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错配识别蛋白MutS的研究及应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全智勇  徐晋麟 《生命科学》2006,18(4):380-384
错配修复(mismatchrepairsystem,MMR)系统维护着遗传物质的稳定性。错配识别蛋白MutS是错配修复系统行使修复功能的第一个蛋白,具有识别并结合错配的能力。MutS蛋白具有特异性结合错配的特殊功能,在检测突变和SNP的研究中具有很大的应用潜力。近年来已有一些报道介绍了Muts蛋白的一些方法,虽然这些方法还有待改进,但MutS应用前景仍然十分诱人。  相似文献   

Jiang Y  Marszalek PE 《The EMBO journal》2011,30(14):2881-2893
In spite of extensive research, the mechanism by which MutS initiates DNA mismatch repair (MMR) remains controversial. We use atomic force microscopy (AFM) to capture how MutS orchestrates the first step of E. coli MMR. AFM images captured two types of MutS/DNA complexes: single-site binding and loop binding. In most of the DNA loops imaged, two closely associated MutS dimers formed a tetrameric complex in which one of the MutS dimers was located at or near the mismatch. Surprisingly, in the presence of ATP, one MutS dimer remained at or near the mismatch site and the other, while maintaining contact with the first dimer, relocated on the DNA by reeling in DNA, thereby producing expanding DNA loops. Our results indicate that MutS tetramers composed of two non-equivalent MutS dimers drive E. coli MMR, and these new observations now reconcile the apparent contradictions of previous 'sliding' and 'bending/looping' models of interaction between mismatch and strand signal.  相似文献   

MutS protein recognizes mispaired bases in DNA and targets them for mismatch repair. Little is known about the transient conformations of MutS as it signals initiation of repair. We have used single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements to report the conformational dynamics of MutS during this process. We find that the DNA-binding domains of MutS dynamically interconvert among multiple conformations when the protein is free and while it scans homoduplex DNA. Mismatch recognition restricts MutS conformation to a single state. Steady-state measurements in the presence of nucleotides suggest that both ATP and ADP must be bound to MutS during its conversion to a sliding clamp form that signals repair. The transition from mismatch recognition to the sliding clamp occurs via two sequential conformational changes. These intermediate conformations of the MutS:DNA complex persist for seconds, providing ample opportunity for interaction with downstream proteins required for repair.  相似文献   

This investigation demonstrates DNA mismatch repair activity in Haemophilus influenzae cell free extracts. The mutS gene as well as purified protein of H. influenzae restored repair activity in complementation assays performed with mutS deficient Escherichia coli strain. The difference in affinity for GT and AC mismatched bases by H. influenzae MutS was reflected in the efficiency with which these DNA heteroduplexes were repaired in vitro, with GT being repaired well and AC the least. Unlike E. coli MutS, the H. influenzae homolog failed to give protein-DNA complex with homoduplex DNA. Interestingly, MutS was found to bind single-stranded DNA but with lesser affinity as compared to heteroduplex DNA. Apart from the nucleotide- and DNA-mediated conformational transitions, as monitored by circular dichroism and limited proteolysis, our data suggest a functional role when H. influenzae MutS encounters single-stranded DNA during exonucleolytic step of DNA repair process. We propose that, conformational changes in H. influenzae MutS not only modulate mismatch recognition but also trigger some of the down stream processes involved in the DNA mismatch repair process.  相似文献   

The mismatch repair proteins, MutS and MutL, interact in a DNA mismatch and ATP-dependent manner to activate downstream events in repair. Here, we assess the role of ATP binding and hydrolysis in mismatch recognition by MutS and the formation of a ternary complex involving MutS and MutL bound to a mismatched DNA. We show that ATP reduces the affinity of MutS for mismatched DNA and that the modulation of DNA binding affinity by nucleotide is even more pronounced for MutS E694A, a protein that binds ATP but is defective for ATP hydrolysis. Despite the ATP hydrolysis defect, E694A, like WT MutS, undergoes rapid, ATP-dependent dissociation from a DNA mismatch. Furthermore, MutS E694A retains the ability to interact with MutL on mismatched DNA. The recruitment of MutL to a mismatched DNA by MutS is also observed for two mutant MutL proteins, E29A, defective for ATP hydrolysis, and R266A, defective for DNA binding. These results suggest that ATP binding in the absence of hydrolysis is sufficient to trigger formation of a MutS sliding clamp. However, recruitment of MutL results in the formation of a dynamic ternary complex that we propose is the intermediate that signals subsequent repair steps requiring ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

MutS proteins are ubiquitous in cellular organisms and have important roles in DNA mismatch repair or recombination. In the virus world, the amoeba-infecting Mimivirus, as well as the recently sequenced Cafeteria roenbergensis virus are known to encode a MutS related to the homologs found in octocorals and ɛ-proteobacteria. To explore the presence of MutS proteins in other viral genomes, we performed a genomic survey of four giant viruses (‘giruses'') (Pyramimonas orientalis virus (PoV), Phaeocystis pouchetii virus (PpV), Chrysochromulina ericina virus (CeV) and Heterocapsa circularisquama DNA virus (HcDNAV)) that infect unicellular marine algae. Our analysis revealed the presence of a close homolog of Mimivirus MutS in all the analyzed giruses. These viral homologs possess a specific domain structure, including a C-terminal HNH-endonuclease domain, defining the new MutS7 subfamily. We confirmed the presence of conserved mismatch recognition residues in all members of the MutS7 subfamily, suggesting their role in DNA mismatch repair rather than DNA recombination. PoV and PpV were found to contain an additional type of MutS, which we propose to call MutS8. The MutS8 proteins in PoV and PpV were found to be closely related to homologs from ‘Candidatus Amoebophilus asiaticus'', an obligate intracellular amoeba-symbiont belonging to the Bacteroidetes. Furthermore, our analysis revealed that MutS7 and MutS8 are abundant in marine microbial metagenomes and that a vast majority of these environmental sequences are likely of girus origin. Giruses thus seem to represent a major source of the underexplored diversity of the MutS family in the microbial world.  相似文献   

The effect of wild-type and mutant MutL on the steady-state ATPase activity of MutS from Escherichia coli has been investigated in the absence and presence of 22, 50, and 75 base pair hetero- and homoduplex DNAs with open and blocked ends. The steady-state ATPase activity of MutS has been measured at 37 °C using a spectrophotometric method. The presence of MutL did not affect appreciably on the ATPase activity of MutS in the absence of DNA or in the presence of blocked end homoduplex DNAs. However, the addition of MutL affected oppositely on the ATPase activity of MutS in the presence of G-T mismatched DNAs depending on their end status. We have also found that only the ATPase active forms of MutL increased the ATPase activity of MutS in the presence of G-T mismatched DNAs with blocked ends. The results suggest that MutL ATPase activity is required to catalyze dissociation of the MutS sliding clamps.  相似文献   

错配修复蛋白是DNA错配修复系统中主要功能蛋白质,主要参与DNA复制过程中对错配碱基的识别和修复.近年来研究表明错配修复蛋白还参与DNA损伤信号的传递、细胞周期的调控、减数分裂和有丝分裂等.错配修复蛋白缺陷会增加患肿瘤的危险性或者直接导致肿瘤;由于错配修复蛋白参与了DNA损伤信号传递、周期调控,错配修复蛋白缺陷还会导致细胞对相关抗癌药物产生耐受.  相似文献   

Base-pair mismatches that occur during DNA replication or recombination can reduce genetic stability or conversely increase genetic diversity. The genetics and biophysical mechanism of mismatch repair (MMR) has been extensively studied since its discovery nearly 50 years ago. MMR is a strand-specific excision-resynthesis reaction that is initiated by MutS homolog (MSH) binding to the mismatched nucleotides. The MSH mismatch-binding signal is then transmitted to the immediate downstream MutL homolog (MLH/PMS) MMR components and ultimately to a distant strand scission site where excision begins. The mechanism of signal transmission has been controversial for decades. We have utilized single molecule Forster Resonance Energy Transfer (smFRET), Fluorescence Tracking (smFT) and Polarization Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (smP-TIRF) to examine the interactions and dynamic behaviors of single Thermus aquaticus MutS (TaqMutS) particles on mismatched DNA. We determined that TaqMutS forms an incipient clamp to search for a mismatch in ∼1 s intervals by 1-dimensional (1D) thermal fluctuation-driven rotational diffusion while in continuous contact with the helical duplex DNA. When MutS encounters a mismatch it lingers for ∼3 s to exchange bound ADP for ATP (ADP  ATP exchange). ATP binding by TaqMutS induces an extremely stable clamp conformation (∼10 min) that slides off the mismatch and moves along the adjacent duplex DNA driven simply by 1D thermal diffusion. The ATP-bound sliding clamps rotate freely while in discontinuous contact with the DNA. The visualization of a train of MSH proteins suggests that dissociation of ATP-bound sliding clamps from the mismatch permits multiple mismatch-dependent loading events. These direct observations have provided critical clues into understanding the molecular mechanism of MSH proteins during MMR.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes and most bacteria, the MutS1/MutL-dependent mismatch repair system (MMR) corrects DNA mismatches that arise as replication errors. MutS1 recognizes mismatched DNA and stimulates the nicking endonuclease activity of MutL to incise mismatch-containing DNA. In archaea, there has been no experimental evidence to support the existence of the MutS1/MutL-dependent MMR. Instead, it was revealed that a large part of archaea possess mismatch-specific endonuclease EndoMS, indicating that the EndoMS-dependent MMR is widely adopted in archaea. However, some archaeal genomes encode MutS1 and MutL homologs, and their molecular functions have not been revealed. In this study, we purified and characterized recombinant MutS1 and the C-terminal endonuclease domain of MutL from a methanogenic archaeon Methanosaeta thermophila (mtMutS1 and the mtMutL CTD, respectively). mtMutS1 bound to mismatched DNAs with a higher affinity than to perfectly-matched and other structured DNAs, which resembles the DNA-binding specificities of eukaryotic and bacterial MutS1 homologs. The mtMutL CTD showed a Mn2+/Ni2+/Co2+-dependent nicking endonuclease activity that introduces single-strand breaks into a circular double-stranded DNA. The nicking endonuclease activity of the mtMutL CTD was impaired by mutagenizing the metal-binding motif that is identical to those of eukaryotic and bacterial MutL endonucleases. These results raise the possibility that not only the EndoMS-dependent MMR but also the traditional MutS1/MutL-dependent MMR exist in archaea.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to examine the affinity of Escherichia coli mismatch repair (MMR) protein MutS for DNA damaged by an intercalating compound. We examined the binding properties of this protein with various DNA substrates containing a single centrally located adduct of ruthenium(II) arene complexes [(eta(6)-arene)Ru(II)(en)Cl][PF(6)] [arene is tetrahydroanthracene (THA) or p-cymene (CYM); en is ethylenediamine]. These two complexes were chosen as representatives of two different classes of monofunctional ruthenium(II) arene compounds which differ in DNA-binding modes: one that involves combined coordination to G N7 along with noncovalent, hydrophobic interactions, such as partial arene intercalation (tricyclic-ring Ru-THA), and the other that binds to DNA only via coordination to G N7 and does not interact with double-helical DNA by intercalation (monoring Ru-CYM). Using electrophoretic mobility shift assays, we examined the binding properties of MutS protein with various DNA duplexes (homoduplexes or mismatched duplexes) containing a single centrally located adduct of ruthenium(II) arene compounds. We have shown that presence of the ruthenium(II) arene adducts decreases the affinity of MutS for ruthenated DNA duplexes that either have a regular sequence or contain a mismatch and that intercalation of the arene contributes considerably to this inhibitory effect. Since MutS initiates MMR by recognizing DNA lesions, the results of the present work support the view that DNA damage due to intercalation is removed from DNA by a mechanism(s) other than MMR.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, errors in newly-replicated DNA, such as the incorporation of a nucleotide with a mis-paired base or an accidental insertion or deletion of nucleotides, are corrected by a methyl-directed mismatch repair (MMR) pathway. While the enzymology of MMR has long been established, many fundamental aspects of its mechanisms remain elusive, such as the structures, compositions, and orientations of complexes of MutS, MutL, and MutH as they initiate repair. Using atomic force microscopy, we—for the first time—record the structures and locations of individual complexes of MutS, MutL and MutH bound to DNA molecules during the initial stages of mismatch repair. This technique reveals a number of striking and unexpected structures, such as the growth and disassembly of large multimeric complexes at mismatched sites, complexes of MutS and MutL anchoring latent MutH onto hemi-methylated d(GATC) sites or bound themselves at nicks in the DNA, and complexes directly bridging mismatched and hemi-methylated d(GATC) sites by looping the DNA. The observations from these single-molecule studies provide new opportunities to resolve some of the long-standing controversies in the field and underscore the dynamic heterogeneity and versatility of MutSLH complexes in the repair process.  相似文献   

The ability to monitor and characterize DNA mismatch repair activity in various mammalian cells is important for understanding mechanisms involved in mutagenesis and tumorigenesis. Since mismatch repair proteins recognize mismatches containing both normal and chemically altered or damaged bases, in vitro assays must accommodate a variety of mismatches in different sequence contexts. Here we describe the construction of DNA mismatch substrates containing G:T or O6meG:T mismatches, the purification of recombinant native human MutSα (MSH2–MSH6) and MutLα (MLH1–PMS2) proteins, and in vitro mismatch repair and excision assays that can be adapted to study mismatch repair in nuclear extracts from mismatch repair proficient and deficient cells.  相似文献   

The ability of MutS to recognize mismatched DNA is required to initiate a mismatch repair (MMR) system. ATP binding and hydrolysis are essential in this process, but their role in MMR is still not fully understood. In this study, steady-state ATPase activities of MutS from Escherichia coli were investigated using the spectrophotometric method with a double end-blocked heteroduplex containing gapped bases. The ATPase activities of MutS increased as the number of gapped bases increased in a double end-blocked heteroduplex with 2-8 gapped bases in the chain, indicating that MutS dissociates from DNA when it reaches a scission during movement along the DNA. Since movement of MutS along the chain does not require extensive ATP hydrolysis and the ATPase activity is only enhanced when MutS dissociates from a heteroduplex, these results support the sliding clamp model in which ATP binding by MutS induces the formation of a hydrolysis-independent sliding clamp.  相似文献   

Joseph N  Sawarkar R  Rao DN 《DNA Repair》2004,3(12):265-1577
Haemophilus influenzae DNA mismatch repair proteins, MutS, MutL and MutH, are functionally characterized in this study. Introduction of mutS, mutL and mutH genes of H. influenzae resulted in complementation of the mismatch repair activity of the respective mutant strains of Escherichia coli to varying levels. DNA binding studies using H. influenzae MutH have shown that the protein is capable of binding to any DNA sequence non-specifically in a co-operative and metal independent manner. Presence of MutL and ATP in the binding reaction resulted in the formation of a more specific complex, which indicates that MutH is conferred specificity for binding hemi-methylated DNA through structural alterations mediated by its interaction with MutL. To study the role of conserved amino acids Ile213 and Leu214 in the helix at the C-terminus of MutH, they were mutated to alanine. The mutant proteins showed considerably reduced DNA binding and nicking, as well as MutL-mediated activation. MutH failed to nick HU bound DNA whereas MboI and Sau3AI, which have the same recognition sequence as MutH, efficiently cleaved the substrate. MutS ATPase activity was found to be reduced two-fold in presence of covalently closed circular duplex containing a mismatched base pair whereas, the activity was regained upon linearization of the circular duplex. This observation possibly suggests that the MutS clamps are trapped in the closed DNA heteroduplex. These studies, therefore, serve as the basis for a detailed investigation of the structure-function relationship among the protein partners of the mismatch repair pathway of H. influenzae.  相似文献   

Miguel V  Monti MR  Argaraña CE 《DNA Repair》2008,7(11):1799-1808
The Escherichia coli DNA Mismatch Repair (MMR) protein MutS exist as dimers and tetramers in solution, and the identification of its functional oligomeric state has been matter of extensive study. In the present work, we have analyzed the oligomerization state of MutS from Pseudomonas aeruginosa a bacterial species devoid of Dam methylation and MutH homologue. By analyzing native MutS and different mutated versions of the protein, we determined that P. aeruginosa MutS is mainly tetrameric in solution and that its oligomerization capacity is conducted as in E. coli, by the C-terminal region of the protein. The analysis of mismatch oligonucleotide binding activity showed that wild-type MutS binds to DNA as tetramer. The DNA binding activity decreased when the C-terminal region was deleted (MutSDelta798) or when a full-length MutS with tetramerization defects (MutSR842E) was tested. The ATPase activity of MutSDelta798 was similar to MutSR842E and diminished respect to the wild-type protein. Experiments carried out on a P. aeruginosa mutS strain to test the proficiency of different oligomeric versions of MutS to function in vivo showed that MutSDelta798 is not functional and that full-length dimeric version MutSR842E, is not capable of completely restoring the MMR activity of the mutant strain. Additional experiments carried out in conditions of high mutation rate induced by the base analogue 2-AP confirm that the dimeric version of MutS is not as efficient as the tetrameric wild-type protein to prevent mutations. Therefore, it is concluded that although dimeric MutS is sufficient for MMR activity, optimal activity is obtained with the tetrameric version of the protein and therefore it should be considered as the active form of MutS in P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

Discrimination and versatility in mismatch repair   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hays JB  Hoffman PD  Wang H 《DNA Repair》2005,4(12):51-1474
Evolutionarily-conserved mismatch-repair (MMR) systems correct all or almost all base-mismatch errors from DNA replication via excision-resynthesis pathways, and respond to many different DNA lesions. Consideration of DNA polymerase error rates and possible consequences of excess gratuitous excision of perfectly paired (homoduplex) DNA in vivo suggests that MMR needs to discriminate against homoduplex DNA by three to six orders of magnitude. However, numerous binding studies using MMR base-mispair-recognition proteins, bacterial MutS or eukaryotic MSH2.MSH6 (MutSalpha), have typically shown discrimination factors between mismatched and homoduplex DNA to be 5-30, depending on the binding conditions, the particular mismatches, and the DNA-sequence contexts. Thus, downstream post-binding steps must increase MMR discrimination without interfering with the versatility needed to recognize a large variety of base-mismatches and lesions. We use a complex but highly MMR-active model system, human nuclear extracts mixed with plasmid substrates containing specific mismatches and defined nicks 0.15 kbp away, to measure the earliest quantifiable committed step in mismatch correction, initiation of mismatch-provoked 3'-5' excision at the nicks. We compared these results to binding of purified MutSalpha to synthetic oligoduplexes containing the same mismatches in the same sequence contexts, under conditions very similar to those prevailing in the nuclear extracts. Discrimination against homoduplex DNA, only two-to five-fold in the binding studies, increased to 60- to 230-fold or more for excision initiation, depending on the particular mismatches. Remarkably, the mismatch-preference order for excision initiation was substantially altered from the order for hMutSalpha binding. This suggests that post-binding steps not only strongly discriminate against homoduplex DNA, but do so by mechanisms not tightly constrained by initial binding preferences. Pairs of homoduplexes (40, 50, and 70 bp) prepared from synthetic oligomers or cut out of plasmids showed virtually identical hMutSalpha binding affinities, suggesting that high hMutSalpha binding to homoduplex DNA is not the result of misincorporations or lesions introduced during chemical synthesis. Intrinsic affinities of MutS homologs for perfectly paired DNA may help these proteins efficiently position themselves to carry out subsequent mismatch-specific steps in MMR pathways.  相似文献   

The cause of reproductive isolation between biological species is a major issue in the field of biology. Most explanations of hybrid sterility require either genetic incompatibilities between nascent species or gross physical imbalances between their chromosomes, such as rearrangements or ploidy changes. An alternative possibility is that genomes become incompatible at a molecular level, dependent on interactions between primary DNA sequences. The mismatch repair system has previously been shown to contribute to sterility in a hybrid between established yeast species by preventing successful meiotic crossing-over leading to aneuploidy. This system could also promote or reinforce the formation of new species in a similar manner, by making diverging genomes incompatible in meiosis. To test this possibility we crossed yeast strains of the same species but from diverse historical or geographic sources. We show that these crosses are partially sterile and present evidence that the mismatch repair system is largely responsible for this sterility.  相似文献   

A large subset of meiotic recombination intermediates form within the physical context of synaptonemal complex (SC), but the functional relationship between SC structure and homologous recombination remains obscure. Our prior analysis of strains deficient for SC central element proteins demonstrated that tripartite SC is dispensable for interhomolog recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here, we report that while dispensable for recombination per se, SC proteins promote efficient mismatch repair at interhomolog recombination sites. Failure to repair mismatches within heteroduplex-containing meiotic recombination intermediates leads to genotypically sectored colonies (postmeiotic segregation events). We discovered increased postmeiotic segregation at THR1 in cells lacking Ecm11 or Gmc2, or in the SC-deficient but recombination-proficient zip1[Δ21-163] mutant. High-throughput sequencing of octad meiotic products furthermore revealed a genome-wide increase in recombination events with unrepaired mismatches in ecm11 mutants relative to wildtype. Meiotic cells missing Ecm11 display longer gene conversion tracts, but tract length alone does not account for the higher frequency of unrepaired mismatches. Interestingly, the per-nucleotide mismatch frequency is elevated in ecm11 when analyzing all gene conversion tracts, but is similar between wildtype and ecm11 if considering only those events with unrepaired mismatches. Thus, in both wildtype and ecm11 strains a subset of recombination events is susceptible to a similar degree of inefficient mismatch repair, but in ecm11 mutants a larger fraction of events fall into this inefficient repair category. Finally, we observe elevated postmeiotic segregation at THR1 in mutants with a dual deficiency in MutSγ crossover recombination and SC assembly, but not in the mlh3 mutant, which lacks MutSγ crossovers but has abundant SC. We propose that SC structure promotes efficient mismatch repair of joint molecule recombination intermediates, and that absence of SC is the molecular basis for elevated postmeiotic segregation in both MutSγ crossover-proficient (ecm11, gmc2) and MutSγ crossover-deficient (msh4, zip3) strains.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes the MSH2-MSH3 and MSH2-MSH6 heterodimers initiate mismatch repair (MMR) by recognizing and binding to DNA mismatches. The MLH1-PMS1 heterodimer then interacts with the MSH proteins at or near the mismatch site and is thought to act as a mediator to recruit downstream repair proteins. Here we analyzed five msh2 mutants that are functional in removing 3' non-homologous tails during double-strand break repair but are completely defective in MMR. Because non-homologous tail removal does not require MSH6, MLH1, or PMS1 functions, a characterization of the msh2 separation of function alleles should provide insights into early steps in MMR. Using the Taq MutS crystal structure as a model, three of the msh2 mutations, msh2-S561P, msh2-K564E, msh2-G566D, were found to map to a domain in MutS involved in stabilizing mismatch binding. Gel mobility shift and DNase I footprinting assays showed that two of these mutations conferred strong defects on MSH2-MSH6 mismatch binding. The other two mutations, msh2-S656P and msh2-R730W, mapped to the ATPase domain. DNase I footprinting, ATP hydrolysis, ATP binding, and MLH1-PMS1 interaction assays indicated that the msh2-S656P mutation caused defects in ATP-dependent dissociation of MSH2-MSH6 from mismatch DNA and in interactions between MSH2-MSH6 and MLH1-PMS1. In contrast, the msh2-R730W mutation disrupted MSH2-MSH6 ATPase activity but did not strongly affect ATP binding or interactions with MLH1-PMS1. These results support a model in which MMR can be dissected into discrete steps: stable mismatch binding and sensing, MLH1-PMS1 recruitment, and recycling of MMR components.  相似文献   

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