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Comparisons of the toxicities of field-weathered residues of insecticides to adult femaleEuseius addoensis addoensis (McMurtry) were conducted by bioassay using leaf disks. The products tested are registered for the control of certain insect pests on citrus in South Africa. The treatments which caused the highest mortality, in order of decreasing toxicity, were: methiocarb plus sugar, cypermethrin plus profenofos, fenpropathrin plus phenthoate, methomyl, methidathion, phenthoate, prothiofos plus oil, and profenofos. Most of these treatments also had prolonged residual effects. Endosulfan, which caused only intermediate mortality to adult female mites, had a very persistent residue. Sublethal effects of insecticide residues on mite fecundity were negligible in most cases.  相似文献   

Kampimodromus aberrans is an effective predatory mite in fruit orchards. The side-effects of insecticides on this species have been little studied. Field and laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of insecticides on K. aberrans. Field experiments showed the detrimental effects of etofenprox, tau-fluvalinate and spinosad on predatory mites. Spider mite (Panonychus ulmi) populations reached higher densities on plots treated with etofenprox and tau-fluvalinate than in the other treatments. Single or multiple applications of neonicotinoids caused no detrimental effects on predatory mites. In the laboratory, spinosad and tau-fluvalinate caused 100 % mortality. Etofenprox caused a significant mortality and reduced fecundity. The remaining insecticides did not affect female survival except for imidacloprid. Thiamethoxam, clothianidin, thiacloprid, chlorpyrifos, lufenuron and methoxyfenozide were associated with a significant reduction in fecundity. No effect on fecundity was found for indoxacarb or acetamiprid. Escape rate of K. aberrans in laboratory was relatively high for etofenprox and spinosad, and to a lesser extent thiacloprid. The use of etofenprox, tau-fluvalinate and spinosad was detrimental for K. aberrans and the first two insecticides induced spider mite population increases. The remaining insecticides caused no negative effects on predatory mites in field trials. Some of them (reduced fecundity and repellence) should be considered with caution in integrated pest management programs.  相似文献   

Intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) is a 90 kd inducible surface glycoprotein that promotes adhesion in immunological and inflammatory reactions. ICAM-1 is a ligand of lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1), an alpha beta complex that is a member of the integrin family of cell-cell and cell-matrix receptors. ICAM-1 is encoded by an inducible 3.3 kb mRNA. The amino acid sequence specifies an integral membrane protein with an extracellular domain of 453 residues containing five immunoglobulin-like domains. Highest homology is found with neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) and myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG), which also contain five Ig-like domains. NCAM and MAG are nervous system adhesion molecules, but unlike ICAM-1, NCAM is homophilic. The ICAM-1 and LFA-1 interaction is heterophilic and unusual in that it is between members of the immunoglobulin and intergrin families. Unlike other integrin ligands, ICAM-1 does not contain an RGD sequence.  相似文献   

Phytoseiid mites were sampled in a grapefruit orchard at various times of the day to study their diurnal and seasonal distributions in the tree canopy. Samples were collected on 14, 20 and 28 October 1999 at 2 h intervals from 0600 to 2200 h. Similar samples were collected in a grapefruit orchard at 3 h intervals from 0600 to 2100 h on 9 and 16 March and on 17 and 24 August 2000 for phytoseiid mites. No differences in numbers of phytoseiid motiles were observed among the hours sampled in any of the three months. However, significant differences were observed in the number of phytoseiids per leaf based on location within the tree (eastern, western sides of the canopy or interior). Interior leaves collected in March and August 2000 had higher numbers of phytoseiids than exterior leaves taken from either the eastern or western sides of the tree canopy. Phytoseiids were more abundant in the March 2000 samples (mean = 1.10 phytoseiids/leaf) than in either October 1999 or August 2000 samples (mean = 0.16 and 0.19 phytoseiids/leaf, respectively). Prevalent phytoseiid species were Typhlodromalus peregrinus (Muma) (42.1%) and Iphiseiodes quadripilis (Banks) (50.4%) in October 1999, Typhlodromalus peregrinus (Muma) (76.2%) in March 2000, and Euseius mesembrinus (Dean) (54%) in August 2000.  相似文献   

Rubber pest mites, Calacarus heveae and Tenuipalpus heveae, reach economic damage levels at the end of the rainy season and the beginning of the dry season in Brazil. Therefore, low humidity adaptation might be an important characteristic for predatory mites to successfully control pest organisms. This study determined the effect of the relative humidity (RH) levels of 30–100% on the hatching of larvae of Amblyseius acalyphus, Euseius citrifolius, Iphiseiodes zuluagai, Metaseiulus camelliae, Agistemus floridanus and Zetzellia malvinae at 25 ± 0.5 °C. These predatory mites are common on rubber trees in the state of São Paulo and might be used for introduction in the major rubber tree production regions in the state of Mato Grosso. At 70% RH or higher, viability was 70% or higher for all species, indicating that their performance might be higher during the rainy season than during the dry season. Eggs of E. citrifolius and M. camelliae presented higher viability at the lower relative humidity levels than those of other species, indicating that these species might have higher chance to persist in the dry season. It is suggested that M. camelliae should be further evaluated for introduction in the state of Mato Grosso, considering that this mite is not yet present in that area.  相似文献   

Cannibalism (intraspecific predation) on conspecific eggs was investigated in the predatory stigmaeid mite, Agistemus exsertus Gonzalez in the absence of eggs of Tetranychus urticae Koch (no-choice tests) and presence of three densities of prey eggs simultaneously (choice tests) in the laboratory. Data show that cannibalism occurs in immatures and adult females of the predator, which successfully developed and reproduced on conspecific eggs as an alternative prey in the absence of prey eggs. In no-choice tests, cannibalism rate on conspecific eggs by A. exsertus stages was significantly lower than the predation rate on T. urticae eggs. The predatory mite exhibited a marked decline in oviposition rate when preyed on conspecific eggs compared with feeding on prey eggs. The developmental duration and longevity of A. exsertus females were significantly longer 1.9 and 1.7 times, respectively, when fed on conspecific eggs than feeding on T. urticae eggs. The propensity of the predator towards cannibalism depends on the prey density, when T. urticae eggs and conspecific eggs are present simultaneously. Provision of increased densities of prey eggs significantly decreased cannibalism and predation by A. exsertus stages, which fed generally less on conspecific eggs than on T. urticae eggs in choice tests. The oviposition rate of the predator increased significantly, as the egg density of the prey increased. The developmental period and longevity of A. exsertus females showed significantly gradual shortness with increasing egg density of the prey.  相似文献   

Seven species of phytoseiid mites were collected from citrus trees in the Mediterranean region during a survey in 1971.Amblyseius stipulatus Athias-Henriot was the most abundant and widespread species in all countries surveyed (Turkey, Greece, Italy, Spain).A. californicus (McGregor) was collected only in Spain;A. potentillae (Garman) andPhytoseiulus persimilis. A.-H. only in Italy.Typhlodromus talbii A.-H. was collected in Greece and Spain,T. athiasae Porath & Swirski in Greece and Turkey, andIphiseius degenerans (Berl.) in Greece and Italy. Living material of all species exceptT. talbii was successfully shipped to California and insectary cultures established. Biologies were studied in the laboratory under 2 food regimes:Tetranychus pacificus McGregor eggs and larvae, and pollen ofMalephora crocea (Jacq.). Pollen was not a satisfactory food forp. persimilis, A. californicus andT. athiasae. Pollen was slightly less satisfactory than tetranychid mites fora. potentillae, but was equally or more favorable than mites forA. stipulatus andI. degenerans. A. stipulatus has become established in southern California.
Résumé Sept espèces d'acariens de la famille desPhytoseiidae ont été récoltées sur des plants d'agrumes dans la région méditerranéenne au cours d'une étude effectuée en 1971.Amblyseius stipulatus Athias-Henriot est l'espèce la plus abondante et la plus répandue dans tous les pays visités (Turquie, Grèce, Italie, Espagne).A. californicus (McGregor) n'a été trouvé qu'en Espagne.A. potentillae (Garman) etPhytoseiulus persimilis A.-H. n'ont été trouvés qu'en Italie.Typhlodromus talbii. A.-H. a été récolté en Grèce et en Espagne,T. athiasae Porath & Swirski en Grèce et en Turquie, etIphiseius degenerans (Berl.) en Grèce et en Italie. Des spécimens vivants de toutes ces espèces, saufT. talbii, ont été réalisés avec succès en Californie où des élevages en laboratoire ont été réalisés. Ces élevages ont été réalisés avec deux régimes: œufs et larves deTetranychus pacificus, d'une part, pollen deMalephora crocea, d'autre part; ils ont permis de faire les observations biologiques suivantes. Le pollen n'est pas une nourriture satisfaisante pourP. persimilis, A. californicus etT. athiasae. Le pollen convient un peu moins que les tétranyques àA. potentillae; il est aussi favorable ou plus favorable que les tétranyques àA. stipulatus etI. degenerans. A la suite de son introduction dans le sud de la Californie,A. stipulatus semble s'y maintenir.

Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) (Acari: Phytoseiidae) is one of the most important and effective predators of Tetranychus spp. (Acari: Tetranychidae). This study analyzed the effects of hexythiazox and spiromesifen resistance on biological characteristics of N. californicus. Pre-oviposition, oviposition, post-oviposition times, adult lifespan, total number of eggs laid per female, net reproductive rate (R0), intrinsic rate of increase (rm), doubling time (DT), mean generation time (T) and finite rate of increase (λ) were compared among three populations: 63.9-fold hexythiazox resistant (HEX14), 53.6-fold spiromesifen resistant (SPR13) and a susceptible base population. Pre-oviposition and oviposition times, mean number of eggs/female, adult lifespan, R0 and rm values were all significantly higher for the two resistant populations than for the susceptible population. Life tables of HEX14, SPR13 and the susceptible population showed that R0 was 35.0, 26.5 and 19.4 (females/female generation), rm was 0.35, 0.32 and 0.30 (females/female/day), DT was 1.92, 2.07 and 2.27 days, T was 9.8, 9.8 and 9.7 days, and λ was 1.43, 1.39 and 1.35 (individuals/female/day), respectively.  相似文献   

The citrus rust mite (CRM), Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Acari: Eriophyidae) is a cosmopolitan key pest of citrus, inflicting severe economic damage if not controlled. In Israel, CRM damages all citrus cultivars. International regulation and increasing control failures of CRM led growers to seek sustainable biological control solutions such as acarine biological control agents. Laboratory studies conducted in Israel have indicated that the indigenous predator species Amblyseius swirskii, Iphiseius degenerans, Typhlodromus athiasae and Euseius scutalis (all Acari: Phytoseiidae) can potentially control CRM. Our general objective in the present study was to bridge the gap of knowledge between laboratory studies and the lack of control efficacy of these species in commercial orchards. Predator augmentation in the field showed that although predator populations increased immediately following releases they later decreased and did not affect CRM populations. When A. swirskii augmentation was combined with a series of maize pollen applications, A. swirskii populations were enhanced substantially and continuously but again CRM populations were not affected. Growth chamber studies with CRM-infested seedlings, with or without a maize pollen supplement, indicated that pollen provisioning led to population increase of E. scutalis and A. swirskii but only E. scutalis significantly lowered CRM populations. Control with E. scutalis was confirmed in the field on CRM infested seedlings with pollen provisioned by adjacent flowering Rhodes grass. While experiments in mature citrus orchard showed that pollen supplement usually increased predator populations they also indicated that other factors such as intraguild interactions and pesticide treatments should be taken into account when devising CRM biological control programs.  相似文献   

Development, immature survival, reproduction, and life table parameters of the predatory mite Typhlodromus foenilis Oudemans were evaluated on seven different plant pollens (almond, apple, pear, cherry, apricot, plum, and walnut). Experiments were conducted in environmental chambers at 20 +/- 1 degrees C with 65 +/- 5% RH and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D). T. foenilis successfully completed its development on all pollen diets. Female mean developmental time from egg to adult emergence ranged from 11.3 +/- 0.12 to 14.28 +/- 0.23 d, whereas that of males was from 10.81 +/- 0.17 to 14.17 +/- 0.17 d. The average life span of adult females varied from 41.0 +/- 1.46 to 65.45 +/- 3.89 d, and total fecundity ranged from 11.78 +/- 0.65 to 39.09 +/- 2.38 eggs/female. The intrinsic rate of increase of T. foenilis was highest on almond pollen (r(m) = 0.104/d) and was the shortest on walnut pollen (r(m) = 0.055/d). The results show that this predatory mite develops well on all pollens, with almond and apricot pollens being of high nutritional value. This study provides further information for mass rearing of T. foenilis, and these findings are discussed in relevance with the establishment of this species in the field.  相似文献   

A purified, thermostable chitinase from Bacillus sp. BG-11 retained 90% of its activity in the presence of fungicides such as Aromex, Captafol, Captan, Chlorothalonil, Dinocap, Metalaxyl, sulphur, Triadimefon, and insecticides such as Acephate, Chloropyriphos, Cypermethrin, Diclovorus, Dimethoate, Methomyl, Malathion, Methylparathion and Monocrotophos at a concentration of 100 g active ingredient per ml of enzyme solution. Allosamidin inhibited the chitinase with IC50 value of 48 M.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In Versuchen über die Anf?lligkeit von Schlupfwespen für Bek?mpfungsmittel wurdeMormoniella vitripennis benutzt. Eine Spritzbelagmethode wurde angewandt. Die Ergebnisse in Tabellen I, II und III zeigen eine sehr geringe Giftwirkung von Captan, Karathane, Thiram und die Sauerstoffanalogon von Eradex, dagegen gaben Thiodan und Sevin eine sehr hohe Mortalit?t. Ryanicide, Chlorbenside und Isolan waren in den angewandten Konzentrationen nicht gef?hrlich für diesen Parasit.   相似文献   

Amblyseius (Neoseiulus) californicus is an indigenous mite in Japan that feeds on many spider mite species. We evaluated the development, survivorship and life-history parameters of A. californicus on a diet of eggs of Tetranychus urticae (red form). More than 97.3% of A. californicus eggs hatched and more than 81.6% of newly hatched larvae attained maturity at temperatures between 15 and 35 degrees C. Females oviposited at 37.5 degrees C, but no eggs hatched. At 40 degrees C, no females laid eggs. The lower threshold temperature from egg to oviposition was 10.3 degrees C and the thermal constant was 86.2 degree-days. Based on these data, the maximum number of generations that could complete development in a year under field conditions in Ibaraki, central Japan, would be between 21 and 28. At 25 degrees C, females laid a mean of 41.6 eggs during a mean oviposition period of 19.4 days. The intrinsic rates of natural increase (rm) were 0.173 at 20 degrees C, 0.274 at 25 degrees C and 0.340 at 30 degrees C.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The impacts of four pesticides used for control of citrus thrips, Scirtothrips citri (Moulton), were evaluated in both field and laboratory populations of a predaceous mite, Euseius tularensis Congdon. Abamectin and chlorfenapyr had the least impact of pesticides evaluated on a field population of E. tularensis and predaceous mite levels mirrored those observed in the untreated control but at a slightly depressed level. Spinosad reduced predaceous mites somewhat but they recovered to 50% of the level in the untreated control by the end of the trial. Mite populations were low throughout the trial in plots treated with cyfluthrin. As an overall summary statistic, cumulative predator mite-days ranged from 73.6% of the level observed in the untreated control with abamectin to 67.1% with chlorfenapyr, 36.8% with spinosad and 11.7% with cyfluthrin. Three additional field trials confirmed abamectin's minimal impact. In laboratory studies of adult female mite mortality on field-weathered, pesticide-treated leaves, cyfluthrin caused high mortality on day 1 after treatment and all mites that were not killed were driven off leaf discs until day 21. When mites were placed on leaf discs 1 day after treatment with abamectin, spinosad, or chlorfenapyr, 67.5% of the mites died on chlorfenapyr discs. By 7 days after treatment, no material but cyfluthrin showed a significant impact. Implications to citrus integrated pest management are discussed.  相似文献   

The development, survivorship, and reproduction of the predacious mite Typhlodromus athenas Swirski and Ragusa were studied in the laboratory by rearing the predator on nine different plant pollens [almond(Prunus amygdalis Batsch), apple (Malus domestica Borkh.), apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.), cherry (Prunus avium L.), pear (Pyrus communis L.), plum (Prunus domestica L.), walnut (Juglans regia L.), olive (Olea europaea L.), Typha sp.], and pollen collected from bee hives. All experiments were conducted in environmental chambers at 20 ± 1°C, 65% RH, and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D) h. Survival during immature development ranged from 81.1 to 96.0%. The shortest mean developmental time from egg to adult with respect to the range of pollen species was recorded for females and males fed on almond pollen (10.76 ± 0.18 and 10.45 ± 0.21 d, respectively), while the longest was on beehive pollen (26.97 ± 0.23 and 24.00 ± 0.25 d for females and males, respectively). Female longevity varied from 51.63 ± 5.52 d (olive pollen) to 102.81 ± 6.60 d (pear pollen), while fecundity ranged from 5.33 ± 2.35 eggs per female (beehive pollen) to 26.43 ± 1.73 eggs per female (almond pollen). The diet consisting of almond pollen resulted in the highest intrinsic rate of natural increase (r(m)) (1.00 d(-1)) and pollen collected from bee hives resulted in the lowest (0.013 d(-1)). These results showed that various pollen could favor the development of T. athenas, and also support the view that alternative food resources may play an important role in the field for sustaining and increasing the predator's population.  相似文献   

Oatman  E. R.  Gilstrap  F. E.  Voth  V. 《BioControl》1976,21(3):269-273
The effect of different release rates of a predaceous mite,Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot, on the twospotted spider mite,Tetranychus urticae Koch, on strawberry was investigated in southern California in 1970–71. The spider mite population reached a peak of 206.3 active stages/leaflet in the low-rate (5/plant) release plot on May 4 and 169.1/leaflet in the high-rate (10/plant) release plot on May 18, compared to a peak of 433.4/leaflet in the control (no release) plot on May 11. The mean numbers of spider mites in the low-, and high-rate release plots were significantly different from the control from April 6 through June 15, but were never significantly different from each other. The predator population reached a peak of 13.1 and 23.8 active stages/leaflet in the low-, and high-rate release plots, respectively, on May 25 which was 3 weeks and 1 week after the spider mite population reached its peak in these plots. The seasonal mean numbers of spider mite active stages in the low-, and high-rate release plots were significantly different (P=0.05) from the control, but were not significantly different from each other. There were no significant differences in fruit yield (g/plant) or fruit size between the low-, and high-rate release and control plots.
Résumé Des lachers de l'acarien prédateurPhytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot ont été réalisés en 1970–71 dans deux fraiseraies de la Californie du Sud infestées parTetranychus urticae Koch. La densité des populations larvaires deT. urticae a atteint le 4 mai un maximum de 206,3 par foliole là où le lacher avait été de 5 par plante (parcelle 1) et de 169,1 pour 10 prédateurs par plant (parcelle 2) le 11 mai, alors que le témoin en contenait 433,4 par foliole. La densité des populations larvaires deT. urticae était comparable dans les parcelles 1 et 2 entre le 6 avril et le 15 juin, mais divergeait sensiblement de celle du témoin. Les populations de larves du prédateur ont atteint un maximum de 13,1 et 23,8 par foliole dans les parcelles 1 et 2 les 13 et 25 mai, respectivement, soit 3 semaines et 1 semaine après que celles deT. urticae aient atteint leur maximum. Pour la saison, la densité moyenne des populations larvaires deT. urticae enregistrée dans les parcelles 1 et 2 différaient considérablement de celle du témoin (P=0.05), mais la différence entre les terrains 1 et 2 n'était pas significative. Il n'y a pas eu de différences importantes entre la récolte de fraises (g/plante) ou la dimension des fruits récoltés dans les parcelles 1 et 2 et le témoin.

An artificial feeding system was developed for the citrus red mite, Panonychus citri McGregor (Acari: Tetranychidae) to determine egg production and survival of adult female mites in response to various nutrient solutions. Egg production increased with increasing sugar concentration up to 20%, then declined. Autoclaved sodium caseinate was the most suitable nitrogen source examined, and egg production was highest on diet fractions containing 8% sodium caseinate, the highest concentration examined. Fecundity was higher when dietary nitrogen was provided entirely by protein than in whole or in part by free amino acids. Results are qualitatively similar to studies with Tetranychus urticae Koch, however optimal concentrations of major nutrients were ca. 4 to 10 times higher for P. citri than for T. urticae.
Résumé Une méthode d'alimentation sur diète artificielle a été mise au point pour l'acarien du citrus, Panonychus citri Mc Gregor (Acari: Tetranychidae) et a été utilisée pour déterminer l'influence de différentes solutions nutritives sur la fécondité et la survie des femelles adultes. La fécondité augmente avec la teneur en sucre jusqu'à une concentration maximale de 30%, et décline ensuite pour des concentrations supérieures. Du caséinate de sodium autoclavé s'est révélé être la meilleure source d'azote et la fécondité a été la plus forte sur des milieux contenant 8% de caséinate de sodium, concentration la plus élevée testée. La fécondité est plus grande lorsque l'azote alimentaire est fourni entièrement sous forme de protéine plutôt que sous forme d'acides aminés libres, en tout ou en partie. Les résultats sont qualitativement semblables à ceux obtenus précédemment chez Tetranychus urticae Koch, cependant les concentrations optimales des nutriments majeurs sont environ 4 à 10 fois plus élevées pour P. citri que pour T. urticae.

The acaricide hexythiazox (Acorit® SC, 100 g a.i.l–1), the fungicide triadimefon (Bayleton spezial® WG, 52 g a.i.kg–1) and the insecticide heptenophos (Hostaquick® EC, 550 g a.i.l–1), were tested in the laboratory for their side-effects on the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis A.H. The pesticides were either applied separately at a range of concentrations or in admixture to detached bean leaves using a Potter Tower to deposit 2 mg spray solution per cm2. No significant differences in the mean mortality rate of the phytoseiid or in the mean reproduction per female was found between the different treatments. Total effect values ranged from 5.4 to 38.7% after separate application of the test products and from 8.9 to 25.5% after treatment with the various pesticide mixtures.  相似文献   

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