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Summary The Ehrlich tumor cell possesses and anion-cation cotransport system which operates as a bidirectional exchanger during the physiological steady state. This cotransport system, like that associated with the volume regulatory mechanism (i.e. coupled net uptake of Cl+Na+ and/or K+) is Cl-selective and furosemide-sensitive, suggesting the same mechanism operating in two different modes. Since Na+ has an important function in the volume regulatory response, its role in steady-state cotransport was investigated. In the absence of Na+, ouabain-insensitive K+ and DIDS-insensitive Cl transport (KCl cotransport) are low and equivalent to that found in 150mm Na+ medium containing furosemide. Increasing the [Na+] results in parallel increases in K+ and Cl transport. The maximum rate of each (18 to 20 meq/(kg dry wt)·min) is reached at about 20mm Na+ and is maintained up to 55mm. Thus, over the range 1 to 55mm Na+ the stoichiometry of KCl cotransport is 11. In contrast to K+ and Cl, furosemide-sensitive Na+ transport is undetectable until the [Na+] exceeds 50mm. From 50 to 150mm Na+, it progressively rises to 7 meq/(kg dry wt)·min, while K+ and Cl transport decrease to 9 and 16 meq/(kg dry wt)·min, respectively. Thus, at 150mm Na+ the stoichiometric relationship between Cl, Na+ and K+ is 211. These results are consistent with the proposal that the Cl-dependent cation cotransport system when operating during the steady state mediates the exchange of KCl for KCl or NaCl for NaCl; the relative proportion of each determined by the extracellular [Na+].  相似文献   

Summary Residual, i.e., (ouabain, bumetanide, and EGTA)-insensitive K+ and Na+ influxes as well as effluxes of human red blood cells are enhanced in isotonic solutions of low (Na-Cl+KCl) concentration using sucrose to maintain constant osmolarity. Various carrier models were tested to fit the experimental data of these fluxes simultaneously. The residual K+ and Na+ fluxes can be described on the basis of a carrier mechanism of competing substrates with modifier sites.  相似文献   

Summary The role of transmembrane pH gradients on the ouabain, bumetanide and phloretin-resistant Na+ transport was studied in human red cells. Proton equilibration through the Jacobs-Stewart cycle was inhibited by the use of DIDS (125 m) and methazolamide (400 m). Red cells with different internal pH (pH i =6.4, 7.0 and 7.8) were prepared and Na+ influx was measured at different external pH (pH o =6.0, 7.0, 8.0). Na+ influx into acid-loaded cells (pH i =6.4) markedly increased when pH o was raised from 6.0 to 8.0. Amiloride, a well-known inhibitor of Na+/H+ exchange systems blocked about 60% of the H+-induced Na+ entry, while showing small inhibitory effects in the absence of pH gradients. When pH0 was kept at 8.0, the amiloride-sensitive Na+ entry was abolished as pH i was increased from 6.4 to 7.8. Moreover, measurements of H+ efflux into lightly buffered media indicated that the imposition of an inward Na+ gradient stimulated a net H+ efflux which was sensitive to the amiloride analog 5-N-methyl-N-butyl-amiloride. Furthermore, in the absence of a chemical gradient for Na+ (Na i + =Na 0 + =15mm,Em=+6.7 mV), an outward H+ gradient (pH i =6.4, pH0=8.0) promoted a net amiloride-sensitive Na+ uptake which was abolished at an external pH of 6.0. These findings are consistent with the presence of an amiloride-sensitive Na+/H+ exchange system in human red cells.  相似文献   

(i) Effects of veratridine on ionic conductances of human peripheral blood T lymphocytes have been investigated using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique, (ii) Veratridine reduces the net outward current evoked by membrane depolarizations. The reduction originates from block of a 4-aminopyridine-sensitive, voltage-gated K+ current, (iii) Human T lymphocytes do not appear to express voltage-gated Na+ channels, since inward currents are observed neither in control nor in veratridine- and bretylium-exposed lymphocytes. (iv) The effect of veratridine consists of an increase in the rate of decay of the voltage-gated K+ current and a reduction of the peak current amplitude. Both effects depend on veratridine concentration. Halfmaximum block occurs at 97 m and the time constant of decay is reduced by 50% at 54 m of veratridine. (v) Possible mechanisms of veratridine action are discussed. The increased rate of K+ current decay is most likely due to open channel block. The decrease of current amplitude may involve an additional mechanism. (vi) In cultured mouse neuroblastoma N1E-115 cells, veratridine blocks a component of voltage-gated K+ current, in addition to its effect on voltage-gated Na+ current. This result shows that the novel effect of veratridine is not confined to lymphocytes.We thank Jacobien Künzel of the Wilhelmina Hospital for Children, Utrecht, for providing the blood samples and Aart de Groot for technical assistance. The research was supported by a fellowship of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences to M. Oortgiesen.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of cAMP, ATP and GTP on the Ca2+-dependent K+ channel of fresh (1–2 days) or cold-stored (28–36 days) human red cells were studied using atomic absorption flame photometry of Ca2+-EGTA loaded ghosts which had been resealed to monovalent cations in dextran solutions. When high-K+ ghosts were incubated in an isotonic Na+ medium, the rate constant of Ca2+-dependent K+ efflux was reduced by a half on increasing the theophylline concentration to 40mm. This effect was observed in ghosts from both fresh and stored cells, but only if they were previously loaded with ATP. The inhibition was more marked when Mg2+ was added together with ATP, and it was abolished by raising free Ca2+ to the micromolar level. Like theophylline, isobutyl methylxanthine (10mm) also affected K+ efflux. cAMP (0.2–0.5mm), added both internally and externally (as free salt, dibutyryl or bromide derivatives), had no significant effect on K+ loss when the ghost free-Ca2+ level was below 1 m, but it was slightly inhibitory at higher concentrations. The combined presence of cAMP (0.2mm) plus either theophylline (10mm), or isobutyl methylxanthine (0.5mm), was more effective than cAMP alone. This inhibition showed a strict requirement for ATP plus Mg2+ and it, was not overcome by raising internal Ca2+. Ghosts from stored cells seemed more sensitive than those from fresh cells, to the combined action of cAMP and methylxanthines. Loading ATP into ghosts from fresh or stored cells markedly decreased K+ loss. Although this effect was observed in the absence of added Mg2+ (0.5mm EDTA present), it was potentiated upon adding 2mm Mg2+. The K+ efflux from ATP-loaded ghosts was not altered by dithio-bis-nitrobenzoic acid (10mm) or acridine orange (100 m), while it was increased two-to fourfold by incubating with MgF2 (10mm), or MgF2 (10mm)+theophylline (40mm), respectively. By contrast, a marked efflux reduction was obtained by incorporating 0.5mm GTP into ATP-containing ghosts. The degree of phosphorylation obtained by incubating membranes with (-32P)ATP under various conditions affecting K+ channel activity, was in direct correspondence to their effect on K+ efflux. The results suggest that the K+ channel of red cells is under complex metabolic control, via cAMP-mediated and nonmediated mechanisms, some which require ATP and presumably, involve phosphorylation of the channel proteins.  相似文献   

Summary To study the possible role of intracellular Ca (Ca i ) in controlling the activities of the Na+–K+ pump, the Na+–K+ cotransport and the Na+/Li+ exchange system of human erythrocytes, a method was developed to measure the amount of Ca embodied within the red cell. For complete removal of Ca associated with the outer aspect of the membrane, it proved to be essential to wash the cells in buffers containing less than 20nm Ca. Ca was extracted by HClO4 in Teflon® vessels boiled in acid to avoid Ca contaminations and quantitated by flameless atomic absorption. Ca i of fresh human erythrocytes of apparently healthy donors ranged between 0.9 and 2.8 mol/liter cells. The mean value found in females was significantly higher than in males. The interindividual different Ca contents remained constant over periods of more than one year. Sixty to 90% of Ca i could be removed by incubation of the cells with A23187 and EGTA. The activities of the Na+–K+ pump, of Na+–K+ cotransport and Na+/Li+ exchange and the mean cellular hemoglobin content fell with rising Ca i ; the red cell Na+ and K+ contents rose with Ca i . Ca depletion by A23187 plus EGTA as well as chelation of intracellular Ca2+ by quin-2 did not significantly enhance the transport rates. It is concluded that the large scatter of the values of Ca i of normal human erythrocytes reported in the literature mainly results from a widely differing removal of Ca associated with the outer aspect of the membrane.  相似文献   

Summary We have investigated the kinetic properties of the human red blood cell Na+/H+ exchanger to provide a tool to study the role of genetic, hormonal and environmental factors in its expression as well as its functional properties in several clinical conditions. The present study reports its stoichiometry and the kinetic effects of internal H+ (H i ) and external Na+ (Na o ) in red blood cells of normal subjects.Red blood cells with different cell Na+ (Na i ) and pH (pH i ) were prepared by nystatin and DIDS treatment of acid-loaded cells. Unidirectional and net Na+ influx were measured by varying pH i (from 5.7 to 7.4), external pH (pH o ), Na i and Na o and by incubating the cells in media containing ouabain, bumetanide and methazolamide. Net Na+ influx (Na i <2.0 mmol/liter cell, Na o = 150mm) increased sigmoidally (Hill coefficient 2.5) when pH i fell below 7.0 and the external pH o was 8.0, but increased linearly at pH o 6.0. The net Na+ influx driven by an outward H+ gradient was estimated from the difference of Na+ influx at the two pH o levels (pH o 8 and pH o 6). The H+-driven Na+ influx reached saturation between pH i 5.9 and 6.1. TheV max had a wide interindividual variation (6 to 63 mmol/liter cell · hr, 31.0±3, mean±sem,n=20). TheK m for H i to activate H+-driven Na+ influx was 347±30nm (n=7). Amiloride (1mm) or DMA (20 m) partially (59±10%) inhibited red cell Na+/H+ exchange. The stoichiometric ratio between H+-driven Na+ influx and Na+-driven H+ efflux was 11. The dependence of Na+ influx from Na o was studied at pH i 6.0, and Na i lower than 2 mmol/liter cell at pH o 6.0 and 8.0. The meanK m for Na o of the H+-gradient-driven Na+ influx was 55±7mm.An increase in Na i from 2 to 20 mmol/liter cell did not change significantly H+-driven net Na+ influx as estimated from the difference between unidirectional22Na influx and efflux. Na+/Na+ exchange was negligible in acid-loaded, DIDS-treated cells. Na+ and H+ efflux from acid-loaded cells were inhibited by amiloride analogs in the absence of external Na+ indicating that they may represent nonspecific effects of these compounds and/or uncoupled transport modes of the Na+/H+ exchanger.It is concluded that human red cell Na+/H+ exchange performs 11 exchange of external Na+ for internal protons, which is partially amiloride sensitive. Its kinetic dependence from internal H+ and external Na+ is similar to other cells, but it displays a larger variability in theV max between individuals.  相似文献   

Summary To identify ion transport systems involved in the maintenance of vascular smooth muscle cell volume the effects of incubation medium osmolality and ion transport inhibitors on the volume and 86Rb and 22Na transport in cultured smooth muscle cells from rat aorta (VSMC) have been studied. A decrease of medium osmolality from 605 to 180 mosm increased intracellular water volume from 0.6 to 1.3 l per 106 cells. Under isosmotic conditions, cell volume was decreased by ouabain (by 10%, P< 0.005) but was not influenced by bumetanide, furosemide, EIPA and quinidine. These latter compounds were also ineffective in cell volume regulation under hypotonic buffer conditions. Under hyperosmotic conditions, cell volume was decreased by bumetanide (by 7%, P<0.05) and by ethylisopropyl amiloride (by 13%, P< 0.005). Ouabain-sensitive 86Rb influx was decreased by 30–40% under hypoosmotic conditions. An increase in medium osmolality from 275 to 410 mosm resulted in an eightfold increase in bumetanide-inhibited 86Rb influx and 86Rb efflux. The (ouabain and bumetanide)-insensitive component of 86Rb influx was not dependent on the osmolality of the incubation medium. However (ouabain and bumetanide)-insensitive 86Rb efflux was increased by 1.5–2 fold in VSMC incubated in hypotonic medium. Ethylisopropyl amiloride-inhibited 22Na influx was increased by sixfold following osmotic-shrinkage of VSMC. The data show that both Na+/H+ exchange and Na+/K+/2Cl cotransport may play a major role in the regulatory volume increase in VSMC. Basal and shrinkage-induced activities of Na+/K+/2Cl cotransport in VSMC were similarly sensitive to inhibition by either staurosporin, forskolin, R24571 or 2-nitro4-carboxyphenyl N,N-diphenylcarbomate (NCDC). In contrast basal and shrinkage-induced Na+/K+/2Cl cotransport were differentially inhibited by NaF (by 30 and 65%, respectively), suggesting an involvement of guanine nucleotide binding proteins in the volume-sensitive activity of this carrier. Neither staurosporin, forskolin, R24571 nor NCDC influenced shrinkage-induced Na+/H+ exchange activity. NaF increased Na+/H+ exchanger activity under both isosmotic and hyperosmotic conditions. These data demonstrate that different intracellular signalling mechanisms are involved in the volume-dependent activation of the Na+/K+/2Cl cotransporter and the Na+/H+ exchanger.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Swiss National Foundation, grant No. 3.817.087. Bernadette Weber is thanked for preparing the figures.  相似文献   

In carp erythrocytes, noradrenaline (10-6 mol·l-1) induces a 30- to 40-fold activation of Na+/H+ exchange (the ethylisopropylamiloride-inhibited component of the 22Na influx) and a fourfold stimulation of the Na+, K+ pump (ouabain-inhibited component of 86Rb influx). In both cases the effect of noradrenaline is blocked by propranolol but not phentolamine and is imitated by forskolin. An activator of protein kinase C (-phorbol 12-myristate, 13-acetate) increases Na+/H+ exchange by 10 times and decreases the Na+, K+ pump activity by 20–30 percent. In the presence of ethylisopropylamiloride the increment of the Na+, K+ pump activity induced by noradrenaline is reduced by 35–45 percent, indicating the existence of a Na+/H+ exchange-independent mechanism of the Na+, K+ pump regulation by -adrenergic catecholamines. Hypertonic shrinkage of carp erythrocytes results in a 40- to 80-fold activation of Na+/H+ exchange, whereas hypotonic swelling induces an increase in the rate of 86Rb+ efflux which is inhibited by furosemide by about 30–40 percent. The rate of pH0 recovery in response to acidification or alkalinization in rat erythrocytes is approximately 15 times as fast as in carp erythrocytes. Unlike in rat erythrocytes, valinomycin does not cause an alkalinization of incubation medium in carp erythrocytes indicating the absence of conductive pathway in the operation of anion transporter protein. A scheme is suggested which describes the interrelation of Na+/H+ exchange, Na+, K+ pump and a non-identified system providing for K+ efflux in cell swelling, regulation of cell volume and cytoplasmic pH in fish erythrocytes under conditions of deep hypoxia and high activity.Abbreviations cAMP cyclic adenosine monophosphate - CCCP carbonylcyamide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - DMSO dimethylsulphoxide - EIPA ethylisopropylamiloride - NA noradrenaline - PMA -phorbol 12-myristate, 13-acetate - RVD regulatory volume decrease - RVI regulatory volume increase  相似文献   

Summary To study the physiological role of the bidirectionally operating, furosemide-sensitive Na+/K+ transport system of human erythrocytes, the effect of furosemide on red cell cation and hemoglobin content was determined in cells incubated for 24 hr with ouabain in 145mm NaCl media containing 0 to 10mm K+ or Rb+. In pure Na+ media, furosemide accelerated cell Na+ gain and retarded cellular K+ loss. External K+ (5mm) had an effect similar to furosemide and markedly reduced the action of the drug on cellular cation content. External Rb+ accelerated the Na+ gain like K+, but did not affect the K+ retention induced by furosemide. The data are interpreted to indicate that the furosemide-sensitive Na+/K+ transport system of human erythrocytes mediates an equimolar extrusion of Na+ and K+ in Na+ media (Na+/K+ cotransport), a 1:1 K+/K+ (K+/Rb+) and Na+/Na+ exchange progressively appearing upon increasing external K+ (Rb+) concentrations to 5mm. The effect of furosemide (or external K+/Rb+) on cation contents was associated with a prevention of the cell shrinkage seen in pure Na+ media, or with a cell swelling, indicating that the furosemide-sensitive Na+/K+ transport system is involved in the control of cell volume of human erythrocytes. The action of furosemide on cellular volume and cation content tended to disappear at 5mm external K+ or Rb+. Thein vivo red cell K+ content was negatively correlated to the rate of furosemide-sensitive K+ (Rb+) uptake, and a positive correlation was seen between mean cellular hemoglobin content and furosemide-sensitive transport activity. The transport system possibly functions as a K+ and waterextruding mechanism under physiological conditiosin vivo. The red cell Na+ content showed no correlation to the activity of the furosemide-sensitive transport system.  相似文献   

Vesicles have been prepared from Ehrlich cells by using a method based on the early experiments of Forte et al. (Forte, J.G., Forte, T.M. and Heinz, E. (1973) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 298, 827–841) with some minor modifications, using the filter technique. From electron micrographs and from the sensitivity of these vesicles towards osmotic pressure changes in the medium induced by (nonpermeant) sucrose, it is concluded that the vesicles are closed. The counterflow phenomenon with glycine and Na+-linked cotransport of glycine appears to indicate that these vesicles are still functioning. The observation of the overshoot phenomenon interpreted in terms of theoretical predictions confirms that the active accumulation of glycine is energized by the Na+ electrochemical potential gradient. In particular, the contribution of the electrical components of these gradients is evidenced by the effects of the anion of the added sodium salt or of the addition of valinomycin. In contrast to observations by others, we found that ouabain does not directly affect Na+-linked cotransport of glycine whereas HgCl2 does so. Nor could any significant overshoot be demonstrated in the absence of an Na gradient. Since these vesicles were not metabolically active, these experiments do not exclude the possibility that in intact cells glycine is in addition transported primarily or partially actively.  相似文献   

The K+ permeabilities (86Rb(K) transport) of the basolateral membranes (JbK) of a renal cell line (A6) were compared under isosmotic and hypo-osmotic conditions (serosal side) to identify the various components involved in cell volume regulation.Changing the serosal solution to a hypo-osmotic one (165 mOsm) induced a fast transient increase in Ca i (max <1 min) and cell swelling (max at 3–5 min) followed by a regulatory volume decrease (5–30 min) and rise in the SCC (stabilization at 30 min). In isosmotic conditions (247 mOsm), the 86Rb(K) transport and the SCC were partially blocked by Ba2+, quinidine, TEA and glibenclamide, the latter being the least effective. Changing the osmolarity from isosmotic to hypo-osmotic resulted in an immediate (within the first 3–6 min) stimulation of the 86Rb(K) transport followed by a progressive decline to a stable value higher than that found in isosmotic conditions. A serosal Ca2+-free media or quinidine addition did not affect the initial osmotic stimulation of JbK but prevented its secondary regulation, whereas TEA, glibenclamide and DIDS completely blocked the initial JbK increase. Under hypo-osmotic conditions, the initial JbK increase was enhanced by the presence of 1 mm of barium and delayed with higher concentrations (5 mm). In addition, cell volume regulation was fully blocked by quinidine, DIDS, NPPB and glibenclamide, while partly inhibited by TEA and calcium-free media.We propose that a TEA- and glibenclamide-sensitive but quinidine-insensitive increase in K+ permeability is involved in the very first phase of volume regulation of A6 cells submitted to hypo-osmotic media. In achieving cell volume regulation, it would play a complementary role to the quinidine-sensitive K+ permeability mediated by the observed calcium rise.This work was supported by grants from the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique and the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique URA 638.  相似文献   

The uptake of citrate by renal brush-border vesicles, prepared according to the method of Vannier, occurs by Na+-linked cotransport. It is ‘positive rheogenic’, i.e., stimulated by an (inside) negative, and inhibited by an (inside) positive electrical potential. The question arises whether, besides Na+, other ions (e.g., K+ and H+) participate in the cotransport. As to K+, neither an inward nor an outward directed K+ gradient has a significant effect on the citrate movement, but at equal concentrations of K+ inside and outside, equilibrium exchange of citrate, and to a smaller extent, the Na+-linked net uptake of citrate, are significantly stimulated. This observation is consistent with a hypothetical model in which K+ acts by accelerating both the empty and the fully loaded translocator. As to H+, citrate uptake is also stimulated by decreasing extravesicular pH, an effect previously attributed to protonization of the citrate anion in the assumption that the resulting secondary citrate anion is more acceptable to the translocator site. It was found, however, that the pH effect is still apparent if the concentration of the secondary citrate is kept constant by adjusting the total citrate concentration. This is taken as an argument against the above assumption and as being consistent with H+-linked cotransport. After the overshoot peak citrate exits slowly, and even after several hours does not attain equilibrium distribution, presumably owing to trapping by vesicular calcium.  相似文献   

Summary We have measured the intracellular potassium activity, [K+]i and the mechanisms of transcellular K+ transport in reabsorptive sweat duct (RSD) using intracellular ion-sensitive microelectrodes (ISMEs). The mean value of [K+]i in RSD is 79.8±4.1mm (n=39). Under conditions of microperfusion, the [K+]i is above equilibrium across both the basolateral membrane, BLM (5.5 times) and the apical membrane, APM (7.8 times). The Na+/K+ pump inhibitor ouabain reduced [K+]i towards passive distribution across the BLM. However, the [K+]i is insensitive to the Na+/K+/2 Cl cotransport inhibitor bumetanide in the bath. Cl substitution in the lumen had no effect on [K+]i. In contrast, Cl substitution in the bath (basolateral side) depolarized BLM from –26.0±2.6 mV to –4.7*±2.4 mV (n=3;* indicates significant difference) and decreased [K+]i from 76.0±15.2mm to 57.7* ±12.7mm (n=3). Removal of K+ in the bath decreased [K+]i from 76.3±15.0mm to 32.3*±7.6mm (n=4) while depolarizing the BLM from –32.5±4.1 mV to –28.3*±3.0 mV (n=4). Raising the [K+] in the bath by 10-fold increased [K+]i from 81.7±9.0mm to 95.0*±13.5mm and depolarized the BLM from –25.7±2.4 mV to –21.3*±2.9 mV (n=4). The K+ conductance inhibitor, Ba2+, in the bath also increased [K+]i from 85.8±6.7mm to 107.0*±11.5mm (n=4) and depolarized BLM from –25.8±2.2 mV to –17.0*±3.1 mV (n=4). Amiloride at 10–6 m increased [K+]i from 77.5±18.8mm to 98.8*±21.6mm (n=4) and hyperpolarized both the BLM (from –35.5±2.6 mV to –47.8*±4.3 mV) and the APM (from –27.5±1.4 mV to –46.0* ±3.5 mV,n=4). However, amiloride at 10–4 m decreased [K+]i from 64.5±0.9mm to 36.0*±9.9mm and hyperpolarized both the BLM (from –24.7±1.4 mV to –43.5*±4.2 mV) and APM (from –18.3±0.9 mV to –43.5*±4.2 mV,n=6). In contrast to the observations at the BLM, substitution of K+ or application of Ba2+ in the lumen had no effect on the [K+]i or the electrical properties of RSD, indicating the absence of a K+ conductance in the APM. Our results indicate that (i) [K+]i is above equilibrium due to the Na+/K+ pump; (ii) only the BLM has a K+ conductance; (iii) [K+]i is subject to modulation by transport status; (iv) K+ is probably not involved in carrier-mediated ion transport across the cell membranes; and (v) the RSD does not secrete K+ into the lumen.  相似文献   

The cardiac steroid ouabain, a known inhibitor of the sodium pump (Na+,K+-ATPase), has been shown to release endothelin from endothelial cells when used at concentrations below those that inhibit the pump. The present study addresses the question of which signaling pathways are activated by ouabain in endothelial cells. Our findings indicate that ouabain, applied at low concentrations to human umbilical cord endothelial cells (HUAECs), induces a reaction cascade that leads to translocation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and to activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K). These events are followed by phosphorylation of Akt (also known as protein kinase B, or PKB) and activation of eNOS by phosphorylation. This signaling pathway, which results in increased nitric oxide (NO) production in HUAECs, is inhibited by the PI3K-specific inhibitor LY294002. Activation of the reaction cascade is not due to endothelin-1 (ET-1) binding to the ET-1 receptor B (ETB), since application of the ETB-specific antagonist BQ-788 did not have any effect on Akt or eNOS phosphorylation. The results shown here indicate that ouabain binding to the sodium pump results in the activation of the proliferation and survival pathways involving PI3K, Akt activation, stimulation of eNOS, and production of NO in HUAECs. Together with results from previous publications, the current investigation implies that the sodium pump is involved in vascular tone regulation.  相似文献   

Gambhir KK  Parui R  Agarwal V  Cruz I 《Life sciences》2002,71(14):1615-1621
Studies were undertaken to evaluate the modulatory effect of maintenance hemodialysis on ouabain sensitive (OS) and ouabain insensitive (OIS) 22Na(+) uptake in erythrocytes (E) of 8 chronic renal failure patients of both sexes. Following the receipt of informed consent, the blood samples were obtained just before and after Dialysis. The % 22Na(+) uptake of the total 22Na(+) present in the assay media was determined in the purified E just before and after Dialysis. The assay medium was composed of 100 mM NaCl, 5 mM KCl, 10 mM trisbase, 10 mM MOPS, 10 mM D-glucose and 60 mM sucrose, pH 7.4 with and without ouabain. Five different concentrations of E, ranging from 0.75 to 2.00 x 10(9)/mL were used for this study. We observed a linear relationship between the 22Na(+) uptake and E concentrations in both of the assay systems (OS and OIS). The mean total 22Na(+) uptake per 6.5 x 10(9) E/mL in OS and OIS before and after hemodialysis were 3.28 +/- 0.4 (OS) and 3.26 +/- 0.42 (OIS), and 3.42 +/- 0.54 (OS) and 3.42 +/- 0.68 (OIS) respectively. The relative % differences between pre- and post-Dialysis were 4 and 5%, which were statistically not significant. From this study, we conclude that hemodialysis does not affect E membrane properties influencing 22Na(+) transport.  相似文献   

The progress of bioenergetic studies on the role of Na+ in bacteria is reviewed. Experiments performed over the past decade on several bacterial species of quite different taxonomic positions show that Na+ can, under certain conditions, substitute for H+ as the coupling ion. Various primary Na+ pumps ( generators) are described, i.e., Na+-motive decarboxylases, NADH-quinone reductase, terminal oxidase, and ATPase. The formed is shown to be consumed by Na+ driven ATP-synthase, Na+ flagellar motor, numerous Na+, solute symporters, and the methanogenesis-linked reverse electron transfer system. InVibrio alginolyticus, it was found that , generated by NADH-quinone reductase, can be utilized to support all three types of membrane-linked work, i.e., chemical (ATP synthesis), osmotic (Na+, solute symports), and mechanical (rotation of the flagellum). InPropionigenum modestum, circulation of Na+ proved to be the only mechanism of energy coupling. In other species studied, the Na+ cycle seems to coexist with the H+ cycle. For instance, inV. alginolyticus the initial and terminal steps of the respiratory chain are Na+ - and H+-motive, respectively, whereas ATP hydrolysis is competent in the uphill transfer of Na+ as well as of H+. In the alkalo- and halotolerantBacillus FTU, there are H+ - and Na+-motive terminal oxidases. Sometimes, the Na+-translocating enzyme strongly differs from its H+-translocating homolog. So, the Na+-motive and H+-motive NADH-quinone reductases are composed of different subunits and prosthetic groups. The H+-motive and Na+-motive terminal oxidases differ in that the former is ofaa 3-type and sensitive to micromolar cyanide whereas the latter is of another type and sensitive to millimolar cyanide. At the same time, both Na+ and H+ can be translocated by one and the sameP. modestum ATPase which is of the F0F1-type and sensitive to DCCD. The sodium cycle, i.e., a system composed of primary generator(s) and consumer(s), is already described in many species of marine aerobic and anaerobic eubacteria and archaebacteria belonging to the following genera:Vibrio, Bacillus, Alcaligenes, Alteromonas, Salmonella, Klebsiella, Propionigenum, Clostridium, Veilonella, Acidaminococcus, Streptococcus, Peptococcus, Exiguobacterium, Fusobacterium, Methanobacterium, Methanococcus, Methanosarcin, etc. Thus, the sodium world seems to occupy a rather extensive area in the biosphere.  相似文献   

Summary Addition of glucose or the nonmetabolizable analogue -methyl-d-glucoside to rabbit proximal tubules suspended in a glucoseand alanine-free buffer caused a sustained increase in intracellular Na+ content (+43±7 nmol · (mg protein)–1) and a concomitant but larger decrease in K+ content (–72±11 nmol· (mg protein)–1). A component of the net K+ efflux was Ba2+ insensitive, and was inhibited by high (1mm) but not low (10 m) concentrations of the diuretics, furosemide and bumetanide. The increase in intracellular Na+ content is consistent with the view that the increased rates of Na+ and water transport seen in the proximal tubule in the presence of glucose can be attributed (at least in part) to a stimulation of basolateral pump activity by an increased [Na+] i .  相似文献   

Experiments are described in which the large chain of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase is labeled by lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodination either at its extracytoplasmic surface exclusively or at both its extracytoplasmic and its cytoplasmic surfaces simultaneously. The former was accomplished by labeling intact cells of the Madin-Darby canine kidney line, and the latter by labeling open membrane vesicles, also from canine kidney. A comparison of the specific radioactivities for the large chain from the open membranes and the large chain from the Madin-Darby canine kidney cells reveals that the former was labeled approximately 5-fold more extensively. This indicates that the large chain of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase is situated in the membrane such that more of its mass protrudes into the cytoplasm than into the extracytoplasmic environment.  相似文献   

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