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In this paper, we show that amino acids Glu(73) and Asp(77) of staphylococcal nuclease cooperate unequally with Glu(75) to stabilize its structure located between the C-terminal helix and beta-barrel of the protein. Amino acid substitutions E73G and D77G cause losses of the catalytic efficiency of 24 and 16% and cause thermal stability losses of 22 and 26%, respectively, in comparison with the wild type (WT) protein. However, these changes do not significantly change global and local secondary structures, based on measurements of fluorescence and CD(222 nm). Furthermore, x-ray diffraction analysis of the E75G protein shows that the overall structure of mutant and WT proteins is similar. However, this mutation does cause a loss of essential hydrogen bonding and charge interactions between Glu(75) and Lys(9), Tyr(93), and His(121). In experiments using double point mutations, E73G/D77G, E73G/E75G, and E75G/D77G, significant changes are seen in all mutants in comparison with WT protein as measured by fluorescence and CD spectroscopy. The losses of thermal stability are 47, 59, and 58%, for E73G/D77G, E73G/E75G, and E75G/D77G, respectively. The triple mutant, E73G/E75G/D77G, results in fluorescence intensity and CD(222 nm) close to those of the denatured state and in a thermal stability loss of 65% relative to the WT protein. Based on these results, we propose a model in which significant electrostatic interactions result in the formation of a locally stable structure in staphylococcal nuclease.  相似文献   

An expanded, highly dynamic denatured state of staphylococcal nuclease exhibits a native-like topology in the apparent absence of tight packing and fixed hydrogen bonds (Gillespie JR, Shortle D, 1997, J Mol Biol 268:158-169, 170-184). To address the physical basis of the long-range spatial ordering of this molecule, we probe the effects of perturbations of the sequence and solution conditions on the local chain dynamics of a denatured 101-residue fragment that is missing the first three beta strands. Structural interactions between chain segments are inferred from correlated changes in the motional behavior of residues monitored by 15N NMR relaxation measurements. Restoration of the sequence corresponding to the first three beta strands significantly increases the average order of all chain segments that form the five strand beta barrel including loops but has no effect on the carboxy terminal 30 residues. Addition of the denaturing salt sodium perchlorate enhances ordering over the entire sequence of this fragment. Analysis of seven different substitution mutants points to a complex set of interactions between the hydrophobic segment corresponding to beta strand 5 and the remainder of the chain. General patterns in the data suggest there is a hierarchy of native-like interactions that occur transiently in the denatured state and are consistent with the overall topology of the denatured state ensemble being determined by many coupled local interactions rather than a few highly specific long-range interactions.  相似文献   

Chow CY  Wu MC  Fang HJ  Hu CK  Chen HM  Tsong TY 《Proteins》2008,72(3):901-909
Fluorescence and circular dichroism stopped-flow have been widely used to determine the kinetics of protein folding including folding rates and possible folding pathways. Yet, these measurements are not able to provide spatial information of protein folding/unfolding. Especially, conformations of denatured states cannot be elaborated in detail. In this study, we apply the method of fluorescence energy transfer with a stopped-flow technique to study global structural changes of the staphylococcal nuclease (SNase) mutant K45C, where lysine 45 is replaced by cysteine, during folding and unfolding. By labeling the thiol group of cysteine with TNB (5,5'-dithiobis-2-nitrobenzoic acid) as an energy acceptor and the tryptophan at position 140 as a donor, distance changes between the acceptor and the donor during folding and unfolding are measured from the efficiency of energy transfer. Results indicate that the denatured states of SNase are highly compact regardless of how the denatured states (pH-induced or GdmCl-induced) are induced. The range of distance changes between two probes is between 25.6 and 25.4 A while it is 20.4 A for the native state. Furthermore, the folding process consists of three kinetic phases while the unfolding process is a single phase. These observations agree with our previous sequential model: N(0) left arrow over right arrow D(1) left arrow over right arrow D(2) left arrow over right arrow D(3) (Chen et al., J Mol Biol 1991;220:771-778). The efficiency of protein folding may be attributed to initiating the folding process from these compact denatured structures.  相似文献   

In an earlier study of the denatured state of staphylococcal nuclease (Wang Y, Shortle D, 1995, Biochemistry 34:15895-15905), we reported evidence of a three-strand antiparallel beta sheet that persists at high urea concentrations and is stabilized by a local "non-native" interaction with four large hydrophobic residues. Because the amide proton resonances for all of the involved residues are severely broadened, this unusual structure is not amenable to conventional NMR analysis and must be studied by indirect methods. In this report, we present data that confirm the important role of interactions involving four hydrophobic residues (Leu 36, Leu 37, Leu 38, and Val 39) in stabilizing the structure formed by the chain segments corresponding to beta 1-beta 2-beta 3-h, interactions that are not present in the native state. Glycine substitutions for each of these large hydrophobic residues destabilizes or disrupts this beta structure, as assessed by HN line sharpening and changes in the CD spectrum. The 13C resonances of the carbonyl carbon for several of the residues in this structure indicate conformational dynamics that respond in a complex way to addition of urea or changes in sequence. Studies of hydrogen exchange kinetics in a closely related variant of staphylococcal nuclease demonstrate the absence of the stable hydrogen bonding between the strands expected for a native-like three-strand beta sheet. Instead, the data are more consistent with the three beta strand segments plus the four adjacent hydrophobic residues forming a dynamic, aligned array or bundle held together by hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

Hydrogen exchange kinetics were measured on the native states of wild type staphylococcal nuclease and four mutants with values of mGuHCl (defined as dDeltaG/d[guanidine hydrochloride]) ranging from 0.8 to 1.4 of the wild type value. Residues within the five-strand beta-barrel of wild type and E75A and D77A, two mutants with reduced values of m GuHCl, were significantly more protected from exchange than expected on the basis of global stability as measured by fluorescence. In contrast, mutants V23A and M26G with elevated values of mGuHCl approach a flat profile of more or less constant protection independent of position in the structure. Differences in exchange protection between the C-terminus and the beta-barrel region correlate with mGuHCl, suggesting that a residual barrel-like structure becomes more highly populated in the denatured states of m- mutants and less populated in m+ mutants. Variations in the population of such a molten globule-like structure would account for the large changes in solvent accessible surface area of the denatured state thought to underlie m value effects.  相似文献   

Kuhlman B  Luisi DL  Young P  Raleigh DP 《Biochemistry》1999,38(15):4896-4903
pKa values were measured for the 6 carboxylates in the N-terminal domain of L9 (NTL9) by following NMR chemical shifts as a function of pH. The contribution of each carboxylate to the pH dependent stability of NTL9 was estimated by comparing the pKa values for the native and denatured state of the protein. A set of peptides with sequences derived from NTL9 were used to model the denatured state. In the protein fragments, the pKa values measured for the aspartates varied between 3.8 and 4.1 and the pKa values measured for the glutamates varied between 4.1 and 4.6. These results indicate that the local sequence can significantly influence pKa values in the denatured state and highlight the difficulties in using standard pKa values derived from small compounds. Calculations based on the measured pKa values suggest that the free energy of unfolding of NTL9 should decrease by 4.4 kcal mol-1 when the pH is lowered from 6 to 2. In contrast, urea and thermal denaturation experiments indicate that the stability of the protein decreases by only 2.6 kcal mol-1 when the carboxylates are protonated. This discrepancy indicates that the protein fragments are not a complete representation of the denatured state and that nonlocal sequence effects perturb the pKa's in the denatured state. Increasing the salt concentration from 100 to 750 mM NaCl removes the discrepancy between the stabilities derived from denaturation experiments and the stability changes calculated from the pKa values. At high concentrations of salt there is also less variation of the pKa values measured in the protein fragments. Our results argue that in the denatured state of NTL9 there are electrostatic interactions between groups both local and nonlocal in primary sequence.  相似文献   

Existing models of the denatured state of proteins consider only one possible spatial distribution of protein charges and therefore are applicable to a limited number of cases. In this article, a more general framework for the modeling of the denatured state is proposed. It is based on the assumption that the titratable groups of an unfolded protein can adopt a quasi-random distribution restricted by the protein sequence. The model was applied for the calculations of electrostatic interactions in two proteins, barnase and N-terminal domain of the ribosomal protein L9. The calculated free energy of denaturation, DeltaG(pH), reproduces the experimental data better than the commonly used null approximation (NA). It was shown that the seemingly good agreement with experimental data obtained by NA originates from the compensatory effect between the pairwise electrostatic interactions and the desolvation energy of the individual sites. It was also found that the ionization properties of denatured proteins are influenced by the protein sequence.  相似文献   

The self-association reaction of denatured staphylococcal nuclease fragments, urea-denatured G88W110, containing residues 1-110 and mutation G88W, and physiologically denatured 131-residue Delta 131 Delta, have been characterized by NMR at close to neutral pH. The two fragments differ in the extent and degree of association due to the different sequence and experimental conditions. Residues 13-39, which show significant exchange line broadening, constitute the main association interface in both fragments. A second weak association region was identified involving residues 79-105 only in the case of urea-denatured G88W110. For residues involved in the association reaction, significant suppression of the line broadening and small but systematic chemical shift variation of the amide protons were observed as the protein concentration decreased. The direction of chemical shift change suggests that the associated state adopts mainly beta-sheet-like conformation, and the beta-hairpin formed by strands beta 2 and beta 3 is native-like. The apparent molecular size obtained by diffusion coefficient measurements shows a weak degree of association for Delta 131 Delta below 0.4 mM protein concentration and for G88W110 in 4 M urea. In both cases the fragments are predominantly in the monomeric state. However, the weak association reaction can significantly influence the transverse relaxation of residues involved in the association reaction. The degree of association abruptly increases for Delta 131 Delta above 0.4 mM concentration, and it is estimated to form a 4 to 8 mer at 2 mM. It is proposed that the main region involved in association forms the core structure, with the remainder of residues largely disordered in the associated state. Despite the obvious influence of the association reaction on the slow motion of the backbone, the restricted mobility on the nanosecond timescale around the region of strand beta 5 is essentially unaffected by the association reaction and degree of denaturation.  相似文献   

E James  P G Wu  W Stites  L Brand 《Biochemistry》1992,31(42):10217-10225
The protein from a mutant clone of staphylococcal nuclease with a cysteine substituting for a lysine at position 78 was prepared and labeled with a cysteine-specific fluorescent probe 5-[[2-[(iodoacetyl)-amino]ethyl]amino]naphthalene-1-sulfonic acid (IAEDANS). Time-resolved nonradiative energy-transfer studies were done using the single tryptophan at position 140 as the energy donor and the IAEDANS as the receptor. Changes in distance and distance distributions were observed as a function of increasing guanidinium (GuHCl) concentration (0-2 M) and in the presence or absence of Ca2+ and inhibitor 2'-deoxythymidine 3',5'-diphosphate (pdTp). In the native state, both the ternary complex and the noncomplexed protein are best fit with one population having an average donor-acceptor distance of approximately 23 A and an "apparent" full width at half-maximum (fwhm) of distance distribution of approximately 18 A. Besides the contribution of linker arm of the acceptor, it appears that there are some conformational heterogeneties either due to the disordering of the tryptophan region or due to the whole protein in the native state. During GuHCl unfolding, the average distance remains relatively constant up to GuHCl concentrations where both the ternary complex and the ligand-free protein are denatured (1-1.3 M). The compact denatured states persist up to 2 M GuHCl. At 2 M GuHCl, the heterogeneity of the denatured state in the ternary complex is much larger than that of the ligand-free nuclease. The results show that the denatured states of staphylococcal nuclease mutant K78C by GuHCl are compact and these compact denatured states are likely due to residual structures or incompletely disrupted hydrophobic cores under these conditions.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal nuclease (SNase) has a single Trp residue at position 140. Circular dichroism, intrinsic and ANS-binding fluorescence, chemical titrations and enzymatic assays were used to measure the changes of its structure, stability and activities as the Trp was mutated or replaced to other positions. The results show that W140 is critical to SNase structure, stability, and function. Mutants such as W140A, F61W/W140A, and Y93W/W140A have unfolding, corrupted secondary and tertiary structures, diminished structural stability and attenuated catalytic activity as compared to the wild type. The deleterious effects of W140 substitution cannot be compensated by concurrent changes at topographical locations of position 61 or 93. Local hydrophobicity defined as a sum of hydrophobicity around a given residue within a distance is found to be a relevant property to SNase folding and stability.  相似文献   

NMR signals from all four histidine ring C epsilon protons and three of the four histidine C delta protons in the protein staphylococcal nuclease have been assigned by comparing spectra of the wild-type (Foggi strain) protein to spectra of three variants that each lack a different histidine residue. All proteins studied were cloned and overproduced in Escherichia coli. The NMR spectra of the three mutant proteins (H8R, H46Y, and H124L) used to make these assignments were similar to one another and to those of the wild type, except for signals from the mutated residues. The pKa values of those histidines conserved between the wild type and the mutants remained essentially unchanged. Multiple histidine C epsilon proton resonances due to non-native forms of nuclease were observed in both thermally induced and acid-induced unfolding. Residue-specific assignments of H epsilon protons in the thermally denatured forms of the mutant H46Y were obtained from connectivities to the native state by saturation transfer.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have shown that it is possible to increase protein stability by improving electrostatic interactions among charged groups on the surface of the folded protein. However, the stability increases are considerably smaller than predicted by a simple Coulomb's law calculation, and in some cases, a charge reversal on the surface leads to a decrease in stability when an increase was predicted. These results suggest that favorable charge-charge interactions are important in determining the denatured state ensemble, and that the free energy of the denatured state may be decreased more than that of the native state by reversing the charge of a side chain. We suggest that when the hydrophobic and hydrogen bonding interactions that stabilize the folded state are disrupted, the unfolded polypeptide chain rearranges to compact conformations with favorable long-range electrostatic interactions. These charge-charge interactions in the denatured state will reduce the net contribution of electrostatic interactions to protein stability and will help determine the denatured state ensemble. To support this idea, we show that the denatured state ensemble of ribonuclease Sa is considerably more compact at pH 7 where favorable charge-charge interactions are possible than at pH 3, where unfavorable electrostatic repulsion among the positive charges causes an expansion of the denatured state ensemble. Further support is provided by studies of the ionic strength dependence of the stability of charge-reversal mutants of ribonuclease Sa. These results may have important implications for the mechanism of protein folding.  相似文献   

The development of electrostatic interactions during the folding of the N-terminal domain of the ribosomal protein L9 (NTL9) is investigated by pH-dependent rate equilibrium free energy relationships. We show that Asp8, among six acidic residues, is involved in non-native, electrostatic interactions with K12 in the transition state for folding as well as in the denatured state. The perturbed native state pK(a) of D8 (pK(a) = 3.0) appears to be maintained through non-native interactions in both the transition state and the denatured state. Mutational effects on the stability of the transition state for protein (un)folding are often analyzed in respect to change in ground states. Thus, the interpretation of transition state analysis critically depends on an understanding of mutational effects on both the native and denatured state. Increasing evidence for structurally biased denatured states under physiological conditions raises concerns about possible denatured state effects on folding studies. We show that the structural interpretation of transition state analysis can be altered dramatically by denatured state effects.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal nuclease (SNase) catalyzes the hydrolysis of DNA and RNA in a calcium-dependent fashion. We used AFM-based single-molecule force spectroscopy to investigate the mechanical stability of SNase alone and in its complex with an SNase inhibitor, deoxythymidine 3′,5′-bisphosphate. We found that the enzyme unfolds in an all-or-none fashion at ∼26 pN. Upon binding to the inhibitor, the mechanical unfolding forces of the enzyme-inhibitor complex increase to ∼50 pN. This inhibitor-induced increase in the mechanical stability of the enzyme is consistent with the increased thermodynamical stability of the complex over that of SNase. Because of its strong mechanical response to inhibitor binding, SNase, a model protein folding system, offers a unique opportunity for studying the relationship between enzyme mechanics and catalysis.  相似文献   

Ackerman MS  Shortle D 《Biochemistry》2002,41(46):13791-13797
A nativelike low-resolution structure has been shown to persist in the Delta 131 Delta denatured fragment of staphylococcal nuclease, even in the presence of 8 M urea. In this report, the physical-chemical basis of this structure is addressed by monitoring changes in structure reflected in residual dipolar couplings and diffusion coefficients as a function of changes in amino acid sequence. Ten large hydrophobic residues, previously shown to play dominant roles in the stability of the native state, are replaced with polar residues of similar shape. Modest increases in the Stokes radius determined by NMR methods result from replacement of five isoleucine/valine residues with threonine, one leucine with glutamine, and oxidation of four methionines to the sulfoxides. Yet in the presence of all ten hydrophobic to polar substitutions and 8 M urea, the NMR signature of a native-like topology is still largely intact. In addition, removal of 30 residues from either the N-terminus (which deletes a three-strand beta meander) or C-terminus (a long extended segment and the final alpha helix) produces only very small changes in long-range structure. These data indicate that both the general shape of the denatured state and the angular relationships of individual bond angles to the axes describing the spatial distribution of the protein chain are insensitive to large changes in the amino acid sequence, a finding consistent with the conclusion that the long-range structure of denatured proteins is encoded primarily by local steric interactions between side chains and the polypeptide backbone.  相似文献   

It is now recognized that the denatured state ensemble (DSE) of proteins can contain significant amounts of structure, particularly under native conditions. Well-studied examples include small units of hydrogen bonded secondary structure, particularly helices or turns as well as hydrophobic clusters. Other types of interactions are less well characterized and it has often been assumed that electrostatic interactions play at most a minor role in the DSE. However, recent studies have shown that both favorable and unfavorable electrostatic interactions can be formed in the DSE. These can include surprisingly specific non-native interactions that can even persist in the transition state for protein folding. DSE electrostatic interactions can be energetically significant and their modulation either by mutation or by varying solution conditions can have a major impact upon protein stability. pH dependent stability studies have shown that electrostatic interactions can contribute up to 4 kcal mol-1 to the stability of the DSE.  相似文献   

We have characterized the acid-induced denaturation of staphylococcal nuclease (SNase) at different urea concentrations by a combination of ultrasonic velocimetry, high precision densimetry, and CD spectroscopy. Our CD spectroscopic results suggest that, at low salt and acidic pH, the protein is unfolded with disrupted secondary and tertiary structures. Furthermore, as judged by far UV CD spectra, the protein is further unfolded at acidic pH upon the addition of urea up to the concentration of 1.5 M. The midpoint of the transition shifts to more neutral pH values and the cooperativity of the transition decreases as the acid-induced denaturation of SNase occurs at higher urea concentrations. We find that the change in volume, Deltav, accompanying the acid-induced denaturation of SNase increases from -0.013 cm(3) g(-1) (-218 cm(3) mol(-1)) in the absence of urea to 0.011 cm(3) g(-1) (185 cm(3) mol(-1)) at 1.5 M urea. At all urea concentrations, the partial specific adiabatic compressibility, k(o)(s), of the protein decreases upon its unfolding with the values of Deltak(o)(s) equal to -6.3x10(-6) (-0.106 cm(3) mol(-1) bar(-1)), -4.5x10(-6) (-0.076 cm(3) mol(-1) bar(-1)), -4.6x10(-6) (-0.077 cm(3) mol(-1) bar(-1)), and -3.8x10(-6) (-0.064 cm(3) mol(-1) bar(-1)) cm(3) g(-1) bar(-1) at urea concentrations of 0, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 M, respectively. In general, our volumetric results suggest that the acid-induced denatured state of SNase is only partially unfolded with the solvent-exposed surface area equal to 70-80 % of that expected for the fully extended conformation.  相似文献   

Single site mutations that reverse or neutralize a surface charge were made at 22 ionizable residues in staphylococcal nuclease. Unfolding free energies were obtained by guanidine hydrochloride denaturation. These data, in conjunction with previously obtained stabilities of the corresponding alanine mutants, unequivocally show that the dominant contribution to stability for virtually all of the wild-type side chains examined is the electrostatic effect associated with each residue's charged group. With only a few exceptions, these charges stabilize the native state, with an average loss of 0.5 kcal/mol of stability upon neutralization of a charge. When the charge is reversed, the average destabilization is doubled. Structure-based calculations of electrostatic free energy with the continuum method based on the finite difference solution to the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann equation reproduce the observed energetics when the polarizability in the protein interior is represented with a dielectric constant of 20. However, in some cases, large differences are found, giving insight into possible areas for improvement of the calculations. In particular, it appears that the assumptions made in the calculations about the absence of electrostatic interactions in the denatured state and the energetic consequences of dynamic fluctuations in the native state will have to be further explored.  相似文献   

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