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Extrafloral nectaries: ants,herbivores and fecundity in Cassia fasciculata   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Carol A. Kelly 《Oecologia》1986,69(4):600-605
Summary Extrafloral nectaries of Cassia fasciculata attract nectar feeding ants which protect the plant against leaf herbivores. High ant visitation in late July coincided with high herbivore densities at two sites in east central Iowa. The highest level of leaf herbivory occurred during the time of flowering and early fruit filling, just after the peak of herbivore and ant activity. Results of ant exclusion experiments at the two sites showed that ant visitation resulted in decreased herbivore numbers, decreased leaf area loss, increased growth, and at one site decreased plant mortality. However, this reduction in leaf area loss and increase in growth did not translate into seed set differences between plants with and without ants at either site. Initial plant size was more important than the presence or absence of ants in determining fecundity for this temperate annual during a year of summer drought.  相似文献   

The prey species composition and feeding rate of the pit-making ant lion larva,Myrmeleon bore Tjeder, which inhabits open sandy areas, were examined. Not less than 30 prey species, most of which were ants, were collected during a research period of 1.5 years. First instar larvae most often (81.1%) captured ants. Although 3rd instar larvae captured larger-sized prey than individuals of any other instar, they also captured small prey. The feeding rate of 3rd instar larvae was estimated by using the frequency of observed predation (FOP; (no. of ant lions handling a prey)/(total no. of pits observed)), the prey-handling time and the rhythm of daily foraging activity. FOP ofM. bore larvae was constant on the whole from spring to autumn. It was estimated that each captured 1.25 prey per day on average during this period. This estimate, however, was the feeding rate for days on which there was no rain. Assuming that the larvae cannot capture prey due to pit destruction when there is more than 10 mm of rainfall per day, the figure was reduced to 1.03 prey/day. The estimated feeding rate was evaluated with reference to larval foraging behavior.  相似文献   

The nectivorous ant Camponotus mus shows a broad size variation within the worker caste. Large ants can ingest faster and larger loads than small ones. Differences in physiological abilities in fluid ingestion due to the insect size could be related to differences in decision-making according to ant size during nectar foraging. Sucrose solutions of different levels of sugar concentration (30% or 60%w/w), viscosity (high or low) or flow rate (ad libitum or 1microl/min) were offered in combination to analyse the behavioural responses to each of these properties separately. Differences were found depending on ant body size and the property compared. A regulated flow produced smaller crop loads for medium and large ants compared to the same solution given ad libitum. All foragers remained longer times feeding at the regulated flow source but larger ants often made longer interruptions. When sugar concentration was constant but viscosity was high, only large ants increased feeding time. Constant viscosity with different sugar concentration determined longer feeding time and bigger loads for the most concentrated solution for small but not for large ants. Small ants reached similar crop loads in a variety of conditions while large ants did not. These differences could be evidence of a possible specialization for nectar foraging based on ant body size.  相似文献   

The behavioural interactions between caterpillars of Maculinea rebeli Hir. and their Myrmica ant hosts were studied, both in the wild at the time of adoption, and inside captive nests of six Myrmica species.
In the wild, freshly moulted, final instar caterpillars left their food-plants at a time of day that coincided with the peak foraging activity of Myrmica (18:00-20:00 h). Once on the ground, caterpillars made no attempt to search for Myrmica but settled and waited for foraging ants to find them, which took up to 1.5 h. There was no adoption ritual: foragers of any Myrmica species picked up the caterpillars within 1–4 sec of discovery, and carried them directly to their nests.
Caterpillars grew from < 2 mg to 110 mg in laboratory ant-nests. About 60 mg was gained in autumn but 40% of this was lost during the winter, while the temperature was < 14 °C. Although caterpillars survived best with their normal host, Myrmica schencki , they could also survive in the nests of other Myrmica species. The presence of queen ants had no effect upon survival. The behaviour of the caterpillars was described and illustrated: this included the production of secretions that were drunk by the ants, begging for food and direct feeding by ants. The preferred solid food was ant eggs.
The results are discussed in terms of the social biology of Myrmica ants. It is hypothesized that Maculinea rebeli caterpillars mimic the touch pheromones of ant worker-larvae. This would explain the inability of ants to recognize caterpillars before touching them, their immediate adoption by any Myrmica species after discovery, host specificity inside wild ant-nests, the absence of queen-effect and the intimate attention of host workers.  相似文献   

Fluid intake rates in ants correlate with their feeding habits   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study investigates the techniques of nectar feeding in 11 different ant species, and quantitatively compares fluid intake rates over a wide range of nectar concentrations in four species that largely differ in their feeding habits. Ants were observed to employ two different techniques for liquid food intake, in which the glossa works either as a passive duct-like structure (sucking), or as an up- and downwards moving shovel (licking). The technique employed for collecting fluids at ad libitum food sources was observed to be species-specific and to correlate with the presence or absence of a well-developed crop in the species under scrutiny. Workers of ponerine ants licked fluid food during foraging and transported it as a droplet between their mandibles, whereas workers of species belonging to phylogenetically more advanced subfamilies, with a crop capable of storing liquids, sucked the fluid food, such as formicine ants of the genus Camponotus. In order to evaluate the performance of fluid collection during foraging, intake rates for sucrose solutions of different concentrations were measured in four ant species that differ in their foraging ecology. Scaling functions between fluid intake rates and ant size were first established for the polymorphic species, so as to compare ants of different size across species. Results showed that fluid intake rate depended, as expected and previously reported in the literature, on sugar concentration and the associated fluid viscosity. It also depended on both the species-specific feeding technique and the extent of specialization on foraging on liquid food. For similarly-sized ants, workers of two nectar-feeding ant species, Camponotus rufipes (Formicinae) and Pachycondyla villosa (Ponerinae), collected fluids with the highest intake rates, while workers of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens (Myrmicinae) and a predatory ant from the Rhytidoponera impressa-complex (Ponerinae) did so with the lowest rate. Calculating the energy intake rates in mg sucrose per unit time, licking was shown to be a more advantageous technique at higher sugar concentrations than sucking, whereas sucking provided a higher energy intake rate at lower sugar concentrations.  相似文献   

Army ants are keystone predators in the tropics and subtropics. During reproduction, males fly between colonies to mate with unmated, wingless queens. The males of most species are attracted to lights, and thus their presence and the timing of reproduction can be monitored using light traps. Previous studies examined the seasonality of army ant male reproduction and its relationship to climate factors at individual sites, but less is known about variation among sites. We examined army ant male flight seasonality at three sites: (1) La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica, a site with weak temperature seasonality and moderate rainfall and day length seasonality, (2) Yasuní National Park, Ecuador, a site with no temperature or day length seasonality and very weak rainfall seasonality, and (3) the state of Paraná in southern Brazil, a site with very strong temperature, rainfall, and day length seasonality. Army ants showed strong seasonality at the La Selva and Paraná sites, and very weak to no seasonality at the Yasuní site. At La Selva and Paraná, flight times varied among species, but were very predictable from year to year, which suggests day length or temperature as predictable cues rather than rainfall. Lack of seasonal cues near the equator may be a challenge for army ant species that need to synchronize colony reproduction, and thus may have conservation implications for minimum population sizes needed to ensure stable populations.  相似文献   

When aphids parasitize plants with extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) and aphid colony size is small, ants frequently use EFNs but hardly tend aphids. However, as the aphid colony size increases, ants stop using EFNs and strengthen their associations with aphids. Although the shift in ant behavior is important for determining the dynamics of the ant–plant–aphid interaction, it is not known why this shift occurs. Here, we test two hypotheses to explain the mechanism responsible for this behavioral shift: (1) Extrafloral nectar secretion changes in response to aphid herbivory, or (2) plants do not change extrafloral nectar secretion, but the total reward to ants from aphids will exceed that from EFNs above a certain aphid colony size. To judge which mechanism is plausible, we investigated secretion patterns of extrafloral nectar produced by plants with and without aphids, compared the amount of sugar supplied by EFNs and aphids, and examined whether extrafloral nectar or honeydew was more attractive to ants. Our results show that there was no inducible extrafloral secretion in response to aphid herbivory, but the sugar concentration in extrafloral nectar was higher than in honeydew, and more ant workers were attracted to an artificial extrafloral nectar solution than to an artificial aphid honeydew solution. These results indicate that extrafloral nectar is a more attractive reward than aphid honeydew per unit volume. However, even an aphid colony containing only two individuals can supply a greater reward to ants than EFNs. This suggests that the ant behavioral shift may be explained by the second hypothesis.  相似文献   

Mutualistic interactions are embedded in networks of interactions that affect the benefits accruing to the mutualistic partners. Figs and their pollinating wasps are engaged in an obligate mutualism in which the fig is dependent on the fig pollinator for pollination services and the pollinator is dependent on fig ovules for brood sites. This mutualism is exploited by non-pollinating fig wasps that utilise the same ovules, but do not provide a pollination service. Most non-pollinating wasps oviposit from outside the inflorescence (syconium), where they are vulnerable to ant predation. Ficus schwarzii is exposed to high densities of non-pollinating wasps, but Philidris sp. ants patrolling the syconia prevent them from ovipositing. Philidris rarely catch wasps, but the fig encourages the patrolling by providing a reward through extra-floral nectaries on the surface of syconia. Moreover, the reward is apparently only produced during the phase when parasitoids are ovipositing. An ant-exclusion experiment demonstrated that, in the absence of ants, syconia were heavily attacked and many aborted as a consequence. Philidris was normally rare on the figs during the receptive phase or at the time of day when wasp offspring are emerging, so predation on pollinators was limited. However, Myrmicaria sp. ants, which only occurred on three trees, preyed substantially on pollinating as well as non-pollinating wasps. F. schwarzii occurs in small clusters of trees and has an exceptionally rapid crop turnover. These factors appear to promote high densities of non-pollinating wasps and, as a consequence, may have led to both a high incidence of ants on trees and increased selective pressure on fig traits that increase the payoffs of the fig–ant interaction for the fig. The fig receives no direct benefit from the reward it provides, but protects pollinating wasps that will disperse its pollen.  相似文献   

Piovia-Scott J 《Oecologia》2011,166(2):411-420
Protective ant–plant mutualisms—where plants provide food or shelter to ants and ants protect the plants from herbivores—are a common feature in many ecological communities, but few studies have examined the effect of disturbance on these interactions. Disturbance may affect the relationship between plants and their associated ant mutualists by increasing the plants’ susceptibility to herbivores, changing the amount of reward provided for the ants, and altering the abundance of ants and other predators. Pruning was used to simulate the damage to buttonwood mangrove (Conocarpus erectus) caused by hurricanes. Pruned plants grew faster than unpruned plants, produced lower levels of physical anti-herbivore defenses (trichomes, toughness), and higher levels of chemical defenses (tannins) and extrafloral nectaries. Thus, simulated hurricane damage increased plant growth and the amount of reward provided to ant mutualists, but did not have consistent effects on other anti-herbivore defenses. Both herbivores and ants increased in abundance on pruned plants, indicating that the effects of simulated hurricane damage on plant traits were propagated to higher trophic levels. Ant-exclusion led to higher leaf damage on both pruned and upruned plants. The effect of ant-exclusion did not differ between pruned and unpruned plants, despite the fact that pruned plants had higher ant and herbivore densities, produced more extrafloral nectaries, and had fewer physical defenses. Another common predator, clubionid spiders, increased in abundance on pruned plants from which ants had been excluded. I suggest that compensatory predation by these spiders diminished the effect of ant-exclusion on pruned plants.  相似文献   

The lycaenid butterfly, Niphanda fusca, has a parasitic relationship with its host ant, Camponotus japonicus: the caterpillars may use chemical mimicry to enter the ant nest where they are fed mouth-to-mouth by the adult ants until pupation. Nevertheless, larvae offer their host ants a nutritious secretion that contains 160 mM glucose and 43 mM glycine. Using glucose and glycine mixture as artificial secretions, we investigated the gustatory effect of glucose and/or glycine on the ants. Glycine induced neither feeding behavior nor gustatory response in the ants if its concentration was <500 mM. In the presence of glycine at the concentration in the secretion, however, the ants improved their preference to glucose, and the sugar receptor cell exhibited electrophysiological enhancement of response to glucose in a glycine-concentration-dependent manner. By adding glycine to glucose in their secretions, therefore, the butterfly larvae can manipulate the gustatory sense of the ants. The alluring taste of 'glycine-flavored glucose' could motivate the host ants to feed the larvae and thereby receive the secretions as a reward. The taste enhancement created by the combination of sugar and amino acid may play a role in the evolution of the parasitic relationships of these insects. The taste-enhancing effect appears to be analogous to taste enhancement by 'umami' substances in humans.  相似文献   

The foraging range and distribution of Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr), colonies in urban areas of southern California extended at least 61 m (200 feet) from feeding stations and structures. Ants were fed at 25% sucrose feeding stations containing 0.01% fluorescent brighter (FB28). Within 14 d, from 77-90% of the ants sampled next to the feeding stations were positive for FB28. The percentage of ants with FB28 declined gradually to approximately 55% 61 m away from the feeding station. The percentage of marked ants in the controls didn't change over the 4-wk-test period. There were approximately 290,000 ants visiting the monitored stations each night before treatments. The 0.0001% fipronil baits and 0.06% fipronil SC sprays provided significant reductions in at least 4 wk. The percentage of ants marked with FB28 decreased significantly in both bait and spray treatments over 4 wk suggesting that the resurgence of ants in treated areas were because of immigration from untreated areas. It is likely that much larger areas will need to be treated to control Argentine ants in urban settings, especially if baits are being used.  相似文献   


The Australian giant bulldog ant Myrmecia brevinoda Forel was first observed in New Zealand in 1940 (Keall 1981). Further observations of this species were made at a location in Devonport in 1948 and 1965, and a nest destroyed at this site in 1981. Since this time no further observations have been made, yet the status of this species is commonly listed as “uncertain establishment” on New Zealand faunal lists. We describe the control procedure used in 1981. In addition, to determine its current status we resurveyed ants in the area of earlier infestation using visual searches, pitfall trapping, and a reward for discovery posted to local residents. No evidence of M. brevinoda was found, though several other invasive species were found, including the Argentine ant Linepithema humile (Mayr), Pheidole rugosula Forel, and a recently established Australian cryptic Solenopsis species. Given the results of our survey and the absence of other reports of M. brevinoda over the last 24 years, we consider this species to be extinct or eradicated from New Zealand.  相似文献   

Termites and ants contribute more to animal biomass in tropical rain forests than any other single group and perform vital ecosystem functions. Although ants prey on termites, at the community level the linkage between these groups is poorly understood. Thus, assessing the distribution and specificity of ant termitophagy is of considerable interest. We describe an approach for quantifying ant-termite food webs by sequencing termite DNA (cytochrome c oxidase subunit II, COII) from ant guts and apply this to a soil-dwelling ant community from tropical rain forest in Gabon. We extracted DNA from 215 ants from 15 species. Of these, 17.2 % of individuals had termite DNA in their guts, with BLAST analysis confirming the identity of 34.1 % of these termites to family level or better. Although ant species varied in detection of termite DNA, ranging from 63 % (5/7; Camponotus sp. 1) to 0 % (0/7; Ponera sp. 1), there was no evidence (with small sample sizes) for heterogeneity in termite consumption across ant taxa, and no evidence for species-specific ant-termite predation. In all three ant species with identifiable termite DNA in multiple individuals, multiple termite species were represented. Furthermore, the two termite species that were detected on multiple occasions in ant guts were in both cases found in multiple ant species, suggesting that ant-termite food webs are not strongly compartmentalised. However, two ant species were found to consume only Anoplotermes-group termites, indicating possible predatory specialisation at a higher taxonomic level. Using a laboratory feeding test, we were able to detect termite COII sequences in ant guts up to 2 h after feeding, indicating that our method only detects recent feeding events. Our data provide tentative support for the hypothesis that unspecialised termite predation by ants is widespread and highlight the use of molecular approaches for future studies of ant-termite food webs.  相似文献   

1. The New World army ants are top predators in the litter of tropical forest, but no comprehensive studies exist on variation in assemblage-wide activity and species composition. We used standardized protocols to estimate foraging raid rates and species composition of army ant communities in four Neotropical forests. The study sites spanned approximately 10 degrees latitude, with two sites each in Central and South America. 2. We recorded a total of 22 species of army ants. The four sites varied in observed and estimated species richness. Species overlap was highest between the Central American sites, and lowest between the South American sites. 3. Raid activity varied significantly among sites. Raid activity per kilometre of trail walks was over four times higher at the most active site (Sta. Maria, Venezuela) than at the least active site (Barro Colorado Island, Panama). Furthermore, each site showed a different diel pattern of activity. For example, raid activity was higher during daylight hours in Costa Rica, and higher at night in Venezuela. Raid activity relationships with ambient temperature also varied significantly among sites. 4. The overall rate of army ant raids passing through 1 m(2) plots was 0.73 raids per day, but varied among sites, from 0 raids per day (Panama) to 1.2 raids per day (Venezuela). 5. Primarily subterranean species were significantly more abundant in Venezuela, and above-ground foragers that form large swarm fronts were least abundant in Panama. The site heterogeneity in species abundance and diel activity patterns has implications for army ant symbionts, including ant-following birds, and for the animals hunted by these top predators.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated individual foraging components of the western harvester ant,Pogonomyrmex occidentalis, in the native seed background of a shrub-steppe environment. Our study identified factors affecting foraging movements and seed selection by individual ants. Some assumptions and predictions of central-place foraging theory and a correlated random walk were evaluated for individual foragers. Results showed that ant size was only weakly correlated with the seed sizes harvested; seed size was a more important constraint than a predictor of seed selection. Individual ants spent more time in localized search behavior than traveling between search areas and nests.P. occidentalis foragers encountered seeds randomly with respect to time, and handled a mean of 1.7 seeds/trip. A correlation of increased search effort with greater travel distances was consistent with central-place foraging theory but, contrary to it, search and travel effort were not associated with energetic reward.Individual ants exhibited fidelity in both search site and native seed species. Spatial analyses of foraging movements showed a highly oriented travel path while running, and an area-restricted path while searching. Searching ants moved in a manner consistent with a correlated random walk. The deterministic component of patch fidelity and the stochastic component of search may override energetic foraging decisions in individualP. occidentalis ants.  相似文献   

Giving-up times in resource patches by workers of the giant tropical ant,Paraponera clavata, are associated with travel time and reward volume but not reward concentration. The discovery of an artificial nectar reward stimulates local search which is centered around the initial reward site. Longer giving-up times increase the likelihood that a worker will find a second reward, but the search appears to be more effective for renewed rewards at the same location than for nearby rewards. When workers are near the colony, larger rewards cause the workers to stop searching and to initiate recruitment behavior. At patches distant from the nest, the threshold in reward volume for recruitment is much higher. These results are consistent with expectations for search strategies when energy expenditure in search is minimal, resources are renewable, and recruitment can occur.  相似文献   

It was shown that scout ants Myrmica rubra are capable for an adequate modification of foraging habit acquired in a multichoice symmetrical maze following a reward change (syrup for the species brood). Under conditions of the high level of food motivation of a family both during learning and "examination" (i.e., brood transportation) all the ants succeed in a conditioned switchover of heterogeneous reflexes. If the high level of motivation during learnings is changed for its low level during examination, some ant do not realize the new task. The unconditioned switch (preliminary 1-3 brood takes at the start ares) facilitates the successful performance. In different experimental sessions a certain ratio was revealed between the ants realizing different ways of correct decision making. Specially developed criteria made it possible to identify different individual types of behavior during examination: transfer of acquired strategy, its gradual adaptation, and fast switchover to the new strategy. The adequate maze method and learning on the basis of specific forms of social behavior of ants (foraging, brood transportation, and exploratory activity) promote the rapid and efficient acquisition of the habit and its modification.  相似文献   

We conducted a meta-analysis of the effects of fire on the abundance and alpha diversity of ants based upon data published over the past 70 years. Overall, fire reduced ant diversity by 18 %, but had no effect on ant abundance. However, there was significant variation in the effect of fire on ant diversity amongst different vegetation types. Fire significantly decreased ant diversity in forests—especially in tropical forests—whereas in deserts, grasslands, and savannas it did not. Similarly, fire had a strong negative mean effect on ant diversity in sites where it is uncommon, but did not significantly affect diversity where it is a recurrent phenomenon. There is evidence that, in forests, wildfires have a stronger negative effect on ant diversity than does prescribed burning. In addition, we found marginally significant differences in the effect of fire on the abundance and diversity of forest ants among studies that sampled ants at different times post-fire, or that sampled ants from different soil strata. In contrast, fire did not significantly affect the abundance or diversity of savanna ants, and this was true even after we took into account the geographic location of the study, the ant community sampled, the time since fire, and the fire regime. Overall, the results of our study indicate that habitat type is an important predictor of ant community responses to fire. However, even within a given habitat, reported effects were quite variable among the studies reviewed, evidencing the idiosyncratic nature of fire effects on ants.  相似文献   

C. M. Bristow 《Oecologia》1991,87(4):514-521
Summary Oleander aphids, (Aphis nerii), which are sporadically tended by ants, were used as a moded system to examine whether host plant factors associated with feeding site influenced the formation of ant-aphid associations. Seasonal patterns of host plant utilization and association with attendant ants were examined through bi-weekly censuses of the aphid population feeding on thirty ornamental oleander plands (Nerium oleander) in northern California in 1985 and 1986. Colonies occurred on both developing and senescing plant terminals, including leaf tips, floral structures, and pods. Aphids preferentially colonized leaf terminals early in the season, but showed no preference for feeding site during later periods. Argentine ants (Iridomyrmex humilis) occasionally tended aphid colonies. Colonies on floral tips were three to four times more likely to attract ants than colonies on leaf tips, even though the latter frequently contained more aphids. Ants showed a positive recruitment response to colonies on floral tips, with a significant correlation between colony size and number of ants. There was no recruitment response to colonies on leaf tips. These patterns were reproducible over two years despite large fluctuations in both aphid population density and ant activity. In a laboratory bioassay of aphid palatability, the generalist predator,Hippodamia convergens, took significantly more aphids reared on floral tips compared to those reared on leaf tips. The patterns reported here support the hypothesis that tritrophic factors may be important in modifying higher level arthropod mutualisms.  相似文献   

Interactions between potentially mutualistic partners can vary over geographic areas. Myrmecophytes, which are plants harbouring ants, often do not exhibit sufficient intraspecific variability to permit comparative studies of myrmecophytic traits over space or time. Humboldtia brunonis (Fabaceae), a dominant, endemic myrmecophyte of the Indian Western Ghats, is unique in exhibiting considerable variability in myrmecophytic traits, e.g. domatia presence, as well as domatia occupancy and associated ant diversity throughout its geographic range. Although its caulinary domatia are occupied by at least 16 ant species throughout its distribution, young leaves and floral buds producing extrafloral nectar (EFN) are protected by ants from herbivory only in the southernmost region, where Technomyrmex albipes (Dolichoderinae) is the most abundant ant species. The extent of protection by ants was positively related to local species richness of ants and their occupancy of domatia. On the other hand, the highest abundance of interlopers in the domatia, including non‐protective ants, the arboreal earthworm Perionyx pullus, and other invertebrates, occurred in sites with the least protection from herbivory by ants. Whereas domatia morphometry did not vary between sites, domatia occupied by protective ants and invertebrate interlopers were longer and broader than empty ones at all sites. The lowest percentage of empty domatia was found at the southernmost site. There was a progressive decline in ant species richness from that found at the sites, to that feeding on H. brunonis EFN, to that occupying domatia, possibly indicating constraints in the interactions with the plants at various levels. Our study of this dominant myrmecophyte emphasizes the impact of local factors such as the availability of suitable ant partners, domatia occupancy, and the presence of interlopers on the emergence of a protection mutualism between ants and plants. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 538–551.  相似文献   

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