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The double-stranded RNA binding protein Staufen is required for the microtubule-dependent localization of bicoid and oskar mRNAs to opposite poles of the Drosophila oocyte and also mediates the actin-dependent localization of prospero mRNA during the asymmetric neuroblast divisions. The posterior localization of oskar mRNA requires Staufen RNA binding domain 2, whereas prospero mRNA localization mediated the binding of Miranda to RNA binding domain 5, suggesting that different Staufen domains couple mRNAs to distinct localization pathways. Here, we show that the expression of Miranda during mid-oogenesis targets Staufen/oskar mRNA complexes to the anterior of the oocyte, resulting in bicaudal embryos that develop an abdomen and pole cells instead of the head and thorax. Anterior Miranda localization requires microtubules, rather than actin, and depends on the function of Exuperantia and Swallow, indicating that Miranda links Staufen/oskar mRNA complexes to the bicoid mRNA localization pathway. Since Miranda is expressed in late oocytes and bicoid mRNA localization requires the Miranda-binding domain of Staufen, Miranda may play a redundant role in the final step of bicoid mRNA localization. Our results demonstrate that different Staufen-interacting proteins couple Staufen/mRNA complexes to distinct localization pathways and reveal that Miranda mediates both actin- and microtubule-dependent mRNA localization.  相似文献   

Localization of oskar mRNA includes two distinct phases: transport from nurse cells to the oocyte, a process typically accompanied by cortical anchoring in the oocyte, followed by posterior localization within the oocyte. Signals within the oskar 3’ UTR directing transport are individually weak, a feature previously hypothesized to facilitate exchange between the different localization machineries. We show that alteration of the SL2a stem-loop structure containing the oskar transport and anchoring signal (TAS) removes an inhibitory effect such that in vitro binding by the RNA transport factor, Egalitarian, is elevated as is in vivo transport from the nurse cells into the oocyte. Cortical anchoring within the oocyte is also enhanced, interfering with posterior localization. We also show that mutation of Staufen recognized structures (SRSs), predicted binding sites for Staufen, disrupts posterior localization of oskar mRNA just as in staufen mutants. Two SRSs in SL2a, one overlapping the Egalitarian binding site, are inferred to mediate Staufen-dependent inhibition of TAS anchoring activity, thereby promoting posterior localization. The other three SRSs in the oskar 3’ UTR are also required for posterior localization, including two located distant from any known transport signal. Staufen, thus, plays multiple roles in localization of oskar mRNA.  相似文献   

Distinct roles for the two cGATA-1 finger domains.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文

Fan SJ  Marchand V  Ephrussi A 《PloS one》2011,6(5):e20612
mRNA localization coupled with translational control is a widespread and conserved strategy that allows the localized production of proteins within eukaryotic cells. In Drosophila, oskar (osk) mRNA localization and translation at the posterior pole of the oocyte are essential for proper patterning of the embryo. Several P body components are involved in osk mRNA localization and translational repression, suggesting a link between P bodies and osk RNPs. In cultured mammalian cells, Ge-1 protein is required for P body formation. Combining genetic, biochemical and immunohistochemical approaches, we show that, in vivo, Drosophila Ge-1 (dGe-1) is an essential gene encoding a P body component that promotes formation of these structures in the germline. dGe-1 partially colocalizes with osk mRNA and is required for osk RNP integrity. Our analysis reveals that although under normal conditions dGe-1 function is not essential for osk mRNA localization, it becomes critical when other components of the localization machinery, such as staufen, Drosophila decapping protein 1 and barentsz are limiting. Our findings suggest an important role of dGe-1 in optimization of the osk mRNA localization process required for patterning the Drosophila embryo.  相似文献   

Subcellular localization of mRNAs within the Drosophila oocyte is an essential step in body patterning. Yps, a Drosophila Y-box protein, is a component of an ovarian ribonucleoprotein complex that also contains Exu, a protein that plays an essential role in mRNA localization. Y-box proteins are known translational regulators, suggesting that this complex might regulate translation as well as mRNA localization. Here we examine the role of the yps gene in these events. We show that yps interacts genetically with orb, a positive regulator of oskar mRNA localization and translation. The nature of the genetic interaction indicates that yps acts antagonistically to orb. We demonstrate that Orb protein is physically associated with both the Yps and Exu proteins, and that this interaction is mediated by RNA. We propose a model wherein Yps and Orb bind competitively to oskar mRNA with opposite effects on translation and RNA localization.  相似文献   

Nuclear history affects the fates of mRNAs in the cytoplasm of cells. Proteins loaded onto mRNAs in the nucleus mark RNAs for subsequent translational regulation, stability, degradation, and subcellular RNA localization. New results show that the Drosophila heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) Hrp48 contributes to coordinated RNA localization and translational control in oocytes.  相似文献   

Yth1p is the yeast homologue of the 30 kDa subunit of mammalian cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor (CPSF). The protein is part of the cleavage and polyadenylation factor CPF, which includes cleavage factor II (CF II) and polyadenylation factor I (PF I), and is required for both steps in pre-mRNA 3'-end processing. Yth1p is an RNA-binding protein that was previously shown to be essential for polyadenylation. Here, we demonstrate that Yth1p is also required for the cleavage reaction and that two protein domains have distinct roles in 3'-end processing. The C-terminal part is required in polyadenylation to tether Fip1p and poly(A) polymerase to the rest of CPF. A single point mutation in the highly conserved second zinc finger impairs both cleavage and polyadenylation, and affects the ability of Yth1p to interact with the pre-mRNA and other CPF subunits. Finally, we find that Yth1p binds to CYC1 pre-mRNA in the vicinity of the cleavage site. Our results indicate that Yth1p is important for the integrity of CPF and participates in the recognition of the cleavage site.  相似文献   

The coupled regulation of oskar mRNA localization and translation in time and space is critical for correct anteroposterior patterning of the Drosophila embryo. Localization-dependent translation of oskar mRNA, a mechanism whereby oskar RNA localized at the posterior of the oocyte is selectively translated and the unlocalized RNA remains in a translationally repressed state, ensures that Oskar activity is present exclusively at the posterior pole. Genetic experiments indicate that translational repression involves the binding of Bruno protein to multiple sites, the Bruno Response Elements (BRE), in the 3' untranslated region (UTR) of oskar mRNA. We have established a cell-free translation system derived from Drosophila ovaries, which faithfully reproduces critical features of mRNA translation in vivo, namely cap structure and poly(A) tail dependence. We show that this ovary extract, containing endogenous Bruno, is able to recapitulate oskar mRNA regulation in a BRE-dependent way. Thus, the assembly of a ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex leading to the translationally repressed state occurs in vitro. Moreover, we show that a Drosophila embryo extract lacking Bruno efficiently translates oskar mRNA. Addition of recombinant Bruno to this extract establishes the repressed state in a BRE-dependent manner, providing a direct biochemical demonstration of the critical role of Bruno in oskar mRNA translation. The approach that we describe opens new avenues to investigate translational regulation in Drosophila oogenesis at a biochemical level.  相似文献   

Zip code-binding protein 1 (ZBP-1) and its Xenopus laevis homologue, Vg1 RNA and endoplasmic reticulum-associated protein (VERA)/Vg1 RNA-binding protein (RBP), bind repeated motifs in the 3' untranslated regions (UTRs) of localized mRNAs. Although these motifs are required for RNA localization, the necessity of ZBP-1/VERA remains unresolved. We address the role of ZBP-1/VERA through analysis of the Drosophila melanogaster homologue insulin growth factor II mRNA-binding protein (IMP). Using systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment, we identified the IMP-binding element (IBE) UUUAY, a motif that occurs 13 times in the oskar 3'UTR. IMP colocalizes with oskar mRNA at the oocyte posterior, and this depends on the IBEs. Furthermore, mutation of all, or subsets of, the IBEs prevents oskar mRNA translation and anchoring at the posterior. However, oocytes lacking IMP localize and translate oskar mRNA normally, illustrating that one cannot necessarily infer the function of an RBP from mutations in its binding sites. Thus, the translational activation of oskar mRNA must depend on the binding of another factor to the IBEs, and IMP may serve a different purpose, such as masking IBEs in RNAs where they occur by chance. Our findings establish a parallel requirement for IBEs in the regulation of localized maternal mRNAs in D. melanogaster and X. laevis.  相似文献   

oskar mRNA localization to the posterior of the Drosophila oocyte defines where the abdomen and germ cells form in the embryo. Although this localization requires microtubules and the plus end-directed motor, kinesin, its mechanism is controversial and has been proposed to involve active transport to the posterior, diffusion and trapping, or exclusion from the anterior and lateral cortex. By following oskar mRNA particles in living oocytes, we show that the mRNA is actively transported along microtubules in all directions, with a slight bias toward the posterior. This bias is sufficient to localize the mRNA and is reversed in mago, barentsz, and Tropomyosin II mutants, which mislocalize the mRNA anteriorly. Since almost all transport is mediated by kinesin, oskar mRNA localizes by a biased random walk along a weakly polarized cytoskeleton. We also show that each component of the oskar mRNA complex plays a distinct role in particle formation and transport.  相似文献   

Intracellular targeting of mRNAs has long been recognized as a means to produce proteins locally, but has only recently emerged as a prevalent mechanism used by a wide variety of polarized cell types. Localization of mRNA molecules within the cytoplasm provides a basis for cell polarization, thus underlying developmental processes such as asymmetric cell division, cell migration, neuronal maturation and embryonic patterning. In this review, we describe and discuss recent advances in our understanding of both the regulation and functions of RNA localization during animal development.  相似文献   

We used a genetic screen in Drosophila to identify mutations which disrupt the localization of oskar mRNA during oogenesis. Based on the hypothesis that some cytoskeletal components which are required during the mitotic divisions will also be required for oskar mRNA localization during oogenesis, we designed the following genetic screen. We screened for P-element insertions in genes which slow down the blastoderm mitotic divisions. A secondary genetic screen was to generate female germ-line clones of these potential cell division cycle genes and to identify those which cause the mislocalization of oskar mRNA. We identified mutations in ter94 which disrupt the localization of oskar mRNA to the posterior pole of the oocyte. Ter94 is a member of the CDC48p/VCP subfamily of AAA proteins which are involved in homotypic fusion of the endoplasmic reticulum during mitosis. Consistent with the function of the yeast ortholog, ter94-mutant egg chambers are defective in the assembly of the endoplasmic reticulum. We tested whether other membrane biosynthesis genes are required for localizing oskar mRNA during oogenesis. We found that ovaries that are mutant for syntaxin-1a, rop, and synaptotagmin are also defective in oskar mRNA localization during oogenesis. We suggest a pathway for the role of membrane assembly proteins on oskar mRNA localization.  相似文献   

The Drosophila embryonic body plan is specified by asymmetries that arise in the oocyte during oogenesis. These asymmetries are apparent in the subcellular distribution of key mRNAs and proteins and in the organization of the microtubule cytoskeleton. We present evidence that the Drosophila oocyte also contains important asymmetries in its membrane trafficking pathways. Specifically, we show that alpha-adaptin and Rab11, which function critically in the endocytic pathways of all previously examined animal cells, are localized to neighboring compartments at the posterior pole of stage 8-10 oocytes. Rab11 and alpha-adaptin localization occurs in the absence of a polarized microtubule cytoskeleton, i.e. in grk null mutants, but is later reinforced and/or refined by Osk, the localization of which is microtubule dependent. Analyses of germline clones of a rab11 partial loss-of-function mutation reveal a requirement for Rab11 in endocytic recycling and in the organization of posterior membrane compartments. Such analyses also reveal a requirement for Rab11 in the organization of microtubule plus ends and osk mRNA localization and translation. We propose that microtubule plus ends and, possibly, translation factors for osk mRNA are anchored to posterior membrane compartments that are defined by Rab11-mediated trafficking and reinforced by Rab11-Osk interactions.  相似文献   

RNA localization and spatially restricted translational control can serve to deploy specific proteins to particular places within a cell. oskar (osk) RNA is a key initiatior of posterior patterning and germ cell specification in Drosophila, and its localization and translation are under elaborate control. In this issue, Wilhelm et al. (2003) show that the protein Cup both promotes osk localization and participates in repressing translation of unlocalized osk.  相似文献   

Establishment of the Drosophila embryonic axes provides a striking example of RNA localization as an efficient mechanism for protein targeting within a cell. oskar mRNA encodes the posterior determinant and is essential for germline and abdominal development in the embryo. Tight restriction of Oskar activity to the posterior is achieved by mRNA localization-dependent translational control, whereby unlocalized mRNA is translationally repressed and repression is overcome upon mRNA localization. Here we identify the previously reported oskar RNA binding protein p50 as Hrp48, an abundant Drosophila hnRNP. Analysis of three hrp48 mutant alleles reveals that Hrp48 levels are crucial for polarization of the oocyte during mid-oogenesis. Our data also show that Hrp48, which binds to the 5' and 3' regions of oskar mRNA, plays an important role in restricting Oskar activity to the posterior of the oocyte, by repressing oskar mRNA translation during transport.  相似文献   

Several membrane-associating signals, including covalently linked fatty acids, are found in various combinations at the N termini of signaling proteins. The function of these combinations was investigated by appending fatty acylated N-terminal sequences to green fluorescent protein (GFP). Myristoylated plus mono/dipalmitoylated GFP chimeras and a GFP chimera containing a myristoylated plus a polybasic domain were localized similarly to the plasma membrane and endosomal vesicles, but not to the nucleus. Myristoylated, nonpalmitoylated mutant chimeric GFPs were localized to intracellular membranes, including endosomes and the endoplasmic reticulum, and were absent from the plasma membrane, the Golgi, and the nucleus. Dually palmitoylated GFP was localized to the plasma membrane and the Golgi region, but it was not detected in endosomes. Nonacylated GFP chimeras, as well as GFP, showed cytosolic and nuclear distribution. Our results demonstrate that myristoylation is sufficient to exclude GFP from the nucleus and associate with intracellular membranes, but plasma membrane localization requires a second signal, namely palmitoylation or a polybasic domain. The similarity in localization conferred by the various myristoylated and palmitoylated/polybasic sequences suggests that biophysical properties of acylated sequences and biological membranes are key determinants in proper membrane selection. However, dual palmitoylation in the absence of myristoylation conferred significant differences in localization, suggesting that multiple palmitoylation sites and/or enzymes may exist.  相似文献   

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