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Rode  M. W. 《Plant and Soil》1995,168(1):337-343
The aboveground nutrient turnover of three ecosystems representing the main stages of heathland forest succession in NW Germany was investigated in a comparative study with regard to nutrient availability of the soil and light availability below the canopy. It was expected that nutrient availability would play a decisive role in forest development on nutrient poor acidic soil. The results show that the input of nutrients into the Calluna heathland is higher than the annual aboveground turnover of N, P, Ca, Mg, and K via litterfall. Compared to the pioneering birch-pine forest, the annual aboveground turnover of nutrients within the Calluna heathland, and therefore the nutrient availability is very low, while the light availability below the canopy is high. The increasing productivity of the growing successional forest is combined with an increasing nutrient turnover, mainly via litter fall. As a result, the increasing nutrient availability favours shade tolerant species with a higher nutrient demand at the late stages of succession. Consequently, the presumed terminal stage of succession, the oak-beech forest, is characterized by low light availability below the canopy and higher nutrient supply according to the resource-ratio hypothesis of Tilman (1985, 1986, 1988).  相似文献   

Soil respiration (SR) in forests contributes significant carbon dioxide emissions from terrestrial ecosystems and is highly sensitive to environmental changes, including soil temperature, soil moisture, microbial community, surface litter, and vegetation type. Indeed, a small change in SR may have large impacts on the global carbon balance, further influencing feedbacks to climate change. Thus, detailed characterization of SR responses to changes in environmental conditions is needed to accurately estimate carbon dioxide emissions from forest ecosystems. However, data for such analyses are still limited, especially in tropical forests of Southeast Asia where various stages of forest succession exist due to previous land‐use changes. In this study, we measured SR and some environmental factors including soil temperature (ST), soil moisture (SM), and organic matter content (OM) in three successional tropical forests in both wet and dry periods. We also analyzed the relationships between SR and these environmental variables. Results showed that SR was higher in the wet period and in older forests. Although no response of SR to ST was found in younger forest stages, SR of the old‐growth forest significantly responded to ST, plausibly due to the nonuniform forest structure, including gaps, that resulted in a wide range of ST. Across forest stages, SM was the limiting factor for SR in the wet period, whereas SR significantly varied with OM in the dry period. Overall, our results indicated that the responses of SR to environmental factors varied temporally and across forest succession. Nevertheless, these findings are still preliminary and call for detailed investigations on SR and its variations with environmental factors in Southeast Asian tropical forests where patches of successional stages dominate.  相似文献   

植被原生演替研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
许中旗  李文华  鲍维楷  许晴 《生态学报》2005,25(12):3383-3389
对植被原生演替的国内外研究进展进行了评述。植被原生演替过程受到生物因素和非生物因素的共同影响。生物因素包括种子的传播方式、对原生环境的适应能力及物种之间的关系等,依靠风力传播、对裸地的极端环境具有较强适应能力的物种更容易成为原生裸地的早期定居者,某些微生物在植物的定居具有非常重要的作用。非生物因素则包括裸地表面的形状(凹、凸、平)、粗糙度、与岩石的距离等,一些特殊的微环境能够为植物的定居创造更为优越的水分、养分条件,促进植物的定居。植被原生演替是生物驱动因素与环境阻力相互作用的结果,二者的消长决定原生演替进行的模式。大量的研究表明,植被原生演替过程并不完全遵循地衣-苔藓-草本植物-木本植物的顺序,不同环境条件下的植被原生演替过程表现出明显的复杂性,这种复杂性与原生裸地环境条件的复杂性有关。该领域的研究将侧重于以下两个方面:早期定居种的适生特征(包括解剖的和生理的)以及各种微生物对植物定居过程的影响;各种非生物环境因素对植物定居的影响。  相似文献   

森林演替在南亚热带森林生态系统碳吸存中的作用   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:23  
研究了鼎湖山南亚热带森林同一演替系列中3个不同演替阶段(马尾松针叶林、马尾松荷木混交林和季风常绿阔叶林)生态系统碳贮量和分配格局特征,并探讨了该地区森林演替过程中生态系统碳吸存潜力和速度。结果表明:(1)针叶林各组分碳素含量高于阔叶林对应组分的碳素含量(后者是前者的72.0%~94.5%)。两个森林植物碳素含量,不同层次比较,均为乔木层>灌木层>草本层,不同器官比较,以根或干最高。(2)乔木层生物量随森林演替进展而增加。针叶林、混交林和阔叶林乔木层生物量分别为:143.5t/hm2、270.1t/hm2和407.8t/hm2,其中大部分由干和皮组成(各器官占乔木层生物量的比例平均为:叶2.8%、枝19.3%、干和皮混合57.0%、根20.9%)。林下层生物量为4.23~14.10t/hm2,是乔木层的1.0%~9.8%,随森林演替进展而减少。(3)土壤容重随深度增加而增加,但随森林演替进展而减少。与土壤容重相反,土壤有机碳含量随深度增加而明显减少,但随森林演替进展而增加。(4)3种类型森林生态系统碳总贮量分别为135.8t/hm2、215.1t/hm2和259.7t/hm2。生态系统碳贮量在各组分的格局十分相似,植被、土壤和凋落物层所占比例均分别约为67.6%、30.2%和2.2%。与其它地带森林比较,鼎湖山保护区森林植被与土壤碳贮量之比和表层(0~20cm)的土壤碳占整个  相似文献   

土壤氮矿化速率限制着森林土壤有效氮素供给能力,但目前关于黄土高原次生林演替过程土壤氮矿化特征的认识还不清楚。选择黄土高原黄龙山次生林区草本阶段、灌木阶段、先锋乔木群落阶段、混交森林群落阶段和顶级森林群落阶段等5个演替阶段的9种群落类型,测定了其林下土壤氮矿化速率,并分析了土壤理化性质、凋落物养分特征和土壤酶活性及其对氮矿化的影响。结果表明:随着演替进展,土壤有机碳和氮不断积累,土壤硝态氮和铵态氮含量逐渐增加,凋落物养分和土壤酶活性也发生了显著变化。土壤硝化速率从草本群落阶段到顶级森林群落阶段显著增加了71.73%;土壤氨化速率一直为负值且持续负向增加;土壤净矿化速率从草本群落阶段的(0.16±0.06) mg kg-1 d-1逐渐增加到混交森林阶段的(0.31±0.08)mg kg-1 d-1,但从混交林群落到顶级森林群落阶段有所下降。土壤理化性质(路径系数-0.530)和酶活性(路径系数-0.268)对氮矿化速率有显著的直接作用;凋落物养分对氮矿化速率的影响来自于其直接作用(路径系数-0.283)和通过调控土壤理化性质、酶活性产生的间接影响(路径系数-0.315)。结果有助于认识黄土高原植被演替过程中土壤氮循环过程,对森林可持续经营也有一定的意义。  相似文献   

Aims We investigated shifts in community-weighted mean traits (CWM) of 14 leaf functional traits along a secondary successional series in an evergreen broadleaf forest in subtropical southeast China. Most of the investigated traits have been reported to affect litter decomposition in previous studies. We asked whether changes in CWMs along secondary succession followed similar patterns for all investigated traits and whether the shifts in CWM indicated a change in resource use strategy along the successional gradient. Using community decomposition rates (k -rates) estimated from annual litter production and standing litter biomass, we asked whether the dynamics of litter decomposition were related to changes in leaf functional traits along the successional series.Methods Twenty-seven plots were examined for shifts in leaf CWM traits as well as in k -rates along a series of secondary forest succession covered in the framework of the BEF-China project. We investigated whether the changes in CWMs followed similar patterns for all traits with ongoing succession. Three alternative linear models were used to reveal the general patterns of shifts in CWM trait values. Moreover, multiple regression analysis was applied to investigate whether there were causal relationships between the changes in leaf functional traits and the dynamics of litter decomposition along secondary succession. We furthermore assessed which traits had the highest impact on community litter decomposition.Important findings Shifts in CWM values generally followed logarithmic patterns for all investigated traits, whereas community k -rates remained stable along the successional gradient. In summary, the shifts in CWM values indicate a change in community resource use strategy from high nutrient acquisition to nutrient retention with ongoing succession. Stands with higher CWM values of traits related to nutrient acquisition had also higher CWM values of traits related to chemical resistance, whereas stands with higher CWM values of traits related to nutrient retention exhibited higher CWM values in leaf physical defense. Moreover, high values in CWM values related to nutritional quality (such as high leaf phosphorus concentrations) were found to promote community k -rates, whereas high values in physical or chemical defense traits (such as high contents in polyphenols or high leaf toughness) decreased litter decomposition rates. In consequence, litter decomposition, which was simultaneously affected by these characteristics, did not change significantly along succession. Our findings show that leaf decomposition within the investigated communities is dependent on the interplay of several traits and is a result from interactions of traits that affect decomposition in opposing directions.  相似文献   

A one year study of a 0.9 hectare permanent alkaline pond (mean depth lm) in southern England has shown that phytoplankton productivity was highest during fall and spring. Hourly rates of photosynthesis ranged from almost zero in the winter to a peak of 475 mgC/m3/h in the fall. Daily gross primary productivity per unit area varied from 0.1–2.5 gC/m2/d. The annual gross primary productivity of phytoplankton was estimated to be .157 KgC/m2/y.The submerged angiosperm, Ceratopyllum demersum was the dominant macrophyte covering over 55% of the pond in the summer. It reached a peak biomass of 235 g/m2 (ash free) in July. This macrophyte had a net annual primary productivity of 2.89 metric tons (ash free)/ha/y. When phytoplankton gross production was converted to net, it showed an energy production of 3.29 × 106 J/m2/y compared with 6.25 × 106 J/m2/y for macrophytes. Values of net production efficiencies ranged from .11% for phytoplankton to .21% for macrophytes. Cryptomonas dominated the microphytoplankton in terms of numbers for most of the year. Diatoms were abundant especially during the spring bloom. The genus Cocconeis dominated fall and winter diatom standing crops while Cyclotella and Navicula dominated the spring peak. Diatom abundance varied inversely with silica concentrations. Peridinium, the dinoflagellate, seemed to prosper when Cryptomonas was scarce. The colonial alga, Volvox aureus, had an intense growth in October probably due to heavy rains and relatively low nitrogen levels.The pond zooplankton diversity was low. Copepod and cladoceran populations were predominantly of one species. The copepod Cyclops fimbriatus and the cladoceran Chydorus sphaericus were fall/winter forms. They were succeeded by Cyclops vicinus and Bosmina longirostris in the spring. Rotifers were very abundant during a spring peak prospering on algal cells produced in the spring bloom two weeks earlier.  相似文献   

吴陶红  龙翠玲  熊玲  李娟  刘奇 《广西植物》2023,42(3):463-472
植物如何改变功能性状来适应环境一直是生态学的研究征点。为探究茂兰喀斯特森林不同演替阶段植物叶片的适应策略,该文以茂兰自然保护区5个不同演替阶段(草本、灌木、灌乔、乔木和顶极群落阶段)优势种为研究对象,测定不同演替阶段的优势植物叶片功能性状与土壤理化性质。结果表明:(1)随着植被正向演替的进行,土壤全氮(STN)含量、土壤有机质(SOM)含量、土壤含水量(SWC)逐渐增加,土壤全磷(STP)含量和土壤全钾(STK)含量先增加后减少,土壤pH值整体呈减小的趋势。(2)随着植被演替的进行,叶面积(LA)、叶干物质含量(LDMC)、叶厚度(LT)和叶片碳含量(LCC)逐渐上升,比叶面积(SLA)与叶片钾含量(LKC)则与之相反,叶片氮含量(LNC)呈先升后降的趋势,叶片磷含量(LPC)呈先降后升的趋势。(3)冗余分析表明,演替初期植物主要分布在土壤pH值高而STK、STP、SWC、SOM、STN相对低的环境中,群落内植物叶片采取高SLA、LNC、LPC,低LA、LDMC、LT、LWC的性状组合,演替晚期植物主要分布在土壤水分和养分含量较高的环境,LDMC、LT、LA、LWC与演替初期相比呈上升...  相似文献   

应用林窗模型LINKAGES对小兴安岭红松针阔混交林在不同季节增温方式下的未来演替过程进行了模拟预测.以温度增加5℃、降水无明显变化作为未来变暖气候的模拟假设,共设计3种气候变暖方式预案,分别为冬季增温幅度大于夏季、冬季与夏季增温幅度相同以及冬季增温幅度小于夏季.模拟结果表明,当冬季增温幅度大于夏季时,小兴安岭现存林分的演替受气候变暖的影响相对最小,树种组成仍然能够保持较为稳定的针阔混交林状态;当冬季增温幅度小于夏季时,现存林分的演替受气候变暖的影响最显著,树种衰退最迅速.可见,小兴安岭针阔混交林的演替与未来的增温方式关系密切,上限温度是现存树种能否继续存活的重要决定因子.  相似文献   

Seiji Tokumasu 《Mycoscience》1996,37(3):313-321
Mycofloral succession on decaying pine needles in aPinus densiflora forest on a moder site was investigated in Sugadaira, Nagano Pref., central Japan. Dead needles on the tree, fallen needles obtained from two recognizable sublayers of the L layer and the upper sub-layer of the F1 layer in the organic horizon were examined for their fungal flora using both washing and surface sterilization techniques. The major interior colonizer in freshly fallen needles varied with the season:Chaetopsina fulva in summer andSelenosporella curvispora in the other seasons.Thysanophora penicillioides was a remarkable external colonizer of freshly fallen needles in summer, while soil fungi were external colonizers of such needles in the other seasons. A possible successional change of major fungi with the needle decay was suggested. The observed seasonal alternation of the species colonizing freshly fallen needles was discussed in relation to climatic conditions. Contributions from Sugadaira Montane Research Center, No. 152.  相似文献   

基于天山中部云杉生长分布的生境条件,综合考虑水、热、地形因素,利用3S技术和空间建模技术构建云杉分布生境指数模型,通过选取生境指数阈值,预测了天山云杉林潜在分布区.结果表明: 模型模拟的潜在分布区与现有云杉林分布区生境条件差异不显著,而与云杉林不可分布区生境差异显著;基于构建的生境指数模型,界定出研究区有7.01×103 hm2的林地下限带、林间空地及阴坡半阴坡区域为云杉潜在分布区,占研究区总面积的6.4%,是未来林地的发展空间.  相似文献   

温带森林演替加剧了氮限制:来自叶片化学计量和养分重吸收的证据 森林生产力和碳汇功能在很大程度上取决于土壤氮和磷的有效性。然而,迄今为止,养分限制随森林演替的时间变化仍存在争议。叶片化学计量和养分重吸收是预测植物生长养分限制的重要指标。基于此,本研究测定了温带森林4个演替阶段所有木本植物叶片和凋落叶中氮和磷的含量,并分析了演替过程中非生物因子和生物因子如何影响叶片化学计量和养分重吸收。研究结果表明,在个体尺度上,叶片氮磷含量在演替末期显著增加,而叶片氮磷比无显著变化;氮的重吸收效率随演替显著增加,然而磷的重吸收效率先增加后减少;氮重吸收效率与磷重吸收效率的比值仅在演替末期显著增加。此外,植物氮素循环对土壤养分的响应比磷素循环更弱。在群落尺度上,叶片氮磷含量随森林演替呈现先降低后升高的趋势,主要受香农-维纳多样性指数和物种丰富度的影响;叶片氮磷比随演替而显著变化,主要由胸径的群落加权平均值决定;氮的重吸收效率增加,主要受物种丰富度和胸径的影响,而磷的重吸收效率相对稳定。因此,氮重吸收效率与磷重吸收效率的比值显著增加,表明随着温带森林演替,氮限制加剧。这些结果可能反映了较高生物多样性群落中物种间对有限资源的激烈竞争,强调了生物因子在驱动森林生态系统养分循环中的重要性,为中国温带和北方森林可持续经营的施肥管理提供了参考。  相似文献   

次生林演替过程中土壤团聚体有机碳的积累机制和化学稳定性研究较少。为探明次生林演替对土壤团聚体有机碳含量及其化学组成稳定性的影响,选取黄土高原次生白桦林(演替初期),山杨辽东栎混交林(演替中期)和辽东栎林(演替后期)为研究对象,分析演替过程中不同粒径土壤团聚体有机碳含量变化特征。采用傅里叶红外光谱技术(FTRI)测定活性(AC)和非活性(IC)有机碳化学组成,以(IC/AC)作为有机碳化学组成稳定性指标,并分析其影响因素。结果表明:次生林演替过程中土壤团聚体有机碳含量表现出逐渐增加的趋势且各群落间差异显著(P<0.05),以演替后期的中等粒径团聚体为最高(37.63 g/kg)。土壤团聚体AC中多糖体有机碳含量最高(55.87%),而IC中芳香族有机碳含量最高(94.45%),演替过程中IC与AC总体变化趋势均呈现先降后增。IC/AC随着演替的进行呈先降低后升高的趋势,其中演替后期微团聚体有机碳化学组成稳定性最强达到了3.95。微团聚体含量(WM)与土壤全氮、全磷、全钾一起,显著促进了团聚体有机碳化学组成稳定性(P<0.05)。综上,次生林演替有利于促进土壤团聚体有机碳的积累以及有机碳化学稳定,其中微团聚体起到了关键性作用。  相似文献   

李其斌  张春雨  赵秀海 《生态学报》2022,42(17):7147-7155
基于长白山3个5.2hm2针阔混交林永久监测样地的野外调查数据,以胸径(DBH)≥1cm的乔木树种为对象,运用R4.0.3软件计算物种多样性指数以及进行物种多样性相关性分析和多元回归分析,以探讨生物和非生物因素对不同演替阶段针阔混交林物种多样性的影响。结果表明:(1)3个典型针阔混交林的4个物种多样性指数均随演替的正向进行而下降,其中物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener指数和Simpson指数在3个演替阶段存在显著性差异,而Pielou均匀度指数在次生杨桦林与次生针阔混交林阶段差异不显著。(2)胸径结构变量是影响物种多样性变化的主要驱动因子,随着演替的进行,林分密度对物种多样性产生的影响越来越大。(3)所有土壤因子在针阔混交林阶段对物种多样性指数均表现出显著的影响,而在次生杨桦林只有土壤全氮与物种多样性指数存在显著相关关系,土壤全磷在原始椴树红松林阶段是影响物种多样性的主要因素。综上,研究认为在各演替阶段,生物和非生物因素均影响着森林群落的物种多样性,胸径结构和林分密度是影响群落物种多样性的主要因素,林分中的土壤因子受到不同群落特征的影响产生不同变化,从而对群落的物种多样性产生影响也有所不同。  相似文献   

In the past insufficient attention has been paid to quantitative measurements of resource fluxes in ecosystems that undergo successional change. In this study, simultaneous changes in seven plant resources (photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), water, nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and potassium) are quantified by a chronosequence approach for a 300-yr-long secondary succession on poor soil from Calluna vulgaris heathland to Fagus sylvatica-Quercus petraea late-successional forest (heathland-to-forest succession).Above-ground net primary production increases sevenfold, and total above-ground phytomass about fortyfold during heathland-to-forest succession. Plant organs that capture resources increase much more slowly (leaf area index: threefold; fine root biomass: 1.3-fold). The increase in productivity is based both on higher absorptivity and conversion efficiency of PAR by the canopies of the successional plants.Accumulation of organic material on the forest floor significantly improves soil water availability. Evapotranspiration losses increase early in succession as the growing vegetation increases in both height and leaf area but tend to decrease again in the late-successional community. Drainage losses are at their minimum at the conifer-dominated pioneer forest stage.Accumulation of available nutrients in the soil is a key process in heathland-to-forest succession that significantly improves plant nutrient availability but leads to only minor changes in carbon/nutrient ratios and humus quality. Litter decomposition rates increase and result in a more rapid nutrient turnover in late successional stages. External nutrient inputs (from the atmosphere and soil weathering) significantly contribute to plant nutrient supply early in succession, whereas the internal cycling of nutrients through litter fall and nutrient mineralisation by far exceeds external inputs at the late stages.Vitousek & Reiners' (1975) ecosystem nutrient loss hypothesis is supported by the heathland-to-forest succession data. Odum's (1969) hypotheses on how nutrient cycles change during the course of succession is, in one part, rejected, in part supported. Tilman's (1988) hypothesis on nutrient limitation early, and light limitation late in primary succession is rejected.  相似文献   

郑瞳  牟长城  张毅  李娜娜 《生态学报》2016,36(19):6284-6294
运用相对生长方程与碳/氮分析方法,测定了我国温带张广才岭7种立地类型(阳坡上、中、下坡位和阴坡上、中、下坡位及谷地)天然白桦林的生态系统碳储量(植被与土壤)及植被净初级生产力与年净固碳量,揭示立地类型对温带天然白桦林生态系统碳库及其固碳能力的影响规律。结果表明:1白桦林植被碳储量((76.28±18.11)—(115.57±5.59)t C/hm~2)在阴、阳坡的上坡位和下坡位显著高于谷地35.1%—51.5%(P0.05),阴、阳坡中坡位高于谷地但差异性不显著(32.5%—33.6%,P0.05);2其土壤碳储量((81.53±6.15)—(181.90±21.62)t C/hm~2)在阳坡各坡位显著高于阴坡中、下部与谷地24.0%—123.1%(P0.05),阴坡上、中部显著高于阴坡下部和谷地36.0%—81.2%(P0.05);3其生态系统碳储量((174.57±20.27)—(282.96±17.92)t C/hm~2)在阳坡各坡位显著高于阴坡中、下坡位与谷地14.1%—62.1%(P0.05),阴坡上、中坡位显著高于阴坡下坡位与谷地19.5%—48.1%(P0.05);4其植被净初级生产力((6.98±1.60)—(9.59±0.69)t hm~(-2)a~(-1))在阴、阳坡上坡位显著高于阴坡中坡位34.2%—37.4%(P0.05),其他4个立地类型高于阴坡中坡位但差异性不显著(8.5%—20.6%,P0.05);5其年净固碳量((3.26±0.74)—(4.56±0.36)t C hm~(-2)a~(-1))在阳坡上坡位显著高于阴坡中坡位39.9%(P0.05),其他5个立地类型高于阴坡中坡位但差异性不显著(9.2%—30.4%,P0.05)。因此,张广才岭天然白桦林的生态系统碳储量及其固碳能力均存在着明显的立地分异规律性,故在评价与管理我国温带白桦林碳汇时应考虑立地类型影响。  相似文献   

赤峰市沙地油松林草本植物多样性及种间关联动态   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
奇凯  张春雨  侯继华  赵秀海 《生态学报》2010,30(18):5106-5112
研究了赤峰市天然沙地油松林草本植物群落物种多样性以及种间关联动态。在200m×200m的样地中,设置100个1m×1m草本样方,2009年69月份每月底调查样方内所有草本植物物种、多度、高度及盖度。分析结果表明,69月份共调查到草本植物32种,隶属于16科,24属。用多项指标进行物种多样性的测度,8月份草本植物物种数、丰富度最高。6、7月份草本植物群落的Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数和均匀度指数最大,9月份最小。通过方差比率法(VR)和χ2检验的计算,对草本群落总体关联性和草本群落种间关联进行分析。结果表明,草本植物群落总体关联性在8月份为正关联,其它月份(6、7、9月份)均为负关联。69月份,草本植物群落总体关联性程度逐渐降低,由负相关逐渐变为不显著相关。群落总体相关性不显著,说明群落中物种间虽然存在一定联系,但仍然存在独立的分布格局。某一草本群落总体关联性随时间变化是在不断改变的,并不是单一的从负相关到正相关,或从相关到不相关。群落整体关联性随着生境的改变而发生变化。分析每月都出现的20个物种的种间关联,结果显示,69月份草本植物正负联结比值变动范围为0.3790.558;4个监测月份中负联结种对数均大于正联结种对数。69月份草本物种对之间的关联性也在随时间发生变化,说明随着群落内物种动态发育,群落组成在不同时期出现此消彼长的动态变化,不同物种的群落功能及相互关系也将发生改变,进而影响物种种间联结性。植物种对的正联结体现了植物利用资源的相似性和生态位的重叠性,植物种对的负联结体现了物种间的排斥性,这是长期适应不同微环境,利用不同空间资源的结果,也是生态位分离的反映。  相似文献   

森林类型对土壤有机质、微生物生物量及酶活性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Lu SB  Zhou XQ  Rui YC  Chen CR  Xu ZH  Guo XM 《应用生态学报》2011,22(10):2567-2573
以澳大利亚南昆士兰州典型森林类型——湿地松、南洋杉和贝壳杉林为对象,开展土壤可溶性有机碳和氮(SOC和SON)、微生物生物量碳和氮(MBC和MBN),以及土壤酶活性的研究,剖析森林类型对土壤质量的影响.结果表明:不同林型土壤SOC、SON含量分别在552 ~1154 mg·kg-1和20.11~57.32mg·kg-1;MBC、MBN分别在42~149 mg·kg-1和7~35 mg·kg-1.MBC、MBN之间呈显著相关.土壤几丁质酶、酸性磷酸酶、碱性磷酸酶和β-葡萄糖苷酶的活性分别为2.96 ~7.63、16.5 ~29.6、0.79 ~ 3.42和3.71 ~9.93 μg ·g-1·h-1,亮氨酸氨肽酶活性为0.18~0.46 μg·g-1·d-1.不同林型土壤SOC含量,以及土壤几丁质酶和亮氨酸氨肽酶活性为湿地松林、南洋杉林、贝壳杉林依次降低;而SON含量为南洋杉林>贝壳杉林>湿地松林,且南洋杉林的SON含量显著(P<0.05)高于湿地松林;MBC和MBN以及碱性磷酸酶活性为贝壳杉林>湿地松林>南洋杉林;酸性磷酸酶和β-葡萄糖苷酶活性为湿地松林>贝壳杉林>南洋杉林.在土壤生物代谢因子中,MBC、MBN、SON和亮氨酸氨肽酶对不同森林类型土壤影响较大.  相似文献   

Aim The objectives of the study are: (1) to evaluate the dynamics of the maritime tree line and forest limit of white spruce, Picea glauca, within the dual framework of primary succession induced by the rapid post‐glacial land emergence on the eastern coast of Hudson Bay and the impacts of recent and past climate changes; and (2) to determine the time lapse between land emergence and seedling, tree, and forest establishment in the context of the primary chronosequence occurring on rising, well‐drained sandy beaches and terraces. Location The study area was located on the eastern coast of Hudson Bay (56°20′ N, 76°32′ W) in northern Québec, Canada. Methods We evaluated the colonization dynamics of white spruce as seedlings, tree‐line trees and primary‐forest trees at eight sites distributed along a 200‐km latitudinal gradient based on a mean land emergence rate of 1.2 m century?1. A 30‐m wide by 140–300‐m long quadrat was positioned at random at the centre of each site. The elevation above sea level, position and age of all individuals of spruce present in the quadrat areas were determined, and the soils of each chronosequence were described. Results The main stages of primary succession along the emerging coast were common to all the sites, regardless of latitude, but occurred at different elevations above sea level (a.s.l.). White spruce seedlings colonized near‐shore beaches 2 m a.s.l., whereas the tree line and forest limit tended to form only at about 3–4 m and 4–8 m a.s.l., corresponding approximately to 180–825 years and 310–1615 years after land emersion, respectively. White spruce establishment at the tree line occurred about 50 years ago. Climatic conditions at this time were probably more favourable to tree colonization than when the species established at the forest limit. Soil formation was influenced primarily by distance from the seashore and elevation above sea level, with podzolization being accelerated by white spruce cover. Main conclusions The current tree‐line and forest‐limit positions on the rising coast of eastern Hudson Bay correspond to ecological limits established during the course of primary succession within a context of changing climatic conditions. The recent establishment of trees at the tree line and forest limit at relatively old coastal sites is associated with warmer conditions over the last 100 years. Although white spruce was present nearby, coastal sites were devoid of trees before the 20th century.  相似文献   

阔叶红松林是我国东北重要的原生群落,其土壤团聚体在森林生态系统碳固定中具有重要作用.本研究采用空间代替时间的方法,选取白桦幼龄林、白桦中龄林、白桦成熟林、阔叶红松成熟林和阔叶红松过熟林5个不同演替序列,通过湿筛法研究长白山天然针阔混交林群落恢复演替中土壤团聚体粒径组成及有机碳含量的变化.结果表明: 土壤团聚体粒径组成受演替过程影响较大,不同演替阶段下土壤团聚体各粒级所占比例差异显著.团聚体平均质量直径随演替的进行表现为先升高再降低的单峰形式,且最高点出现在白桦成熟林阶段.土壤中不同粒级的团聚体内有机碳含量随着演替的进行呈先增加后略有下降的趋势,且团聚体内有机碳含量最大值出现在阔叶红松成熟林阶段.在同一演替阶段下,0~5和5~10 cm土层(除演替末期的阔叶红松过熟林外)中的各粒径团聚体内有机碳含量都随着粒径的减小而增加,而10~20 cm土层中的各粒径团聚体内有机碳含量都随着粒径的减小而减小.从演替初期的白桦幼龄林到演替末期的阔叶红松过熟林,每个样地内的同一粒径团聚体内有机碳含量均具有明显的垂直分布特性,均随着土层深度的增加而显著降低.  相似文献   

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