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Female Rhizoprionodon acutus were found to mature between 62 and 74 cm total length ( L T) whereas males matured between 63 and 71 cm L T. The L T at 50% maturity was 64·3 cm for females and 64·7 cm for males. Litter size varied from one to six embryos, and was positively correlated with maternal L T. Female embryos outnumbered males by a ratio of 2·3:1. The size at birth was c . 37 cm L T. Full‐term embryos and post‐partum females were observed during all seasons although their occurrence was highest in spring. Spermatozoa were rarely recorded in the oviducal gland, indicating that this species does not store sperm. It was not possible to generate maturity curves for Iago omanensis but it was evident that females matured by the time they reached 35 cm and males were mature by 31 cm L T. This species displayed a clearly defined reproductive cycle with parturition occurring primarily in spring, after a gestation period of c . 1 year. Maximal embryo size was 19 cm L T while maximal litter size was 24 embryos. The oviducal gland appeared to act as a seminal receptacle and it appeared that females may utilize these stores by not mating every year.  相似文献   

This study analysed the total length ( L T)‐frequency distribution of mackerel icefish Champsocephalus gunnari at South Georgia and Shag Rocks from nine bottom trawl surveys at South Georgia and eight at Shag Rocks between 1987 and 2002. The estimated mean L T of age‐classes 1+, 2+, 3+ and 4+ years during January were, respectively, 14·7, 23·5, 29·8 and 35·1 cm at South Georgia. Age‐classes 1+, 2+ and 3+ years were 18·3, 26·2 and 33·8 cm at Shag Rocks. The derived Bertalanffy growth parameters for South Georgia were: L  = 51·7 cm, k  = 0·27 and t 0 = −0·26. The mean L T of each age‐class of C. gunnari at Shag Rocks was significantly larger than at South Georgia, equivalent to c . 5 months growth, although the annual growth in L T was similar. This is further evidence that C. gunnari hatched earlier at Shag Rocks. At South Georgia, the mean L T of age‐classes 1+ and 3+ years were correlated, and significantly decreased between 1987 and 2002, and were smaller following warmer summers. This decrease in the size of C. gunnari may be the result of reduced food availability linked to climate warming.  相似文献   

The eel genus Histiobranchus Gill occurs benthopelagically over the continental rise and abyss of the World Ocean, primarily beneath temperate and subpolar surface waters. Its generic status within the subfamily Synaphobranchinae is confirmed by comparison of the structure and topography of its cephalic sensory system and skeletal features with Synaphobranchus. At least three species of Histiobranchus are recognized: H. bathybius (panoceanic), H. bruuni (Tasman Sea and waters south-east of New Zealand) and H. australis (two geographical forms; South Atlantic and south-western Indian Ocean, and South Indo-West Pacific Oceans). Collections totalling 319 specimens of H. bathybius from the eastern North Atlantic (1790–5440 m depth) yielded a size range of 99–1370 mm total length ( L T), with no apparent sexual dimorphism. Length–frequency distributions indicate a mode of juvenile fish at around 100–200 mm L T and a further two around 600–700 and 1300–1400 mm L T among adults. Generally smaller fish occur in shallower regions, although the size range is broad over the whole depth range. No apparent trend occurs in the size distribution with latitude over the range 17–54) N. Females outnumber males (1 male : 1·7 females) and both sexes are largely distinguishable from 300 mm L T. Ripening eggs occur in females from both adult length modes, with running ripe and spent females of very different size indicating iteroparity.  相似文献   

Greenland shark Somniosus microcephalus is a potentially important yet poorly studied cold-water species inhabiting the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. Broad-scale changes in the Arctic ecosystem as a consequence of climate change have led to increased attention on trophic dynamics and the role of potential apex predators such as S. microcephalus in the structure of Arctic marine food webs. Although Nordic and Inuit populations have caught S. microcephalus for centuries, the species is of limited commercial interest among modern industrial fisheries. Here, the limited historical information available on S. microcephalus occurrence and ecology is reviewed and new catch, biological and life-history information from the Arctic and North Atlantic Ocean region is provided. Given the considerable by-catch rates in high North Atlantic Ocean latitudes it is suggested that S. microcephalus is an abundant predator that plays an important, yet unrecognized, role in Arctic marine ecosystems. Slow growth and large pup sizes, however, may make S. microcephalus vulnerable to increased fishing pressure in a warming Arctic environment.  相似文献   

Stable-isotope ratios of nitrogen (δ1?N) and lipid-normalized carbon (δ13C') were used to examine geographic and ontogenetic variability in the trophic ecology of a high latitude benthopelagic elasmobranch, the Pacific sleeper shark Somniosus pacificus. Mean muscle tissue δ13C' values of S. pacificus differed significantly among geographic regions of the eastern North Pacific Ocean. Linear models identified significant ontogenetic and geographic variability in muscle tissue δ1?N values of S. pacificus. The trophic position of S. pacificus in the eastern North Pacific Ocean estimated here from previously published stomach-content data (4·3) was within the range of S. pacificus trophic position predicted from a linear model of S. pacificus muscle tissue δ1?N (3·3-5·7) for fish of the same mean total length (L(T) ; 201·5 cm), but uncertainty in predicted trophic position was very high (95% prediction intervals ranged from 2·9 to 6·4). The relative trophic position of S. pacificus determined here from a literature review of δ1?N by taxa in the eastern North Pacific Ocean was also lower than would be expected based on stomach-content data alone when compared to fishes, squid and filter feeding whales. Stable-isotope analysis revealed wider variability in the feeding ecology of S. pacificus in the eastern North Pacific Ocean than shown by diet data alone, and expanded previous conclusions drawn from analyses of stomach-content data to regional and temporal scales meaningful for fisheries management.  相似文献   

The distribution, total length ( L T) frequency and diet of Patagonotothen guntheri are described from 14 bottom trawl surveys conducted on the Shag Rocks and South Georgia shelves in the austral summers from 1986 to 2006. Patagonotothen guntheri (80–265 mm L T) were caught on the Shag Rocks shelf from depths of 111 to 470 m, but no specimens were caught on the South Georgia shelf. Multiple cohorts were present during each survey and L T-frequency analysis of these cohorts suggests that growth was slow (von Bertalanffy K = 0·133). Evidence from stomach contents and acoustic data (2005 and 2006) showed that P. guntheri is primarily a pelagic feeder, migrating from the sea floor towards the surface to feed during daylight. The diet of smaller fish (<140 mm) was dominated by copepods, predominantly Rhincalanus gigas , whilst larger fish principally consumed the pelagic hyperiid amphipod, Themisto gaudichaudii and Antarctic krill Euphausia superba . Some larger fish also took benthic prey.  相似文献   

The wreckfish Polyprion americanus , a large [>1 m total length ( L T)] demersal teleost, is distributed globally in temperate waters, including both sides of the North and South Atlantic Oceans, the Mediterranean, the western South Pacific, and the southern Indian Ocean. Wreckfish spawn off the south-eastern U.S. on an area of the Blake Plateau (the Charleston Bump) characterized by an extensive ridge having approximately 100 m relief, in 450–600 m depths. Juvenile wreckfish (<60 cm L T) are pelagic and, in the North Atlantic, are not reported from the Blake Plateau fishing area, but occur in by-catch and fishery landings in the eastern Atlantic. Analysis of nine restriction fragment length profiles from a PCR-amplified fragment (∼1.5 kb) of the ND1 mitochondrial gene indicated no stock separation between eastern North Atlantic (Azores, Majorca, Madeira), and western North Atlantic (Blake Plateau) wreckfish. Restriction site differences separate western South Atlantic wreckfish from the North Atlantic; however, South Atlantic wreckfish share restriction-site similarities with western Pacific wreckfish that are not shared with North Atlantic wreckfish. North Atlantic circulation provides a mechanism for a long-lived pelagic stage to be dispersed from Blake Plateau spawning grounds to the eastern North Atlantic. Global circulation patterns may explain both the dispersal of mtDNA haplotypes and the disjunct distribution of wreckfish body lengths in a temperate, deep-water vagile species with an extended pelagic juvenile stage such as wreckfish.  相似文献   

Psammobatis extenta collected from the commercial bottom trawl fishery operating in Puerto Quequén, Argentina, between 2000 and 2001, had a sex ratio of 1:1 (535 specimens). Both the largest male and female measured 313 mm total length ( L T). The relationship between total body mass and L T was significantly different between sexes; mature females weighed more than mature males for a given L T. The size at which 50% of males were sexually mature was 262 mm L T (83·6% of the maximum size), whereas 50% of females were mature at 249 mm L T (80·0% of the maximum size). The gonadosomatic index in mature males and females was slightly higher during summer, but did not show significant variation over the sampling period. The hepatosomatic index of males and females was higher during the autumn and winter and followed a distinct seasonal pattern. Evidence suggested a continuous reproductive cycle during the year, with a maximum number of females carrying egg-cases in summer.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the smooth-hound shark Mustelus mustelus was studied in the Gulf of Gabès (southern Tunisia). Females were found to mature between 1075 and 1230 mm total length ( L T) whereas males matured between 880 and 1120 mm L T. The L T at which 50% of the population reached maturity was 971 and 1172 mm for males and females, respectively. Male gonads were symmetrical in terms of mass and both functional, whereas in females only the right ovary was functional. The seasonal changes in the oocytes and testes development, embryo length and the occurrence of near-term and post-partum females showed that this species displayed a clearly defined annual reproductive cycle with parturition occurring during late April and early May, after a gestation period of 10–11 months. Mating took place during May and early June and fertilization occurred from early June to early July. The embryo sex ratio was not significantly different from unity. Litter size varied from four to 18 embryos and was positively correlated with maternal L T. The young were born with a L T of 340–420 mm.  相似文献   

The diet change with size, season and area was investigated using the stomachs of 496 kingclip Genypterus blacodes collected around the Falkland Islands (south‐west Atlantic) between August 2001 and September 2002. The key prey species were rockcod Patagonotothen spp., benthic isopods and Patagonian grenadier Macruronus magellanicus . Kingclip <50 cm total length ( L T) fed mainly on crustaceans and small fishes. With size the diet shifted away from crustaceans towards Patagonotothen spp. in kingclip 50–100 cm L T, and finally towards larger fishes such as M. magellanicus and Micromesistius australis australis in kingclip >100 cm L T. The niche breadth was highest in fish >100 cm L T and the lowest in fish <50 cm L T. The larger kingclip generally selected larger individuals of the same prey species, with the exception of the Patagonian squid Loligo gahi , where all ingested squid were of similar size, regardless of the predator length. The importance of the main prey species varied substantially between five consequent seasons studied, and appeared to follow the seasonal abundance and availability of prey. The spatial variability in the diet was found in kingclip caught in regions occupied by transformed temperate and sub‐Antarctic waters. The rockcod, which is available throughout the year around the Falkland Islands, was the most important prey in the kingclip diet. Kingclip takes advantage of other seasonally abundant prey species during their seasonal migrations ( e.g . L. gahi ) and also scavenge on discards from fishing vessels when available.  相似文献   

Details of the reproductive biology, size and age compositions and growth of the breaksea cod Epinephelides armatus , the sole representative of Epinephelides , were obtained by collecting monthly samples of a wide total length ( L T) range of individuals from coastal marine waters at 31–32° S on the lower west coast of Australia. Although the modal L T class of females (250–299 mm) was markedly less than that of males (400–449 mm), the modal ages of the two sexes were similar, i.e. 4 v. 5 years, respectively. The similarity in the age compositions and the histological demonstration that the gonads of all E. armatus consist solely of either ovarian or testicular tissues demonstrate that this species is gonochoristic, which is highly unusual for an anthiinine serranid. The absence of a central, membrane-lined 'ovarian' lumen in the testes of juveniles would account for adult testes containing neither this ovarian remnant nor the peripherally located sperm sinuses that are found in the mature testes of almost all other serranids. The results demonstrate that E. armatus exhibits a very unusual pattern of sexual development for a serranid. The spawning period of E. armatus lasts for c. 9 months, which is long for a species in temperate Western Australian waters, but comparable with that of many other relatively small serranids elsewhere. Females grow slower than males, attaining L T at 3, 5 and 10 years of c. 200, 285 and 420 mm, respectively, compared with c. 215, 315 and 450 mm, respectively. Females, however, attain maturity at a greater L T and older age than males.  相似文献   

The seasonal diet of a predator, brown trout Salmo trutta [total length ( L T) 17–69 cm] and simultaneous density and size‐structure of prey populations, vendace Coregonus albula and smelt Osmerus eperlanus (4–16 cm L T), in a large boreal lake were analysed and compared in 2001 and 2002. The upper L T limit for consumed prey was c . 40% of the predator L T. All brown trout, however, preferred small (<10 cm L T) and avoided large (≥10 cm L T) prey. The results also suggested that equal densities of similar‐sized (4–10 cm L T) fish of the two prey species led to random foraging on these species by brown trout, but if either one of the prey species predominated (>50%) in the lake, brown trout shifted to foraging on this species almost exclusively. Brown trout diets thus reflected the density dynamics of the two alternative prey species.  相似文献   

Four of the 27 Pacific sleeper sharks (Somniosus pacificus Bigelow and Schroeder) captured in the western North Pacific Ocean off eastern Taiwan between 19 March and 18 May 2002 hosted the parasitic copepod Dinemoura ferox (Kr?yer, 1838) on their body surface including the fins. This report documents a new host record as well as a new ocean record for D. ferox, which until now has only been reported from the benthopelagic sharks, Somniosus microcephalus (Bloch and Schneider) and Centrophorus squamosus (Bonnaterre), occurring in the north Atlantic Ocean off Greenland and Iceland.  相似文献   

The age and growth of the dusky grouper, Epinephelus marginatus , in the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean) were studied by otolith analysis from a sample of 358 specimens ranging in total length ( L T) from 6·6 to 105·6 cm. The specimens came from commercial artisanal and recreational spear fisheries between 1999 and 2003. Otoliths grew asymmetrically throughout the range of L T studied, showing a clear pattern of alternating translucent and opaque bands. Marginal increment analysis of specimens up to 8 years-old indicated that a single opaque band was formed each year during spring and summer. Whole otoliths allowed ageing specimens up to 10 years old, but above that age whole otoliths yielded lower age estimates than sectioned otoliths. The maximum estimated age was 61 years, which significantly extends the estimated life span of the species from a maximum of 36 years in a previous study. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters were estimated as L = 95·5 cm L T, K = 0·087 and T O=−1·12. The study revealed differences in mean L T at age and age structure between the shallow- and deep-water samples which may be attributed to different fishing pressure and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

During early development, the left and right sagittae of European hake Merluccius merluccius showed dimorphism in both size and shape due to the different number and size of accessory primordia. Juvenile hake reached the total length ( L T) of 15 cm in c. 1 year, with monthly growth rates ranging from 1·6 cm month-1 in the third month of life to 1·1 cm month-1 towards the end of the first year. Back-calculated hatch-date distribution indicated continuous spawning with a peak in summer and a second, less evident, peak in February–March. The presence of early demersal juveniles (16–30 mm L T, c. 40 days old) very close to the Pomo pit area (Central Adriatic Sea) at c. 140 m depths indicates that the change from the pelagic to the demersal phase takes place at c. 40 days close to the area of concentration of juveniles. The daily-increment hypothesis was validated indirectly.  相似文献   

Scartichthys viridis maintains a herbivorous diet following recruitment to rocky intertidal areas, where it consumes almost exclusively macroalgae. The sheet–like green macroalgae Ulva and Enteromorpha were the main items consumed by individuals <130 mm L T. The tough branching red macroalga Gelidium made the bulk of the gut contents of specimens >220 mm L T, Ulva being consumed to a much lesser extent. Further, Gelidium increased in importance in the total gut contents during ontogeny. In contrast, both small (70–120 mm L T) and medium–sized (140–210 mm L T) S. viridis individuals preferred Ulva in the laboratory. It is suggested that the increasing consumption of Gelidium along the ontogeny of S. viridis results from the limited availability of Ulva in the field. Large S. viridis individuals possessed longer guts relative to their body length, in comparison with small individuals.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Epinephelus coioides was determined from the examination of 1455 individuals collected between July 2005 and June 2007 in the southern Arabian Gulf. Histological preparations of gonads indicated that males were either derived from a juvenile phase or the transition of postspawning females, confirming a diandric protogynous sexual pattern. The spawning season was well defined, occurring once a year during April and early May. Peaks in spawning occurred after the full and new moons and was completed within a single lunar cycle. The presence of mature males over the entire size and age range and the absence of inactive mature females during the spawning season suggested that the population was not constrained by sperm limitation. While specimens undergoing sexual transition were only observed in size and age ranges of 335–685 mm total length ( L T) and 5–6 years, patterns in the proportion of males in size and age classes suggested that sex change occurred at a relatively constant rate after female maturation up to the maximum size (1002 mm L T) and age (11 years). Relationships between reproductive output and capacity with size and age indicated that conventional regulations that equate the mean size at first capture to sexual maturation are unsuitable for the management of E. coioides . The maximum age, small size and young age at sexual maturation ( L min= 320 mm L T, 2 years, for females and 242 mm L T, 1 year, for males) conflict with the general pattern for large epinepheline groupers and may be a direct result of the intensive demersal fishery in the southern Arabian Gulf.  相似文献   

Small‐scale spatial variation in life history was found among genetically distinct local populations of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua from the Norwegian Skagerrak coast. Among populations, age at 50% maturity varied from 2·6 to 3·8 years, total ( L T) length at 50% maturity from 35 to 60 cm, annual survival from 33 to 64%, mean L T at age 4 years from 43 to 63 cm, and mean backcalculated L T at age 1 year from 8 to 12 cm.  相似文献   

The trophic linkage between yellow perch Perca flavescens and two exotic prey items, alewife Alosa pseudoharengus and round goby Neogobius melanostomus , was investigated in the extreme southern area of Lake Michigan during the summer of 2002. Yellow perch ≥100 mm total length, L T( n  = 1293) exhibited size selective feeding, with 148 fish containing round gobies and 120 fish containing alewives. The mean round goby L T, preyed on by yellow perch, was 23% of the predator L T, with a range of 7 to 47%, and mean alewife L T was 32% of yellow perch L T, with a range of 18 to 46%. Although the selection of prey size by yellow perch increased proportionally with yellow perch L T, prey consumed appeared smaller than theoretically possible based on gape size.  相似文献   

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