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Cytosine- and guanine-rich regions of DNA are capable of forming complex structures named i-motifs and G-quadruplexes, respectively. In the present study the solution equilibria at nearly physiological conditions of a 34-base long cytosine-rich sequence and its complementary guanine-rich strand corresponding to the first intron of the n-myc gene were studied. Both sequences, not yet studied, contain a 12-base tract capable of forming stable hairpins inside the i-motif and G-quadruplex structures, respectively.


Spectroscopic, mass spectrometry and separation techniques, as well as multivariate data analysis methods, were used to unravel the species and conformations present.


The cytosine-rich sequence forms two i-motifs that differ in the protonation of bases located in the loops. A stable Watson–Crick hairpin is formed by the bases in the first loop, stabilizing the i-motif structure. The guanine-rich sequence adopts a parallel G-quadruplex structure that is stable throughout the pH range 3–7, despite the protonation of cytosine and adenine bases at lower pH values. The presence of G-quadruplex aggregates was confirmed using separation techniques. When mixed, G-quadruplex and i-motif coexist with the Watson–Crick duplex across a pH range from approximately 3.0 to 6.5.


Two cytosine- and guanine-rich sequences in n-myc gene may form stable i-motif and G-quadruplex structures even in the presence of long loops. pH modulates the equilibria involving the intramolecular structures and the intermolecular Watson–Crick duplex.

General significance

Watson–Crick hairpins located in the intramolecular G-quadruplexes and i-motifs in the promoter regions of oncogenes could play a role in stabilizing these structures.  相似文献   

The B-cell lymphoma-2 (bcl-2) gene contains a region that has been implicated in the regulation of bcl-2 gene expression. This region can form G-quadruplex structures in solution [J.X. Dai, T.S. Dexheimer, D. Chen, M. Carver, A. Ambrus, R.A. Jones, D.Z. Yang, An intramolecular G-quadruplex structure with mixed parallel/antiparallel G-strands formed in the human BCL-2 promoter region in solution, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128 (2006) 1096–1098.]. Here, we examined the acid–base and conformational equilibria of this G-quadruplex-forming region (BCL2G), as well as its interaction with both the porphyrin TMPyP4 and with the complementary C-rich strand. We used molecular absorption and circular dichroism techniques, in tandem with multivariate analysis tools. The results revealed the formation of an interaction complex BCL2G:TMPyP4 with a stoichiometry of 1:2 and an equilibrium constant equal to 5.0 (±2.3) × 1013 M−2. Addition of the complementary C-rich strand to BCL2G induces the predominant formation of the Watson–Crick double-helix with an equilibrium constant equal to 107.7 M−1 (at pH 7.1). Finally, the pH-induced formation of quadruplex structures from the Watson–Crick double-helix is characterized.  相似文献   

Questions surround the mechanism of mutually exclusive expression by which Plasmodium falciparum mediates activation and silencing of var genes. These encode PfEMP1 proteins, which function as cytoadherent and immunomodulatory molecules at the surface of parasitised erythrocytes. Current evidence suggests that promoter silencing by var introns might play a key role in var gene regulation. To evaluate the impact of cis-acting regulatory regions on var silencing, we generated P. falciparum lines in which luciferase was placed under the control of an UpsA var promoter. By utilising the Bxb1 integrase system, these reporter cassettes were targeted to a genomic region that was not in apposition to var subtelomeric domains. This eliminated possible effects from surrounding telomeric elements and removed the variability inherent in episomal systems. Studies with highly synchronised parasites revealed that the UpsA element possessed minimal activity in comparison with a heterologous (hrp3) promoter. This may result from the integrated UpsA promoter being largely silenced by the neighbouring cg6 promoter. Our analyses also revealed that the DownsA 3′ untranslated region further decreased the luciferase activity from both cassettes, whereas the var A intron repressed the UpsA promoter specifically. By applying multivariate analysis over the entire cell cycle, we confirmed the significance of these cis-elements and found the parasite stage to be the major factor regulating UpsA-promoter activity. Additionally, we observed that the UpsA promoter was capable of nucleating reversible silencing that spread to a downstream promoter. We believe these studies are the first to analyse promoter activity of Group A var genes, which have been implicated in severe malaria, and support the model that var introns can further suppress var expression. These data also suggest an important suppressive role for the DownsA terminator. Our findings imply the existence of multiple levels of var gene regulation in addition to intrinsic promoter-dependent silencing.  相似文献   

In vitro binding of Hoechst 33258 to the promoter region of human c-myc, d(GG GGAGGG TGG GGA GGG TGG GGA AGG TGG GG) which forms G-quadruplex, both in vitro and in vivo in the presence of metal ions, was investigated by equilibrium absorption, fluorescence, and kinetic surface plasmon resonance methods. Hypochromic effect in UV absorption spectra and blue shift in fluorescence emission maxima of Hoechst in the presence of quadruplex revealed that Hoechst binds to the quadruplex. Analysis of UV and fluorescence titration data revealed that Hoechst binds to quadruplex with binding affinity of the order of 10(6). Anisotropy measurements and higher lifetime obtained from time-resolved decay experiments revealed that quadruplex-bound Hoechst is rotationally restricted in a less polar environment than the bulk buffer medium. From surface plasmon resonance studies, we obtained kinetic association (k(a)) and dissociation (k(d)) of 1.23+/-0.04 x 10(5)M(-1)s(-1) and 0.686+/-0.009 s(-1), respectively. As Hoechst is known to bind A-T-rich region of duplex DNA, here we propose the likelihood of Hoechst interacting with the AAGGT loop of the quadruplex.  相似文献   

In a previous report (Luyo-Acero et al., 2004), we demonstrated that cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene analysis is an effective method for classifying several isolates of the genus Leishmania; hence, we have further applied this method to other Leishmania species in an effort to enhance the accuracy of the procedure and to construct a new phylogenic tree. In this study, a total of 30 Leishmania and Endotrypanum WHO reference strains, clinical isolates from our patients assigned to 28 strains (human and non-human pathogenic species) and two species of the genus Endotrypanum were analyzed. The Cyt b gene in each sample was amplified by PCR, and was then sequenced by several primers, as reported previously. The phylogenic tree was constructed based on the results obtained by the computer software MEGA v3.1 and PAUP* v4.0 Beta. The present phylogenic tree was almost identical to the traditional method of classification proposed by Lainson and Shaw (1987). However, it produces the following suggestions: (1) exclusion of L. (Leishmania) major from the L. (L.) tropica complex; (2) placement of L.tarentolae in the genus Sauroleishmania; (3) L. (L.) hertigi complex and L. (V.) equatorensis close to the genus Endotrypanum; (4) L. (L.) enrietti, defined as L. (L.) mexicana complex, placed in another position; and (5) L. (L.) turanica and L. (L.) arabica are located in an area far from human pathogenic Leishmania strains. Cyt b gene analysis is thus applicable to the analyzing phylogeny of the genus Leishmania and may be useful for separating non-human pathogenic species from human pathogenic species.  相似文献   

Gene targeting induced by homologous integration of a foreign DNA segment into a chromosomal target sequence enables precise disruption or replacement of genes of interest and provides an effective means to analyze gene function, and also becomes an useful technique for breeding. But, integration of introduced DNA fragments is predominantly non-homologous in most species. However, we presented high-efficient homologous integration in disruptants of non-homologous end joining (NHEJ), that is, the Ku70-, Ku80- or Lig4-homologs deficient strain, in a model fungus Neurospora crassa. When the effect of NHEJ-defective plants for gene targeting was therefore examined in a model plant Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), the efficiencies of gene targeting in the Atlig4/Atlig4 plant were 2/7 (28.6%) against calli obtained a selection-marker gene, 2/16 (12.5%) against selected calli, and about 2/540 (0.004%) against total cell particles at the starting point for transformation. The results of this paper show that the NHEJ-deficient system might cause a decrease in the efficiency of transformation but gives true targeted transformants with high efficiency in plant cell.  相似文献   

DnaA protein has the sole responsibility of initiating a new round of DNA replication in prokaryotic organisms. It recognizes the origin of DNA replication, and initiates chromosomal DNA replication in the bacterial genome. In Gram-negative Escherichia coli, a large number of DnaA molecules bind to specific DNA sequences (known as DnaA boxes) in the origin of DNA replication, oriC, leading to the activation of the origin. We have cloned, expressed, and purified full-length DnaA protein in large quantity from Gram-positive pathogen Bacillus anthracis (DnaABA). DnaABA was a highly soluble monomeric protein making it amenable to quantitative analysis of its origin recognition mechanisms. DnaABA bound DnaA boxes with widely divergent affinities in sequence and ATP-dependent manner. In the presence of ATP, the KD ranged from 3.8 × 10−8 M for a specific DnaA box sequence to 4.1 × 10−7 M for a non-specific DNA sequence and decreased significantly in the presence of ADP. Thermodynamic analyses of temperature and salt dependence of DNA binding indicated that hydrophobic (entropic) and ionic bonds contributed to the DnaABA·DNA complex formation. DnaABA had a DNA-dependent ATPase activity. DNA sequences acted as positive effectors and modulated the rate (Vmax) of ATP hydrolysis without any significant change in ATP binding affinity.  相似文献   

Varroa destructor mite is currently the most serious threat to the world bee industry. Differences in mite tolerance are reported between two honey bee species Apis mellifera and Apis cerana. Differential gene expression of two honey bee species induced by V. destructor infection was investigated by constructing two suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) libraries, as first steps toward elucidating molecular mechanisms of Varroa tolerance. From the SSH libraries, we obtained 289 high quality sequences which clustered into 132 unique sequences grouped in 26 contigs and 106 singlets where 49 consisted in A. cerana subtracted library and 83 in A. mellifera. Using BLAST, we found that 85% sequences had counterpart known genes whereas 15% were undescribed. A Gene Ontology analysis classified 51 unique sequences into different functional categories. Eight of these differentially expressed genes, representative of different regulation patterns, were confirmed by qRT-PCR. Upon the mite induction, the differentially expressed genes from both bee species were different, except hex 110 gene, which was up-regulated in A. cerana but down-regulated in A. mellifera, and Npy-r gene, which was down-regulated in both species. In general, most of the differential expression genes were involved in metabolic processes and nerve signaling. The results provide information on the molecular response of these two bee species to Varroa infection.  相似文献   

The ventral nerve cord (VNC) of the Drosophila embryo is derived from neuroblasts (NBs). NBs divide in a stem cell lineage to generate a series of ganglion mother cells (GMCs), each of which divides once to produce a pair of neurons or glial cells. One of the NB genes, castor (cas), is expressed in a subset of NBs and has never been identified in neurons and the peripheral nervous system; cas plays a role in axonogenesis. But its limited expression along the dorsal-ventral axis within the central nervous system has not been investigated yet. In the present study, we examined the expression patterns of both genes using confocal microscopy to determine the effects of repo mutation on cas expression. Cas was mainly expressed in layers different from repo-expressed layers during early embryogenesis: repo was expressed mostly from deep to mid layers, while cas, from mid to superficial layers. Loss-of-function of repo did not result in an ectopic expression of cas, but rather, a scattering of cas-expressing cells. However, repo gain-of-function mutation caused repression of cas. In addition, repo-expressing cells seemed to block the migration of cas-expressing cells.  相似文献   

The entomopathogen Bacillus sphaericus is one of the most effective biolarvicides used to control the Culex species of mosquito. The appearance of resistance in mosquitoes to this bacterium, however, remains a threat to its continuous use in integrated mosquito control programs. Previous work showed that the resistance to B. sphaericus in Culex colonies was associated with the absence of the 60-kDa binary toxin receptor (Cpm1/Cqm1), an alpha-glucosidase present in the larval midgut microvilli. In this work, we studied the molecular basis of the resistance developed by Culex quinquefasciatus to B. sphaericus C3-41. The cqm1 genes were cloned from susceptible (CqSL) and resistant (CqRL/C3-41) colonies, respectively. The sequence of the cDNA and genomic DNA derived from CqRL/C3-41 colony differed from that of CqSL one by a one-nucleotide deletion which resulted in a premature stop codon, leading to production of a truncated protein. Recombinant Cqm1S from the CqSL colony expressed in Escherichia coli specifically bound to the Bin toxin and had α-glucosidase activity, whereas the Cqm1R from the CqRL/C3-41 colony, with a deletion of three quarters of the receptor’s C-terminal lost its α-glucosidase activity and could not bind to the binary toxin. Immunoblotting experiments showed that Cqm1 was undetectable in CqRL/C3-41 larvae, although the gene was correctly transcribed. Thus, the cqm1R represents a new allele in C. quinquefasciatus that confers resistance to B. sphaericus.  相似文献   

Extracellular signalling molecules play many roles in the development of higher organisms. They are used reiteratively in different tissues and stages, but the response of the receiving cells is controlled in a context dependent manner. The pattern of expression of the signalling molecule Wingless/WNT in Drosophila is extraordinarily complex. We have studied the mechanism that controls its expression and function in the outer ring of the Drosophila wing hinge. Our findings indicate that wingless expression is controlled by a dual mechanism: its initial activation requires the product of zinc finger homeodomain 2 and is subsequently repressed by the product of the gene complex elbow/no ocelli. This tight regulation restricts the activation of wingless temporally and spatially. Later in development, wingless expression is maintained by an autoregulatory loop that involves the product of homothorax. We have analyzed the phenotype of a wingless allelic combination that specifically removes the outer ring, and our results show that Wingless is required to promote local proliferation of the wing base cells. Thus, cell proliferation in the proximal-distal axis is controlled by the sequential activation of wingless in the inner ring and the outer ring at different stages of development.  相似文献   

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