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Responses of tropical cladocerans to a gradient of resource quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. The response of three tropical cladocerans to a gradient of resource quality was compared in a series of growth bioassays using seston collected from five lakes of different depth and trophic structure in Michigan, U.S.A. To assess the food quality in terms of digestibility, assimilation experiments were performed with 32P‐labelled seston from the same lakes. Animals were also analysed for P‐content in their tissues at the end of these assays. 2. In general, assimilation efficiency was higher when animals fed on seston from shallow compared to deep lakes, and was significantly correlated with growth rates, suggesting that shallow lakes have the best food resources in terms of digestibility and P availability. 3. Results also showed that all cladoceran species responded similarly to the resource gradient, with lower growth rates in deep lakes and higher growth rates in shallow lakes, although the strength of response (sensitivity) was different among the species tested. 4. The cladoceran Moina micrura was the most sensitive species, and also displayed the highest P‐content and maximal growth rate, a pattern consistent with the growth rate hypothesis. 5. However, seston C : P ratio and growth rates in the different resources did not correlate with the animals’ P‐contents, showing an uncoupling between RNA‐phosphorus demands for growth and seston food quality. 6. In conclusion, our results support the idea that digestion resistance in algae is a major constraint to cladocerans in natural plankton communities.  相似文献   

Food limitation was tested in the laboratory by individual growth and reproduction of two cladoceran species, Ceriodaphnia richardi and Daphnia gessneri, from the shallow tropical Brazilian Lake Monte Alegre. The cladocerans were fed cultivated green alga Scenedesmus spinosus in concentrations of 0.20, 0.10, 0.05, and 0.025 mg C l−1. Higher biomass and growth rates occurred in the two highest-food concentrations; the two lowest ones negatively affected clutch size and first reproduction. The threshold food concentration is lower than 0.025 mg C l−1 and the incipient limiting level is a value between 0.10 and 0.20 mg C l−1. The largest species, D. gessneri, was more sensitive to low food concentrations. The effects of low and high temperatures (19 and 27°C) were evaluated by life table experiments with three cladocerans from the lake—Daphnia ambigua, D. gessneri, and Moina micrura—with no food limitation (1 mg C l−1 of S. spinosus). Higher population growth rates for the three species were found at 27°C; better performance in most life table parameters was observed for the former two species at the highest temperature, D. gessneri being the most sensitive to the lowest temperature. There are indications that temperature is an important abiotic factor that constrains populations of cladocerans for a short period in winter in the lake, when temperature decreases to 18–19°C. However, its influence cannot be separated from a biotic factor such as food, whose effect is stronger in the cool season, when concentrations are lower and contribution of inedible algae is relatively higher.  相似文献   

1. This study compares the effects of four toxic strains of Microcystis aeruginosa on tropical and temperate Cladocera. Survival was tested in acute toxicity experiments using Microcystis alone or in mixtures with the edible green algae Ankistrodesmus falcatus. The effect of chronic exposure on population growth was estimated in life‐table experiments by varying the proportion of Microcystis and the green alga. Nutritional deficiency was assessed using a non‐toxic cyanobacterium in a zooplankton growth experiment. Feeding inhibition was tested using a C‐labelled green alga as a tracer in mixtures with toxic Microcystis.
2. Toxicity varied consistently between Microcystis strains, while sensitivity varied consistently between cladoceran species. However, no relationship was found between sensitivity and geographical origin or cladoceran body size. Two small‐bodied cladocerans from the same tropical lake, Ceriodaphnia cornuta and Moinodaphnia macleayi, were the least sensitive and most sensitive species, respectively.
3. Surprisingly, two small tropical cladocerans survived longer without food than did three large Daphnia species and a third small tropical species.
4. Each of the three tropical Microcystis strains strongly reduced the population growth rate (little ‘r’) and reproductive output of each cladoceran, this reduction being proportional to the percentage of toxic cells in the diet.
5. As the sole food source, the non‐toxic cyanobacterium, Synechococcus elongatus, supported poor growth in M. macleayi. The nutritional deficiency was overcome when Synechococcus was mixed with either Ankistrodesmus or an emulsion rich in omega‐3 fatty acids.
6. Microcystis inhibited the feeding rate of two cladocerans, even when it comprised only 5% of a mixture with the green algae A. falcatus.
7. Differences in sensitivity to the toxic cyanobacterium appear to be associated with differences in life history between the cladoceran species rather than differences between tropical and temperate taxa. Slow‐growing species that are resistant to starvation appear less sensitive to toxic Microcystis than fast‐growing species, which also tend to die more quickly in the absence of food.  相似文献   

In spite of resource limitation, five abundant species of herbivorous metazoan zooplankton in a humic lake exhibited extensive niche overlap both with regard to seasonal and spatial occurrence, time of reproductive maxima, juvenile release and food choice. Their coexistence could not be explained by modifying predation, environmental oscillations or recolonization.Laboratory bottle experiments indicated only weak interspecific interactions between the three tested species at low food levels, but negative interactions were induced at elevated food levels. Bosmina appeared as competitively inferior during enrichment with cultured algae, but as the superior species during starvation. At low nutrient levels, all species coexisted for several generations with low reproduction, in accordance with the lake situation. It was concluded that the observed niche overlaps would be promoted if; 1) Intraspecific competition is more important than interspecific competition. 2) All species are co-adapted to low nutrient availability, food is quantitatively in surplus, but qualitatively deficient (mainly recycled detritus). During such conditions, no species would be capable of obtaining a population increase until extinction of the other species. This situation may be typical of oligotrophic humic lakes, and of other localities with low predation pressure and high inputs of allochthonous particulate carbon.  相似文献   

Here, we present data that for the first time suggests that the effects of atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition on nutrient limitation extend into the food web. We used a novel and sensitive assay for an enzyme that is over‐expressed in animals growing under dietary phosphorus (P) deficiency (alkaline phosphatase activity, APA) to assess the nutritional status of major crustacean zooplankton taxa in lakes across a gradient of atmospheric N deposition in Norway. Lakes receiving high N deposition had suspended organic matter (seston) with significantly elevated carbon:P and N:P ratios, indicative of amplified phytoplankton P limitation. This P limitation appeared to be transferred up the food chain, as the cosmopolitan seston‐feeding zooplankton taxa Daphnia and Holopedium had significantly increased APA. These results indicate that N deposition can impair the efficiency of trophic interactions by accentuating stoichiometric food quality constraints in lake food webs.  相似文献   

The influence of zooplanktivorous fishes on the plankton community and water quality of Americana Reservoir, Brazil was studied experimentally in 4 floating enclosures during the dry seasons (July–September) of 1982 and 1983. Two enclosures were stocked with adult fish (Astyanax bimaculatus in 1982;A. fasciatus in 1983) at near maximal densities measured in the reservoir upper surface waters (35 m–2) and two were fish-free during each experiment lasting about one month. Marked differences were evident between the fish and fish-free enclosures after a 2–3 week period in each experiment, particularly with respect to water transparency, phytoplankton biomass, and zooplankton abundance as well as species and size composition. By the end of each experiment water transparencies were lower and phytoplankton biomass higher in the fish enclosures compared to those without fish. Also at that time Rotifera were the prominent zooplankters in the fish enclosures and Cladocera in the fish-free ones. Larger or more conspicuous species of Cladocera asDaphnia gessneri, D. ambigua, andMoina micrura were present in the fish-free enclosures but not in the fish enclosures. The interactions between fish predation, zooplankton grazing, phytoplankton biomass and water quality conditions are discussed in relation to eutrophication of a tropical aquatic ecosystem.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. In this study, the effects of nutrient (N and P) deficiency and the importance of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) [eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)] to tropical cladocerans, growth and reproduction were determined in a growth bioassay.
2. The animals were fed N/P-sufficient, N-deficient and P-deficient algae, and also N and P-deficient algae supplemented with fish oil emulsions rich in EPA and DHA.
3. Cladocerans showed different responses to nutrient-deficient algae and also to supplements of fish oil emulsions. Moina micrura was most sensitive to P-deficient alga and, surprisingly, grew better and produced more eggs in N-deficient alga than in N/P sufficient alga. Ceriodaphnia cornuta was less sensitive, growing well in both N and P-deficient algae. This species, however, had a lower clutch size in N-deficient alga. On the other hand, Daphnia gessneri was the most sensitive to mineral limitation, showing decreased growth and clutch size in both nutrient-deficient algae.
4. The PUFA supplements to nutrient-deficient algae increased growth rates only for M. micrura and C. cornuta , suggesting that these fatty acids are important food requirements for these species.  相似文献   

Zooplankton abundance and transport in a tropical white-water river   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
Zooplankton abundance and transport were studied in the Apure River of western Venuzuela over a 15-month period. Much of the lower portion of the drainage basin, which is an extensive savanna of low relief, is subject to seasonal flooding. Although more than 50 zooplankton species were recorded during the study, nine rotifer species accounted for more than 90% of total density (mean, 138 individuals · L-1). Copepods were represented primarily by Mesocyclops decipiens. Most cladocerans were planktonic, but cladocerans were not abundant. Crustaceans comprised 46% of annual mean zooplankton biomass (1.9 gC·L-1) but only 2% of zooplankton numbers. The annual transport of zooplankton biomass from the watershed was 29 300 kgC. Zooplankton abundance showed a strong, inverse relationship to discharge. Secondary branches (caños) of the braided channel appeared to be the primary source areas, but populations of some species also reproduced in the main channel at low water. As the river began to rise, caños were flushed and thus abruptly ceased to serve as source areas. Zooplankton transport fell sharply and remained low until the river inundated the floodplain. Secondary production in the floodplain was exported to the river as long as a connection existed. After drainage ceased from the floodplain, transport fell to very low levels until caños again became suitable habitat. Seasonal fluctuations in river level regulate the development of source areas suitable for zooplankton growth and control the export of plankton from the source areas. Plankton in the running waters reproduce only at low water.  相似文献   

氮、磷对热带浅水湖泊惠州西湖蓝藻的控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周敏  刘正文 《生态科学》2012,31(2):115-120
湖泊富营养化常导致蓝藻生物量的增加,水质恶化.于2011年2月至12月对热带浅水湖泊惠州西湖六个湖区的蓝藻群落结构进行研究,以了解其时空变化特征及主要影响因素.结果表明,以沉水植物为优势的元妙观湖区与南南湖蓝藻无明显的优势种;平湖蓝藻优势种为银灰平裂藻(Merismopedia glauca)和湖丝藻(Limnothrix sp.),南丰湖、北丰湖和北南湖的主要优势种均为银灰平裂藻(Merismopedia glauca).平湖、南丰湖、北丰湖和北南湖蓝藻丰度及生物量存在显著的季节变化.相关分析显示惠州西湖夏季蓝藻生物量受氮、磷盐控制.冬季温度的影响,蓝藻生物量与氮、磷的相关性不显著.  相似文献   

Daily and annual production rates of eight cladoceran and two rotifer species, and their seasonal variation and trophic role in the large, turbid, tropical Lake Tana, Ethiopia, were assessed in 2003–2005. Laboratory cultures were used to infer cladoceran development times, and secondary production was estimated using the growth increment summation and recruitment methods. Production for both taxa was highest in October–November, after the rainy season, and lowest in January–April during the dry season. Cladocerans and rotifers comprised 24% of the metazoan zooplankton biomass of 45.1 mg DW m?3, but comprised 53% of its production. Daily production for cladocerans and rotifers, respectively, was 1.23 and 0.94 mg DW m?3 d?1, and annual production was 447.9 and 353.5 mg DW m?3 y?1. Energy transfer efficiency from producers to zooplankton was 1.3% and 4.4% from zooplankton to planktivores. Herbivores consumed 3.4% of primary production and planktivores 36% of zooplankton production. High biomass turnover rates of cladocerans and rotifers sustain planktivores and, after a month's delay, decomposed Microcystis provides their main food source during the pre- and post-rainy months in Lake Tana.  相似文献   

Rates of nitrogen and phosphorus release from individualDaphnia magna were determined by measuring ammonia and soluble reactive phosphorus in successive 10-min incubations in small (0.05 ml) vessels after the animals were removed from their food. Release rates of both nutrients were generally highest initially and decreased with time after removal. The ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus released increased with time after animals were removed from an artificial detritus/bacterial food; ratios were lower and changed with time less for animals fed algae. These data suggest errors may be introduced by assumptions of constant stoichiometry for nutrient release in varying environments.GLERL Contribution No. 268  相似文献   

  • 1 A series of field and laboratory experiments was performed to test the possible influence of food limitation on UVR tolerance in the calanoid copepod Diaptomusminutus.
  • 2 Food‐limited animals incubated at 0.5 m in a clear‐water lake for over three days showed no evidence for increased mortality compared to food‐replete animals when exposed to UVR.
  • 3 Animals exposed to artificial UVR in the laboratory showed high mortality. There was no evidence that feeding improved UVR tolerance.
  • 4 The results of these experiments show that UVR tolerance is not affected by a short‐term lack of energy or a lack of essential nutrients. However, effects of non‐nutritive dietary components such as carotenoids and mycosporine‐like amino acids cannot be excluded.

1. We examined the responses of two species of Daphnia to changes in food phosphorus (P) content, with animals reared at three different water temperatures. Specifically, we measured mass‐specific growth rate (MSGR), body P content and respiration rate of Daphnia magna and Daphnia pulex acclimatised to 10, 17.5 and 25 °C and fed food carbon : phosphorus (C : P) ratios of either 150 or 500. 2. The responses of these three physiological variables to temperature–food quality interactions were species‐specific. There was a significant interactive effect of temperature and food quality on D. magna, as the greatest proportional effect of food quality on growth was observed at 10 °C and reductions in body P because of low food P content were relatively greater at 25 °C. These effects may reflect the temperature dependence of mechanisms that reduce elemental constraints associated with food quality in D. magna. By contrast, there were no interactive effects between food quality and temperature on MSGR, body P or mass‐specific respiration of D. pulex. 3. It thus appears that temperature can alter food quality effects on Daphnia but the nature of these alterations depends upon the daphniid species and its thermal adaptability. Significant temperature–food quality interactions will complicate efforts to understand zooplankton nutrition in nature and warrant future consideration.  相似文献   

Length growth, instar durations, fecundity and mortality rates of fivespecies of microcrustacean zooplankton from a tropical reservoir weremeasured in relation to food quantity and temperature in laboratorycultures. Three cladocerans (Ceriodaphnia cornuta, Moina micrura,Diaphanosoma excisum), one calanoid copepod (Heliodiaptomus viduus), and onecyclopoid copepod (Mesocyclops thermocyclopoides) were studied. Filteredseston (45 µm mesh) from a local pond was used for food. Two foodconcentrations were employed: (1) 10 µg chlorophyll l–1(ca 0.25 mg Cl–1), and (2) 50 µg chlorophylll–1 (ca 1.25 mg C l–1). Food levels and watertemperature (22.5, 27.5, and 32.5 °C) used, roughly covered the rangesfound in the reservoir. Although all the three growth parameters were oftenaffected to some degree by temperature and food, the quantitative responseof the species differed. Also, the species reacted differently to the threepossible interactions (i.e. food×temperature,food×instar, andtemperature×instar). This contributed to the overalldifferences in the species responses. For the cladocerans, instar durationswere always affected by temperature. The food did not affect the durationtime of the adults and that of the combined juvenile instars, the latterexcept in one case significantly. For the two copepods food level affectedthe duration times of naupliar and copepodite instars, but the effect oftemperature was only significant for H. viduus. The development timesobserved for H. viduus were extraordinary long compared with values reportedin the literature for other tropical calanoids. This suggests that foodconditions in our culture were adversely affecting its growth rates.  相似文献   

1. The transition from carbon (C) to phosphorus (P) limited growth in Daphnia depends not only on the C : P ratio in seston, i.e. food quality, but also on food quantity. Carbon is commonly believed to be limiting at low food because of the energetic demands of basal metabolism. The critical C : P ratio in seston (otherwise known as the threshold elemental ratio, TER) above which P is limiting would then be high when food is scarce. 2. A new model that differentiates between the C : P requirements for growth and maintenance is presented that includes terms for both C and P in basal metabolism. At low food the calculated TERs for Daphnia of around 230 are only slightly higher than values of 200 or so at high intake. Seston C : P often exceeds 230, particularly in oligotrophic lakes where phytoplankton concentration is low and detritus dominates the diet, indicating the potential for limitation by P. 3. The analysis highlights the importance of P, as well as C, in maintenance metabolism and the overall metabolic budget, such that food quality is of importance even when intake is low. Further measurements of C and P metabolism at low food, in particular basal respiration and excretion rates, are needed in order to improve our understanding of the interacting roles of food quantity and quality in zooplankton nutrition.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine whether bacteria could be a substantial source of carbon for zooplankton and whether the grazing pressure of these metazoan filter-feeders could influence the fate of bacterial production. Eight grazing experiments using natural bacteria labelled with3H thymidine were conducted in a tropical pond (Ivory Coast) during various phases of biological colonization (rotifer-dominated and copepod-dominated phases of the colonization). Higher grazing and clearance rates were observed with rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis andHexarthra intermedia), while very low values were obtained when the cyclopoid copepodApocyclops panamensis was dominant. Less than 1% of the bacterial production was harvested when copepods were dominant, whileB. plicatilis consumed up to 36% of this production. However, this consumption of bacteria appeared to contribute only to an insignificant proportion of the daily carbon intake (e.g. 0.9 to 7.1% of body carbon for rotifers). The low contribution of bacteria in the nutrition of zooplankton is discussed in terms of their cell size and their relative abundance in the total amount of seston available.  相似文献   

This study examines the factors which contribute to the abundance of algal picoplankton in lakes. A three-year field study of a meso-eutrophic lake was compared with observations from oligotrophic and highly eutrophic lakes in the region. Trophic state alone (oligotrophic vs. eutrophic) was not a good predictor of the importance of picoplankton; smaller cells were relatively abundant when phosphorus was limiting other phytoplankters, but also when nitrogen was in surplus. Subsequent field experiments found that picoplankton growth was stimulated by N, but not by P additions. This relationship was strongly affected by light and grazer levels. Grazers apparently mediate the effects of nutrient deficiency, and favor the growth of larger algal size classes, especially nanoplankton. The flux of P within experimental enclosures was controlled by picoplankton abundance under low nutrient conditions, but was a function of total phytoplankton biomass under P surplus.  相似文献   

M. Viljanen 《Hydrobiologia》1983,101(1-2):129-138
With minor exceptions, cisco (C. albula) in Lake Suomunjärvi fed on cladocerans and copepods. The food habits were different among two size classes of fish. The composition of cisco diet changed at different depths and times of the day, but the distribution of zooplankton was usually very similar in each period irrespective of the depth or diel period. Daphnia, Bosmina, Cyclops scutifer and Heterocope appendiculata were the main diet of cisco. Calculations of fish electivity indices showed that cisco selected usually large species of cladocerans and copepods and a small cladoceran, Bosmina coregoni. Body-size selection was clear for Daphnia and Bosmina.  相似文献   

Production, biomass and productivity of the microcrustacean zooplanktonpopulations of three low-land reservoirs, Tissawewa (eutrophic), Ridiyagama(moderately eutrophic), and Muruthawela (mesotrophic) in South-east SriLanka were studied. The temporal variation of zooplankton production wasstudied in Tissawewa on basis of fortnightly sampling on five fixed samplingstations for 2 years. Zooplankton production was relatively high, mainlybecause of high copepod production predominantly realised due to twocalanoid copepods, Phyllodiaptomus annae and Heliodiaptomus viduus. Abouthalf of the copepod production was contributed by the naupliar instarstages, whereas the contribution of the eggs was generally much smaller(<20%). In contrast, the cladoceran production consisted for ca50–70% of egg production. The results of this study werecompared with those from more than twenty other tropical and subtropicalwaterbodies reported in the literature by deriving empirical relationshipsbetween mean phytoplankton biomass and mean zooplankton biomass andproduction. Mean zooplankton biomass and annual zooplankton production werefound to be positively related to mean phytoplankton biomass, and meanphytoplankton biomass proved to be a good predictor of mean zooplanktonbiomass (r2 = 0.58) and a moderate good predictor ofannual zooplankton production (r2 = 0.43). However,the relationships between the mean phytoplankton biomass and zooplankton P/Bwere not significant neither for small-bodied and large-bodied cladoceransnor for copepods.  相似文献   

Duncan  Annie 《Hydrobiologia》1989,(1):11-28
This review considers what is known about the effects of food limitation upon the life cycle characteristics of rotifers and planktonic cladocerans. The characteristics considered in rotifers are the size of eggs, juveniles and adults and the durations of the juvenile phase and period of egg production. In cladocerans, the life history features dealt with are their length-weight relationships, the body size, instar stage, age and fecundity of the primiparous female and their fecundity-adult size relationship. The influence of limiting food conditions is demonstrated for these characteristics by comparison with the situation in non-limiting circumstances; the comparison is confined to experiments where food concentrations are quantified. A direct comparison is made between rotifers and cladocerans in conditions of defined food resource availability in terms of their length-weight relationships, the daily allocation of adults or near-adults to growth and reproduction and their threshold food concentrations. These comparisons are discussed in relation to the following topics: the high cost of cumulated respiration resulting from prolongation of the juvenile phase of body growth; the fundamentally different nature of growth in the two taxonomic groups; the body size of species and the size that must be attained for reproduction; the ecological implications of the very different threshold food concentrations.  相似文献   

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