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This study reports the comparative molecular modeling, docking and dynamic simulations of human α9α10 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors complexed with acetylcholine, nicotine and α-conotoxin RgIA, using as templates the crystal structures of Aplysia californica and Lymnaea stagnalis acetylcholine binding proteins. The molecular dynamics simulations showed that Arg112 in the complementary α10(?) subunit, is a determinant for recognition in the site that binds small ligands. However, Glu195 in the principal α9(+), and Asp114 in the complementary α10(?) subunit, might confer the potency and selectivity to α-conotoxin RgIA when interacting with Arg7 and Arg9 of this ligand.  相似文献   

α-Synuclein (α-syn) is a 140-residue protein of unknown function, involved in several neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson's disease. Recently, the possible interaction between α-syn and polyunsaturated fatty acids has attracted a strong interest. Indeed, lipids are able to trigger the multimerization of the protein in vitro and in cultured cells. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is one of the main fatty acids (FAs) in cerebral gray matter and is dynamically released following phospholipid hydrolysis. Moreover, it has been found in high levels in brain areas containing α-syn inclusions in patients affected by Parkinson's disease. Debated and unsolved questions regard the nature of the molecular interaction between α-syn and DHA and the effect exerted by the protein on the aggregated state of the FA. Here, we show that α-syn is able to strongly interact with DHA and that a mutual effect on the structure of the protein and on the physical state of the lipid derives from this interaction. α-Syn acquires an α-helical conformation in a simple two-state transition. The binding of the protein to the FA leads to a reduction of the size of the spontaneously formed aggregated species of DHA as well as of the critical aggregate concentration of the lipid. Specifically, biophysical methods and electron microscopy observations indicated that the FA forms oil droplets in the presence of α-syn. Limited proteolysis experiments showed that, when the protein is bound to the FA oil droplets, it is initially cleaved in the 89-102 region, suggesting that this chain segment is sufficiently flexible or unfolded to be protease-sensitive. Subsequent proteolytic events produce fragments corresponding to the first 70-80 residues that remain structured and show high affinity for the lipid. The fact that a region of the polypeptide chain remains accessible to proteases, when interacting with the lipid, suggests that this region could be involved in other interactions, justifying the ambivalent propensity of α-syn towards folding or aggregation in the presence of FAs.  相似文献   

Glycerol-plasticized pea starch/α-zirconium phosphate (PS/ZrP) nanocomposite films with different loading levels of α-zirconium phosphate (α-ZrP) were prepared by a casting and solvent evaporation method. The effects of the α-ZrP on the structure and properties of the PS/ZrP films were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, wide-angle X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and tensile testing. The results indicated that hydrogen bonds formed between pea starch (PS) and α-ZrP, which improved the compatibility between PS and α-ZrP. Compared with the neat PS, the tensile strength (σb) and elongation at break (εb) of the PS/ZrP nanocomposite films were significantly enhanced with an increase in α-ZrP content. The maximum values of σb and εb reached 9.44 MPa and 47.5%, respectively, at 0.3% α-ZrP and 25% glycerol as plasticizer. The moisture uptake of the nanocomposite films, measured in an environment with 92% relative humidity, was reduced by the addition of α-ZrP. The structure and properties of pea starch-based films were modified and improved by the incorporation of α-ZrP.  相似文献   

Tricyclic dyes with different mesoatoms such as xanthenes (fluorescein, eosin) anthracenes and acridines (proflavine) approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in foods, pharmaceuticals and cosmetic preparations interact with DNA, and some of them do so through intercalation. Hyperchem 7.5, Spartan 04, Yasara 10.5.14 program packages and molecular modeling, molecular mechanics and dynamics techniques with the oligonucleotides d(CCGGCGCCGG)2 and d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2 were utilized in order to examine the mode of binding to DNA of a range of tricyclic carboxamides bearing N,N-dimethylaminoethyl side chain, i.e., 9-amino-DACA, anthracene, acridine-1-carboxamide, acridine-4-carboxamide (DACA), azacridine, phenazine, pyridoquinoxaline, oxopyridoquinoxaline, phenoxazine and xanthenone or N,N-dimethylaminobutyl moiety, i.e., phenazine and acridine. The bicyclic quinoline-8-carboxamide was also examined for comparison reasons. On the basis of our data, prerequisite for the interaction between protonated N,N-dimethylaminoethyl moiety and guanine is the formation of only one internal hydrogen bond between carboxamide and peri NH + in the case of 9-amino-DACA or peri N in the cases of DACA, azacridine, phenazine and pyridoquinoxaline. The presence of an additional internal hydrogen bond between oxygen carboxamide and protonated N,N-dimethylamino group in the cases of tricyclic systems bearing peri NH (phenoxazine) or O (xanthenone) group, prevents the interaction between side chain and guanine. Also, the formation of one internal hydrogen bond between oxygen carboxamide and protonated N,N-dimethylamino group inhibits the interaction between side chain and guanine in the case of acridine-1-carboxamide. Our findings are in accordance with previously reported results obtained from the kinetic studies of the binding of acridine and related tricyclic carboxamides to DNA.  相似文献   

αA-crystallin and αB-crystallin are members of the small heat shock protein family and function as molecular chaperones and major lens structural proteins. Although numerous studies have examined their chaperone-like activities in vitro, little is known about the proteins they protect in vivo. To elucidate the relationships between chaperone function, substrate binding, and human cataract formation, we used proteomic and mass spectrometric methods to analyze the effect of mutations associated with hereditary human cataract formation on protein abundance in αA-R49C and αB-R120G knock-in mutant lenses. Compared with age-matched wild type lenses, 2-day-old αA-R49C heterozygous lenses demonstrated the following: increased crosslinking (15-fold) and degradation (2.6-fold) of αA-crystallin; increased association between αA-crystallin and filensin, actin, or creatine kinase B; increased acidification of βB1-crystallin; increased levels of grifin; and an association between βA3/A1-crystallin and αA-crystallin. Homozygous αA-R49C mutant lenses exhibited increased associations between αA-crystallin and βB3-, βA4-, βA2-crystallins, and grifin, whereas levels of βB1-crystallin, gelsolin, and calpain 3 decreased. The amount of degraded glutamate dehydrogenase, α-enolase, and cytochrome c increased more than 50-fold in homozygous αA-R49C mutant lenses. In αB-R120G mouse lenses, our analyses identified decreased abundance of phosphoglycerate mutase, several β- and γ-crystallins, and degradation of αA- and αB-crystallin early in cataract development. Changes in the abundance of hemoglobin and histones with the loss of normal α-crystallin chaperone function suggest that these proteins also play important roles in the biochemical mechanisms of hereditary cataracts. Together, these studies offer a novel insight into the putative in vivo substrates of αA- and αB-crystallin.  相似文献   

Topographic studies of crystalline fractions from different morphological layers of the young adult bovine lens were conducted. Crystallin profiles were obtained for each lens layer, using thin-layer isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gel (IEF). Water soluble (WS) crystallins from the lens equator revealed a separation into HM (high molecular weight) L-, H-, L-, S-, and -crystallins. The nature of the water insoluble (WI) protein fraction in the separated lens layers reflected the aggregated state of L-, L-, S-, and -crystallins in different regions of the lens, concealed in the central cavity of the -crystallin chaperone model. The IEF data demonstrate a possible chaperone-like function for -crystallin in the nucleus and inner cortex of the lens, but not in the outer cortex. The water binding properties of bovine lens -crystallin, calf skin collagen, and bovine serum albumin (BSA) were investigated with various techniques. The water adsorptive capacity was obtained in high vacuum desorption experiments volumetrically, and also gravimetrically in controlled atmosphere experiments. The NMR spin–-echo technique was used to study the hydration of protein samples and to determine the spin–-spin relaxation times (T2) from the protons of water adsorbed on the proteins. Isolated bovine lenses were sectioned into 11-12 morphological layers (from anterior cortex through nucleus to posterior cortex). The water content in relation to dry weight of proteins was measured in individual morphological lens layers. During water vapor uptake at relative humidity P/P0 = 0.75, -crystallin did not adsorb water suggesting that hydrophobic regions of the protein are exposed to the aqueous solvent. At relative humidity P/P0 = 1.0, the adsorption of water by -crystallin was 17% with a single component decay character of spin echo (T2 = 3 msec). Addition of water to -crystallin to about 50% of its weight/weight in the protein sample showed T2 = 8 msec with only one single component decay of the spin–-echo signal. The single component decay character of the spin echo indicates water tightly bound by -crystallin. Under a relative humidity P/P0 = 1.0, collagen and BSA adsorbed, correspondingly, 19.3 and 28% of water and showed a two-component decay curve with T2 about 5 and 40 msec. The findings demonstrate the presence of two water fractions in collagen and BSA which are separated in space. The IEF data suggest a tight binding of water with -crystallin with similar distribution patterns in the lens layers. To conclude, it was found that -crystallin can immobilize water to a greater extent than other proteins such as collagen and BSA. These results shed new light on structural properties of -crystallin and its superhydration properties and have important implications for understanding the mechanism of the chaperone-like action of this protein in the lens and non-ocular tissues.  相似文献   

α-Synuclein is an abundant highly charged protein that is normally predominantly localized around synaptic vesicles in presynaptic terminals. Although the function of this protein is still ill-defined, genetic studies have demonstrated that point mutations or genetic alteration (duplications or triplications) that increase the number of copies of the α-synuclein (SCNA) gene can cause Parkinson's disease or the related disorder dementia with Lewy bodies. α-Synuclein can aberrantly polymerize into fibrils with typical amyloid properties, and these fibrils are the major component of many types of pathological inclusions, including Lewy bodies, which are associated with neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's disease. Although there is substantial evidence supporting the toxic nature of α-synuclein inclusions, other modes of toxicity such as oligomers have been proposed. In this review, some of the evidence for the different mechanisms of α-synuclein toxicity is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The severe dystroglycanopathy known as a form of limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD2P) is an autosomal recessive disease caused by the point mutation T192M in α-dystroglycan. Functional expression analysis in vitro and in vivo indicated that the mutation was responsible for a decrease in posttranslational glycosylation of dystroglycan, eventually interfering with its extracellular-matrix receptor function and laminin binding in skeletal muscle and brain. The X-ray crystal structure of the missense variant T190M of the murine N-terminal domain of α-dystroglycan (50-313) has been determined, and showed an overall topology (Ig-like domain followed by a basket-shaped domain reminiscent of the small subunit ribosomal protein S6) very similar to that of the wild-type structure. The crystallographic analysis revealed a change of the conformation assumed by the highly flexible loop encompassing residues 159–180. Moreover, a solvent shell reorganization around Met190 affects the interaction between the B1–B5 anti-parallel strands forming part of the floor of the basket-shaped domain, with likely repercussions on the folding stability of the protein domain(s) and on the overall molecular flexibility. Chemical denaturation and limited proteolysis experiments point to a decreased stability of the T190M variant with respect to its wild-type counterpart. This mutation may render the entire L-shaped protein architecture less flexible. The overall reduced flexibility and stability may affect the functional properties of α-dystroglycan via negatively influencing its binding behavior to factors needed for dystroglycan maturation, and may lay the molecular basis of the T190M-driven primary dystroglycanopathy.  相似文献   

Plants must continually balance the influx of CO2 for photosynthesis against the loss of water vapor through stomatal pores in their leaves. This balance can be achieved by controlling the aperture of the stomatal pores in response to several environmental stimuli. Elevation in atmospheric [CO2] induces stomatal closure and further impacts leaf temperatures, plant growth and water-use efficiency, and global crop productivity. Here, we review recent advances in understanding CO2-perception mechanisms and CO2-mediated signal transduction in the regulation of stomatal movements, and we explore how these mechanisms are integrated with other signaling pathways in guard cells.  相似文献   

The human β2-adrenergic receptor (β2AR), a member of the G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) family, is expressed in bronchial smooth muscle cells. Upon activation by agonists, β2AR causes bronchodilation and relief in asthma patients. The N-terminal polymorphism of β2AR at the 16th position, Arg16Gly, has warranted a lot of attention since it is linked to variations in response to albuterol (agonist) treatment. Although the β2AR is one of the well-studied GPCRs, the N-terminus which harbors this mutation, is absent in all available experimental structures. The goal of this work was to study the molecular level differences between the N-terminal variants using structural modeling and atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. Our simulations reveal that the N-terminal region of the Arg variant shows greater dynamics than the Gly variant, leading to differential placement. Further, the position and dynamics of the N-terminal region, further, affects the ligand binding-site accessibility. Interestingly, long-range effects are also seen at the ligand binding site, which is marginally larger in the Gly as compared to the Arg variant resulting in the preferential docking of albuterol to the Gly variant. This study thus reveals key differences between the variants providing a molecular framework towards understanding the variable drug response in asthma patients.  相似文献   

Cultivated varieties of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) contain an α-amylase inhibitor (αAI-1) that inhibits porcine pancreatic α-amylase (PPA; EC and the amylases of certain seed weevils, but not that of the Mexican bean weevil, Zabrotes subfasciatus. A variant of αAI-1, called αAI-2, is found in certain arcelin-containing wild accessions of the common bean. The variant αAI-2 inhibits Z. subfasciatus α-amylase (ZSA), but not PPA. We purified αAI-2 and studied its interaction with ZSA. The formation of the αAI-2-ZSA complex is time-dependent and occurs maximally at pH 5.0 or below. When a previously isolated cDNA assumed to encode αAI-2 was expressed in transgenic tobacco seeds, the seeds contained inhibitory activity toward ZSA but not toward PPA, confirming that the cDNA encodes αAI-2. The inhibitors αAI-1 and αAI-2 share 78% sequence identity at the amino acid level and they differ in an important region that is part of the site where the enzyme binds the inhibitor. The swap of a tripeptide in this region was not sufficient to change the specificity of the two inhibitors towards their respective enzymes. The three-dimensional structure of the αAI-1/PPA complex has just been solved and we recently obtained the derived amino acid sequence of ZSA. This additional information allows us to discuss the results described here in the framework of the amino acid residues of both proteins involved in the formation of the enzyme-inhibitor complex and to pinpoint the amino acids responsible for the specificity of the interaction. Received: 14 April 1997 / Accepted: 10 May 1997  相似文献   


The vast number of proteins that sustain the currently living organisms have been generated from a relatively small number of ancestral genes that has involved a variety of processes. Lysozyme is an ancient protein whose origin goes back an estimated 400 to 600 million years. This protein was originally a bacteriolytic defensive agent and has been adapted to serve a digestive function on at least two occasions, separated by nearly 40 million years. The origins of the related goose type and T4 phage lysozyme that are distinct from the more common C type are obscure. They share no discernable amino acid sequence identity and yet they possess common secondary and tertiary structures. Lysozyme C gene also gave rise, after gene duplication 300 to 400 million years ago, to a gene that currently codes for α-lactalbumin, a protein expressed only in the lactating mammary gland of all but a few species of mammals. It is required for the synthesis of lactose, the sugar secreted in milk. α-Lactalbumin shares only 40% identity in amino acid sequence with lysozyme C, but it has a closer spatial structure and gene organization. Although structurally similar, functionally they are quite distinct. Specific amino acid substitutions in α-lactalbumin account for the loss of the enzyme activity of lysozyme and the acquisition of the features necessary for its role in lactose synthesis. Evolutionary implications are as yet unclear but are being unraveled in many laboratories.  相似文献   

In all organisms, the large ribosomal subunit contains multiple copies of a flexible protein, the so-called ‘stalk’. The C-terminal domain (CTD) of the stalk interacts directly with the translational GTPase factors, and this interaction is required for factor-dependent activity on the ribosome. Here we have determined the structure of a complex of the CTD of the archaeal stalk protein aP1 and the GDP-bound archaeal elongation factor aEF1α at 2.3 Å resolution. The structure showed that the CTD of aP1 formed a long extended α-helix, which bound to a cleft between domains 1 and 3 of aEF1α, and bridged these domains. This binding between the CTD of aP1 and the aEF1α•GDP complex was formed mainly by hydrophobic interactions. The docking analysis showed that the CTD of aP1 can bind to aEF1α•GDP located on the ribosome. An additional biochemical assay demonstrated that the CTD of aP1 also bound to the aEF1α•GTP•aminoacyl-tRNA complex. These results suggest that the CTD of aP1 interacts with aEF1α at various stages in translation. Furthermore, phylogenetic perspectives and functional analyses suggested that the eukaryotic stalk protein also interacts directly with domains 1 and 3 of eEF1α, in a manner similar to the interaction of archaeal aP1 with aEF1α.  相似文献   

To evaluate the allelic frequency and genetic diversity of α-thalassemia defects in Sicily, both epidemiological and patient-oriented studies were carried out. For the epidemiological study, phenotypic data were collected on more than 1000 Sicilian individuals. Among them, 427 were explored at the molecular level for nine α-thalassemic variants known to be common in the Mediterranean region. Our data reveal an allele frequency of 4.1% for α+-thalassemia matching that of β-thalassemia in this region. The presence of α°-thalassemia (––MEDI and ––CAL) was observed only in the group of referred patients. Newly acquired nucleotide sequence data on the deletional breakpoint of ––CAL allowed us to design a simple PCR-based procedure for exploring this allele. The data also provide additional information concerning the genetic mechanisms involved in such large deletions. Received: 8 August 1996 / Revised: 16 October 1996  相似文献   

Sugar beet α-glucosidase (SBG), a member of glycoside hydrolase family 31, shows exceptional long-chain specificity, exhibiting higher kcat/Km values for longer malto-oligosaccharides. However, its amino acid sequence is similar to those of other short chain-specific α-glucosidases. To gain structural insights into the long-chain substrate recognition of SBG, a crystal structure complex with the pseudotetrasaccharide acarbose was determined at 1.7 Å resolution. The active site pocket of SBG is formed by a (β/α)8 barrel domain and a long loop (N-loop) bulging from the N-terminal domain similar to other related enzymes. Two residues (Phe-236 and Asn-237) in the N-loop are important for the long-chain specificity. Kinetic analysis of an Asn-237 mutant enzyme and a previous study of a Phe-236 mutant enzyme demonstrated that these residues create subsites +2 and +3. The structure also indicates that Phe-236 and Asn-237 guide the reducing end of long substrates to subdomain b2, which is an additional element inserted into the (β/α)8 barrel domain. Subdomain b2 of SBG includes Ser-497, which was identified as the residue at subsite +4 by site-directed mutagenesis.  相似文献   

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