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倭蜂猴的产热及细胞呼吸特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
倭蜂猴的最大非颤抖性产热较低,但占调节性产热的比例。交高;褐色脂肪组织BAT)重量也较其他灵长类大,产热生也较强;肝脏线粒体氧化能力较低,与其具有较低的BMR和体温波动较大有关。倭蜂猴相对较低的MST和低水平的RMR对其凭许性和节约能量极为有利。  相似文献   

<正>倭蜂猴(Nycticebus pygmaeus Bonhote,1907),隶属于灵长目懒猴科(Family Lorisidae)、蜂猴属(Nycticebus)的一个物种,是亚洲热带地区的特有物种,也是当前濒危灵长类动物之一,在中国被列为国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物,CITES附录Ⅰ物种,IUCN将其濒危等级列为易危。倭蜂猴成体体长195~230 mm,体重222~750 g,个体间的体重差别较大。体型成圆筒状,体被毛细丝绒状,主要为棕橙或棕黄色,背脊中央常有棕褐色条纹,尾极短,通常隐藏于毛被之中。吻短,脸圆,头圆。眼大  相似文献   

倭蜂猴静止代谢率和体温调节的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过研究倭蜂猴在不同环境温度下的静止代谢率和体温调节特征发现;倭蜂猴(Nycticebus pygmaecus)的RMR为0.498±0.039602ml/hr.g,仅为预期值的63.7%;热中性区不明显,实测 下临界温度为30℃;平均最低热传导为0. 0804±0. 002102ml/hr. s.℃;在室温下平均体温为33. 8 ±0.18℃;在冷压下体温变化较大,温调指数为0.535;在高温时主要以高体温和分泌唾液进行体温调节。显示典型热带原猴类动物热能代谢特征。  相似文献   

利用红外相机调查屏边县大围山倭蜂猴、蜂猴及同域兽类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从2012年3月至2013年2月,利用9台红外感应自动照相机调查了云南省屏边县大围山自然保护区及周边区域兽类资源现状及分布。在7个自然村周边布设了71个相机位点(19个位点在保护区内,52个在保护区外),共获取87 238张照片,拍摄到动物照片2349张,其中鸟类照片167张,兽类照片2182张。去除无法辨别的部分啮齿类照片后,共鉴定出11个兽类物种。其中蜂猴触发照片3张,倭蜂猴触发照片9张。倭蜂猴的相对丰富度为2.63%,蜂猴相对丰富度为5.26%,表明保护区及其周边区域倭蜂猴与蜂猴的数量极低。为了保证该灵长类种群的生存和繁衍,急需加强关注并制定有针对性的保护措施。  相似文献   

主要介绍倭蜂猴的形态特征、代谢和体温特征、毒腺和毒素、夜行性和树栖性、通讯方式、食性和取食行为、繁殖行为、生长发育和母婴关系等生物学特性,简述其生存现状,并就我国倭蜂猴保护现状提出建议:尽快开展专项调查,摸清本底资料;加强保护区管理工作,规范巡护制度;采用现代化手段监测,提高科研实力;科学饲养促进繁衍,野化训养放归自然。  相似文献   

冯庆  王应祥 《动物学研究》1996,17(4):443-450
本文报道了笼养条件下出生的20胎41仔(26♂♂,15♀♀)间蜂猴的生长发育的研究,其研究内容及结果如下:(1)体重,体长,前肢长,后肢长,耳长和尾长的生长方程及头骨的瞬时增长率,表明间蜂猴属快速生长的早熟类群。(2)幼猴的成猴毛色有一个由浅变深的过程,面部皮肤(包括耳,鼻,眼圈)及手足皮肤从幼猴到成猴有一个明显的变化,幼猴为浅粉红色,成猴为黑色,(3)初生幼仔门齿,犬齿,第1前臼齿已被龈萌发,1  相似文献   

1989年至今,对15只(10,5)成年间蜂猴在人工饲养条件下的繁殖进行观察,结果为:1.间蜂猴的繁殖有明显的季节性;2.发情周期为49.67d(SD=1.25),在此期间,雌性外生殖器红肿,变大;雄性阴囊胀大;3.交配以背腹相贴为主;4.怀孕期为188d;5.哺乳期为108d(SD=4.12);6.均为一胎二仔。  相似文献   

测定了蜂猴属线粒体DNA中的D-loop控制区部分序列和细胞色素b基因全序列(1140 bp),对其变异情况进行了分析,并采用Mega 4.0软件中构建了分子系统树。无论是基于D-loop控制区部分序列构建的系统树,还是基于细胞色素b基因序列构建的分子系统树的拓扑结构图,都清晰地表明蜂猴属由两个分支组成,分支置信度较高,一支由N.pygmaeus聚成,另一支由N.coucang聚成,即支持蜂猴属由N.coucang和N.pygmaeus两物种组成。  相似文献   

【目的】分析倭蜂猴粪便微生物中苯酚羟化酶(Phenol hydroxylase,PH)和邻苯二酚1,2-双加氧酶(Catechol 1,2-dioxygenase,C12O)的基因多样性。【方法】利用简并引物,以倭蜂猴粪便微生物宏基因组DNA为模板,通过PCR扩增,分别构建PH和C12O基因克隆文库,并对克隆进行测序分析。【结果】倭蜂猴粪便微生物来源的PH和C12O基因序列经BLAST比对分析,与GenBank中相应酶的序列一致性分别介于92%?100%和87%?100%。系统进化树分析表明PH基因序列与Neisseria、Burkholderia、Alcaligenes、Acinetobacter 4个属来源的PH序列相关;C12O基因序列全部与Acinetobacter来源的C12O序列相关。序列比对结果表明PH序列具有LmPH (Largest subunit of multicomponent PH)中高保守的两个DEXRH结构域;C12O序列具有能被Ag+和Hg2+抑制的位点(半胱氨酸)。【结论】倭蜂猴粪便微生物来源的PH为多组分PH,其降解苯酚的中间产物邻苯二酚可以被C12O通过邻位开环途径裂解。  相似文献   

The pygmy loris (Nycticebus pygmaeus) is a small prosimian living in Vietnam, Laos, eastern Cambodia and the south part of China. In China it is only found in Pingbian, Hekou, Jinping, Luchun of Yunnan. As N. pygmaeus is seriously threatened by hunting, trade and habitat destruction, it is listed in Appendix II of CITES, and in 2006 the IUCN classified it as “vulnerable”. In order to understand the characteristics of energy metabolism and thermoregulation of N. pygmaeus, the resting metabolic rate (RMR) and body temperature (Tb) at different ambient temperature (Ta) of pygmy lorises, as well as body mass, energy intake, digestable energy intake, digestability and the thermal conductance were measured in captivity. The results obtained mainly are as follows: (1) Pygmy loris feed dry food averaged 12.90 ± 1.02 g/d. They could gain 214.87 ± 16.65 kJ/d from food intake, and earned 200.15 ± 16.36 kJ digestable energy intake per day with 90.13 ± 1.34% of the digestability. (2) The Tb at room temperatures was a little low (35.23 ± 0.16 °C) and varied with Ta from 25 °C to 35 °C. There was a positive relationship between Tb and Ta, which was described as: Tb = 27.22 + 0.34Ta (r = 0.880). (3) The resting metabolic rate (RMR) of the pygmy loris was 0.3844 ± 0.0162 mlO2/g/h, which was 51.91 ± 1.90% of the previous predicted rate by Kleiber (1961) [21]. (4) The average thermal conductance of the pygmy loris (N. pygmaeus) was 0.0449 ± 0.0031 mlO2/g/h/°C. These characteristics of energy metabolism and thermoregulation of N. pygmaeus in Yunnan Daweishan Nature Reserve might be considered as the adaptive characteristics to their environment in tropical semi-evergreen forests and secondary forests.  相似文献   

The pygmy loris (Nycticebus pygmaeus) is a small prosimian living in Vietnam, Laos, eastern Cambodia and the south part of China. In China it is only found in Pingbian, Hekou, Jinping, Luchun of Yunnan. As N. pygmaeus is seriously threatened by hunting, trade and habitat destruction, it is listed in Appendix II of CITES, and in 2006 the IUCN classified it as “vulnerable”. In order to understand the characteristics of energy metabolism and thermoregulation of N. pygmaeus, the resting metabolic rate (RMR) and body temperature (Tb) at different ambient temperature (Ta) of pygmy lorises, as well as body mass, energy intake, digestable energy intake, digestability and the thermal conductance were measured in captivity. The results obtained mainly are as follows: (1) Pygmy loris feed dry food averaged 12.90 ± 1.02 g/d. They could gain 214.87 ± 16.65 kJ/d from food intake, and earned 200.15 ± 16.36 kJ digestable energy intake per day with 90.13 ± 1.34% of the digestability. (2) The Tb at room temperatures was a little low (35.23 ± 0.16 °C) and varied with Ta from 25 °C to 35 °C. There was a positive relationship between Tb and Ta, which was described as: Tb = 27.22 + 0.34Ta (r = 0.880). (3) The resting metabolic rate (RMR) of the pygmy loris was 0.3844 ± 0.0162 mlO2/g/h, which was 51.91 ± 1.90% of the previous predicted rate by Kleiber (1961) [21]. (4) The average thermal conductance of the pygmy loris (N. pygmaeus) was 0.0449 ± 0.0031 mlO2/g/h/°C. These characteristics of energy metabolism and thermoregulation of N. pygmaeus in Yunnan Daweishan Nature Reserve might be considered as the adaptive characteristics to their environment in tropical semi-evergreen forests and secondary forests.  相似文献   

Estrone-conjugates (E1C) were measured in the feces of six female pygmy lorises (Nycticebus pygmaeus) during estrus (n = 12), pregnancy (n = 4) and the postpartum period (n = 3). Noninvasive feces collection permitted frequent sampling throughout estrus and pregnancy, without disturbance of animals. The estrous period was defined as an increase in fecal E1C levels above an average of 70 ng/g feces with peaks above 100 ng/g feces obtained in consecutive fecal samples collected over a 6- to 11-day period between the end of July and the first third of October. Comparison of the periovulatory profile of E1C and the stage of labial opening of the vagina revealed a high agreement (P < 0.001). In all pregnant females, an E1C rise was found approximately 47 days postestrus, the source of which may be the growing fetal placental unit. Estimated gestation lengths ranged between 187 and 198 days (n = 4). Am. J. Primatol. 41:103–115, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The easternmost known record of the slow loris,Nycticebus coucang, is Tawitawi, Philippines. A report of this species in Mindanao, 500 km northeast of Tawitawi, is based on a mislabeled specimen.  相似文献   

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