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The hypothesis of an alternative pathway of sulphur amino acid synthesis as the basis of the prototrophy of sulphite reductase negative (Sr-) strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been rejected. Met- mutants obtained after phenylmercuric nitrate treatment of Sr- strains accumulate H2S as the consequence of a metabolic block which leads to methionine auxotrophy. This mutation has been shown to be independent of the Sr locus. We assume that the molecular basis of the prototrophy of Sr- strains resides in a leaky missense induced in the Sr gene.  相似文献   

We report that autonomous oscillations, which usually happen in aerobic glucose-limited continuous cultures of yeast at low dilution rate, were also observed in trehalose discontinuous cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This unexpected oscillatory behaviour was therefore examined using fast Fourier transformation of online gas measurements. This robust mathematical analysis underlined the existence of two types of oscillation. The first was found to be linked to the cell cycle because (a) the periodicity corresponded to a fraction of the generation time and (b) the oscillations were accompanied by a transient increase in the budding index, mobilization of storage carbohydrates, and fermentative activity. Moreover, these oscillations occurred in a range of specific growth rates between 0.04 and 0.15 h(-1). All these criteria were consistent with the cell-cycle-related metabolic oscillations observed in the same range of growth rates in glucose-limited continuous cultures. The second type were short-period respiratory oscillations, independent of the specific growth rate. Both types of oscillation were found to take place consecutively and/or simultaneously during batch culture on trehalose. In addition, mobilization of intracellular trehalose emerged as a key parameter for the sustainability of these autonomous oscillations as they were no longer observed in a mutant defective in neutral trehalase activity. We propose that batch culture on trehalose may be an excellent device for further investigation of the molecular mechanisms that underlie autonomous oscillations in yeast.  相似文献   

A number of strains of Saccharomyces which produce sulphite by sulphate reduction were examined from an enzymatic and genetic point of view.There are a number of mechanisms that regulate this activity. All of these mechanisms involve the sulphite-reducing activity. In the strains examined, reduced function as a result of mutation in the Sr-locus (affecting H2S-NADP oxidoreductase EC, repression of biosynthesis of the enzyme because of a mutation below the specific locus, and inhibition of the enzyme by endogenous factors were found to be responsible. The production of sulphite can also be connected with a complex state of heterozygosity.It is probably this multiplicity of biochemical and genetic mechanisms that accounts for the frequency with which the production of sulphite is observed in wild strains in nature.This investigation was supported by a research grant of C.N.R. (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma).  相似文献   

Summary Batch growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was studied using a fluorescence probe as well as a microcalorimeter. The biphasic growth pattern previously demonstrable by microcalorimetry was also seen using the fluorescence probe. Acid production rate changes in the transition phase could be detected by pH measurements. Qualitative similarities between calorimetric and fluorescence measurements are discussed.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae aspartate kinase (AK(Sc)) phosphorylates L-Asp as the first step in the aspartate pathway responsible for the biosynthesis of L-Thr, L-Met, and L-Ile in microorganisms and plants. Using site-directed mutagenesis, we have evaluated the importance of residues in AK(Sc) that are strongly conserved among aspartate kinases or in other small molecule kinases. Steady state kinetic analysis of the purified AK(Sc) variants reveals that several of the targeted amino acids, particularly K18 and H292, have important roles in the enzymatic reaction. These results provide the first identification of amino acid residues crucial to the action of this important metabolic enzyme.  相似文献   

Arginase-minus mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were arrested in growth and accumulated at the unbudded G-1 stage of the cell cycle when starved for nitrogen. If, however, arginine was added to the culture medium at the time of starvation, growth ceased but the cells did not collect at the unbudded G-1 stage. We suggest that arginine addition prevented the cells from collecting at the G-1 stage by starving them for histidine and lysine, thereby inhibiting synthesis of proteins needed to complete the cell cycle.  相似文献   

In the present work dynamic changes of free intracellular amino acid pools during autonomous oscillations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were quantified in glucose-limited continuous cultivations. At a dilution rate of D = 0.22 h(-1) cyclic changes with a period of 120 min were found for many variables such as carbon dioxide production rate, dissolved oxygen, pH, biomass content, and various metabolite concentrations. On the basis of the observed dynamic patterns, free intracellular amino acids were classified to show oscillatory, stationary, or chaotic behavior. Amino acid pools such as serine, alanine, valine, leucine, or lysine were subjected to clear oscillations with a frequency of 120 min, identical to that of other described cultivation variables, indicating that there is a direct correlation between the periodic changes of amino acid concentrations and the metabolic oscillations on the cellular level. The oscillations of these amino acids were unequally phase-delayed and had different amplitudes of oscillation. Accordingly, they exhibited different patterns in phase plane plots vs. intracellular trehalose. Despite the complex and marked metabolic changes during oscillation, selected intracellular amino acids such as histidine, threonine, isoleucine, or arginine remained about constant. Concentrations of glutamate and glutamine showed a chaotic behavior. However, the ratio of glutamate to glutamine concentration was found to be oscillatory, with a period of 60 min and a corresponding figure eight-shaped pattern in a plot vs. trehalose concentration. Considering the described diversity, it can be concluded that the observed periodic changes are neither just the consequence of low or high rates of protein biosynthesis/degradation nor correlated to changing cell volumes during oscillation. The ratio between doubling time (189 min) and period of oscillation of intracellular amino acids (120 min) was 1:6. The fact that there is a close relationship between doubling time and period of oscillation underlines that the described autonomous oscillations are cell-cycle-associated.  相似文献   

A prototrophic pyruvate-carboxylase-negative (Pyc-) mutant was constructed by deleting the PYC1 and PYC2 genes in a CEN.PK strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Its maximum specific growth rate on ethanol was identical to that of the isogenic wild type but it was unable to grow in batch cultures in glucose-ammonia media. Consistent with earlier reports, growth on glucose could be restored by supplying aspartate as a sole nitrogen source. Ethanol could not replace aspartate as a source of oxaloacetate in batch cultures. To investigate whether alleviation of glucose repression allowed expression of alternative pathways for oxaloacetate synthesis, the Pyc- strain and an isogenic wild-type strain were grown in aerobic carbon-limited chemostat cultures at a dilution rate of 0.10 h-1 on mixtures of glucose and ethanol. In such mixed-substrate chemostat cultures of the Pyc- strain, steady-state growth could only be obtained when ethanol contributed 30% or more of the substrate carbon in the feed. Attempts to further decrease the ethanol content of the feed invariably resulted in washout. In Pyc- as well as in wild-type cultures, levels of isocitrate lyase, malate synthase and phospho-enol-pyruvate carboxykinase in cell extracts decreased with a decreasing ethanol content in the feed. Nevertheless, at the lowest ethanol fraction that supported growth of the Pyc- mutant, activities of the glyoxylate cycle enzymes in cell extracts were still sufficient to meet the requirement for C4-compounds in biomass synthesis. This suggests that factors other than glucose repression of alternative routes for oxaloacetate synthesis prevent growth of Pyc-mutants on glucose.  相似文献   

Effect of amino acids on glutathione production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The constituent amino acids of the glutathione (GSH) tripeptide chain, glutamate, cysteine and glycine, were investigated for positive effects on GSH production in shake-flask cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with glucose as the carbon source. Cysteine was confirmed as the key amino acid for increasing the specific GSH production rate, g, but showed some growth inhibition, especially in the second growth phase (ethanol-assimilation phase). An intracellular cysteine delivery agent, thiazolidine, showed a similar pattern of increased GSH production and growth inhibition, but to a slightly lesser degree, compared with free cysteine. The initial cysteine concentration affected both the specific growth rate, µ, and g, up to about 5 mm for µ and about 2–3 mm for g. Results of the [35S]cysteine-labelling experiments suggest a complicated role of cysteine in increasing GSH production and further investigation may be necessary. Offprint requests to: S. Shioya  相似文献   

In the respiro-fermentative region of aerobic chemostat cultures at steady state, Saccharomyces cerevisiae CBS 8066 produced high concentrations of ethanol with concomitant low levels of residual glucose which followed Monod kinetics. By contrast, very high residual glucose concentrations were observed in cultures of S. cerevisiae strains ATCC 4126 and NRRL Y132 at dilution rates above 60% of the washout dilution rate, resulting in much lower ethanol concentrations, even though clearly glucose-limited at lower dilution rates in the respiratory region. The addition of a vitamin mixture resulted in decreased residual glucose concentrations in respiro-fermentative cultures of all three strains, but the effect was much more pronounced with strains ATCC 4126 and NRRL Y132. Meso-inositol was mainly responsible for this effect, although with strain ATCC 4126 other vitamins as well as an amino acid mixture were also required to minimise the steady-state residual glucose levels. The residual glucose concentration in continuous culture was, therefore, greatly dependent on the growth factor requirements of the particular yeast strain, which apparently increased on increasing the dilution rate into the respiro-fermentative region. The strain differences with respect to growth factor requirements at high dilution rates, which were not evident at low dilution rates, had a profound effect on the kinetics of glucose assimilation in aerobic chemostat culture.  相似文献   

Growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on glucose in aerobic batch culture follows the well-documented diauxic pattern of completely fermenting glucose to ethanol during the first exponential growth phase, followed by an intermediate lag phase and a second exponential growth phase consuming ethanol. In continuous cultures over a range of intermediate dilution rates, the yeast bioreactor exhibits sustained oscillations in all the measured concentrations, such as cell mass, glucose, ethanol, and dissolved oxygen, the amounts of intracellular storage carbohydrates, such as glycogen and trehalose, the fraction of budded cells as well as the culture pH. We present here a structured, unsegregated model for the yeast growth dynamics developed from the 'cybernetic' modeling framework, to simulate the dynamic competition between all the available metabolic pathways. This cybernetic model accurately predicts all the key experimentally observed aspects: (i) in batch cultures, duration of the intermediate lag phase, sequential production and consumption of ethanol, and the dynamics of the gaseous exchange rates of oxygen and carbon dioxide; and (ii) in continuous cultures, the spontaneous generation of oscillations as well as the variations in period and amplitude of oscillations when the dilution rate or agitatin rate are changed.  相似文献   

The assumption that cells are temporally organized systems, i.e. showing relevant dynamics of their state variables such as gene expression or protein and metabolite concentration, while tacitly given for granted at the molecular level, is not explicitly taken into account when interpreting biological experimental data. This conundrum stems from the (undemonstrated) assumption that a cell culture, the actual object of biological experimentation, is a population of billions of independent oscillators (cells) randomly experiencing different phases of their cycles and thus not producing relevant coordinated dynamics at the population level. Moreover the fact of considering reproductive cycle as by far the most important cyclic process in a cell resulted in lower attention given to other rhythmic processes. Here we demonstrate that growing yeast cells show a very repeatable and robust cyclic variation of the concentration of proteins with different cellular functions. We also report experimental evidence that the mechanism governing this basic oscillator and the cellular entrainment is resistant to external chemical constraints. Finally, cell growth is accompanied by cyclic dynamics of medium pH. These cycles are observed in batch cultures, different from the usual continuous cultures in which yeast metabolic cycles are known to occur, and suggest the existence of basic, spontaneous, collective and synchronous behaviors of the cell population as a whole.  相似文献   

The pg1 gene from the filamentous fungus Aspergillus kawachii, which codifies for an acid polygalacturonase, was cloned into the pYES2 expression vector, giving rise to the pYES2:pg1ΔI construct. Engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae, transformed with pYES2:pg1ΔI construct, both expressed and exported an active polygalacturonase with a MW of ~60 kDa and an isoelectric point of 3.7, similar to those reported for the wild-type enzyme. The recombinant enzyme has the ability to hydrolyze polygalacturonic acid at pH 2.5. Heterologous PG1 production was studied under controlled conditions in batch and fed-batch systems. A simultaneous addition of glucose and galactose was found to be the most suitable feeding strategy assayed, resulting in a final PG1 production of 50 U/ml. The production process proposed in this study could be applied for the industrial production of a novel and useful polygalacturonase.  相似文献   

Yeast viability can be accurately quantified using BacLight, a kit which so far has been used only for bacterial analysis. Upon staining, viable cells can be differentiated from non-viable ones by either confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), epifluorescence microscopy, or flow cytometry. Using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model, viabilities quantified by CLSM deviated an average of 1.7% from the actual data, and those determined by flow-cytometry by 1.4%.  相似文献   

Humans are exposed much more often to exogenous Saccharomyces cerevisiae (a baker’s yeast) than exogenous Candida albicans (a highly infectious yeast) but suffer no apparent complications from S. cerevisiae. We hypothesize that variations in characteristics between these two species may be due, in part, to differences in glycine metabolism. In this study, we examined differences in glycine oxidation between C. albicans and S. cerevisiae. Both C. albicans and S. cerevisiae were cultured in glycine enriched media, followed by determination of glycine oxidation and amino acid concentrations in cells. Glycine was degraded to a much greater extent in C. albicans than in S. cerevisiae. Threonine concentrations and glycine oxidation were also elevated in C. albicans. Almost all of the disappearance of glycine from incubation media was accounted for by the formation of serine, threonine, and CO2 in S. cerevisiae, whereas these products represented only 50% of the metabolized glycine in C. albicans. The unidentified metabolites of glycine in C. albicans, presumably purines, could contribute to its infectious capacity and this warrants further study.  相似文献   

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