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Abstract Tadpoles and mosquito larvae often coexist in natural freshwater bodies. We studied competitive interactions between: (i) tadpoles of the striped marsh frog (Limnodynastes peronii) and larvae of the mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus; and (ii) tadpoles of the common eastern froglet (Crinia signifera) and larvae of the mosquito Aedes australis. These two sets of taxa occur in natural water bodies in the Sydney region. Laboratory trials revealed competition between mosquito larvae and tadpoles in both systems. For example, mosquitoes displayed reduced rates of survival, growth and development, and smaller size at metamorphosis, when they were raised with tadpoles. The intensity of competitive suppression was influenced by attributes such as pond size (and hence, larval density), the location of food (on the water surface vs the substrate), and the extent of opportunities for direct physical interactions between the two competing organisms. These effects differed between the two study systems, suggesting that the mechanisms of suppression also differed. Limnodynastes peronii tadpoles suppressed C. quinquefasciatus even when the two types of organisms were separated by a physical partition, suggesting that chemical or microbiological cues may be responsible. Pond attributes also affected the impact of C. signifera tadpoles on Aedes larvae, but (unlike the Limnodynastes–Culex system) these effects disappeared when densities were lowered or when the tadpoles and mosquito larvae were physically separated. Thus, direct physical interactions may suppress mosquitoes in the Crinia–Aedes system. Our results suggest that tadpoles suppress the viability of larval mosquitoes by multiple pathways.  相似文献   

Spinosad is a naturally derived biorational insecticide with an environmentally favourable toxicity profile, so we investigated its potency against mosquito larvae (Diptera: Culicidae). By laboratory bioassays of a suspension concentrate formulation of spinosad (Tracer), the 24 h lethal concentration (LC50) against Aedes aegypti (L.) third and fourth instars was estimated at 0.025 p.p.m. following logit regression. The concentration-mortality response of third- and fourth-instar Anopheles albimanus Weidemann did not conform to a logit model. The LC50 value of spinosad in Anopheles albimanus was 0.024 p.p.m. by quadratic linear regression. A field trial in southern Mexico demonstrated that spinosad 1 p.p.m. compared with the standard temephos (Abate) 1% granules 100 g/m3 water prevented Ae. aegypti breeding in plastic containers of water for 8 weeks; at 10 p.p.m. spinosad prevented breeding for > 22 weeks. In another field trial, spinosad at 5 p.p.m. and temephos both completely eliminated reproduction of Ae. aegypti for 13 weeks. In contrast, the bacterial insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti, Vectobac) AS) performed poorly with just 2 weeks of complete inhibition of Ae. aegypti breeding. Spinosad also effectively prevented breeding of Culex mosquitoes and chironomids in both trials to a degree similar to that of temephos. We conclude that spinosad merits evaluation as a replacement for organophosphate or Bti treatment of domestic water tanks in Mesoamerica. We also predict that spinosad is likely to be an effective larvicide for treatment of mosquito breeding sites.  相似文献   

The predation rates of six copepod species: Acanthocyclops robustus G.O. Sars, Eucyclops neumani Pesta, Macrocyclops albidus Jurine, Mesocyclops longisetus Thibaud, Metacyclops grandis Kiefer and Metacyclops mendocinus Wierzejski (Copepoda: Cyclopidae) on mosquito larvae, Culex pipiens Linnaeus (Diptera: Culicidae) were assessed. Experiments consisted of 24-h incubations of one copepod and 10 larvae without extra food at 16 degrees C and 26 degrees C. Nine replicates were considered for each species and temperature. Predation rates (larvae per copepod per day) were: M. mendocinus (1.8), M. grandis (3.1), E. neumani (3.8), A. robustus (3.8), Ma. albidus (6.1) and Me. longisetus (7.0). There was a significant effect of both species and temperature on predation: all species experienced higher predation at 26 degrees C than at 16 degrees C, except for A. robustus whose predation rate was similar at both temperatures. These observations are consistent with previous results that point to Macrocyclops and Mesocyclops genera as important larval predators and suggest the need for field trials to evaluate the response of Ma. albidus and Me. longisetus under natural conditions in Uruguay.  相似文献   

Frequency dependent mosquito larval size (II and IV instars) and species selection by the water bug Diplonychus indicus against three mosquito species Culex quinquefasciatus, Aedes aegypti and Anopheles stephensi was studied in the laboratory. The different frequencies used for each species selection were 20:30:50, 30:50:20, 50:20:30, 25:35:40, 35:40:25 and 40:25:35 of fourth instars of the respective three prey species. All nymphal water bugs (I–V instars) selected IV instar mosquito larvae and the mean proportion of late (larger) larvae eaten by the predator instars was significantly higher than the mean proportion of early (smaller) larvae eaten (F= 2.28; P < 0.001). In all six ratios used to determine the frequency dependent mosquito species selection, all the stages of the water bug selected Ae. aegypti over the other two species (F= 452.43; P < 0.001). The mean number of mosquito larvae eaten increased as its density increased based on various ratios of larvae offered. The study indicated that the predatory efficiency of D. indicus was high when Ae. aegypti was offered as prey, suggesting the utility of this mosquito predator in the control of dengue vectors.  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic fungi, such as Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana, have been shown to be efficacious in killing mosquito larvae of different mosquito species. The current study compared the pathogenicity and efficacy of two formulations of three fungal strains against different instars of three mosquito species with the aim of identifying the most virulent strain for use under field conditions. Three strains of Metarhizium, ARESF 4556, ARSEF 3297 and V275, were assayed against early (L2?3) and late (L3–4) instar larvae of Aedes aegypti, Anopheles stephensi and Culex quinquefasciatus. Two formulations of the fungi were tested, dry conidia and aqueous suspensions (i.e. ‘wet’ conidia). Effects of all combinations of conidia, mosquito species, instar, fungal strain and concentration on mosquito mortality were analysed using Cox regression and Kaplan–Meier analyses. Strain ARSEF 4556 was more virulent than ARSEF 3297 and V275, with LT50 values ranging from 0.3 to 1.1 days, with Anopheles and Culex being more susceptible than Aedes. Early and late instars were equally susceptible independent of species. Although the formulation did influence mortality rates, both ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ conidia applications were highly effective in killing mosquito larvae. Viable spores were more efficacious than heat killed spores. The latter did cause mortality but only at high concentrations. Metarhizium sp. has proved to be effective in reducing survivability of all larval stages of Aedes, Anopheles and Culex under laboratory conditions. Aedes larvae were generally more tolerant than Anopheles and Culex irrespective of fungal strain.  相似文献   

Filtration rates of fourth instars of Aedes aegypti L., Anopheles albimanus Wiedemann, Anopheles quadrimaculatus Say and Culex quinquefasciatus Say (Diptera: Culicidae) were determined by quantifying removal rates of suspended latex microspheres or yeast cells. Average filtration rates were 33–34 l/larva/h (An. quadrimaculatus), 49–55 (An. albimanus), 490–590 (C. quinquefasciatus) or 590–690 l/larva/h (Ae. aegypti) for larvae exposed to latex beads suspended in phagostimulant yeast extract solutions. In suspensions of yeast cells, filtration rates of Ae. aegypti and C. quinquefasciatus were not significantly different from filtration rates in latex bead suspensions. Larval density, ranging from 0.3 to 2.4 individuals/ml in tests with Ae. aegypti and C. quinquefasciatus and up to 4.8 larvae/ml in tests with Anopheles, did not influence filtration rates.
Zusammenfassung Die Filtrierraten von Viertlarven der Stechmückenarten Aedes aegypti, Anopheles albimanus, Anopheles quadrimaculatus und Culex quinquefasciatus wurden in Laborversuchen bestimmt. Dabei wurde die Filtrierrate definiert als ein Wasservolumen, welches pro Stunde von einer Larve von den Testpartikeln (Hefezellen oder Latexkugeln mit einem Durchmesser von 2 m) befreit wurde. Nach Exposition der Larven in Dichten zwischen 0.15 und 2.4 Larven/ml (Ae. aegypti und C. quinquefasciatus), oder zwischen 0.6 und 4.8 Larven/ml (Anopheles) wurde der Partikelgehalt der Suspensionen in einem elektronischen Partikelzähler bestimmt. Die Filtrierraten wurden über die Verringerung der Partikeldichte mit zunehmender Larvendichte entsprechend einer in der Literatur angegebenen Formel berechnet.Suspensionen von Hefezellen wurden von Ae. aegypti Larven mit einer Leistung von 680±220 l/Larve/h gefiltert. Bei Larven von C. quinquefasciatus wurden Filtrierraten von 600±120 l/Larve/h gemessen. Die Filtrierraten beider Arten waren unabhängig von der Larvendichte. In Suspensionen von Latexpartikeln (zur Phagostimulation der Larven wurden diese Partikel in Lösungen von Hefeextrakt angeboten) wurden die folgenden Filtrierraten festgestellt: An quadrimaculatus: 33–34, An. albimanus: 49–55, C. quinquefasciatus: 490–590, und Ae. aegypti: 560–690 l/Larve/h. Die Larvendichte hatte auch hier keinen Einfluss auf die Filtrierrate. Hefezellen und Latexpartikel wurden von Ae. aegypti und C. quinquefasciatus mit statistisch nicht signifikant verschiedenen Filtrierraten aufgenommen. Die Filtrierraten der Anopheles Larven waren um mehr als eine Zehnerpotenz kleiner als die Filtrierraten von Culex und Aedes, und auch untereinander signifikant verschieden. Der Einfluss der Filtrierraktivität von Stechmückenlarven auf das Seston der Brutgewässer wird diskutiert.

1. Seven types of water-insoluble adhesives were evaluated in sticky traps for collecting adults of Musca domestica L. and Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) or mosquito larvae (Aedes aegypti (L.) and Culex quinquefasciatus Say). 2. Adhesive viscosity affected the tackiness of the glues and this determined their trapping efficiency in air or water. 3. From the 'Hyvis' range of adhesives tested, 'Hyvis 200' was most effective for trapping adult flies. 4. With 24 h exposure to fourth instar Ae.aegypti larvae in tapwater, submerged plates coated with 'Hyvis 10', 'Hyvis 30' or 'Hyvis 200' formulations trapped the majority of larvae. In polluted water the highest rates of trapping were 17.3% of Ae.aegypti and 18.7% of Cx quinquefasciatus with 'Hyvis 200'. Floating traps were consistently less productive than submerged traps under laboratory conditions. 5. In a heavily polluted natural breeding-site of Cx quinquefasciatus, floating traps were more productive than submerged sticky traps with four of seven adhesives tested, the most efficient being 'Hyvis 200' (4.2 mosquitoes per hour) and Hyvis:polyethylene 90:10 (4.5/h). Despite the relative inefficiency of aquatic traps, emergent adults, pupae and second to fourth instars of larvae were collected quickly from the habitat.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide (CO2) has been used for decades to enhance capture of host‐seeking mosquitoes when released in association with traps commonly used by mosquito and vector control agencies. However, there is little published work evaluating the effect of altering CO2 release rates relative to the number of mosquitoes captured in these traps. This study investigated how varying CO2 concentration altered the mosquito collection rate at a freshwater wetlands in southern California. Host‐seeking mosquitoes were captured in CDC‐style traps baited with one of six CO2 release rates ranging from 0–1,495 ml/min from gas cylinders. Species captured were Aedes vexans, Anopheles franciscanus, An. hermsi, Culex erythrothorax, and Cx. tarsalis. A biting midge, Culicoides sonorensis, was also captured. For all species, increasing CO2 release rates resulted in increasing numbers of individual females captured, with the relative magnitude of this increase associated to some extent with known feeding preferences of these species. We found that variation in CO2 release rate can significantly alter mosquito capture rates, potentially leading to imprecise estimates of vector activity if the relationship of CO2 release rate to mosquito capture rate is not considered.  相似文献   

Mosquito collections with CDC light traps using dry ice and pigeon‐baited traps were carried out in south Moravia (Czech Republic) from April to October in 2007 and 2008 at two study sites. In 2007, 11 two‐day captures were carried out in two‐week intervals, and 1,490 female mosquitoes of nine species were caught. In 2008, 15 two‐day trappings of mosquitoes were carried out: 6,778 females of 22 species of mosquitoes were trapped. The results showed marked differences in abundance and species composition of mosquitoes between both study sites and between the trapping methods. In the floodplain forest ecosystem of the Soutok study area, Aedes vexans predominated. The species composition in the Nesyt study site was more varied and the most common species was Culex pipiens. At the latter study site, Anopheles hyrcanus (var. pseudopictus) and Uranotaenia unguiculata, mosquito species with largely southern Eurasian distribution, were repeatedly demonstrated. The largest capture of mosquitoes was in traps with CO2 placed at a height 1 m above the ground. The capture of mosquitoes in the pigeon‐baited traps as well as in the traps with CO2 placed in the canopy of trees was markedly lower in both study sites, with the predominant species being Culex pipiens.  相似文献   

针对具有选择性蛋白质降解功能的泛素在调控昆虫生长发育过程中的重要作用,探讨埃及伊蚊、冈比亚按蚊和致倦库蚊基因组中polyUBQ基因的有关生物信息。采用电子克隆的方法钓取3种蚊虫基因组中polyUBQ基因序列,分析其特征、分子进化关系、遗传多态性和密码子偏爱性。结果显示,成功获取埃及伊蚊、冈比亚按蚊和致倦库蚊polyUBQ基因序列,命名为Aa-polyUBQ(GenBank登录号:AAGE02005963)、Ag-polyUBQ(ABKP02009650)和Cq-polyUBQ(AAWU01023041),分别编码1 065个、218个和533个氨基酸残基,各具14个、3个和7个泛素单体,Aa-polyUBQ、Ag-polyUBQ和Cq-polyUBQ蛋白二级结构主要元件是延伸带和无规则卷曲,Leu、Ile和Lys是构成3种蛋白的主要氨基酸,亚细胞主要定位于细胞质和细胞核,无前导肽、信号肽和跨膜结构域,除Ag-polyUBQ蛋白外均呈碱性;3种基因序列的同源性较高(83.8%-88.2%)且遗传距离较近(0.129-0.187);检出135个多态位点,共生成3个单倍型,单倍型多样性(Hd=1.000)、平均核苷...  相似文献   

We engaged in field studies of native mosquitoes in a Cambridgeshire Fen, investigating a) the habitat specificity and seasonal dynamics of our native fauna in an intensively managed wetland, b) the impact of water‐level and ditch management, and c) their colonization of an arable reversion to flooded grassland wetland expansion project. Studies from April to October, 2010 collected 14,000 adult mosquitoes (15 species) over 292 trap‐nights and ~4,000 pre‐imaginal mosquitoes (11 species). Open floodwater species (Aedes caspius and Aedes cinereus, 43.3%) and wet woodland species (Aedes cantans/annulipes and Aedes rusticus, 32.4%) dominated, highlighting the major impact of seasonal water‐level management on mosquito populations in an intensively managed wetland. In permanent habitats, managing marginal ditch vegetation and ditch drying significantly affect densities of pre‐imaginal anophelines and culicines, respectively. This study presents the first UK field evidence of the implications of wetland expansion through arable reversion on mosquito colonization. Understanding the heterogeneity of mosquito diversity, phenology, and abundance in intensively managed UK wetlands will be crucial to mitigating nuisance and vector species through habitat management and biocidal control.  相似文献   

Drinking rate, uptake of bacteria and microalgae in turbot larvae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The drinking rate of turbot larvae increased from 14 to 120 nl larva-1 h-1 from day 2 to 11 after hatching, which gave a slightly increased specific drinking rate (calculated per biomass) from day 2 to 7 (0·8–1·9 nl μg carbon-1 h-1. The clearance rate of both algae and bacteria was 10–100 times higher than the drinking rate, which indicated that the larvae had an active uptake of both algae and bacteria. On day 2 and 4 after hatching highest clearance rate was observed for Tetraselmis sp. On day 6 about the same clearance rate was observed for bacteria, Isochrysis galbana and Tetraselmis sp. Until day 4 the turbot larvae had a higher ingestion rate of Tetraselmis sp. than of I. galbana , whereas on day 6 the rates were similar (28–41 ng carbon larvae-1 h-1). The assimilation efficiency was somewhat higher for I. galbana than for Tetraselmis sp., and on day 6 the assimilated algae constituted 1·5 and 0·9% of the larval biomass for I. galbana and Tetraselmis sp., respectively.  相似文献   

Anopheles hilli, Culex quinquefasciatus, and Aedes aegypti were used as test insects to compare the activity of the Australian and United States strains of Culicinomyces clavosporus. To minimize the variability incurred by using different larval batches, both strains were bioassayed at the same time using one batch of larvae. Six pairs of assays for each of the three test species were conducted in this manner. It was found that there was no difference in potency of the two strains in any one of the three species. A between species comparison, with the data pooled for both strains, showed that A. aegypti was more susceptible to the fungus than A. hilli. The susceptibility of C. Quinquefasciatus appeared to be intermediate but the fiducial limits of the weighted mean LC50 overlapped with those of the other two species. From the results of these experiments it would seem that, with regard to potency, both strains of Culicinomyces may be equally promising for the biological control of mosquitoes.  相似文献   

The house-entering behaviour of nocturnal mosquitoes was studied in The Gambia. Mosquitoes were captured as they attacked man in the open and in experimental huts which comprised 1.8 m cube frames with corrugated iron roofs and plywood walls of various heights. Catches of all species were similar in the open and in a roofed, but unwalled, hut frame. The mosquitoes taken in catches in unwalled huts and others with wall heights of 0.6, 1.2 and 1.7 m (giving an 8 cm eaves-level entry slit) fell into two categories. The first group, which included the endophilic species Anopheles gambiae Giles s.l., An. melas Theobald and Mansonia spp. were only slightly affected by increasing wall height, but the second group, including the exophilic mosquitoes Aedes spp., An. pharoensis Theobald, Cx poicilipes (Theobald) and Cx thalassius Theobald showed a very marked progressive exclusion. In comparisons of catches in two huts with 8 cm entry slits at eaves or ground level, large numbers of An. pharoensis found access through the ground level entry but not at eaves level. No consistent difference could be demonstrated for other species. It is concluded that the house-entering behaviour which distinguishes endophagic mosquito species includes at least two distinct responses: flight upwards to eaves level and the passage from outside to indoors. It is also suggested that house entry as a component in host-seeking behaviour and indoor resting are distinct, but not necessarily exclusive, behavioural traits.  相似文献   

Mosquitoes characteristically feed on plant‐derived carbohydrates and honeydew just after emergence and intermittently during their lives. Development of toxic baits focusing on this carbohydrate‐seeking behavior may potentially contribute to localized control. In the present study, ten insecticides were fed to female Culex quinquefasciatus, Anopheles quadrimaculatus, and Aedes taeniorhynchus in a 10% sucrose solution. Active ingredients representative of five classes of insecticides (pyrethroids, phenylpyroles, pyrroles, neonicotinoids, and macrocyclic lactones) were selected for comparison with commercial formulations used to facilitate incorporation of active ingredients into aqueous sucrose solutions. Sucrose as a phagostimulant significantly enhanced mortality to toxicants. In general, the most effective active ingredients were fipronil, deltamethrin and imidacloprid, followed by spinosad, thiamethoxam, bifenthrin, permethrin, and cyfluthrin. The least effective ingredients were chlorfenapyr and ivermectin. For some of the ingredients tested, Cx. quinquefasciatus was the least susceptible species. One‐day‐old male Cx. quinquefasciatus were more susceptible than females; however, no differences existed between one‐ and seven‐day‐old mosquitoes. There were no differences in susceptibility between unfed and gravid ten‐day‐old female Cx. quinquefasciatus to bifenthrin. In conclusion, several pesticides from different classes of compounds have potential for use in development of toxic baits for mosquitoes.  相似文献   

It is currently unclear if the potential for West Nile virus transmission by mosquito vectors in the eastern United States is related to landscape or climate factors or both. We compared abundance of vector species between urban and suburban neighborhoods of Henrico County, VA, in relation to the following factors: temperature, precipitation, canopy cover, building footprint, and proximity to drainage infrastructure. Mosquitoes were collected throughout the 2005, 2006, and 2007 seasons and tested for West Nile virus (WNV) in pools of 10–50. Test results of mosquito pools were compared to average site abundance from 37 sites in Henrico County, VA; abundance was then examined in relation to ecological variables. Urban infrastructure was positively correlated with the abundance of Culex pipiens L./Cx. restuans, and our findings implicate combined sewer overflow systems as large contributors to Culex vector populations. No measure of urbanization examined in our study was correlated with Aedes albopictus abundance. Our study showed that certain landscape variables identified using Geographic Information Systems are valuable for predicting primary WNV vector abundance in Virginia, and that temperature along with low precipitation are strong predictors of population growth. Our results support other regional studies that found WNV proliferates under drought conditions.  相似文献   

The Camargue is an extensive wetland in the southeast of France, which is highly influenced by human activities. Large ponds, marshes and irrigated fields provide abundant potential breeding sites for mosquitoes. mosquitoes, which are important in terms of the nuisance they cause to people and animals, the limitations they impose on tourism and their potential threat to human health. Several of the mosquito species present are potential vectors of malaria and West Nile virus. Therefore, the population dynamics of these species were monitored over an entire breeding season during March-October 2005. Mosquito populations were sampled in two study areas once every 2 weeks, using CDC light traps baited with CO(2). Sixteen species were collected. The majority (98.7%) of the catch were Aedes caspius (Pallas) (Diptera: Culicidae), Culex modestus (Ficalbi), Culex pipiens L. and Anopheles hyrcanus (Pallas). The population dynamics of these species varied considerably in relation to the species' biology, climatic conditions (rainfall, temperature and season), water management, implementation of mosquito control campaigns and landscape use.  相似文献   

To determine if the unique host assemblages in zoos influence blood‐feeding by mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae), a sampling programme was conducted in Greenville and Riverbanks Zoos, South Carolina, U.S.A., from April 2009 to October 2010. A total of 4355 female mosquitoes of 14 species were collected, of which 106 individuals of nine species were blood‐fed. The most common taxa were Aedes albopictus (Skuse), Aedes triseriatus (Say), Anopheles punctipennis (Say), Culex erraticus (Dyar & Knab), Culex pipiens complex (L.) and Culex restuans (Theobald). Molecular analyses (cytochrome b) of bloodmeals revealed that mosquitoes fed on captive animals, humans and wildlife, and took mixed bloodmeals. Host species included one amphibian, 16 birds, 10 mammals (including humans) and two reptiles. Minimum dispersal distances after feeding on captive hosts ranged from 15.5 m to 327.0 m. Mosquito–host associations generally conformed to previous accounts, indicating that mosquito behaviour inside zoos reflects that outside zoos. However, novel variation in host use, including new, exotic host records, warrants further investigation. Zoos, thus, can be used as experiment environments in which to study mosquito behaviour, and the findings extrapolated to non‐zoo areas, while providing medical and veterinary benefits to zoo animals, employees and patrons.  相似文献   

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