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The actin cross-linking protein, α-actinin, plays a crucial role in mediating furrow ingression during cytokinesis. However, the mechanism by which its dynamics are regulated during this process is poorly understood. Here we have investigated the role of calcium sensitivity of α-actinin in the regulation of its dynamics by generating a functional calcium-insensitive mutant (EFM). GFP-tagged EFM (EFM-GFP) localized to the equatorial regions during cell division. However, the maximal equatorial accumulation of EFM-GFP was significantly smaller in comparison to α-actinin-GFP when it was expressed in normal cells and cells depleted of endogenous α-actinin. No apparent defects in cytokinesis were observed in these cells. However, F-actin levels at the equator were significantly reduced in cells expressing EFM-GFP as compared with α-actinin-GFP at furrow initiation but were recovered during furrow ingression. These results suggest that calcium sensitivity of α-actinin is required for its equatorial accumulation that is crucial for the initial equatorial actin assembly but is dispensable for cytokinesis. Equatorial RhoA localization was not affected by EFM-GFP overexpression, suggesting that equatorial actin assembly is predominantly driven by the RhoA-dependent mechanism. Our observations shed new light on the role and regulation of the accumulation of pre-existing actin filaments in equatorial actin assembly during cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Tabone CJ  Ramaswami M 《Neuron》2012,74(5):767-769
The Mg2+ block of NMDA-type glutamate receptors (NMDARs) is crucial to their function as synaptic coincidence detectors. An analysis of Drosophila expressing a Mg2+-independent NMDAR by in this issue of Neuron concludes that the Mg2+ block is required primarily for long-term memory.  相似文献   

The Spindle Assembly Checkpoint (SAC) is part of a complex feedback system designed to ensure that cells do not proceed through mitosis unless all chromosomal kinetochores have attached to spindle microtubules. The formation of the kinetochore complex and the implementation of the SAC are regulated by multiple kinases and phosphatases. BubR1 is a phosphoprotein that is part of the Cdc20 containing mitotic checkpoint complex that inhibits the APC/C so that Cyclin B1 and Securin are not degraded, thus preventing cells going into anaphase. In this study, we found that PP2A in association with its B56γ regulatory subunit, are needed for the stability of BubR1 during nocodazole induced cell cycle arrest. In primary cells that lack B56γ, BubR1 is prematurely degraded and the cells proceed through mitosis. The reduced SAC efficiency results in cells with abnormal chromosomal segregation, a hallmark of transformed cells. Previous studies on PP2A's role in the SAC and kinetochore formation were done using siRNAs to all 5 of the B56 family members. In our study we show that inactivation of only the PP2A-B56γ subunit can affect the efficiency of the SAC. We also provide data that show the intracellular locations of the B56 subunits varies between family members, which is consistent with the hypothesis that they are not completely functionally redundant.  相似文献   

Wings are an important flight organ of insects and their morphogenesis depends on a series of cell-to-cell and cell-to-extracellular matrix interactions. Integrin as a transmembrane protein receptor mediates cell-to-cell adhesion, cell-to-extracellular matrix interactions and signal transduction. In the present study, we characterized an integrin gene that encodes integrinβ-PS protein in Locusta migratoria. LmIntegrinβ-PS is highly expressed in the wing pads and the middle stages of 5th instar nymphs. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the LmIntegrinβ-PS protein was localized at the cell base of the two layers of wings. After suppression of LmIntegrinβ-PS by RNA interference, the wing pads or wings were unable to form normally, with a blister wing appearance during nymph to nymph transition and nymph to adult transition. We further found that the dorsal and ventral epidermis of the wings after dsLmIntegrinβ-PS injection were improperly connected and formed huge cavities revealed by hematoxylin and eosin staining. Furthermore, the morphology and structure of the wing cuticle was significantly disturbed which affected the stable arrangement and attachments of the wing epidermis. Moreover, the expression of related cell adhesion genes was significantly decreased in LmIntegrinβ-PS-suppressed L. migratoria, suggesting that LmIntegrinβ-PS is required for the morphogenesis and development of wings during molting by stabilizing cell adhesion and maintaining the cytoskeleton of these cells.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin (Ub)-conjugating enzyme variants (Uev) Uev1A and Mms2 interact with Ubc13 to form heterodimeric complexes with different biological functions. Uev1A-Ubc13 is involved in NF-κB activation while Mms2-Ubc13 is required for the DNA-damage response. The structural comparison of the core domains of these two Uevs reveals no obvious difference, suggesting that the amino terminal extension of Uev1A plays a critical role in the functional determination. Indeed, truncated Uev1A lacking the N-terminal extension behaves like Mms2, while a chimeric protein containing the N-terminal Uev1A fused to Mms2 functionally resembles Uev1A. Interestingly, the N-terminal extension of Uev1A also dictates whether to assemble di- or poly-Ub chains in an in vitro reaction. Both thermodynamic measurements and enzymatic assays revealed that the Uev1A N-terminal extension weakens the Uev-Ubc13 interaction; however, other means capable of causing a reduced Uev1A-Ubc13 affinity and poly-Ub chain assembly do not necessarily promote NF-κB activation, indicating that the poly-Ub chain formation is not the only component contributed by the N-terminal extension of Uev1A. The physiological relevance of the Uev1A N-terminal truncation is presented and discussed.  相似文献   



β-catenin is an essential mediator of canonical Wnt signaling and a central component of the cadherin-catenin epithelial adhesion complex. Dysregulation of β-catenin expression has been described in pancreatic neoplasia. Newly published studies have suggested that β-catenin is critical for normal pancreatic development although these reports reached somewhat different conclusions. In addition, the molecular mechanisms by which loss of β-catenin affects pancreas development are not well understood. The goals of this study then were; 1] to further investigate the role of β-catenin in pancreatic development using a conditional knockout approach and 2] to identify possible mechanisms by which loss of β-catenin disrupts pancreatic development. A Pdx1-cre mouse line was used to delete a floxed β-catenin allele specifically in the developing pancreas, and embryonic pancreata were studied by immunohistochemistry and microarray analysis.  相似文献   

Liprin-α1 to liprin-α4 constitute a family of cytoplasmic proteins, which have been found in various multiprotein complexes. For liprin-α1 roles in synapse formation and cell spreading were described but other liprin family members are not well characterized. We show here that liprin-α4 is upregulated in human clear cell renal cell carcinomas (RCC) as compared to normal kidney tissue. Liprin-α4 expression is downregulated by the von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor (VHL) and upregulated by hypoxia in RCC cell lines. The liprin-α4 gene promoter is directly activated by binding of the hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF-1α) to HRE consensus binding sites as shown by reporter assays and chromatin immunoprecipitations. RNAi mediated knockdown of liprin-α4 leads to reduced E-cadherin and β-catenin levels at cell junctions and to dissociation of epithelial cell contacts. Our data describe for the first time liprin-α4 as a hypoxia-induced gene potentially involved in cell-cell adhesion.  相似文献   

In adipose tissue, muscle, liver and macrophages, signaling by the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPAR-γ) is a determinant of insulin sensitivity and this receptor mediates the insulin-sensitizing effects of thiazolidinediones (TZDs). As PPAR-γ is also expressed in neurons, we generated mice with neuron-specific Pparg knockout (Pparg brain knockout (BKO)) to determine whether neuronal PPAR-γ signaling contributes to either weight gain or insulin sensitivity. During high-fat diet (HFD) feeding, food intake was reduced and energy expenditure increased in Pparg-BKO mice compared to Pparg(f/f) mice, resulting in reduced weight gain. Pparg-BKO mice also responded better to leptin administration than Pparg(f/f) mice. When treated with the TZD rosiglitazone, Pparg-BKO mice were resistant to rosiglitazone-induced hyperphagia and weight gain and, relative to rosiglitazone-treated Pparg(f/f) mice, experienced only a marginal improvement in glucose metabolism. Hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp studies showed that the increase in hepatic insulin sensitivity induced by rosiglitazone treatment during HFD feeding was completely abolished in Pparg-BKO mice, an effect associated with the failure of rosiglitazone to improve liver insulin receptor signal transduction. We conclude that excess weight gain induced by HFD feeding depends in part on the effect of neuronal PPAR-γ signaling to limit thermogenesis and increase food intake. Neuronal PPAR-γ signaling is also required for the hepatic insulin sensitizing effects of TZDs.  相似文献   

It is well-established that the activation of the inhibitor of NFκB (IκBα) kinase (IKK) complex is required for autophagy induction by multiple stimuli. Here, we show that in autophagy-competent mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), distinct autophagic triggers, including starvation, mTOR inhibition with rapamycin and p53 inhibition with cyclic pifithrin α lead to the activation of IKK, followed by the phosphorylation-dependent degradation of IκBα and nuclear translocation of NFκB. Remarkably, the NFκB signaling pathway was blocked in MEFs lacking either the essential autophagy genes Atg5 or Atg7. In addition, we found that tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα)-induced NFκB nuclear translocation is abolished in both Atg5- and Atg7-deficient MEFs. Similarly, the depletion of essential autophagy modulators, including ATG5, ATG7, Beclin 1 and VPS34, by RNA interference inhibited TNFα-driven NFκB activation in two human cancer cell lines. In conclusion, it appears that, at least in some instances, autophagy is required for NFκB activation, highlighting an intimate crosstalk between these two stress response signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Inflammasome is an intracellular signaling complex of the innate immune system. Activation of inflammasomes promotes the secretion of interleukin 1β (IL-1β) and IL-18 and triggers pyroptosis. Caspase-1 and -11 (or -4/5 in human) in the canonical and non-canonical inflammasome pathways, respectively, are crucial for inflammasome-mediated inflammatory responses. Here we report that gasdermin D (GSDMD) is another crucial component of inflammasomes. We discovered the presence of GSDMD protein in nigericin-induced NLRP3 inflammasomes by a quantitative mass spectrometry-based analysis. Gene deletion of GSDMD demonstrated that GSDMD is required for pyroptosis and for the secretion but not proteolytic maturation of IL-1β in both canonical and non-canonical inflammasome responses. It was known that GSDMD is a substrate of caspase-1 and we showed its cleavage at the predicted site during inflammasome activation and that this cleavage was required for pyroptosis and IL-1β secretion. Expression of the N-terminal proteolytic fragment of GSDMD can trigger cell death and N-terminal modification such as tagging with Flag sequence disrupted the function of GSDMD. We also found that pro-caspase-1 is capable of processing GSDMD and ASC is not essential for GSDMD to function. Further analyses of LPS plus nigericin- or Salmonella typhimurium-treated macrophage cell lines and primary cells showed that apoptosis became apparent in Gsdmd−/− cells, indicating a suppression of apoptosis by pyroptosis. The induction of apoptosis required NLRP3 or other inflammasome receptors and ASC, and caspase-1 may partially contribute to the activation of apoptotic caspases in Gsdmd−/− cells. These data provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms of pyroptosis and reveal an unexpected interplay between apoptosis and pyroptosis.  相似文献   

Mutations in the small heat shock protein chaperone CRYAB (αB-crystallin/HSPB5) and the intermediate filament protein desmin, phenocopy each other causing cardiomyopathies. Whilst the binding sites for desmin on CRYAB have been determined, desmin epitopes responsible for CRYAB binding and also the parameters that determine CRYAB binding to desmin filaments are unknown. Using a combination of co-sedimentation centrifugation, viscometric assays and electron microscopy of negatively stained filaments to analyse the in vitro assembly of desmin filaments, we show that the binding of CRYAB to desmin is subject to its assembly status, to the subunit organization within filaments formed and to the integrity of the C-terminal tail domain of desmin. Our in vitro studies using a rapid assembly protocol, C-terminally truncated desmin and two disease-causing mutants (I451M and R454W) suggest that CRYAB is a sensor for the surface topology of the desmin filament. Our data also suggest that CRYAB performs an assembly chaperone role because the assembling filaments have different CRYAB-binding properties during the maturation process. We suggest that the capability of CRYAB to distinguish between filaments with different surface topologies due either to mutation (R454W) or assembly protocol is important to understanding the pathomechanism(s) of desmin-CRYAB myopathies.  相似文献   

The site-specific recombinase Tn3 resolvase initiates DNA strand exchange when two res recombination sites and six resolvase dimers interact to form a synapse. The detailed architecture of this intricate recombination machine remains unclear. We have clarified which of the potential dimer–dimer interactions are required for synapsis and recombination, using a novel complementation strategy that exploits a previously uncharacterized resolvase from Bartonella bacilliformis (“Bart”). Tn3 and Bart resolvases recognize different DNA motifs, via diverged C-terminal domains (CTDs). They also differ substantially at N-terminal domain (NTD) surfaces involved in dimerization and synapse assembly. We designed NTD-CTD hybrid proteins, and hybrid res sites containing both Tn3 and Bart dimer binding sites. Using these components in in vivo assays, we demonstrate that productive synapsis requires a specific “R” interface involving resolvase NTDs at all three dimer-binding sites in res. Synapses containing mixtures of wild-type Tn3 and Bart resolvase NTD dimers are recombination-defective, but activity can be restored by replacing patches of Tn3 resolvase R interface residues with Bart residues, or vice versa. We conclude that the Tn3/Bart family synapse is assembled exclusively by R interactions between resolvase dimers, except for the one special dimer–dimer interaction required for catalysis.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) potently induces the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) during tumoral progression. Although Sky-interacting protein (SKIP) regulates TGF-β1-induced Smad activation, its role in the induction of cell malignance remains uncertain. We found that TGF-β1 increases SKIP expression in PDV cells. In cells stably transfected with SKIP antisense, AS-S, Smad3 activation decreased, along with an inhibition of TGF-β1-induced EMT, and the cells were sensitized to the TGF-β1-dependent inhibition of proliferation. Also, AS-S cells showed a weaker migration and invasion response. Moreover, TGF-β1-induced urokinase-type plasminogen activator expression was inhibited, concomitantly with a TGF-β1-independent increment of the plasminogen-activator inhibitor-1 expression. Thus, these results suggest that SKIP is required for EMT and invasiveness induced by TGF-β1 in transformed cells.  相似文献   

The synthesis of βh-endorphin-(1–30) has been accomplished by the solid-phase procedure and its analgesic potency was assayed by the tail-flick method. Results showed that the synthetic analog had only 56% activity of the parent molecule. Thus, the complete sequence of 31 amino acid residues in βh-EP is required for full analgesic activity.  相似文献   

Platelet activation due to vascular injury is essential for hemostatic plug formation, and is mediated by agonists, such as thrombin, which trigger distinct receptor-coupled signaling pathways. Thrombin is a coagulation protease, which activates G protein-coupled protease-activated receptors (PARs) on the surface of platelets. We found that C57BL/6J and BALB/C mice that are deficient in protein kinase C θ (PKCθ), exhibit an impaired hemostasis, and prolonged bleeding following vascular injury. In addition, murine platelets deficient in PKCθ displayed an impaired thrombin-induced platelet activation and aggregation response. Lack of PKCθ also resulted in impaired α-granule secretion, as demonstrated by the low surface expression of CD62P, in thrombin-stimulated platelets. Since PAR4 is the only mouse PAR receptor that delivers thrombin-induced activation signals in platelets, our results suggest that PKCθ is a critical effector molecule in the PAR4-linked signaling pathways and in the regulation of normal hemostasis in mice.  相似文献   

HP1 proteins are thought to be modulators of chromatin organization in all mammals, yet their exact physiological function remains unknown. In a first attempt to elucidate the function of these proteins in vivo, we disrupted the murine Cbx1 gene, which encodes the HP1-β isotype, and show that the Cbx1−/−-null mutation leads to perinatal lethality. The newborn mice succumbed to acute respiratory failure, whose likely cause is the defective development of neuromuscular junctions within the endplate of the diaphragm. We also observe aberrant cerebral cortex development in Cbx1−/− mutant brains, which have reduced proliferation of neuronal precursors, widespread cell death, and edema. In vitro cultures of neurospheres from Cbx1−/− mutant brains reveal a dramatic genomic instability. Our results demonstrate that HP1 proteins are not functionally redundant and that they are likely to regulate lineage-specific changes in heterochromatin organization.  相似文献   

The organic solute transporter, Ost/Slc51, is composed of two distinct proteins that must heterodimerize to generate transport activity, but the role of the individual subunits in mediating transport activity is unknown. The present study identified regions in Ostβ required for heterodimerization with Ostα, trafficking of the Ostα-Ostβ complex to the plasma membrane, and bile acid transport activity in HEK293 cells. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation analysis revealed that a 25-amino acid peptide containing the Ostβ transmembrane (TM) domain heterodimerized with Ostα, although the resulting complex failed to reach the plasma membrane and generate cellular [(3)H]taurocholate transport activity. Deletion of the single TM domain of Ostβ abolished interaction with Ostα, demonstrating that the TM segment is necessary and sufficient for formation of a heteromeric complex with Ostα. Mutation of the highly conserved tryptophan-asparagine sequence within the TM domain of Ostβ to alanines did not prevent cell surface trafficking, but abolished transport activity. Removal of the N-terminal 27 amino acids of Ostβ resulted in a transporter complex that reached the plasma membrane and exhibited transport activity at 30 °C. Complete deletion of the C terminus of Ostβ abolished [(3)H]taurocholate transport activity, but reinsertion of two native arginines immediately C-terminal to the TM domain rescued this defect. These positively charged residues establish the correct N(exo)/C(cyt) topology of the peptide, in accordance with the positive inside rule. Together, the results demonstrate that Ostβ is required for both proper trafficking of Ostα and formation of the functional transport unit, and identify specific residues of Ostβ critical for these processes.  相似文献   

We previously described a series of 314-helical β-peptides that bind the hDM2 protein and inhibit its interaction with a p53-derived peptide in vitro. Here we present a detailed characterization of the interaction of these peptides with hDM2 and report two new β-peptides in which non-natural side chains have been substituted into the hDM2-recognition epitope. These peptides feature both improved affinity and inhibitory potency in fluorescence polarization and ELISA assays. Additionally, one of the new β-peptides also binds the hDM2-related protein, hDMX, which has been identified as another key therapeutic target for activation of the p53 pathway in tumors.  相似文献   

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