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The mitral cells (MCs) of the olfactory bulb (OB) are relay neurons between the periphery and the central nervous structures. MCs receive in turn a centrifugal control from several higher brain centers that depends on the nutritional state. In this study, we investigated the effects of orexin A (ORX), a novel molecule known to regulate food intake and whose receptors are present in the OB, on the electrophysiological activity of single MCs. Using icv-injections and direct applications on the OB, we determined the respective central and local effects of this molecule on the MCs' spontaneous firing activity and responsiveness to different odors. Icv-injections and local OB-applications were found to induce a significant decrease in spontaneous firing activity in 14% and 50% of the recorded MCs, respectively. In one case, ORX application on the OB caused a significant firing increase. Effects of OB-applications had shorter delays. The responsiveness of some MCs to food and non-food odors was also changed, but the proportion of changes was not statistically significant. Icv-injection effects likely resulted from a local action of ORX on the OB. Changes of spontaneous firing activity and odor responsiveness are discussed in terms of regulation of the functioning of the olfactory system.  相似文献   

In the olfactory bulb, lateral inhibition mediated by granule cells has been suggested to modulate the timing of mitral cell firing, thereby shaping the representation of input odorants. Current experimental techniques, however, do not enable a clear study of how the mitral-granule cell network sculpts odor inputs to represent odor information spatially and temporally. To address this critical step in the neural basis of odor recognition, we built a biophysical network model of mitral and granule cells, corresponding to 1/100th of the real system in the rat, and used direct experimental imaging data of glomeruli activated by various odors. The model allows the systematic investigation and generation of testable hypotheses of the functional mechanisms underlying odor representation in the olfactory bulb circuit. Specifically, we demonstrate that lateral inhibition emerges within the olfactory bulb network through recurrent dendrodendritic synapses when constrained by a range of balanced excitatory and inhibitory conductances. We find that the spatio-temporal dynamics of lateral inhibition plays a critical role in building the glomerular-related cell clusters observed in experiments, through the modulation of synaptic weights during odor training. Lateral inhibition also mediates the development of sparse and synchronized spiking patterns of mitral cells related to odor inputs within the network, with the frequency of these synchronized spiking patterns also modulated by the sniff cycle.  相似文献   

Brody CD  Hopfield JJ 《Neuron》2003,37(5):843-852
Spike synchronization across neurons can be selective for the situation where neurons are driven at similar firing rates, a "many are equal" computation. This can be achieved in the absence of synaptic interactions between neurons, through phase locking to a common underlying oscillatory potential. Based on this principle, we instantiate an algorithm for robust odor recognition into a model network of spiking neurons whose main features are taken from known properties of biological olfactory systems. Here, recognition of odors is signaled by spike synchronization of specific subsets of "mitral cells." This synchronization is highly odor selective and invariant to a wide range of odor concentrations. It is also robust to the presence of strong distractor odors, thus allowing odor segmentation within complex olfactory scenes. Information about odors is encoded in both the identity of glomeruli activated above threshold (1 bit of information per glomerulus) and in the analog degree of activation of the glomeruli (approximately 3 bits per glomerulus).  相似文献   

目的 蜜蜂天生具有丰富的嗅觉辨识能力,觅食、交配、导航以及社交活动均依赖其嗅觉系统,是研究嗅觉感知和学习记忆的行为及神经机制的理想模型。蜜蜂既能够将某个复合气味作为一个整体也可以将复合气味的各组成成分进行辨别和区分,但是在特征依赖的联合记忆中依据何种原则进行加工并存储到长期记忆还不清楚。方法 本文利用特征阳性(feature positive:AB+,B-)和特征阴性(feature negative:AB-,B+)的奖赏性嗅觉条件化,训练蜜蜂对复合气味和成分气味的辨别,并检测蜜蜂对复合气味(AB)、成分气味(B)以及特征气味(A)的中长时记忆(3 h)和长时记忆(24 h)。结果 在特征阳性的奖赏性嗅觉条件化中,蜜蜂对训练过的气味可以形成稳定的中长时和长时记忆,并且对复合气味中的特征气味的记忆与复合气味的记忆呈现高度相似。但在特征阴性的奖赏性嗅觉条件化中,蜜蜂虽能够在3 h和24 h对训练过的两种气味具有显著的伸喙反应差异,且对特征阴性的气味无显著反应,但对复合气味的反应随时间的推移而增加。结论 实验结果表明,蜜蜂选择性地将与奖赏信息联合出现的气味巩固到长时记忆中,但并未依据特征成分加工储存到长时记忆中。奖赏信息预示着食物源,与生存息息相关,表明对环境信息进行选择性的记忆巩固加工并储存可能是低等动物高效地编码生存相关信息的重要策略。  相似文献   

The olfactory cortex encompasses several anatomically distinct regions each hypothesized to provide differential representation and processing of specific odors. Studies exploring whether or not the diversity of olfactory bulb input to olfactory cortices has functional meaning, however, are lacking. Here we tested whether two anatomically major olfactory cortical structures, the olfactory tubercle (OT) and piriform cortex (PCX), differ in their neural representation and processing dynamics of a small set of diverse odors by performing in vivo extracellular recordings from the OT and PCX of anesthetized mice. We found a wealth of similarities between structures, including odor-evoked response magnitudes, breadth of odor tuning, and odor-evoked firing latencies. In contrast, only few differences between structures were found, including spontaneous activity rates and odor signal-to-noise ratios. These results suggest that despite major anatomical differences in innervation by olfactory bulb mitral/tufted cells, the basic features of odor representation and processing, at least within this limited odor set, are similar within the OT and PCX. We predict that the olfactory code follows a distributed processing stream in transmitting behaviorally and perceptually-relevant information from low-level stations.  相似文献   

In order to study the problem how the olfactory neural system processes the odorant molecular information for constructing the olfactory image of each object, we present a dynamic model of the olfactory bulb constructed on the basis of well-established experimental and theoretical results. The information relevant to a single odor, i.e. its constituent odorant molecules and their mixing ratios, are encoded into a spatio-temporal pattern of neural activity in the olfactory bulb, where the activity pattern corresponds to a limit cycle attractor in the mitral cell network. The spatio-temporal pattern consists of a temporal sequence of spatial firing patterns: each constituent molecule is encoded into a single spatial pattern, and the order of magnitude of the mixing ratio is encoded into the temporal sequence. The formation of a limit cycle attractor under the application of a novel odor is carried out based on the intensity-to-time-delay encoding scheme. The dynamic state of the olfactory bulb, which has learned many odors, becomes a randomly itinerant state in which the current firing state of the bulb itinerates randomly among limit cycle attractors corresponding to the learned odors. The recognition of an odor is generated by the dynamic transition in the network from the randomly itinerant state to a limit cycle attractor state relevant to the odor, where the transition is induced by the short-term synaptic changes made according to the Hebbian rule under the application of the odor stimulus. Received: 28 July 1997 / Accepted in revised form: 6 May 1998  相似文献   

On the basis of its primary circuit it has been postulated that the olfactory bulb (OB) is analogous to the retina in mammals. In retina, repeated exposure to the same visual stimulus results in a neural representation that remains relatively stable over time, even as the meaning of that stimulus to the animal changes. Stability of stimulus representation at early stages of processing allows for unbiased interpretation of incoming stimuli by higher order cortical centers. The alternative is that early stimulus representation is shaped by previously derived meaning, which could allow more efficient sampling of odor space providing a simplified yet biased interpretation of incoming stimuli. This study helps place the olfactory system on this continuum of subjective versus objective early sensory representation. Here we show that odor responses of the output cells of the OB, mitral cells, change transiently during a go–no-go odor discrimination task. The response changes occur in a manner that increases the ability of the circuit to convey information necessary to discriminate among closely related odors. Remarkably, a switch between which of the two odors is rewarded causes mitral cells to switch the polarity of their divergent responses. Taken together these results redefine the function of the OB as a transiently modifiable (active) filter, shaping early odor representations in behaviorally meaningful ways.  相似文献   

The Drosophila larva possesses just 21 unique and identifiable pairs of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs), enabling investigation of the contribution of individual OSN classes to the peripheral olfactory code. We combined electrophysiological and computational modeling to explore the nature of the peripheral olfactory code in situ. We recorded firing responses of 19/21 OSNs to a panel of 19 odors. This was achieved by creating larvae expressing just one functioning class of odorant receptor, and hence OSN. Odor response profiles of each OSN class were highly specific and unique. However many OSN-odor pairs yielded variable responses, some of which were statistically indistinguishable from background activity. We used these electrophysiological data, incorporating both responses and spontaneous firing activity, to develop a bayesian decoding model of olfactory processing. The model was able to accurately predict odor identity from raw OSN responses; prediction accuracy ranged from 12%-77% (mean for all odors 45.2%) but was always significantly above chance (5.6%). However, there was no correlation between prediction accuracy for a given odor and the strength of responses of wild-type larvae to the same odor in a behavioral assay. We also used the model to predict the ability of the code to discriminate between pairs of odors. Some of these predictions were supported in a behavioral discrimination (masking) assay but others were not. We conclude that our model of the peripheral code represents basic features of odor detection and discrimination, yielding insights into the information available to higher processing structures in the brain.  相似文献   

Many insects find resources by means of the olfactory cues of general odors after learning. To evaluate behavioral responses to the odor of a particular chemical after learning with reward or punishment quantitatively, we developed a standardized odor-training method in the German cockroach, Blattella germanica (Linnaeus), an important urban pest species. A classical olfactory conditioning procedure for a preference test was modified to become applicable to a single odor, by which a (?)-menthol or vanillin odor was independently associated with sucrose (reward) or sodium chloride solution (punishment). The strength of the association with the odor was evaluated with the increase or decrease in visit frequencies to the odor source after olfactory conditioning. The frequency increased after (?)-menthol was presented with a reward, while it did not change with the rewarded vanillin odor. With both odors, the frequency decreased significantly after training with a punishment. These results indicate that cockroaches learn a single compound odor presented as a conditioned stimulus, although the association of the odor with a reward or punishment depends on the chemical. This olfactory conditioning method can not only facilitate the analysis of cockroach behavior elicited by a learned single chemical odor, but also quantify the potential attractiveness or repellency of the chemical after learning.  相似文献   

This video demonstrates a technique to establish the presence of a normally functioning olfactory system in a mouse. The test helps determine whether the mouse can discriminate between non-social odors and social odors, whether the mouse habituates to a repeatedly presented odor, and whether the mouse demonstrates dishabituation when presented with a novel odor. Since many social behavior tests measure the experimental animal’s response to a familiar or novel mouse, false positives can be avoided by establishing that the animals can detect and discriminate between social odors. There are similar considerations in learning tests such as fear conditioning that use odor to create a novel environment or olfactory cues as an associative stimulus. Deficits in the olfactory system would impair the ability to distinguish between contexts and to form an association with an olfactory cue during fear conditioning. In the odor habitation/dishabituation test, the mouse is repeatedly presented with several odors. Each odor is presented three times for two minutes. The investigator records the sniffing time directed towards the odor as the measurement of olfactory responsiveness. A typical mouse shows a decrease in response to the odor over repeated presentations (habituation). The experimenter then presents a novel odor that elicits increased sniffing towards the new odor (dishabituation). After repeated presentation of the novel odor the animal again shows habituation. This protocol involves the presentation of water, two or more non-social odors, and two social odors. In addition to reducing experimental confounds, this test can provide information on the function of the olfactory systems of new knockout, knock-in, and conditional knockout mouse lines.  相似文献   

Insects and vertebrates separately evolved remarkably similar mechanisms to process olfactory information. Odors are sampled by huge numbers of receptor neurons, which converge type-wise upon a much smaller number of principal neurons within glomeruli. There, odor information is transformed by inhibitory interneuron-mediated, cross-glomerular circuit interactions that impose slow temporal structures and fast oscillations onto the firing patterns of principal neurons. The transformations appear to improve signal-to-noise characteristics, define odor categories, achieve precise odor identification, extract invariant features, and begin the process of sparsening the neural representations of odors for efficient discrimination, memorization, and recognition.  相似文献   

Neural firing discharges are often temporally patterned, but it is often ambiguous as to whether the temporal features of these patterns constitute a useful code. Here we show in the mouse olfactory bulb that ensembles of projection neurons respond with complex odor- and concentration-specific dynamic activity sequences developing below and above sniffing frequency. Based on this activity, almost optimal discrimination of presented odors was possible during single sniffs, consistent with reported behavioral data. Within a sniff cycle, slower features of the dynamics alone (>100 ms resolution, including mean firing rate) were sufficient for maximal discrimination. A smaller amount of information was also observed in faster features down to 20-40 ms resolution. Therefore, mitral cell ensemble activity contains information at different timescales that could be separately or complementarily exploited by downstream brain centers to make odor discriminations. Our results also support suggestive analogies in the dynamics of odor representations between insects and mammals.  相似文献   

The olfactory system combines input from multiple receptor types to represent odor information, but there are few explicit examples relating olfactory receptor (OR) activity patterns to odor perception. To uncover these relationships, we performed genome-wide scans on odor-perception phenotypes for ten odors in 1000 Han Chinese and validated results for six of these odors in an ethnically diverse population (n = 364). In both populations, consistent with previous studies, we replicated three previously reported associations (β-ionone/OR5A1, androstenone/OR7D4, cis-3-hexen-1-ol/OR2J3 LD-band), but not for odors containing aldehydes, suggesting that olfactory phenotype/genotype studies are robust across populations. Two novel associations between an OR and odor perception contribute to our understanding of olfactory coding. First, we found a SNP in OR51B2 that associated with trans-3-methyl-2-hexenoic acid, a key component of human underarm odor. Second, we found two linked SNPs associated with the musk Galaxolide in a novel musk receptor, OR4D6, which is also the first human OR shown to drive specific anosmia to a musk compound. We noticed that SNPs detected for odor intensity were enriched with amino acid substitutions, implying functional changes of odor receptors. Furthermore, we also found that the derived alleles of the SNPs tend to be associated with reduced odor intensity, supporting the hypothesis that the primate olfactory gene repertoire has degenerated over time. This study provides information about coding for human body odor, and gives us insight into broader mechanisms of olfactory coding, such as how differential OR activation can converge on a similar percept.  相似文献   



Successful cooperation depends on reliable identification of friends and foes. Social insects discriminate colony members (nestmates/friends) from foreign workers (non-nestmates/foes) by colony-specific, multi-component colony odors. Traditionally, complex processing in the brain has been regarded as crucial for colony recognition. Odor information is represented as spatial patterns of activity and processed in the primary olfactory neuropile, the antennal lobe (AL) of insects, which is analogous to the vertebrate olfactory bulb. Correlative evidence indicates that the spatial activity patterns reflect odor-quality, i.e., how an odor is perceived. For colony odors, alternatively, a sensory filter in the peripheral nervous system was suggested, causing specific anosmia to nestmate colony odors. Here, we investigate neuronal correlates of colony odors in the brain of a social insect to directly test whether they are anosmic to nestmate colony odors and whether spatial activity patterns in the AL can predict how odor qualities like “friend” and “foe” are attributed to colony odors.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using ant dummies that mimic natural conditions, we presented colony odors and investigated their neuronal representation in the ant Camponotus floridanus. Nestmate and non-nestmate colony odors elicited neuronal activity: In the periphery, we recorded sensory responses of olfactory receptor neurons (electroantennography), and in the brain, we measured colony odor specific spatial activity patterns in the AL (calcium imaging). Surprisingly, upon repeated stimulation with the same colony odor, spatial activity patterns were variable, and as variable as activity patterns elicited by different colony odors.


Ants are not anosmic to nestmate colony odors. However, spatial activity patterns in the AL alone do not provide sufficient information for colony odor discrimination and this finding challenges the current notion of how odor quality is coded. Our result illustrates the enormous challenge for the nervous system to classify multi-component odors and indicates that other neuronal parameters, e.g., precise timing of neuronal activity, are likely necessary for attribution of odor quality to multi-component odors.  相似文献   

Franks KM  Isaacson JS 《Neuron》2006,49(3):357-363
Olfactory information is first encoded in a combinatorial fashion by olfactory bulb glomeruli, which individually represent distinct chemical features of odors. This information is then transmitted to piriform (olfactory) cortex, via axons of olfactory bulb mitral and tufted (M/T) cells, where it is presumed to form the odor percept. However, mechanisms governing the integration of sensory information in mammalian olfactory cortex are unclear. Here we show that single M/T cells can make powerful connections with cortical pyramidal cells, and coincident input from few M/T cells is sufficient to elicit spike output. These findings suggest that odor coding is broad and distributed in olfactory cortex.  相似文献   

Chaput MA 《Chemical senses》2000,25(6):695-701
In mammals, access of odor molecules to the olfactory receptor neurons is controlled by respiratory activity. Thus, anesthetized, freely breathing rats were used to record from the olfactory mucosa in the intact nasal cavity (electroolfactogram or EOG) so as to study global response characteristics to odor stimuli. During alternation of the inspiratory phases of odor sampling and expiratory phases, the response was a succession of individual EOG events synchronized with respiration. These were characterized by a steep decrease that started approximately 100-150 ms after the beginning of inhalation, reached its maximum at the transition between inspiration and expiration and was followed by a slower rise until the next inhalation. They were greater during the first respiratory cycles following odor stimulation onset. Thereafter their amplitudes decreased throughout odor delivery, but a significant EOG signal was still present at the end of short (10 s) and long (60 s) odor presentations. Amplitude increased with odor concentration, but much less than expected from concentration changes. Lastly, for some odors EOG responses persisted well beyond the end of stimulation. These results are in agreement with the respiratory synchronization of mitral cell activities observed during short odor presentations and long duration odor exposures. They underline again the importance of taking into account the respiratory activity in studies on the functioning of the olfactory system.  相似文献   

The Odor Awareness Scale (OAS) is a questionnaire designed to assess individual differences in awareness of odors in the environment. The theory that odor awareness can be distinguished in awareness of negative (to be avoided) odors and positive (to be approached) odors was tested using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) on the 34-item questionnaire after completion by 525 respondents. CFA (after deletion of 2 items) showed good fit of the 2-factor theory, resulting in a positive awareness subscale (11 items, Cronbach's alpha = .77) and a negative awareness subscale (21 items, Cronbach's alpha = .80). Furthermore, reports of sickness from environmental odors were correlated with the negative odor awareness factor, not the positive odor awareness factor. Respondents scoring high on the overall sum score of the OAS showed significantly better olfactory performance on an odor perception test battery than respondents with a low score. These results suggest a causal relation between awareness of potentially negative odors, olfactory performance and experiencing health effects from environmental odor exposure, that warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

We propose a neural mechanism for discrimination of different complex odors in the olfactory cortex based on the dynamical encoding scheme. Both constituent molecules of the odor and their mixing ratios are encoded simultaneously into a spatiotemporal activity pattern (limit cycle attractor) in the olfactory bulb [Hoshino O, Kashimori Y, Kambara T (1998) Biol Cybern 79:109–120]. We present a functional model of the olfactory cortex consisting of some dynamical mapping modules. Each dynamical map is represented by itinerancy among the limit cycle attractors. When a temporal sequence of spatial activity patterns corresponding to a complex odor is injected from the bulb to the network of the olfactory cortex, the neural activity state of each mapping module is fixed to a relevant spatial pattern injected. Recognition of an odor is accomplished by a combination of firing patterns fixed in all the mapping modules. The stronger the response strength of the component, the earlier the component is recognized. The hierarchical discrimination of an odor is made by recognizing the components in order of decreasing response strengths. Received: 28 November 1998 / Accepted in revised form: 17 December 1999  相似文献   

Spontaneous firing of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) was recently shown to be required for the survival of ORNs and the maintenance of their appropriate synaptic connections with mitral cells in the olfactory bulb. ORN spontaneous activity has never been described or characterized quantitatively in mammals. To do so we have made extracellular single unit recordings from ORNs of freely breathing (FB) and tracheotomized (TT) rats. We show that the firing behavior of TT neurons was relatively simple: they tended to fire spikes at the same average frequency according to purely random (Poisson) or simple (Gamma or Weibull) statistical laws. A minority of them were bursting with relatively infrequent and short bursts. The activity of FB neurons was less simple: their firing rates were more diverse, some of them showed trends or were driven by breathing. Although more of them were regular, only a minority could be described by simple laws; the majority displayed random bursts with more spikes than the bursts of TT neurons. In both categories bursts and isolated spikes (outside bursts) occurred completely at random. The spontaneous activity of ORNs in rats resembles that of frogs, but is higher, which may be due to a difference in body temperature. These results suggest that, in addition to the intrinsic thermal noise, spontaneous activity is provoked in part by mechanical, thermal, or chemical (odorant molecules) effects of air movements due to respiration, this extrinsic part being naturally larger in FB neurons. It is suggested that spontaneous activity may be modulated by respiration. Because natural sampling of odors is synchronized with breathing, such modulation may prepare and keep olfactory bulb circuits tuned to process odor stimuli.  相似文献   

Two distinct neuronal pathways connect the first olfactory neuropil, the antennal lobe, with higher integration areas, such as the mushroom bodies, via antennal lobe projection neurons. Intracellular recordings were used to address the question whether neuroanatomical features affect odor-coding properties. We found that neurons in the median antennocerebral tract code odors by latency differences or specific inhibitory phases in combination with excitatory phases, have a more specific activity profile for different odors and convey the information with a delay. The neurons of the lateral antennocerebral tract code odors by spike rate differences, have a broader activity profile for different odors, and convey the information quickly. Thus, rather preliminary information about the olfactory stimulus first reaches the mushroom bodies and the lateral horn via neurons of the lateral antennocerebral tract and subsequently odor information becomes more specified by activities of neurons of the median antennocerebral tract. We conclude that this neuroanatomical feature is not related to the distinction between different odors, but rather reflects a dual coding of the same odor stimuli by two different neuronal strategies focusing different properties of the same stimulus.  相似文献   

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