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We investigated under outdoor conditions and inside a climate chamber: (i) whether Anaphes nitens Girault (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), an egg parasitoid of the Eucalyptus snout beetle, Gonipterus scutellatus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), experienced egg resorption, and (ii) how various treatments (location, food, and/or host supply) and body size influenced egg load, egg resorption, fecundity, and longevity. One‐day‐old females were mated and randomly assigned to five groups: (A) honey + hosts, (B) water + hosts, (C) only honey, (D) only water, and (E) control females killed at emergence. We compared the egg load of the newly emerged females, which represent the control group (egg load = ovarian eggs present at emergence), with the lifetime egg load (i.e., ovarian eggs + emerged offspring + not emerged offspring) of the females with various host and diet treatments, by dissection of the ovaries to find evidence of egg resorption. All groups reared outdoors had fewer eggs than the control, while indoors there was no significant difference. Outdoors, starved but host‐provided wasps (B) experienced the highest reduction of the lifetime egg load (51%). Groups without access to food (B + D) resorbed more eggs than groups provided with honey (A + C). Females with honey and hosts (A) had the highest lifetime fecundity, but those with water and hosts (B) showed a higher daily realized fecundity. Host‐deprived females with access to food (C) attained the longest lifespan. Our results suggest that under stress conditions, such as low temperature and food shortage, A. nitens females practice egg resorption, probably to save energy.  相似文献   

In the twig‐nesting carpenter bee, Ceratina calcarata, body size is an important component of maternal quality, smaller mothers producing significantly fewer and smaller offspring than larger mothers. As mothers precisely control the sex and size of each offspring, smaller mothers might compensate by preferentially allocating their investment towards sons. We investigated whether variation in maternal quality leads to variation in sex allocation patterns. At the population level, the numerical sex ratio was 57% male‐biased (1.31 M/F), but the investment between the sexes was balanced (1.02 M/F), because females are 38% larger than males (1.28 F/M). Maternal body size explained both sex allocation pattern and size variation among offspring: larger mothers invested more in individual progeny and produced more female offspring than smaller mothers. Maternal investment in offspring of both sexes decreased throughout the season, probably as a result of increasing maternal wear and age. The exception to this pattern was the curious production of dwarf females in the first two brood cell positions. We suggest that the sex ratio distribution reflects the maternal body size distribution and a constraint on small mothers to produce small broods. This leads to male‐biased allocation by small females, to which large mothers respond by biasing their allocation towards daughters.  相似文献   

Across animal taxa, reproductive success is generally more variable and more strongly dependent upon body condition for males than for females; in such cases, parents able to produce offspring in above‐average condition are predicted to produce sons, whereas parents unable to produce offspring in good condition should produce daughters. We tested this hypothesis in the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis) by cross‐fostering eggs among nests and using the condition of foster young that parents raised to fledging as a functional measure of their ability to produce fit offspring. As predicted, females raising heavier‐than‐average foster fledglings with their social mate initially produced male‐biased primary sex ratios, whereas those raising lighter‐than‐average foster fledglings produced female‐biased primary sex ratios. Females also produced male‐biased clutches when mated to males with large secondary sexual characters (wing patches), and tended to produce male‐biased clutches earlier within breeding seasons relative to females breeding later. However, females did not adjust the sex of individuals within their clutches; sex was distributed randomly with respect to egg size, laying order and paternity. Future research investigating the proximate mechanisms linking ecological contexts and the quality of offspring parents are able to produce with primary sex‐ratio variation could provide fundamental insight into the evolution of context‐dependent sex‐ratio adjustment.  相似文献   

Male Mastophora cornigera exit egg sacs as adults, which allowed us to determine spiderling sex ratios and patterns of maternal investment in this species. We collected 15 egg sacs produced by seven mothers, which yielded 1945 emergent spiderlings which were sexed, 1850 of which were weighed. Two emergent broods were significantly male and female biased and were unaffected by pre-emergence mortality. The weights of male and female spiderlings differed in eight broods, with males and females being heavier in four cases each. Five of these broods were derived from multiple egg sac sets produced by one mother, and in each case, the total mean male and female spiderling weights for all broods in a set were biased in the same direction as the biased brood(s) within that set. Mean emergent spiderling weight was independent of brood size and sex ratio for both males and females. Despite such independence, sex allocation in M. cornigera can favor sons, daughters, or both equally, and by numbers, by weight, or both at once. The proximate mechanisms and adaptive significance of such variability is unknown. We also review evidence for gender-biased allocations in arachnid offspring and suggested mechanisms for their applicability to M. cornigera.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that females should bias their reproductive investment towards the sex generating the greatest fitness returns. The fitness of male offspring is often more dependent upon maternal investment, and therefore, high‐quality mothers should invest in sons. However, the local resource competition hypothesis postulates that when offspring quality is determined by maternal quality or when nest site and maternal quality are related, high‐quality females should invest in the philopatric sex. Waterfowl – showing male‐biased size dimorphism but female‐biased philopatry – are ideal for differentiating between these alternatives. We utilized molecular sexing methods and high‐resolution maternity tests to study the occurrence and fitness consequences of facultative sex allocation in Barrow's goldeneyes (Bucephala islandica). We determined how female structural size, body condition, nest‐site safety and timing of reproduction affected sex allocation and offspring survival. We found that the overall sex ratio was unbiased, but in line with the local resource competition hypothesis, larger females produced female‐biased broods and their broods survived better than those of smaller females. This bias occurred despite male offspring being larger and tending to have lower post‐hatching survival. The species shows strong female breeding territoriality, so the benefit of inheriting maternal quality by philopatric daughters may exceed the potential mating benefit for sons of high‐quality females.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that if benefits of producing sons and daughters differ and outweigh the costs of sex ratio adjustment, parents should produce more of the offspring that provide them with greater fitness. Potential benefits may be more likely to outweigh costs where sexual size dimorphism and, in birds, single‐egg clutches exist. Great frigatebirds Fregataminor are seabirds in which females are larger than males and clutch size is one egg. In our study population, sexual size dimorphism develops primarily during the period of complete juvenile dependence on parental care, consistent with a higher cost of producing daughters than sons. Over the course of the 1998 breeding season there was a shift from early season prevalence of daughters to late‐season prevalence of sons. Variation in food availability at time of egg laying, as indexed by sea surface temperature (SST), was a strong predictor of offspring sex in 1998. In contrast, SST in 2003 was not a predictor of offspring sex, nor was there a seasonal shift in the hatching sex ratio, despite a seasonal shift in SST. Besides food availability, we tested two additional factors in 2003 that could explain sex ratio adjustment in relation to the cost of reproduction. Offspring sex in 2003 was not related to natural or experimentally induced variation in maternal body condition; pre‐laying food supplements raised the body condition of females at the time of egg laying but did not affect offspring sex or egg mass. In addition, offspring sex was not predicted by the length of maternal telomere restriction fragments (TRFs), an index of age and possibly of reproductive experience. Broad confidence intervals on effect size suggest that undetected effects of maternal condition on offspring sex ratio could easily exist, but confidence intervals were narrower on the non‐significant effects of SST and TRF length on offspring sex ratio. The cause of different seasonal patterns of hatching sex ratio and different SST effects in 1998 and 2003 is unclear.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that parents bias the offspring sex ratio strategically. In avian species, the offspring sex ratio can be biased at multiple growth stages, although the mechanisms are not well known. It is crucial to reveal a cause and timing of biased offspring sex ratio. We investigated (i) offspring sex ratio at multiple growth stages, from laying to fledging; and (ii) the stage at which offspring sex ratio became biased; and (iii) the cause of biased offspring sex ratio in Eurasian tree sparrows Passer montanus. Sex determination of 218 offspring, including hatchlings and unhatched eggs from 41 clutches, suggested that the offspring sex ratio was not biased at the egg‐laying stage but was significantly female‐biased after the laying stage due to higher mortality of male embryos. Half of the unhatched eggs showed no sign of embryo development (37/74, 50.00%), and most undeveloped eggs were male (36/37, 97.30%). Additional experiments using an incubator suggested that the cause of embryo developmental failure was a lack of developmental ability within the egg, rather than a failure of incubation. This study highlights the importance of clarifying offspring sex ratio at multiple stages and suggests that offspring sex ratio is adjusted after fertilization.  相似文献   

The influence of three different temperatures on developmental time and sex ratio was investigated in the bisexual Thysanoptera species Frankliniella occidentalis. Increasing temperatures decreased developmental time and induced a more female biased sex ratio. Remarkably, there are second instars with a prolonged developmental time requiring the same number of hours as the shortest developmental time from egg to adult. Arrhenotokous reproduction in this species is based on haplodiploidy, with virgin females producing male offspring exclusively. However, at all three temperatures tested, about 0.5% of offspring from unfertilized eggs were females. The presence of Wolbachia could not be detected in Western flower thrips and can be excluded as influencing reproduction in this species.  相似文献   

When fitness benefits of investment in sons and daughters differ,animals are predicted to manipulate the sex ratio of their offspring.Sex ratio manipulation occurs in many taxa, but the mechanismsunderlying the phenomenon in vertebrates remain largely unknown.Factors favoring skewed sex ratios, such as reduced maternalcondition or food availability, also induce elevated corticosteroids.Recent experimental studies support a causal relationship betweencorticosteroids and sex ratio. Evidence of a natural correlationbetween maternal corticosteroids and offspring sex ratio hasbeen lacking, however. Without such evidence, the importanceof corticosteroids in influencing sex ratios in natural populationswas unknown. We measured baseline corticosteroids in 19 free-rangingfemale white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys) and thesex ratios of their offspring. Females with high corticosteroidsproduced more daughters than females with low hormone levels.We then conducted a controlled, field-based experiment investigatingthe effects of moderately increased maternal corticosteroidson offspring sex ratios to determine if the observed correlationreflects a causal relationship between maternal corticosteroidsand offspring sex ratio. Hormone-implanted females producedmore female embryos than control females. These findings providethe first evidence of a natural correlation between maternalcorticosteroids and offspring sex ratios in free-ranging birds,and the first experimental evidence of a causal link betweenmoderate increases in corticosteroids and biased primary sexratios.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Females of the multivoltine carpenter bee Xylocopa sulcutipes (Maa) (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae) usually excavate a straight tunnel in dead twigs and mass provision a linear array of up to ten brood cells with pollen and nectar. An egg is deposited upon each food mass within one cell.
2. Female offspring generally receive a higher provisioning mass (0.180 ± 0.048 g) than males, a significant difference ( P > 0.001). There are, however, male larvae that receive as much food or more as their sisters or female larvae reared in another nest.
3. There is a close positive association between the size of a mother and the weight of provisions for individual daughters, but not for sons.
4. Female offspring are positioned in the innermost brood cells (Gositions 1, 2 and 3). The sex ratio of the outer cells is either significantly male biased (positions 4–6) or skewed towards males (positions 8 and 9). Positions 7 and 10 are in equilibrium.
5. Solitary females produce a significantly female biased sex ratio ( P < 0.01). Sex ratio in social nests is skewed toward females, but not significantly so ( P < 0.2). There is no significant difference between the sex ratio of solitary and social nests ( P = 0.361). The population sex ratio (pooled sex ratio of all broods produced) is significantly female biased ( P = 0.003).
6. Females kept in the laboratory produced female biased sex ratios whilst unmated females produced all-male broods indicating that insemination and ovarian development are not causally related.
7. The expected sex ratio (ESR) under equal investment, calculated as 1/CR (CR = mean male provision weight/mean female provision weight), is 137.5:117.5 (males:females), and differs significantly from that observed, 104:151 (males:females) ( P < 0.001). The 'Local Resource Enhlancement' hypothesis best explains the female biased sex ratio found in X.sulcatipes and its maintenance in the population.  相似文献   

Abstract When costs and benefits of raising sons and daughters differ between environments, parents may be selected to modify their investment into male and female offspring. In two recently colonized environments, breeding female house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) modified the sex and growth of their offspring in relation to the order in which eggs were laid in a clutch. Here we show that, in both populations, these maternal effects strongly biased frequency distribution of tarsus size of fully grown males and females and ultimately produced population divergence in this trait. Although in each population, male and female offspring show a wide range of growth patterns, maternal modifications of sex‐ratio in relation to egg‐laying order resulted in under‐representation of the morphologies that were selected against and over‐representation of morphologies that were favoured by the local selection on juveniles. The result of these maternal adjustments was fast phenotypic change in sexual size dimorphism within and between populations. Maternal manipulations of offspring morphologies may be especially important at the initial stages of population establishment in the novel environments and may have facilitated recent colonization of much of North America by the house finch.  相似文献   

Kinship among interacting individuals is often associated with sociality and also with sex ratio effects. Parasitoids in the bethylid genus Goniozus are sub‐social, with single foundress females exhibiting post‐ovipositional maternal care via short‐term aggressive host and brood defence against conspecific females. Due to local mate competition (LMC) and broods normally being produced by a single foundress, sex ratios are female‐biased. Contests between adult females are, however, not normally fatal, and aggression is reduced when competing females are kin, raising the possibility of multi‐foundress reproduction on some hosts. Here, we screen for further life‐history effects of kinship by varying the numbers and relatedness of foundresses confined together with a host resource and also by varying the size of host. We confined groups of 1–8 Goniozus nephantidis females together with a host for 5+ days. Multi‐foundress groups were either all siblings or all nonsiblings. Our chief expectations included that competition for resources would be more intense among larger foundress groups but diminished by both larger host size and closer foundress relatedness, affecting both foundress mortality and reproductive output. From classical LMC theory, we expected that offspring group sex ratios would be less female‐biased when there were more foundresses, and from extended LMC theory, we expected that sex ratios would be more female‐biased when foundresses were close kin. We found that confinement led to the death of some females (11% overall) but only when host resources were most limiting. Mortality of foundresses was less common when foundresses were siblings. Developmental mortality among offspring was considerably higher in multi‐foundress clutches but was unaffected by foundress relatedness. Groups of sibling foundresses collectively produced similar numbers of offspring to nonsibling groups. There was little advantage for individual females to reproduce in multi‐foundress groups: single foundresses suppressed even the largest hosts presented and had the highest per capita production of adult offspring. Despite single foundress reproduction being the norm, G. nephantidis females in multi‐foundress groups appear to attune sex allocation according to both foundress number and foundress relatedness: broods produced by sibling foundresses had sex ratios similar to broods produced by single foundresses (ca. 11% males), whereas the sex ratios of broods produced by nonsibling females were approximately 20% higher and broadly increased with foundress number. We conclude that relatedness and host size may combine to reduce selection against communal reproduction on hosts and that, unlike other studied parasitoids, G. nephantidis sex ratios conform to predictions of both classical and extended LMC theories.  相似文献   

Copidosoma sp. is a polyembryonic encyrtid wasp which parasitizes isolated hosts. Most broods of this wasp are unisexual, but some contain both sexes and the secondary sex ratio of these is usually highly female biased. The overall population secondary sex ratio is female biased. Walter and Clarke (1992) argue that because the majority of individuals must mate outside the natal patch, the bias in the population secondary sex ratio contradicts predictions made by Hamilton's (1967) theory of local mate competition (LMC). We suggest that the primary sex ratio is unbiased and that Walter and Clarke's results do not cast doubt on LMC. Instead these results imply that ovipositing females make a combined clutch size and sex ratio decision influencing whether individuals developing from a particular brood will outbreed or largely inbreed; for each case the predictions of LMC theory are not violated. If this interpretation is correct, what is of interest is the basis on which this decision is made rather than the population secondary sex ratio. We show that host encounter rate influences the proportions of mixed and single sex broods laid by Copidosoma floridanum, a related polyembryonic parasitoid. Among single-sex broods the primary sex ratio is female biased, but our results are in agreement with LMC theory since offspring developing from these broods will probably mate with siblings from adjacent hosts. We consider the egg load of females to be of major influence on oviposition behaviour, and that the mating structure of parasitoid offspring, potentially differential costs of male and female broods and the natural distributions of hosts both at oviposition and eclosion, require further study.  相似文献   

Maternal and environmental factors are important sources of phenotypic variation because both factors influence offspring traits in ways that impact offspring and maternal fitness. The present study explored the effects of maternal factors (maternal body size, egg size, yolk‐steroid allocation, and oviposition‐site choice) and seasonally‐variable environmental factors on offspring phenotypes and sex ratios in a multi‐clutching lizard with environmental sex determination (Amphibolurus muricatus). Maternal identity had strong effects on offspring morphology, but the nature of maternal effects differed among successive clutches produced by females throughout the reproductive season (i.e. maternal identity by environment interactions). The among‐female and among‐clutch variation in offspring traits (including sex ratios) was not mediated through maternal body size, egg size, or variation in yolk steroid hormones. This lack of nongenetic maternal effects suggests that phenotypic variation may be generated by gene by environment interactions. These results demonstrate a significant genetic component to variation in offspring phenotypes, including sex ratios, even in species with environmental sex determination. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 256–266.  相似文献   

Blue mussels of the genus Mytilus form extensive hybrid zones in the North Atlantic and elsewhere where the distributions of different species overlap. Mytilus species transmit both maternal and paternal mtDNA through egg and sperm, respectively, a process known as doubly uniparental inheritance (DUI), and some females produce offspring with extremely biased sex ratios. These two traits have been shown to be linked and maternally controlled, with sex determination involving nuclear–cytoplasmic interactions. Hybridization has been shown to disrupt DUI mitochondrial inheritance and sex ratio bias; however, the effect of hybridization on reproductive fitness has not previously been examined. We investigated this effect in M. edulis × M. trossulus crosses through histological examination of mature F1 progeny, and spawning of F1 hybrids to monitor survival of their progeny through to the D stage of larval development. For progeny produced from mothers with a strong bias toward female offspring (often 100%) in pure-bred crosses, there was a clear breakdown in female dominance of progeny and significantly more hermaphrodites in the hybrid crosses produced from sperm with the M-tr1 mitotype. We also found significant sex-specific differences among hybrid progeny, with females producing normal eggs while males and hermaphrodites evidenced impaired gonadal development with significantly greater numbers of Sertoli cells, phagocytic hemocytes, and degenerating germ cells, all associated with gonad resorption. Males from crosses where DUI was disrupted and where male progeny were homoplasmic for the female mtDNA were the most severely compromised. Allelic incongruity between maternal and paternal mitotypes in hybrid crosses was associated with significant disruption of male gonadal development.  相似文献   

This study assessed the relationship between season and lunar phase at conception on offspring sex ratio of four livestock species (sheep, cattle, goats and pigs). The sex of 66,830 lambs (1995–2015); 25,546 calves (2011–2015); 5671 kids (2002–2007) and 1916 piglets was recorded. Moon phases were categorized as either new moon, crescent moon, full moon or decrescent moon. Sex ratio, expressed as proportion of males (males/males + females), was tested against the expected value of 1:1. In sheep, offspring sex ratio and lunar phase were not correlated; season had a significant (p = 0.002) effect on offspring sex ratio. The proportion of males born of spring and winter matings was significantly higher than it was among offspring born of summer (p < 0.05) or autumn (p < 0.01) conceptions. Offspring sex ratios in spring (p < 0.05), autumn (p < 0.01) and winter (p < 0.05) differed significantly from the expected. In cattle, moon phase and season did not affect the offspring sex ratio; however, the interaction effect was highly significant (p = 0.001). The overall piglet sex ratio (0.522), and the sex ratios among piglets conceived during a crescent moon and those conceived in summer differed significantly (p < 0.05) from 1:1. Research including additional factors such as hormonal treatments prior to insemination, food availability, weather and maternal and paternal factors might provide the underlying reasons for the effects of season and moon phase on offspring sex ratio in some livestock species.  相似文献   

For the management of captive populations of zoo animals, it is important to elucidate factors that affect the offspring birth sex ratio. On the basis of the sex allocation theory, the Trivers–Willard and mate attractive/quality hypotheses predict that maternal and paternal conditions affect offspring birth sex ratios. We examined these predictions for the birth sex ratio of aye‐aye Daubentonia madagascariensis (Gmelin) by analyzing the pedigree information in the International Studbook. We found that the birth sex ratio of the aye‐aye was affected by the paternal age, but not maternal age and other environmental factors (birth year, season, and institution). The younger the sire, the more the offspring sex ratio was biased toward males. These results are useful for the effective population management of captive aye‐aye and illustrated the usefulness of the sex allocation theory in the sex ratio management of zoo animals.  相似文献   

Parents should bias sex allocation toward offspring of the sex most likely to provide higher fitness returns. Trivers and Willard proposed that for polygynous mammals, females should adjust sex‐ratio at conception or bias allocation of resources toward the most profitable sex, according to their own body condition. However, the possibility that mammalian fathers may influence sex allocation has seldom been considered. Here, we show that the probability of having a son increased from 0.31 to 0.60 with sire reproductive success in wild bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis). Furthermore, our results suggest that females fertilized by relatively unsuccessful sires allocated more energy during lactation to daughters than to sons, while the opposite occurred for females fertilized by successful sires. The pattern of sex‐biased offspring production appears adaptive because paternal reproductive success reduced the fitness of daughters and increased the average annual weaning success of sons, independently of maternal allocation to the offspring. Our results illustrate that sex allocation can be driven by paternal phenotype, with profound influences on the strength of sexual selection and on conflicts of interest between parents.  相似文献   

We examined the female-biased sex ratio of a trap-nesting wasp Trypoxylon malaisei considering the following factors: (1) local mate competition (LMC), (2) resource quality, (3) partial bivoltinism, and (4) presence of constrained females. The sex ratio (expressed as male ratio) at emergence was strongly female biased, i.e., 0.30 and 0.19, in terms of the number and investment, respectively. To evaluate the primary sex ratio, we analyzed the data from nests where all the offspring successfully emerged, excluding nests composed of single-sex offspring. The primary sex ratio was also female biased, at 0.33 and 0.21, in terms of the number and investment, respectively. LMC was highly responsible for the female-biased sex ratio because both the nonrandom oviposition sequence [females at inner cells and male(s) at outer cells] and earlier emergence of males allowed sib-matings to occur. In contrast, the other three factors little affected the female-biased sex ratio: the sex ratio was fairly constant when resource quality (nest size) varied, partial bivoltinism was extremely rare or absent, and constrained females were absent or did not reproduce at all. Received: June 19, 1998 / Accepted: January 18, 1999  相似文献   

Arthropods harbour a variety of selfish genetic elements that manipulate reproduction to be preferentially transmitted to future generations. A major ongoing question is to understand how these elements persist in nature. In this study, we examine the population dynamics of an unusual selfish sex ratio distorter in a recently discovered species of booklouse, Liposcelis sp. (Psocodea: Liposcelididae) to gain a better understanding of some of the factors that may affect the persistence of this element. Females that carry the selfish genetic element only ever produce daughters, although they are obligately sexual. These females also only transmit the maternal half of their genome. We performed a replicated population cage experiment, varying the initial frequency of females that harbour the selfish element, and following female frequencies for 20 months. The selfish genetic element persisted in all cages, often reaching very high (and thus severely female‐biased) frequencies. Surprisingly, we also found that females that carry the selfish genetic element had much lower fitness than their nondistorter counterparts, with lower lifetime fecundity, slower development and a shorter egg‐laying period. We suggest that differential fitness plays a role in the maintenance of the selfish genetic element in this species. We believe that the genetic system in this species, paternal genome elimination, which allows maternal control of offspring sex ratio, may also be important in the persistence of the selfish genetic element, highlighting the need to consider species with diverse ecologies and genetic systems when investigating the effects of sex ratio manipulators on host populations.  相似文献   

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