevents compaction, the first major change in cell shape in early mouse embryogenesis. Divalent succinly Con A does not affect development, suggesting that the Con A effect is due to crosslinking of cell surface glycoconjugates. Exposure of four-cell or early eight-cell embryos to 10 μg/ml Lotus Tetragonolobus puprureas agglutinin (LTA; α-L-fucose-specific) or 25 μg/ml Limulus polyphemus agglutinin (LPA; sialic acid-specific) allows compaction or development to the morula stage, but blocks blastocyst formation. All lectins tested retard cell division to some extent. Late morulae and early blastocysts are more resistant than earlier stages to all of the lectins studied. This study demonstrates that very low concentrations of these lectins affect different developmental processes, presumably based upon their sugar specificities.  相似文献   

Sixty‐four sequences containing lectin domains with homologs of known three‐dimensional structure were identified through a search of mycobacterial genomes. They appear to belong to the β‐prism II, the C‐type, the Microcystis virdis (MV), and the β‐trefoil lectin folds. The first three always occur in conjunction with the LysM, the PI‐PLC, and the β‐grasp domains, respectively while mycobacterial β‐trefoil lectins are unaccompanied by any other domain. Thirty heparin binding hemagglutinins (HBHA), already annotated, have also been included in the study although they have no homologs of known three‐dimensional structure. The biological role of HBHA has been well characterized. A comparison between the sequences of the lectin from pathogenic and nonpathogenic mycobacteria provides insights into the carbohydrate binding region of the molecule, but the structure of the molecule is yet to be determined. A reasonable picture of the structural features of other mycobacterial proteins containing one or the other of the four lectin domains can be gleaned through the examination of homologs proteins, although the structure of none of them is available. Their biological role is also yet to be elucidated. The work presented here is among the first steps towards exploring the almost unexplored area of the structural biology of mycobacterial lectins. Proteins 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The saccharide composition of surface and secretion glycoconjugates in the oesophagus of Umbrina cirrosa was examined by means of lectin histochemistry. Mucous cells showed the presence of N‐acetylgalactosamine, N‐acetylglucosamine and sialic acid linked to the dimer galactosyl(β1→3) N‐acetylgalactosamine. Columnar epithelial cells had a positive reaction with almost all the lectins employed, located in the supranuclear region and in the cell coat. The presence of abundant and various glycoconjugates in the secretions of shi drum oesophagus was correlated to the absence of salivary glands in fishes in general.  相似文献   

The glycoside residues (glycoconjugates, GC) of the zona pellucida (ZP) glycoproteins are important during the first phases of fecundation. Our aim in this work was to determine the lectin affinity pattern of porcine ZP in order to analyze the changes that take place during: (a) preantral folliculogenesis, (b) the follicular atresia process, and (c) antral growth. Several prepubertal and adult pig ovaries and different sized antral follicles were used. Conventional carbohydrate histochemical techniques and peroxidase and digoxigenin (DIG) lectins were used to reveal the acid groups and the glycosidic residues of the ZP. It was seen that the ZP forms in the preantral follicles throughout their growth period. In primordial and primary follicles, ZP in the process of formation showed neutral GC. SBA, RCA-I, MAA, WGA lectins, and AAA after methylation-saponification (MS) were positive in the ZP of primordial and primary follicles. The affinity for SBA, RCA-I, MAA, and WGA increased in the multilaminar-primary follicles and new affinities for UEA-I and LFA were observed. After MS, AAA, SNA, PNA, and SBA reactivity was observed. The ZP of antral follicle oocytes of different sizes showed the same lectin pattern as multilaminar-primary follicles. The oocyte ooplasm and the follicular fluid of large antral follicles showed less affinity for WGA and LFA lectins and less intensive staining with AB (pH 2.5). Atresia did not change the antral or preantral follicle oocyte ZP lectin pattern. In conclusion, the follicles showed substantial changes in their ZP glycosidic composition as they developed, especially, during the change from primary to multilaminar-primary follicles. The ZP glycosidic composition showed no significant change during the growth of antral follicles and follicular atresia in our study.  相似文献   

Goblet cells in the intestine of shi drum Umbrina cirrosa showed the presence of glycoconjugates particularly rich in fucose and N-acetylglucosamine residues. They displayed also sialic acid linked to galactosyl(β1→3)N-acetylgalactosamine and to galactosyl(β1→4)N-acetylglucosamine. All the nine horseradish peroxidase-conjugated lectins employed with the only exception of GSA II marked the enterocytes supranuclear region and the cell coat; the cell coat showed a more intense reactivity toward the different lectins, particularly enhanced with the use of fucosyl specific lectins.  相似文献   

Matsuo I  Ito Y 《Carbohydrate research》2003,338(21):2163-2168
The high-mannose type decasaccharide (Man(8)GlcNAc(2)), the proposed ligand of ER residing mannosidase-like proteins (MLP), and its monoglycosylated homologue (alpha-Glc(1)Man(8)GlcNAc(2)) were synthesized. The oligosaccharide assembly was performed in a convergent and stereoselective manner, using three oligosaccharide components, a core trisaccharide having a beta-mannoside bond, a liner mannotriose, and a branched mannotetraose.  相似文献   

The stomach of adult shi drum Umbrina cirrosa was investigated using a battery of nine horseradish peroxidase‐conjugated lectins combined with enzymatic treatment, in order to distinguish glycoconjugate sugar residues. Epithelial cells showed the presence of galactosyl(β1→4)N‐acetylglucosamine, mannose, N‐acetylgalactosamine, N‐acetylglucosamine, fucose and sialic acid‐galactosyl(β1→3)N‐acetylgalactosamine residues. Gastric pits had similar sugar residues with the exception of N‐acetylgalactosamine which was less diffused. Gastric glands were characterized by the presence of glycoconjugates containing galactosyl(β1→3)N‐acetylgalactosamine, N‐acetylglucosamine, galactosyl(β1→4) N‐acetylglucosamine, N‐acetylgalactosamine and a small amount of sialic acid linked to N‐acetylgalactosamine.  相似文献   

Lectin binding patterns in normal human skin were studied using five different biotinyl lectins and avidin-horseradish peroxidase. The staining pattern was specific for each lectin. In the epidermis, peanut agglutinin (PNA) and soybean agglutinin (SBA) preferentially stained the cell membranes of keratinocytes in the spinous and granular cell layers, indicating changes in the saccharide residues during keratinocyte differentiation. In the secretory segment of an eccrine sweat gland, the superficial cells gave a strong granular staining with Ricinus communis agglutinin (RCA). Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA) and SBA, on the other hand, strongly stained the basal cells. With these lectins, two types of cells in the secretory segment were clearly distinguished. These results show that (1) PNA and SBA binding sites increase during the course of keratinocyte differentiation, and (2) RCA, DBA, and SBA are good markers to distinguish two types of cells in the secretory segment of an eccrine sweat gland.  相似文献   

Human haptoglobin (Hp), prepared from 10 normal sera and 10 ovarian cancer sera as well as from 11 ovarian cancer ascitic fluids, was characterized with regard to its reactivities with different lectins. Digoxigenin-labelled lectins [peanut agglutinin (PNA),Arachis hypogaea; SNA,Sambucus nigra; MAA,Maackia amurensis; DSA,Datura stramonium; and Con A, concanavalin A] with different carbohydrate specific moieties were used to identify sugar structures in Hp by blotting and by a quantitative assay in multiwell plates [lectin/enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)]. It was found that the lectin blotting was only useful for preliminary investigations, but that the lectin/ELISA gave interesting results that indicated the presence ofN-linked complex chains. Despite the fact that PNA interacted weakly with desialylated Hp in lectin blotting, no other evidence was obtained to suggest the presence ofO-linked glycans. Quantitative differences between normal and cancer Hp were observed for Con A, SNA and MAA, but no difference was found in the reaction with DSA. The binding of cancer Hp to Con A and SNA was twice that of normal Hp. Normal serum and ascitic fluid Hp bound similar amounts of MAA, but three times that observed for cancer serum Hp. Our results suggest that normal and ovarian cancer Hp differ in the content of carbohydrate structures containing sialic acid linked (2–6) or (2–3) to galactose and the type of oligosaccharide branching.  相似文献   

The primordial germ cells (PGCs) are covered by surface glycoconjugates; some of them, like galactose residues recognized by peanut agglutinin (PNA), have been reported to be implicated in the PGC migration process. The aim of this work was the characterization of galactosides and sialylgalactosides in N- and O-linked oligosaccharides of Xenopus PGCs. Galactose(Gal)- and sialic acid(Neu5Ac)-binding lectin cytochemistry, in combination with chemical and enzymatic deglycosylation methods, were used. PGCs were slightly labeled with PNA, RCA-I and BSI-B4, which suggests the presence of the sequences Gal(1,4)GlcNAc and Gal(1,3)Gal. Moreover, there was no labeling when -elimination pre-treatment was performed, suggesting that galactosides were in O-linked oligosaccharides. The strong staining with DSA was probably due to GlcNAc. Furthermore, sialylgalactosides with the sequence Neu5Ac(2,3)Gal(1,4)GlcNAc in O-linked oligosaccharides have been shown by means of MAA, PNA and RCA-I.  相似文献   

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