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Two logistic regression models were developed from a database of 27 biotic and physicochemical variables for 99 sites in the Taieri River, New Zealand, to predict the probability of occurrence of longfin eels. Average depth was associated positively with eels while woody debris and oxygen concentration were negatively associated. At a macro-scale probability of eel occurrence declined with increasing elevation and, for a given elevation, was higher in tussock and pasture catchments and lower in pine and native forest settings. Using a separate fish database for the Taieri River this macro-scale model predicted eel presence 95·4% in agreement with observation. A map was generated from the model showing areas of predicted high, moderate and low probabilities of eel occurrence. The model also estimated the minimum total number of eels present in the Taieri River catchment (excluding lakes, and streams below 100 m and above 1000 m) as 20 865 (95% CL: 10 560-36 350).  相似文献   


The genus Metablax is endemic to New Zealand. The fauna falls into 2 distinct species‐groups, here designated the acutipennis‐group (acutipennis, brouni) and the approximans‐group (approximans, gourlayi n.sp., cinctiger). All taxa are described and illustrated, and a key is given for their separation. A typical Metablax larva is described and illustrated. The systematic position of the genus is discussed in relation to the Neotropical Campsosterninae, and on the basis of both adult and larval characters Metablax is here assigned to subfamily Campsosterninae.  相似文献   

Estuaries play an important role as nurseries and migration corridors for Chinook salmon and other fishes. The invasive New Zealand mudsnail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray, 1843), has been noted in the Columbia River Estuary and other estuaries in the western USA, yet no studies have addressed the estuarine impacts of this invader. Our data show P. antipodarum is currently found in five peripheral bays and many tributaries of the Columbia River Estuary, where it can constitute a major portion of the benthic invertebrate biomass and where it co-occurs with native amphipod species. We review the history of the P. antipodarum invasion in the Columbia River Estuary and discuss potential impacts on estuarine food webs. We also report the first occurrence of P. antipodarum in the diet of juvenile Chinook salmon from the Columbia River Estuary. Although present in Chinook diets at very low frequencies, our observations of P. antipodarum in Chinook gut contents may represent early stages of food web change due to the establishment of dense estuarine snail populations. Additional research is needed to determine the effects of P. antipodarum on benthic resources, native benthic invertebrates, and benthic predators. We encourage biologists working in western USA estuaries to be alert to the possibility of encountering P. antipodarum in benthic habitats and predator diets.
Jeannette E. ZamonEmail:

The Chilean jack mackerel (Trachurus murphyi) is a predominantly Southeast Pacific Ocean species. It is relatively difficult to determine its age, and multiple studies of its growth off South America have produced markedly different sets of von Bertalanffy parameters. T. murphyi was first identified from New Zealand waters in the mid-1980s and has comprised part of the commercial landings of Trachurus species (along with Trachurus declivis and Trachurus novaezelandiae) since then. Results from 13 years of age determination of New Zealand samples using sectioned otoliths indicate that a partially validated age determination method has been developed, with a precision level (average percentage error) of 4.6%. The best available von Bertalanffy growth parameters for the New Zealand population (sexes combined) are as follows: L, 51.9 cm fork length; K, 0.223 per year; t0, −0.5 year. Analyses by sex showed that males have a significantly larger L than females. Estimated annual catch-at-length and catch-at-age distributions from the fishery are presented for 2007–2019. There have been at least two episodes of immigration of T. murphyi from international waters, but little evidence of spawning success to maintain the New Zealand population.  相似文献   

The South Island of New Zealand offers unique opportunities to study insect evolution due to long-term physical isolation, recent alpine habitats and high levels of biotic endemism. Using DNA sequence data from cytochrome oxidase subunit 1, we investigated the phylogeographical pattern among 10 endemic cockroach species within the genus Celatoblatta Johns (Blattidae). We tested the hypothesis that an ancestral cockroach species underwent rapid speciation in response to major climatic differentiation induced by mountain building. Results suggest that speciation was a twofold process, with an interspecific radiation of Pliocene/Pleistocene age followed by intraspecific diversification during the mid Pleistocene. Average genetic distance (maximum likelihood GTR + I + Gamma) was 9.17%, with a maximum of 14.5%. Data revealed eight deep well-supported branches, each with terminal clades. Six clades were differentiated according to morphological species, while the seventh was composed of three sympatric species. We consider the latter to be a phylogenetic species, possibly as a result of hybridization within a defined geographical area. This finding seriously challenges species distinctions for these three cockroach species. Correlation between genetic distances and a Climate Similarity Index (CSI) was negative, suggesting that species found in similar habitats are also genetically closely related. A Mantel test on within-clade genetic distances vs. linear geographical distance was positive, suggesting allopatric isolation for those haplotypes. We present a model of speciation for South Island Celatoblatta.  相似文献   


We attempt to evaluate the biosecurity risk posed by the newly established exotic ant species Monomorium sydneyense Forel, in New Zealand. Aggression was observed between workers from different M. sydneyense nests, indicating that unicoloniality is unlikely. Nests had multiple queens, and nest foundation is apparently via winged queens. The foraging behaviour corresponded to multicoloniality, with workers foraging in close proximity to the nest. In trials during December (2003) and March (2004), workers had a >50% probability of finding food at a distance of 0.8–1 m from their nest, but on cooler study dates (October 2004) our logistic regression model indicated that they would not reach this threshold irrespective of how close the food was to the nest. Although M. sydneyense forage during both night and day, they appeared to be relatively inefficient at locating food. We conclude that under the conditions assessed here, the environmental damage likely to be caused by M. sydneyense is modest compared with other invasive ant species.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A Japanese monkey developed severe oro-facial lesions that were called noma in humans. Although extensive destruction of both the buccal regions occurred with rapid progress, author successfully treated the lesions with povidone-iodine, enrofloxacin, chymotrypsin, a glycyrrhizin preparation, and a basic fibroblast growth factor. METHODS: Author clinicopathologically investigated this disease during the treatment. RESULTS: In the subcutaneous and muscular tissues, the lesions developed characteristic changes such as dissolving collagen fibers and muscular tissues phagocytosed by giant and epitheloid cells. The monkey showed a notable increase in creatine kinase activities. The present examinations revealed severe invasive findings in muscular tissues, which were accompanied by infections of beta-hemolytic streptococcus Group C. This monkey was negative for simian immunodeficiency virus antibody; however, infection with simian D retrovirus was not ruled out. CONCLUSIONS: Simian noma was a rapidly devastating disease, which destroyed the muscle tissues of oro-facial structure. Nonhuman primates are the only species that develop oro-facial lesions, corresponding to noma in humans.  相似文献   

The minor variant of the economically important cyanobacterium, Arthrospira platensis, usually appears in commercial production ponds under solar radiation. However, how sensitive the minor variant to solar UVR and whether its occurrence relates to the solar exposures are not known. We investigated the photochemical efficiency of PSII and growth rate of D-0083 strain and its minor variant in semi-continuous cultures under PAR (400–700 nm) alone, PAR + UV-A (320–400 nm) and PAR + UV-A + UV-B (280–700 nm) of solar radiation. The effective quantum yield of D-0083 at 14:00 p.m. decreased by about 86% under PAR, 87% under PAR + UV-A and 92% under PAR + UV-A + UV-B (280–315 nm), respectively. That of the minor variant was reduced by 93% under PAR and to undetectable values in the presence of UV-A or UV-A + UV-B. Diurnal change of the yield showed constant pattern during long-term (10 days) exposures, high in the early morning and late afternoon but the lowest at noontime in both strains, with the UVR-related inhibition being always higher in the variant than D-0083. During the long-term exposures, cells of D-0083 acclimated faster to solar UV radiation and showed paralleled growth rates among the treatments with or without UVR at the end of the experiment; however, growth of the minor variant was significantly reduced by UV-A and UV-B throughout the period. Comparing to the major strain D-0083, the minor variant was more sensitive to UVR in terms of its growth, quantum yield and acclimation to solar radiation.  相似文献   

Abstract  This paper records seven species of wasps in the genus Psyllaephagus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) from New Zealand. All of these species are primary parasitoids of psylloids (Hemiptera: Psylloidea). Two are species previously described from New Zealand: P. acaciae Noyes and P. pilosus Noyes. Two are described Australian species which have established recently: P. bliteus Riek and P. gemitus Riek. Three new species are described here, from New Zealand: P. breviramus sp. nov., P. cornwallensis sp. nov. and P. richardhenryi sp. nov. All species are probably Australian in origin. A key to all seven Psyllaephagus species known from New Zealand is provided. An earlier first record of the Australian psyllid hyperparasitoid Coccidoctonus psyllae Riek (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), previously first recorded from New Zealand in 2006, is noted.  相似文献   

Aim Determine the phylogeny and dispersal patterns of the cicada genus Kikihia in New Zealand and the origin of the Norfolk, Kermadec, and Chatham Island cicadas. Location New Zealand, Norfolk Island, Kermadec Islands and Chatham Island. Methods DNA sequences from 16 species and four soon to be described species of cicadas from New Zealand and Norfolk Island (Australia) were examined. A total of 1401 base pairs were analysed from whole genome extraction of three mitochondrial genes (cytochrome oxidase subunit II, ATPase6 and ATPase8). These DNA sequences were aligned and analysed using standard likelihood approaches to phylogenetic analysis. Dates of divergences between clades were determined using a molecular clock based on Bayesian statistics. Results Most species in the genus Kikihia diverged between 3 and 5 million years ago (Ma) coincident with a period of rapid mountain building in New Zealand. Cicada species on the Kermadec and Norfolk Islands invaded recently from New Zealand and are closely related to the New Zealand North Island species Kikihia cutora. Main conclusions Speciation in the genus Kikihia was likely due in large part to the appearance of new habitats associated with the rise of the Southern Alps, starting c. 5 Ma. Dispersal of Kikihia species within mainland New Zealand probably occurred gradually rather than through long‐distance jumps. However, invasion of Norfolk, the Kermadecs and Chatham Islands had to have occurred through long‐distance dispersal.  相似文献   

A two-part review is presented relating historical tests of the toxicity of pesticides to Typhlodromus pyri and their relevance to modern pest management in New Zealand pome-fruit orchards. Over the past thirty years, the initial need for T. pyri resistance to broad-spectrum pesticides has substantially declined as a growing array of new selective chemicals have come into use. In Part 1, a laboratory bioassay is described for determining the toxicity of pesticides to the eggs and larvae of an organophosphate (OP)-resistant strain of Typhlodromus pyri from New Zealand. Apple leaves bearing T. pyri and its prey Panonychus ulmi were collected from the field. Leaf discs with known numbers of eggs (no active stages) of T. pyri and prey were cut from the leaves and sprayed with selected pesticides at recommended field rates to simulate field application. The survival of eggs, and the larvae which hatched from them, were recorded for seven days. Thirteen acaricides, 16 fungicides and 15 insecticides were evaluated. Toxic chemicals were aminocarb, amitraz, benomyl, binapacryl, chlordimeform, ethion, omethoate, oxamyl, permethrin, pirimiphos-methyl and triazophos. Slight and variable toxicity was caused by azinphos-methyl, chlorpyrifos, dinocap, mancozeb + dinocap, metiram + nitrothal-isopropyl, and sulphur. No toxicity was detected with the other 24 pesticides. A comparison of the test results with those from field trials in New Zealand showed good agreement, except that the laboratory tests failed to detect the known field toxicity of dithiocarbamate fungicides and the insecticide vamidothion. Most of the chemicals tested are no longer used in commercial pome-fruit orchards in New Zealand, all of which now practise integrated (IFP) or organic (OFP) fruit production based on selective pest management methods. The tested pesticides of continuing importance are identified, and a summary is presented of the international literature describing the impact on T. pyri of the current pesticides used in New Zealand IFP and OFP. The changes in pesticide use in New Zealand are paralleled by similar changes in most pome-fruit growing areas of the world.  相似文献   

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