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The population genetic profiles of 60 specimens of thecommon intertidal sea anemone Actinia equina taken from foursampling sites (Peroj, Barbariga and the north and south shoresof the Limski Canal), along a 25 km strip of the coastof the Istra Peninsula, Croatia, were evaluated by AFLP markers(144 loci). All populations were characterized by aggregates ofspecimens confined within a few square meters. One of the populations(on the north shore of the canal) contained both large and small-sizedindividuals. Results revealed high within-aggregate genetic heterogeneity(36.1–55.6%). With respect to interpopulationprofiles, geographically remote populations from Peroj, Barbarigaand the south shore of the canal were more closely related geneticallythan those on the north and south shores of the canal. The small-sizedsubpopulation from the north shore exhibits a distinct AFLP pattern,suggesting that it warrants recognition as a cryptic species.  © 2002The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the LinneanSociety , 2002, 136 , 315−320  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1998,427(1):149-151
A potassium channel toxin (AeK) was isolated from the sea anemone Actinia equina by gel filtration on Sephadex G-50 and reverse-phase HPLC on TSKgel ODS-120T. AeK and α-dendrotoxin inhibited the binding of 125I-α-dendrotoxin to rat synaptosomal membranes with IC50 of 22 and 0.34 nM, respectively, indicating that AeK is about sixty-five times less toxic than α-dendrotoxin. The complete amino acid sequence of AeK was elucidated; it is composed of 36 amino acid residues including six half-Cys residues. The determined sequence showed that AeK is analogous to the three potassium channel toxins from sea anemones (BgK from Bunodosoma granulifera, ShK from Stichodactyla helianthus and AsKS from Anemonia sulcata), with an especially high sequence homology (86%) with AsKS.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic and cytolytic effects of equinatoxin II (EqT II) from the sea anemone Actinia equina L. were studied on exponentially growing and synchronized V-79-379 A cell line in culture. The cell viability test and the determination of the cytolytic effect by cell counting confirmed both cytotoxic and cytolytic activity of EqT II. Additionally, cytocidal and cytostatic effects depending on the toxin concentration were observed. The presence of fetal calf serum in the cell culture medium reduced both cytocidal and cytostatic effects by two magnitudes and prevented cytolysis. Combining EqT II and serum resulted in an insoluble complex which was cytostatic even when isolated and resuspended in the culture medium, while the supernatant retained both cytocidal and cytostatic activity. No significant difference in sensitivity between synchronized and exponentially growing cells could be detected after EqT II treatment.  相似文献   

Résumé L'analyse ultra-structurale de l'acrorrhage d'Actinia equina L. a permis de montrer une adaptation histologique au décollement de l'ectoderme lors de la réponse de l'actinie à une agression. La zone basale et digitée des cellules ectodermiques est très vacuolisée. La turgescence de l'acrorrhage provoque une extension de la mésoglée; on observe un écartement des bases cellulaires et la rupture des vésicules facilite la séparation de l'ectoderme et de la mésoglée. Celle-ci a lieu après ancrage des nématocystes atriches dans les tissus de l'agresseur, et retrait de l'Actinie.
Morphological adaptation of the acrorhagi of Actinia equina L.
Summary The ultrastructural analysis of the acrorhagi of Actinia equina reveals histological adaptations to the specific detachment of this brightly colored strip of ectoderm in case of being attached. The basal zone of the ectoderm cells is highly vacuolated. The turgidity of the acrorhagous provokes an extension of the mesoglea. The separation of the ectoderm is facilitated by rupture of the vacuoles and the specific arrangement of the filament containing branched bases of the cells. When the ectoderm, which contains numerous nematocysts, is fixed in the tissue of a agressor, this one detaches.

Sexual Actinia equina have been maintained in the laboratory. Monthly biopsies show that these animals have annual gametogenic cycles. Regular samples from several natural populations suggest that animals in the wild show similar gametogenic periodicity. In the laboratory, males release sperm, but females brood young, at least for a few weeks. Members of these broods are released sporadically, usually after a water change. Males and non-sexual adults kept in isolation for over a year release a few juveniles during and at the end of that time. These young are likely to be asexually reproduced. There appears to be geographical variation of anemone size and in the frequency of sexual individuals in populations round the British Coast, so that modes of reproduction may vary.  相似文献   

The compositions of the volatile and polar fractions from two coexisting Black Sea invertebrates, the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and the beadlet anemone Actinia equina, were established. The main metabolites in the volatile fraction from the investigated animals appeared to be methyl esters of fatty acids and fatty aldehydes. In the polar fraction from both animals low concentrations of free acids and nitrogen-containing compounds were obtained. Free carbohydrates were in much higher concentrations in M. galloprovincialis than in A. equina. Some sterols, probably as polar conjugates, were identified mainly in A. equina. Significant changes among all compounds appeared after treatment of both invertebrates with two different concentrations of cobalt ions. The variety of changes in each invertebrate could be due to their different evolutionary status. The effect of cobalt ions was often stronger at medium cobalt-ion concentrations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Membrane pore-forming toxins have a remarkable property: they adopt a stable soluble form structure, which, when in contact with a membrane, undergoes a series of transformations, leading to an active, membrane-bound form. In contrast to bacterial toxins, no structure of a pore-forming toxin from an eukaryotic organism has been determined so far, an indication that structural studies of equinatoxin II (EqtII) may unravel a novel mechanism. RESULTS: The crystal structure of the soluble form of EqtII from the sea anemone Actinia equina has been determined at 1.9 A resolution. EqtII is shown to be a single-domain protein based on a 12 strand beta sandwich fold with a hydrophobic core and a pair of alpha helices, each of which is associated with the face of a beta sheet. CONCLUSIONS: The structure of the 30 N-terminal residues is the largest segment that can adopt a different structure without disrupting the fold of the beta sandwich core. This segment includes a three-turn alpha helix that lies on the surface of a beta sheet and ends in a stretch of three positively charged residues, Lys-30, Arg-31, and Lys-32. On the basis of gathered data, it is suggested that this segment forms the membrane pore, whereas the beta sandwich structure remains unaltered and attaches to a membrane as do other structurally related extrinsic membrane proteins or their domains. The use of a structural data site-directed mutagenesis study should reveal the residues involved in membrane pore formation.  相似文献   

Pith tissue of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Havana 425 exhibits a gradient in its tendency to habituate for cytokinin on an auxin-containing medium at 35° C, about 10° C above the standard culture temperature. Explants of pith from below the 8th to 11th internode, counting from the bottom of the plant, rarely habituate for cytokinin; explants from above this threshold habituate rapidly. The explants must also be above a critical size, about 20–30 mg, to habituate. There was a pronounced interaction between size and position effects; the threshold position for cytokinin habituation shifted upward with decreasing explant size.  相似文献   

Summary Lipid is the major energy storage molecule, and protein is highly conserved when food availability is low in high- and low-intertidal individuals of Anthopleura elegantissima. Under laboratory conditions zooxanthellae were lost from anemones, and tissue carbohydrate was mobilized to support metabolic demands. Routine catabolic requirements for carbohydrate are probably met by translocated photosynthate. Substrate-specific absorption efficiencies were greater than 95% for protein and lipid, but considerably lower (10 to 60%) for carbohydrate. This pattern of absorption is directly related to very low levels of dietary carbohydrate compared to the other substrates. High-intertidal anemones absorbed more lipid than low-intertidal anemones. Integrated budgets for organic nitrogen, the first reported for any cnidarian, indicate that low-intertidal anemones require larger daily rations than high-intertidal anemones to meet their higher metabolic demands for protein. These results are considered in relation to potential importance of zooxanthellae in nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

Fujii  Haruhiko 《Hydrobiologia》1991,216(1):527-532
Seasonal fluctuations in relative gonad volume and oocyte size of the sea anemone Anthopleura asiatica were examined in 3 unisexual (male) populations and one bisexual population in the Seto Inland Sea of Japan from December 1982 to December 1985. A distinct annual cycle of gonadal maturation with a peak in the summer was found in all of the populations, although they appeared to be sustained only by asexual reproduction. Spawning occured synchronously between the 2 sexes early in the fall in the bisexual population while it was one to one and a half months later in the unisexual populations.  相似文献   

Pith parenchyma tissue ofNicotiana tabacum L. cv. Havana 425 becomes cytokinin habituated when incubated at 35°C on an auxin-containing medium. Under these conditions, habituated, hyperplastic nodules appear on the tissues. We used these nodules to estimate the incidence of habituation by a statistical method. The rate of habituation varied with the season. Tissue isolated from plants in the spring habituated approx. 7 times faster than did tissue isolated from plants in winter. The fact that the average rate, >4×10–3 per cell generation, was 100–1,000 times faster than the rate of somatic mutation inNicotiana species and depended on the physiological state of the tissue provides further evidence that habituation involves epigenetic changes rather than rare, random genetic mutations. We also found that kinetin (6-furfurylaminopurine) induced habituation and that the concentration required depended on the duration of cytokinin treatment. For long incubation times, approx. 6×10–10 M kinetin, which is about 1,000-fold lower than the concentration optimal for growth of cytokinin-requiring pith tissue, was sufficient to induce habituation. These results support the hypothesis that the habituated state is maintained by a positive feedback loop in which cytokinins either induce their own synthesis or inhibit their own degradation.  相似文献   

We investigated the early development of the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis, an emerging model system of the Cnidaria. Early cleavage stages are characterized by substantial variability from embryo to embryo, yet invariably lead to the formation of a coeloblastula. The coeloblastula undergoes a series of unusual broad invaginations-evaginations which can be blocked by cell cycle inhibitors suggesting a causal link of the invagination cycles to the synchronized cell divisions. Blastula invagination cycles stop as cell divisions become asynchronous. Marking experiments show a clear correspondence of the animal-vegetal axis of the egg to the oral-aboral axis of the embryo. The animal pole gives rise to the concave side of the blastula and later to the blastopore of the gastrula, and hence the oral pole of the future polyp. Asymmetric distribution of granules in the unfertilized egg suggest an animal-vegetal asymmetry in the egg in addition to the localized position of the pronucleus. To determine whether this asymmetry reflects asymmetrically distributed determinants along the animal-vegetal axis, we carried out blastomere isolations and embryonic divisions at various stages. Our data strongly indicate that normal primary polyps develop only if cellular material from the animal hemisphere is included, whereas the vegetal hemisphere alone is incapable to differentiate an oral pole. Molecular marker analysis suggests that also the correct patterning of the aboral pole depends on signals from the oral half. This suggests that in Nematostella embryos the animal hemisphere contains organizing activity to form a normal polyp.  相似文献   

Fukui  Yoko 《Hydrobiologia》1991,214(1):137-142
The development of Haliplanella lineata, following fertilization in the laboratory, was studied by light and electron microscopy. Spawned ova were spherical, magenta in color and about 120–150 µm in diameter. Cleavage was holoblastic and radial. Gastrulation occurred by immigration and invagination. Eighteen hours after fertilization, the embryo became a swimming planula larva with an apical organ and ciliary tuft at the aboral end. In the laboratory, planulae lived for about 2 weeks in the swimming state but in no case was there any settlement by larvae in this study. The structural study of planulae concentrated on the development of the aboral ectoderm, because of the functional significance of its cellular organization in larval settlement.  相似文献   

Briffa M  Greenaway J 《PloS one》2011,6(7):e21963
'Animal personality' means that individuals differ from one another in either single behaviours or suites of related behaviours in a way that is consistent over time. It is usually assumed that such consistent individual differences in behaviour are driven by variation in how individuals respond to information about their environment, rather than by differences in external factors such as variation in microhabitat. Since behavioural variation is ubiquitous in nature we might expect 'animal personality' to be present in diverse taxa, including animals with relatively simple nervous systems. We investigated in situ startle responses in a sea anemone, Actinia equina, to determine whether personalities might be present in this example of an animal with a simple nervous system. We found very high levels of repeatability among individuals that were re-identified in the same locations over a three week sampling period. In a subset of the data, where we used tide-pool temperature measurements to control for a key element of variation in microhabitat, these high levels of repeatability remained. Although a range of other consistent differences in micro-habitat features could have contributed to consistent differences between the behaviour of individuals, these data suggest the presence of animal personality in A. equina. Rather than being restricted to certain groups, personality may be a general feature of animals and may be particularly pronounced in species with simple nervous systems.  相似文献   

The superfamily of EF-hand proteins is comprised of a large and diverse group of proteins that contain one or more characteristic EF-hand calcium-binding domains. This study describes and characterizes a novel EF-hand cDNA, CnidEF, from the sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima (Phylum Cnidaria, Class Anthozoa). CnidEF was found to contain two EF-hand motifs near the C-terminus of the deduced amino acid sequence and two regions near the N-terminus that could represent degenerate EF-hand motifs. CnidEF homologues were also identified from two other sea anemone species. A combination of bioinformatic and molecular phylogenetic analyses was used to compare CnidEF to EF-hand proteins in other organisms. The closest homologues identified from these analyses were a luciferin binding protein (LBP) involved in the bioluminescence of the anthozoan Renilla reniformis, and a sarcoplasmic calcium-binding protein (SARC) involved in fluorescence of the annelid worm Nereis diversicolor. Predicted structure and folding analysis revealed a close association with bioluminescent aequorin (AEQ) proteins from the hydrozoan cnidarian Aequorea aequorea. Neighbor-joining analyses grouped CnidEF within the SARC lineage along with AEQ and other cnidarian bioluminescent proteins rather than in the lineage containing calmodulin (CAM) and troponin-C (TNC).  相似文献   

The full-length cDNA that encodes the hemolytic toxin Avt-I, with 226 amino acids, from the venomous sea anemone Actineria villosa has been cloned using the oligo-capping method. The cDNA contains 681bp open reading frame and its predicted amino acid sequences revealed that Avt-I was basic polypeptides without cysteine residues and Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) motif sequence. The mature Avt-I has a predicted molecular weight of 19.6 kDa and its theoretical isoelectric point is 9.3. The Avt-I revealed 99, 61, 57, and 57% amino acid similarity with hemolytic toxins Pstx20, EqtII, StII, and HmT from Phyllodiscus semoni, Actinia Equina, Stichodactyla helianthus, and Heteractis magnifica, respectively. The characteristic amphiphilic alpha-helix structure was found at the N-terminal region of the mature Avt-I. Recombinant Avt-I (rAvt-I) was expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) strain as a biologically active form and purified rAvt-I caused 50% hemolytic activity against 1% sheep erythrocytes at a concentration of 6.3 ng/ml (0.32 nM). M9Y medium led to more than 2-fold increase in rAvt-I yield than cultivation in Luria-Bertani medium.  相似文献   

D. J. Ayre 《Oecologia》1984,62(2):222-229
Allelic and genotypic frequencies were determined for samples from 35 widely distributed Australasian colonies of Actinia tenebrosa and 2 South African colonies of A. equina. These data provided no evidence of gene flow between Australisian and South African Actinia colonies and indicated that there may be some restriction of gene flow between widely separated Australasian colonies.Both species are viviparous, and brooded A. tenebrosa are known to be produced asexually. The present data indicate that, within both species, almost all genotypic diversity is generated by sexual reproduction with recombination. Sexually produced juveniles appear to be widely dispersed and panmixis may occur over thousands of kilometres. However, successful sexual recruitment must be episodic or rare. Colonies on stable shores displayed relatively low levels of genotypic diversity, as compared with expectations for sexually reproducing populations, indicating strong local effects of asexual recruitment. Clonal genotypes may be spread over hundreds of metres of shore, but are typically restricted to discrete colonies. Asexual recruitment is highly localised and asexual dispersal appears to be limited by lengths of shore (500 m) which are unsuitable for colonization. Colonies on unstable shores are significantly more diverse genotypically and show little evidence of clonal proliferation.  相似文献   

The ecological performance of the sea anemone Heteractis magnifica was examined during a 36-month experiment with respect to season and the presence and numbers of a mutualist (orange-fin anemonefish Amphiprion chrysopterus). Anemones primarily grew during the autumn, with most asexual reproduction occurring in winter; mortality was not strongly seasonal. Individual growth rates did not differ between anemones harboring one or two anemonefish, but these rates were three times faster than for anemones lacking Amphiprion. Anemones with two anemonefish had the highest fission rate, whereas those without anemonefish had the lowest. By contrast, anemones that were not defended by anemonefish suffered higher-than-expected mortality. As a consequence, anemones with two Amphiprion had the greatest net increase in surface area, and those lacking anemonefish had a negligible gain that was statistically indistinguishable from zero after three years. Anemonefish not only enhanced anemone survivorship as previously believed, they also fostered faster growth and more frequent asexual reproduction.  相似文献   

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