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Detrez, C., Tetu, T., Sangwan, R. S. and Sangwan-Norreel, B.S., 1988. Direct organogenesis from petiole and thin cell layerexplants in sugar beet cultured in vitro.—J. exp. Bot.39: 917–926. Plant regeneration was obtained by direct bud formation frompetiole as well as from thin cell layer explants taken fromsugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) plants grown in vitro. The budswere mainly induced in the blade-petiole transition zone ofthe explants. High frequency bud regeneration was observed inpetiole and thin layer explants of 10 different breeding linesof sugar beet tested. Organogenesis resulted when petiole explantsexcised from 8-d-old seedlings grown on half-strength Murashigeand Skoog medium (MS) containing 3.0 mg dm–3 naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), 3.0 mg dm–3 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP)and 1.0 mg dm–3 2, 3, 5, triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) werecultured on MS with 3.0 mg dm–3 NAA and 3.0 mg dm–3BAP. Thin cell layer strips isolated from shoot apices culturedon MS medium supplemented with 0–9 mg dm–3 BAP or1.0 mg dm–3 indolebutyric acid (IBA) formed adventitiousbuds on MS medium containing 0–5 mg dm–3 NAA + 5.0mg dm–3 BAP. Histological studies confirmed the sub-epidermalorigin of shoots. Key words: Beta vulgaris, direct organogenesis, in vitro culture, petiole, regeneration, thin cell layer  相似文献   

Petiole explants from 17 cultivars of Begonia X hiemalis were grown on a basal agar medium with different combinations of NAA and BA as well as on media lacking microelements or vitamins. The stock plants were kept either under short days (7–8 h of light perday) at 15°C or under long days (15–16 h of light) at 18–21°C. The day length during the in vitro culture was 20 h of light and the temperature 21°C. Explants from short-day treated stock plants did not show any differentiation. In explants from long-day treated stock plants, the percentage of explants with shoot, root and with both shoot and root initiation were recorded after 55 days. Explants forming both shoots and roots were transferred to soil, and plantlet formation was observed after another 55 days. The percentage of explants with organ and plantlet formation differed between cultivars. With increasing NAA and decreasing BA concentrations, the percentage of explants forming only roots increased, whereas the percentage of explants with only shoots decreased. Plantlet formation was most frequent in explants from NAA: BA ratios of 2: 1 and 10: 1, and a variation was found between different cultivars. When the vitamin fraction was not added to the medium, this did not influence formation of shoots, roots and plantlets. When the microelements were omitted. shoots, roots and callus were formed, but no plantlets.  相似文献   

In vitro regeneration of Melia azedarach L. was studied. Shoots were regenerated from calli initiated from leaflets of in vitro growing plants. The best medium for establishment of cultures was Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium with 4.44 μM benzylaminopurine (BAP) + 0.46 μM kinetin (KIN) + 16.29 μM adenine sulphate (ADE). Regenerated shoots were multiplied in MS + 0.44 μM BAP + 0.37 μM KIN + 3.26 μM ADE. Maximal rooting of 89 % was achieved by culture of regenerated shoots in MS + 12.26 μM indole-3-butyric acid for 3 d and subsequently in MS lacking growth regulators for 27 d. Rooted shoots were acclimatized and successfully transferred to soil. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Embryogenesis and Organogenesis in Pumpkin Explants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Embryogenic callus was induced by culturing explants of pumpkin hypocotyls on Murashige-Skoog-medium with the addition of 3% glucose and one of the following growth substances (or combinations of them): β-indolylbutyric acid, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, β-indolylacetic acid, α-naphthyl-acetic acid, adenine (natural), kinetin, autoclaved water-melon sap and yeast extract (Difco). A large number of embryoids and adventive buds were produced. These were able to develop to normal plants. The 17 strains of embryogenic tissue obtained have maintained their embryogenic characteristics for more than 3 years. The induction of embryogenic callus in pumpkin seems to be strongly dependent on the genetic constitution of each individual plant.  相似文献   

Leaves of Momordica grosvenori Swingle were used as experimatal material. Plantlets were obtained on MS medium supplemented with 6-BA 1 ppm and IBA 0.5 ppm. Histocytological observations on adventitious bud formation were carried out. After 1 week in culture, mesophyll cells obviously enlarged, cell divisions began in the mesophyll cells near the cut ends of explants, and meristemoids which consisted of small dark stained cells without chloroplasts were produced. Then meristemoids continued to proliferate and redifferentiated into many leaf-shaped bodies. Three weeks after cultivation, adiventitious buds were produced from meristemoids at surface layer of leaf-shaped body. The stem of plantlet was cut off when it reached 2 cm in height, and then was transferred onto MS basic medium supplemented with NAA 0.25–0.5 ppm for rooting. About 10 days after cultivation, vigorous root system was produced from the cut end of plantlets. It is possible that this technique of obtaining whole plants by leaf explant culture provides a method for the multiplication of the good individual plants of M. grosvenori.  相似文献   

In 5; non-coding regions of genes for phytochrome A from horseradish (ArPHYAs) were fused with the 35S promoter of cauliflower mosaic virus in the antisense direction (CaMV35SantiArPHYAs) and introduced into horseradish hairy roots. Phytochrome levels of proximal areas in many hairy roots that had been transformed with CaMV35SantiArPHYAs decreased to levels of about one-half to one-quarter those of control hairy roots. The extent of the light-induced formation of adventitious shoots from hairy roots with less than half of the control level of phytochrome was lower than in the controls and not different between the three ArPHYAs. In contrast, the efficiency of phytochrome on the extent of shoot formation differed in hairy roots transformed with CaMV35SantiArPHYAs when phytochrome levels were more than 0.02 (;(;A) g–1). The efficiency of ArPHYA3 to initiate shoot formation was greatest and that of ArPHYA2 was smallest. Furthermore, previous reports on hairy roots overexpressing ArPHYAs showed a similar efficiency of phytochrome on shoot formation. These results indicate that the ArphyA1 and/or ArphyA3 play major roles in the light-induced formation of adventitious shoots and that ArphyA2 has a minor role.  相似文献   

Caulogenesis and rhizogenesis were studied in cultured leafexplants of Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi nc. using both lightand scanning electron microscopy. The timing of organ appearancewas also recorded. The patterns of development seen were comparedto each other and to that in explants grown on growth regulator-freemedium. Shoots first appeared after 12 d in culture and rootsafter 7 d. In caulogenesis nodules appear at the explant edgeand from these the shoots arise. The nodules are mainly derivedfrom palisade mesophyll cells, along with some spongy mesophylland bundle-sheath cells. The nodules form a continuous row alongthe edge of the explant and their initiation appears to be centredon veins. Shoots are produced indirectly. Roots are produceddirectly from bundle-sheath and vein parenchyma cells. Withoutplant growth regulators bundle-sheath cells still divide, althoughonly a few divisions were seen. Key words: Nicotiana tabacum, in vitro, caulogenesis, rhizogenesis  相似文献   

Reciprocal transfers of Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi nc. leafexplants were made daily between root inducing medium (RIM)and shoot inducing medium (SIM), SIM and a basal medium containingno growth regulators (BM), and RIM and BM. It was found thatthe explants became determined for shoot production after 6d, while roots were produced after only 1 d on RIM before transferto BM. The competence of the explant to produce roots was greatlyreduced by culture on BM prior to culture on RIM. There wasfar less reduction in shoot numbers with preculture on BM. Explantswere found to be only weakly canalized for both caulogenesisand rhizogenesis for the first 2 d after determination. Thereafterthey became strongly canalized. Transfers were also made fromBM to SIM and back to BM, which revealed that the explants becamecompetent for caulogenesis in the absence of cytokinins priorto determination. The period for which SIM is required can bereduced to only 1 d. Key words: Nicotiana tabacum, in vitro, organogenesis, competence, determination  相似文献   

Organogenesis in vitro   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Organogenesis in vitro consists of many aspects such as phytohormone perception, dedifferentiation of differentiated cells to acquire organogenic competence, re-entry of quiescent cells into cell cycle, and organization of cell division to form specific organ primordia and meristems. Some of elementary processes and essential genes involved in this composite phenomenon are being identified largely through genetic analysis with various types of mutants including temperature-sensitive and activation-tagged ones.  相似文献   

Present study provides an easy and efficient protocol for large scale clonal propagation of Coleus forskohlii, a threatened medicinal plant of commercial importance. Basal leaf lamina excised from upper three nodes of shoot was used as explant and its size, position, orientation and season of collection were initially optimized to select the most responsive explant condition. Enhanced shoot production and proliferation has been achieved on medium containing 2 μM BA + 0.1 μM NAA wherein, a highest number of 35 shoots/explant were produced. The regenerated shoots of varied length (3–5 cm) were transferred to root induction medium comprising of IBA, NAA and IAA (1–5 μM) in half-strength MS medium to determine the most suitable shoot length for proper root induction. Rooted plantlets were acclimatized in field conditions after proper hardening. Histological analysis was also carried out to confirm the nature of origin of shoot buds from leaf explants.  相似文献   

Tétu, T., Sangwan, R. S. and Sangwan-Norreel, B. S. 1987.Hormonal control of organogenesis and somatic embryogenesisin Beta vulgaris callus.—J. exp. Bot. 38: 506–517. Three main pathways of morphogenesis viz: root formation, shootformation and somatic embryogenesis, have been observed in thecallus derived from various explants of Beta vulgaris L. Growthhormones but not the basal media, determined the morphogeneticpotentiality of the callus. Auxin alone induced root formation.A combination of an auxin (naphthalene acetic acid) and a cytokinin(6-benzylaminopurine) gave only infrequent bud formation withvery low percentages (a maximum of 12%). Regular bud formationwith high percentages (52%) occurred when an anti-auxin (2,3,5-triiodobenzoicacid) with a cytokinin (BAP) was used. Shoots (2–3 cm)were transferred to a rooting medium. Roots were formed readilyin about 95% of the shoots. Histological studies showed thatcallus first formed meristematic zones and then shoot primordiadeveloped in these zones. Somatic embryos were formed only inthe calli derived from petiole explants. Multiple hormonal sequenceswere necessary for the induction and development of these somaticembryos. The embryos developed into normal plants when transferred,at the cotyledonary stage, to a hormone free basal medium. Key words: Beta vulgaris, organogenesis, somatic embryogenesis  相似文献   

植物组织培养中器官建成的生理生化基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In vitro morphogenesis that includes enlargement of apical meristems and differentiation of shoot buds on the surface of enlarged meristemoids, have been observed in Sorghum bicolor. The enlargement of apical meristems occurred on the MS medium containing different auxins [2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), 2,4,5-trichloro-phenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T) and parachlorophenoxyacetic acid (pCPA)] with or without 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP)]. Large number of shoot buds arose over the entire surface of enlarged, green, compact, nodular, hard and shiny meristemoids on transfer to medium containing BAP (2.0 mg l?1) + (IAA) indole 3-acetic acid (0.5 mg l-1). Histological observations revealed the origin of shoot apices from the surface of enlarged meristemoids. Efficient rooting was achieved onto half-strength MS medium supplemented with α-napthaleneacetic acid (NAA, 2.0 mg l?1) and sucrose 2% (w/v). Plantlets were transferred to earthen pots under field conditions for the evalution of several agronomically important characters.  相似文献   

PHILIP  V. J. 《Annals of botany》1984,54(1):149-152
Rapid induction of multiple plantlets of Anacardium occidentalewas obtained from cotyledonary explants. Lin and Staba medium,containing 05 mg 1–1 of both IAA and KN, promoted directorganogenesis and plantlet formation. Plantlets developed froman organized hemispherical mass of meristematic tissue arisingfrom single epidermal cells. Bipolar differentiation resultedin the formation of shoot and root primordia in a sequentialmanner Anacardium occidentale L., cashew, cotyledon explant, organogenesis, plantlet formation  相似文献   

Organogenesis in the Cultured Female Gametophyte of Ephedra foliata   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The female gametophyte of Ephedra foliata was used as an explantfor the production of haploids as it is composed of haploidcells, all of the same genotype. The regeneration of roots wasdependent upon the presence of NAA, while BAP had a modifyingeffect. At lower concentrations (0.05 parts 10–6 and 3.5parts 10–6) BAP enhanced the root promotion of NAA (0.05–4.0parts 10–6). At higher concentrations of BAP (1–6parts 10–6), roots and shoot buds were formed. Kinetinat 4.0 parts 10–6 with 0.5 parts 10–6 2, 4-D wasoptimal for shoot bud production in explants at the archegonialstage and 2, 4-D at 2.0 parts 10–6 with 0.5 parts 10–6kinetin was optimal for root formation. Cells of the callusand root tip had the haploid number of chromosomes, n = 7. Meristemoidswere located on the surface or embedded in the callus tissue.The deep seated meristemoids organized only root primordia,but the peripheral ones gave rise to root as well as shoot budprimordia. Initially, there was no vascular connection betweenthe shoot-bud and the callus. This was established later. Key words: Ephedra, Female gametophyte, Haploid, Tissue culture  相似文献   

以药用寄生植物锁阳的不同部位肉质茎为外植体,研究外植体形态及植物生长调节剂配比对愈伤组织形成、增殖及不定根分化的影响,建立了高效的锁阳肉质茎愈伤组织诱导、增殖和不定根分化体系。结果表明,锁阳茎下部大小为1.5cmx1.5cmxl.5cm的外植体,维管束平行于培养基放置,有利于愈伤组织形成;外植体培养50d,愈伤组织形成。高效的愈伤组织诱导培养基为Ms+6-BA1.0mg.L-1+2,4-D3.0mg·L-1,愈伤组织诱导率可达67%;增殖培养基为Ms+6.BA0.5mg·L-1。+2,4-D1.5mg·L-1,NxsN74%;在Ms+6.BA1.0mg·L-1+NAA2.0mg·L-1。分化培养基中,不定根诱导率达56%。  相似文献   

Regeneration of adventitious shoots from leaf and petiole pieces of Gerbera jamesonii has been obtained on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with different concentrations of auxins and cytokinins. About 75’77 per cent of the calli from both types of the explants produced 12’15 shoots per callus with 3 mg l?1 SAP. Auxins and kinetin, separately failed to produce shoots. The shoots regenerated on the callus induction medium (elM). The regenerated shoots multiplied with 1 mg l?1 SAP, were rooted on MS medium containing 1mg l-1 BAP + 0.1 mg l-1 IAA. The plants obtained were transferred to pots and acclimatized with 60’70 per cent success.  相似文献   

本文在研究了离体人体鼻咽正常组织和癌变组织的荧光寿命的基础上,实验研究了生理盐水的浓度、组织光学特性参数、激发光源的偏振性对癌变和正常鼻咽组织的荧光寿命的影响。实验结果表明:组织的光学特性参数对组织的荧光寿命有不同程度的影响;而不同浓度的生理盐水和光源的偏振性对组织的荧光寿命没有显著的影响。荧光寿命与该发射荧光的强度没有关系,只决定于局部环境,受微环境的物理化学性质因素的影响,因此荧光寿命作为人体组织癌变的检测方法,有着很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

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