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Arachidonic acid metabolism was evaluated in isolated rat hepatocytes after CCl4 exposure. CCl4 induced dose-dependently the synthesis and release of prostacyclin (PGI2) and thromboxane (TXB2). Treatment with prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) 30 min after exposure to CCl4, significantly reduced the cell damage as well as the release of TXB2 from the cells.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural data are presented on time-course changes in isolated rat hepatocyte suspensions exposed either to 1.2 or 1.8 mM CCl4 for up to 1 h. The subcellular changes at the lower concentration, but not the higher, are shown to closely parallel those reported to occur in rat hepatocytes following ingestion of CCl4.  相似文献   

Studies in vivo using inhibitors of eicosanoid synthesis suggested that prostaglandins may play a role in mediating tumor promotion in liver by agents such as phenobarbital (PB). However, it is not clear whether any stimulation of arachidonic acid metabolism/prostaglandin formation results directly from the action of tumor promoters on hepatocytes or indirectly from effects of promoters on Kupffer cells or other non-hepatocytes. Our laboratory has been utilizing relatively pure populations of rat hepatocytes under the defined conditions of primary cultures, to investigate growth-stimulatory actions of tumor promoters, an important element in the promotion stage of carcinogenesis. It has been shown that most if not all liver tumor promoters tested stimulate hepatocyte DNA synthesis when added in combination with factors such as EGF, insulin, and glucocorticoid. In the present study, we sought evidence for a role of prostaglandins (PGs) in the direct growth-stimulatory actions of tumor promoters on hepatocytes. PGE(2), PGF(2 alpha), and PGD(2) cause concentration-dependent stimulation of hepatocyte DNA synthesis, while arachidonic acid was without any effect. PGE(2) and PGF(2 alpha) required the presence of dexamethasone to exert significant effects. These PGs did not further augment the stimulatory effect of EGF. In contrast, PGD(2) stimulated DNA synthesis in the presence or absence of insulin, dexamethasone, or EGF. The effect of tumor promoters on arachidonic acid metabolism, as measured by [(3)H]arachidonic acid release and PGE(2) production, was determined. The phorbol ester TPA significantly increased [(3)H]arachidonic acid release as well as PGE(2) formation in hepatocytes in line with known effects in other cell types. However, liver tumor promoters phenobarbital (PB), alpha-hexachlorocycohexane (HCH), 1,1-bis(p-chlorophenyl)-2,2,2-trichloroethane (DDT), and pregnenolone-16 alpha-carbonitrile (PCN) were without effects. Finally, inhibitors of arachidonic acid metabolism were tested for effects on the ability of TPA or liver tumor promoters to stimulate DNA synthesis by direct action on cultured hepatocytes. In all cases, lack of selective inhibition was observed. Taken together, the results show that while prostaglandins may directly stimulate DNA synthesis in hepatocytes, they are unlikely to mediate the direct growth-stimulatory actions of liver tumor promoters.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation of glucose was measured by the formation of [3H]H2O from [2-3H]glucose in suspensions of freshly isolated rat hepatocytes. Fructose (0.2 mM) stimulated 2-4-fold the rate of phosphorylation of 5 mM glucose although not of 40 mM glucose, thus increasing the apparent affinity of the glucose phosphorylating system. A half-maximal stimulatory effect was observed at about 50 microM fructose. Stimulation was maximal 5 min after addition of the ketose and was stable for at least 40 min, during which period 60% of the fructose was consumed. The effect of fructose was reversible upon removal of the ketose. Sorbitol and tagatose were as potent as fructose in stimulating the phosphorylation of 5 mM glucose. D-Glyceraldehyde also had a stimulatory effect but at tenfold higher concentrations. In contrast, dihydroxyacetone had no significant effect and glycerol inhibited the detritiation of glucose. Oleate did not affect the phosphorylation of glucose, even in the presence of fructose, although it stimulated the formation of ketone bodies severalfold, indicating that it was converted to its acyl-CoA derivative. These results allow the conclusion that fructose stimulates glucokinase in the intact hepatocyte. They also suggest that this effect is mediated through the formation of fructose 1-phosphate, which presumably interacts with a competitive inhibitor of glucokinase other than long-chain acyl-CoAs.  相似文献   

In the present study, direct evidence is given to SAMe capability of crossing the membrane of isolated rat hepatocytes. The kinetics of SAMe uptake is biphasic: a fast phase being completed in less than 15 sec and a slower one with an apparent Km of 8.33 μM and a Vmax of 10.6 pmol/min/mg protein. Both processes are pH and temperature dependent. Analysis of the fast phase by a Scatchard plot discloses two sets of binding sites of high and low affinity, respectively. Experiments carried out incubating isolated hepatocytes with double-labelled SAMe (methyl-3H, carboxyl-14C) have shown that about 70% of SAMe uptake by the cell is rapidly decarboxylated.  相似文献   

Isolated rat hepatocytes, previously shown to display enhanced rates of fatty acid biosynthesis upon a brief exposure to insulin, were used to study acute effects of this hormone on other aspects of hepatic fatty acid metabolism. Insulin activates the incorporation of exogenously added fatty acids into glycerolipids and depresses their utilization in the formation of ketone bodies. Insulin increases both the activity of acetyl-CoA carboxylase and the cellular content of malonyl-CoA. Evidence is presented that malonyl-CoA plays an important role in the insulin-mediated control of both ketogenesis and de novo fatty acid synthesis. All metabolic parameters studied are affected by glucagon in a manner opposite to that of insulin.  相似文献   

Chronic administration of mood stabilizers to rats down‐regulates the brain arachidonic acid (AA) cascade. This down‐regulation may explain their efficacy against bipolar disorder (BD), in which brain AA cascade markers are elevated. The atypical antipsychotics, olanzapine (OLZ) and clozapine (CLZ), also act against BD. When given to rats, both reduce brain cyclooxygenase activity and prostaglandin E2 concentration; OLZ also reduces rat plasma unesterified and esterified AA concentrations, and AA incorporation and turnover in brain phospholipid. To test whether CLZ produces similar changes, we used our in vivo fatty acid method in rats given 10 mg/kg/day i.p. CLZ, or vehicle, for 30 days; or 1 day after CLZ washout. [1‐14C]AA was infused intravenously for 5 min, arterial plasma was collected and high‐energy microwaved brain was analyzed. CLZ increased incorporation coefficients and rates Jin,i of plasma unesterified AA into brain phospholipids i, while decreasing plasma unesterified but not esterified AA. These effects disappeared after washout. Thus, CLZ and OLZ similarly down‐regulated kinetics and cyclooxygenase expression of the brain AA cascade, likely by reducing plasma unesterified AA availability. Atypical antipsychotics and mood stabilizers may be therapeutic in BD by down‐regulating, indirectly or directly respectively, the elevated brain AA cascade of that disease.  相似文献   

At low concentrations (i.e. 10−12–10−9 mol/l) arachidonic acid intensely stimulated both DNA synthetic and mitotic activities of hepatocytes in 4-day-old primary cultures of neonatal rat liver. This effect of arachidonate was completely suppressed by the simultaneous administration to the cultures of a high dose (i.e. 10−4 mol/l) of indomethacin. A similar, but much weaker proliferogenic activity was exerted on neonatal hepatocytes by quite low concentrations of some of the main products of arachidonic acid metabolism, namely prostaglandins A1, E1, and E2. Although these data support the possibility that arachidonate and prostaglandins are involved in the regulation of hepatocytic proliferative activation, the exact role of prostaglandins remains to be ascertained, because such agents might as well have acted by inducing intracellular surges of known mitogenic compounds, such as cAMP and cGMP.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor produces a time- and dose-dependent activation of phospholipid methyltransferase activity in hepatocytes isolated from juvenile and mature hepatectomized rats. This treatment however has no effect with hepatocytes isolated from mature or laparotomized rats. Dansylcadaverine (50μM), an inhibitor of receptor-mediated internalization of epidermal growth factor, has no effect on basal phospholipid methyltransferase but inhibits the stimulation of this enzyme by epidermal growth factor.

These results indicate a possible role of phospholipid methylation during liver proliferation.  相似文献   

Addition of insulin (10(-8)M) to hepatocytes, incubated either in the absence or in the presence of a suboptimal concentration of glucagon, caused the reactivation of pyruvate kinase and simultaneously provoked a transient stimulation of pyruvate kinase phosphatase activity (40-70% over control values). The stimulatory effect of insulin on pyruvate kinase phosphatase activity was dose-dependent (ED50 = 1 to 2 X 10(-11)M) and persisted after Sephadex G-25 filtration or ammonium sulfate precipitation of hepatocytes extracts. Our results demonstrate that insulin exerts a short-term regulation on hepatic pyruvate kinase phosphatase activity.  相似文献   

Human blood platelet aggregation and the formation of icosanoids were studied in response to triethyl lead chloride (Et3PbCl). Concentrations higher than 75 microM stimulate platelets to aggregate, whereas low concentrations (less than or equal to 20 microM) caused platelet hypersensitivity to aggregating agents such as collagen or arachidonic acid. Incubation of suspensions of washed platelets with Et3PbCl resulted in a stimulated liberation and subsequent metabolism of arachidonic acid. This response was dependent on the concentration of Et3PbCl and the incubation time. Using low concentrations of Et3PbCl and up to 3 h of incubation, the lipoxygenase product 12-hydroxy-5,8,10,14-icosatetraenoic acid was the major metabolite. Under normal conditions, however, stimulation of platelets with collagen, thrombin, or arachidonic acid leads to higher amounts of the cyclooxygenase products 12-hydroxy-5,8,10-heptadecatrienoic acid and thromboxane B2. The aggregation of human platelets induced by Et3PbCl was inhibited by three different drugs: acetylsalicylic acid, forskolin and quinacrine; but only quinacrine could prevent the liberation of arachidonic acid and the appearance of its metabolites. These specific effects of the inhibitors on Et3PbCl-stimulated platelets as well as the differences in the pattern of arachidonic acid metabolites and phosphatidic acid suggest a direct stimulatory action of Et3PbCl on platelet phospholipase A2.  相似文献   

A streptococcal preparation OK-432 is reported to be an immunopotentiator and a potent antitumor agent. In order to elucidate the mechanism of biologic action, effects of OK-432 on arachidonic acid metabolism in rat peritoneal macrophages were investigated. Prostaglandin E2 production and release of radioactivity from [3H]arachidonic acid-labeled macrophages were found to be stimulated by OK-432 in a concentration-dependent manner (5 to 80 micrograms/ml). Heat-treatment of OK-432 further stimulated its effects. These stimulative effects on arachidonic acid metabolism by OK-432 were not observed in MDCK cells that have no phagocytotic activity. Furthermore, cytochalasin B treatment completely suppressed the stimulative effects induced by OK-432 in macrophages. These results strongly indicate that the stimulative effects by OK-432 on arachidonic acid metabolism are dependent on phagocytosis of OK-432 particles. Significance of stimulation of arachidonic acid metabolism in macrophages by OK-432 for its biological effects is discussed.  相似文献   

Bile acid contents in isolated rat hepatocytes were determined by gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry-selected ion monitoring with the use of deuterium-labeled internal standards. This allowed us first to monitor the actual amounts of not only major but also minor bile acid components present with sufficient sensitivity and specificity and to follow the changes of individual bile acids in cultured rat hepatocytes simultaneously. In freshly isolated rat hepatocytes, cholic and beta-muricholic acids were the major components, comprising 35 and 46% of the total bile acids, respectively. These two bile acids were found to be most actively synthesized during the first 2 h of incubation and continued to increase thereafter for up to 6 h (the end of the period studied). In contrast, chenodeoxycholic and alpha-muricholic acids, which are the precursors of beta-muricholic acid, showed slight increases only in the first hour of incubation and decreased thereafter. These results suggested that the conversion to beta-muricholic acid from chenodeoxycholic acid via alpha-muricholic acid occurred rapidly in cultured rat hepatocytes. The secondary bile acids such as deoxycholic, hyodeoxycholic, and 3 alpha, 12 beta-dihydroxy-5 beta-cholanoic acids declined steadily from the start of incubation, which supported the findings that further hydroxylation of these dihydroxy bile acids occurs in rat liver.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to study the interaction of propionic acid and carnitine on oxidative metabolism by isolated rat hepatocytes. Propionic acid (10 mM) inhibited hepatocyte oxidation of [1-14C]-pyruvate (10 mM) by 60%. This inhibition was not the result of substrate competition, as butyric acid had minimal effects on pyruvate oxidation. Carnitine had a small inhibitory effect on pyruvate oxidation in the hepatocyte system (210 +/- 19 and 184 +/- 18 nmol of pyruvate/60 min per mg of protein in the absence and presence of 10 mM-carnitine respectively; means +/- S.E.M., n = 10). However, in the presence of propionic acid (10 mM), carnitine (10 mM) increased the rate of pyruvate oxidation by 19%. Under conditions where carnitine partially reversed the inhibitory effect of propionic acid on pyruvate oxidation, formation of propionylcarnitine was documented by using fast-atom-bombardment mass spectroscopy. Propionic acid also inhibited oxidation of [1-14C]palmitic acid (0.8 mM) by hepatocytes isolated from fed rats. The degree of inhibition caused by propionic acid was decreased in the presence of 10 mM-carnitine (41% inhibition in the absence of carnitine, 22% inhibition in the presence of carnitine). Propionic acid did not inhibit [1-14C]palmitic acid oxidation by hepatocytes isolated from 48 h-starved rats. These results demonstrate that propionic acid interferes with oxidative metabolism in intact hepatocytes. Carnitine partially reverses the inhibition of pyruvate and palmitic acid oxidation by propionic acid, and this reversal is associated with increased propionylcarnitine formation. The present study provides a metabolic basis for the efficacy of carnitine in patients with abnormal organic acid accumulation, and the observation that such patients appear to have increased carnitine requirements ('carnitine insufficiency').  相似文献   

Isoniazid metabolism in isolated rat hepatocytes was studied by mass fragmentography using single ion monitoring. Isoniazid and its metabolites were determined as the trimethylsilylated derivatives of acetylisoniazid and diacetylhydrazine and of the benzaldehyde hydrazones of isoniazid and acetylhydrazine. Deuterated analogues served as internal standards. Hydrazine was quantitated as benzalazine using 15N-labeled hydrazine as an internal standard. The method is well suited for the microanalysis of isoniazid metabolites in specificity and reliability to demonstrate the overall pathway of isoniazid metabolism, from which it was clarified that the greater part of hydrazine, a hazardous metabolite of isoniazid, was formed through the direct hydrolysis of isoniazid itself as expected.  相似文献   

Bile acid synthesis in isolated rat hepatocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Normal adult rat hepatocytes were incubated for 48h and the concentration of total and individual bile acids in homogenized samples of the culture was measured at intervals during the incubation, using radiogas chromatography and isotope derivative assay. The net increase in bile acids over the value observed at the start of the culture was taken as synthesis. The results showed that bile acid synthesis was linear up to 24h of incubation, at a rate of 20nmol/g hepatocytes per hour, and that 85% of the newly synthesized bile acid was cholic acid. The bile acid synthesized was mainly conjugated with taurine. These results suggest that isolated hepatocytes cultured in the way described could be a useful in vitro model for the study of bile acid synthesis.  相似文献   

Glutamine stimulated glycogen synthesis and lactate production in hepatocytes from overnight-fasted normal and diabetic rats. The effect, which was half-maximal with about 3 mM-glutamine, depended on glucose concentration and was maximal below 10 mM-glucose. beta-2-Aminobicyclo[2.2.1.]heptane-2-carboxylic acid, an analogue of leucine, stimulated glutaminase flux, but inhibited the stimulation of glycogen synthesis by glutamine. Various purine analogues and inhibitors of purine synthesis were found to inhibit glycogen synthesis from glucose, but they did not abolish the stimulatory effect of glutamine on glycogen synthesis. The correlation between the rate of glycogen synthesis and synthase activity suggested that the stimulation of glycogen synthesis by glutamine depended solely on the activation of glycogen synthase. This activation of synthase was not due to a change in total synthase, nor was it caused by a faster inactivation of glycogen phosphorylase, as was the case after glucose. It could, however, result from a stimulation of synthase phosphatase, since, after the addition of 1 nM-glucagon or 10 nM-vasopressin, glutamine did not interfere with the inactivation of synthase, but did promote its subsequent re-activation. Glutamine was also found to inhibit ketone-body production and to stimulate lipogenesis.  相似文献   

Amino acid transport in isolated rat hepatocytes   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Summary Improvements in the collagenase perfusion techniques have made isolated rat hepatocytes a popular model in which to study hepatic function. Our knowledge of hepatic amino acid transport has been advanced as a result of this methodology. Translocation across the hepatocyte plasma membrane can, in some instances, represent the rate-limiting step in the overall metabolism of certain amino acids. Furthermore, regulation of amino acid uptake by hepatocytes appears to play a role in diabetes, and perhaps in malignant transformation. Comparisons between normal adult hepatocytes and several hepatoma cell lines show basic differences in amino acids transport. There are at least eight distinct systems in normal hepatocytes for transport of the amino acids. One of these, System A, transports the small neutral amino acids most efficiently and responds to a wide variety of hormones. Systems A and N exhibit enhanced uptake rates after the cells have been maintained in the absence of extracellular amino acids, a phenomenon termed adaptive control. Further studies using isolated hepatocytes will increase our basic understanding of membrane transport processes and their regulation.  相似文献   

The metabolic effects of beta-(+/-)-2-aminobicyclo-(2.2.1)-heptane-2-carboxylic acid (BCH), a nonmetabolizable analog of leucine and known activator of glutamate dehydrogenase, were studied in hepatocytes isolated from fed and fasted rats. With glutamine as substrate, BCH stimulated in a concentration-dependent manner urea synthesis in both physiological states and glucose formation in hepatocytes from fasted rats. Despite the much higher rates of ureagenesis in the fasted animals, the degree of stimulation by BCH, over 2-fold, was similar. The effect of the drug was specific for glutamine since the rates of urea synthesis from NH4Cl, alanine, and asparagine were essentially unaltered. The stimulation of glutamine catabolism by BCH led to a decrease in the content of intracellular glutamine. The redox states of the mitochondrial and cytosolic nicotinamide adenine dinucleotides remained unaltered. In hepatocytes isolated from fasted rats and incubated with 5 mM glutamine the BCH-induced increases in urea, ammonia, and the amino acids, glutamate, aspartate, and alanine, accounted fully for the 2.4-fold rise in glutamine utilization. The stimulatory effects of BCH and glucagon on the formation of glucose, urea, and 14CO2 from [U-14C]glutamine were additive. Aminooxyacetate, and inhibitor of transaminases, neither blocked glutamine catabolism (as measured by the sum of urea, ammonia, and glutamate) nor prevented its activation by BCH. It is suggested that, in isolated hepatocytes, BCH-induced stimulation of glucose and urea formation from glutamine results from activation of glutaminase by a mechanism which is distinct from that of glucagon.  相似文献   

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