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The intensity of parasite infections often increases during the reproductive season of the host as a result of parasite reproduction, increased parasite transmission and increased host susceptibility. We report within‐individual variation in immune parameters, hematocrit and body mass in adult house martins Delichon urbica rearing nestlings in nests experimentally infested with house martin bugs Oeciacus hirundinis and birds rearing nestlings in initially parasite‐free nests. From first to second broods body mass and hematocrit of breeding adult house martins decreased. In contrast leucocytes and immunoglobulins became more abundant. When their nests were infested with ectoparasites adults lost more weight compared with birds raising nestlings in nests treated with pyrethrin, whereas the decrease in hematocrit was more pronounced during infection with blood parasites. Neither experimental infestation with house martin bugs nor blood parasites had a significant effect on the amount of immune defences.  相似文献   

Parents are predicted to trade offspring number and quality against the costs of reproduction. In altricial birds, parasites can mediate these costs because intensity of parasitism may increase with parental effort. In addition, parasites may mediate a trade-off between offspring number and quality because nestlings in large broods may have reduced anti-parasite immune defence. In this study, we experimentally analysed the effect of brood size on infestation by an ectoparasitic mite in nests of barn swallows (Hirundo rustica). Nests with an enlarged brood had larger prevalence and intensity of infestation than those with a reduced brood. Importantly, each nestling in enlarged broods was exposed to a larger number of mites, even when measured on a per nestling basis, than in reduced broods. Nestlings in enlarged broods had smaller body mass and T-cell-mediated immune response compared to reduced broods. T-cell-mediated immune response and feather growth were negatively correlated with per nestling intensity of infestation in enlarged but not in reduced broods. The results suggest that nestlings in enlarged broods have depressed immunity leading to larger per nestling mite infestation. Hence, exposure to parasites of offspring and parents increases with brood size, and parasitism can thus mediate trade-offs between reproduction and number and quality of the progeny in the barn swallow.  相似文献   

Carotenoids are an essential and often limiting resource in animals and play important roles in immune system function. In birds, the period shortly after hatching is an energetically demanding stage characterized by rapid growth in body size and organ systems, including the immune system. Availability of carotenoids for the growing nestlings may be of particular importance and potentially limiting at this stage of development. We tested the hypothesis that the availability of carotenoids for the embryo in the egg and in the diet of nestlings limits the condition and immune responses of nestling house wrens (Troglodytes aedon Vieillot 1809), a species with melanin-based plumage pigments. In one experiment, nestlings within females' second broods were randomly assigned to receive either a control or a lutein supplement (2008); in a second experiment, females, before their first broods, were either induced to lay additional eggs or not induced, and nestlings within both kinds of broods were supplemented as in the first experiment (2009). There were no significant effects of lutein supplementation on nestling condition or phytohemagglutinin response. There was a significant effect of lutein supplementation on nestling mass in 2008, but the difference was opposite to that predicted. Moreover, even when breeding females were stressed by inducing them to lay supernumerary eggs, lutein supplementation of nestlings had no effect on the size or condition of nestlings hatching from these eggs. These results suggest that maternally derived lutein in the egg and that provided in the diet of nestlings are not limiting to normal development and to the components of the immune system involved in the phytohemagglutinin response of nestling house wrens.  相似文献   



Life-history theory predicts that organisms trade off survival against reproduction. However, the time scales on which various consequences become evident and the physiology mediating the cost of reproduction remain poorly understood. Yet, explaining not only which mechanisms mediate this trade-off, but also how fast or slow the mechanisms act, is crucial for an improved understanding of life-history evolution. We investigated three time scales on which an experimental increase in body mass could affect this trade-off: within broods, within season and between years. We handicapped adult skylarks (Alauda arvensis) by attaching extra weight during first broods to both adults of a pair. We measured body mass, immune function and return rates in these birds. We also measured nest success, feeding rates, diet composition, nestling size, nestling immune function and recruitment rates.


When nestlings of first broods fledged, parent body condition had not changed, but experimental birds experienced higher nest failure. Depending on the year, immune parameters of nestlings from experimental parents were either higher or lower than of control nestlings. Later, when parents were feeding their second brood, the balance between self-maintenance and nest success had shifted. Control and experimental adults differed in immune function, while mass and immune function of their nestlings did not differ. Although weights were removed after breeding, immune measurements during the second brood had the capacity to predict return rates to the next breeding season. Among birds that returned the next year, body condition and reproductive performance a year after the experiment did not differ between treatment groups.


We conclude that the balance between current reproduction and survival shifts from affecting nestlings to affecting parents as the reproductive season progresses. Furthermore, immune function is apparently one physiological mechanism involved in this trade-off. By unravelling a physiological mechanism underlying the trade-offs between current and future reproduction and by demonstrating the different time scales on which it acts, our study represents an important step in understanding a central theory of life-history evolution.

To determine how the cost of reproduction varies with brood size, a population of blue tits (Parus caeruleus) breeding in Wytham Wood, England, was manipulated over a three year period. Two hundred sixteen pairs were randomly assigned 3, 6, 9, 12, or 15 nestlings; nestlings were exchanged soon after hatching. Survival of adult females (as measured by the proportion recaptured in the following winter and/or spring) declined significantly with increasing brood size in two out of three years; there was significant year-to-year variation in the relationship of recapture rate to brood size. Mean female recapture rates (averaged over the three years) declined in a linear fashion (P < 0.01). There was no significant linear or curvilinear relationship between male-recapture rate and brood size in any of the three years nor was there a significant linear or curvilinear relationship for the data averaged over the three years. Nevertheless, recapture proportions for males differed significantly with respect to brood size (χ2 test, P < 0.05). The possibility that experimental brood size influences subsequent dispersal (and therefore biases measures of survival based on recapture rates to differing degrees) was examined by comparing distances moved by breeding adults from one year to the next. There was no relationship between brood size and dispersal distance within the study area for either sex, except that females given broods of three were significantly more likely to move more than 300 m than were those given broods of 6–15 young. Both males and females showed evidence of a cost with respect to future fecundity: as brood size increased, the number of surviving offspring produced in the following year decreased from 1.5–1.6 (for adults that had reared 3–6 young) to 0.4 (for those that had reared 15 young). The relationship of future reproductive success to experimental brood size did not differ among years or between the sexes. The number of eggs laid and number of young hatched in year n + 1 did not differ significantly with respect to brood size in year n; rather, differences in future fecundity reflected differences in the survival prospects of young reared in year n + 1.  相似文献   

Parent birds show a continuous spectrum of breeding strategies, ranging from a low‐fecundity and high‐survival pattern to a high‐fecundity, low‐survival pattern. Investigations of parental breeding strategies under variable environmental conditions can illustrate how parents trade‐off the benefits and costs of these two extreme strategies. White‐collared Blackbirds Turdus albocinctus can breed twice a year on the Tibetan Plateau. We show that both life‐history traits and parental feeding behaviour differ between these two breeding attempts. In the first attempt, the birds produced small clutches and fledged a small number of nestlings of high body condition. In the second attempt, they produced larger clutches and fledged more nestlings of lower body condition. Males made greater contributions to brood provisioning compared with females in the first attempt but there was no sex difference in brood provisioning in the second attempt. In the first attempt, producing smaller clutches can shorten the nestling period, and the increased male contribution to brood provisioning can protect the energy reserves of females. Thus, females can begin a second attempt sooner and produce larger clutches. During the second nesting attempt, when conditions are warmer and wetter, parents rely on a broader array of food types (both invertebrates and plant material, primarily berries) than during the first attempt, which includes only animal food such as arthropods and annelids. We suggest that this difference in breeding strategies between nesting attempts and sexes is in part influenced by marked seasonal variation in food availability.  相似文献   

Pathogens such as bacteria, fungi and malaria and related haemosporidians provoke negative effects on the fitness of their hosts. Animals have developed a range of defensive mechanisms to resist or eliminate these parasitic infections and their negative fitness costs. The uropygial gland secretion has been proposed to act as defensive barrier of skin and plumage in the fight against bacteria and fungi, and may prevent birds from acquiring haemosporidian infections. Thus, the secretion of uropygial glands of birds may favour survival of individuals. However, whether uropygial gland secretion influence survival remains unknown. Here we explore if the size of the uropygial gland and malaria infection influence survival of house martins Delichon urbica. We showed, for the first time, that the volume of the uropygial gland positively predicted survival prospects of malaria infected house martins. Malaria infected birds had the lowest probability of survival, with the effect of gland size on survival prospects depending on infection: infected house martins with larger uropygial glands were better able to survive to the next breeding season, while infected birds with small uropygial glands were not. These results highlight the importance of uropygial gland secretion in the life history of wild birds.  相似文献   

Diversity of the gut bacterial community is of prime importance for optimal food digestion and, therefore, for nutritional condition of avian nestlings. Consequently, bacterial community should be considered as a predictor of the future survival and recruitment of young birds. To explore this hypothesis, we studied the cloacal microbiota, by using RISA procedure, in two avian species sharing environmental conditions during growth, the avian brood parasitic great spotted cuckoo Clamator glandarius , and their main host in Europe, the magpie Pica pica . As estimates of phenotypic condition of nestlings we studied two nutrition-dependent traits, the immune response to an innocuous antigen (phytohemagglutinin), and the residuals of body mass on tarsus and wing length of nestlings. According to the hypothesis, we found significant relationships between microbial diversity and nestling phenotypic traits related to probability of recruitment. Briefly, both magpie and cuckoo nestlings having more similar microbial diversity were also those with similar immune response and body condition index respectively. Our results show a possible association between bacterial communities and variables related to the probability of post-fledging survival and recruitment of birds, as well as possible reasons explaining magpie-cuckoo differences in the nutritionally conditioned variables better associated with their bacterial diversity.  相似文献   

Ardia DR 《Oecologia》2005,145(2):326-333
Immunocompetence may be a good measure of offspring quality, however, factors affecting variation in immune responses are not clear. Research suggests that immune function can vary due to differences in genetics, development conditions and individual quality. Here, I examined factors affecting variation in immune response among nestling European starlings through a split-nest cross-fostering brood manipulation that included two important covariates: spleen size and nest temperatures. Immunocompetence was assessed via a cell-mediated immune response to phytohaemagglutinin (PHA). This paper provides the first direct evidence that individuals with large spleens also mount strong immune responses. Exposure to PHA did not cause splenomegaly, as there was no difference in spleen size between control birds and those injected with PHA. Offspring immune function was affected by common origin and by rearing environment, though rearing environment appeared to exert its influence only through nest temperatures. A comparison of the immune performance of siblings reared in their home nest versus those reared in other nests revealed a strong effect of maternal quality. As the difference in natal clutch size increased, the magnitude of the difference in immune performance between home-reared nestlings versus out-reared nestlings increased. Overall, nestling immune function appears to be determined by the combination of genetic, maternal and environmental effects.  相似文献   

Visual signals of quality in offspring, such as plumage colour, should honestly advertise need and/or body condition, but links between nutritional status, physiological performance and the expression of colours are complex and poorly understood. We assess how food stress during rearing affected two physiological measures (T‐cell‐mediated immune function and corticosterone level in feathers: CORTf) and how these two variables were related to carotenoid and melanin coloration in Northern Flicker Colaptes auratus nestlings. We were also interested in how these two physiological measures were influenced by the sex of the nestling. We experimentally manipulated brood size to alter levels of food availability to nestlings during development. We measured carotenoid‐based colour (chroma and brightness) in wing feathers and the size of melanin spots on breast feathers. In agreement with our prediction, nestlings in the reduced brood treatment had better body condition and stronger immune responses than those in the control and brood enlargement treatments. This supports the hypothesis that immune responses are energetically costly. In contrast, CORTf was not related to nestling body condition or sex and was unaffected by brood size manipulation. Nestlings of both sexes with stronger T‐cell‐mediated immune responses had larger melanin spots but only males with higher immune responses also had brighter flight feathers. Feather brightness decreased with increasing CORTf levels. Our study is one of the few to examine the relationship between multiple physiological and plumage measures in nestlings and shows that plumage colour and immune function signalled body condition of nestlings, but that feather corticosterone levels did not.  相似文献   

In birds, poor rearing conditions usually have negative effects on T-cell-mediated immune response. However, earlier studies demonstrate that fitness-related traits such as body mass may show sex-specific patterns when subject to alteration of rearing conditions. Therefore, to investigate whether deterioration of rearing conditions influences the development of immune function differently in male and female nestlings, we performed brood size manipulation experiments on blue tit (Parus caeruleus) nestlings. To alter rearing conditions, some broods were increased by three nestlings soon after hatching, while other broods were left non-manipulated. Immune response was assessed as a hypersensitivity reaction to phytohaemagglutinin in 11-day-old nestlings. Additionally, we studied the consequences of brood size manipulation for fledgling body mass and tarsus length. The enlargement of brood size had different effects on the cellular immune responses of male and female nestlings, with males being more negatively affected than their female nest-mates. Sex-specific effects of poor rearing conditions were also recorded for tarsus length, such that tarsus growth was more retarded in female than in male nestlings. We discuss the effects of deterioration of rearing conditions on sex-specific development of cell-mediated immunity with respect to sexual dimorphism of size and developmental strategies in male and female nestlings.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts a trade-off between number and quality of offspring. Reduced quality with increasing brood size may arise from a decrease in body condition or in immunocompetence that would be important in fighting off virulent parasites by immunologically naive offspring. We tested the effect of rearing conditions on immune function of nestling great tits (Parus major) by reducing or increasing broods by two hatchlings. In the middle of the nestling period (on day 8), nestlings from enlarged broods developed lower T cell responses [as measured from the cutaneous swelling reaction to injection with phytohaemagglutinin (PHA)] and tended to have lower total leukocyte and lymphocyte concentrations in their peripheral blood than nestlings from reduced broods. Brood size manipulation affected the PHA response of nestlings most strongly in small clutches, suggesting that nestling immune function was dependent on their parents’ condition, as estimated by original clutch size. Intra-brood differences in nestling mortality were unrelated to immune parameters, but nestlings in broods without mortality had a stronger PHA response, higher concentration of lymphocytes and higher body mass on day 15 than nestlings in broods with mortality. These results support the prediction that the immune function of altricial birds is affected by rearing conditions, and that growth and immune parameters are related to inter-brood differences in nestling survival. Received: 1 February 1999 / Accepted: 19. July 1999  相似文献   

The onset of incubation before the end of laying imposes asynchrony at hatching and, therefore, a size hierarchy in the brood. It has been argued that hatching asynchrony might be a strategy to improve reproductive output in terms of quality or quantity of offspring. However, little is known about the mediating effect of hatching asynchrony on offspring quality when brood reduction occurs. Here, we investigate the relationship between phenotypic quality and hatching asynchrony in Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus nestlings in Spain. Hatching asynchrony did not increase breeding success or nestling quality. Furthermore, hatching asynchrony and brood reduction had different effects on nestlings’ phytohaematogglutinin (PHA)‐mediated immune response and nestling growth. In asynchronous and reduced broods (in which at least one nestling died), nestlings showed a stronger PHA‐mediated immune response and tended to have a smaller body size compared with nestlings raised in synchronous and reduced broods. When brood reduction occurred in broods hatched synchronously, there was no effect on nestling size, but nestlings had a relatively poor PHA‐mediated immune response compared with nestlings raised in asynchronous and reduced broods. We suggest that resources for growth can be directed to immune function only in asynchronously hatched broods, resulting in improved nestling quality, as suggested by their immune response. We also found that males produced a greater PHA‐mediated immune response than females only in brood‐reduced nests without any effect on nestling size or condition, suggesting that females may trade off immune activities and body condition, size or weight. Overall, our results suggest that hatching pattern and brood reduction may mediate resource allocation to different fitness traits. They also highlight that the resolution of immune‐related trade‐offs when brood reduction occurs may differ between male and female nestlings.  相似文献   

Laying date is one of the most important determinants of reproductive success and recruitment probability in birds. Late breeders usually fledge fewer chicks than individuals with earlier breeding dates, and fledglings produced late in the season have high mortality rates. Food availability and nestling mass have been evoked as the principal mechanistic links between laying date and offspring survival. Here we suggest that another factor may actually account for the difference in survival rate between early and late offspring: immunocompetence. We predicted that nestlings produced later in the season or in replacement clutches should have lower immune responses when challenged with an antigen, than early nestlings or nestlings produced in first clutches. This hypothesis was tested in a population of magpies (Pica pica), in which we experimentally induced breeding failure in a group of nests and compared the immune response of nestlings in replacement clutches with the immune response of first clutch nestlings. Cellular immune response, as measured by wing web swelling (a correlate of T-lymphocyte production after injection of phytohaemagglutinin-P), significantly decreased with hatching date and was significantly lower in nestlings of replacement clutches. Furthermore, coefficients of intraclutch variation in immune response were higher in nestlings of replacement clutches. This experiment demonstrates an inverse relationship between immune responsiveness and breeding date, and reduced recruitment probability of late nestlings may be a direct consequence of their inability to cope with parasites.  相似文献   

While evidence is accumulating that stress-induced glucocorticoid responses help organisms to quickly adjust their physiology and behaviour to life-threatening environmental perturbations, the function and the ecological factors inducing variation in baseline glucocorticoid levels remain poorly understood. In this study we investigated the effects of brood size by experimentally manipulating the number of nestlings per brood and the effect of weather condition on baseline corticosterone levels of nestling Alpine swifts (Apus melba). We also examined the potential negative consequences of an elevation of baseline corticosterone on nestling immunity by correlating corticosterone levels with ectoparasite intensity and the antibody production towards a vaccine. Although nestlings reared in enlarged broods were in poorer condition than nestlings reared in reduced broods, they showed similar baseline corticosterone levels. In contrast, nestling baseline corticosterone levels were higher immediately after cold and rainy episodes with strong winds. Neither nestling infestation rate by ectoparastic flies nor nestling antibody production against a vaccine was correlated with baseline corticosterone levels. Thus, our results suggest that altricial Alpine swift nestlings can quickly modulate baseline corticosterone levels in response to unpredictable variations in meteorological perturbation but not to brood size which may be associated with the degree of sibling competition. Apparently, short-term elevations of baseline corticosterone have no negative effects on nestling immunocompetence.  相似文献   

In many species, females produce fewer offspring than they are capable of rearing, possibly because increases in current reproductive effort come at the expense of a female's own survival and future reproduction. To test this, we induced female house wrens (Troglodytes aedon) to lay more eggs than they normally would and assessed the potential costs of increasing cumulative investment in the three main components of the avian breeding cycle – egg laying, incubation and nestling provisioning. Females with increased clutch sizes reared more offspring in the first brood than controls, but fledged a lower proportion of nestlings. Moreover, nestlings of experimental females were lighter than those of control females as brood size and prefledging mass were negatively correlated. In second broods of the season, when females were not manipulated, experimental females laid the same number of eggs as controls, but experienced an intraseasonal cost through reduced hatchling survival and a lower number of young fledged. Offspring of control and experimental females were equally likely to recruit to the breeding population, although control females produced more recruits per egg laid. The reproductive success of recruits from broods of experimental and control females did not differ. The manipulation also induced interseasonal costs to future reproduction, as experimental females had lower fecundity than controls when breeding at least 2 years after having their reproductive effort experimentally increased. Finally, females producing the modal clutch size of seven eggs in their first broods had the highest lifetime number of fledglings.  相似文献   

Parent-offspring conflict may arise because the lifetime reproductive success of the parent is more influenced by its life span than by reproductive success during a particular reproductive event, while the fitness of an offspring depends firstly on its own survival as a juvenile and only subsequently on its own reproductive success. The naive immune system of young animals may allow offspring to be much more affected by parasites than their parents, and thus cause an initial asymmetry in a potential parent-offspring conflict. We investigated this type of conflict by assessing the health status and the immune response of parent and offspring sand martins Riparia riparia infested with manipulated loads of ticks Ixodes lividus (nests either treated with pyrethrin, water, or just visited). The prevalence and the intensity of tick infestations differed among treatments, with low tick loads in nests with the pyrethrin treatment. Ticks reduced the reproductive success of the host and increased offspring wing length. Broods with ticks had higher leukocyte concentrations and concentrations of immunoglobulins. The concentration of immunoglobulins in nestlings was negatively related to brood size and nestling tarsus length. Nestlings receiving the control treatments had a positive association between wing length and the concentration of immunoglobulins and a negative association between tarsus length and immunoglobulins. In contrast, adult sand martins did not respond to the parasite treatment in terms of immune response. Hence, the naive immune system of nestlings may be the crucial factor causing the parent-offspring conflict over costs of parasitism to be resolved to the advantage of parents that may sacrifice nestlings in heavily parasitized nests. Received: 30 March 1998 / Accepted: 5 December 1998  相似文献   

A challenge of life‐history theory is to explain why animal body size does not continue to increase, given various advantages of larger size. In birds, body size of nestlings and the number of nestlings produced (brood size) have occasionally been shown to be constrained by higher predation on larger nestlings and those from larger broods. Parasites also are known to have strong effects on life‐history traits in birds, but whether parasitism can be a driver for stabilizing selection on nestling body size or brood size is unknown. We studied patterns of first‐year survival in cliff swallows (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) in western Nebraska in relation to brood size and nestling body mass in nests under natural conditions and in those in which hematophagous ectoparasites had been removed by fumigation. Birds from parasitized nests showed highest first‐year survival at the most common, intermediate brood‐size and nestling‐mass categories, but cliff swallows from nonparasitized nests had highest survival at the heaviest nestling masses and no relationship with brood size. A survival analysis suggested stabilizing selection on brood size and nestling mass in the presence (but not in the absence) of parasites. Parasites apparently favour intermediate offspring size and number in cliff swallows and produce the observed distributions of these traits, although the mechanisms are unclear. Our results emphasize the importance of parasites in life‐history evolution.  相似文献   

Transfer of immune factors via the egg may represent a maternal adaptation enhancing offspring survival. Lysozyme is a major component of maternal antibacterial immunity which is transferred to the eggs in birds. In a population of barn swallows (Hirundo rustica), lysozyme activity declined during the prelaying and laying periods in females but not in males. Egg hatching failure decreased with maternal lysozyme activity. The first eggs in a clutch contained more lysozyme and produced nestlings with larger lysozyme activity when 5 days old than last‐laid ones. In a cross‐fostering experiment where brood size was manipulated, nestling origin but not post‐manipulation brood size affected lysozyme activity. Hence, maternal lysozyme varies during the breeding season and may differentially enhance antibacterial immune defence of the eggs and nestlings in relation to laying order. These findings suggest that offspring innate immunity is influenced by early maternal effects.  相似文献   

Blood sampling is often critical for answering a variety of questions about wild birds. However, it is important to assess the impacts, if any, of blood collection on wild birds. Here, we examined the effects of blood sampling on adults or nestlings in three species of free-living birds. First, we examined the effects of blood collection on annual survival and reproductive success in adult buff-breasted wrens Thryothorus leucotis in Panama. In adult wrens, blood collection from the brachial vein during the breeding season had no effect on annual survival or reproductive success. Second, we examined whether blood collection influenced mass gain in developing smooth-billed anis Crotophaga ani in Puerto Rico. In developing anis, blood collection from the femoral or jugular veins had no effect on mass gain of nestlings. Third, in developing European starlings Sturnus vulgaris in British Columbia, Canada, blood collection from the brachial vein had no effect of body condition. Blood collection from the jugular vein had a transient effect on body condition during the first week post-hatch, but this effect disappeared by the second week of age. Lastly, we present an extensive up-to-date review of the literature on the effects of blood collection on free-living avian species. Taken together, these data show that blood collection has no major negative effects on developing or adult birds in the wild.  相似文献   

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