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The effects of caffeine and acriflavine on cell survival, single-strand deoxyribonucleic acid break formation, and postreplication repair in Escherichia coli wild-type WP2 and WP2 uvrA strains after ultraviolet irradiation was studied. Caffeine (0.5 mg/ml) added before and immediately after ultraviolet irradiation inhibited single-strand deoxyribonucleic acid breakage in wild-type WP2 cells. Single-strand breaks, once formed, were no longer subject to repair inhibition by caffeine. At 0.5 to 2 mg/ml, caffeine did not affect postreplication repair in uvrA strains. These data are consistent with the survival data of both irradiated WP2 and uvrA strains in the presence and absence of caffeine. In unirradiated WP2 and uvrA strains, however, a high caffeine concentration (greater than 2 mg/ml) resulted in gradual reduction of colony-forming units. At a concentration insufficient to alter survival of unirradiated cells, acriflavine (2 microgram/ml) inhibited both single-strand deoxyribonucleic acid breakage and postreplication repair after ultraviolet irradiation. These data suggest that although the modes of action for both caffeine and acriflavine may be similar in the inhibition of single-strand deoxyribonucleic acid break formation, they differ in their mechanisms of action on postreplication repair.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli strain carrying both rec+ and sbcA has been constructed. Repair of ultraviolet light-induced deoxyribonucleic acid damage was examined by measuring survival and thymine-dimer excision in the rec+ sbcA strain as well as rec+ sbcA+ and recB recC sbcA strains. The sbcA mutation restores normal survival in both recB recC uvrB and recB recC uvr+ strains. Excision of thymine-containing dimers does not occur in uvrB mutants, regardless of the rec or sbcA genotype. Survival, after ultraviolet-light damage, of a rec+ sbcA strain is quantitatively similar to rec+ sbcA+ and recB recC sbcA strains.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli BS-12 uvrA lon is hypersensitive to ultraviolet light. On minimal agar plates at densities in excess of about 10(7) bacteria per plate, as few as one or two photoreversible pyrimidine dimers in the entire genome are sufficient to cause inhibition of cell division. Most of the resulting filaments are unable to divide or form a viable colony. Inhibition of cell division appears to be a rapid consequence of replication of deoxyribonucleic acid containing a pyrimidine dimer. Photoreversibility of the inhibition of cell division persists indefinitely, indicating that the continued presence of the pyrimidine dimers (or the continued generation of daughter strand gaps) is necessary to maintain the division-inhibited state. In view of the kinetics for the production of filamentation by ultraviolet light and the extremely low average inducing fluence (0.03 J/m2), it is concluded that the initiating signal is not the same as that causing other inducible phenomena such as prophage induction or Weigle reactivation.  相似文献   

Mutagenesis was demonstrable after delayed photoreversal of UV-irradiated strains carrying a recA deletion indicating that RecA protein is not essential for the misincorporation process that is revealed by delayed photoreversal. Moreover, the data suggest that RecA protein actually depresses misincorporation to varying extents depending on the recA allele. No delayed photoreversal was demonstrable in reA1 or recA56 bacteria unless the lexA102(ind-) allele was also present. It is suggested that the level of these RecA proteins may be lower in the lexA102(ind-) strains thus minimising their depressive effect. Delayed photoreversal mutagenesis in strains carrying the recA441 allele was not affected by either adenine or guanosine plus cytidine, substances which affect the proteolytic activity of RecA441 protein.  相似文献   

A rapid method has been developed for isolation of ultraviolet-sensitive mutants of Escherichia coli, by inducing delay in the growth and/or division of repair-deficienct cells with low fluences of far-ultraviolet radiation, and killing with penicillin the repair-proficient cells, which continue to grow and divide. With this technique, we have achieved about a 3,000-fold enrichment for photoreactivation less (phr) cells and have isolated and characterized three phr mutants.  相似文献   

Introduction into Escherichia coli WP2 bacteria of a mutation in the gyrB locus previously shown to reduce the degree of chromosomal superhelicity caused a small decrease in the frequency of UV-induced mutations to streptomycin resistance (but not significantly) and to tryptophan independence (mostly ochre suppressors) in excision repair-proficient bacteria. It did not influence the 'broth effect' or the rate or extent of 'mutation frequency decline' of suppressor mutations. In an excision-deficient (uvrA 155) background the yield of UV-induced streptomycin-resistant mutations was lower in gyrB bacteria at all doses; the yield of tryptophan-independent mutations was slightly lower at low doses and slightly higher at high doses. In both excision-proficient and -deficient bacteria the yield of UV-induced mutations to rifampicin resistance was apparently lower in gyrB mutants but this could be due at least in part to a hypersensitivity of some Rifr gyrB bacteria to UV. The number of spontaneous tryptophan-independent mutations was lower in gyrB bacteria but this was almost certainly due to their poorer viability on tryptophan-limiting plates and not to a lower spontaneous mutation rate. In a temperature-sensitive presumed gyrase-deficient strain a small decrease in mutant yield at low doses was observed following incubation at restrictive temperature before UV. This was ascribed to an enhancement of excision repair. Our failure to find any significant effect of gyrB mutations does not support the hypothesis that hairpin formation (which should be dependent on a high degree of superhelicity) is involved in determining the 'broth effect', 'mutation frequency decline' or the probability that a mutation will occur spontaneously. Dramatic effects of superhelicity on UV mutagenesis also seem to be unlikely.  相似文献   

Bacterial survival is significantly increased after ultraviolet irradiation in tif sfi cells, provided that the thermosensitive tif mutation has been expressed at 41 degrees C before irradiation. This tif-mediated "reactivation of ultraviolet irradiated bacteria" needs de novo protein synthesis, as is the case for the tif-mediated reactivation of ultraviolet-irradiated phage lambda. However, in striking contrast to the phage reactivation process, this tif-mediated reactivation is no longer associated with mutagenesis. It also requires the presence of the uvrA+ excision function. These results strongly suggest the existence in Escherichia coli K-12 of a repair pathway acting on bacterial deoxyribonucleic acid which is inducible, error free, and uvr dependent.  相似文献   

A system of cells made permeable by treatment with high concentrations of surcrose (plasmolysis) has been exploited to study the excision repair of ultraviolet-irradiated deoxyribonucleic acid in Escherichia coli. It is demonstrated that adenosine 5'-triphosphate is required for incision breaks to be made in the bacterial chromosome as well as in covalently closed bacteriophage lambda deoxyribonucleic acid. After plasmolysis, uvrC mutant strains appear as defective in the incision step as the uvrA-mutated strains. This is in contrast to the situation in intact cells where uvrC mutants accumulate single-strand breaks during postirradiation incubation. These observations have led to the proposal of a model for excision repair, in which the ultraviolet-specific endonuclease, coded for by the uvrA and uvrB genes, exists in a complex with the uvrC gene product. The complex is responsible for the incision and possibly also the excision steps of repair. The dark-repair inhibitors acriflavine and caffeine are both shown to interfere with the action of the adenosine 5'-triphosphate-dependent enzyme.  相似文献   

The lengths of ultraviolet irradiation-induced repair resynthesis patches were measured in repair-competent extracts of Escherichia coli. Extracts containing wild-type deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) polymerase I introduced a patch 15 to 20 nucleotides in length during repair of ColE1 plasmid DNA; extracts containing the polA5 mutant form of DNA polymerase I introduced a patch only about 5 nucleotides in length in a similar reaction. The repair patch length in the presence of either DNA polymerase corresponded to the processivity of that polymerase (the average number of nucleotides added per enzyme-DNA binding event) as determined with purified enzymes and DNA treated with a nonspecific endonuclease. The base composition of the repair patch inserted by the wild-type DNA polymerase was similar to that of the bacterial genome, whereas the patch inserted by the mutant enzyme was skewed toward greater pyrimidine incorporation. This skewing is expected, considering the predominance of pyrimidine incorporation occurring at the ultraviolet lesion and the short patch made by the mutant enzyme. Since the defect in the polA5 DNA polymerase which causes premature dissociation from DNA is reflected exactly in the repair patch length, the processive mechanism of the polymerase must be a central determinant of patch length.  相似文献   

Cell survival, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) degradation, and the repair of DNA single-strand breaks were measured for Escherichia coli K-12 pol+, polA1, polC1026(ts), and polA1 polC1026(ts) cells after 137Cs gamma irradiation. The results indicate that DNA polymerase III is required for growth medium-dependent (type III) repair in polA+ or polA cells. In pol+ or polC cells, DNA polymerase I performs type II repair efficiently. The relative deficiencies of each of these strains in DNA repair generally correlate with their relative sensitivities to cell killing and with the extent of DNA degradation observed.  相似文献   

The post-irradiation degradation of DNA in a radiosensitive mutant, NG30, of Escherchia coli, was investigated. An extensive degradation of DNA corresponding to the ultraviolet dose was observed. The post-irradiation degradation of DNA having no replicating points is not initiated from a specific point in the DNA, but does occur simultaneously at many sites of the irradiated DNA.  相似文献   

Several temperature-sensitive initiation mutants of Escherichia coli were examined for the ability to initiate more than one round of replication after being held at nonpermissive temperature for approximately 1.5 generation equivalents. The capacity for initiation was measured by residual synthesis experiments and rate experiments under conditions where protein synthesis and ribonucleic acid synthesis were inhibited. Results of the rate and density transfer experiments suggest that the cells may initiate more than one round of replication in the absence of protein or ribonucleic acid synthesis. This contrasts with the results of the residual synthesis experiments which suggest that, under these conditions, only one round of synthesis is achieved. These findings suggest that the total amount of residual synthesis achieved in the presence of an inhibitor may be both a function of the number of initiation events which occur and the effect of the inhibitor of protein or ribonucleic acid synthesis on chain elongation.  相似文献   

Excision-deficient Escherichia coli, carrying the gene for the photolyase on a multicopy plasmid, were irradiated with ultraviolet (UV) light then photoreactivated by illumination delivered from a camera flash unit. Such instantaneous illumination monomerizes only cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers already bound by the photolyase. Whereas the lethal effect of UV light and the number of C-to-T transition-type mutations induced by UV irradiation were both significantly reduced by subsequent irradiation with a single flash of light, single-flash photoreactivation did not reverse the induction of the recA gene by UV light. The results indicate, therefore, that non-photoreactivable DNA lesions play a role in recA induction.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) In wild-type Neurospora crassa growing at 25 degrees C was investigated by continuous-labeling and pulsechase experiments using [5-3H]uridine. The results of these experiments suggest the following precursor-product relationships: the first RNA molecule to be synthesized in significant quantities is the 2.4 X 10(6)-dalton (2.4-Mdal) ribosomal precursor RNA. This RNA is cleaved to produce two species of RNA with weights of 0.7 and 1.4-Mdal. The former is the mature 17S rRNA of the 37S ribosomal subunit. The 1.4-Mdal RNA is subsequently cleaved to produce the mature 1.27-Mdal (25S) and 61,000-dalton (5.8S) rRNA's of the 60S ribosomal subunit. In the maturation process, approximately 15 to 20% of the 2.4-Mdal ribosomal precursor rRNA molecule is lost. As in other eukaryotes that have been examined, 5S rRNA is not derived from this precursor molecule.  相似文献   

Double mutations to azide resistance and to bacteriophage T5 resistance of genes separated by more than 50 kilobases were induced in Escherichia coli WP2s in chemostat cultures by exposure to a single low dose of ultraviolet light. Frequencies of induced double mutations were three orders of magnitude greater than would be predicted by chance. Reversions from azide resistance and phage resistance occurred independently, showing that that the double mutation was not due to pleiotropic effects of a single gene mutation. These results support earlier findings which show that low doses of ultraviolet light induce multiple gene mutations in Bacillus subtilis over a similarly broad range.  相似文献   

A mutant of Escherichia coli K-12 temperature sensitive for genetic recombination was investigated and found to carry a mutation that could be cotransduced with cysC and hence could be in the recA gene. To determine whether recA+ can complement this mutation, matings were carried out at 35 and 40 C between Hfr donors that transfer recA+ or recA1 early and recipients carrying wild-type or mutant alleles. It was found that recA+ but not recA1 complements this mutation in zygotic temporary partial diploids. The mutant allele was accordingly designated recA44. A transductant carrying recA44 behaved normally at low temperatures but more like recA- strains at high temperatures with respect to recombinant colony formation in Hfr matings, cell survival, and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis after ultraviolet irradiation, cellular DNA breakdown, and prophage induction when lysogenic for lambda. Alkaline sucrose sedimentation studies of DNA from recA44 cells showed that short DNA molecules synthesized immediately after ultraviolet irradiation increased in molecular weight during subsequent incubation at 32 C but not at 45 C. Hence, recA+ is required for this molecular weight increase. Cells exposed to ultraviolet light synthesized DNA that remained of low molecular weight during a 40-min incubation at 32 C. This material increased in molecular weight in recArut not in recA44 cells during subsequent incubation at 45 C. Thus, the availability of recA+ during the first 40 min at 32 C after irradiation did not obviate the need for recA+ in the subsequent phases of this post-replication repair process.  相似文献   

The Mg-2+-Sarkosyl crystals (M band) procedure was used to study the effect of ribonuclease (RNase) A on the association of Escherichia coli deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) with membrane. Incubation of gently prepared cell extracts with RNase results in the release of DNA from membrane. This effect appears to result from the activation, by RNase, of endonuclease I and subsequent limited activity of this deoxyribonuclease. In support of this explanation, it is demonstrated (i) that the extent of the RNase-induced loss of DNA from membrane is directly correlated with the endogenous level of endonuclease I, and (ii) that endonucleolytic activity occurs when gently lysed cell preparations are incubated in the presence of RNase.  相似文献   

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