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Summary Parasympathetic stimulation of parotid glands has been studied in vivo, a) in normal resting glands, b) 72 h after post-ganglionic sympathectomy and c) after adrenergic degranulation of the acinar cells.Morphological results in each gland were compared with a similarly pretreated, but not parasympathetically stimulated, contralateral gland from the same animal.On parasympathetic stimulation of glands with densely granulated acinar cells (groups a- and b-) a variable, but usually relatively small, tendency for vacuole formation occurred in some cells. After prior degranulation of the cells (group c-) the tendency for vacuole formation was greatly accentuated. This indicates that the pre-existing metabolic state of the cells can influence the responses to stimulation of a single nerve. Dilatation of rough endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear changes were also more prominent after parasympathetic stimulation of previously degranulated acinar cells, and this suggests that parasympathetic impulses may have strong activating effects on resynthesis under these conditions. It is also likely that parasympathetic stimulation induced some, albeit small, degree of degranulation and, since this occurred in the absence of sympathetic nerves (group b-) it was probably the consequence of a direct cholinergic effect. The present results therefore indicate that the concept of an absolute dichotomy between parasympathetic and sympathetic responses is not tenable in this tissue.Analyses of saliva for amylase and peroxidase gave complex results but indicate that the two enzymes are not necessarily secreted in parallel. The morphological results support the idea that some enzyme molecules may have entered the saliva without being prepackaged into secretory granules, but could have passed directly from dilated cisterns of rough endoplasmic reticulum into intra-cellular vacuoles, and this tendency was most apparent after para-sympathetic stimulation of previously degranulated cells.Travel grants from the Wellcome Trust to J.R. Garrett are gratefully acknowledged. This work has been helped by the technical assistance of Mr. P.S.A. RowleyM.R.C. Research Assistant  相似文献   

Summary Intraventricular blood vessels and choroidal-like cells were studied using scanning electron microscopy and correlative light microscopy. The intraventricular blood vessels were covered on their ependymal surface with a layer of cells essentially identical to the ependyma of the choroid plexus in the gerbil. Similar choroidal-like cells were seen either singly or in clusters associated with the cerebrospinal fluid-contacting pinealocytes of the suprapineal recess. Processes of the cerebrospinal fluid-contacting pinealocytes were seen extending to and making contact with the choroidal-like cells. The intraventricular blood vessels appeared to be derived from the choroid plexus, and typically took one of three courses in and around the surface of the deep pineal: (1) the vessels or their equivalent were located in the suprapineal recess with no indication of penetration into the substance of the deep pineal; (2) the vessels coursed from the suprapineal recess around the anterior surface of the habenular commissure to enter the ventral surface of the deep pineal; or (3) the vessels entered the parenchyma of the deep pineal from its dorsal surface and could be seen coursing through the substance of the gland. The close association between the choroidal-like cells and the intraventricular blood vessels with the deep pineal gland add morphological support for the possibility of interaction between the cerebrospinal fluid, or perhaps the choroid plexus, and the deep pineal gland.  相似文献   

Nerve fibers connecting the brain with the pineal gland of the Mongolian gerbil (central pinealopetal fibers) were investigated by means of light and electron microscopy. Several myelinated fibers penetrate from the brain into the deep pineal gland, extend further into the pineal stalk and continue to the superficial portion of the pineal gland. In the centripetal direction these fibers were traced to the stria medullaris and to the habenular nuclei, where they turned laterad and then occupied a position immediately ventral to the optic tract. As shown in electron micrographs, lesions of the habenular area led to degeneration of myelinated fibers and nerve boutons in the deep pineal gland, the pineal stalk and the superficial pineal gland. Only boutons containing clear transmitter vesicles (devoid of a dense core) were observed to degenerate after the habenular lesions. On the other hand, removal of the superior cervical ganglia resulted in degeneration of boutons containing small (40 to 60 nm in diameter) dense-core vesicles. Several of the nerve fibers that penetrate into the deep pineal directly from the brain (central fibers) exhibited a positive reaction for acetylcholinesterase (AChE). AChE-positive perikarya were located in the projections of the stria medullaris, the lateral portions of the deep pineal, the area of the posterior commissure, and the periventricular gray of the mesencephalon. Such perikarya were found neither in the pineal stalk nor in the superficial pineal gland. These results present anatomical evidence that the pineal organ of the Mongolian gerbil receives multiple nervous inputs mediated by peripheral autonomic (i.e., sympathetic) nerve fibers, on the one hand, and by central fibers, on the other.  相似文献   

Male and female in bred Mongolian gerbils aged 4, 5, 10, and 20 weeks were examined for the presence of a ventral scent gland macroscopically and histologically. It was found in about half of the gerbils aged 4 weeks and in all of the gerbils aged over 5 weeks. In adult male gerbils it weighed three times as much as in females. The ventral scent gland exhibited a sebaceous-like structure which consists of giant glandular cells with small vacuoles in the cytoplasm and the glandular cells displayed eosinophilic bodies contained within a duct, which are extruded through the lumen as holocrine-type secretion.  相似文献   

Morphometric analytical procedures were employed to study the pineal gland of the Mongolian gerbil following superior cervical ganglionectomy (SCGX). The purpose of this study was to define the effects of sympathetic denervation on the morphology of the gland at two time periods, 0500 and 1900 h (one hour before lights-on and lights-off, respectively). Fluorescence histochemistry was employed to determine catecholamine and indoleamine content in intact and denervated pineal glands. After SCGX, the pinealocytes decrease in size, concretions are prevented from forming, and the yellow fluorescence in the gland is lost. Following denervation a depression in the volume of most of the pinealocyte organelles, i.e., SER, RER/ribosomes, free cytoplasm, mitochondria and presumptive secretory vesicles, was also observed. However, synaptic ribbons increased in volume in the gerbils that had been killed at 1900 h. It appears that the sympathetic innervation to the pineal gland is a requirement for the presumptive secretory activity of the pinealocytes.  相似文献   

Summary By means of morphometric analytical procedures, a diurnal rhythm in the cellular volume of gerbil pinealocytes was determined. This rhythm has been attributed primarily to a change in the cytoplasmic volume of the pinealocytes which is low during the daylight hours and increases to reach a peak during the middle of the dark period. At the ultrastructural level, six cytoplasmic components of the pinealocytes were found to exhibit a rhythm: free cytoplasm, smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER), rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and ribosomes, secretory vesicles, microtubules, and mitochondria. The presumptive secretory vesicles and the microtubules reached a peak in volume one hour before lights-off. It is suggested that lights-on and lights-off both signal a decrease in size and/or number of the secretory vesicles. The SER and RER/ribosomes reached their peak volume one hour after lights-off which is interpreted as indicating a peak in indoleamine synthesis and protein synthesis, respectively. The volume of free cytoplasm exhibits two peaks; one occurs one hour before lights-off while the second peak occurs in the middle of the dark phase. It is suggested that, although part of the secretory product of the pinealocyte may be present in dense-cored vesicles, other locations could include the free cytoplasm and clear secretory vesicles.Supported by NSF grant #PCM 77-05734  相似文献   

Daily afternoon injections of a beta-adrenergic blocking agent, propranolol, for 8 weeks inhibited the number of vacuoles and concretions formed in the gerbil pineal gland. The data suggest that sympathetic input to the pineal gland is necessary for the formation of pineal concretions.  相似文献   

Summary Electron microscopy was employed in a study of the pineal gland of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus). It was determined that the gerbil pineal gland contains pinealocytes and glial cells with the pinealocytes being the predominant cell type. The pinealocytes contain numerous organelles traditionally considered as being either synthetic or secretory in function such as an extensive Golgi region, smooth (SER) and rough (RER) endoplasmic reticulum, secretory vesicles and microtubules. Other cytoplasmic components are also present in the pinealocytes (synaptic ribbons, subsurface cisternae) for which no function has been assigned. Dense-cored vesicles are rare. Vacuolated pinealocytes are present and appear to be intimately associated with the formation of the pineal concertions. Evidence presented supports the proposal that the concretions form within the vacuoles. Once the concretions reach an enlarged state, the vacuolated pinealocytes break down and the concretions are thus extruded into the extracellular space where they apparently continue to increase in size. The morphology of the glial cells was interpreted as indicative of a high synthetic activity. The glial cells contain predominantly the rough variety of endoplasmic reticulum and form an expansion around the wide perivascular area.Supported by NSF grant PCM 77-05734  相似文献   

The immunohistochemical detection of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) was used to study the time of origin of the cells in the pineal gland of the rat. A study was made involving 17 groups of 4 rats each, administered with a single dose of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU, 25 mg/kg) in 7 phases of the embryonic period (E15 to E21) and in 10 postnatal phases (between P0 and P30), followed by determination in each rat of the number of visible immune-labeled cells in the pineal gland 60 days after birth. The results show that approximately 60% of the pineal cells underwent the last division(s) prior to differentiation in the prenatal period between E18 and E21. The rest of the pineal cells originated after birth, particularly in the first 5 postnatal days.  相似文献   

A histological and histochemical study of the pineal gland of neonatal, juvenile and adult gerbils is described. Calcified inclusions appear within pinealocytes in the superficial pineal about the third week of age, and the incidence of inclusions increased with age until, by the eleventh week, they are found in all animals. The inclusions contain an organic matrix composed of a carbohydrate, probably an acid mucopolysaccharide, complexed to protein. Calcification does not occur in the deep pineal. The data are interpreted to indicate that the formation of calcified inclusions is a normal process within the gerbil pineal. The similarity of the process of calcification in the gerbil and in the human pineal suggests that the gerbil may be an animal of choice for the controlled study of the phenomenon of pineal calcification.  相似文献   

Summary Mammalian pinealocytes have been shown to contain synaptic-like microvesicles with putative secretory functions. As a first step to elucidate the possibility that pinealocyte microvesicles store messenger molecules, such as neuroactive amino acids, we have studied the distributional pattern of glutamate immunoreactivity in the pineal gland of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) at both light- and electron-microscopic levels. In semithin sections of plastic-embedded pineals, strong glutamate immunoreactivity could be detected in pinealocytes throughout the pineal gland. The density of glutamate immunolabeling in pinealocytes varied among individual cells and was mostly paralled by the density of immunostaining for synaptophysin, a major integral membrane protein of synaptic and synaptic-like vesicles. Postembedding immunogold staining of ultrathin pineal sections revealed that gold particles were enriched over pinealocytes. In particular, a high degree of immunoreactivity was associated with accumulations of microvesicles that filled dilated process terminals of pinealocytes. A positive correlation between the number of gold particles and the packing density of microvesicles was found in three out of four process terminals analyzed. However, the level of glutamate immunoreactivity in pinealocyte process endings was lower than in presumed glutamatergic nerve terminals of the cerebellum and posterior pituitary. The present results provide some evidence for a microvesicular compartmentation of glutamate in pinealocytes. Our findings thus lend support to the hypothesis that glutamate serves as an intrapineal signal molecule of physiological relevance to the neuroendocrine functions of the gland.  相似文献   

The horse pineal gland has been investigated by morphological and histochemical methods. Particular care has been given to the cellular types, to the eventual presence of neurosecretory activity and to the nature of the pigments. Even in the horse pineal, it is possible to distinguish two populations of pinealocytes, morphologically but not histochemically distinct. A great number of pinealocytes are positive for the Masson- Hamperl reaction, and for Gomori- Bargmann 's chromic haematoxylin-phloxine and Gomori's paraldehyde-fuchsin. Along the connective septa, many brown- blackish pigmented cells were present; their pigment was positive for the Lillie and the Masson-Fontana reactions for the determination of melanin pigment. Another type of pigmented cells, carrying a brown yellowish pigment of lipofuscin nature was present, particularly in older animals, along the connective septa.  相似文献   

M Fenske 《Life sciences》1987,40(17):1739-1744
Corticosteroid (C) release by adrenals of male Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) has been studied during continuous and discontinuous (flow stop) superfusion. Flow stops of superfusion for 1, 5, 10 or 20 min resulted in a significant accumulation of C within adrenal tissue and superfusion flask. Amounts of C in the first 2-min samples after re-start of superfusion were positively correlated with the amounts secreted during continuous superfusion (5 min: r = 0.97, 10 min: r = 0.97, 15 min: r = 0.74, 20 min: r = 0.84, all p less than 0.001) and with the length of flow stops (1-20 min: r = 0.92, p less than 0.001). However, C concentrations in superfusates were significantly lower than values calculated from secretion during continuous superfusion and the length of flow stops (0 min = 100%, 1 min: 92%, 5 min: 65%, 10 min: 49%, 15 min: 39%, 20 min: 35%). As is evident from the very similar C amounts secreted by adrenals incubated for 15 min without or with 95%O2/5%CO2 (234 vs 256% of basal secretion), flow stop-induced inhibition of corticosteroidogenesis was not due to a lack of oxygen during flow stops. The results demonstrate that superfusion of sliced adrenal tissue gives insights into regulatory mechanisms, including the rapid changes of corticosteroidogenesis during short-lasting flow stops, which cannot be studied in static incubation of either tissue slices or isolated cells. The possibility that the observed decline in steroidogenesis during flow stops may be due to a local feedback inhibition resulting from C accumulating in the microenvironment of adrenal cells is discussed.  相似文献   

The development of the rabbit pineal gland has been studied by light and electron microscopy from the 1st to the 120th postnatal day. After 24 h of postnatal life, the pineal parenchyma is highly cellular, showing two identifiable cell types: pinealocytes I and II. Immature type II pinealocytes arrange either in cellular cords or clusters or forme rosette-like structures. At the 5th postnatal day, corticomedullar differentiation is established. Rosette-like structures and cellular cords are absent from the cortex. Along the postnatal period, nuclei of pinealocytes are set apart due to cytoplasmic widening and development of cell processes. These structures pervade the cellular cords and rosette-like structures formed by immature type II pinealocytes. Rosette-like structures are no longer seen beyond the 30th postnatal day, and cords of type II pinealocytes from the 90th postnatal day on. At this time, the rabbit pineal gland is considered to be histologically mature.  相似文献   

Summary The photocytes and other endodermal cells composing the wall of the meridional canals of the comb-jelly, Mnemiopsis leidyi, were investigated by transmission electron microscopy. Although many of these cells possess distinctive features such as a ciliary apparatus, lysosome-like bodies or vacuoles, they share with photocytes the presence of a network of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) whose cisternae enwrap large mitochondria and are aligned along the subsurface of the plasma membrane. A stereological analysis of organelle content in photocytes confirms the prominence of the RER in these cells and a shift of RER from mitochondria to plasma membrane subsurface in photocytes induced to luminesce by the mitochondrial inhibitor dinitrophenol. Photocytes and other endodermal cells of the meridional canals are interconnected by numerous gap junctions which, among photocytes, often form symmetrical triads with cortical cisternae and mitochondria. The gap junctions and RER/mitochondria assemblages are interpreted as possible substrates for, respectively, conduction of luminescence excitation along the canals and for excitation-luminescence coupling. Neuntes occasionally make synapses with photocytes and other endodermal cells lying adjacent to the mesoglea.  相似文献   

The immunohistochemical detection of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) was used to study the cell proliferation in the developing rat pineal gland, from the appearance of pineal primordium in the embryonic day 15 (E15) until 30 days after birth. The results showed three different proliferative phases. From E15 to E21, the pineal gland shows a phase of rapid proliferation. The second phase corresponds to the first postnatal week, in which the number of labeled cells per surface unit decreases suddenly to values between 20% to 10% of those of embryonic period. From the second postnatal week onwards, the number of BrdU-positive cells progressively decreases.  相似文献   

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