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Genetical ESS-models. I. Concepts and basic model   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Evolutionarily Stable Strategies (ESS) in phenotypic models are used to explain the evolution of animal interactive behaviour. As the behavioural features under consideration are assumed to be genetically determined, the question arises how underlying a genetical system might affect the results of phenotypic ESS-models. This question can be fully treated in terms of ESS-theory. A method of designing Genetical ESS-Models is proposed, which transfers the question of evolutionary stability to a "lower" level, the genetical basis. Genetical ESS-models - although nonlinear even in the simplest cases - can be analysed in a way that is familiar to ESS-theorists and yield immediate results on gene pool ESSs, which then may or may not maintain ESSs on the phenotypic level. Moreover, general results can be obtained to characterize evolutionarily stable gene pool states and their interrelation with commonsense, phenotypic ESSs. This part of the article presents the basic concepts and an outline of the method of genetical ESS-models. It gives, as a demonstration, a complete analysis for phenotypic two-strategy models (linear or nonlinear) based on a diploid, diallelic single-locus system under random mating. The results in this case suggest that a phenotypic ESS should indeed be expected to evolve but, maybe, only after passing through a succession of temporarily stable states.  相似文献   

Genetical ESS-models. II. Multi-strategy models and multiple alleles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The problem of evolutionarily stable strategies (ESS) in sexual populations can be investigated by means of genetical ESS-models which link common sense, phenotypic ESS-models to an underlying genetical system. Thorough results are obtained for multi-strategy models in diploid, panmictic populations on the basis of multi-allelic, one-locus systems. A sexual population will be maintained at a phenotypic ESS if this can possibly be produced by the genotypes currently existing. If there is enough allelic variation, the corresponding gene pool may either be an ESS itself, or belong to an attracting, continuous set of states, which all determine the same evolutionarily stable population. The latter case allows new alleles to enter and spread in the gene pool without disturbing the phenotypic ESS. If a phenotypic ESS cannot be established, ESSs of the genetical model may be found which give rise to stable populations alternatively. Since these depend on the phenotypes determined by the currently existing genotypes, they may be destabilized by the occurrence of new mutations. In this sense, they are less durable than populations maintained at a phenotypic ESS and can be expected to evolve, in the long run, towards a phenotypic ESS.  相似文献   

Summary Experimental evidence is reported in favor of superdominance in over-all vigor inArabidopsis thaliana in connection with two x-ray induced mutants. The tests adopted (outcrossing to unrelated tester, repeated recombination for 15 generations) failed to reveal any additional genetic variation. The genetic and physiolgical mechanism of superdominance is discussed in light of recent information on gene structure and function.Contribution from the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station. Journal Series Number 2388. Approved by the Director.  相似文献   

Strain energy functions are derived from biphasic soft tissue models in order to describe large-deformation, large-swelling, elastic behavior of nonlinear materials. The resulting analysis leads to calculations of stress-extension relations and tissue fluid pressure. Also explored are the elastic stability of the biphasic tissue models and the manner in which tissue pressure is altered by material deformation.  相似文献   

Genetic models of colony-level selection applicable to diploids (termites) and haplodiploids (social Hymenoptera) are analysed. In the Additive model colony fitnesses are just the arithmetic average of the contribution of the worker genotypes. In the Nonadditive model the fitness of the heterogenotypic colonies (those comprised of more than one worker genotype) may be altered due to interaction between the different worker genotypes. This is modelled by multiplying the additive fitness by the variable, ei. With additive selection the same equilibrium gene frequency occurs in diploids and in haplodiploids with both once and twice mated queens. In haplodiploids if selection is nonadditive and strong, up to three polymorphic equilibria can exist; however, only a maximum of two are possible with weak selection. Multiple mating by queens increases the number of equilibria possible. Worker-produced males alter the conditions for the existence of a polymorphic equilibrium, and shift the male and female equilibrium gene frequencies.  相似文献   

Molecular Genetics and Genomics -  相似文献   

The yeast silent mating loci HML and HMR are located at opposite ends of chromosome III adjacent to the telomeres. Mutations in the N terminus of histone H4 have been previously found to derepress the yeast silent mating locus HML to a much greater extent than HMR. Although differences in the a and alpha mating-type regulatory genes and in the cis-acting silencer elements do not appear to strongly influence the level of derepression at HMR, we have found that the differential between the two silent cassettes is largely due to the position of the HMR cassette relative to the telomere on chromosome III. While HML is derepressed to roughly the same extent by mutations in histone H4 regardless of its chromosomal location, HMR is affected to different extends depending upon its chromosomal positioning. We have found that HMR is more severely derepressed by histone H4 mutations when positioned far from the telomere (cdc14 locus on chromosome VI) but is only minimally affected by the same mutations when integrated immediately adjacent to another telomere (ADH4 locus on chromosome VII). These data indicate that the degree of silencing at HMR is regulated in part by its neighboring telomere over a distance of at least 23 kb and that this form of regulation is unique for HMR and not present at HML. These data also indicate that histone H4 plays an important role in regulating the silenced state at both HML and HMR.  相似文献   

Single locus microsatellites isolated using 5' anchored PCR.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
Microsatellites are widely used as genetic markers because they are co-dominant, multiallelic, easily scored and highly polymorphic. A major drawback of microsatellite markers is the time and cost required to characterise them. We have developed a novel technique to reduce this cost by producing a microsatellite-rich PCR profile from genomic DNA which was cloned to yield a genomic library enriched for microsatellites. Sequence data and subsequent allele scoring within pedigrees revealed that these microsatellites retained their original repeat length and segregated normally. This technique permits genomic amplification with only one specific primer. Together with enrichment, the savings in primer costs reduces the cost of microsatellite characterisation considerably.  相似文献   

Summary The complex structure of the multigene family at the Mla locus conferring powdery mildew resistance in barley was studied by making diallel crosses between several near-isogenic lines carrying different Mla alleles. The mode of inheritance of the Mla alleles investigated was determined to be dominant for Mla1, Mla6, Mla7 and Mla13 and semidominant for Mla3, Mla12 and Mla20. F1 plants were backcrossed to the susceptible recurrent parent in order to identify susceptible and double-resistant recombinants in the BC1F1 generation. Out of 17605 progenies tested in the BC1F1 generation, two susceptible recombinants, one between Mla1 and Mla12 and one between Mla13 and Mla20 were confirmed. The former was also verified by RFLP analysis.  相似文献   

Genetic locus for ribonuclease I in Escherichia coli.   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文

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