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Ecological processes are manifest in the evolution and form of phenotype diversity. The great abundance of parasitoid species has led to speculation whether rates of speciation and extinction are dependent on parasitoid diversity. If these factors are mutually exclusive, species diversity should fluctuate instead of remaining relatively constant over time. It is not known whether radiations constrained by coevolutionary interactions conform to density‐dependent diversification processes. Here we test the prediction that parasitoid fig wasp diversification responds to changes in ecological opportunity and density‐independent processes. A phylogenetic approach is used to estimate relative divergence times and infer diversification rate changes using γ‐statistics. Monte Carlo constant rates tests that accommodate incomplete sampling could not reject constant rates diversification. Parasitoid fig wasp diversification is consistent with a more complex explanation than density‐dependent cladogenesis. The results suggest contemporary African parasitoid fig wasp diversity remains a legacy of an ancient ecological opportunity facilitated by fig tree diversification following the breakup of Pan‐African forests and evolution of the savanna biome over the last 55 Ma and the more recent aridification of the African continent in the last 5 Ma. These results imply that amplified phenotypic differentiation of specialist insects coevolving with plants is coupled to evolutionarily infrequent changes in ecological opportunity.  相似文献   

The high rates of future climatic changes, compared with the rates reported for past changes, may hamper species adaptation to new climates or the tracking of suitable conditions, resulting in significant loss of genetic diversity. Trees are dominant species in many biomes and because they are long‐lived, they may not be able to cope with ongoing climatic changes. Here, we coupled ecological niche modelling (ENM) and genetic simulations to forecast the effects of climatic changes on the genetic diversity and the structure of genetic clusters. Genetic simulations were conditioned to climatic variables and restricted to plant dispersal and establishment. We used a Neotropical savanna tree as species model that shows a preference for hot and drier climates, but with low temperature seasonality. The ENM predicts a decreasing range size along the more severe future climatic scenario. Additionally, genetic diversity and allelic richness also decrease with range retraction and climatic genetic clusters are lost for both future scenarios, which will lead genetic variability to homogenize throughout the landscape. Besides, climatic genetic clusters will spatially reconfigure on the landscape following displacements of climatic conditions. Our findings indicate that climate change effects will challenge population adaptation to new environmental conditions because of the displacement of genetic ancestry clusters from their optimal conditions.  相似文献   

Ecological requirements and environmental conditions can influence diversification across temporal and spatial scales. Understanding the role of ecological niche evolution under phylogenetic contexts provides insights on speciation mechanisms and possible responses to future climatic change. Large‐scale phyloclimatic studies on the megadiverse Neotropics, where biomes with contrasting vegetation types occur in narrow contact, are rare. We integrate ecological and biogeographic data with phylogenetic comparative methods, to investigate the relative roles of biogeographic events and niche divergence and conservatism on the diversification of the lizard genus Kentropyx Spix, 1825 (Squamata: Teiidae), distributed in South American rainforests and savannas. Using five molecular markers, we estimated a dated species tree, which recovered three clades coincident with previously proposed species groups diverging during the mid‐Miocene. Biogeography reconstruction indicates a role of successive dispersal events from an ancestral range in the Brazilian Shield and western Amazonia. Ancestral reconstruction of climatic tolerances and niche overlap metrics indicates a trend of conservatism during the diversification of groups from the Amazon Basin and Guiana Shield, and a strong signal of niche divergence in the Brazilian Shield savannas. Our results suggest that climatic‐driven divergence at dynamic forest‐savanna borders might have resulted in adaptation to new environmental niches, promoting habitat shifts and shaping speciation patterns of Neotropical lizards. Dispersal and ecological divergence could have a more important role in Neotropical diversification than previously thought.  相似文献   

The progressive expansion of the Australian arid zone during the last 20 Ma appears to have spurred the diversification of several families of plants, vertebrates and invertebrates, yet such taxonomic groups appear to show limited niche radiation. Here, we test whether speciation is associated with niche conservatism (constraints on ecological divergence) or niche divergence in a tribe of marsupial mice (Sminthopsini; 23 taxa) that includes the most speciose genus of living dasyurids, the sminthopsins. To that end, we integrated phylogenetic data with ecological niche modelling, to enable us to reconstruct the evolution of climatic suitability within Sminthopsini. Niche overlap among species was low‐moderate (but generally higher than expected given environmental background similarity), and the degree of phylogenetic clustering increased with aridity. Climatic niche reconstruction illustrates that there has been little apparent evolution of climatic tolerance within clades. Accordingly, climatic disparity tends to be accumulated among clades, suggesting considerable niche conservatism. Our results also indicate that evolution of climatic tolerances has been heterogeneous across different dimensions of climate (temperature vs. precipitation) and across phylogenetic clusters (Sminthopsis murina group vs. other groups). Although some results point to the existence of shifts in climatic niches during the speciation of sminthopsins, our study provides evidence for substantial phylogenetic niche conservatism in the group. We conclude that niche diversification had a low impact on the speciation of this tribe of small, but highly mobile marsupials.  相似文献   

Ecological communities are structured in part by evolutionary interactions among their members. A number of recent studies incorporating phylogenetics into community ecology have upheld the paradigm that competition drives ecological divergence among species of the same guild. However, the role of other interspecific interactions, in particular positive interactions such as mutualism, remains poorly explored. We characterized the ecological niche and inferred phylogenetic relationships among members of a diverse community of neotropical Müllerian mimetic butterflies. Müllerian mimicry is one of the best studied examples of mutualism, in which unpalatable species converge in wing pattern locally to advertize their toxicity to predators. We provide evidence that mutualistic interactions can drive convergence along multiple ecological axes, outweighing both phylogeny and competition in shaping community structure. Our findings imply that ecological communities are adaptively assembled to a much greater degree than commonly suspected. In addition, our results show that phenotype and ecology are strongly linked and support the idea that mimicry can cause ecological speciation through multiple cascading effects on species' biology.  相似文献   

Interest in ecological speciation is growing, as evidence accumulates showing that natural selection can lead to rapid divergence between subpopulations. However, whether and how ecological divergence can lead to the buildup of reproductive isolation remains under debate. What is the relative importance of natural selection vs. neutral processes? How does adaptation generate reproductive isolation? Can ecological speciation occur despite homogenizing gene flow? These questions can be addressed using genomic approaches, and with the rapid development of genomic technology, will become more answerable in studies of wild populations than ever before. In this article, we identify open questions in ecological speciation theory and suggest useful genomic methods for addressing these questions in natural animal populations. We aim to provide a practical guide for ecologists interested in incorporating genomic methods into their research programs. An increased integration between ecological research and genomics has the potential to shed novel light on the origin of species.  相似文献   

Figs (Ficus spp., Moraceae) and their pollinating wasps (Hymenoptera, Agaonidae, Chalcidoidea) constitute a classic example of an obligate plant-pollinator mutualism, and have become an ideal system for addressing questions on coevolution, speciation, and the maintenance of mutualisms. In addition to pollinating wasps, figs host several types of nonpollinating, parasitic wasps from a diverse array of Chalcid subfamilies with varied natural histories and ecological strategies (e.g. competitors, gallers, and parasitoids). Although a few recent studies have addressed the question of codivergence between specific genera of pollinating and nonpollinating fig wasps, no study has addressed the history of divergence of a fig wasp community comprised of multiple genera of wasps associated with a large number of sympatric fig hosts. Here, we conduct phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial DNA sequences (COI) using 411 individuals from 69 pollinating and nonpollinating fig wasp species to assess relationships within and between five genera of fig wasps (Pegoscapus, Idarnes, Heterandrium, Aepocerus, Physothorax) associated with 17 species of New World Urostigma figs from section Americana. We show that host-switching and multiple wasp species per host are ubiquitous across Neotropical nonpollinating wasp genera. In spite of these findings, cophylogenetic analyses (TREEMAP 1.0, TREEMAP 2.02beta, and parafit) reveal evidence of codivergence among fig wasps from different ecological guilds. Our findings further challenge the classical notion of strict-sense coevolution between figs and their associated wasps, and mirror conclusions from detailed molecular studies of other mutualisms that have revealed common patterns of diffuse coevolution and asymmetric specialization among the participants.  相似文献   

Evolutionary ecologists are increasingly combining phylogenetic data with distributional and ecological data to assess how and why communities of species differ from random expectations for evolutionary and ecological relatedness. Of particular interest have been the roles of environmental filtering and competitive interactions, or alternatively neutral effects, in dictating community composition. Our goal is to place current research within a dynamic framework, specifically using recent phylogenetic studies from insular environments to provide an explicit spatial and temporal context. We compare communities over a range of evolutionary, ecological and geographic scales that differ in the extent to which speciation and adaptation contribute to community assembly and structure. This perspective allows insights into the processes that can generate community structure, as well as the evolutionary dynamics of community assembly.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences from the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene were used to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships among 15 genera of fig-pollinating wasps. We present evidence supporting broad-level co-cladogenesis with respect to most but not all of the corresponding groups of figs. Using fossil evidence for calibrating a molecular clock for these data, we estimated the origin of the fig-wasp mutualism to have occurred ca. 90 million years ago. The estimated divergence times among the pollinator genera and their current geographical distributions corresponded well with several features of the break-up of the southern continents during the Late Cretaceous period. We then explored the evolutionary trajectories of two characteristics that hold profound consequences for both partners in the mutualism: the breeding system of the host (monoecious or dioecious) and pollination behaviour of the wasp (passive or active). The fig wasp mutualism exhibits extraordinarily long-term evolutionary stability despite clearly identifiable conflicts of interest between the interactors, which are reflected by the very distinct variations found on the basic mutualistic theme.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore the interplay of population demography with the evolution of ecological niches during or after speciation in Hordeum. While large populations maintain a high level of standing genetic diversity, gene flow and recombination buffers against fast alterations in ecological adaptation. Small populations harbour lower allele diversity but can more easily shift to new niches if they initially survive under changed conditions. Thus, large populations should be more conservative regarding niche changes in comparison to small populations. We used environmental niche modelling together with phylogenetic, phylogeographic and population genetic analyses to infer the correlation of population demography with changes in ecological niche dimensions in 12 diploid Hordeum species from the New World, forming four monophyletic groups. Our analyses found both shifts and conservatism in distinct niche dimensions within and among clades. Speciation due to vicariance resulted in three species with no pronounced climate niche differences, while species originating due to long‐distance dispersals or otherwise encountering genetic bottlenecks mostly revealed climate niche shifts. Niche convergence among clades indicates a niche‐filling pattern during the last 2 million years in South American Hordeum. We provide evidence that species, which did not encounter population reductions mainly showed ecoclimatic niche conservatism, while major niche shifts occurred in species which have undergone population bottlenecks. Our data allow the conclusion that population demography influences adaptation and niche shifts or conservatism in South American Hordeum species.  相似文献   

杂交是生物进化的重要方式和新物种的重要来源, 在植物界普遍存在, 但在不同植物类群中的发生率差异很大。高度专性传粉体系中, 宿主植物和传粉者经历长期协同进化, 形成远高于其他物种的互利共生机制和合子前生殖壁垒, 被认为不太可能发生种间杂交。榕树和传粉榕小蜂是动植物间专性传粉关系的典范, 甚至发展出一对一高度专性关系。但随着研究的深入, 发现了一定程度的宿主转移现象, 引发学者对榕树种间杂交的研究和探讨。本文从人工杂交、外来种和本地种杂交、岛屿种自然杂交、同域分布近缘种自然杂交, 以及利用系统发育不一致推测杂交等5个方面, 综述了榕树种间杂交的研究进展, 并对未来研究进行展望。同一亚属内人工榕树种间杂交F1代一般可育, 不同亚属榕树的种间杂交亲和性强度在不同性系统上表现有所不同。种间存在单向或不对称的双向基因流, 依赖专性传粉榕小蜂传粉可能使得渐渗杂交成为榕树种间杂交的主要方式。一系列的合子前隔离机制, 包括化学隔离、形态隔离、地理隔离、生态隔离、季节隔离等有效维持了榕树物种在遗传和形态上的完整性; 而合子后隔离作用较弱, 传粉榕小蜂在非专性宿主上的繁殖适合度一般表现为显著降低。未来有待在评估杂交对榕树生物多样性和榕-传粉榕小蜂共生体系稳定性的影响, 分析榕树天然杂交带的杂交模式, 以及探讨影响宿主转移和榕树杂交的因素等方面开展深入研究。  相似文献   

Phylogenies of legume taxa are ecologically structured along a tropical seasonality gradient, which suggests phylogenetic niche conservatism. This seasonality gradient spans Neotropical wet forests, savannas, and highly seasonal drought-prone woody vegetation known as the succulent biome. Ecological phylogenetic structure was investigated using a community phylogenetic approach. We further analyzed bioclimatic and other independent variables that potentially explained phylogenetic beta diversity among 466 floristic sites that spanned the savanna and succulent biomes in eastern South America. Explanatory variables were selected using variance inflation factors, information criteria, and the ability to explain both species and phylogenetic beta diversity. A model involving annual precipitation suggests that a threshold of < 1200 mm explains community phylogenetic structure along the savanna–succulent biome transition. Variables involving temperatures or measures of seasonality were notably lacking from top-ranked models. The abundance and diversity of legumes across the tropical seasonality gradient suggest that a high nitrogen metabolism confers an advantage in one of two ways, both of which are related to rapid growth rates. Legumes adapted to the succulent biome may be responding to regular post-dry-season leaf-flush opportunities. Legumes adapted to the savanna biome may be responding to intermittent post-disturbance growing opportunities. A seasonal predominance of leaf flushing by woody plants implicates the role of ecological stability in the succulent biome because of the need to recover the cost of regenerating short-lived leaves. Ecological stability may be the fundamental cause of ecological phylogenetic structure across the tropical seasonality gradient and required for maintaining high levels of both leaf-flushing legume and succulent plant biodiversity.  相似文献   

Since Darwin published the “Origin,” great progress has been made in our understanding of speciation mechanisms. The early investigations by Mayr and Dobzhansky linked Darwin's view of speciation by adaptive divergence to the evolution of reproductive isolation, and thus provided a framework for studying the origin of species. However, major controversies and questions remain, including: When is speciation nonecological? Under what conditions does geographic isolation constitute a reproductive isolating barrier? and How do we estimate the “importance” of different isolating barriers? Here, we address these questions, providing historical background and offering some new perspectives. A topic of great recent interest is the role of ecology in speciation. “Ecological speciation” is defined as the case in which divergent selection leads to reproductive isolation, with speciation under uniform selection, polyploid speciation, and speciation by genetic drift defined as “nonecological.” We review these proposed cases of nonecological speciation and conclude that speciation by uniform selection and polyploidy normally involve ecological processes. Furthermore, because selection can impart reproductive isolation both directly through traits under selection and indirectly through pleiotropy and linkage, it is much more effective in producing isolation than genetic drift. We thus argue that natural selection is a ubiquitous part of speciation, and given the many ways in which stochastic and deterministic factors may interact during divergence, we question whether the ecological speciation concept is useful. We also suggest that geographic isolation caused by adaptation to different habitats plays a major, and largely neglected, role in speciation. We thus provide a framework for incorporating geographic isolation into the biological species concept (BSC) by separating ecological from historical processes that govern species distributions, allowing for an estimate of geographic isolation based upon genetic differences between taxa. Finally, we suggest that the individual and relative contributions of all potential barriers be estimated for species pairs that have recently achieved species status under the criteria of the BSC. Only in this way will it be possible to distinguish those barriers that have actually contributed to speciation from those that have accumulated after speciation is complete. We conclude that ecological adaptation is the major driver of reproductive isolation, and that the term “biology of speciation,” as proposed by Mayr, remains an accurate and useful characterization of the diversity of speciation mechanisms.  相似文献   

Divergence in acoustic signals may have a crucial role in the speciation process of animals that rely on sound for intra-specific recognition and mate attraction. The acoustic adaptation hypothesis (AAH) postulates that signals should diverge according to the physical properties of the signalling environment. To be efficient, signals should maximize transmission and decrease degradation. To test which drivers of divergence exert the most influence in a speciose group of insects, we used a phylogenetic approach to the evolution of acoustic signals in the cicada genus Tettigettalna, investigating the relationship between acoustic traits (and their mode of evolution) and body size, climate and micro-/macro-habitat usage. Different traits showed different evolutionary paths. While acoustic divergence was generally independent of phylogenetic history, some temporal variables’ divergence was associated with genetic drift. We found support for ecological adaptation at the temporal but not the spectral level. Temporal patterns are correlated with micro- and macro-habitat usage and temperature stochasticity in ways that run against the AAH predictions, degrading signals more easily. These traits are likely to have evolved as an anti-predator strategy in conspicuous environments and low-density populations. Our results support a role of ecological selection, not excluding a likely role of sexual selection in the evolution of Tettigettalna calling songs, which should be further investigated in an integrative approach.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that physical heterogeneity in common resource or evolutionary restraint can sufficiently prevent direct conflict between host and symbionts in mutualism systems. Our data on fig/fig wasp reciprocal mutualism(Ficus racemosa), however, show that structural barriers of female flowers or genetic constraints of pollinators previously hypothesized exist, but cannot sufficiently maintain the mutualism stability. The results show that a positive relationship between seed and wasp production could be maintained in warm season, which might be because of density dependence restraint among foundresses and their low oviposition and pollination efficiency, keeping common resource(female flowers) utilization unsaturated. Whilst, a negative correlation between wasp offspring and viable seed production was also observed in cold season, which might be that the increased oviposition and pollination efficiency maximized the common resource utilization. The fitness trade-off between fig and pollinator wasps is greatly affected by environmental or ecological variations. The local stability might result from temporal low exploitation efficiency of pollinators together with interference competition among pollinators. We suggest that host repression through the active regulation of bract closure, which can create interference competition among the foundresses and prevent extra more foundresses sequential entry in fruit cavities, would help the figs avoiding the cost of over-exploitation. This essentially takes the same role as sanctioning of cheating or competitive behaviors.  相似文献   

Conservation planning in the face of global change is still in its infancy. A suggested approach is to incorporate environmental gradients into conservation planning as they reflect the ecological and evolutionary processes generating and maintaining diversity. Our study provides a framework to identify the dominant environmental gradients determining floristic composition and pattern. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling was used on 2155 sampling plots in savanna and grassland habitat located across the province of KwaZulu‐Natal, South Africa (94 697 km2), a floristically rich region having steep environmental gradients, to determine the dominant gradients. Hierarchical cluster analysis was used to group similar plots which were then used in a Classification and Regression Tree analysis to determine the environmental delimiters of the identified vegetation clusters. Temperature‐related variables were the strongest delimiters of floristic composition across the province, in particular mean annual temperature. Frost duration was the primary variable in the Classification and Regression Tree analysis with important implications for savanna/grassland dynamics. Soil properties (base, pH status) and moisture variables accounted for most of the variation for the second and third axes of floristic variation. Given that climatic and edaphic variables were well correlated with floristic composition, it is anticipated that a changing climate will have a marked influence on floristic composition. We predict warmer temperatures may facilitate the spread of frost sensitive savanna species into previously cooler, grassland areas. Species associated with specific soil types will not easily be able to move up the altitudinal gradient to cooler climes because geology is aligned in an approximately north‐south direction compared with increasing altitude from east‐west. Future conservation planning should take cognisance of these gradients which are surrogates for ecological and evolutionary processes promoting persistence.  相似文献   

Fagaceae can be found in tropical and temperate regions and contain species of major ecological and economic importance. In times of global climate change, tree populations need to adapt to rapidly changing environmental conditions. The predicted warmer and drier conditions will potentially result in locally maladapted populations. There is evidence that major genera of the Fagaceae are already negatively affected by climate change‐related factors such as drought and associated biotic stressors. Therefore, knowledge of the mechanisms underlying adaptation is of great interest. In this review, we summarise current literature related to genetic adaptation to abiotic environmental conditions. We begin with an overview of genetic diversity in Fagaceae species and then summarise current knowledge related to drought stress tolerance, bud burst timing and frost tolerance in the Fagaceae. Finally, we discuss the role of hybridisation, epigenetics and phenotypic plasticity in adaptation.  相似文献   

The role of ecology in the origin of species has been the subject of long‐standing interest to evolutionary biologists. New sources of spatially explicit ecological data allow for large‐scale tests of whether speciation is associated with niche divergence or whether closely related species tend to be similar ecologically (niche conservatism). Because of the confounding effects of spatial autocorrelation of environmental variables, we generate null expectations for niche divergence for both an ecological‐niche modeling and a multivariate approach to address the question: do allopatrically distributed taxa occupy similar niches? In a classic system for the study of niche evolution—the Aphelocoma jays—we show that there is little evidence for niche divergence among Mexican Jay (A. ultramarina) lineages in the process of speciation, contrary to previous results. In contrast, Aphelocoma species that exist in partial sympatry in some regions show evidence for niche divergence. Our approach is widely applicable to the many cases of allopatric lineages in the beginning stages of speciation. These results do not support an ecological speciation model for Mexican Jay lineages because, in most cases, the allopatric environments they occupy are not significantly more divergent than expected under a null model.  相似文献   

Molecular studies of population divergence and speciation across the Oriental Region are sparse, despite the region’s high biodiversity and extensive Pliocene and Pleistocene environmental change. A molecular phylogenetic study of the Neocellia Series of Anopheles mosquitoes was undertaken to identify patterns of diversification across the Oriental Region and to infer the role of Pleistocene and Pliocene climatic change. A robust phylogeny was constructed using CO2 and ND5 mitochondrial genes and ITS2 and D3 nuclear ribosomal markers. Bayesian analysis of mitochondrial genes was used to date divergence events. The repeated contraction and expansion of forest habitat resulting from Pleistocene climatic fluctuations appears to have had a substantial impact on intraspecific diversification, but has not driven speciation within this group. Primarily early to mid Pliocene speciation was detected within the Annularis Group, whereas speciation within the Maculatus and Jamesii Groups occurred during the mid and late Pliocene. Both allopatric divergence driven by late Pliocene environmental changes and ecological adaptation, involving altitudinal replacement and seasonality, are likely to have influenced speciation in the Maculatus Group.  相似文献   

Deep evolutionary histories can play an important role in assembling species into communities, but few studies have explored the effects of deep evolutionary histories on species assembly of angiosperms (flowering plants). Here we explore patterns of family divergence and diversification times (stem and crown ages, respectively) and phylogenetic fuses for angiosperm assemblages in 100 × 100 km grid cells across geographic and ecological gradients in China. We found that both family stem and crown ages of angiosperm assemblages are older in southeastern China with warm and humid climates than in northwestern China with cold and dry climates; these patterns are stronger for family stem ages than for family crown ages; families in colder and drier climates are more closely related across the family-level angiosperm phylogeny; and family phylogenetic fuses are, on average, longer for angiosperm assemblages in warm and humid climates than in cold and dry climate. We conclude that the fact that deep evolutionary histories, which were measured as family stem and crown ages and family phylogenetic fuses in this study, have shown strong geographic and ecological patterns suggests that deep evolutionary histories of angiosperms have profound effects on assembling angiosperm species into ecological communities.  相似文献   

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