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A cytogenetic monitoring study was carried out on a group of workers in clinical analysis laboratories to investigate the risk of occupational exposure to chronic low levels of chemicals.Thirty-four clinical laboratories have been involved in the study. In these laboratories, toxicants and analytical procedures utilized have been characterized. The individual occupational exposure of workers was assessed by use of a questionnaire concerning the chemical substances utilized. About 300 different chemicals have been identified.Cytogenetic analyses (chromosomal aberration and micronucleus tests) were carried out on a strictly selected group of 50 workers enrolled from these laboratories and compared to 53 controls (healthy blood donors) matched for gender and age.The exposed group shows a significantly higher frequency of genetic damage than the control group. Both chromatid and chromosome aberration frequencies in workers appear significantly higher than in controls. Similarly, comparison between micronucleated cells rates of exposed and unexposed groups show significantly higher frequencies of binucleated cells with micronucleus (BNMN) and of total micronuclei (MN tot) in workers than in controls.  相似文献   

Cement industry is considered as a major pollution problem on account of dust and particulate matter emitted at various steps of cement manufacture. Cement dust consists of many toxic constituents. The workers who are employed in cement industries are exposed to cement dust for long periods. Therefore, it is mandatory to evaluate the mutagenic effects of occupational exposure to cement dust in such workers. In the present study, we analyzed the samples of 124 male workers including 59 smokers and 65 non-smokers who were employed in cement industry for a period of 1–17 years. For comparison, 106 controls (including 47 smokers and 59 non-smokers) of the same age group and socio-economic status were also studied. Controls had no exposure to cement dust or any known physical or chemical agent. A significant increase in the incidence of chromosomal aberrations was observed in the exposed group when compared to the control group. The results were analyzed separately for non-smokers and smokers. The chromosomal damage was more pronounced in the smokers when compared with the non-smokers both in control and exposed groups. A significant increase in the frequency of chromosomal aberrations was also observed with increase in age in both control and exposed subjects.  相似文献   

People employed in the shoe manufacture and repair industry are at an increased risk for cancer, the strongest evidence being for nasal cancer and leukaemia. A possible causal role for formaldehyde is likely for cancer of the buccal cavity and nasopharynx. Exfoliated buccal cells are good source of tissue for monitoring human exposure to inhaled and ingested occupational and environmental genotoxicants. To assess the cytogenetic damage related to occupational exposure to airborne chemicals during shoe-making and the processes in pathology and anatomy laboratories, the micronuclei (MN) count per 3000 cells was measured in buccal smears from shoe-workers (group I, n = 22) exposed to mainly n-hexane, toluene and methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) and from anatomy and pathology staff (group II, n = 28) exposed to formaldehyde (FA). Eighteen male university staff were used as controls. The mean time-weighted average (TWA) concentrations of n-hexane, toluene and MEK in 10 small shoe workshops were 58.07 p.p.m., 26.62 p.p.m. and 11.39 p.p.m., respectively. The measured air concentrations of FA in the breathing zone of the anatomy and pathology laboratory workers were between 2 and 4 p.p.m. Levels of 2,5-hexadione (2,5-HD) and hippuric acid (HA), metabolic markers of n-hexane and toluene exposure, respectively, were significantly higher in the urine of workers in group I than in control subjects (p < 0.001 and p < 0.01, respectively). The mean (±SD) MN frequencies in buccal mucosa cells from workers in group I, group II and controls were 0.62±0.45%, 0.71±0.56% and 0.33±0.30%, respectively (p < 0.05 and p < 0.05 compared with controls for group I and group II, respectively). The effects of smoking, age and duration of exposure on the frequency of micronucleated buccal cells from workers in all three groups studied were also evaluated. Overall, the results suggest that occupational exposure to organic solvents, mainly n-hexane, toluene, MEK and FA, may cause cytogenetic damage in buccal cells and that use of exfoliated buccal cells seems to be appropriate to measure exposure to organic solvents.  相似文献   

The genetic risk run by workers occupationally exposed to styrene vapors was assessed in two different plants A and B, using the cytogenetic analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes. In plant A engaged in the manufacture of polystyrene vessels the mean styrene exposure level was found to range between 70 and 150 mg . m-3, in plant B manufacturing sports boats, plastic slides for children and plastic guard-stones it reached the level of about 200 mg . m-3. The rate of aberrant cells (AB.C.) found in plant A workers (N = 36) at the time of first sampling was 1.38% and the value of break/cell (B/C) ratio was 0.015; at the second sampling the rate of AB.C. was 1.41% and the B/C ratio was 0.014. The group of matched controls (N = 19) was found to have 1.26% of AB.C. and 0.014 breaks per cell. Plant B workers (N = 22) exhibited at the first sampling 1.72% of AB.C. and their value of B/C ratio was 0.018, the group of matched controls (N = 22) had 1.36% of AB.C and the B/C ratio 0.015; the respective values at the time of second sampling were 2.81% for AB.C. rate and 0.029 for B/C ratio in the exposed and 1.89% for AB.C. rate and 0.021 for B/C ratio in the control group. It is concluded that styrene exposure levels below 100 mg . m-3 do not pose any serious genetic risk for the exposed population groups. The variations found in the degree of chromosome injury by smoking habits, drug intake pattern, or sex were not statistically significant.  相似文献   

Chromosome aberration tests were carried out in a group of 31 pressed glass makers operating an automatic line of press-and-blow machines known to release mineral oil mists containing relatively high concentrations of the mutagenic chemicals belonging to a class of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). The workers were exposed to the mineral oil aerosol levels that did not exceed the Czechoslovak maximum allowable concentration limit of 5 mg . m-1 of air. The tests revealed that the frequency of aberrant cells (% AB.C.) and the value of breaks per cell (B/C) ratio found in mineral oil-exposed workers were increased significantly, accounting for 4.65 +/- 0.29% AB.C. (0.0532 B/C) vs. 1.13 +/- 0.19% AB.C. (0.0113 B/C) seen in matching controls. Also, a higher rate of dicentrics, reciprocal translocations and cells with pulverization was observed in this group of glass workers. These finding are considered as evidence suggesting that these workers might experience an increased risk of genetic injury due to exposure to mineral oil mists.  相似文献   

An occupationally exposed population has been studied to evaluate the suitability of FISH painting techniques to detect chronic exposures to very low doses of ionizing radiation by the analysis of translocations. Whole-chromosome painting probes for chromosomes 1, 4 and 11 in combination with a pancentromeric probe have been employed. For comparison, a matched control population has also been studied. The mean genomic frequencies per 100 cells of total translocations in the control and exposed populations were 0.90 +/- 0.12 and 1.04 +/- 0.11, respectively. In the occupationally exposed population, no correlation between the frequencies of translocations and the doses received was found. When the two populations were compared, no significant differences were observed for the frequencies of the different chromosomal abnormalities examined. The absence of differences between control and exposed populations could be attributed to the very low-dose exposures recorded in the occupationally exposed population and to the wide range of individual frequencies of translocations observed.  相似文献   

V Senft  F Losan  M Tucek 《Mutation research》1992,279(3):171-179
The authors carried out a cytogenetic examination of chromosomal aberrations of peripheral lymphocytes (100 cells evaluated in each sample) with simultaneous monitoring of the level of exposure by means of determination of nickel in the urine, serum and hair. The series included 21 workers occupationally exposed to nickel at two workshops producing NiO (6 persons) and NiSO4 (15 persons) in a chemical plant. At the same time a comparable control group, i.e., 19 workers of the same chemical plant but without any direct occupational nickel exposure (clerks, service men, etc.), were examined in the same way. In the exposed group chromosomal aberrations of peripheral lymphocytes were detected with an average value of 6.41 +/- 1.9% (range 2-14%); in the group producing NiO it was, on the average, 9.5 +/- 3.2% (range 7-14%) whereas in the NiSO4 production workers it was only 5.2 +/- 1.9% (range 2-10%). There was a dependence of chromosomal aberrations of peripheral lymphocytes on the exposure time and on the nickel content of the biological material. Significantly increased values (in contrast to the normal value of chromosomal aberrations of peripheral lymphocytes, up to 2%) were detected in the control group as well (average value of 4.05 +/- 2.27%, range 1-10%). The authors explain this fact by the nickel-polluted environment of the whole observed chemical plant.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the personal exposure to benzene and its relationship with biomonitoring and quantitative risk assessment among the personnel working and living near oil pits. This study was conducted in one of oil subsidiary companies in Kharg in 2017. Airborne benzene exposure was evaluated over 8-h periods during work-shift by using personal active samplers. Urinary O-Cresol levels were determined using GC-FID for separation and detection. The highest mean concentration of airborne benzene was at monitoring location, A (0.53?ppm), monitoring location H (0.59?ppm) in the spring, monitoring location M (0.72?ppm) and monitoring location P (0.8?ppm) in the summer, which was more than suggested by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. No direct linear relationship was found between the concentration of airborne benzene, age, work experience, urinary creatinine, and O-Cresol in this study (p?>?.05). No significant difference was observed between urinary O-Cresol and benzene in occupational groups and different seasons (p?>?.05). The highest mean quantitative risk of cancers was observed in summer (1.21?±?0.47). According to the results of this study, urinary biomarker O-Cresol is not a suitable measure for evaluating exposure to environmental benzene.  相似文献   

In the present study, we evaluate whether or not occupational exposure to a complex mixture of pesticides results in a significant increase of micronuclei (MN) in both peripheral blood lymphocytes and buccal cells. Sixty four greenhouse workers from Almería (Southeastern Spain), together with 50 men from the same area, without indication of exposure to pesticides, that served as controls were used in this investigation. The results obtained indicate that there are no statistically significant differences in the MN frequencies between the two groups. Each donor was assessed for the presence or absence of glutathione S-transferase M1 (GSTM1) and glutathione S-transferase T1 (GSTT1), to look for relationships between the genotypes and the cytogenetic reponses. According to the GSTT1 genotype, there is a difference between both groups only for the cytokinesis-block proliferation index (CBPI). Neither GSTM1 nor smoking habit and age showed any effect in the overall analysis.  相似文献   

Context: Genotoxicity assays are widely employed in human biomonitoring studies to assess genetic damage inflicted by genotoxic agents.

Objective: Evaluation of micronuclei (MN) as a screening marker of occupational ionizing radiation (IR) exposure.

Materials and methods: Using micronucleus test, peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of 402 control and exposed subjects were screened for genetic damage.

Results: The mean frequencies of micronucleus test parameters were significantly higher in exposed persons. Increase of micronucleus yield with duration of exposure (DOE) by 0.303MN/year was revealed.

Discussion and conclusion: The obtained data encourage us to consider MN as valuable markers for preventive medical screening of occupationally exposed groups.  相似文献   

IntroductionOccupational exposure to Cadmium (Cd) may have serious health effect on workers. However, little is known about its effect on immune system. Moreover, previous studies have been inconclusive in stating the effect of Cd on immune system. The aim of our study was to estimate immune parameters in workers occupationally exposed to Cd.Material and methods110 individuals occupationally exposed to Cd and 97 apparently healthy non-exposed individuals were recruited for this study. Blood Cadmium levels were determined by AAS. Lymphocyte subset were analyzed using flow cytometry and the cytokine levels were determined by ELISA.ResultsExposed group have significantly higher levels of B-Cd. % of CD8 cells were higher in exposed while % of CD4 cells showed a decreasing trend in the exposed group. Among the CD3CD4 T cell subsets Th1 (%) and Tregs (%) cells were lower while Th17 (%) were higher in exposed group. Increased levels of IL-4 (Th2), IL-6 (Th2) and TNF- α (Th1) and decreased levels of IL-2 (Th1) and IL-10 (Tregs) were observed in Cd exposed workers which is indicative of a predominant pro-inflammatory response in Cd exposed workers. IL-17 (Th17) levels did not show any significant difference between the two groups. Increased Th17/Tregs ratio in the exposed group is also suggestive of an increased pro-inflammatory immune response in exposed group.ConclusionTo conclude, even low level of exposure to Cd in occupational settings is associated with alterations in Th17 cells, which may further predispose an individual to other systemic abnormalities.  相似文献   

2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) is an important occupational and environmental pollutant. In TNT-exposed humans, notable toxic manifestations have included aplastic anaemia, toxic hepatitis, cataracts, hepatomegaly, and liver cancer. Therefore, methods were developed to biomonitor workers exposed to TNT. The workers were employed in a typical ammunition factory in China. The external dose (air levels and skin exposure), the internal dose (urinary metabolites), the biologically effective dose (haemoglobin adducts, urinary mutagenicity), biological effects (chromosomal aberrations and health effects), and individual susceptibility (genotypes of xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes) were determined. Haemoglobin-adducts of TNT, 4-amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene (4ADNT) and 2-amino-4,6-dinitrotoluene (2ADNT), and the urinary metabolites of TNT, 4ADNT and 2ADNT, were found in all workers and in some controls. The levels of the haemoglobin-adducts or the urinary metabolites correlated weakly with the skin or air levels of TNT. The urinary mutagenicity determined in a subset of workers correlated strongly with the levels of 4ADNT and 2ADNT in urine. The haemoglobin-adducts correlated moderately with the urinary metabolites and with the urinary mutagenicity. The genotypes of glutathione S-transferases (GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTP1) and N-acetyltransferases (NAT1, NAT2) were determined. In general, the genotypes did not significantly influence the haemoglobin-adduct levels and the urine metabolite levels. However, TNT-exposed workers who carried the NAT1 rapid acetylator genotype showed an increase in urinary mutagenicity and chromosomal aberrations as compared with slow acetylators. The haemoglobin adduct 4ADNT was significantly associated with a risk of hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and cataract; urine metabolites and genotypes were not associated with health effects. These results indicate that a set of well-selected biomarkers may be more informative regarding exposure and effect than routinely performed chemical measurements of pollutants in the air or on the skin.  相似文献   

2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) is an important occupational and environmental pollutant. In TNT-exposed humans, notable toxic manifestations have included aplastic anaemia, toxic hepatitis, cataracts, hepatomegaly, and liver cancer. Therefore, methods were developed to biomonitor workers exposed to TNT. The workers were employed in a typical ammunition factory in China. The external dose (air levels and skin exposure), the internal dose (urinary metabolites), the biologically effective dose (haemoglobin adducts, urinary mutagenicity), biological effects (chromosomal aberrations and health effects), and individual susceptibility (genotypes of xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes) were determined. Haemoglobin-adducts of TNT, 4-amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene (4ADNT) and 2-amino-4,6-dinitrotoluene (2ADNT), and the urinary metabolites of TNT, 4ADNT and 2ADNT, were found in all workers and in some controls. The levels of the haemoglobin-adducts or the urinary metabolites correlated weakly with the skin or air levels of TNT. The urinary mutagenicity determined in a subset of workers correlated strongly with the levels of 4ADNT and 2ADNT in urine. The haemoglobin-adducts correlated moderately with the urinary metabolites and with the urinary mutagenicity. The genotypes of glutathione S-transferases (GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTP1) and N-acetyltransferases (NAT1, NAT2) were determined. In general, the genotypes did not significantly influence the haemoglobin-adduct levels and the urine metabolite levels. However, TNT-exposed workers who carried the NAT1 rapid acetylator genotype showed an increase in urinary mutagenicity and chromosomal aberrations as compared with slow acetylators. The haemoglobin adduct 4ADNT was significantly associated with a risk of hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and cataract; urine metabolites and genotypes were not associated with health effects. These results indicate that a set of well-selected biomarkers may be more informative regarding exposure and effect than routinely performed chemical measurements of pollutants in the air or on the skin.  相似文献   

Forty-nine refinery workers and 50 motor mechanics were selected and examined for total lead (PbT), inorganic lead (PbI), and δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) in urine. The worker groups were exposed to tetraethyl lead (TEL) mainly by inhalation, but motor mechanics received additional exposure by skin because of hand cleansing with gasoline. The levels of urinary ALA (ALA-U) and urinary PbT (PbT-U) in refinery workers and motor mechanics were found to be significantly higher than the control group (p<0.05). The correlation between the ALA-U and PbT-U was found significant in both worker groups (p<0.001); however, relatively higher positive correlation was found between ALA-U and urinary inorganic lead (PbI-U) in TEL-exposed workers.  相似文献   

Multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with tandem-labeling probes for the 1cen-q12 region is a potential biomarker for the detection of structural chromosomal aberrations (CAs) in human cells. To determine the suitability of this technique for biomonitoring humans exposed to 1,3-butadiene (BD) and to characterize the alterations induced as well as their stability over time, the human lymphoblastoid cell line AZH-1 was treated with 5 μM diepoxybutane (DEB) or the positive control mitomycin C (MMC; 0.1 μM) for 24 h. Following the removal of the test chemicals, cell cultures were grown for an additional 19 days in the absence of the test compound. Using the tandem FISH technique, aliquots from the main cultures were examined for the induction of CAs affecting the 1cen-q12 region at various intervals. A significant increase in chromosomal breakage/exchanges affecting the 1cen-q12 region was seen in both the DEB- and MMC-treated interphase and metaphase cells. The damage peaked at approximately 48 h following the addition of the test compound and declined with time. However, at day 20, the frequency of aberrant cells was still significantly higher than the control levels. For comparison, the frequency of micronuclei (MN) formed and their origin was determined using the cytochalasin B-modified MN assay and FISH with a pancentromeric probe. Showing a similar pattern, the frequency of centronere-negative MN peaked at 48 h, but however was not significantly elevated above control levels at 20 days. At early time points, aberrations detected using the FISH assay consisted of nearly equal proportions of unstable- and stable-type aberrations, while at the later time points, translocations were the predominant aberration type. In addition, the use of tandem-label FISH in combination with BrdU-immunfluorescence staining, showed that almost identical frequencies of structural aberrations could be seen in actively replicating and non-replicating cell populations. These studies indicate that a small but significant proportion of the alterations detected using this FISH technique persists over time and that this technique may be valuable for biomonitoring chromosomal alterations in BD-exposed populations.  相似文献   

Diesel engine exhaust (DEE) was found to induce lipid peroxidation (LPO) in animal exposure studies. LPO is a class of oxidative stress and can be reflected by detecting the levels of its production, such as malondialdehyde (MDA) and 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE), and etheno-DNA adducts including 1,N6-etheno-2′-deoxyadenosine (?dA) and 3,N4-etheno-2′-deoxycytidine (?dC). However, the impact of DEE exposure on LPO has not been explored in humans. In this study, we evaluated urinary MDA, 4-HNE, ?dA, and ?dC levels as biomarkers of LPO among 108 workers with exclusive exposure to DEE and 109 non-DEE-exposed workers. Results showed that increased levels of urinary MDA and ?dA were observed in subjects occupationally exposed to DEE before and after age, body mass index (BMI), smoking status, and alcohol use were adjusted (all p?p?p?相似文献   

Objectives: Reactive oxygen species (ROS), including superoxide (O2??), play an important role in the biological effects of ionizing radiation. The human body has developed different antioxidant systems to defend against excessive levels of ROS. The aim of the present study is to investigate the redox status changes in the blood of radiologic technologists and compare these changes to control individuals.

Methods: We enrolled 60 medical workers: 20 occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation (all radiologic technologists), divided in three subgroups: conventional radiography (CR), computerized tomography (CT), and interventional radiography (IR) and 40 age- and gender-matched unexposed controls. Levels of O2?? and malondialdehyde (MDA) in blood were measured as an index of redox status, as were the activities of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase. Redox status was also assessed by measuring levels of reduced and oxidized glutathione (GSH, GSSG, respectively).

Results: Levels of O2?? and MDA, and SOD activity in the blood of IR and CT-exposed subjects were significantly higher than both the CR-exposed subjects and control individuals. However, there were no statistically significant differences in the levels of catalase, GSH and ratio of GSH/GSSG between exposed workers and control individuals.

Discussion: This study suggests that healthcare workers in CT and IR occupationally exposed to radiation have an elevated circulating redox status as compared to unexposed individuals.  相似文献   

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