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周洁  王东 《水生生物学报》2012,36(2):316-322
对比研究了广布种穗花狐尾藻(Myriophyllum spicatum L.)和狭域种扬子狐尾藻(M. oguraense Mikisubsp. yangtzense Wang)不同长度(5、10 和15 cm)和不同位置(顶枝、中枝和底枝)断枝的生长和再生能力。研究结果显示, 两物种由断枝生长所形成植株的总生物量、分枝生物量、分枝数均随断枝长度的增加而增大;在由不同位置的断枝生长所形成的植株中, 顶枝所形成植株的总生物量最大, 中枝所形成植株的分枝生物量、分枝数和平均分枝长最大。由断枝所形成植株的总生物量、分枝生物量、分枝数、平均分枝长和新分枝所处位置在种间均存在显著差异, 穗花狐尾藻顶枝和中枝的生物量较大, 顶枝所产生的分枝位于断枝基部; 扬子狐尾藻的分枝生物量、分枝数及平均分枝长较大, 新产生的分枝多位于断枝顶端附近。研究结果表明穗花狐尾藻和扬子狐尾藻断枝的再生对策不同, 前者是增加对断枝总生物量的投资, 而后者是增加对断枝产生新分枝的投资。研究结果可为进一步开展水生植物广布种与狭域种的生活史对策研究提供资料, 也为湿地物种多样性保护与管理提供科学指导    相似文献   

鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林死木生物量及其特征   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
采用永久样地生物多样性长期监测的方法,综合标准木树干解析和回归分析方法,研究了鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林死木的生物量及其特征;并根据死木特征和样地资料分析了该群落的种群动态。据1hm^2面积样地每木调查,2a内死木的总株数为171株。这些死木隶属于32种,占样地每木调查植物种数(85种)的37.6%,死木中以乔木和乔木幼树占绝大多数,灌木只有8种,这些死木多位于乔木第3亚层和灌木、幼树层。死木生物量年平  相似文献   

菹草的生活史、生物量和断枝的无性繁殖   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:10  
菹草是一种比较典型的秋季发芽、越冬生长的沉水植物。在夏季,多数植株衰败死亡,殖芽则落入水底进入夏季休眠期。春季是菹草群落生物量和生产力的高峰期。植株生物量的垂直分布属表层分布型。植株含水量从根部向枝顶逐渐减少,全株干物质含量的周年测定值平均为风干重=湿重×0.625。水温和植物发育阶段是影响断枝的生根、生长速度和殖芽形成的重要因素。在营养生长阶段,水温3—25℃范围内,断枝均能生根,断枝的相对生长速度为5.49—30.25毫克/克/天。断枝在殖芽形成期均能生长殖芽,但个体较小。    相似文献   

对色木槭天然次生林群落进行研究,测定了该群落主要乔木树种的重要值,分析了该群落的种类组成,物种多样性。结果表明:色木槭天然次生林乔木层共有16个种群,其中色木槭、蒙古栎、糠椴、山榆占明显优势,为该层的优势种和建群种;径级以<15 cm的株数最多,占总株数的87.82%,林分幼树更新数量充足。群落的Simpson指数为0.833、Shannon-wiener多样性指数为2.101、丰富度指数为2.291、均匀性指数为0.758和生态优势度指数为0.113。乔木层立木以低龄种群在群落中占优势,为了促进群落将向地带性典型植被类型演替,提出了抚育管理的建议。  相似文献   

韩宝瑜  张钟宁 《昆虫学报》2000,43(-1):143-150
在安徽省长江南岸自西向东相同地理纬度的金寺山、戴公山、九连山和麻姑山林场各选面积相等(22 m×22 m) 、林分和立地条件相似的样地2块,1998年8月~1999年7月每月下旬对乔木层、下木层(灌木草本层)、地表和落叶层、土壤层中直翅目昆虫的调查和分析表明:① 红褐斑腿蝗Catantops pinguis( Stal)是各场优势种,东亚飞蝗Locusta migratoria anilensis (Meyen)、短额负蝗Atractomorpha sinensis I. Bolivar、日本绿螽斯Holochlora japonica Brunner Wattenwyl和油葫芦Gryllus testaceus Walker为常见种;② 1周年内戴公山、金寺山、麻姑山和九连山林场的物种数、个体数和多样性指数分别是:27、159、1.28 ;26、70、1.32;35、171、1.42和 20、90、1.33;③ 下木层中含有全部调查到的种类和80 %以上的个体;④ 麻姑山林场下木层中植被复杂、盖度大,草本植物比其它林场丰富,生境也较湿润;多年来大面积施药对天敌群落损害较大,可能由于这些因素导致该场蝗虫等直翅目昆虫种类数和个体数较多、群落多样性和恢复力稳定性较强。  相似文献   

木腐真菌在森林生态系统中具有丰富的物种多样性, 并在倒木的降解过程中发挥重要的生态功能。针叶树是大小兴安岭森林生态系统的优势树种, 因此研究针叶树倒木木腐真菌物种多样性和影响其物种分布的相关环境因子有助于揭示大小兴安岭森林生态系统物质循环的机理。本研究收集了近16年对大小兴安岭地区冷杉属(Abies)、落叶松属(Larix)、云杉属(Picea)和松属(Pinus) 4类针叶树倒木上1,561份木腐真菌标本的采集信息, 统计了物种种类及其腐朽类型, 并选取具有代表性的地点开展木腐真菌群落多样性及其与环境因子的相关性分析。结果显示, 大小兴安岭针叶树倒木木腐真菌有166种, 隶属于70属, 其中白腐真菌有111种, 占所有种类的66.9%, 褐腐真菌为55种, 占所有种类的33.1%。在4类针叶树倒木上均能生长的真菌种类有19种, 占所有种类的11.5%, 其中柔丝干酪孔菌(Oligoporus sericeomollis)是各类倒木上木腐真菌群落中的优势种。大兴安岭地区落叶松属为优势寄主, 其倒木上生长的木腐真菌种类数和个体数在4类倒木中均为最高; 而小兴安岭地区松属倒木上木腐真菌种类数和个体数比其他3类倒木高, 是该地区的优势寄主。对6个代表性地区木腐真菌群落的研究显示, 有11种真菌在6个地区均有分布, 小兴安岭地区木腐真菌多样性普遍高于大兴安岭地区; 聚类分析显示树种比地理位置对木腐真菌物种分布的影响更大。  相似文献   

台风对森林的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘斌  潘澜  薛立 《生态学报》2012,32(5):1596-1605
台风通过树枝折断、吹落叶果、产生倒木和折干等许多途径影响林分结构和动态。森林受害程度随树种、林龄、森林类型、树高和地形而异。高密度的森林通常具有较差的根系和较大的树高/胸径比值,在台风袭击下,往往具有较高的受损和死亡的风险。台风疏开郁闭的林冠层,促进了先锋树种的大量增加、生长和成熟,形成的林隙也为个体更新提供了机会。强风造成了土壤基质的多样化,从而促进了实生苗和幼树的更新和生物多样性的增加。台风也通过改变粗木质残体,枯枝落叶层,地洞和土墩,以及繁殖可用性来影响生物多样性。台风产生的粗死木和枯枝落叶使森林的碳储量迅速归还土壤,并影响土壤的养分分布。台风减少了动物的食物供应和恶化栖息地的环境,减少鸟的数量,促进昆虫扩散。受害森林给害虫滋生提供了场所。今后的研究热点是受台风干扰森林的长期监测,不同森林土壤的有机碳贮藏,土壤和养分流失规律,台风和其他自然灾害的交叉影响,改进数学模型以准确预测台风损害。  相似文献   

西双版纳热带季节雨林的生物量及其分配特征   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
 根据3块1 hm2 样地的调查资料,利用123株样木数据建立以胸径(D)为单变量的生物量预测方程。采用样木回归分析法(乔木层、木质藤本)和样 方收获法(灌木层、草本层), 获取西双版纳热带季节雨林的生物量,并分析了其组成和分配特征。结果表明,西双版纳热带季节雨林的总生物 量为423.908±109.702 Mg•hm-2(平均值±标准差,n=3) ,其中活体植物生物量占95.28%,粗死木质残体占4.07%,地上凋落物占 0.64%。在 其层次分配方面:乔木层优势明显,占98.09%±0.60%;其次为木质藤本,占0.83%±0.31%;灌木层和草本层生物量均小于木质藤本的生物量; 附生植物最低,仅为0.06%±0.03%。总生物量的器官分配以茎所占比例最高,达68.33%;根、枝、叶的比例分别为18.91%、11.07%和1.65 %。 乔木层生物量的径级分配主要集中于中等径级和最大径级。大树(D>70 cm)具有较高的生物量,占整个乔木层的43.67%±12.67%。树种分配方 面,生物量排序前10位的树种占乔木层总生物量的63.43%±4.09%,生物量集中分配于少量优势树种。西双版纳热带季节雨林乔木层叶面积指数 为6.39±0.85。西双版纳热带季节雨林乔木层的地上生物量位于世界热带湿润森林的中下范围。  相似文献   

叶片损害强度与基质营养水平对苦草补偿性生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过室外双因子控制试验,研究了叶片损害强度与基质营养水平对沉水植物苦草补偿性生长的影响.结果表明:叶片损害与基质类型对苦草的累积生物量、生物量的分配(根叶比)及分株数均有显著影响.与未受损植物相比,强受损使苦草的累积生物量及无性分株数显著降低,根叶比明显升高,而弱受损与未受损处理之间没有明显差别.与营养贫瘠的岸泥相比,生长在肥力较高湖泥中的苦草的累积生物量较高,而根叶比与分株数较低;叶片损害与基质类型对苦草的相对生长率也有显著影响,受损使苦草的生长率明显提高,而两受损处理之间无显著差别.未受损与强受损时,湖泥中苦草的生长速率明显高于岸泥,弱受损时则相近.并初步探讨了水生植物受损后的补偿生长机理.  相似文献   

西双版纳热带季节雨林的粗死木质残体及其养分元素   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
宋泽伟  唐建维 《生态学杂志》2008,27(12):2033-2041
对西双版纳热带季节雨林的粗死木质残体及养分元素贮量进行了研究。结果表明,西双版纳热带季节雨林粗死木质残体的贮量为16.2 t·hm-2,约占地上活体生物量的4%左右。其中枯立木占32.5%,倒木占33.2%,倒木残体占12.6%,大枝占21.7%。本研究的粗死木质残体贮量低于巴西和东南亚的热带雨林,处于全球热带雨林的下限。粗死木质残体的氮、磷、钾、钙、镁5种元素的贮量分别为61.8、3.4、30.4、118.3和16.5 kg·hm-2。其中倒木所占比例最大,为31.9%~44.8%;枯立木次之(21.5%~28.7%);倒木残体占10.3%~25.5%;3个径级的大枝占14.4%~28.9%。枯立木的C/N、C/P和N/P要高于倒木、倒木残体和大枝。  相似文献   

Tropical forests vegetation and community research have tended to focus on the tree component, and limited attention has been paid to understory vegetation. Species diversity and composition of the understory of tropical seasonal rain forest were inventoried in a 625 m2 area (for sapling layer) and a 100 m2 area (for herb/seedling layer) in three 1 ha plots. We found 3068 individuals belonging to 309 species, 192 genera and 89 families. The most important family as determined by the Family Importance Value (FIV) was Rubiaceae in both sapling and herb/seedling layers. In terms of Importance Value Index (IVI), the shrub Mycetia gracilis (Rubiaceae) was the most important species in the sapling layer and the pteridophyte Selaginella delicatula (Selaginellaceae) was the most ecological significant species in the herb/seedling layer. Much more vascular plant species were registered in the understory than in the tree layer totaled among the three plots. The species diversity did not differ significantly among the tree layer, sapling layer and herb/seedling layer. Given that we still know little about the understory plant community for growth forms other than trees, the results from the present study indicate that more attention should be paid to the understory vegetation during the decision-making process for biodiversity conservation in the tropical forests.  相似文献   

台风是重要的森林干扰因子之一,会对森林生态系统的结构和功能产生较大的影响。2012年的台风"布拉万"对我国东北地区局部森林造成了严重的破坏。以受灾最重的吉林省汪清林业局的近天然落叶松云冷杉林为对象,采用方差分析和相关分析方法,研究林分结构和地形条件对林木株数损伤率的影响。结果表明:(1)林木损伤类型可分为折断、连根拔起、搭挂、压弯4种,其中连根拔起为最主要的损伤类型,占总损伤株数的52%,台风灾害造成的林木株数损伤率平均为14.09%。(2)径级大小对林木株数损伤率的影响显著。损伤主要发生于径级较小林分处,径级越大,其株数损伤率越小。(3)林木株数损伤率随林分密度的增加有减小的趋势,但在统计学上它们的关系不显著。(4)不同树种间的林木株数损伤率差异显著,落叶松、冷杉等针叶树种损伤株数最多。(5)林分的树种多样性指数与林木株数损伤率无显著的相关性。(6)海拔、坡度和坡位对林木株数损伤率的影响不显著,但坡向的影响显著,东北坡向林分的林木株数损伤率最大。研究结果可以为灾后森林恢复和减少风灾影响的森林培育措施提供依据。  相似文献   

Okuda  Toshinori  Kachi  Naoki  Kheong Yap  Son  Manokaran  N. 《Plant Ecology》1997,131(2):155-171
Three analyses of species diversity in a lowland dipterocarp forest were conducted to examine whether the nature of forest community dynamics are determined by density-dependent recruitment and mortality of saplings with a data set obtained in a 50 ha plot in Pasoh Forest Reserve. The first analysis examined whether sapling density varied as a function of distance from the nearest conspecific adult. The second analysis assessed the relationship between the spatial distribution patterns of saplings and adult trees. A third analysis examined sapling recruitment and mortality based on data from 2 censuses, taken in 1985 and 1990. Four hundred forty-four species (each with more than 100 individuals) out of the total of 814 species recorded in the plot, were chosen for the analyses. Of these selected species, 56 species showed significant reduction in sapling densities close to the conspecific adults. Within this group, 11 species were in the emergent layer (29.0% of the total species in this layer), 17 were in the canopy layer (10.5%), 18 were in the understory layer (11.3%), and 10 were in treelet and shrub layer (11.8%). In contrast, the sapling densities of 53 species decreased with increasing distance from conspecific adults; 2 of these species were in the emergent layer (5.2% of the total species in this layer), 14 were in the canopy layer (8.6%), 21 were in the understory layer (13.2%), and 16 were in the treelet and shrub layer (18.8%). The saplings of 35 of the 444 total selected species were clumped, while adults were regularly or randomly distributed. Of the remaining species, in 183 species (41.2%), the distributions of both adults and saplings were clumped. Thus, these 2 analyses do not support the prediction that most of the species of lowland tropical forests fail to produce new adults in their vicinity and as a result of this, adult trees are more regularly distributed than their conspecific juveniles (Janzen 1970). In the third analysis, the recruitment of saplings of species in the emergent and canopy layers increased significantly and in proportion with mortality, suggesting that the dominant species suffer higher mortality than do less common species. This trend is not so apparent in the understory, and the treelet and shrub layers. The results imply that a dynamic equilibrium process, which prevents competitive exclusion and maintains space for minor species, may be active among the species in the upper layers (particularly the emergent layer); however, such a dynamic equilibrium condition is not due exclusively to the reduced recruitment of saplings near conspecific adults, and the dynamic equilibrium condition is not prevalent among the lower story species.  相似文献   

Ecological studies in tropical rain forests traditionally focus on trees above a threshold diameter at breast height (dbh), since ignoring plant species of the other structural compartments is believed to be an acceptable tradeoff between exhaustiveness and effectiveness. However, the consequences of missing species below a threshold dbh value have been largely neglected so far. We evaluated whether the response of species diversity of ≥10-cm dbh trees was similar to the response of other structural ensembles (namely treelets, saplings, and terricolous herbs) in a lowland tropical rain forest, to three disturbance regimes: natural gap dynamics (control), and selective logging with and without additional thinning. We studied forest vegetation composition and diversity in a 20-yr replicated field experiment comprising nine 1 ha permanent plots established in a semi-deciduous rain forest of the Congo Basin and equally distributed among the three treatments. Once corrected by stem density, species richness was similar between logged (20 years since logging) and untouched old-growth forest stands with respect of trees, but higher with respect of treelets. As disturbance intensity increased, species richness increased within sapling layers but decreased within herb layers, while species spatial turnover (beta diversity) increased in both cases. Regarding the parameters of the partitioned rarefaction curves and relative abundance distribution curves, no correlation was found between trees and any of the other structural compartments. Whilst tree and treelet species composition was similar among treatments, the understories still reflected past disturbance intensity, with a strong response of the sapling and herb layers. These results show that ecological studies based solely on tree layers (dbh  10 cm) are misleading because their response to disturbance cannot be used as a surrogate for the response of other structural ensembles. Long-lasting effects of anthropogenic disturbance on the sapling bank and the herb layer may durably influence the long-term forest dynamics. Since overstory but not understory plant communities have recovered from human disturbances 20 years after silvicultural operations, African tropical rain forest ecosystems may not be as resilient to selective logging as previously thought.  相似文献   

Seedling and sapling dynamics in a Puerto Rican rain forest were compared between forest understory and soil pits created by the uprooting of 27 trees during Hurricane Hugo. Soil N and P, organic matter, and soil moisture were lower and bulk densities were higher in the disturbed mineral soils of the pits than in undisturbed forest soils ten months after the hurricane. No differences in N and P levels were found in pit or forest soils under two trees with N–fixing symbionts (Inga laurina and Ormosia krugii) compared to soils under a tree species without N–fixing sym–bionts (Casearia arborea), but other soil variables (Al, Fe, K) did vary by tree species. Forest plots had greater species richness of seedlings (<10 cm tall) and saplings (10–100 cm tall) than plots in the soil pits (and greater sapling densities), but seedling densities were similar between plot types. Species richness and seedling densities did not vary among plots associated with the three tree species, but some saplings were more abundant under trees of the same species. Pit size did not affect species richness or seedling and sapling densities. Recruitment of young Cecropia schreberiana trees (>5 m tall) 45 months after the hurricane was entirely from the soil pits, with no tree recruitment from forest plots. Larger soil pits had more tree recruitment than smaller pits. Defoliation of the forest by the hurricane created a large but temporary increase in light availability. Recruitment of C. schreberiana to the canopy occurred in gaps created by the treefall pits that had lower soil nutrients but provided a longer–term increase in light availability. Treefall pits also significantly altered the recruitment and mortality of many understory species in the Puerto Rican rain forest but did not alter species richness.  相似文献   

 以海南岛霸王岭自然保护区1 hm2老龄原始林样地的调查材料为基础,分析了热带山地雨林群落的组成、高度结构、径级结构及有关的树种多样性特征。结果表明:霸王岭热带山地雨林树种较丰富,物种多样性指数较高。树种数和树木的密度都随高度级、径级的增加而呈负指数或负幂函数递减;热带山地雨林不同高度级、不同径级和不同小样方斑块内的树种数都与树木密度呈显著的正相关关系。热带山地雨林经过自然的演替达到老龄顶极群落后,最后进入主林层的只是少部分树种的少数个体。  相似文献   

利用1996年在湖南省会同林区布置的20个1 hm~2的实验样地,以剔除或林下不含箬叶竹样地作为对照(C),保留箬叶竹作为处理(I),评估了天然林重建过程中林下单优箬叶竹灌丛形成对树种更新过程的影响.处理10a以后结果显示,箬叶竹灌丛盖度上升到95%.进一步通过2007年两种样地乔木多度、多样性、生物量以及物种组成等指标的测量表明,单优箬叶竹灌丛显著抑制了树种的存活与生长,18~390 cm高度级别的树种多度和多样性显著降低,尽管高度18 cm以下级别的幼苗以及成年树的多度和多样性没有显著下降,但是生物量从幼苗到成年树,处理样地普遍下降.幼苗、幼树、成年树地上部分生物量分别下降47.45%、39.87%、59.64%,地下部分生物量分别下降55.70%、46.08%、63.62%.NMS(非计量多元尺度法)排序进一步表明两种样地具有显著不同的树种组成,揭示两种样地处于不同的演替更新阶段.结果表明单优箬叶竹灌丛的形成能延缓树种更新的进程,因此天然林重建过程中应注意避免该类林下植被的出现.  相似文献   

Abstract. Patterns of tree species replacement in a Picea-Abies forest, determined by several different methods, are compared and the methods are assessed. Methods are grouped as either understory-based or gap-based estimates of replacement. The understory-based methods characterize canopy-understory interactions with spatial statistics, sapling density measurement, sapling frequency measurement, and successor sapling identification beneath live canopy trees. The gap-based methods include sapling density measurement, sapling frequency measurement, and successor sapling identification in tree-fall gaps. Methods except those based on frequency indicate a strong trend of replacement of all canopy species by Abies. Understory-based methods may underestimate canopy recruitment of intolerant trees, while gap-based methods relying on sapling density or frequency may overestimate recruitment of intolerant trees. Estimates based on the selection of successor saplings in the understory or in gaps are reliable. Gap successor estimates consider the process of gap capture and are useful in analyses of forest dynamics.  相似文献   

林窗对格氏栲天然林更新层物种多样性和稳定性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用物种多样性指数和改进的M.Godron稳定性法研究林窗干扰对格氏栲(Castanopsis kawakamii)自然保护区天然林更新层物种多样性和稳定性的影响.结果表明:林窗干扰改善了微环境,表现在林窗和林下乔灌层树种重要值和多样性存在差异.林窗乔木层中丰富度指数R、优势度指数D、Shannon-Wiener指数H、均优多指数Z均高于林下,均匀度指数Js和群落优势度指数C低于林下;灌木层中R、D、H、Js、Z指数均高于林下,群落优势度指数C低于林下,林窗物种多样性更为丰富,生态优势种不明显,群落向复杂化和均匀化方向发展.林窗与林下乔木层Jaccard相似性系数Cj、Sorenson相似性系数CS、Bray-Curtis指数CN相对较低,Morista-Horn指数CmH较高,林窗对树种更新具有促进作用;灌木层相似性系数Cj、Cs、CN、CmH均较高,物种组成基本一致.根据M.Godron稳定性原理拟合出稳定性模型,林窗和林下乔木层分别为对数模型与二次函数模型,林窗和林下灌木层最佳拟合模型均为对数模型.林窗乔木层植物处于稳定状态,林下乔木层植物不稳定;林窗和林下灌木层植物均处于稳定状态.林窗和林下乔木层树种中以桂北木姜子(Litsea subcoriacea)重要值最高,说明其在森林更新中占有重要地位,可能对格氏栲种群更新产生较大影响.林下乔木层中格氏栲重要值较低,格氏栲更新存在困难,而林窗干扰促进了格氏栲的向上生长和重要值的提升,可有效实现格氏栲种群的更新和恢复.  相似文献   

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