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In many species, the negative fitness effects of inbreeding have facilitated the evolution of a wide range of inbreeding avoidance mechanisms. Although avoidance mechanisms operating prior to mating are well documented, evidence for postcopulatory mechanisms of inbreeding avoidance remain scarce. Here, we examine the potential for paternity biases to favour unrelated males when their sperm compete for fertilizations though postcopulatory inbreeding avoidance mechanisms in the guppy, Poecilia reticulata. To test this possibility, we used a series of artificial inseminations to deliver an equal number of sperm from a related (either full sibling or half sibling) and unrelated male to a female while statistically controlling for differences in sperm quality between rival ejaculates. In this way, we were able to focus exclusively on postcopulatory mechanisms of inbreeding avoidance and account for differences in sperm competitiveness between rival males. Under these carefully controlled conditions, we report a significant bias in paternity towards unrelated males, although this effect was only apparent when the related male was a full sibling. We also show that sperm competition generally favours males with highly viable sperm and thus that some variance in sperm competitiveness can be attributed to difference in sperm quality. Our findings for postcopulatory inbreeding avoidance are consistent with prior work on guppies, revealing that sperm competition success declines linearly with the level of relatedness, but also that such effects are only apparent at relatedness levels of full siblings or higher. These findings reveal that postcopulatory processes alone can facilitate inbreeding avoidance.  相似文献   

Selection to avoid inbreeding is predicted to vary across species due to differences in population structure and reproductive biology. Over the past decade, there have been numerous investigations of postcopulatory inbreeding avoidance, a phenomenon that first requires discrimination of mate (or sperm) relatedness and then requires mechanisms of male ejaculate tailoring and/or cryptic female choice to avoid kin. The number of studies that have found a negative association between male-female genetic relatedness and competitive fertilization success is roughly equal to the number of studies that have not found such a relationship. In the former case, the underlying mechanisms are largely unknown. The present study was undertaken to verify and expand upon a previous report of postcopulatory inbreeding avoidance in D. melanogaster, as well as to resolve underlying mechanisms of inbreeding avoidance using transgenic flies that express a sperm head-specific fluorescent tag. However, siblings did not have a lower fertilization success as compared to unrelated males in either the first (P(1) ) or second (P(2) ) mate role in sperm competition with a standard unrelated competitor male in our study population of D. melanogaster. Analyses of mating latency, copulation duration, egg production rate, and remating interval further revealed no evidence for inbreeding avoidance.  相似文献   

In species where females store sperm, males may try to influence paternity by the strategic placement of sperm within the female's sperm storage organ. Sperm may be mixed or layered in storage organs, and this can influence sperm use beyond a ‘fair raffle’. In some insects, sperm from different matings is packaged into discrete packets (spermatodoses), which retain their integrity in the female's sperm storage organ (spermatheca), but little is known about how these may influence patterns of sperm use under natural mating conditions in wild populations. We examined the effect of the size and position of spermatodoses within the spermatheca and number of competing ejaculates on sperm use in female dark bushcrickets (Pholidoptera griseoaptera) that had mated under unmanipulated field conditions. Females were collected near the end of the mating season, and seven hypervariable microsatellite loci were used to assign paternity of eggs laid in the laboratory. Females contained a median of three spermatodoses (range 1–6), and only six of the 36 females contained more than one spermatodose of the same genotype. Both the size and relative placement of the spermatodoses within the spermatheca had a significant effect on paternity, with a bias against smaller spermatodoses and those further from the single entrance/exit of the spermatheca. A higher number of competing males reduced the chances of siring offspring for each male. Hence, both spermatodose size and relative placement in the spermatheca influence paternity success.  相似文献   

In polyandrous species, paternity may be influenced by the timingand frequency of mating. Female spiders possess 2 genital openingsthat lead to separate sperm-storage structures. Thus, even whenmating with a previously mated female, a male may reduce directsperm competition by inseminating the opposite opening to herfirst mate. Such morphology may provide females with greatercontrol over paternity. We examined simultaneously whether malesavoided already inseminated female genital openings and whetherthis behavior varied with the time between successive matings.To explore these questions, we mated female golden orb weaverspiders, Nephila edulis, each to 2 males and manipulated thetiming of their second mating. We documented male inseminationpatterns and explored the influence of male mating decisionson paternity success using the irradiated male technique. Wefound that 60% of males avoided sperm competition by discriminatingagainst inseminated genital openings. Moreover, male matingbehavior had a dramatic impact on the paternity success of irradiatedmales. When males inseminated the same genital opening, thecompetitive ability of the irradiated male's sperm was dramaticallyreduced resulting in lower paternity success. In contrast, whenthe 2 males inseminated opposite genital openings both malessired equal proportions of offspring regardless of their radiationstatus. There was no evidence that the timing of the secondmating affected patterns of paternity. Our data suggest thatdifferences in sperm quality may influence paternity successof N. edulis males under a sperm-competitive scenario. In contrast,females appear to have limited postmating control over paternity.  相似文献   

When females mate with multiple partners within a single reproductive cycle, sperm from rival males may compete for fertilization of a limited number of ova, and females may bias the fertilization of their ova by particular sperm. Over evolutionary timescales, these two forms of selection shape both male and female reproductive physiology when females mate multiply, yet in monogamous systems, post-copulatory sexual selection is weak or absent. Here, we examine how divergent mating strategies within a genus of closely related mice, Peromyscus, have shaped the evolution of reproductive traits. We show that in promiscuous species, males exhibit traits associated with increased sperm production and sperm swimming performance, and females exhibit traits that are predicted to limit sperm access to their ova including increased oviduct length and a larger cumulus cell mass surrounding the ova, compared to monogamous species. Importantly, we found that across species, oviduct length and cumulus cell density are significantly correlated with sperm velocity, but not sperm count or relative testes size, suggesting that these female traits may have coevolved with increased sperm quality rather than quantity. Taken together, our results highlight how male and female traits evolve in concert and respond to changes in the level of post-copulatory sexual selection.  相似文献   

We examined evolutionary stable sperm allocation and included stochastic variation in male mating frequency, not included in previous models examining sperm allocation strategies. We assumed sperm mixing and variation in female quality and used a genetic algorithm to analyse the evolution of male sperm allocation. Our results show that males should invest more sperm in initial copulations than in subsequent copulations as a male might fail to mate again. The inclusion of variation in female fecundity had no influence on the evolutionary stable sperm allocation strategy if males were unable to recognize female quality. If males were assumed to allocate sperm in response to female quality, the proportion of sperm allocated was positively correlated with female quality. Moreover, with increasing variance in female quality, males conserved more sperm for later copulations. Literature data on sperm allocation from diverse taxa show a good fit with the predictions given by our model.  相似文献   

Sperm cells are exceptionally morphologically diverse across taxa. However, morphology can be quite uniform within species, particularly for species where females copulate with many males per reproductive bout. Strong sexual selection in these promiscuous species is widely hypothesized to reduce intraspecific sperm variation. Conversely, we hypothesize that intraspecific sperm size variation may be maintained by high among-female variation in the size of sperm storage organs, assuming that paternity success improves when sperm are compatible in size with the sperm storage organ. We use individual-based simulations and an analytical model to evaluate how selection on sperm size depends on promiscuity level and variation in sperm storage organ size (hereafter, female preference variation). Simulations of high promiscuity (10 mates per female) showed stabilizing selection on sperm when female preference variation was low, and disruptive selection when female preference variation was high, consistent with the analytical model results. With low promiscuity (2–3 mates per female), selection on sperm was stabilizing for all levels of female preference variation in the simulations, contrasting with the analytical model. Promiscuity level, or mate sampling, thus has a strong impact on the selection resulting from female preferences. Furthermore, when promiscuity is low, disruptive selection on male traits will occur under much more limited circumstances (i.e. only with higher among-female variation) than many previous models suggest. Variation in female sperm storage organs likely has strong implications for intraspecific sperm variation in highly promiscuous species, but likely does not explain differences in intraspecific sperm variation for less promiscuous taxa.  相似文献   

Recent studies in a variety of species have shown that polyandrous females are somehow able to bias paternity against their relatives postcopulation, although how they do so remains unknown. Field crickets readily mate with their siblings, but when also mated to an unrelated male, they produce disproportionately fewer inbred offspring. We use a new competitive microsatellite polymerase chain reaction technique to determine the contribution of males to stored sperm and subsequent paternity of offspring. Paternity is almost completely predicted by how much sperm from a particular male is stored, and unrelated males contribute more sperm to storage and have a corresponding higher paternity success.  相似文献   

Guppies (Poecilia reticulata) are models for understanding the interplay between natural and sexual selection. In particular, predation has been implicated as a major force affecting female sexual preferences, male mating tactics and the level of sperm competition. When predation is high, females typically reduce their preferences for showy males and engage more in antipredator behaviours, whereas males exploit these changes by switching from sexual displays to forced matings. These patterns are thought to account for the relatively high levels of multiple paternity in high‐predation populations compared to low‐predation populations. Here, we assess the possible evolutionary consequences of these patterns by asking whether variation in sperm traits reflect differences in predation intensity among four pairs of Trinidadian populations: four that experience relatively low levels of predation from a gape‐limited predator and four that experience relatively high levels of predation from a variety of piscivores. We found that males in high‐predation populations had faster swimming sperm with longer midpieces compared to males in low‐predation populations. However, we found no differences among males in high‐ and low‐predation populations with respect to sperm number, sperm head length, flagellum length and total sperm length.  相似文献   

Oviduct length was measured in 48 species representing 33 genera of mammals in order to examine possible relationships between female morphology and the occurrence of sperm competition due to matings with multiple males. Multiple regression analyses revealed that residuals of oviduct length were positively correlated both with residuals of testes weight and with sperm midpiece volume in the genera and species studied. These correlations remained significant after application of comparative analysis of independent contrasts to control for possible phylogenetic biases in the data set. These results indicate that sexual selection (relating to sperm competition and cryptic female choice) has influenced co-evolution of oviduct length, testes size and sperm morphology in mammals.  相似文献   

Contrary to early predictions of sperm competition theory, postcopulatory sexual selection favoring increased investment per sperm (e.g., sperm size, sperm quality) has been demonstrated in numerous organisms. We empirically demonstrate for Drosophila melanogaster that both sperm quality and sperm quantity independently contribute to competitive male fertilization success. In addition to these independent effects, there was a significant interaction between sperm quality and quantity that suggests an internal positive reinforcement on selection for sperm quality, with selection predicted to intensify as investment per sperm increases and the number of sperm competing declines. The mechanism underlying the sperm quality advantage is elucidated through examination of the relationship between female sperm-storage organ morphology and the differential organization of different length sperm within the organ. Our results exemplify that primary sex cells can bear secondary sexual straits.  相似文献   

Sperm competition and cryptic female choice profoundly affect sperm morphology, producing diversity within both species and individuals. One type of within-individual sperm variation is sperm heteromorphism, in which each male produces two or more distinct types of sperm simultaneously, only one of which is typically fertile (the "eusperm"). The adaptive significance of nonfertile "parasperm" types is poorly understood, although numerous sperm-heteromorphic species are known from many disparate taxa. This paper examines in detail two female-centred hypotheses for the evolution and maintenance of this unconventional sperm production strategy. First, we use game theoretical models to establish that parasperm may function to protect eusperm from female-generated spermicide, and to elucidate the predictions of this idea. Second, we expand on the relatively undeveloped idea that parasperm are used by females as a criterion for cryptic female choice, and discuss the predictions generated by this idea compared to other hypotheses proposed to explain sperm heteromorphism. We critically evaluate both hypotheses, suggest ways in which they could be tested, and propose taxa in which they could be important.  相似文献   

Odonates were the first group of organisms where sperm competition and last male sperm precedence have been identified. With the development of 10 microsatellites for the emperor dragonfly Anax imperator, the function and priority patterns of the multiple sperm storage organs of females can be studied and compared between species in natural populations. In addition, two microsatellite loci developed for the sister species Anax parthenope, are also highly polymorphic in A. imperator. For the presented 12 microsatellite loci, the number of alleles per locus ranged from two to 24. Observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.07 to 0.88.  相似文献   

In this paper, I consider the criteria necessary to demonstrate the postcopulatory ability of females to favor the sperm of one conspecific male over another, that is, sperm choice. In practice it is difficult to distinguish between sperm competition and sperm choice, and sperm choice can be demonstrated only if the effects of sperm competition can be controlled. Few studies have used experimental protocols that do this, so evidence for sperm choice is limited. Moreover, in those studies in which sperm choice occurs, it does so to avoid incompatible genetic combinations and is therefore unlikely to result in directional sexual selection.  相似文献   

Female sperm storage (FSS) is taxonomically widespread and often associated with intense sperm competition, yet its consequences on postcopulatory sexual selection (PCSS) are poorly known. Theory predicts that FSS will reduce the strength of PCSS, because sperm characteristics favored before and after FSS may be traded‐off, and opportunities for nondirectional PCSS should increase. We explored these questions in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), by allowing females to mate multiply and by comparing the paternity pattern in two successive broods. Contrary to predictions, the variance in male fertilization success increased after FSS, driven by a change in male paternity share across broods. This change was positively associated with sperm velocity (measured before FSS) but not with the duration of FSS, indirectly suggesting that faster sperm were better in entering female storage organs, rather than in persisting within them. Other male traits, such as male size and orange color, heterozygosity, and relatedness to the female, did not influence paternity after FSS. These results indicate that processes associated with FSS tend to reinforce the strength of PCSS in guppies, rather than weaken it. Further work is necessary to test whether this pattern changes in case of more prolonged FSS.  相似文献   

Sexual selection in hermit crabs: a review and outlines of future research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The information currently available on sexual selection in hermit crabs is reviewed to identify the role of males and females before, during and after mating. According to this information, possible mechanisms of male–male competition, female choice and/or sexual conflict are suggested. Important male components that may affect mating success include dragging the female shell, rotations of the female's shell and male cheliped palpations, and male size and/or shell characteristics (species and size). Possible female determinants of male mating/fertilization success include size (as an indicator of egg production capacity), signalling of sexual receptivity to males, delay from mate guarding to copulation and mating duration. Avenues for deeper exploration in males include the role of the number and morphometry of male sexual tubes during sperm transfer, and whether ejaculate size and sperm number can be adjusted with variable situations of sperm competition intensity and risk. In females it would be interesting to investigate the chemical and behavioural mechanisms affecting spermatophore breakage for sperm release and the variable duration from sperm transfer to spawning. Given these possibilities, and that sperm is externally deposited on the female's body but inside her shell (except for those species that do not use shells, e.g. Birgus , or species where shells are rather small and do not cover the body totally, e.g. Parapagurus ), we conclude that hermit crabs are unique subjects for separating male and female effects, particularly with respect to the applicability of current ideas in sexual selection such as female choice and sexual conflict. Some practical ideas are provided to disentangle both hypotheses using these animals.  相似文献   

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