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L. Arvola 《Hydrobiologia》1983,101(1-2):105-110
Primary production and phytoplankton in polyhumic lakes showed a very distinct seasonal succession. A vigorous spring maximum produced by Chlamydomonas green algae at the beginning of the growing season and two summer maxima composed mainly of Mallomonas caudata Iwanoff were typical. The annual primary production was ca. 6 g org. C · m–2 in both lakes. The mean epilimnetic biomass was 1.1 in the first lake and 2.2 g · m–2 (ww) in the second one. The maximum phytoplankton biomass, 14 g · m–2, was observed during the vernal peak in May.  相似文献   

We assessed the nutrient status of phytoplankton in 28 lakes in southern Chile using two types of physiological indicators: specific alkaline phosphatase activity, and the elemental composition (carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus) of seston. Alkaline phosphatase activity ranged from 0.001 to 0.11 mol P g chl–1 h–1, with P-deficiency indicated in about one-half the study lakes. C:N ranged from 3.9 to 24, C:P ranged from 86 to 919, and N:P ranged from 8.7 to 99. C:P and N:P ratios greater than the Redfield ratio were common, suggesting P deficiency in many of the lakes. C:N ratios were not generally indicative of N deficiency. Previous studies have suggested N may be the primary limiting nutrient in southern Chilean lakes, but our results indicate that P should not be discounted as a limiting nutrient.  相似文献   

Ulf Heyman 《Hydrobiologia》1983,101(1-2):89-103
Production and biomass values from phytoplankton populations in four different Swedish lakes were analysed. The production in all lakes was directly proportional to biomass during homothermal periods. When the lakes were stratified there was a strong negative relation between specific growth rate and biomass. The data fitted to a logistic density dependent growth equation of the form: dB/ dt = µmB(1-B · K–1) where B is the biomass, µm the maximum specific growth rate and K the carrying capacity. The equation was used to derive the parameters µ · µm –1 and carrying capacity (the maximum possible biomass). These parameters were then discussed in relation to light climate, phosphorus concentration and humic content.  相似文献   

海南岛以南海域浮游植物群落特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为掌握海南岛以南海域浮游植物群落特征, 1998–1999年对其进行了4个航次的现场调查。经显微镜检, 共鉴定出浮游植物290种(包括23个变种和5个变型)。在此基础上, 作者通过统计和聚类分析方法, 研究了这一区域浮游植物的物种组成、丰度变动和群落结构等特征。结果显示, 海南岛以南海域浮游植物物种丰富, 以硅藻门和甲藻门为主; 物种组成的时空差异显著。其优势种的暖水性、高盐性或广盐性特征明显。冷季以广温种小舟形藻(Navicula subminuscula)占优势, 随气温回升, 暖水性种类优势地位突出。不同季节浮游植物丰度差异小, 以硅藻门丰度占优势, 但与冷季相比, 暖季中甲藻门和蓝藻门丰度明显上升。4月和9月的高丰度中心位于西部海域北部湾湾口附近, 1月和12月则出现在中东部水域。聚类结果显示各浮游植物群落组分无明显的斑块分布特征。群落物种多样性表现为4月和9月高于1月和12月; 群落稳定性以12月份为最差; 中南部水域群落稳定性较差。总之, 海南岛以南海域浮游植物群落具独特的热带开阔海域生物区系特征。冷暖季群落特征有明显差异。海域水文条件对群落特征的影响复杂。  相似文献   

Species composition and diversity of phytoplankton were studied for several years in two lakes which differ with respect to mixing conditions and nutrient limitation: Schlachtensee regularly stratifies very stably. In contrast, size and wind-exposure predispose Lake Tegel to deeper mixing; additionally, stratification is artificially destabilized by aeration. As the duration of aeration was varied, the study period includes interannual changes in mixing conditions. For both lakes, it also covers trophic change due to restoration; this was especially pronounced in Schlachtensee.Results show that mixing conditions affect species composition on two levels: on a superordinate level, lake morphology or hydrology govern stability of stratification and susceptibility to perturbation, and hence the extent to which motile species can develop. In Schlachtensee, species with some means of actively seeking preferred depths usually dominated during summer stratification: Planktothrix agardhii during the hypertrophic phase, and flagellates since restoration. In contrast, in Lake Tegel deeper mixing as a generally prevailing condition favored non-motile species. Their seasonal pattern was remarkably constant from year to year. Although changes in the extent of mixing were pronounced during the four years studied (1987–1990), these were within a range that affected species composition only slightly: in summer, cyanobacteria and diatoms represented climax species whose dominance was not offset by additional, weather-induced increases of turbulence.On a subordinate level, and within the constraints set by nutrient limitation as well as by grazing pressure, small-scale changes in mixing conditions caused by meteorological cycles were shown to strongly affect species composition and in consequence diversity: Results for the fouryear post-restoration study period at Schlachtensee show that considerable interannual variations of species composition and diversity can be attributed to variations in the frequency of meteorological changes. In accordance with the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH), diversity was lowest during 1989, the year with the longest and most pronounced cycles of fair weather (14 to 27 fair days on end). However, the mechanism for this was rarely a decline of diversity caused by competitive exclusion within single long phases of stable conditions, as conceived by the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. Instead, diversity responded to changes in mixing conditions with a variety of patterns — often with low values during phases of increased mixing and with high values under quiescent conditions, especially during the first calm days just after increased mixing. Thus, not disturbance as such, but rather the rate of change between phases of disturbance and quiescence appears to determine the frequency of high diversity indices.In Lake Tegel, high diversity indices were somewhat more frequent in 1989, the year during which thermal stratification was most stable. For species adapted to frequent or continuous mixing, interjected calm phases with unusually high stability of thermal stratification may represent a disturbance of accustomed conditions. Thus, in turbulent Lake Tegel, meteorological cycles appear to act in reversal to the IDH, in a sense which may be termed intermediate quiescence hypothesis.Phosphorus limitation due to successful restoration was found to decrease winter and vernal diversity in Schlachtensee. Presumably, without nutrient constraints, new populations could grow more rapidly in response to the rapid changes of physical parameters during this season. In contrast, restoration has increased summer diversity, as phosphorus concentrations no longer allow the virtual monocultures of Planktothrix agardhii which prevailed previously. In Lake Tegel, the reduction of phosphorus concentration down to 60 µg/l P in 1989 limited biomass, but this level was still too high to significantly alter species composition or diversity.  相似文献   

Åke Niemi 《Hydrobiologia》1982,86(1-2):33-39
The water exchange between the brackish-water firth Pojoviken and the Baltic Sea is restricted by a shallow sill (6 m). An outflowing, oligohaline surface layer is isolated from the nutrient-rich mesohaline deep water by a pycnocline at a depth of 6–10 m. During the ice-free period phytoplankton production is chiefly regulated by the river discharge regime. Contrary to the situation in the outer archipelago and the sea zone, in Pojoviken phytoplankton production continues until late autumn, because the stable salinity stratification prevents the phytoplankton from sinking below the critical depth for production. The phytoplankton composition seems to be regulated chiefly by salinity. The salinity interval 2–2.5 is apparently the critical range where brackish-water phytoplankton changes to an assemblage composed of typical freshwater species.  相似文献   

Nine lakes in northern Wisconsin were sampled from February through September 1996, and HPLC analysis of water column pigments was carried out on epilimnetic seston. Pigment distributions were evaluated throughout the water column during summer in Crystal Lake and Little Rock Lake. The purpose of our study was to investigate the use of phytopigments as markers of the main taxonomic groups of algae. As a first approach, multiple regression of marker pigments against chlorophyll a (chl a) was used to derive the best linear combination of the main xanthophylls (peridinin, fucoxanthin, alloxanthin, lutein, and zeaxanthin). A significant regression equation (r2= 0.98) was obtained for epilimnion data. The good fit indicates that the chl a:xanthophyll ratios were fairly constant in the epilimnion of the nine lakes over time. Chlorophyll a recalculated from the main xanthophylls in each sample showed good agreement with measured chl a in epilimnetic waters. A second approach used the CHEMTAX program to analyze the same data set. CHEMTAX provided estimates of chl a biomass for all algal classes and allowed distinction between diatoms and chrysophytes, and between chlorophytes and euglenophytes. These results showed a reasonably good agreement with biomass estimates from microscope counts, despite uncertainties associated with differences in sampling procedure. Changes of pigment ratios over time in the epilimnetic waters were also investigated, as well as differences between surface and deep samples of Little Rock Lake and Crystal Lake. We found evidence that changes in the ratio of photoprotective pigments to chl a occurred as a response to changes in light climate. Changes were also observed for certain light‐harvesting pigments. The comparison between multiple regression and CHEMTAX analyses for inferring chl a biomass from concentrations of marker pigments highlighted the need to take account of variations in pigment ratio, as well as the need to acquire additional data on the pigment composition of planktonic algae.  相似文献   

L. Arvola 《Ecography》1984,7(4):390-398
Vertical distribution of primary production and phytoplankton was studied in a polyhumic brownwater lake and in an oligo-mesohumic lake. During summer both lakes were thermally, chemically and biologically stratified. In the brownwater lake primary production was restricted to the uppermost layer of 1–1.5 m of epilimnion. In the oligo-mesohumic lake noticeable primary production was detected down to depths of 2–3 m. The ice-free period primary production was about 20% higher in the oligo-mesohumic lake, though occasionally the surface production was 2–3 times higher in the brownwater lake. Epilimnetic total phosphorus and total nitrogen concentrations were higher in the brownwater lake, while nitrate-nitrite, ammonium and phosphate concentrations were very low in both lakes.
Phytoplankton was confined to the uppermost productive layer in the brownwater lake. In the oligo-mesohumic lake phytoplankton was distributed more evenly, though the mean maximum biomass was at the depth of 3–4 m. Below the oxic water layer biomass decreased abruptly in both lakes. In the oligo-mesohumic lake chlorophyll concentration was extremely high (max. 320 mg chl a m−3) in the anoxic hypolimnion, due to green sulphus bacteria.
Flagellated chlorophytes and thrysophytes dominated in the brownwater lake; in spring Chlamydomonas species, followed by Mallomonas caudata . In the oligo-mesohumic lake small coccal green algae, such as Oocystis, Scenedesmus and Westella -like species, dominated in mid-summer, and chrysophytes and cryptomonads in autumn.  相似文献   

Martti Rask 《Hydrobiologia》1983,101(1-2):139-143
Growth patterns and food composition of perch, Perca fluviatilis L., was studied in two small forest lake populations in southern Finland. Size and morphometry of the lakes and physical and chemical properties of water are similar. There is a clear difference in the growth rates of perch between the two lakes. The difference in growth is highly significant in all age groups. In the first lake there is a perch population of 2 000 (1750 ind · ha–1) adult fishes. In the second lake there is a small population of pike, that keeps the perch population down: 200 adult perch (530 ind · ha-1). The main food items of perch are crustacean zooplankton, Asellus aquaticus L. and Trichoptera larvae in the first lake and zooplankton, Odonata larvae, Ephemeroptera larvae and Heteroptera in the second.It is concluded that the main reason for the growth difference of studied perch populations is the different population density. There are also differences in species composition of bottom fauna of the lakes, maybe owing to the floating Sphagnum peat moss vegetation in the second lake. This can also affect the growth difference between the two populations of perch.  相似文献   

横岗水库浮游植物种类组成与时空分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林娴  陈绵润  韩博平 《生态科学》2007,26(4):303-310
于2005年5月和11月调查了横岗水库的水质和浮游植物,对浮游植物群落结构进行了分析.两次采样期间,浮游植物群落数量组成与种类结构发生明显变化.5月份浮游植物平均细胞数量高达275.41×106cells·L-1,平均生物量为31.07mg·L-1;其中优美平裂藻(Oscillatoria.elegans)和银灰平列藻(Oscillatoria.glauca)为绝对优势种,占总细胞数的90%;平裂藻的大量出现导致浮游植物生物量由球体等效半径在10~20μm的种类占主导,但0~5μm区间的小型藻类仍维持较高的生物量.11月份,浮游植物平均细胞数量降低到12.69×106cells·L-1,平均生物量为20.78mg·L-1.蓝藻门有16种,优美平裂藻、银灰平列藻的优势度明显下降;绿藻种类数量增加到48种,在新出现的25个种类中,鼓藻科(Desmidiaceae)、盘星藻属(Pediastrum)和栅藻属(Scenedesmus)有较高的细胞数;优势种类没有变化;大细胞种类的生物量明显增加,特别是等效半径大于20μm的种类.整体上看,浮游植物数量和生物量从河流入水口到大坝处有递减趋势,这种趋势在11月份更为明显,这与采样时期水库水动力过程的梯度相一致.  相似文献   

We studied phytoplankton population dynamics during the month preceding formation of ice cover in three small subalpine lakes in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, U.S.A. The outflow from Emerald Lake, which is surrounded by talus, flows into Dream Lake, which is surrounded by sub-alpine forest. Nymph Lake is a lower seepage lake with abundant macrophytes in summer. The major ion concentrations in the three lakes were similar during the study, although Emerald and Dream Lakes had higher concentrations of nitrate and silica than Nymph Lake. A principal component analysis (PCA) showed that the phytoplankton in Emerald and Dream Lakes were distinct from the phytoplankton in Nymph Lake. The species composition changed in each lake during the late fall. The patterns of change in Emerald and Dream Lakes were similar on the PCA diagram despite the greater abundance of diatoms in Dream Lake and the decreasing flow from Emerald Lake into Dream Lake during the fall. In Nymph Lake, a progressive shift in species distribution occurred with a decrease in the most abundant chlorophyte, Chlamydomonas sp., and increases in several species, including two chrysophytes and the diatom Eunotia sp. The marked change in species composition in all three lakes suggests that phytoplankton populations are influenced by changes in water temperatures and incident solar radiation that occur during the late fall. We also compared these data with phytoplankton data for two fall periods from two other hydrologically connected Rocky Mountain lakes. PCA analysis showed that the difference between years was greater than the change during the fall and that the fall species composition in these two lakes was distinct from that in Emerald and Dream Lakes or in Nymph Lake. Studying phytoplankton dynamics in alpine and sub-alpine lakes may offer clues as to how these ecosystems may respond to projected climate changes in the Rocky Mountain region, such as warmer temperatures and later formation of ice-cover.  相似文献   

V. Ilmavirta 《Hydrobiologia》1982,86(1-2):11-20
The studies on lake phytoplankton in Finland are reviewed and the major aspects of the phytoplankton dynamics are discussed. Special attention has been paid to the factors limiting productivity and species succession in different communities. After the early mainly taxonomical and floristic publications on phytoplankton at the end of last century, phytoplankton studies in lakes have proceeded along two different lines: 1) the species composition of communities and taxonomy, and 2) their production ecology or dynamics. Recently, both approaches have been combined, resulting in some profound ecological studies. In many lakes, phosphorus has been shown to be a limiting factor for phytoplankton productivity. However, it has also been shown that the irradiance and water temperature may effectively regulate the seasonal trend of phytoplankton productivity. This is the case especially in polyhumic forest lakes, where allochthonous material seems to play a major role also in primary production ecology.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of phytoplankton is considered in relation to factors which may cause deviations from a random distribution. Such deviations may arise over a wide range of scales and attention is focused on small-scale contagion and its possible significance. Evidence is presented that contagion may occur at scales smaller than have previously been considered. Samples covering a range of volumes from 0.1 ml to 10 ml were taken from a small lake and total numbers of several phytoplankton species were counted in each sample to avoid problems arising from sub-sampling. The counts were used to calculate different indices of dispersion. All indices indicated contagion to occur at the scale being considered. Within the range examined the patch size appeared variable between species. The possible derivation and relevance of such micro-patchiness is discussed.  相似文献   

J. F. Talling 《Hydrobiologia》1986,138(1):139-160
Although some study of the subject began in 1899, wide-ranging information from African water-bodies has only become available since 1950. Important developments included the establishment of long-term centres of research, the adoption of improved methods for quantitative algal sampling, the more intensive study of environmental conditions, the beginnings of experimental testing, and the improvement of taxonomic knowledge.At higher latitudes (> 20 °) examples of pronounced algal seasonality are long-established; they are accompanied and influenced by marked changes in radiant energy income and so water temperature, and often by effects of seasonal water input. Illustrations are given from lakes in Morocco and South Africa.More generally in Africa, including the tropical belt, annual patterns of phytoplankton seasonality are usually either dominated by hydrological features (water input-output) or by hydrographic ones (water-column structure and circulation). Examples of both types are discussed, together with instances (e.g. L. Volta) of combined hydrological and hydrographic regulation. In both the seasonal abundance of diatoms is often distinct and complementary to that of blue-green algae, with differing relationships to vertical mixing and water retention.Horizontal variability in the seasonal cycle is especially pronounced in the larger or morphometrically subdivided lakes. Some inshore-offshore differentiation is also known to affect phytoplankton quantity (e.g. L. George) and species composition (e.g. L. Victoria). Longitudinal differentiation is common in elongate basins especially when with a massive or seasonal inflow at one end (e.g. L. Turkana, L. Nubia, L. Volta); occasional terminal upwelling can also be influential (e.g. southern L. Tanganyika). Such examples grade into the longitudinally differentiated seasonality of flowing river-reservoir systems, as studied on the Blue and White Niles.The annual amplitude of population density, expressed in orders of magnitude (=log10 units), is one measure of seasonal variability. It can exceed 3 orders both in systems subject to hydrological wash-out (e.g. Nile reservoirs) and in the more variable species components of lakes of long retention (e.g. L. Victoria). Low amplitudes can be characteristic of some components (e.g. green algae in L. Victoria) or of total algal biomass (e.g. L. George, L. Sibaya).Seasonal changes may be subordinated to inter-annual ones, especially in shallow and hydrologically unstable lakes (e.g. L. Nakuru).  相似文献   

The phytoplankton of some gravel-pit lakes in Spain   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The phytoplankton communities of thirteen adjacent gravel-pit lakes in the lower Jarama river watershed (Madrid, Spain), were studied during spring mixing and summer stratification.If different seasons, the phytoplankton responded to different environmental factors. During spring, the abundance of SRP (soluble reactive phosphorus) and existence of a certain thermal stability resulted in the development of a greater biomass in some lakes. During summer, however, excessively high temperatures adversely affected the communities of the warmer lakes. At the species level, the responses were diverse; ordination techniques enabled us to group them.Some similarities were observed in phytoplankton composition between lakes, possibly due to local dispersion between adjacent lakes (frequented by abundant waterfowl).  相似文献   

Gravel pit lakes are novel ecosystems that can be colonized by fish through natural or anthropogenic pathways. In central Europe, many of them are managed by recreational anglers and thus experience regular fish stocking. However, also unmanaged gravel pits may be affected by stocking, either through illegal fish introductions or, occasionally, by immigration from connected water bodies. We sampled 23 small (< 20 ha) gravel pit lakes (16 managed and 7 unmanaged) in north-western Germany using littoral electrofishing and multimesh gillnets. Our objective was to compare the fish biodiversity in gravel pit lakes in the presence or absence of recreational fisheries. Given the size of the sampled lakes, we expected species poor communities and elevated fish diversity in the managed systems due to regular stocking of game fish species. Our study lakes were primarily mesotrophic and did not differ in key abiotic and biotic environmental characteristics. Lakes of both management types hosted similar fish abundances and biomasses, but were substantially different in terms of fish community structure and species richness. Fish were present in all lakes, with a minimum of three species. Higher α-diversity and lower β-diversity was discovered in managed gravel pit lakes compared to unmanaged lakes. Consequently, recreational-fisheries management fostered homogenization of fish communities, by stocking a similar set of fish species desired by anglers such as piscivorous fish and large bodied cyprinids. However, unmanaged gravel pit lakes were also affected by human-mediated colonization, presumably by illegal fish releases. Hardly any non-native species were detected, suggesting that recreational-fisheries management did not foster the spread of exotic species in our study region.  相似文献   

1. The impacts of nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) and planktivorous fish on phytoplankton composition and biomass were studied in six shallow, macrophyte‐dominated lakes across Europe using mesocosm experiments. 2. Phytoplankton biomass was more influenced by nutrients than by densities of planktivorous fish. Nutrient addition resulted in increased algal biomass at all locations. In some experiments, a decrease was noted at the highest nutrient loadings, corresponding to added concentrations of 1 mg L?1 P and 10 mg L?1 N. 3. Chlorophyll a was a more precise parameter to quantify phytoplankton biomass than algal biovolume, with lower within‐treatment variability. 4. Higher densities of planktivorous fish shifted phytoplankton composition toward smaller algae (GALD < 50 μm). High nutrient loadings selected in favour of chlorophytes and cyanobacteria, while biovolumes of diatoms and dinophytes decreased. High temperatures also may increase the contribution of cyanobacteria to total phytoplankton biovolume in shallow lakes.  相似文献   

The species composition and seasonal periodicity of the phytoplankton in Lake Vechten (The Netherlands) have been studied over a 20 year period. The results show a more or less regular pattern of algal succession during the year. Phytoplankton growth starts early in the year leading to a maximum in early spring, dominated by Bacillariophyceae and some Chlorophyceae. In summer a second maximum develops mainly consisting of a chrysophycean and a dinophycean species, accompanied by several Chlorophyceae. In September the summer species are gradually succeeded by diatoms. By the end of the summer stratification in October algal numbers decrease rapidly. The winter community consists of several species of Cryptophyceae and Chrysophyceae.When the data of 1975–1979 are compared with those from earlier records, distinct changes can be observed. These changes are discussed with reference to the trophic status of the lake. The vertical distribution of some species is described.  相似文献   

熊河水库浮游植物群落结构的周年变化   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
张婷  李林  宋立荣 《生态学报》2009,29(6):2971-2979
自2007年5月至2008年4月对湖北省枣阳市熊河水库的浮游植物群落进行调查和分析.调查共发现浮游植物49属74种,绿藻在种类组成上占绝对优势,共40种,其次为蓝藻,有15种,硅藻11种,甲藻3种,金藻和裸藻各2种,隐藻仅1种.蓝藻存在夏季(7月)高峰,优势种为卷曲鱼腥藻(Anabaena circinalis);硅藻、隐藻和甲藻均存在一个春季(3或4月)高峰,优势种分别为双头针杆藻(Synedra amphicephala)、羽纹脆杆藻(Fragilaria pinnata)、卵形隐藻(Cryptomonas ovata)和二角多甲藻(Peridinium bipes).Simpson多样性指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数和Margalef丰富度指数的年平均值分别是0.60、2.20、0.76和1.15.多样性指数和均匀度指数具有明显的季节变化规律,但无明显的空间分布规律.  相似文献   

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