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The aim of this study was to examine the effects of muscle fibre composition on muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) in response to isometric exercise. The MSNA, recorded from the tibial nerve by a microneurographic technique during contraction and following arterial occlusion, was compared in three different muscle groups: the forearm (handgrip), anterior tibialis (foot dorsal contraction), and soleus muscles (foot plantar contraction) contracted separately at intensities of 20%, 33% and 50% of the maximal voluntary force. The increases in MSNA relative to control levels during contraction and occlusion were significant at all contracting forces for handgrip and at 33% and 50% of maximal for dorsal contraction, but there were no significant changes, except during exercise at 50%, for plantar contraction. The size of the MSNA response correlated with the contraction force in all muscle groups. Pooling data for all contraction forces, there were different MSNA responses among muscle groups in contraction forces (P = 0.0001, two-way analysis of variance), and occlusion periods (P = 0.0001). The MSNA increases were in the following order of magnitude: handgrip, dorsal, and plantar contractions. The order of the fibre type composition in these three muscles is from equal numbers of types I and II fibres in the forearm to increasing number of type I fibres in the leg muscles. The different MSNA responses to the contraction of different muscle groups observed may have been due in part to muscle metaboreflex intensity influenced by their metabolic capacity which is related to by their metabolic capacity which is related to the fibre type.  相似文献   

目的建立健康树鼩的心率、血压正常值参考范围,并探讨不同来源、不同性别、不同年龄树鼩心率、血压的差异。方法随机挑选实验树鼩180只,按来源分为野生成年组、F1代自繁成年组和青幼年组三个组,每组雌雄各半,共60只。采用智能无创血压计(鼠仪)逐只测定HR(心率)、SBP(收缩压)、DBP(舒张压)和MBP(平均动脉压)。结果野生成年树鼩、自繁成年树鼩和青幼年树鼩心率分别为394.33±37.74 BPM、351.61±72.76 BPM和378.19±69.04 BPM,野生和自繁成年树鼩组差异有显著性(P〈0.05)。自繁成年树鼩收缩压、舒张压和平均动脉压均明显低于青幼年树鼩,差异有极显著性(P〈0.01)。野生成年树鼩和自繁成年树鼩相比,收缩压、舒张压和平均动脉压差异均无显著性(P〉0.05)。结论大鼠无创血压计适合于树鼩的血压、心率的测量。通过测定,获得了野生成年树鼩、F1代自繁成年树鼩和青幼年树鼩的心率和血压参考值范围,丰富了树鼩基础生理数据,可为相关研究提供科学参考。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine whether the perception of exertion is affected by alcohol during physical performance and whether altered self-rating of exertion is the result of an altered perception per se or of an altered physical capacity to perform work. Ten healthy men participated. Each subject was his own control and received an alcohol dose corresponding to 1 g.kg-1 body mass in 40% solution in the experimental session. The exercise test was performed on a cycle ergometer with an initial intensity of 50 W which was increased stepwise by 50 W at 4-min intervals up to near-maximal. The rating of perceived exertion (RPE) did not differ between alcohol and control sessions. Alcohol induced a significant increase in heart rate during exercise at 50 W (delta x = 8 beats.min-1) and at 100 W (delta x = 10 beats.min-1), while the change at higher intensities was insignificant. The systolic blood pressure and the blood lactate concentration were not significantly changed by alcohol. It is concluded that a moderate dose of alcohol does not alter RPE during physical exercise either per se or secondarily to an altered physical capacity to perform work.  相似文献   

Nine men [24.6 (SEM 1.1) years] carried out isometric contractions (IC) of the right elbow flexors at 50% and 100% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). At 50% MVC they had to maintain IC until the limit time (isotonic IC: IIC50 and beyond for as long as possible (anisotonic IC: AIC50). At 100% MVC, IC was anisotonic since the decrease in force was immediate (AIC100). Measurements of the force, the integrated electromyogram (iEMG) and the heart rate (f c) were made during the entire period of contraction. There was a linear relationship between the iEMG increase and thef c increase for IIC50 and AIC100. This relationship was not found for AIC50. The role played by the peripheral information would seem to have become more important inf c regulation when the isotonic IC preceding the anisotonic IC was sufficiently long (submaximal IIC). It would seem that the idea of muscle exhaustion at the limit time was only relative, and depended greatly on the subject's motivation and his capacity to endure a certain degree of pain.  相似文献   

The transients of mean arterial blood pressure (BPa) and heart rate (fc) during rest-exercise and exercise-rest transitions have been studied in six healthy sport students. After 5 min of rest in an upright position on a cycle ergometer they exercised for 15 min and remained seated for a further 5 min. The subjects exercised at four different constant intensities (40 W, 80 W, 120 W, 160 W) in random order separated by at least 24 h. The BPa was determined by a noninvasive and continuous method. During the first minute of exercise, three phases of response could be distinguished, with the first two showing no clear relationship to intensity. Phase 1 consisted of simultaneous increases in both fc and BP during the first 6 s. In phase 2, BPa decreased while fc continued to increase. During phase 3, BPa and fc approximated constant values or a linear increase. Both parameters showed no comparable intensity-independent reactions during the off-transients. In conclusion, during the first 15 s of rest-exercise transitions there seems to be a fast and uniform cardiovascular drive which overrode other influences on fc.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the isometric endurance response and the heart rate and blood pressure responses to isometric exercise in two muscle groups in ten young (age 23–29 years) and seven older (age 54–59 years) physically active men with similar estimated forearm and thigh muscle masses. Isometric contractions were held until fatigue using the finger flexor muscles (handgrip) and with the quadriceps muscle (one-legged knee extension) at 20%, 40%, and 60% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). Heart rate and arterial pressure were related to the the individual's contraction times. The isometric endurance response was longer with handgrip than with one-legged knee extension, but no significant difference was observed between the age groups. The isometric endurance response averaged 542 (SEM 57), 153 (SEM 14), and 59 (SEM 5) s for the handgrip, and 276 (SEM 35), 94 (SEM 10) and 48 (SEM 5) s for the knee extension at the three MVC levels, respectively. Heart rate and blood pressure became higher during one-legged knee extension than during handgrip, and with increasing level of contraction. The older subjects had a lower heart rate and a higher blood pressure response than their younger counterparts, and the differences were more apparent at a higher force level. The results would indicate that increasing age is associated with an altered heart rate and blood pressure response to isometric exercise although it does not affect isometric endurance. Accepted: 23 October 1997  相似文献   

Congestive heart failure is associated with a loss of circadian and short-term variability in blood pressure and heart rate. In order to assess the contribution of elevated cardiac sympathetic activity to the disturbed cardiovascular regulation, we monitored blood pressure and heart rate in mice with cardiac overexpression of the β1-adrenoceptor prior to the development of overt heart failure. Telemetry transmitters for continuous monitoring of blood pressure and heart rate were implanted in 8 to 9-week-old wildtype and transgenic mice, derived from crosses of heterozygous transgenic (line β1TG4) and wildtype mice. Cardiovascular circadian patterns were analyzed under baseline conditions and during treatment with propranolol (500 mg/L in drinking water). Short-term variability was assessed by spectral analysis of beat-to-beat data sampled for 30 min at four circadian times. Transgenic β1TG4 mice showed an increase in 24 h heart rate, while blood pressure was not different from wildtype controls. Circadian patterns in blood pressure and heart were preserved in β1TG4 mice. Addition of propranolol to the animals' drinking water led to a reduction in heart rate and its 24 h variation in both strains of mice. Short-term variability in blood pressure was not different between wildtype and β1TG4 mice, but heart rate variability in the transgenic animals showed a rightward shift of the high-frequency component in the nocturnal activity period, suggesting an increase in respiratory frequency. In conclusion, the present study shows that both the circadian and the short-term regulation of blood pressure and heart rate are largely preserved in young, nonfailing β1-transgenic mice. This finding suggests that the loss of blood pressure and heart rate variability observed in human congestive heart failure cannot be attributed solely to sympathetic overactivity but reflects the loss of adrenergic responsiveness to changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system.  相似文献   

Eccentric muscle actions are known to induce temporary muscle damage, delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and muscle weakness that may persist for several days. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether DOMS-inducing exercise affects blood lactate responses to subsequent incremental dynamic exercise. Physiological and metabolic responses to a standardised incremental exercise task were measured two days after the performance of an eccentric exercise bout or in a control (no prior exercise) condition. Ten healthy recreationally active subjects (9 male, 1 female), aged 20 (SD 1) years performed repeated eccentric muscle actions during 40 min of bench stepping (knee high step; 15 steps · min−1). Two days after the eccentric exercise, while the subjects experienced DOMS, they cycled on a basket loaded cycle ergometer at a starting work rate of 150 W, with increments of 50 W every 2 min until fatigue. The order of the preceding treatments (eccentric exercise or control) was randomised and the treatments were carried out 2 weeks apart. Two days after the eccentric exercise, all subjects reported leg muscle soreness and exhibited elevated levels of plasma creatine kinase activity (P < 0.05). Endurance time and peak O2 during cycling were unaffected by the prior eccentric exercise. Minute volume, respiratory exchange ratio and heart rate responses were similar but venous blood lactate concentration was higher (P < 0.05) during cycling after eccentric exercise compared with the control condition. Peak blood lactate concentration, observed at 2 min post-exercise was also higher [12.6 (SD 1.4) vs 10.9 SD (1.3) mM; P < 0.01]. The higher blood lactate concentration during cycling exercise after prior eccentric exercise may be attributable to an increased rate of glycogenolysis possibly arising from an increased recruitment of Type II muscle fibres. It follows that determination of lactate thresholds for the purpose of fitness assessment in subjects experiencing DOMS is not appropriate. Accepted: 27 September 1997  相似文献   

Recent studies have provided evidence for the dense localization of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) in the anteroventral third ventricle (AV3V) region of the rat brain. This area is currently thought to be involved in the regulation of blood pressure and fluid and electrolyte balance. To investigate whether ANF may play a role in central cardiovascular regulation, the effects of microinjection of ANF into the preoptic suprachiasmatic nucleus (POSC), which is located in the AV3V region of the brain, were examined in the present study. Low doses of ANF (2–4 pmol) produced modest elevations in systolic and diastolic pressures, approximately 10–14%, and a small rise in HR of roughly 7%. Higher doses of ANF (20–40 pmol) produced significant increases in systolic (15–19%), mean arterial (12–14%) and pulse (25–36%) pressures. In addition, much larger increases in HR, approximately 20%, were produced by these higher doses of ANF. The onset of effects produced by ANF on BP and HR was seen 15–45 min after injection. Peak effects were usually observed approximately 60–150 min after onset, and the duration of the effect was 2–4 hours, after which time values usually returned to baseline. These studies indicate that ANF produces significant increases in BP and HR when injected at pmol doses into the POSC, and lends support to the idea that this peptide may play an important role in central cardiovascular regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

Using the impedance cardiography method, heart rate ( c) matched changes on indexed stroke volume (SI) and cardiac output (CI) were compared in subjects engaged in different types of training. The subjects consisted of untrained controls (C), volleyball players (VB) who spent about half of their training time (360 min · week–1) doing anaerobic conditioning exercises and who had a maximal oxygen uptake ( ) 41% higher than the controls, and distance runners (D) who spent all their training time (366 min·week–1) doing aerobic conditioning exercises and who had a 26% higher than VB. The subjects performed progressive submaximal cycle ergometer exercise (10 W·min–1) up to c of 150 beats·min–1. In group C, SI had increased significantly (P<0.05) at c of 90 beats·min–1 ( + 32%) and maintained this difference up to 110 beats·min–1, only to return to resting values on reaching 130 beats·min–1 with no further changes. In group VB, SI peaked (+ 54%) at c of 110 beats·min–1, reaching a value significantly higher than that of group C, but decreased progressively to 22010 of the resting value on reaching 150 beats·min–1. In group D, SI peaked at c of 130 beats·min–1 (+ 54%), reaching a value significantly higher than that of group VB, and showed no significant reduction with respect to this peak value on reaching 150 beats·min–1. As a consequence, the mean CI increase per c unit was progressively higher in VB than in C (+46%) and in D than in VB (+ 105%). It was concluded that thef c value at which SI ceased to increase during incremental exercise was closely related to the endurance component in the training programme.  相似文献   

Diminished baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) is related to increased risk of sudden cardiac death in myocardial infarction patients and can be used as an indicator for risk level. The BRS is traditionally estimated invasively using vasoactive drugs, such as phenylephrine injection. This method has been widely accepted as a standard in clinical research. Due to its clinical importance, alternative BRS assessment methods have been investigated over the years to eliminate the use of drugs. In this study, the BRS obtained by drug-based (pharmacological) assessment was predicted from a subset of non-pharmacological indices computed from heart rate and systolic pressure signals. In the first phase of a two-phase experimental paradigm, 16 subjects were asked to perform two deep breathings with a 2-min delay in between. In the second phase, the BRS was measured by phenylephrine injection. Indices computed from the first phase describing the spectral and time domain properties of the heart rate and systolic pressure signals were used as predictors to estimate the pharmacological BRS of each subject. In addition to individual spectrum of beat-to-beat interval and systolic blood pressure, indices from cross-spectrum were also computed and evaluated as predictors. A leave one out method was employed to estimate the generalization capacity of the system and explore subset of indices, which gives the highest correlation between pharmacological and predicted BRS. Two predictors provided the highest correlation (r = 0.87, p = 1.16 × 10−5) with pharmacological BRS. The algorithm selected consistently normalized cross-power about the Mayer frequency and average magnitude square coherence in the high frequency band as predictors. These results indicate that the pharmacological BRS can be estimated from the combination of non-pharmacological spectral indices computed from beat-to-beat interval and systolic blood pressure signals obtained during deep breathing and therefore may eliminate the use of drugs.  相似文献   

The effect of low muscle temperature on the response to dynamic exercise was studied in six healthy men who performed 42 min of exercise on a cycle ergometer at an intensity of 70% of their maximal O2 uptake. Experiments were performed under control conditions, i.e. from rest at room temperature, and following 45 min standing with legs immersed in a water bath at 12 degrees C. The water bath reduced quadriceps muscle temperature (at 3 cm depth) from 36.4 (SD 0.5) degrees C to 30.5 (SD 1.7) degrees C. Following cooling, exercise heart rate was initially lower, the mean difference ranged from 13 (SD 4) beats.min-1 after 6 min of exercise, to 4 (SD 2) beats.min-1 after 24 min of exercise. Steady-state oxygen uptake was consistently higher (0.2 l.min-1). However, no difference could be discerned in the kinetics of oxygen uptake at the onset of exercise. During exercise after cooling a significantly higher peak value was found for the blood lactate concentration compared to that under control conditions. The peak values were both reached after approximately 9 min of exercise. After 42 min of exercise the blood lactate concentrations did not differ significantly, indicating a faster rate of removal during exercise after cooling. We interpreted these observations as reflecting a relatively higher level of muscle hypoxia at the onset of exercise as a consequence of a cold-induced vasoconstriction. The elevated steady-state oxygen uptake may in part have been accounted for by the energetic costs of removal of the extra lactate released into the blood consequent upon initial tissue hypoxia.  相似文献   

Increase in atrial natriuretic peptide in response to physical exercise   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Circulating atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) level was determined during physical exercise to investigate the correlation between changes in ANP level and heart rate increases. Six subjects exercised at a work level of 75% VO2max for 30 min, two also performed two successive exercises at 75% VO2max while two more exercised for longer at 55% VO2max. Plasma ANP levels and heart rate increased in all the exercising subjects. At the end of the exercise, the ANP level fell immediately, suggesting an immediate reduction in ANP secretion by the heart. Pre-exercise values were reached after 30 min. Successive exercises gave the same heart rate related ANP patterns without previous secretory episodes having any effect. These results lead to the conclusion that ANP intervenes in the cardiovascular adjustments to exercise.  相似文献   

The changes which occur in a human body subjected to cryogenic temperatures are still not completely understood. Thus the aim of this study was to evaluate changes in blood circulation induced by a single exposure to very low temperature during whole-body cryostimulation of young and clinically healthy male subjects. Prior to the study, candidates underwent a medical examination in order to eliminate individuals with contraindications towards cryostimulation.
The study included 40 young men aged 22±0.7 years, average body weight 76.65±7.8 kg and height 175.5±7.2 cm. The participants were exposed to extremely low temperatures in a cryogenic chamber. Each session lasted for 3 min at −130 °C and was preceded by 30 s of adaptation in a vestibule at −60 °C. Blood pressure and heart rate were measured before entering the chamber, immediately after exiting, and 10 and 20 min after exiting.
Our results showed a significant increase in systolic blood pressure after cryostimulation (by an average of 21 mmHg in comparison with the initial level before cryostimulation) and an increase in diastolic blood pressure after the cryostimulation (by 9 mmHg). The increase in systolic blood pressure was accompanied by a significant decrease in heart rate (by about 10 bpm). Cryostimulation of the whole body is a stress factor and a stimulus for the body which significantly increases systolic blood pressure, but the changes are temporary and not harmful for normotensive individuals.

The present study re-examines the 15% MVC concept, i.e. the existence of a circulatory steady-state in low intensity static contractions below 15% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). Mean arterial blood pressure was studied during static endurance contractions of the elbow flexor and extensor muscles at forces corresponding to 10% and 40% MVC. Mean value for endurance time at 10% MVC was significantly longer for flexion [111.3 (SD 56.1) min] than for extension [18.1 (SD 7.5) min; n = 7]. At 40% MVC the difference in mean endurance time disappeared [2.3 (SD 0.7) min for elbow flexion and 2.3 (SD 0.7) min for elbow extension]. Mean arterial blood pressure exhibited a continuous and progressive increase during the 10% MVC contractions indicating that the 15% MVC concept would not appear to be valid. The terminal blood pressure value recorded at the point of exhaustion in the 10% MVC elbow extension experiment was identical to the peak pressure attained in the 40% MVC contraction. For the elbow flexors the terminal pressor response was slightly but significantly lower at 10% MVC [122.3 (SD 10.1) mmHg, 16.3 (SD 1.4) kPa] in comparison with 40% MVC [130.4 (SD 7.4) mmHg, 17.4 (SD 1.0) kPa]. When the circulation to the muscles was arrested just prior to the cessation of the contraction, blood pressure only partly recovered and remained elevated for as long as the occlusion persisted, indicating the level of pressure-raising muscle chemoreflexes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We attempted a new approach based on a modern dynamical system theory to reconstruct the arterial blood pressure signals in relation to heart rate fluctuations of developing chick embryos. The dynamical systems approach in general is to model a phenomenon that is presented by a single time series record and approximate the dynamical property (e.g. heart rate fluctuations) of a system based only on information contained in a single-variable (arterial blood pressure) of the system. The time-series data of the arterial blood pressure was reconstructed in 3-dimensional space to draw characteristic orbits. Since the reconstructed orbits of the blood pressure should retain information contained in the pressure signals, we attempted to derive instantaneous heart rate (IHR) from the reconstructed orbits. The derived IHR presenting HR fluctuations coincided well with the IHR obtained conventionally from the peak-to-peak time intervals of the maximum blood pressure. Movements of the reconstructed orbits of the arterial blood pressure in 3-dimensional space reflected HR fluctuations (i.e. transient decelerations and accelerations).  相似文献   

Resistance exercise has been suggested to increase blood volume, increase the sensitivity of the carotid baroreceptor cardiac reflex response (BARO), and decrease leg compliance, all factors that are expected to improve orthostatic tolerance. To further test these hypotheses, cardiovascular responses to standing and to pre-syncopal limited lower body negative pressure (LBNP) were measured in two groups of sedentary men before and after a 12-week period of either exercise (n = 10) or no exercise (control, n = 9). Resistance exercise training consisted of nine isotonic exercises, four sets of each, 3 days per week, stressing all major muscle groups. After exercise training, leg muscle volumes increased (P < 0.05) by 4–14%, lean body mass increased (P = 0.00) by 2.0 (0.5) kg, leg compliance and BARO were not significantly altered, and the maximal LBNP tolerated without pre-syncope was not significantly different. Supine resting heart rate was reduced (P = 0.03) without attenuating the heart rate or blood pressure responses during the stand test or LBNP. Also, blood volume (125I and 51Cr) and red cell mass were increased (P < 0.02) by 2.8% and 3.9%, respectively. These findings indicate that intense resistance exercise increases blood volume but does not consistently improve orthostatic tolerance. Accepted: 17 January 1997  相似文献   

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