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What are the driving forces for water lifting in the xylem conduit?   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
After Renner had shown convincingly in 1925 that the transpirational water loss generates tensions larger than 0.1 MPa (i.e. negative pressures) in the xylem of cut leafy twigs the Cohesion Theory proposed by Böhm, Askenasy, Dixon and Joly at the end of the 19th century was immediately accepted by plant physiologists. Introduction of the pressure chamber technique by Scholander et al. in 1965 enforced the general belief that tension is the only driving force for water lifting although substantial criticism regarding the technique and/or the Cohesion Theory was published by several authors. As typical for scientific disciplines, the advent of minimal‐ and non‐invasive techniques in the last decade as well as the development of a new, reliable method for xylem sap sampling have challenged this view. Today, xylem pressure gradients, potentials, ion concentrations and volume flows as well as cell turgor pressure gradients can be monitored online in intact transpiring higher plants, and within a given physiological context by using the pressure probe technique and high‐resolution NMR imaging techniques, respectively. Application of the pressure probe technique to transpiring plants has shown that negative absolute pressures (down to ? 0.6 MPa) and pressure gradients can exist temporarily in the xylem conduit, but that the magnitude and (occasionally) direction of gradients contrasts frequently the belief that tension is the only driving force. This seems to be particularly the case for plants faced with problems of height, drought, freezing and salinity as well as with cavitation of the tensile water. Reviewing the current data base shows that other forces come into operation when exclusively tension fails to lift water against gravity due to environmental conditions. Possible candidates are longitudinal cellular and xylem osmotic pressure gradients, axial potential gradients in the vessels as well as gel‐ and gas bubble‐supported interfacial gradients. The multiforce theory overcomes the problem of the Cohesion Theory that life on earth depends on water being in a highly metastable state.  相似文献   

The treatment of squamous cervical intraepithelial neoplasia is to remove or destroy the transformation zone (TZ). It is likely that no method of treatment is superior to another if it is performed properly and the limited available evidence supports this view. The significant advantages of excision (simplicity, cost, outpatient procedure, histological examination of the entire TZ) mean that treatment thresholds may have lowered over the last decade. Long-term pregnancy-related morbidity associated with excision has been reported recently. The evidence would suggest that this increase equates to a genuine increase in serious adverse outcome for cone biopsy but not large loop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ). The available data also point to an increase in both incomplete excision and premature labour associated with the excision of large endocervical TZs. The clinical implications arising from this are firstly that women with large type 2 and 3 TZs need appropriate counselling before treatment and that the threshold for treating young women with mild abnormalities needs review.  相似文献   

In countries where adulthood is considered to be attained at age eighteen, 2011 can be the point at which the diphosphoinositol polyphosphates might formally be described as "coming of age", since these molecules were first fully defined in 1993 (Menniti et al., 1993; Stephens et al., 1993b). But from a biological perspective, these polyphosphates cannot quite be considered to have matured into the status of being independently-acting intracellular signals. This review has discussed several of the published proposals for mechanisms by which the diphosphoinositol polyphosphates might act. We have argued that all of these hypotheses need further development.We also still do not know a single molecular mechanism by which a change in the levels of a particular diphosphoinositol polyphosphate can be controlled. Yet, despite all these gaps in our understanding, there is an enduring anticipation that these molecules have great potential in the signaling field. Reflecting our expectations of all teenagers, it should be our earnest hope that in the near future the diphosphoinositol polyphosphates will finally grow up.  相似文献   

We have developed a system for long-term continuous monitoring of cardiovascular parameters in rabbits living in their home cage to assess what role renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) has in regulating renal blood flow (RBF) in daily life. Blood pressure, heart rate, locomotor activity, RSNA, and RBF were recorded continuously for 4 wk. Beginning 4-5 days after surgery a circadian rhythm, dependent on feeding time, was observed. When averaged over all days RBF to the innervated and denervated kidneys was not significantly different. However, control of RBF around these mean levels was dependent on the presence of the renal sympathetic nerves. In particular we observed episodic elevations in heart rate and other parameters associated with activity. In the denervated kidney, during these episodic elevations, the increase in renal resistance was closely related to the increase in arterial pressure. In the innervated kidney the renal resistance response was significantly more variable, indicating an interaction of the sympathetic nervous system. These results indicate that whereas overall levels of RSNA do not set the mean level of RBF the renal vasculature is sensitive to episodic increases in sympathetic nerve activity.  相似文献   

Differences in fruit choice among the bird species of a Spanish shrubland were related to the size of fruits and to the lipid content of pulp. Lipid-rich fruits were selected by the bird species with slower food passage rates through the digestive tract. These bird species also fed frequently on insects and seeds. Bird species with faster food passage rates fed less on insects and seeds, and ate mainly fruits with pulp poor in lipids (rich in sugars and water). Studies of digestion in birds indicate that lipids require slower food passage rates for efficient digestion and intestinal transport than simple sugars. The available evidence indicates that the European bird species that show stronger preferences for lipid-rich fruits are no better as seed dispersers, from the point of view of the plants, than species choosing lipidpoor fruits. Thus, the degree of frugivory of birds, their fruit choice patterns and their effects on seed dispersal do not seem to be related to each other in the ways expected by the early models of the evolution of fleshy fruits.  相似文献   

The hallmark of medial temporal lobe amnesia is a loss of episodic memory such that patients fail to remember new events that are set in an autobiographical context (an episode). A further symptom is a loss of recognition memory. The relationship between these two features has recently become contentious. Here, we focus on the central issue in this dispute--the relative contributions of the hippocampus and the perirhinal cortex to recognition memory. A resolution is vital not only for uncovering the neural substrates of these key aspects of memory, but also for understanding the processes disrupted in medial temporal lobe amnesia and the validity of animal models of this syndrome.  相似文献   

Glycoproteins: what are the sugar chains for?   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
For many glycoproteins, the carbohydrate groups confer important physical properties such as conformational stability, protease resistance, charge and water-binding capacity. Equally important, however, are the roles of carbohydrate groups in biological recognition, where sequence diversity provides signals for protein targeting and cell-cell interactions.  相似文献   

The use of additives such as ractopamine (Rac) in pregnant sows during early-mid pregnancy is an alternative to increase foetal and progeny growth and development. However, Rac supplementation in finishing pigs can lead to behavioural and physiological changes similar to the typical stress responses. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of dietary supplementation with Rac in pregnant sows from day 25 to 50 of gestation (pre-hyperplastic stage) on piglet’s vitality, blood parameters, number, diameter and perimeter of muscle fibres in semitendinosus muscle and developmental characteristics of piglets at birth to weaning. Forty-one hybrid sows were divided into three dietary treatments: (1) control diet without Rac (control), (2) addition of 10 mg/kg of Rac (Rac10) and (3) addition of 20 mg/kg of Rac (Rac20). Higher numbers of low-vitality piglets (P<0.05) were observed in Rac-fed sows, regardless of dose, compared with the control group. Very low-density lipoprotein levels were lower in the Rac10 group when compared with the Rac20 group at day 21. Haematocrit was greater, and the mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration was lower in piglets from Rac-fed sows. No significant statistical differences were detected regarding piglets body weight, average daily gain, blood gasometry, complete blood count and muscle fibre measurements in semitendinosus muscle. The use of Rac in pregnant sows reduced the vitality parameters of piglets but did not improve the performance from birth until weaning and did not negatively influence the haematological parameter and lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

Summary Fruit of the blackberry, Rubus pennsylvanicus Poir. (Rosaceae), were examined to determine variation in maturation characteristics. Maturation timing and rate varied greatly among individual fruits, resulting in a bi-colored fruiting display comprised largely of two maturation stages, pre-ripe (salmon and scarlet) and ripe (dark brown and black). While ripe fruit were generally larger and heavier than pre-ripe fruit, exhibiting greater fresh and dry fruit weight, diameter, water content, and total seed weight, no significant differences were found in energy content, i.e. numbers of calories per gram pulp, or in pulp:seed ratio. The differences between ripe and pre-ripe fruit appear to be due largely to an increase in water content and seed weight with maturity. The fact that little energetic benefit accrues to the preferential selection of ripe fruit suggests that bi-colored Rubus displays may be considered to be unicolored.  相似文献   

McVean G 《Current biology : CB》2000,10(22):R834-R835
In mammals, most new mutations occur in males. But a study of the evolution of a human X to Y chromosomal translocation has revealed a sex bias much lower than previous estimates. Patterns of substitution suggest that differential methylation between male and female germ lines is a key determinant of the mutation rate.  相似文献   

It is notoriously difficult to test hypotheses about the selective forces responsible for major phylogenetic transitions in life-history traits, but the evolution of viviparity (live bearing) in reptiles offers an ideal model system. Viviparity has arisen in many oviparous reptile lineages that have invaded colder climates. Thermal advantages (eggs retained within the mother's body will be warmer than those laid in the nest) are almost certainly important, but the actual selective pressures remain controversial. For example, the benefit to retention might involve faster development, protection against freezing, predation, or desiccation, or modification of hatchling phenotypes. I experimentally manipulated incubation regimes of a montane scincid lizard (Bassiana duperreyi, Scincidae) to test these ideas. Eggs maintained in cooler "nests" in the laboratory developed more slowly, were more likely to die before hatching, and produced inferior (small, slow) hatchlings. A 2-wk initial period of higher-temperature incubation (simulating uterine retention, an intermediate step toward viviparity) ameliorated these effects. In the field, I placed eggs in artificial nests at the upper elevational limit of natural nests and also extending a further 100 m higher on the mountain. The results mirrored those in the laboratory: retention at maternal body temperatures accelerated hatching, enhanced hatching success, and increased locomotor speeds of hatchlings. This selective advantage of uterine retention was greater at higher elevations and increased with longer retention. The causal process responsible was prolonged low-temperature incubation rather than freezing, desiccation, or predation, and both hatching success and hatchling viability were affected. Field experiments that directly re-create selective regimes may thus provide robust tests of adaptationist hypotheses.  相似文献   

The increasing threat of infectious diseases in humans has renewed interest in factors leading to the emergence of new diseases and the re-emergence of familiar diseases. Examples of seemingly novel diseases currently spreading in human populations include HIV, dengue hemorrhagic fever and Lyme disease; drug-resistant forms of well-known diseases such as tuberculosis are also increasing. The problem of disease emergence also extends to other animal and plant populations. In most current epidemics, ecological factors (e.g. migration, climate, agricultural practices) play a more significant role in disease emergence than evolutionary changes in pathogens or hosts. Evolutionary biologists and ecologists have much to offer to the development of strategies for the control of emerging diseases.  相似文献   

Understanding the consequences of elevated CO2 (eCO2; 800 ppm) on terrestrial ecosystems is a central theme in global change biology, but relatively little is known about how altered plant C and N metabolism influences higher levels of biological organization. Here, we investigate the consequences of C and N interactions by genetically modifying the N-assimilation pathway in Arabidopsis and initiating growth chamber and mesocosm competition studies at current CO2 (cCO2; 400 ppm) and eCO2 over multiple generations. Using a suite of ecological, physiological, and molecular genomic tools, we show that a single-gene mutant of a key enzyme (nia2) elicited a highly orchestrated buffering response starting with a fivefold increase in the expression of a gene paralog (nia1) and a 63% increase in the expression of gene network module enriched for N-assimilation genes. The genetic perturbation reduced amino acids, protein, and TCA-cycle intermediate concentrations in the nia2 mutant compared to the wild-type, while eCO2 mainly increased carbohydrate concentrations. The mutant had reduced net photosynthetic rates due to a 27% decrease in carboxylation capacity and an 18% decrease in electron transport rates. The expression of these buffering mechanisms resulted in a penalty that negatively correlated with fitness and population dynamics yet showed only minor alterations in our estimates of population function, including total per unit area biomass, ground cover, and leaf area index. This study provides insight into the consequences of buffering mechanisms that occur post-genetic perturbations in the N pathway and the associated outcomes these buffering systems have on plant populations relative to eCO2.  相似文献   



Service development innovation in health technology and practice is viewed as a pressing need within the field of mental health yet is relatively poorly understood. Macro-level theories have been criticised for their limited explanatory power and they may not be appropriate for understanding local and fine-grained uncertainties of services and barriers to the sustainability of change. This study aimed to identify contextual influences inhibiting or promoting the acceptance and integration of innovations in mental health services in both National Health Service (NHS) and community settings.


A comparative study using qualitative and case study data collection methods, including semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders and follow-up telephone interviews over a one-year period. The analysis was informed by learning organisation theory. Drawn from 11 mental health innovation projects within community, voluntary and NHS settings, 65 participants were recruited including service users, commissioners, health and non-health professionals, managers, and caregivers. The methods deployed in this evaluation focused on process-outcome links within and between the 11 projects.


Key barriers to innovation included resistance from corporate departments and middle management, complexity of the innovation, and the availability and access to resources on a prospective basis within the host organisation. The results informed the construction of a proposed model of innovation implementation within mental health services. The main components of which are context, process, and outcomes.


The study produced a model of conducive and impeding factors drawn from the composite picture of 11 innovative mental health projects, and this is discussed in light of relevant literature. The model provides a rich agenda to consider for services wanting to innovate or adopt innovations from elsewhere. The evaluation suggested the importance of studying innovation with a focus on context, process, and outcomes.

For thousands of years, changes in human cultures have altered the biota associated with the human body, and those alterations have strongly influenced human health. The hygiene hypothesis has evolved over the past 30 years into a nuanced biota alteration theory, but modern medical priorities and regulatory policies have resulted in tragic underutilization of the acquired knowledge.  相似文献   

Methods used to study parental behavior are largely idiosyncratic and are rarely tested to verify that they yield reliable data. In particular, the minimum number and duration of observations used to describe behavior accurately is rarely, if ever, justified. Using data on parental behavior of Eastern Kingbirds (Tyrannus tyrannus) collected by video in Oregon, we evaluated three questions regarding sampling methods: (1) Is within‐pair behavior sufficiently consistent among days so that observations from a single session are representative of parental behavior? (2) Does a 1‐h sampling window fairly represent parental behavior or is a longer period needed to accurately describe behavior? (3) Assuming that a 1‐h period is sufficient, does the first hour immediately after disturbance to start recordings yield reliable data? We found that among‐pair differences in parental behavior were consistent over different days and that a single hour of observation was representative of parental behavior over a longer (2–3 h) period of observation. However, our data also suggested that the first hour yielded less representative data than the remaining 2–3 h; nonetheless, consistent among‐pair differences were still detectable. The shortcoming of data collected in the first hour appeared to be due to a lingering effect of human disturbance from setting up recording devices rather than a time‐of‐day effect. We suggest that researchers test the appropriateness of their methods, but our kingbird data suggest that observations over relatively brief periods can yield useful and reliable data.  相似文献   

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